
See this word as a collocate cloud

stage 2 completed 17 decemberrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill consideration stage evidencerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill passed 5 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
stage 2 completed 17 decemberrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
local government committee 3 septemberrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
fishing scotland bill consideration stagerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill consideration stage evidencerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
fishing scotland bill preliminary stagerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
february public petitions 25 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill passed 12 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
preliminary stage report on therobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill passed 5 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
fishing scotland bill preliminary stagerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
chambers edinburgh unless otherwise indicatedrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
march public petitions 11 marchrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
at its next meeting 4robinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
s1m 3728 mr tom mccaberobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill consideration stage evidencerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
by preliminary stage debate onrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill consideration stage amendmentsrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
march public petitions 18 marchrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
pm in committee room 4robinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
fishing scotland bill consideration stagerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
of the parliament 26 marchrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
c agendas of committee meetingsrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
february public petitions 11 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
meeting of parliament 5 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
by preliminary stage debate onrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
local government committee 17 septemberrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill consideration stage evidencerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
march public petitions 11 marchrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
public petitions see section arobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
meeting of parliament 5 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
of the parliament 31 octoberrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
12 parliamentary headquarters edinburgh 1robinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
royal assent received 11 marchrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill consideration stage amendmentsrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
consider a draft annual reportrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
february public petitions 25 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
local government committee 3 septemberrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
february public petitions 11 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill passed 5 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
the general principles of therobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
local government committee 10 decemberrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
stage 2 completed 17 decemberrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill preliminary stage evidencerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
local government committee 3 decemberrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
promoters and the objectors 3robinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
public petitions no date establishedrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill consideration stage evidencerobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland bill passed 5 februaryrobinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
g2 cannonball house edinburgh 1robinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
work programme to march 2003robinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
item 4 in private 2robinrigg offshore wind farm navigation
scotland and fife con harperrobincharles moreton lothians green henry
stage 3 after section 59arobinharper 1 after section 59a
gaelic or scots linguistic heritagerobinharper 1c as an amendment
disability or age long titlerobinharper 2 in the long
bill stage 2 section 1robinharper 63 in section 1
currently requires to be importedrobinharper a large proportion of
want those two schemes decoupledrobinharper absolutely it is a
macdonald cathy peattie s1m 902robinharper accidental release of gm
for such payments why notrobinharper again that is because
a hash symbol s1m 2968robinharper aggregates tax sustainability fund
want to i hope thatrobinharper agrees that we have
peattie bill aitken alex neilrobinharper alex fergusson mr jamie
alasdair morgan ms sandra whiterobinharper alex fergusson mr murray
and other concerns supported byrobinharper alex neil donald gorrie
by adam ingram michael russellrobinharper alex neil lloyd quinan
matheson dennis canavan tommy sheridanrobinharper alex neil mr kenny
by adam ingram tricia marwickrobinharper andrew wilson kenny macaskill
22 december 1999 alasdair morganrobinharper angus mackay s1m 394
they are for arable farmingrobinharper as i said an
other source for certain producerobinharper at no point in
white brian adam s1m 927robinharper bagyeli pygmies of cameroon
for the extensive delay robinrobinharper before i ask my
marwick nicola sturgeon fergus ewingrobinharper brian adam robert brown
wednesday 26 june 2002 presentrobinharper bristow muldoon convener fiona
of having such a reviewrobinharper bruce crawford took the
paterson margo macdonald sandra whiterobinharper business bulletin 106 2001
lodged on 11 november 1999robinharper business bulletin 120 2000
lodged on 16 september 2002robinharper business bulletin no 154
russell stewart stevenson tricia marwickrobinharper business bulletin no 179
the core of my concernrobinharper but that relationship stewart
him in his new postrobinharper can we acknowledge andy
tommy sheridan ms margo macdonaldrobinharper cathie craigie proposed mortgage
matheson duncan hamilton elaine smithrobinharper cathy jamieson john young
matheson duncan hamilton elaine smithrobinharper cathy jamieson john young
kenny macaskill mr adam ingramrobinharper cathy jamieson mr kenneth
andrew wilson mr lloyd quinanrobinharper christine grahame brian adam
by colin campbell andrew wilsonrobinharper christine grahame dorothy grace
lochhead fiona mcleod andrew wilsonrobinharper christine grahame dorothy grace
quinan brian adam shona robisonrobinharper christine grahame fiona mcleod
mr lloyd quinan tommy sheridanrobinharper christine grahame irene mcgugan
paterson margo macdonald sandra whiterobinharper christine grahame kenneth gibson
alex neil dorothy grace elderrobinharper christine grahame mr kenneth
marwick shona robison andrew wilsonrobinharper christine grahame nora radcliffe
the project r s1m 3733robinharper christmas card recycling that
network supported by alex neilrobinharper colin campbell shona robison
robison alex neil s1m 267robinharper commercial gm crops that
lodged on 2 august 2002robinharper dennis canavan michael russell
jenkins john mcallion mike rumblesrobinharper dennis canavan mike watson
jenkins john mcallion mike rumblesrobinharper dennis canavan mike watson
sheridan andrew wilson brian adamrobinharper dennis canavan mr gil
tommy sheridan ms sandra whiterobinharper dennis canavan nick johnston
mr david davidson david mundellrobinharper donald gorrie fiona mcleod
lloyd quinan karen gillon mrrobinharper donald gorrie lodged on
by fergus ewing tommy sheridanrobinharper donald gorrie michael russell
ingram cathy jamieson tommy sheridanrobinharper donald gorrie mr john
mr kenny macaskill marilyn livingstonerobinharper donald gorrie mr john
grace elder mr lloyd quinanrobinharper donald gorrie mr keith
russell fiona hyslop shona robisonrobinharper donald gorrie mr lloyd
neil brian adam shona robisonrobinharper donald gorrie richard lochhead
kenny macaskill mr adam ingramrobinharper donald gorrie richard lochhead
winnie ewing mr gil patersonrobinharper donald gorrie tommy sheridan
fabiani tricia marwick andrew wilsonrobinharper dorothy grace elder donald
radcliffe tommy sheridan margaret jamiesonrobinharper dorothy grace elder dr
des mcnulty mr john mcallionrobinharper dorothy grace elder fergus
mr duncan hamilton nora radclifferobinharper dorothy grace elder fiona
sheridan shona robison pauline mcneillrobinharper dorothy grace elder mr
welsh shona robison andrew wilsonrobinharper dorothy grace elder ms
these former soldiers supported byrobinharper dorothy grace elder s1m
rhoda grant maureen macmillan mrrobinharper dr richard simpson robert
mr david davidson fergus ewingrobinharper dr richard simpson s1m
canavan alex neil kay ullrichrobinharper dr winnie ewing christine
fergus ewing john farquhar munrorobinharper dr winnie ewing irene
mr keith harding shona robisonrobinharper dr winnie ewing mr
white fiona mcleod andrew wilsonrobinharper dr winnie ewing mr
shona robison ms sandra whiterobinharper dr winnie ewing mr
ingram brian adam michael mathesonrobinharper elaine smith tommy sheridan
mr jamie stone bill butlerrobinharper elaine thomson ms wendy
mr jamie stone bill butlerrobinharper elaine thomson ms wendy
2001 roseanna cunningham alex neilrobinharper fergus ewing dorothy grace
december 2002 mr keith raffanrobinharper fergus ewing mr keith
stone kate maclean s1m 268robinharper field trials of gm
watson scott barrie marilyn livingstonerobinharper fiona hyslop s1m 1069
25 march 2002 elaine smithrobinharper fiona hyslop s1m 2933
lodged on 28 march 2002robinharper fiona hyslop s1m 2953
brian adam john home robertsonrobinharper fiona mcleod linda fabiani
lodged on 20 february 2003robinharper fiona mcleod mrs margaret
ingram irene mcgugan s1m 114robinharper genetically modified crops that
on 1 june s1m 18robinharper genetically modified crops that
forward on the examples thatrobinharper highlights only a few
issue falls within our remitrobinharper i agree thoroughly with
that policy objective 14 15robinharper i am not sure
cent for each category appropriaterobinharper i am very happy
only one level of supportrobinharper i believe that the
that you want to achieverobinharper i cannot second guess
set up the working grouprobinharper i declare an interest
fed to children or patientsrobinharper i did not say
arrangements we should say sorobinharper i do not think
is missing from that planrobinharper i have not studied
time by discussing it hererobinharper i subscribe to that
give evidence for our considerationrobinharper i too spoke briefly
do that at the momentrobinharper i was not saying
of interests from robin harperrobinharper i will enter my
questions i will return torobinharper in a moment maureen
the development of algal bloomsrobinharper in a sense you
carrying capacity is exceeded substantiallyrobinharper in the absence of
ms sandra white tommy sheridanrobinharper irene mcgugan alex neil
fiona mcleod ms sandra whiterobinharper irene mcgugan christine grahame
alasdair morgan ms sandra whiterobinharper irene mcgugan john scott
adam andrew welsh bill aitkenrobinharper irene mcgugan linda fabiani
alasdair morgan mr adam ingramrobinharper irene mcgugan richard lochhead
executive that is not whatrobinharper is after is it
each category of land ifrobinharper is now saying that
demands on the scottish budgetrobinharper it is difficult for
september 2000 present helen eadierobinharper janis hughes andy kerr
hyslop andrew wilson kenny macaskillrobinharper john mcallion michael matheson
grahame nick johnston phil gallierobinharper john scott lord james
donald gorrie mr lloyd quinanrobinharper kay ullrich christine grahame
mcgugan donald gorrie nora radclifferobinharper kay ullrich mr jamie
linda fabiani mr lloyd quinanrobinharper kay ullrich mr jamie
mr kenneth gibson kate mcleanrobinharper keith raffan nora radcliffe
already stretched to further stressrobinharper leaf stands for linking
3818 in the name ofrobinharper leave out from is
3818 in the name ofrobinharper leave out from is
fergus ewing i know thatrobinharper likes to cite the
mr murray tosh bill aitkenrobinharper linda fabiani mr gil
mcgrigor mrs elaine smith mrrobinharper lodged on 30 april
by dorothy grace elder mrrobinharper lodged on 30 april
alasdair morgan michael russell mrrobinharper lodged on 30 april
mid scotland and fife snprobinharper lothians green angus mackay
address those points 11 19robinharper lothians green before i
the register of members interestsrobinharper lothians green can i
scott ayr con attended witnessrobinharper lothians green clerk to
is impressed by their qualityrobinharper lothians green how could
of medical secretaries 16 32robinharper lothians green i promise
that important distinction 16 17robinharper lothians green i will
fund to finance kerbside collectionrobinharper lothians green if my
radcliffe gordon ld committee membersrobinharper lothians green mr adam
mid scotland and fife conrobinharper lothians green mr keith
goldie west of scotland conrobinharper lothians green stewart stevenson
affirmation dennis canavan falkirk westrobinharper lothians green the green
tourist board water fluoridation 9robinharper lothians green to ask
janis hughes glasgow rutherglen labrobinharper lothians green tommy sheridan
member made a solemn affirmationrobinharper lothians green tommy sheridan
use against the local authorityrobinharper lothians green we are
value supported by tommy sheridanrobinharper malcolm chisholm mike watson
time dealing with environmental issuesrobinharper managed to spend 60
robison christine grahame andrew wilsonrobinharper margaret jamieson pauline mcneill
2003 jackie baillie trish godmanrobinharper margaret jamieson sarah boyack
mccabe jackie baillie trish godmanrobinharper margaret jamieson sarah boyack
mulligan trish godman rhoda grantrobinharper margaret smith mr david
settlements outside edinburgh supported byrobinharper margaret smith s1m 2121
lodged on 31 january 2003robinharper marilyn livingstone s1m 3834
david mcletchie mr keith hardingrobinharper mary scanlon mr john
financial memorandum to the billrobinharper may want to deal
who spoke in the debaterobinharper mentioned the role of
livingstone alasdair morgan nora radclifferobinharper michael matheson bristow muldoon
nora radcliffe ms sandra whiterobinharper michael matheson christine grahame
dorothy grace elder richard lochheadrobinharper michael matheson christine grahame
david davidson mr lloyd quinanrobinharper michael matheson donald gorrie
sturgeon donald gorrie linda fabianirobinharper michael matheson mike watson
fergus ewing ms sandra whiterobinharper michael matheson mr kenny
27 march 2002 elaine smithrobinharper michael matheson ms sandra
lodged on 28 march 2002robinharper michael matheson stewart stevenson
20 november 2000 supported byrobinharper michael russell sandra white
ferguson cathy jamieson cathy peattierobinharper mike watson elaine thomson
dennis canavan mr duncan hamiltonrobinharper mike watson fiona mcleod
environmentally sustainable employment and recyclingrobinharper moved s1m 2635 that
targets scotland bill stage 1robinharper moved s1m 3856 that
colin campbell mrs margaret ewingrobinharper mr adam ingram dorothy
ms sandra white andrew wilsonrobinharper mr duncan hamilton mr
mcleod linda fabiani andrew wilsonrobinharper mr duncan hamilton mr
irene mcgugan mr mike rumblesrobinharper mr duncan hamilton mr
dorothy grace elder kay ullrichrobinharper mr duncan hamilton tricia
lodged on 20 february 2003robinharper mr gil paterson mr
lodged on 18 february 2003robinharper mr gil paterson susan
february 2003 mr tom mccaberobinharper mr gil paterson tommy
david davidson ms sandra whiterobinharper mr jamie mcgrigor mr
mr keith raffan roseanna cunninghamrobinharper mr jamie stone alex
david davidson mr kenneth gibsonrobinharper mr jamie stone richard
mr duncan hamilton nora radclifferobinharper mr john munro mr
godman hugh henry bristow muldoonrobinharper mr kenneth gibson donald
russell fiona hyslop shona robisonrobinharper mr kenneth gibson irene
fergus ewing dorothy grace elderrobinharper mr kenneth gibson irene
quinan irene mcgugan shona robisonrobinharper mr kenneth gibson mr
wilson malcolm chisholm brian adamrobinharper mr kenneth gibson mr
ms sandra white michael russellrobinharper mr kenneth gibson robert
andrew wilson ms sandra whiterobinharper mr kenneth gibson robert
lodged on 25 march 2002robinharper mr kenneth macintosh mary
27 january 2003 trish godmanrobinharper mr kenneth macintosh mr
kenneth gibson trish godman mrrobinharper mr kenneth macintosh mr
davidson nora radcliffe tricia marwickrobinharper mr kenny macaskill mary
lodged on 24 february 2003robinharper mr kenny macaskill mr
by michael matheson kay ullrichrobinharper mr kenny macaskill mr
radcliffe alex neil tricia marwickrobinharper mr kenny macaskill s1m
mr gil paterson maureen macmillanrobinharper mr kenny macaskill s1m
mr jamie stone rhoda grantrobinharper mr kenny macaskill s1m
shona robison ms sandra whiterobinharper mr kenny macaskill s1m
robison tommy sheridan alex neilrobinharper mr lloyd quinan andrew
dr winnie ewing alex neilrobinharper mr lloyd quinan andrew
grahame alex neil tommy sheridanrobinharper mr lloyd quinan andrew
alex neil mr andrew welshrobinharper mr lloyd quinan dorothy
mr kenneth gibson tommy sheridanrobinharper mr lloyd quinan dorothy
mr kenneth gibson tommy sheridanrobinharper mr lloyd quinan dorothy
alasdair morgan mr andrew welshrobinharper mr lloyd quinan dorothy
hamilton nora radcliffe alasdair morganrobinharper mr lloyd quinan dorothy
mr gil paterson margaret jamiesonrobinharper mr lloyd quinan fiona
paterson alasdair morgan phil gallierobinharper mr lloyd quinan fiona
andrew wilson dr winnie ewingrobinharper mr lloyd quinan fiona
mr john mcallion alasdair morganrobinharper mr lloyd quinan fiona
gil paterson mr andrew welshrobinharper mr lloyd quinan fiona
lodged on 10 may 2001robinharper mr lloyd quinan mr
lodged on 3 may 2001robinharper mr lloyd quinan mr
sheridan mr murray tosh mrrobinharper mrs kay ullrich mr
schemes supported by christine grahamerobinharper mrs margaret ewing bruce
mcneil lewis macdonald bill butlerrobinharper mrs margaret ewing mrs
cases supported by tommy sheridanrobinharper ms margo macdonald alex
james douglas hamilton tricia marwickrobinharper ms margo macdonald dr
grant tricia marwick andrew wilsonrobinharper ms margo macdonald mr
george lyon ms sandra whiterobinharper ms margo macdonald mr
smith fiona mcleod tricia marwickrobinharper ms margo macdonald s1m
neil michael russell elaine smithrobinharper ms margo macdonald s1m
tommy sheridan ms margo macdonaldrobinharper ms nicola sturgeon ian
stone rhoda grant tricia marwickrobinharper ms sandra white brian
stone rhoda grant tricia marwickrobinharper ms sandra white brian
fiona mcleod mr kenny macaskillrobinharper ms sandra white brian
colin campbell r andrew wilsonrobinharper ms sandra white donald
mr david davidson nora radclifferobinharper ms sandra white mary
dr winnie ewing nick johnstonrobinharper ms sandra white mary
brown rhoda grant andrew wilsonrobinharper ms sandra white michael
christine grahame mr jamie stonerobinharper ms sandra white mr
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskillrobinharper ms sandra white mrs
26 march 2002 elaine smithrobinharper ms sandra white s1m
is properly commemorated supported byrobinharper ms sandra white s1m
mr gil paterson alasdair morganrobinharper ms sandra white s1m
copy of the report torobinharper msp and to the
monteith nora radcliffe tommy sheridanrobinharper nick johnston alex neil
dennis canavan mr lloyd quinanrobinharper nick johnston christine grahame
people is at best unprovenrobinharper no because i do
stewart stevenson can i justrobinharper no because i have
harper is after is itrobinharper no it is not
ewing that was the implicationrobinharper no that was not
marwick shona robison andrew wilsonrobinharper nora radcliffe donald gorrie
ewing linda fabiani andrew wilsonrobinharper nora radcliffe dorothy grace
mcleod shona robison andrew wilsonrobinharper nora radcliffe dorothy grace
mcleod linda fabiani andrew wilsonrobinharper nora radcliffe mr lloyd
fabiani shona robison andrew wilsonrobinharper nora radcliffe ms sandra
stone fiona mcleod andrew wilsonrobinharper nora radcliffe ms sandra
achieve the targets introduced byrobinharper on 30 september 2002
related to the initial questionsrobinharper on our travels the
the 20 per cent targetrobinharper one can only express
them can find a marketrobinharper one is conscious that
farming the convener thank yourobinharper only a tiny percentage
by euan robson s1m 3856robinharper organic farming targets scotland
scott alex fergusson s1m 947robinharper ospar convention that the
by dennis canavan donald gorrierobinharper pauline mcneill ben wallace
18 march 2002 elaine smithrobinharper pauline mcneill s1m 2906
right i do not knowrobinharper people who are trying
alex fergusson mr murray toshrobinharper phil gallie mr keith
proposal under rule 9 14robinharper proposed organic food and
proposal under rule 9 14robinharper proposed organic food and
proposal under rule 9 14robinharper proposed organic food and
ingram michael russell kay ullrichrobinharper r fiona mcleod elaine
lodged on 24 february 2003robinharper r fiona mcleod elaine
lodged on 20 february 2003robinharper r mr gil paterson
lodged on 17 february 2003robinharper r mr lloyd quinan
ms sandra white michael russellrobinharper r s1m 200 mr
lodged on 18 february 2003robinharper r s1m 3922 united
slightly conflicting views on moratoriumsrobinharper referred to scientific uncertainty
by tavish scott s1m 1634robinharper renewable energy that the
the market as it standsrobinharper research is covered by
jamieson johann lamont maureen macmillanrobinharper rhoda grant david mundell
watson margaret jamieson trish godmanrobinharper rhoda grant dr elaine
jamie mcgrigor mr duncan hamiltonrobinharper rhoda grant maureen macmillan
adam ingram dorothy grace elderrobinharper richard lochhead alasdair morgan
kenny macaskill mr adam ingramrobinharper richard lochhead michael matheson
irene mcgugan mr mike rumblesrobinharper robert brown mr john
late declaration of interests fromrobinharper robin harper i will
development supported by nicola sturgeonrobinharper roseanna cunningham tommy sheridan
of land indeed i drawrobinharper s attention to the
that bruce crawford described onrobinharper s point we must
otherwise the convener exactly followingrobinharper s presentation on the
wanted to follow on fromrobinharper s question about moratoriums
davidson nora radcliffe andrew wilsonrobinharper s1m 1206 lord james
lodged on 23 april 2001robinharper s1m 1851 multiple sclerosis
lodged on 29 october 2001robinharper s1m 2373 psychiatric hospital
lodged on 29 october 2001robinharper s1m 2375 literature on
lodged on 31 october 2001robinharper s1m 2386 wallace clan
lodged on 31 october 2001robinharper s1m 2387 the charter
lodged on 31 october 2001robinharper s1m 2388 son rise
october 2001 dorothy grace elderrobinharper s1m 2389 centrally held
lodged on 1 november 2001robinharper s1m 2391 recent alleged
november 2001 mr andrew welshrobinharper s1m 2392 enough is
lodged on 1 november 2001robinharper s1m 2393 science and
1 november 2001 richard lochheadrobinharper s1m 2396 moratorium on
november 2001 mr andrew welshrobinharper s1m 2398 digital hearing
supported by mrs mary mulliganrobinharper s1m 2399 proposed new
sturgeon tommy sheridan margaret smithrobinharper s1m 2401 cathy peattie
industry in edinburgh supported byrobinharper s1m 2402 alex fergusson
strategic planning area supported byrobinharper s1m 2403 margaret smith
lodged on 11 november 1999robinharper s1m 276 bbc resources
lodged on 15 november 1999robinharper s1m 279 crichton university
lodged on 17 november 1999robinharper s1m 284 dangers of
lodged on 16 november 1999robinharper s1m 289 gm foods
21 march 2002 elaine smithrobinharper s1m 2930 inverness air
21 march 2002 elaine smithrobinharper s1m 2931 parkinson s
lodged on 18 november 1999robinharper s1m 294 closure of
lodged on 19 november 1999robinharper s1m 304 asylum and
lodged on 23 november 1999robinharper s1m 308 funding of
lodged on 24 november 1999robinharper s1m 318 use of
lodged on 24 november 1999robinharper s1m 322 prudence in
lodged on 26 november 1999robinharper s1m 323 hepatitis c
lodged on 12 august 2002robinharper s1m 3300 2002 commonwealth
lodged on 29 november 1999robinharper s1m 332 objective 2
lodged on 29 november 1999robinharper s1m 335 teenage pregnancy
lodged on 1 december 1999robinharper s1m 337 support for
lodged on 27 september 2002robinharper s1m 3393 firefighters and
lodged on 1 december 1999robinharper s1m 342 scots in
lodged on 2 december 1999robinharper s1m 343 northern ireland
lodged on 2 december 1999robinharper s1m 347 nigel tranter
lodged on 2 december 1999robinharper s1m 348 national concessionary
lodged on 3 december 1999robinharper s1m 351 beauforts dyke
lodged on 6 december 1999robinharper s1m 355 the education
lodged on 7 december 1999robinharper s1m 357 establishment of
lodged on 7 december 1999robinharper s1m 359 greengairs environmental
lodged on 7 december 1999robinharper s1m 360 concessionary fares
lodged on 7 december 1999robinharper s1m 361 rural sub
lodged on 7 december 1999robinharper s1m 362 deprivation in
lodged on 8 december 1999robinharper s1m 363 campaign for
lodged on 8 december 1999robinharper s1m 366 equality of
lodged on 8 december 1999robinharper s1m 367 jobs crisis
lodged on 8 december 1999robinharper s1m 368 scottish heart
lodged on 9 december 1999robinharper s1m 370 integrated detoxification
lodged on 9 december 1999robinharper s1m 372 dispersal of
lodged on 9 december 1999robinharper s1m 373 meeting tayside
lodged on 13 december 1999robinharper s1m 374 joint working
lodged on 13 december 1999robinharper s1m 375 highlands and
lodged on 13 december 1999robinharper s1m 376 agricultural business
december 1999 maureen macmillan rrobinharper s1m 377 malnutrition in
lodged on 15 december 1999robinharper s1m 380 cross examination
lodged on 15 december 1999robinharper s1m 384 criminal injuries
lodged on 6 february 2003robinharper s1m 3864 location of
lodged on 6 february 2003robinharper s1m 3865 closure of
lodged on 6 february 2003robinharper s1m 3869 enterprise and
lodged on 15 december 1999robinharper s1m 387 medical use
lodged on 12 february 2003robinharper s1m 3872 limited partnership
lodged on 16 december 1999robinharper s1m 389 water and
lodged on 16 december 1999robinharper s1m 392 agricultural business
lodged on 16 december 1999robinharper s1m 393 boharm school
lodged on 25 february 2003robinharper s1m 3945 education additional
towards that end supported byrobinharper s1m 3953 dr richard
lodged on 26 february 2003robinharper s1m 3959 ross finnie
lodged on 26 february 2003robinharper s1m 3964 no smoking
5 january 2000 alasdair morganrobinharper s1m 398 bbc 2
5 january 2000 alasdair morganrobinharper s1m 399 dyslexia lodged
6 january 2000 alasdair morganrobinharper s1m 400 compensation for
2000 phil gallie christine grahamerobinharper s1m 401 third world
elder donald gorrie margo macdonaldrobinharper s1m 4012 mr john
7 january 2000 alasdair morganrobinharper s1m 402 dumfries and
mcgrigor mike rumbles john youngrobinharper s1m 7 andrew wilson
smoking day 2003 supported byrobinharper sarah boyack bristow muldoon
lodged on 26 february 2003robinharper sarah boyack bristow muldoon
lodged on 26 february 2003robinharper sarah boyack tommy sheridan
industry in scotland supported byrobinharper sarah boyack tommy sheridan
lodged on 25 march 2002robinharper scott barrie s1m 2936
not have the details thatrobinharper seeks i will be
property built on leased landrobinharper sent an e mail
brian adam ms sandra whiterobinharper shona robison christine grahame
by andrew welsh bruce crawfordrobinharper shona robison michael russell
organic food producers in scotlandrobinharper sopa is slightly divided
a kenyan farmer s pocketrobinharper sorry how much stewart
keith harding s1m 1243 1robinharper sssi spa and sac
lodged on 28 march 2002robinharper stewart stevenson brian adam
new money for the billrobinharper such schemes would be
bruce crawford s suggestions whichrobinharper supported pe508 refers to
to make an introductory statementrobinharper thank you i am
our own in some waysrobinharper that is an argument
convener perhaps i should warnrobinharper that stewart stevenson has
1 june 1999 s1m 18robinharper that the parliament recognises
industry to compete with themrobinharper that would be impossible
given that route any thoughtrobinharper that would be up
target has to be metrobinharper the bill will not
would like them to dorobinharper the bottom line is
they find essential at presentrobinharper the department for environment
you have one more minuterobinharper the executive should do
interest act 1998 s1w 4778robinharper to ask the presiding
parliamentary constituency area s1w 34906robinharper to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 5440 17robinharper to ask the scottish
25 august 1999 s1w 741robinharper to ask the scottish
such consideration is s1w 31872robinharper to ask the scottish
secure its conservation s1w 31873robinharper to ask the scottish
at that location s1w 31876robinharper to ask the scottish
any subsequent meeting s1w 27398robinharper to ask the scottish
sustainable development forum s1w 27393robinharper to ask the scottish
sustainable development forum s1w 27396robinharper to ask the scottish
national review group s1w 33276robinharper to ask the scottish
to the parliament s1w 33275robinharper to ask the scottish
a stromeferry bypass s1w 27386robinharper to ask the scottish
with the plants s1w 20833robinharper to ask the scottish
conclusions into account s1w 27392robinharper to ask the scottish
due to meet s1w 27387robinharper to ask the scottish
planning applications s1o 3797 29robinharper to ask the scottish
to 2006 07 s1w 34911robinharper to ask the scottish
using this method s1w 20835robinharper to ask the scottish
for the exercise s1w 24840robinharper to ask the scottish
sustainable development forum s1w 27391robinharper to ask the scottish
institution undertook it s1w 14962robinharper to ask the scottish
forum to meet s1w 27390robinharper to ask the scottish
to 2006 07 s1w 34910robinharper to ask the scottish
the black isle s1w 20834robinharper to ask the scottish
youth crime s1o 4866 9robinharper to ask the scottish
same time period s1w 16793robinharper to ask the scottish
they will be s1w 24841robinharper to ask the scottish
the ppp contract s1w 34913robinharper to ask the scottish
project will be s1w 34912robinharper to ask the scottish
sustainable development forum s1w 27397robinharper to ask the scottish
site in europe s1w 24870robinharper to ask the scottish
or voluntary sector s1w 24871robinharper to ask the scottish
action plan s1o 5804 3robinharper to ask the scottish
of a species s1w 31875robinharper to ask the scottish
for the award s1w 32829robinharper to ask the scottish
has funding available s1w 14961robinharper to ask the scottish
sustainable development forum s1w 27395robinharper to ask the scottish
rare invertebrate fauna s1w 31874robinharper to ask the scottish
executive s approval s1w 31877robinharper to ask the scottish
the announcement took s1w 27388robinharper to ask the scottish
to 2006 07 s1w 34909robinharper to ask the scottish
for such bodies s1w 27394robinharper to ask the scottish
infrastructure benefits scotland s1w 15054robinharper to ask the scottish
10 700 jobs s1w 16792robinharper to ask the scottish
monitoring these targets s1w 15053robinharper to ask the scottish
c 2003 04 s1w 15076robinharper to ask the scottish
10 july 2001 s1w 16789robinharper to ask the scottish
to 2006 07 s1w 34907robinharper to ask the scottish
enterprise networks review s1w 16794robinharper to ask the scottish
recycled within scotland s1w 15050robinharper to ask the scottish
scottish transport group s1w 20832robinharper to ask the scottish
mouth disease s1o 3259 21robinharper to ask the scottish
food supplements s1o 6391 7robinharper to ask the scottish
the scottish economy s1w 16788robinharper to ask the scottish
e coli 0157 s1w 16791robinharper to ask the scottish
of each subsidy s1w 15052robinharper to ask the scottish
to 2006 07 s1w 34908robinharper to ask the scottish
of municipal waste s1w 15051robinharper to ask the scottish
and other incidents s1w 32872robinharper to ask the scottish
institution will receive s1w 15049robinharper to ask the scottish
the forum is s1w 27389robinharper to ask the scottish
the scottish executive i welcomerobinharper to the committee i
during the stage 1 debaterobinharper told us that several
lloyd quinan mr andrew welshrobinharper tommy sheridan brian adam
white donald gorrie alex neilrobinharper tommy sheridan dr winnie
hyslop dennis canavan fiona mcleodrobinharper tommy sheridan michael russell
fabiani mr duncan hamilton mrrobinharper tommy sheridan mrs kay
children scotland bill s1m 3367robinharper torness nuclear power station
and the environment s1m 3818robinharper transforming public finance for
elaine thomson mr john mcallionrobinharper tricia marwick dr sylvia
sandra white mr gil patersonrobinharper tricia marwick fiona hyslop
russell fergus ewing dennis canavanrobinharper tricia marwick tommy sheridan
jenkins nora radcliffe s1m 3734robinharper uk support for the
quality the convener i thankrobinharper very much for his
the face of the billrobinharper we considered how much
for consumption rather than productionrobinharper we did so at
relevant committee after the electionrobinharper we must remember that
you do not have timerobinharper we should be aware
be announced in due courserobinharper will the minister concede
that process the convener yesrobinharper will we give early
rough grassland to organic farmingrobinharper would not necessarily find
mention them only in passingrobinharper yes i would have
or more of rough grasslandrobinharper yes stewart stevenson what
than the financial memorandum suggestsrobinharper yes the convener and
key drivers of the billrobinharper yes the environmental benefits
back on the finance pointrobinharper you are looking at
stevenson i accept that pointrobinharper you said a few
targets would fulfil certain aimsrobinharper you talked about skewing
iain edinburgh pentlands lab harperrobinlothians green henry hugh paisley
scotland and fife con harperrobinlothians green henry hugh paisley
iain edinburgh pentlands lab harperrobinlothians green henry hugh paisley
iain edinburgh pentlands lab harperrobinlothians green henry hugh paisley
highlands and islands snp harperrobinlothians green hyslop fiona lothians
highlands and islands snp harperrobinlothians green hyslop fiona lothians
highlands and islands snp harperrobinlothians green hyslop fiona lothians
highlands and islands snp harperrobinlothians green hyslop fiona lothians
highlands and islands snp harperrobinlothians green hyslop fiona lothians
scotland and fife con harperrobinlothians green hyslop fiona lothians
highlands and islands snp harperrobinlothians green hyslop fiona lothians
scotland and fife con harperrobinlothians green hyslop fiona lothians
scotland and fife con harperrobinlothians green ingram mr adam
scotland and fife con harperrobinlothians green johnston nick mid
and shotts lab abstentions harperrobinlothians green the presiding officer
scotland and fife con harperrobinlothians grn henry hugh paisley
scotland and fife con harperrobinlothians grn henry hugh paisley
iain edinburgh pentlands lab harperrobinlothians grn henry hugh paisley
scotland and fife con harperrobinlothians grn henry hugh paisley
highlands and islands snp harperrobinlothians grn hyslop fiona lothians
dorothy grace glasgow ind harperrobinlothians grn macdonald margo lothians
dorothy grace glasgow ind harperrobinlothians grn macdonald margo lothians
of scotland con abstentions harperrobinlothians grn the presiding officer
sorry for the extensive delayrobinrobin harper before i ask
wind powered generating station atrobinrigg in the solway firth
the wind farm proposal atrobinrigg in the solway firth
drink rob rob rob robrobincause the pond s like
chicken rob rob rob robrobinstottin up an doon sae
twa rob rob rob robrobinwi yer feathers broon an
breid rob rob rob robrobinwid ye like a crust
oh rob rob rob robrobinwid ye like a crust
reid rob rob rob robrobinwid ye like a daud
sae rob rob rob robrobinwid ye like a daud
oh rob rob rob robrobinwid ye like a drap
twa rob rob rob robrobinwid ye like a drap
thomas admin support jean cameronrobinsmith bryan mcconachie directorate of
let dr shelton carry onrobinbut maureen macmillan would like
s rangers versus john orrobins celtic or hearts or
side matches between john orrobins rangers versus john or
for scottish literary studies bellrobin1989 the best of scottish
scottish environment link peter gibbrobincallander and andy wightman land
tae ride a bicycle onrobinhutchison s fairy cycle m608:
this notion was peddled byrobinbell 1989 in the introduction
chilled by frost the loyalrobinshivers others flee the coop
supervise an watch me digrobina said it isnae me
dìreach eh dhan aigeann dhùinrobina shuilean is bha dùil
a dh fhios am tharobinag obair gu bha mi
a christmas tree and arobinand a bit a holly
different matter because between usrobinand i had a secret
hame in such unfortunate circumstancesrobinand i resorted to interminable
thereafter for all the yearsrobinand i were close friends
finance office head of financerobinandrews deputy head of finance
ay cams roarin back blinrobinblin robin wis a fiddler
and buchan snp forgive merobinbut i want to go
dost since the late 1980srobinconnor and i have been
and whitehall we note thatrobincook mp has been asked
legs vanishin doon the plugrobinfa s that stottin ower
thrang wi teenie spurg anrobinfae perfinned boughs their tweetlin
ma life said i noorobinfine ye ken a braw
also deserves some scrutiny asrobingoodfellow he is a popular
a half used ball ofrobinhood binder twine treated against
feet with fire the shiveringrobinhuddles in its nest sealed
everyone else and a bluerobinin a bare tree ding
he gets his share butrobinisnae blate in his shrill
that we never got torobinjenkins in time he and
starsky an hutch batman anrobinkane an abel us doll
the nicht ma robin marobinlikes his porridge as weel
tae roost the nicht marobinma robin likes his porridge
ye ken a braw cockrobinneeds a hen an love
denner courtesy o mine hostrobinphilip fit wye that hotel
to the elite competition thusrobinprofit my equally fitba daft
f980: chan eil agad achrobinred breast a bheir leat
tale of the marriage ofrobinredbreast and the wren which
i m a heilan coorobinreidbreist fa s that stottin
that stottin ower the snarobinreidbreist roon an sma wi
that stottin ower the snarobinreidbreist roon an sma wi
approachin the allander brig arobinreliant roondit the bend comin
kailyaird war reid as therobins breistie an ower the
ye ll nae forget blinrobins deid an beeriet bit
to catch the light arobins fat flame shivers in
morning and decided to readrobins latest written response to
ll see tae speughs anrobins need blackbird and chaffinch
for somethin tae devour achrobinsaid it isnae greed a
hoosie in the dark therobinsang tune chick chick chicken
an gars ye sing ayerobinsighed nae doot yer richt
yer heid they say arobinsings its best wi ts
a reed gravat roarin ootrobintamson s smiddy an getting
stevenson just a tiny secondrobinthat goes to the core
about it later i inviterobinto make an introductory statement
deid thraa o winter arobinwheeplit oot tae them frae
disnae tak ower lang anrobinwhen he s finished rewards
roarin back blin robin blinrobinwis a fiddler he played
bing crosby drowned out arobinyule came and went bland

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