
See this word as a collocate cloud

s within m762: that srighta combination of things probably
yeah yeah m762: that srightabsolutely yeah and and erm
f963: to m762: you rerightand and and there s
you know and so f963: rightand he yeah m762: that
would say so yeah m762: rightand quite a strong so
right right yeah yeah m762: rightand we used to watch
off m762: yeah that srighterm yeah it s almost
or less m762: that srightf963: and there are bits
things that m762: that srightf963: even if your family
it gets m762: that srightf963: extremely scottish at that
m762: yeah yeah that srightf963: i remember reading beowulf
so m762: yeah that srightf963: in a way i
over from m762: that srightf963: pakistan and you know
themselves as m762: that srightf963: scottish americans or irish
m762: yeah yeah that srightf963: sort of detritus so
greetings in m762: that srightf963: sort of several different
gets m762: yeah that srightf963: very very worked up
that was m762: that srightit was it was they
knapsack you know f963: [laugh]right[laugh] m762: and er some
means but anyway f963: ohright[laugh] m762: erm so that
to be in a senseright[laugh] m762: sometimes well if
know erm f963: yes yeahright[laugh] m762: you know i
may span years f963: [laugh]right[laugh] mm mmhm m762: i
kinds of things so f963: right[laugh] yeah m762: you know
[?]likes[/?] like this f963: mmright[laugh] yeah yeah mm m762:
don t realise f963: mmrightm762: and and and and
novel this link between f963: rightm762: and and of course
and post partition erm f963: rightm762: and er you know
and erm f963: mm mmhmrightm762: and i i m
f963: mm mm mm rightrightm762: and it s very
thing and f963: mm mmhmrightm762: and that only happens
might have f963: mm mmrightm762: be changing now but
overs and all that f963: rightm762: but they re they
know f963: mm mmhm yeahrightm762: do you know what
that you know f963: mmrightm762: er and a bit
happening and f963: mm mmhmrightm762: er erm [laugh] i
erm legends f963: mm mmhmrightm762: er you know mythologies
you know f963: mm mmhmrightm762: erm so erm f963:
and so people then f963: rightm762: erm you know everybody
about that f963: mm mmhmrightm762: erm you know whatever
is a a genuine namerightm762: female which is the
f963: mm m762: versions f963: rightm762: from sort of nineteen
on f963: mm mmhm mmhmrightm762: from working class origins
know so they f963: mmrightm762: had to accept a
so erm f963: mm [laugh]rightm762: i i th- that
and f963: mm mmhm mmhmrightm762: i spend sort of
english novel and and f963: rightm762: i think that s
of course f963: mm ayerightm762: i was exposed erm
know f963: mm mm [laugh]rightm762: just try to kind
to kind of erm f963: rightm762: like a lot of
had bikes f963: mmhm mmrightm762: or or used to
know f963: mm mm mmhmrightm762: put it on the
i m writing f963: mmrightm762: so all these different
so the burns iqbal f963: rightm762: supper which is great
just f963: [laugh] mmhm mmhmrightm762: the energy s there
f963: thing that was yeahrightm762: the idea is that
know except f963: mm mmhmrightm762: the story that s
for by the listeners f963: rightm762: they were all erm
at that point f963: mmhmrightm762: without fully knowing where
is you know f963: mmrightm762: you just have to
favourites you know really f963: rightm762: you know erm and
who was saying m762: ohrightmm f963: the same thing
deeply flawed in fact f963: rightmm m762: er and and
you know hills have f963: rightmm m762: gone you know
and it s never f963: rightmm m762: i know it
whole ecology that whole f963: rightmm mm m762: different view
itv bbc2 opened up f963: rightmm mmhm m762: er had
done erm f963: mm mmhmrightmm mmhm m762: i think
about it you know f963: rightmmhm m762: but i wa-
and stuff like that f963: rightmmhm m762: so erm and
and books we liked f963: rightmmhm m762: so i literally
i m effectively monolingual f963: rightmmhm mm m762: my knowledge
and so forth f963: mmrightmmhm mmhm m762: so th-
ones who get into f963: rightmmhm mmhm mm m762: the
erm and so i-i- f963: rightmmhm yeah m762: my interests
yes yeah yeah mmhm m762: rightor the book of kings
english f963: mm mm mmrightright m762: and it s
appropriate yeah not f963: ohrightright uh huh yeah m762:
persian word f963: mmhm mmrightright yeah m762: for the
iberian f963: mm mm [tut]rightright yeah m762: moorish thing
enjoyed it too f963: mmrightright yeah yeah m762: right
and [laugh] yeah m762: exactlyrightso that s one person
gates and m762: that srightthat s right people exactly
from a female f963: ohrightuh huh m762: er point
became jazz f963: yeah yeahrightuh huh m762: erm and
this is this in scotlandrightuh huh m762: no this
character f963: mm yes yeahrightuh huh m762: she is
yeah not f963: oh rightrightuh huh yeah m762: not
would have done f963: mmrightuh huh yes yeah m762:
there will be people f963: rightwell yes yeah m762: that
that that m762: that srightyeah f963: people are constantly
sort of decide f963: mmrightyeah [laugh] m762: to die
but erm f963: mm mmhmrightyeah [laugh] m762: yeah so
a way f963: mm mmrightyeah m762: a de facto
really there was no f963: rightyeah m762: and and so
in historical terms erm f963: rightyeah m762: and i ll
you know f963: mm mmrightyeah m762: and obviously i
the time you know f963: rightyeah m762: and so i
think i think his f963: rightyeah m762: best writing is
politically correct you know f963: rightyeah m762: but you know
are the f963: mm mmrightyeah m762: consequences for the
you know f963: mm mmhmrightyeah m762: er where there
it got built up f963: rightyeah m762: er you know
entire everything f963: mm mmhmrightyeah m762: erm and and
word f963: mmhm mm rightrightyeah m762: for the stone
sheffield and and their f963: rightyeah m762: four wheel drives
course you know erm f963: rightyeah m762: i mean he
you look f963: mm mmrightyeah m762: into the black
well which is why f963: rightyeah m762: kind of spirals
top gear perfumed garden f963: rightyeah m762: looking back my
f963: mm mm [tut] rightrightyeah m762: moorish thing you
different slow pace different f963: rightyeah m762: [note: pause in interview owing to technical problems] f963: [note: interview resumes]
s backgrounded f963: mmhm mmhmrightyeah m762: now you know
what s the most f963: rightyeah m762: potentially degrading i-
because f963: mm mm mmrightyeah m762: that s a
aim of f963: yes mmhmrightyeah m762: the immigrants and
hope and of course f963: rightyeah m762: th-th- there are
they re old enough f963: rightyeah m762: to have you
know but but f963: mmrightyeah m762: you know you
it and layer it f963: rightyeah mm m762: till it
blah blah blah erm f963: rightyeah mm mmhm yeah m762:
different things erm f963: mmrightyeah mmhm m762: a novel
different times erm f963: mmrightyeah mmhm m762: and and
stuff erm f963: mm mmhmrightyeah mmhm m762: and that
s still got that statusrightyeah mmhm m762: in his
s be- f963: mm mmrightyeah mmhm m762: it s
radio luxembourg f963: mm mmhmrightyeah mmhm m762: on little
of a broad f963: mmrightyeah mmhm m762: period then
that kind of f963: ayerightyeah mmhm m762: possibility of
but you know erm f963: rightyeah mmhm m762: something different
they went f963: mm mmhmrightyeah mmhm m762: with the
here but they were f963: rightyeah mmhm mm mm m762:
are the f963: mm mmhmrightyeah mmhm mmhm m762: characters
accents and things erm f963: rightyeah mmhm yeah m762: but
erm she was f963: rubyrightyeah uh huh m762: potentially
novel that s very f963: rightyeah yeah [laugh] m762: we
but f963: mm yeah yeahrightyeah yeah m762: all of
morning i think erm f963: rightyeah yeah m762: and and
you know f963: mm mmhmrightyeah yeah m762: and and
head you know erm f963: rightyeah yeah m762: and that
[laugh] f963: mm [laugh] [laugh]rightyeah yeah m762: and you
of really sort of f963: rightyeah yeah m762: before they
that was it f963: mmrightyeah yeah m762: erm and
you see and across f963: rightyeah yeah m762: getting out
of course i mean f963: rightyeah yeah m762: groups like
is now you know f963: rightyeah yeah m762: in terms
male viewpoint this novel f963: rightyeah yeah m762: is from
so on erm f963: mmrightyeah yeah m762: largely because
s now a balanced f963: rightyeah yeah m762: politically correct
it too f963: mm rightrightyeah yeah m762: right and
you know who- par- f963: rightyeah yeah m762: the characters
and pakistan both f963: mmrightyeah yeah m762: the the
was interesting because f963: ohrightyeah yeah m762: there were
becomes intrusive i think f963: rightyeah yeah m762: you know
mm yes mm mmhm [tut]rightyeah yeah m762: you know
know erm f963: mm yeahrightyeah yeah mm mmhm m762:
been you know erm f963: rightyeah yeah mmhm m762: by
mm m762: dancing together f963: rightyeah yeah mmhm m762: do
know it s a f963: rightyeah yeah mmhm m762: if
pardon me f963: mm mmhmrightyeah yeah mmhm m762: i-i-
t that you know f963: rightyeah yeah mmhm mmhm m762:
i wrote psychoraag erm f963: rightyeah yeah mmhm yeah m762:
their lives you know f963: rightyeah yeah yeah mmhm m762:
and not just in f963: rightyes [laugh] yeah mmhm m762:
that other place but f963: rightyes m762: importing a legend
that you know erm f963: rightyes mm m762: and so
dictionary and i ll f963: rightyes mm m762: or i
and and you know f963: rightyes mmhm mm mmhm m762:
implode you know erm f963: rightyes mmhm mmhm m762: what
in f963: mm oh rightrightyes mmhm yeah mmhm m762:
re not [inaudible] f963: mmrightyes yeah [laugh] m762: you
mm yes yeah mmhm mmrightyes yeah m762: a word
it is you know f963: rightyes yeah m762: and not
s basically standard english f963: rightyes yeah m762: but with
i i f963: mmhm mmhmrightyes yeah m762: i think
more fluid it is f963: rightyes yeah m762: the more
sort of estate f963: ohrightyes yeah m762: where the
the rest were f963: ahrightyes yeah mm m762: and
that thankfully you know f963: rightyes yeah mm m762: erm
them go by land f963: rightyes yeah mm m762: you
was a thing f963: mmrightyes yeah mm mmhm m762:
its head you know f963: rightyes yeah mmhm m762: erm
so erm f963: mm mmhmrightyes yeah mmhm m762: if
because it was m- f963: rightyes yeah mmhm m762: kind
of emigration and by f963: rightyes yeah mmhm m762: the
in homer f963: mmhm mmhmrightyes yeah yeah mmhm m762:
went to you know f963: rightyes yes m762: er and
the winnie the pooh bearrightall done f1125: that canna
bit it s the teddyrightall finished f1125: all finished
doon here f1126: [?]over here[/?] f1125: rightand then that bit goes
mm that s in f1125: rightand this bit goes here
here look f1126: hmm f1125: rightand this bit goes here
mam f1126: uh huh f1125: rightand which one are you
yes f1125: there we gorightbreak them up now nae
head f1125: tigger s headrighteeyore s head mmhm f1126:
one right watch this f1126: rightf1125: i give you a
there that s nae goingrightf1125: is that nae going
that bit [inaudible] that f1126: rightf1125: no it s not
s ball that s naerightf1125: now is it this
it in i cannae gorightf1125: now look if i
gie me this one f1126: rightf1125: put it under this
to mam oh wait f1126: rightf1125: put the boards like
what it is f1126: yesrightf1125: right if you sit
cakes wi mum f1126: uhrightf1125: right [inaudible] f1126: it
that f1125: right look f1126: rightf1125: right that bit goes
pooh f1126: ah that onerightf1125: so winnie the pooh
we f1126: doing jigsaw firstrightf1125: that s a dolly
that s right that srightf1125: that s right okay
have you nice and cleanrightf1125: well what goes on
a bittie green ice [?]take over[/?]rightf1125: where does that go
that s that ones readyrightf1126: and that ones f1125:
s heat f1125: that srightf1126: and you put the
handfu- watch mummy do thisrightf1126: aye f1125: and right
[inaudible] [?]doodahs[/?] f1125: is thatrightf1126: aye here go [?]doodahs[/?]
f1125: mm f1126: cookies f1125: rightf1126: cookies f1125: and the
more yes f1125: try onerightf1126: eat f1125: right we
you f1126: i- yes f1125: rightf1126: eh f1125: and we
the bits here we gorightf1126: [exhale] f1125: now come
sponge f1126: aye f1125: ayerightf1126: [exhale] f1125: [running water] f1126:
we to dae after thatrightf1126: hmm f1125: we have
your knee there you gorightf1126: how about f1125: can
f1126: yes i got f1125: rightf1126: i got he got
i m [?]being a rainbow[/?] f1125: ohrightf1126: [inaudible] a rainbow [inaudible]
s that f1126: yay f1125: rightf1126: it s thats f1125:
[laugh] f1125: excuse me [laugh]rightf1126: [laugh] f1125: this is
this a butterflies f1125: ohrightf1126: [?]let's see it go[/?] f1125: what am
i don t no f1125: rightf1126: oh dear f1125: are
this way f1126: mmhm f1125: rightf1126: oh [inaudible] how about
your fingers right try nowrightf1126: okay f1125: this one
and one for me f1125: rightf1126: simpsons doughnuts [inaudible] f1125:
to do it this timerightf1126: that one f1125: haud
leave that one over thererightf1126: there s one f1125:
you f1125: in it goesrightf1126: water i help you
my crumbs [laugh] [laugh] f1125: rightf1126: where the crumbs f1125:
eeyore f1125: is that eeyorerightf1126: yes f1125: let s
do them all over againrightf1126: yes mm f1125: i
and then do it againrightf1126: yes that f1125: want
yes yes f1125: broken itrightf1126: you help me f1125:
want some mair crumbs f1125: rightfitt does it say to
f1125: that one ll dorightfitt have we got to
bessie f1125: yay f1126: [inhale]rightfold it up f1125: mmhm
it s my fimbles f1125: rightget a little plate for
f1125: go on then f1126: rightget it under like that
huh [laugh] [laugh] okay f1125: righthaud onto the spoon wi
go f1126: okay okay f1125: righthaud the spoon you need
that go on corner f1125: righthere look f1126: hmm this
it goes f1126: yeah f1125: righthere you go f1126: [exhale]
it yourself f1126: mm [tut]righthow abou- f1125: this bit
baby f1125: a baby f1126: righthow about this a teddy
there i can bubbles f1125: righthow s mummy getting on
sprinkles all cleaned okay f1125: right[humming] f1126: oh wash the
it s my crumbs f1125: righti ll need to dry
all done yes [child noise] f1125: righti ll see if i
no no nae yet f1125: righti m just going to
f1125: that s the wayrighti think they re needin
f1125: be a good girlrighti ve got a good
is f1126: yes right f1125: rightif you sit over here
mum f1126: uh right f1125: right[inaudible] f1126: it s it
putting that there f1125: cleverright[inaudible] that bit [inaudible] that
t hae enough sprinkles f1125: rightis it aboot finished noo
that bit f1125: that sright[?]i've cleaned up it[/?] and put scissors away
i get all that f1125: rightlook f1126: right f1125: right
haven t you f1126: ayerightmm f1125: [sneeze] excuse me
the icing f1126: eh f1125: rightmummy ll put this into
here you go mm f1125: rightneed a whisk f1126: right
f1126: that s my jigsawrightno nae that one f1125:
go in f1126: uh f1125: rightoh dearie me mummy fix
the picture divn t irightoh f1126: [laugh] f1125: excuse
f1126: aye aye then f1125: rightoh that one s got
aye [?]right[/?] the teddies f1125: rightokay on you go right
s right f1125: that srightokay what s next i
right f1126: aye f1125: andrighton the cake this one
f1125: [sneeze] excuse me f1126: rightone f1125: [sneeze] excuse me
eeyore piglet piglet f1125: mmrightpiglet f1126: it goes there
do it all again f1126: rightput them f1125: dinna go
one f1125: the little onerighttake it ower here then
f1125: there we go nearlyrighttap it down here we
s it f1126: no f1125: rightthat bit fits in there
right look f1126: right f1125: rightthat bit goes there okay
f1125: that s not inrightthat s it f1126: how
then f1126: there that srightthat s right f1125: that
[panting] f1125: you had itrightthe first time f1126: and
do you want a f1126: rightthere f1125: will we turn
i think it goes thererightthere f1126: [laugh] f1125: it
this one f1125: this onerightthere you go f1126: put
this one f1125: this onerightthis one goes well it
f1125: no you had thatrightto start off with that
f1126: there aye f1125: thererightturn it round f1126: you
that s nae right thatright[tut] aw [inaudible] f1125: it
f1125: here we go f1126: right[tut] have you nice and
that one there f1125: mmrightwahey f1126: [child noises] mm how
them on the cake f1125: rightwait here we go that
yum yum mm [laugh] f1125: rightwatch f1126: [?]this one[/?] i help
sprinkles okay dinna lose themrightwatch this f1126: aye f1125:
put it under this onerightwatch this f1126: right f1125:
this one over like thisrightwatching f1126: and tha- f1125:
one right f1126: eat f1125: rightwe dinna need them gaun
number six f1125: that srightwe ll have to keep
s it f1126: [laugh] f1125: rightwe put muffin mix that
one for me yet f1125: rightwe ve just got to
go here f1125: that srightwell done now f1126: where
i do that ones f1125: rightwhat do you have to
it in f1126: [tut] ahrightwhat have i done f1125:
f1125: i ll help yourightwhat we gotta dae is
in the mou f1125: hmmrightwhich one now f1126: [inaudible]
nae doing that f1125: ohrightyou doing the teddy jigsaw
i have this one f1125: rightyou got to take the
f1126: i do it f1125: rightyou haud mum s hand
f1125: [cough] watch now f1126: rightyou help me f1125: i
s pieces underneath right f1126: rightyou help me f1125: well
knee again f1126: no [inaudible]rightyou help me [tut] f1125:
one first f1126: yes f1125: rightyou leave that one over
tigger at f1126: there f1125: rightyou put it in then
yes a ostrich that f1125: rightyou see farr it goes
there that bit there f1125: rightyou sure f1126: mmhm f1125:
my own m741: yeah m605: righta- and it s almost
tyneside m741: uh huh m605: rightan an as far as
me m741: right aye m605: rightand at that point i
both written essays in scotsrightand my attitude is m741:
dictionary m741: right yeah m605: rightand the introduction to jamieson
were teaching m741: mmhm m605: rightanother word you would use
national dictionary telt me m741: rightaye m605: right and at
corpus m741: did you ohrightbrilliant excellent yeah yeah yeah
and english a lot m741: rightcause ma f- m605: just
irish poetry m741: [click] ohrightcool m605: and i don
his name is m741: ohrightcool m605: [censored: surname] in fact
eighteen months university gaelic m741: rightcool m605: ehm which means
an around pollokshields m741: ohrightcool m605: right glasgow asian
personally but i heard m741: rightcool uh huh m605: i
m741: oh right cool m605: rightglasgow asian writer an an
saadi m741: no no m605: rightglasgow writer and his first
probably robert garioch m741: [tut]righti m not read any
come from m741: mmhm m605: righti wouldn t use ehm
like awa m741: mmhm m605: rightin my dialect that s
lots of so s m741: rightm605: a lot occa- some
m605: e- east lothian m741: rightm605: although i ve lost
the early twentieth century m741: rightm605: and er i m
and the scots language m741: rightm605: and i did a
it for ehm publication m741: rightm605: and i m gonna
can read a bit m741: rightm605: and i speak broken
and i used yin m741: rightm605: and i used ehm
huh m605: a e m741: rightm605: and i used yin
ehm literary scots writing m741: rightm605: and talk about like
a result of immigration m741: rightm605: and that is part
is stigmatised as english m741: rightm605: and then paradoxically they
from any celtic provenance m741: rightm605: at all instead of
the scottish national dictionary m741: rightm605: because he says you
in that phr- sentence m741: rightm605: because it s a
would say away m741: rightrightm605: because it s like
which literally means internet m741: rightm605: because it s the
as they do because m741: rightm605: both [censored: surname] and [censored: forename]
off linguists you know m741: rightm605: but ja- the introduction
abuse people in gaelic m741: rightm605: but you you do
is the right word m741: rightm605: cause i think there
a bit i think m741: rightm605: [censored: forename] does a bit
by either of them m741: rightm605: ehm although i ve
more broad based popular m741: rightm605: ehm and certain people
a or one b m741: rightm605: ehm and i m
viva passed last year m741: rightm605: ehm and they both
phonetically television in gaelic m741: rightm605: ehm because if you
[censored: forename] s given certainly m741: rightm605: ehm i don t
eadar lìon eadar lìon m741: rightm605: ehm which literally means
but it s basically m741: rightm605: eliot and hopkins who
represent m741: yeah you rerightm605: everything in m741: yeah
stay in govanhill now m741: rightm605: i moved down the
ve done done herbert m741: rightm605: i ve got two
i wanna forget authenticity m741: rightm605: i wanna say what
about wordsworth and marx m741: rightm605: just because it s
to gaelic m741: right ohrightm605: like the idea that
when they use like m741: rightm605: phrases but the words
and i was like ohrightm605: professor now [laugh] m741:
introduction to volume one m741: rightm605: published nineteen thirty three
classes from other people m741: rightm605: so in english you
with er [censored: forename] [censored: surname] m741: rightm605: so they re the
breck you know like m741: rightm605: time for yer breck
different people different ages m741: rightm605: whereas in gaelic i
edinburgh all the time m741: rightm605: whereas in glasgow it
points like number like m741: rightm605: you know one dot
m741: yeah rather than m605: rightm741: a far seer or
s all about ehm m605: rightm741: but it s got
well for the sqa m605: rightm741: ehm but th- they
horobin m741: yeah i m605: rightm741: i i m not
pretentious to be artificial m605: rightm741: in a lot of
anything in in glaswegian m605: rightm741: just now which is
rural scots and urban scotsrightm741: mmhm m605: but see
have a standard form availablerightm741: mmhm m605: now you
first came to this islandrightm741: mmhm m605: so what
arrogance in a lot m605: rightm741: o ways and that
m741: yeah yeah their m605: rightm741: their word s fernseher
go to american literary studiesrightm741: uh huh m605: people
m741: yeah and they m605: rightm741: were involved in eh
than glaswegian scots is perhapsrightm741: yeah i don t
kind of an a soundrightm741: yeah m605: in but
yeah m605: its way throughrightm741: yeah m605: through the
mmhm m605: with various influencesrightm741: yeah m605: we know
m605: has become hopelessly corruptrightm741: yeah yeah m605: so
m741: yeah yeah m605: sorightnear the centre of m741:
is alien to gaelic m741: rightoh right m605: like the
numbers at the moment m741: rightoh that s a shame
speakers would say away m741: rightright m605: because it s
to teach scots language m741: rightsee that was the thing
the word m741: yeah m605: rightso television in gaelic is
connecting net m741: yep m605: rightso that in that context
not celtic m741: mmhm m605: rightso there s a whole
in schools m741: yeah m605: rightthat s all i m
my old tutors m741: ohrightthat s weird yeah m605:
twentieth century m741: mmhm m605: rightto catalogue the distinctiveness of
response to irish immigration m741: rightuh huh m605: okay ehm
far seer m741: yeah m605: rightwell that s doesn t
t think sectarianism is therightword m741: right m605: cause
twa it s twae m741: right[yawn] m605: it s ehm
was jamieson s dictionary m741: rightyeah m605: right and the
splitting point [inaudible] like m605: rightyeah m741: come on like
hopelessly corrupt m605: glasgow yeahrightand that s it and
up the top of scotlandrightdown in the borders m605:
don t know her m605: rightehm and i almost feel
paper in progress just nowrightm605: in well i did
uh huh yeah yeah m605: rightso in english you can
and out goes she f963: rightah i remember that as
that s right that srightand and f963: people [inaudible]
th- i think you rerightand i think also f963:
f965: uh huh that srightf963: and they always set
giving them a charley horserightf963: charley horse yeah i
yeah yeah yeah that srightf963: converted the buildings into
yeah yeah well that srightf963: erm also the fact
are so f965: that srightf963: if you were getting
will kill me [laugh] m964: rightf963: [laugh] f965: i can
you got home m964: ohrightf963: mmhm f965: or get
to get good [laugh] m964: rightf963: oh [laugh] f965: this
this or f965: that srightf963: why am i doing
with a french [?]sauce[/?] f965: rightf963: yeah f965: and they
birthday sort of thing m964: rightf963: yeah m964: i was
bit later f965: is thatrightf963: yes f965: gosh i
that moment course it doesrightf963: yes yeah mmhm mmhm
could run loose again f963: rightf965: and aeroplane our aeroplane
there for a year f963: rightf965: and i had a
way it s done f963: rightf965: and people objected if
polly f963: right yeah m964: rightf965: and the person who
tig m964: mm f963: mmhmrightf965: because i don t
a rocker f963: mm m964: rightf965: because there s neither
i can t remember f963: rightf965: but he was going
and there was a f963: rightf965: certain degree of of
with the instruments f963: ohrightf965: fabulous and at the
had a dumpling f963: hmrightf965: for your birthday f963:
were broken f963: ah yeahrightf965: how could you regulate
well moving in [laugh] f963: rightf965: it was erm it
they weren t graffitied f963: rightf965: it was it was
f963: mm f965: later f963: rightf965: of this area because
originally f963: oh i seerightf965: originally the the funny
have parties we had f963: rightf965: people round till four
got a red face f963: rightf965: rid being red f963:
could get f963: mm m964: rightf965: so you threw the
hadn t come f963: mmrightf965: straight from the school
heard it for years f963: rightf965: that was my first
christmas f963: mm right m964: rightf965: that was the only
that s a variation f963: rightf965: there was one school
all songs and rhymes f963: rightf965: things that kids have
something in a rage f963: rightf965: this would not be
a tall dark man f963: rightf965: was tops f963: was
mmhm f965: like cricket f963: rightf965: well this game was
business of the teachers f963: rightf965: you know nobody was
her brother was fighting f963: rightf965: you know she she
of the social class hierarchyrightgenerally speaking erm f963: yeah
that team f965: right rightrightgreat game f963: and there
you threw it with yourrighthand f963: mm f965: and
same again f963: mmhm f965: righthand le- oh i can
girlfriends the teddy girls f963: righthung out with the teddy
confessions of a justified sinnerrightjames hogg f963: yes yes
of that stream [laugh] f963: right[laugh] did you want to
was terrifying [tut] f963: ohright[laugh] f965: and [laugh] hairdressers
[laugh] m964: mm f963: ohright[laugh] lacoste [laugh] f965: yeah
yourself up f963: mmhm mmhmright[laugh] yeah mm yeah yeah
subconscious stuff goes on f963: right[laugh] yeah there s a
m964: really f963: mm ohrightlord li- lichfield and people
was a horseshoe obviously f963: rightluck luck things yeah f965:
the end turning f963: mmhmrightm964: mm f965: right and
it at christmas f963: mmrightm964: right f965: that was
playing little richard f963: mmrightmmhm f965: and erm a
set it on fire f963: rightmmhm f965: erm just for
they had symbolism f963: mmrightmmhm f965: there was some
years of f965: that srightmmhm [sniff] f963: service with
erm f963: ah i seerightmmhm yeah he s still
else you can be f963: rightnothing in between m964: and
you weren t on therightof way about nine f963:
twenties f963: mm mmhm ahrightoh yeah for awful reasons
end the green and f963: rightoh yeah mmhm f965: church
the cliff erm [tut] f963: rightoh yes yes james hogg
luxembourg just broadcast f963: ohrightor caroline was caroline though
stops them f963: mm mmrightor they feel they have
that s right that srightpeople exactly exactly and f963:
of that team f965: rightrightright great game f963: and
part of that team f965: rightright right great game f963:
name in f963: mm ohrightright yes mmhm yeah mmhm
if they didn t getrightround f963: mm f965: they
s true isn t itrightso so well exactly f963:
ways m964: [laugh] f963: ohrightso were her fashions more
was that woman that f963: rightsort f965: has the loud
by the way they talkrightsubconsciously we do it f963:
it as a goal f963: rightthat s a good idea
people it means british peoplerightthere wasn t f963: mm
all erm an- anglophone booksrightthey were all f963: ah
knew who you were f963: rightthey would they would know
be a first foot f963: rightuh huh a tall dark
her sh- she also f963: rightuh huh and she is
[cough] f965: in it f963: rightuh huh f965: and s-
great big picture windows f963: rightuh huh f965: and you
t forget their names f963: rightuh huh f965: but erm
know and then f963: ohrightuh huh f965: come into
and a wee bit f963: rightuh huh f965: erm not
way of hearing f963: mmrightuh huh f965: except on
and roll m964: [cough] f963: rightuh huh f965: it was
we don t know f963: rightuh huh f965: like that
broadcast from f965: london f963: rightuh huh f965: mostly i
mm f965: a cloot f963: rightuh huh f965: so it
of children s behaviour f963: rightuh huh f965: that don
what my perception was f963: rightuh huh f965: that this
erm they were f963: ahrightuh huh mmhm mmhm yeah
for me m964: mm f963: rightuh huh what what were
terrorised the locals f963: ayerightuh huh yeah f965: and
a birthday cake f963: mmrightuh huh yeah f965: but
you know m964: mmhm f963: rightuh huh yeah f965: not
act erm f963: mm ohrightwas this in yorkshire this
does exist f963: mm mmrightwell mm yes yeah uh
one s kind of f963: rightwell yes yeah mmhm yeah
and white definition f963: mmrightwhich tribe are you f965:
f965: observance is that therightword f963: mm f965: my
to be an ender f963: rightyeah f965: and i quite
creeping up m964: fight f963: rightyeah f965: behind somebody m964:
them on the head f963: rightyeah f965: but that was
were talking about singapore f963: rightyeah f965: but then she
everybody had skipping ropes f963: rightyeah f965: girls i m
liked being an ender f963: rightyeah f965: i i liked
i was growing up f963: rightyeah f965: now it might
t think they f963: mmhmrightyeah f965: settled their arguments
couldn t m964: mmhm f963: rightyeah f965: store it f963:
in tadley f963: oh reallyrightyeah f965: tadley had erm
f965: wee silver charms f963: rightyeah f965: that you put
the entire place f963: mmrightyeah f965: the whole country
play these playground games f963: rightyeah f965: the- their culture
was a a thing f963: rightyeah f965: to behold f963:
from the weather f963: mmhmrightyeah f965: weather with an
off point m964: [cough] f963: rightyeah f965: whereas i ve
nothing like what you f963: rightyeah f965: you know somebody
know there was a f963: rightyeah f965: you weren t
a repressive erm mindset f963: rightyeah just that you were
for the blocking f963: ahrightyeah m964: ah f965: things
then out went polly f963: rightyeah m964: right f965: and
all that stuff erm f963: rightyeah mm mmhm sure yeah
very important thing so f963: rightyeah mm you can see
mature it still does f963: rightyeah mmhm f965: i mean
i was only twenty f963: rightyeah mmhm f965: i was
bit and kind of f963: rightyeah mmhm mm yeah mm
it on radio luxembourg f963: rightyeah mmhm uh huh you
[laugh] in the town f963: rightyeah sort of graduated to
mistake as i have f963: rightyeah uh huh f965: as
not to my remembrance f963: rightyeah uh huh [laugh] f965:
institutionalised and f963: [tut] ohrightyeah uh huh yes yeah
were grown out of f963: rightyeah yeah f965: fighting by
in the british empire f963: rightyeah yeah i think that
know i mean obviously f963: rightyeah yeah [laugh] mm mm
you know films get f963: rightyeah yeah mm mm yeah
the black panther movement f963: rightyeah yeah mm yeah mm
t she f963: mm mmrightyeah yeah mmhm yeah yes
remember all that f963: ohrightyeah yeah the pirate station
s doing er very f963: rightyeah yeah yes uh huh
then sufism as well f963: rightyeah yes mmhm yeah and
sublimated their own scottishness f963: rightyes oh very true yeah
f963: mm mmhm mmhm ahrightyes that is a different
always taken before yours f963: rightyes yeah ah mind you
other or f963: mm mmhmrightyes yeah mmhm mm mmhm
in the kind of f963: rightyes yeah mmhm mmhm mm
and and i thought f963: rightyes yeah uh huh yeah
there pop that on thererighta lion okay m1092: no
doing okay m1132: okay f1131: righta wee wee droppie m1132:
council offices mmhm m865,: okayrightand finally ehm how strongly
me m1092: okay okay f1091: rightand spiderman can crawl through
f1118: okay like this f1117: rightand there s one more
ready to cook right okayrightand will we take a
right okay there you goright[?]and just[/?] slide doon the chute
too tight no you okayrightare we ready f1136: we
s my bubbles f1091: okayrightare you going to put
it in there f1091: okayrightare you needin to pee
m1090: okay i ll berightback i ll be right
okay have you got therightbox to put it in
in the future okay rightrightcan can we just give
okay f948: sort of m865: rightcan i just show you
water f1122: okay f1121: okayrightcan you jump over here
i ll dae yours awrightcarolanne doubtful right sadie okay
wee wee bittie f1113: okayright[censored: forename] do you want to
f1102: mmhm okay [child noises] f1101: rightcome on [singing] f1102: [shriek]
have to come off okayrightcome on then mmhm uh
got it it s okayrightcome on then we ll
ll do that later okayrightcome on then you re
kisses okay f1140: okay f1139: rightcome on to the kitchen
no f951: further m865: okayrightcould just f951: and i
called f1122: aye f1121: okayrightdo you know what this
f1113: okay f1114: okay f1113: rightdo you want to blow
party okay f1122: mm f1121: rightdoes that look good f1122:
there s it goes rightrightdown right okay there you
after okay m805: okay m804: right[eating] m805: that s that
m865,: oh good okay [inhale]righteh now in scotland we
fun m865,: okay mmhm okayrighteh there is f950: [laugh]
uh huh yeah m865: okayrightehm are you married were
f1041: [laugh] [inaudible] f1054: okayrightehm m1042: so that s
yeah mmhm m865: yeah okayrightehm now you ve got
the boat the boat f1101: rightf1102: the boat f1101: okay
see in the window f1112: rightf1111: okay well done that
their back and fore f1111: rightf1112: ducks f1111: okay ducks
have to say you rerightf1112: please mummy f1111: okay
there squeeze it down f1113: rightf1114: and f1113: okay f1114:
a big ain f1113: okayrightf1114: i m going to
i pull okay this onerightf1114: i ve got heaps
f1114: out the tub f1113: rightf1114: mm mm f1113: okay
down okay f1114: th- f1113: rightf1114: this- f1113: are you
f1114: yes f1113: okay cleverrightf1114: what s this f1113:
it s a parachute ohrightf1114: yes [child noises] f1113: okay
[inaudible] mum f1117: right okayrightf1118: put them on here
f1121: i hope not okayrightf1122: [child noise] f1121: first you
re making a snowman okayrightf1122: eyes for my snowman
promise f1121: okay is thatrightf1122: i promise i ll
[censored: forename] okay f1122: okay f1121: rightf1122: mum just wait a
ve got eleven smarties nowrightf1122: okay f1121: do you
park f1135: right [?]sit up[/?] okayrightf1136: i said i ll
pot hole f643: ach m608: rightf643: right okay [laugh] m642:
backup file f807: oh okayrightf806: although that really into
for a different dialect okayrightf948: mmhm i would say
orcadian oh right okay ohrightf950: yes i come from
here s one f1121: okayrightfind them all cause we
you okay m1092: okay f1091: rightfitt jigsaw do you want
there okay is that betterrightgie mum a cuddle oh
are going to choose okayrightgirls what would you like
mud and the sand okayrightgo give her her shower
mad or blazin mad f1143: rightgo m1146: sorry okay f1054:
goin to melt quite warmrighthat [censored: forename] f1136: okay i
okay the sweets d- f1117: righthave you brought through the
it f1112: [laugh] f1111: okayrighthave you snipped my hair
hairdresser okay f1114: yes f1113: righthere s another nest and
f1122: uh huh f1121: okayrighthere s my messages are
finding nemo s daddy okayrighthere s this one where
[?]it's your telephone[/?] microphone it s okayrighthere s your barbie look
that look [inhale] f1089: okayrighthere s your trousers good
washing gloves [?]here[/?] f1121: okayrighthere we go f1122: rub
try that one okay nowrighti cut this one yeah
right okay m642: railway sleepersrighti got we got they
m1092: no hippo f1091: okayrighti ll do a lion
okay f1122: mmhm [inaudible] f1121: righti ll get a spoon
okay m1092: no [inaudible] f1091: righti ll put that back
m1092: mmhm yeah f1091: okayrighti ll put that softie
it doon [inaudible] f1141: okayrighti ll show fitt i
them all out first f1123: righti ll wash them okay
okay don t touch thatrightif we flip this one
s right [inaudible] f1121: okayrightif you empty the water
to fill up this okayrightif you put it to
dum d- dum that sright[inaudible] f1121: okay right if
can you dae that f1141: right[inaudible] f1142: mmhm f1141: okay
ain m1098: aye f1097: okayright[inaudible] look at the smoke
okay spot bakes a cakeright[inaudible] you read that one
no i thought you likedrightis it okay if i
m1092: uh huh f1091: okayrightis it the tarzan ain
garlic bread f1112: okay f1111: rightjump down this side please
be our window there okayrightjust build it up again
and that hey hey heyrightjust leave that okay right
at the door f1121: okayrightjust listen then f1122: okay
bike f1136: right [laugh] f1135: rightlast push okay f1136: erm
yeah okay yeah that sright[laugh] f950: think about it
like [laugh] i know f1037: right[laugh] [laugh] okay you do-
a shot okay [laugh] f1049: right[laugh] we ll have them
it off up your chinrightleave it on there okay
as shetland first m865: okayrightlet s say other would
specifically dialect aye f1054: okayrightm1019: mm f1054: erm what
it down there f1091: okayrightm1092: [inaudible] f1091: okay are
f1091: aye m1092: [child noises] f1091: rightm1092: okay [inaudible] [inaudible] i
f1093: okay m1094: yes f1093: rightm1094: need that back on
can put on the hamrightm1096: aye f1095: okay and
loaf and you spread itrightm1096: aye f1095: okay that
coming hame frae elgin okayrightm1096: haud my hand can
[censored: forename] s going to sitrightm1096: okay mine s gone
aa m1098: aye f1097: okayrightm1098: it fit oh me
welcome okay m1108: [banging sieve] f1107: rightm1108: righty hos f1107: fitt
was a m- m608: okayrightm1174: a much bigger long
next five years m608: okayrightm1174: so in three years
arabic m608: mmhm okay ohrightm1174: so which is understandable
again proved m608: mmhm okayrightm1174: very popular each year
okay if ye just f643: rightm608: if ye just want
stuck oot m608: oh okayrightm642: right ye pit three
yes yeah mmhm that srightm865: eh but ehm okay
english language f951: no ohrightm865: okay so ehm you
m1092: a tiger f1091: okayrightmam ll put on m1092:
leopard okay oh right okayrightmam s got a lion
ll put in on okayrightmam s got m1092: that
m1110: [inaudible] just right justrightmammy f1109: just right okay
true shetlander okay m865: okayrightmost people would say yeah
that wanderin about f809: ohrightno it s okay cause
in okay m1096: [snort] f1095: rightno straight aye that s
i could go yes okayrightnow and you know it
have a look at itrightnow then okay m805: okay
[inaudible] f1117: it s okayrightnow we ve to wash
can you manage f1112: norightoh f1111: okay you ll
ain this ain [child noise] f1095: rightokay and open it up
farr does it go thatrightokay and the other ain
the door there mummy f1091: rightokay are you going to
wi motorola then m608: ohrightokay aye m1163: well he
hundred and three m608: ohrightokay but did you find
for that [laugh] m865: ohrightokay can we just to
that one f1121: that srightokay can you get that
me f1121: that s itrightokay can you get the
dinna touch the buttons thenrightokay [cough] m1098: wow f1097:
this afternoon m1096: aye f1095: rightokay dae the farm ains
put it the right wayrightokay did you play wi
woops just f950: [third person in room answers phone] m865,: rightokay ehm can i just
people proably wouldn t m865,: rightokay ehm can i just
parish in orkney m865: ohrightokay ehm how long have
the fock s languages m865: rightokay ehm you ve got
cut with the scissors f1113: rightokay erm i thought these
i won t [laugh] f1054: rightokay erm we ve done
with er this year f1037: rightokay f1038: as well second
publishing yeah erm f1037: reallyrightokay f1038: i d quite
m1070: that s a camelrightokay f1071: and that s
it s a van f1101: rightokay f1102: another bit missing
[inaudible] thing f1102: [exhale] f1101: rightokay f1102: fitt s happened
thirsty f1114: yes [exhale] f1113: rightokay f1114: [exhale] f1113: up
wash his hair f1113: ohrightokay f1114: i ll wash
i ll fix it f1113: rightokay f1114: [?]it's just sticking weel[/?] ta da
yes i f1113: mmhm [cough]rightokay f1114: want to draw
do it again f1115: againrightokay f1116: round and round
[censored: forename] s house f1117: ohrightokay f1118: and [censored: forename] and
on the back that srightokay f1122: and now we
of your subjects f1149: ohrightokay f1148: [inaudible] like musical
on at once f809: ohrightokay f810: but claire had
kinross m811: yeah f812: ohrightokay f814: which is [inaudible]
since records began m827: ahrightokay f826: i think it
everythin they were like ohrightokay f833: [laugh] f834: [laugh]
aboot that [inaudible] yes ayerightokay f902: well now they
so yeah m865: mmhm okayrightokay f948: yeah i think
f951: eh strathclyde m865: ohrightokay f951: yeah in glasgow
rush to move f1155: ohrightokay fair enough f1154: but
hundred and twenty kilos f643: rightokay for a wee fellow
bit pulling your trousers downrightokay give me your hand
f1113: cows and horses mmrightokay here we go we
to pick it myself f1141: rightokay [inaudible] let s see
f1122: no that ain f1121: rightokay it says mix the
f643: ach m608: right f643: rightokay [laugh] m642: no miles
francisco [laugh] [laugh] f1149: ohrightokay [laugh] slightly more exotic
it [censored: forename] m1098: no f1097: rightokay let me show you
to walk across the bridgerightokay look f1114: no f1113:
have we m999: aye f1053: rightokay m1002: yes f1053: moving
s keep it there f1089: rightokay m1090: but what s
uh huh humpty dumpty f1091: rightokay m1092: [inaudible] mm mum
mmhm m1096: eh [sniff] f1095: rightokay m1096: fine f1095: goes
that ain m1098: aye f1097: rightokay m1098: i beat you
that bit you bumped [?]just leaves off[/?]rightokay m1108: thanks mummy f1107:
new manager s m608: ohrightokay m1163: be put in
stays in milan m608: ahrightokay m1163: i had a
panel m608: mm mmhm ohrightokay m1163: you know er
urdu and punjabi m608: ahrightokay m1174: rather than english
[cough] m642: place m608: ohrightokay m642: just by the
prefab is john m608: ohrightokay m642: ken what f643:
i pit sleepers doun m608: rightokay m642: railway sleepers right
your personal background f951: ohrightokay m865: ehm can you
was that can okay okayrightokay m952: [laugh] she worked
just right mammy f1109: justrightokay my we re muchning
newmains near wishaw m608: ohrightokay oh okay m1163: and
you local orca- orcadian ohrightokay oh right f950: yes
workin [laugh] thanks f1054: ohrightokay okay see ya f1143:
gutter m865: mmhm okay ohrightokay okay uh huh m952:
it m865: oh okay ohrightokay okay yeah i try
are you ready to cookrightokay right and will we
i just [inaudible] mum f1117: rightokay right f1118: put them
leopard f1091: leopard okay ohrightokay right mam s got
see it again again againrightokay right [?]we'll dae this one[/?] [inaudible] baby
which video it is f1121: rightokay right you pop it
all been from stationary f643: rightokay sir i won t
showing my age f746: ahrightokay so a wee while
so he is that srightokay so he s spiderman
dialect in wick m865,: mmhmrightokay so that s f950:
f1123: you wanting my onerightokay so we need some
the the plastic ones f1121: rightokay so what do you
dinna twist that roond chumrightokay so what s that
same place ness f746: ohrightokay so you knew each
yeah yeah yeah m865: ohrightokay so you like this
peas m1098: garden peas f1097: rightokay stay there stay back
want to spray it onrightokay take off f1122: no
puzzle [toy says 'let's play'] let s playrightokay that one f1122: no
bob see on your jammiesrightokay then m1092: [child noises] [child noises]
to dae it myself f1095: rightokay then m1096: mum where
[inaudible] f1104: mmhm f1103: rightrightokay then there you go
a minute far is itrightokay then you can say
then mum s job f1113: rightokay there we go right
it goes right right downrightokay there you go right
re just going to sayrightokay this is what i
any more f1149: okay ohrightokay uh huh f1148: so
speak english uh huh ohrightokay uh huh m952: oh
up helly aa m865: ohrightokay uh huh m952: so
get that ain now f1097: rightokay wait till we see
nine ten eleven f1121: elevenrightokay we ll hae tae
do my baking noo f1121: rightokay we ll have to
f807: ah that s ohrightokay well an- yeah but
f1122: [laugh] making pink f1121: rightokay what colour of smartie
adventure f1121: scamp s adventurerightokay what one are you
clean f1123: cleaned that srightokay what you want to
like an artificial language ahrightokay yeah f950: must be
be at school m608: ohrightokay yeah m1163: you know
[?]i[/?] was like m865: ohrightokay yeah uh huh ah
a bit there that srightokay you get another bit
you laughin a cheeky manrightokay you re doin really
a wee bit harder okayrighton you go then m1092:
nae too much noise f1114: rightone f1113: okay f1114: mum
f1104: yeah f1103: okay f1104: rightput it on on your
m1094: mmhm f1093: [inaudible] okayrightput some more bits in
ll move this over hererightput this on top okay
ll [inaudible] f1114: eh f1113: rightready ready go f1114: okay
ahead in the future okayrightright can can we just
see there s it goesrightright down right okay there
f1103: [inaudible] f1104: mmhm f1103: rightright okay then there you
got so far f1112: okayrightright tell him right tell
round here leave that okayrightround here f1114: the boohbah
yours aw right carolanne doubtfulrightsadie okay okay you can
us by mistake gordon ayerightsadie ye okay gordon aye
is that a deal okayrightsee if you move it
m1098: [laugh] f1097: aye okayrightsee you [note: end of phone conversation] i m
[censored: forename] s bedroom okay f1114: right[sings] [inaudible] f1113: [inaudible] [inaudible]
get to the park f1135: right[?]sit up[/?] okay right f1136: i
four five six six f1121: rightsix okay who s the
okay m1000: [inaudible] f1053: finerightso eh let s start
they say peery m865: okayrightso f948: or some places
it on there look okayrightso mam s got to
mm [inaudible] f1091: mm okayrightso we re doing jigsaws
[inaudible] fairy liquid f1121: okayrightswitch the tap on f1122:
okay right right tell himrighttell him f1111: well you
so far f1112: okay rightrighttell him right tell him
you ll need to writerightthat is okay so far
that through your till okayrightthat s everything i want
of monte cassino m608: okayrightthat s where the big
on help me f1091: okayrightthere s the clock m1092:
okay then there you gorightthere s the towel f1104:
brainy [laugh] [sigh] m865: okayrightthis is my first day
track f1091: okay that srightthomas is on the train
[inaudible] f1117: take them throughrightthrough f1118: okay like this
oh in atween your fingersrighttry now right f1126: okay
you know the m608: ohrightuh huh oh okay m1163:
okay a wee wee suppieright[?]up a headie[/?] that s a girl
we f1121: that s justrightvery good okay so fitt
[inaudible] f1089: you alright okayrightwait a minute i m
way f1091: put it therightway right okay did you
bake right now f1121: [exhale]rightwe ll bake i- okay
a little tape recorder okayrightwe ll put it in
we got there okay managerightwe ll take away the
of paper m1128: okay f1127: rightwe ll write dear santa
want that ain f1097: okayrightwe need five more cars
s running f1112: okay f1111: rightwe ve done that ones
okay give mummy the bagrightwe ve found the animals
again again again right okayright[?]we'll dae this one[/?] [inaudible] baby [inaudible] baby
bluey green [laugh] okay [inhale]rightwhat about f1071: i am
would be english f718: okayrightwhat did they do m1078:
send it to [censored: forename] okayrightwho s next f1122: erm
have to draw f1121: okayrightwho s this one for
right okay there we gorightwhoops f1114: [inaudible] f1113: right
[censored: forename spelt out] f1140: [censored: forename] f1139: okayrightwill we wrap up her
m608: oh okay right m642: rightye pit three on there
yeah mmhm mm that srightyeah okay just to finish
in glasgow m608: uh huhrightyeah okay m1174: you know
right you choose one okayrightyou choose one f1122: [?]twinkle, twinkle, little star[/?]
mum it fell off f1121: rightyou choose one okay right
bed okay f1114: [child noises] f1113: rightyou cuddle down you going
dae the train then okayrightyou do the rocket then
you now m1098: [child noises] f1097: rightyou get washed then okay
them okay f1114: [inaudible] f1113: rightyou give me one bit
me the pieces okay f1113: rightyou give them to me
f1113: okay that s itrightyou going to draw a
okay ken f1113: okay nowrightyou gonna play blocks here
may i sellotape f1139: okayrightyou haud onto that for
thing and superboy m804: okayrightyou know how you know
[inhale] this is okay f1093: rightyou need to turn them
that s a pair okayrightyou next m1094: [?]that bittie[/?] f1093:
it is f1121: right okayrightyou pop it on can
m1090: mmhm yeah [exhale] f1089: rightyou re okay m1090: oh
stick it on f1139: okayrightyou ready a bit o
ll move it round thererightyou sit down okay f1114:
this whole shelf f1121: okayrightyou take off the videos
right okay on you gorightyou take oot winnie the
m1092: uh huh f1091: okayrightyou tell me the story
you read it f1121: okayrightyou ve to tell me
it for you okay managerightyou walk down behind me
right just leave that okayrightyou watch it [censored: forename] put
ll do an elephant okayrightyour turn m1092: [inaudible] a
that fitt it is ohrightf1126: aye [?]right[/?] the teddies
mum that s a girlrightf1126: i do that ones
think there s pieces underneathrightf1126: right you help me
aboot this bit this bitrightf1126: you help me build
i think mummy had itrightfarr it was there f1126:
is it fun f1126: yesrighthave a go myself whisk
need tae haud the spoonrighthere you go f1126: [laugh]
right need a whisk f1126: righti ll put the crumbs
it ower here then f1126: righti need [inaudible] cut my
one o these f1126: [inaudible]righti want to do these
f1126: i m picking theright[inaudible] ones i [inaudible] and
time f1126: and that srightoh broken that bit again
right will mummy help yourightready hold on tight f1126:
how s mummy getting onrightsee here f1126: oh can
sleepy f1126: that s naerightthat right [tut] aw [inaudible]
mammy s fingers noo ehrightthis one f1126: [exhale] this
see you can do itrightthis one f1126: i can
done that s another onerightthis one f1126: this one
in here then f1126: ayeright[tut] no you help me
this one f1126: this onerightwhat colour i need hmm
right that bit doesnae maitterrightwhat else f1126: got that
i think you re wrongrightwhich other bit f1126: mm
see it s nae inrightwill mummy do it f1126:
your face m1096: [sob] f1095: righta big bite a big
yeah oh m1096: [child noise] f1095: rightan other bits no that
[laugh] f1095: good for yourightand noo we ve got
m1096: and up there f1095: rightand then pull it that
[censored: forename] m1096: for santa f1095: rightanother ain no not that
f1095: mmhm m1096: oops f1095: rightare there any cars coming
[music] twink- [music] [child noise] f1095: rightare you daein the jigsaw
big bite m1096: [laugh] f1095: rightcome here [inaudible] sort ye
f1095: aye leave it thoughrightcome on and we ll
this [inaudible] [electronic toy] [electronic toy] f1095: rightcome on then [censored: forename] get
up his m1096: [inaudible] f1095: rightcome on we ll get
to dae next ain m1096: rightf1095: right m1096: mmhm i
stupid f1095: [inaudible] [note: speaks to a passerby] hiyarightfarr do we go noo
me do it noo f1095: rightfitt ain you gaun tae
ah ehm coos f1095: coosrightfitt do they say m1096:
pile m1096: hose pile f1095: rightfitt s this ain m1096:
s nae now leave itrightgo [inaudible] m1096: [inaudible] f1095:
table m1096: [sniff] [child noise] f1095: righthere two big bites and
clouds m1096: mm aye f1095: righthere we go m1096: [snort]
put my [inaudible] in f1095: righthere you go then right
do it [inaudible] [inaudible] f1095: righti m gaun to put
in there m1096: aye f1095: rightif it s happened there
to get a- f1095: mmhmrightif you re nae daein
d- f1095: no you wasrightin- sorry that way right
fire engine bit no [inaudible]right[inaudible] f1095: mmhm must spread
or maybe three big bitesright[inaudible] m1096: mm f1095: and
lane f1095: that s naerightis it you dinna live
m1096: [inaudible] f1095: that srightjust put it next to
[child noise] f1095: aye that srightjust take your time m1096:
mmhm m1096: ham ha- f1095: rightjust try and take like
f1095: mm it s aarightjust- no dinna dae [censored: forename]
on it m1096: aye f1095: rightlook at the sausages look
f1095: aye here it goesrightlook i ll do you
better m1096: aye aye f1095: rightm1096: cause it doesna [inaudible]
f1095: four m1096: no f1095: rightm1096: [censored: forename] s wantin this
m1096: oh f1095: that srightm1096: [child noise] f1095: there s
that s it it srightm1096: [child noises] f1095: no i
wait f1095: aye that srightm1096: erm traffics f1095: mmhm
you are right oops sorryrightm1096: [exhale] f1095: we ll
cones there m1096: [snort] f1095: rightm1096: farr that cones co-
it doesna [inaudible] neck f1095: rightm1096: go and get my
open there m1096: aye f1095: rightm1096: ham ham ham ham
s it m1096: [child noise] f1095: rightm1096: mm f1095: whaur s
next ain m1096: right f1095: rightm1096: mmhm i think i
erm traffic lights f1095: againrightm1096: no wait right f1095:
bit look m1096: [panting] f1095: rightm1096: oh f1095: right you
eh m1096: crashed f1095: completerightm1096: -plete f1095: fitt s
there and one in thererightm1096: right [exhale] f1095: mmhm
t you m1096: aye f1095: rightm1096: right yes f1095: no
this f1095: that s naerightm1096: [snort] f1095: that s
f1095: no aye that srightm1096: [snort] [inaudible] f1095: that
no f1095: aye that wasrightm1096: that s it f1095:
f1095: mm there it goesrightmaybe that clouds goes on
policeman s f1095: policemannies policemansrightmm what will this ain
for ye m1096: aye f1095: rightnext ain m1096: [opening envelope] santa
your breakfast m1096: [humming] f1095: rightno come on farr s
willie winkies f1095: right m1096: rightno i put them on
f1095: no that s naerightno that bit doesna go
[sneeze] m1096: open it f1095: rightnow you just need a
billy m1096: put its f1095: rightone two three m1096: oh
to do [censored: forename] some f1095: rightput his sandwich in here
on there [child noise] f1095: ayerightput on another bittie then
can dae it f1095: ayerightput that lace underneath m1096:
don t ken either f1095: rightright we ll get you-
one m1096: number two f1095: rightsee fitt s in there
beak f1095: aye that srightsee m1096: aye [laugh] f1095:
yet m1096: no f1095: norightsheep or hens sheeps m1096:
f1095: that s it mmhmrightso fitt s the next
for my sandwich [inaudible] f1095: rightthat ll be enough right
m1096: [inaudible] f1095: that srightthat s it just move
nope f1095: aye that srightthat s it right no
m1096: [snort] f1095: first hosesrightturn it ower then m1096:
[child noise] [child noise] f1095: that srightturn them ower so you
i like doing it f1095: rightup on your steppie m1096:
this is my space f1095: rightwatch just put them on
m1096: it s there f1095: rightwe ll have to get
s a mars bar f1095: rightwe ll have to leave
where for our jigsaws f1095: rightwe ve got room here
m1096: [raspberry] some [inaudible] f1095: rightwhere s your lunchbox look
f1095: oh good for yourightwhit about a bit of
seven eight m1096: mm f1095: rightwill we tidy them up
going to m1096: el- f1095: rightwill you stop scuffing your
m1096: aye f1095: right m1096: rightyes f1095: no that s
f1095: right m1096: oh f1095: rightyou get all the fire
f1095: goes here an aarightyou get some and i
got [inaudible] m1096: aye f1095: rightyou go and get a
on a ground f1095: mmhmrightyou goin to dae next
[child noise] lorry stand there f1095: rightyou goin to do the
on her hair aye f1095: rightyou got to see if
m1096: [snort] f1095: that srightyou ll maybe have to
m1096: [snort] f1095: that srightyou ve found it m1096:
jigsaws f1095: there you gorightyou ve to move back

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