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4 a local authority mustrequirethe occupants of a building
2 a local authority mustrequirethe occupants of a dangerous
3 a local authority mustrequirethe occupants of a dangerous
that a local authority mustrequirethe occupants to leave a
dangerous building the authority mustrequirethose occupants to remove immediately
what assistance the tribunal mayrequireof the commissioner amendment 65
tribunal as the tribunal mayrequirethe amended section would state
that the bill does notrequirethe tribunal to take account
information that the tribunal mayrequireto exercise its jurisdiction which
tribunal determines what it mayrequireunder amendment 62 which is
occasion the convener that wouldrequirepermission and is not for
of the european union wouldrequirepermission either from more than
suggests that if local authoritiesrequireplanning permission for hmos i
of edinburgh council does notrequireplanning permission for people to
in different ways some authoritiesrequireplanning permission to be given
proposal for a bill torequiredirect elections for the public
proposal for a bill torequiredirect elections for the public
proposal for a bill torequirehealth boards to consult in
proposal for a bill torequireor enable as the case
proposal for a bill torequirethe phased installation of residential
proposal for a bill torequirethe phased installation of residential
proposal for a bill torequirethe scottish executive a to
proposal for a bill torequirethe scottish executive a to
proposal for a bill torequirethe scottish executive a to
ministers may by regulations arequirea local authority i to
part of this act shallrequirea the scottish ministers to
1 the scottish ministers mayrequireany health board to prepare
1 the scottish ministers mayrequireany health board to prepare
14 scottish ministers power torequiredelegation etc between local authorities
14 scottish ministers power torequiredelegation etc between local authorities
the housing scotland bill whichrequirescottish ministers and local authorities
the housing scotland bill whichrequirescottish ministers and local authorities
must also be strengthened torequirescottish ministers not only to
offers ministers the power torequirethe compliance of existing buildings
of the scottish parliament torequirethe scottish ministers to establish
of the scottish parliament torequirethe scottish ministers to establish
the scottish ministers and torequirethe scottish ministers when announcing
gaelic language the bill willrequirecertain public bodies initially in
of the scottish parliament torequirecertain public bodies to publish
of the scottish parliament torequirecertain public bodies to publish
languages in scotland and torequirepublic bodies and others including
english in scotland and torequirepublic bodies and others including
languages in scotland and torequirepublic bodies and others including
environmental protection officers power torequirea person to give their
action under this power willrequirecorroboration unlike the situation in
from the icc appears torequirethe exercise of a power
in such a case wouldrequirean authority the impending legislation
given the services that theyrequirein the relevant local authority
an independent authority which willrequireseparate legislation the option of
funding each local authority willrequireto pay from revenue budgets
is given the authority torequirewitnesses and written evidence within
voluntary services that rural areasrequireadditional input as a consequence
multiple barriers to learning whorequireadditional support from outwith the
additional demand from people whorequireaffordable rented housing if we
benefits payments the executive willrequireto find an additional 21
democrat communities spokesperson green actionrequireall local authorities reduce waste
local authorities the flexibility theyrequirein order to address the
funding which local authorities mayrequirein order to implement these
action it is taking torequirelocal authorities to recycle higher
is taking in order torequirelocal authorities to set targets
to bring forward instructions torequirethat local authorities monitor major
grossly unfair on others whorequirehousing would you share that
a question on religion willrequirea change in primary legislation
deals with them and wouldrequirea change to the bill
leads to real change willrequirea culture change in organisations
doing so but it wouldrequirea legislative change that would
be that the change wouldrequireto be made by westminster
chief constable gordon it wouldrequirea large amount of resources
and local connection may wellrequiresome redistribution of existing resources
asylum seekers and that theyrequiresupport and resources to ensure
asylum seekers and that theyrequiresupport and resources to ensure
to contact me if yourequirefurther information wi couthie thochts
can seek the information werequirein the way andrew wilson
specified by order and torequireinformation regarding beneficial ownership of
specified by order and torequireinformation regarding beneficial ownership of
reported that 70 of councillorsrequiremore information about the impact
piece of information that werequirethe convener are you suggesting
of information principles legislate torequirethe production of a pollution
no getting that information wouldrequirethe unpicking of the comparable
can get the information theyrequireto take any further steps
the european arrest warrant willrequirelegislation in scotland s1w 32299
to consider introducing legislation torequireminimum standards to be introduced
context moreover such legislation mayrequirenotification to the eu under
to bring forward legislation torequiresprinklers to be installed in
this legislation are sufficient torequirethe parliament by resolution to
a above it may arequireany person who has custody
of them being issued mayrequirefurther consideration research notes are
to what pupil and teacherrequiregrammatical concepts and terminology may
course means that some mayrequireresidential or other care which
social manner the landlord mayrequirethat a tenant move to
body fluids a constable mayrequirethat person either at that
a judicial aspect that mayrequirethe involvement of the scottish
may be obtained from andrequireto be submitted to the
those criminal law issues whichrequireaction at union level how
the strategy includes targets thatrequiregovernment action would it not
s first action plan wouldrequireit to conduct that research
considers realistic but that wouldrequirethe executive to take action
3d techniques are undervalued andrequireresearch they can be used
research consultation and reporting thatrequireto be carried out we
including the involvement of cliniciansrequirehealth boards at a local
teams that help those whorequirelocal rehabilitation and assistance those
waves of evidence we shouldrequireall supporting evidence to be
i still believe that werequiresuch evidence before we consider
the commissioner s powers torequirethe giving of evidence or
or detailed briefing that membersrequireto prepare for the evidence
of throughout scotland those communitiesrequireaccess at the right time
an extent those venues willrequireless examination than a venue
the problems facing those whorequirelong term care the deputy
life for all those whorequirelong term care the reason
introduce green transport plans torequiremajor employers those providing public
in that report that willrequirepublic expenditure we support those
between those two groups andrequirestates in selecting judges to
those are the issues thatrequireto be addressed i will
schools and teachers the mattersrequireto be considered in those
is a notification those registeringrequireto confirm their details annually
provisions of the bill willrequirea support package to be
will provide the support theyrequirein their community it is
of the smaller offices whichrequireregional or national support fourthly
ve also got children whorequiresupport the continued raising of
public from serious harm theyrequirethat the court should have
scotland address first students wouldrequirea basic training in linguistic
sites such methods would alsorequirea derogation from the wildlife
return the scripts would alsorequirea full explanation of why
required the convener it wouldrequirea motion of the parliament
course content and would thereforerequirea review of courses the
end of the session wouldrequirea shift in the time
be acceptable that would notrequirean amendment to standing orders
ethnicity question which would notrequirean amendment to the order
are other proposals that wouldrequirean amendment to the order
the most intrusive category wouldrequireauthorisation by the chief constable
conduct an operation that wouldrequireauthorisation under the bill it
meeting but that it wouldrequireministerial clearance because in its
to deep sea standard wouldrequiremuch dredging that would be
over interpretation because that wouldrequirereferral to the sheriff which
4 first amendment 4 wouldrequiresomeone who was suspected of
however convinced that this wouldrequirethat a duty be placed
it would lead us torequirethat anything further be done
convert however the bill wouldrequirethe executive to produce an
consider shortly on languages wouldrequirethe official report of that
a designation the bill wouldrequirethem to consult the working
three further issues that wouldrequireto be addressed the group
alphabet and type faces wouldrequireto be changed for the
the best option this wouldrequireto be paid for a
to scots the area wouldrequireto be studied in depth
relocate and that that wouldrequireus to pass another statutory
fact that the proposals wouldrequireyou to consult perhaps only
science and languages this willrequireflexibility in the use of
parts of the order thatrequireaffirmative resolution that will enable
i have announced today willrequirean amendment order to be
scotland bill be able torequirethat improvements be made to
to a specified person brequirethe offender to pay specified
scots language which does notrequirea census question to underline
does not answer back orrequirelengthy reports to a parole
the world it does notrequiremuch adjustment from other jurisdictions
law the statute does notrequirethat but our doing so
possessions and property does notrequirethere to be any provision
notice of which does notrequireto be given to a
of the development group torequireit to consider the practicalities
of the development group torequireit to consider the practicalities
is on petitions if werequireto consider any of the
in the executive amendment thatrequireto be fleshed out what
steve farrell the standing ordersrequirethat petitions must be in
notes that the generator willrequire106 000 tonnes of wood
rhyme schemes of sonnets willrequirea good deal less text
as membership secretary we willrequirea new assistant secretary and
before the uk parliament willrequirea sewel motion s1w 33544
surveillance commissioners that will notrequireany form of parliamentary approval
for what the ec willrequirebefore it reaches any decision
of what the ec willrequirebefore reaching a decision that
of the urban network willrequireclosures mergers and relocations of
sector although such questions willrequireconsideration in future they should
scottish executive whether it willrequireformer superiors who so wish
be sure and that willrequirehigh calibre work maureen macmillan
if that is what theyrequirei will focus on the
s human rights it willrequireideological persuasion as well as
lottery which of us willrequireit that makes payment from
executive what measures it willrequireof each health board to
hope that we will notrequireopening statements from them if
products and recycling industries willrequirethe creation of a broader
roads directorate will continue torequirethe upgrading of the a77
of assessment that work willrequiretime but i want to
identified by cosla will allrequireto be absorbed by councils
the fixed penalty notice willrequireto be posted to the
the system some arrangements willrequireto be put in place
addition the central heating willrequireto be renewed within five
genuinely doing so it willrequireto take the view that
and medical factors which mightrequirechanges to be made to
and medical factors which mightrequirechanges to be made to
and medical factors which mightrequirechanges to be made to
the other people who mightrequireprotection and why do they
no such mechanism disputes mightrequireto be determined by the
collection where the ncis mightrequireto conduct an operation that
not get the services theyrequireand the care they should
how the services that werequirefrom the right medicine strategy
to the services that theyrequirewithin the witnesses organisations to
demand is in highland whorequire46 teachers over the period
homes before older people whorequirecare become the innocent victims
growing number of patients whorequireoral anticoagulation medication to avoid
place to help patients whorequirerepeat prescriptions s1o 3228 20
lessened at present the rulesrequirethat prisoners who are removed
be occasions when further inquiriesrequireto be made before the
having regard to the assessmentrequirefrom him such repayment as
government scotland act 1982 torequiresuch persons to be licensed
the allotments 5 such regulationsrequirethe confirmation of the scottish
practicalities of motorised wheelchairs whichrequirea slightly larger turning circle
value for tourism and whichrequiregovernment protection social attitudes good
job specification for posts whichrequirethe employee to be able
jobs for which people simplyrequiretraining and jobs in areas
for the other awards whichrequireverification accreditation validation or other
available for them should theyrequireone however the current care
with the legal representation theyrequirehowever in the light of
agreement the convener do werequireadvice on the european convention
ruling from the convener andrequirethat to be voted on
study of scottish literature shouldrequirea defence in scotland in
broadband access we should notrequirebuilders to pipe broadband directly
target language and should notrequirehim her to provide much
of aloneness unless i shouldrequirethat state as a luxury
every house but we shouldrequirethat there be a fibre
nomination process that did notrequirea management plan to be
that can be used torequirea percentage of taxis in
said that what elderly peoplerequireis to be treated with
roads and by regulations torequirethat access be had only
but technically they did notrequirethe monarch to be a
remain unregulated and uncontrolled werequirethere to be a social
these regulations but many pointsrequireto be cleared up and
that many of the recommendationsrequireto be implemented by the
that europe is undertaking werequireto be represented as an
european community competition requirements theyrequirethe placement of new work
to understand these activities werequirea knowledge of the sizes
line 4 at end insertrequirea proprietor or owner to
to improve energy efficiency torequirean energy performance statement in
the third option is torequireautomatic implementation of requests from
glasgow to scotstoun and govanrequirefrom time to time appropriate
flooded heavy list to starboardrequireimmediate assistance ship not under
s main strength voluntary organisationsrequireindependence to achieve their aims
participation it introduces provisions thatrequirelandlords to have strategies for
scotland environment policy statement torequiremore efficient fuel energy and
is reasonable or practical torequirepregnant mothers in inverclyde to
member states and developing countriesrequirequangos to submit their performance
council employees and most councilsrequirestaff to obtain the council
to what pupil and teacherrequirethe 5 14 guidelines supported
fact that the standing ordersrequirethe committee to decide the
a fire a you drequireto baste a roast or
give the police whatever theyrequireto do the job responsibly
a fire engine were torequireto get by at this
of scotland is likely torequireuse of the assembly hall
views known we do notrequirea lengthy debate as the
in everyday discussion did notrequiredefinition again the range and
the newer technologies do notrequireso many people that problem
confining handbags dfcp 67 probablyrequirejust as much glossing as
people of the west highlandsrequirea proper and objective assessment
prosperity and many opportunities werequiremore skilled people the construction
provide the outcomes that theyrequireit is important that at
whether the circumstances in scotlandrequiredifferent policy responses that is
21st century forms of vulnerabilityrequirepolicies that create wealth and
big statement and its detailsrequiremore consideration than we can
this level of sophistication studentsrequirecommand of a wide range
years of age we perhapsrequirenew markers for age i
read teachers of the deafrequireno qualifications in signing the
an estimated 57 per centrequiresome form of state benefit
report on 7 november irequirethe agreement of the committee
style and titles shall hereafterrequirethe assent as well of
or furniture is being misusedrequirethe return of the equipment
notify mrs [censored: surname] what werequireand ask if janitors can
line 7 at end insertrequirea district salmon fisheries board
businesses in the west highlandsrequirea proper normal trunk road
are a special case andrequireadequate and increased funding one
your lecture books and notesrequiref1038: i know yeah f1037:

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