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elder has sue ryder carerespondedbristow muldoon the organisation has
that sue ryder care hasrespondedsince november just last week
that the post office hasrespondedto a surplus in its
that the post office hasrespondedto a surplus in its
only tolerated the criticism butrespondedto it by retaining balquherry
i said lower yet sherespondedwe laughed sandra s ok
aa the mair fur merespondedthe drunk cheerily john jones
issued in may 2000 officialsrespondedto 433 tender inquiries issued
the petition the executive hasrespondedby indicating the kinds of
the same report malcolm chisholmrespondeddirectly to it in the
fact that the executive hasrespondedto representations made directly to
explore the whole island herrerosrespondedby producing a bundle of
strongly supported by those whorespondedto the consultation in the
improve the executive has todayrespondedto the key elements of
what is waste the teacherrespondedto their written pieces with
sentence number the individual childrenrespondedby giving the scots version
would be referred rather thanrespondedourselves is that correct the
like many of those whorespondedi recognise that the system
alliteration in scots the childrenrespondedin scots the children wrote
300 000 smes will haverespondedi am not saying that
s schools we have alsorespondedto the report in saying
the organisations and individuals whorespondedto its consultation in response
friend 75 of rural childrenrespondedthat scots might be used
soon as possible everyone whorespondedwas keen to see the
12 98 appendix iii 6respondedthat the study did not
it the executive has sincerespondedto us on those issues
looked into the matter andrespondedto it in committee and
the difficulties but my heartrespondedto irene mcgugan s speech
in a questionnaire which herespondedto in november 1999 he
president and lord elliock whorespondedin the same manner the
on 2 february 1999 whorespondedon the same day 5
the number of pagans whorespondedto the 2001 scottish census
the 18 local authorities whorespondedto the food trust s
what percentage of those whorespondedto the national debate on
to it because we haverespondedpositively to major issues of
up the minister has notrespondedto the protesters on this
shortly once the minister hasrespondedto the report on the
scottish executive how it hasrespondedto the request from scottish
case the funding council hasrespondedto the specific points that
the cost issue we haverespondedpromptly on an issue that
it is clear that sherespondedin that way in order
materials and the way theyrespondedto the colours it was
way in which the sqarespondedto the crisis you say
national uk supplier the executiverespondedto richard simpson s questions
full scale sos this wasrespondedto initially by two vessels
to be embarrassed about yourespondedreally quite eagerly and after
was extremely good and theyrespondedwell to the exercises after
good to be true irespondedfor i sensed that i
cent of the trusts thatrespondedsaid that they had fully
in the first place theyrespondedto all restrictions that the
be received and where appropriaterespondedto in that language 8
the procedures committee murray toshrespondedto our letter about changing
are and how you haverespondedto the increase in work
go to cornton vale haverespondedto the information about that

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