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exceptions each vowel or digraphrepresentsone sound in scots the
ui digraph wherever it occursrepresentsthe modified o sounds as
equivalent meaning given in englishrepresentsthe appropriate meaning in the
equivalent meaning given in englishrepresentsthe appropriate meaning in the
equivalent meaning given in englishrepresentsthe appropriate meaning in the
equivalent meaning given in englishrepresentsthe appropriate meaning in the
represents this c d playerrepresentspeter s thought life now
s say this c drepresentsthis c d player represents
the alleviation of poverty itrepresentsa significant means of reaching
care development group s recommendationsrepresentsa significant milestone in the
realistic contexts and as suchrepresentsa significant move away from
2 5 per cent thatrepresentsa significant number of people
which are in scotland tobaccorepresentsa significant part of our
just as important the billrepresentsa significant step forward in
authority believes that this billrepresentssignificant and fundamental changes to
2002 which the parliament passedrepresentsa major step forward in
gives to end and insertrepresentsa step forward in what
authority offices a small steprepresentsa welcome extension of choice
of lords on 19 novemberrepresentsan important new step in
figures the housing association programmerepresentsabout 80 per cent of
posts each of these figuresrepresentsbroken down by health board
scotland each of these figuresrepresentss1w 15023 richard lochhead to
nationally each of these figuresrepresentss1w 15036 richard lochhead to
force each of these figuresrepresentss1w 15038 richard lochhead to
channel partnership the organisation thatrepresentsferry interests was hosted by
2 000 outlets our organisationrepresentsmany off licence chains which
understand why an organisation thatrepresentspeople at educational appeal tribunals
forum for european affairs andrepresentsthe organisation on the european
public services where this approachrepresentsbest value calls on the
forms of advice and assistancerepresentsbest value in the light
the real value that thatrepresentscolin campbell i could not
do so only where thatrepresentsvalue for money that choice
and say that the proposalrepresentsvalue for money when she
or write gaelic this grouprepresents1 4 of the total
sick days in total thisrepresentsin each year since its
total number of places thisrepresentss1w 1436 mr brian monteith
employed at the yard andrepresentsa major blow to the
i conclude that the situationrepresentsa major failure of public
is the people whom itrepresentsand those for whom it
is that the person whorepresentsscottish interests has the clout
sort eh in scotland thatrepresentsscotland best where you d
s any particular dialect thatrepresentsscotland best where you would
any accent or dialect thatrepresentsscotland best where you would
good days in the chamberrepresentsthe very best of scottish
we believe that the conventionrepresentsan innovative and inclusive approach
warrington yes my trade unionrepresentsmembers working in the tobacco
013265 the communications workers unionrepresentsworkers in the postal and
percentage of gp posts thisrepresentsin each area and how
girls and women as itrepresentsan attempt to control women
address members today the srcrepresentsa number of retailers on
number of modern apprentices thisrepresentss1o 3207 8 mr mike
this that 4 5 millionrepresentsmoney spent that would not
as bad grammar because itrepresentsa deviation from standard english
limoges respectively and plainer englishrepresentsfrench the distribution of varieties
sir john wall bill campbellrepresentsinclusion scotland at the uk
minister for europe peter hainrepresentsthe uk government his alternate
at westminster on 21 novemberrepresentsthe uk government s proposals
in the health service thatrepresentsa huge programme of testing
carnival mask part of whichrepresentsa condor outside i found
leastwyes fish part human anrepresentsthe inner wean that aw
most challenges claimed that itrepresentsthe gaelic word for rough
all the regulation and guidancerepresentsgovernment officials should not issue
available and what percentage thisrepresentsof prisoners released s1w 9856
and how many cattle thisrepresentss1w 1019 tricia marwick to
as the minister like merepresentsan urban area he knows
made by mr mccabe itrepresentsa victory for many people
donne et al quhile burnsrepresentsscottish literature and this is
this is typical scotland thatrepresentssto- scotland f951: mm gosh
of the latter road thisrepresentsthe debris from the manufacture
the fisheries minister when herepresentsour country in brussels and
of spending in scotland whichrepresentsan extra 600 for every
920 in july 2002 whichrepresentsa spending of millions of
as that which johann lamontrepresentsgeorge reid was correct we
point in a sense itrepresentsa triumph for all those
the 31 december 2002 amendmentrepresentsi feel a circumvention of
not as good if itrepresentsmerely a majority position in
to us what the tablerepresentsand what serious crime is
us is that the cardrepresentsthe concept of a citizen
exercising of such a rightrepresentsa risk to operations in
gallie the scottish tory partyrepresentsa smaller presence than in
nurse and what the nurserepresentsin terms of hospital care
financial period up to 2003representsthe biggest sustained investment in
with targets at all soparepresentsa considerable proportion of organic
million of the annual provisionrepresentsresource costs mainly capital charges
with practical criticism the balladrepresentsthe persistence of a vernacular
is throttled by the giantrepresentsthe victory of the individual
stickiness of the problem sherepresentsthere are no prearranged pigeonholes
a gender issue however butrepresentsas crawford s comment suggests
to allow hunting with dogsrepresentsa progression from the provisions
from professor alan miller whorepresentsthe civil liberties lobby and
is a phenomenal enterprise itrepresentsa colossal economic market that
voluntary sector a track recordrepresentsa handicap i do not
brief so the craft residencyrepresentsa successful and fruitful collaboration
the physical world but metaphoricallyrepresentsan abstract power or possession
tourism industry the stf chairrepresentsthe private sector on the

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