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corridors however most of therussiansaround me either ignored the
pascal joy lisa and somerussiansat luna cafe to have
nice to be surrounded byrussiansinstead of tourists i was
crack some jokes at therussiansexpense then he mingled i
fighting your way up andrussiansare as good at shoving
for many days as therussianswill not import the bourgeois
ice cream on the wayrussiansreally like ice cream here
could tell they weren trussiansthey were too ebullient one
god only knows what therussiansmade of it still it
dangerously into oncoming traffic therussiansare sullen bus travellers and
have been easy but therussianshad changed the name of
his death since then therussianshave published a british note
icecream was very good andrussianseat it in the street
his cuddie or sumthing usrussiansir capable o sic graund
it may be that therussiansare still very much annoyed
all they thought we wererussianswith the uniforms at first
f746: right f978: see manyrussiansi mean but then i
more stability does helping therussiansand brazilians to restructure their

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