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go for automatic implementation ofrequestsby not having input we
to require automatic implementation ofrequestsfrom foreign investigators to monitor
would allow automatic implementation ofrequestsfrom foreign investigators to monitor
during the consideration of placingrequestsas being of greater lesser
priority is given to placingrequestsfrom parents whose children will
to local authorities on placingrequestsfrom parents whose children will
scottish executive how many placingrequestshave there been for primary
regarding decision making on placingrequestss1w 15101 michael russell to
13 the spcb will considerrequestsby committees to provide translations
that the spcb will considerrequestsby committees to provide translations
and respond fairly quickly torequestsand or complaints thanks to
and should respond positively torequestsfor information from the parliament
failed to respond to theserequestsfurther notes that the metropolitan
to respond positively to therequestsmade by the petitioners i
we would be inundated withrequestsfor fiscal autonomy and scotland
notify the procurator fiscal ofrequestsfor hearings under section i
fiscal given that making thoserequestsis a purely administrative task
notice on the question aboutrequestsfor assistance under clause 7
the scottish executive how manyrequestsfor assistance were made to
concerned both outgoing and incomingrequestsfor assistance will now be
by state parties deadlines forrequestsfor financial assistance are every
in that paragraph and brequestssuch advice guidance or assistance
on ethnicity there have beenrequestsfor the inclusion of additional
notes with concern that detailedrequestsfor the required additional funding
strategy to any person whorequestsit 4 a health board
strategy to any person whorequestsit 4 a health board
3 and if that personrequestsa hearing it is not
published to any person whorequestssuch copy section 50 john
as a cause for concernrequestsfor relaxations have long been
consideration is necessary it alsorequeststhat gil paterson msp as
legislation in this area andrequeststhe scottish executive to bring
legislation in this area andrequeststhe scottish executive to bring
assisted area map in scotlandrequeststhat the scottish executive state
anniversary of the parliament andrequeststhat the corporate body investigates
be publicised more vigorously andrequeststhe scottish parliamentary corporate body
or in writing what theserequestsamounted to in terms of
and how many of theserequestswere for crimes falling within
in any one year theserequestswere fulfilled for the next
funding for personnel whether theserequestswere made orally or in
ony ither free man theserequestswere rejected and the pursuer
scottish executive how many formalrequestsfor information were made in
committee felt that as similarrequestshad been made previously they
s chief constables have maderequestsin the last twelve months
and nature of request therequestsmade by political parties for
passed on james made tworequestsof me for when he
on the circumstances in whichrequestsshould be made which may
2 april 2002 how manyrequeststo inspect the registers of
information and how many suchrequestswere rejected and for what
people drink and use furtherrequeststhe transport and the environment
public health is not compromisedrequeststhe transport and the environment
need to make any suchrequestsat the investigative stage in
whether it has received anyrequestsfrom industry bodies to be
the commissioner resigns the parliamentrequestsit due to a breach
a parliamentary inquiry he nowrequeststhat the parliament congratulates him
aids management that the parliamentrequeststhe scottish executive to publicise
fuel costs that the parliamentrequeststhe scottish executive to publish
two years accordingly the parliamentrequeststhe scottish executive to take
with considerable sympathy on suchrequestshowever we have been assured
scotland of existing jobs andrequeststhat the scottish executive reconsider
the next two years andrequeststhe scottish executive to take
and personnel numbers and whetherrequestswere met and if so
process has been flawed andrequeststhat north lanarkshire council suspend
been possible to meet thoserequeststhis time i like others
still giving it laldy doingrequestsfor all the red wine
[censored: forename] gamely accosting people withrequestsfor directions a taxi driver
notices are able to referrequestsfor hearings to the procurator
isnae blate in his shrillrequestsfor mair the pile is
four year olds have hadrequestsfor nursery places refused in
the disqualification of a judgerequestsfor removal from office and
legally into an official registerrequeststhat forms of protection for
back his hedge since allrequestsfrom his neighbours have failed
and professionally with all ourrequestsi have enjoyed my first
didna even ken they tookrequestsonywye i turned back to
ll like ponder to theirrequestsf1049: i do- pander [laugh]
embargo that the european committeerequeststhe clerk to the committee
dealing with rent collection repairsrequestsand so on there are
upon them and their familiesrequeststhat an audit be carried

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