
See this word as a collocate cloud

gaun awa jonsar eck nivversaida word bit thocht tae
jonsar eck s nose jonsarsaidat s a bit nippy
ll trust you jonsar ecksaidat s fine bit i
at dis the shewin jonsarsaidaye aye you ken i
hiv deen weel jonsar ecksaidaye ginger the cat his
gooseberry crumble the little wifiesaidaye jonsar you hid better
in bold letters the signsaidfindlater castle ae day jonsar
hoose jonsar turned roon andsaidfit a gweed idea bit
wifie peyed jonsar eck hesaidfit kind o stuff is
the journey bit jonsar ecksaidi hiv been an seen
wis affa dear jonsar ecksaidi ken far ere is
widnae stop jonsar s mithersaidi ll gie you a
dee jonsar eck stopped ansaidi ll tell you a
him wi a cheque jonsarsaidi thocht you said you
a peat barra he ayesaidit kept him fit jonsar
technicolor says tamata feed jonsarsaidit s nae workin affa
in this mood jonsar ecksaidit wis hard wid i
eck shook a squeaky voicesaidit wis jonsar eck it
muggie sliga peyed me shesaidjokinly cheer up jonsar eck
coorse the wither oh ayesaidjonsar as he made for
snapped fin he stopped ayesaidjonsar at s a bobby
asks the bobby oh ayesaidjonsar bit fit wid you
heck is goin on heresaidjonsar eck oot loud tae
na at s nae rainsaidjonsar eck tae himsel it
fine an early the daysaidjonsar eck tae himsel jonsar
i hiv tasted onything bettersaidjonsar eck tae the littie
the ten meenit job greedysaidjonsar i coodnae buy sticks
roch meg wis nae ladysaidjonsar roch meg looked at
asks are you busy jonsarsaidna na nae affa susie
jonsar eck wis furious bitsaidnaething fin the fermer wis
some o his customers jonsarsaidnaething mair than i ll
jonsar shook his shooders ansaidnaething naething noo the little
there moanin an groanin hesaidnoo jonsar dinna tell your
fit div you think jonsarsaidoch aye i cood gie
aboot the pancakes jonsar ecksaidoch ey were nae bad
on seein jonsar the electriciansaidoch it s nae broken
tak for it jonsar ecksaidoch you tak it oot
hoose fin teenie appeared shesaidoh it s you jonsar
intae jonsar eck s thensaidoh michty a gweed lookin
jist shook his heid ansaidoh no jonsar i would
fuel tae itsel jonsar ecksaidoot loud aye there is
fin she heard fit jonsarsaidshe hooked her airm intae
he says cheerily jonsar ecksaidtae himsel good lord ten
came intae the surgery hesaidtae jonsar up on the
for a sponsor jonsar ecksaidtae ronald fit a time
jonsar eck up an hesaidtae the nurse you ken
he wis affa greedy hesaidtae the quine jonsar peyed
body an fin the clocksaidten jonsar held awa doon
optician shook his heid ansaidthat is impossible jonsar eck
jonsar eck that wis quicksaidthe lassie at the desk
jonsar started tae laugh ansaidthe only tune wid be
says jonsar at s richtsaidthe twa aulds lads the
on hearin fit jonsar ecksaidwent intae a temper caed
asks larry ake jonsar ecksaidwi nae spreadin the shave
gaed jonsar a look ansaidyou ken i thocht the
the door he stopped ansaidyou know mrs jonsar muck
rotten jonsar eck smiled ansaidyou telt me you wis
jonsar said i thocht yousaidyou wid pey wi cash
says aye noo jonsar yousaidyou wid tell us a
the grounds of religion shesaid23 the pressure for change
in her breath listen shesaida band was playing away
dust she died it ssaida chicken to the end
up likes and habits shesaida girl should care about
the convener is as shesaida member of the ministerial
a bed settee and shesaida sattlebed m1020: a- f1054:
lady the things she ssaida wadna lyke ti repeat
it a difference she evensaida- night before i said
why after the things shesaidabout grampa dan i yank
s speech particularly what shesaidabout increased funding for the
lips scuse me missus shesaidaddressing me in preference to
denner for hir syne shesaidae peat gar anither peat
two brutes noo lass pullarsaidagain but she cut him
an becum yeir wyfe shesaidah durstna byde in the
lang whyle an syne shesaidah l tell ee whit
sae she stuid up ansaidah m nae singer an
the night or no shesaidah m thinkin ah made
tryit ti kiss hir shesaidah wes a mukkil jessie
wurld we went to edinburghsaidalba semi enthusiastically she hadn
scheme she looked like somebodysaidalba she was cute did
a post structuralist alastair shesaidally laughed thinking back to
aw that weill whan awsaidan duin sae she pat
on a tongue twister shesaidan richt enyeuch it s
finn haed a thocht ansaidan she cums up wi
him she winna her dasaidan she hidna faith she
with words but she justsaidan this is the livy
finnd it an syne shesaidan whaur micht it be
is that it there shesaidand pointed to a church
theme by wee drew shesaidand refused to show them
an abortion or so shesaidand the mexican nurse maid
things that she would havesaidand there s she was
anyway she always knows christsaidandy wiping his bum whit
she granny who d hardlysaidane word tae the mannie
and without looking up shesaidannie i m wae for
say you know if yousaidanything she d say er
of creative mathematics and thensaidanything she damned well liked
[laugh] m642: and erm shesaidare you alright yes i
drumchapel oh jesus christ shesaidas i opened the doors
to get off slut shesaidas i opened the doors
bit pit oot tae shesaidas mukkil but she wesna
haud aff him digger shesaidas she follaed me up
it s nae far shesaidas they left the house
mind not talking here shesaidas we passed a large
at the exam when shesaidasked the question what is
geed hame tae fleers shesaidat robertson cam kickin in
ain life efter aw shesaidauld creepy in the tree
stappit an listent syne shesaiday ye wul be in
parcel fae dod an isaidaye it is an she
i wid like mair isaidaye she assured me there
the matter wi you shesaidbacking away alarmed why ur
ain lugs gowd tree shesaidbut gowd tree is deid
as anythin the day shesaidbut noo it s dead
to satisfy the vultures shesaidbut nowadays they only survive
the archetypal vicious circle shesaidbut so long as the
warl ti finnd him shesaidbut the monie wearie days
more of the jannies shesaidbut the psychopaths are good
it herself too jejune shesaidbut wee andy was home
need a drink soon shesaidby way of greeting clear
obscenity sorry aboot that shesaidc mon he whispered pulling
in an i thought shesaidcan i fix me sock
tastes all the same shesaidcarrots onions tomatoes all has
no longer mrs mcfarlane shesaidcasting all social niceties to
mm f1154: and erm shesaid[censored: forename] oh we need to
chap there a mystery shesaidchap there anither chap there
what to do but gonzalosaidcome on daniel she was
your pals are waitin shesaidcoughing to clear her throat
grow out of these shesaidcrossly waving a packet of
like you now babs shesaiddanny and me we just
the mini bus louise rabsaiddoes she want to go
we went over and shesaiddon t like it and
pear shaped and er shesaiddon t need men erm
early hurry up now shesaiddrawing back the curtains here
four and the teacher theresaideh just come in she
did she say f806: shesaideh mm she was talking
girl i taught an shesaidehm her no- she was
through some ties and shesaidehm in gaelic er she
ehm in gaelic er shesaidehm we ll er we
and she turned round andsaidehm well we re doing
was swallowed whole her masaidellen eat your greens she
really nice and and shesaider but at the s-
that f1049: [laugh] m1048: shesaiderm [sniff] when we in
she looked up and shesaidevidently she said to my
go on the [inaudible] shesaid[exhale] [inaudible] don t take
that about certain people shesaidf1026: aye [inaudible] f1023: just
this was january and shesaidf1038: [laugh] [laugh] f1037: well
mm f1104: they said shesaidf1103: and farr s your
can t talk about shesaidf943: ah i suppose apart
skin til hir syne shesaidfareweill til hir bairns an
s ower strong laddie shesaidfin i mak tae i
at eight eight thirty shesaidfirmly closing the door at
of the young lads hesaidfit she s fit f1024:
s fennel bread betcha shesaidfolk are sitting in poncy
onie ither bodie what shesaidfor a hae nae wutnesses
it didn t matter shesaidfor as they all say
she got sick of mesaidfor god s sake why
all people burns when shesaidfor pleasures are like poppies
it agin sometime though shesaidfrom the doorway like when
t hire you too shesaidgenuinely sympathetic but something else
decision i know you hesaidgraham right so she remembered
she good grannie och ayesaidgrannie with a smile as
the grandchild wisna impressed shesaidgranny can dee t far
tweed troosers och sir shesaidhae ye seen a baldie
she is a cliché yousaidhard on the poor girl
f634: erm and but shesaidhe always got money somewhere
he s a doctor shesaidhe d padlock the collar
reef he suggested whit shesaidhe dropped to his knees
she speired thankfu fin hesaidhe hidna auld joe sangster
in her ear whit shesaidhe stopped moving i want
money on she s ayesaidhe wanted to paint the
vanse cam tae jean andsaidhe was there and she
she s a moabite lasssaidhe wha s jist back
malvolio bit i did shesaidhe wis a pompous wee
care n never ev nsaidhen as she elbowed me
as she ay did ansaidher prayer thy will be
bit him ilkie nicht shesaidher prayers like her faither
yon nae jist uncannie shesaidhere s young donnie paterson
in my tracks hola shesaidhow are you i heard
she burst oot laughin ansaidi aye kent yon lad
i tell you what shesaidi ll take you to
like visiting [censored: forename] and shesaidi m off to phone
to go yet but shesaidi m really uncomfortable and
before she was leaving [censored: forename]saidi m really you know
bastard greg ye might vesaidi m sorry wendy she
m needin a midwife shesaidi think i ve still
dfcp 70 she herself hassaidi think my drive is
turn aboot oh sir shesaidi ve been staunin here
well em when she dsaidi was misbehaving one day
effort at lum cleanin shesaidi wid like tae gang
line this is what shesaidi wis near the philorth
i ve had chickenpox shesaidi wisna here fin ye
she looked at me andsaidif i did the postgrad
had come intae power shesaidif i didna take the
mind what mrs brankin hassaidif she wants to make
she made mi auld ladysaidif wi didnae help ur
than my painting boards shesaidin disgust the second house
it would be joe shesaidin her bitchiest voice and
she returned my greeting andsaidin passing that there was
car f1103: wahey f1104: shesaid[inaudible] [inaudible] want a [inaudible]
i met her and shesaidis that my parcel fae
great difficulty but but isaidit and she just said
[laugh] [laugh] [sniff] f943: shesaidit and this girl crapped
have a wait she justsaidit automatically m1048: oh she
awfu pretty right enough shesaidit is that said the
i ll tell ye shesaidit s a country whaur
he wis still drunk shesaidit s a gweed job
blushed lost yir voice shesaidit s no polite no
just go to university shesaidit s what you want
thing yeah and when shesaidit she was like do-
annie pullar and joseph bothsaidit simultaneously she ignored them
verra weill unnerstaun but shesaidit soundit lyke pitter patter
was a cot de- shesaidit was a cot death
payin she says so wesaidit was [inaudible] it was
food an things but shesaidit was it really opened
of trial but whatever shesaidit was never long before
afore but she s ayesaidit was ower aul farant
sayin i wasna sure shesaidit was too guid a
got no security m741: shesaidit wasn t at all
wes askit hir name shesaidit wes jennie whyte peiticoat
luik at hir an shesaidit wes luiv that ailed
wha she was and hesaidit winna dae for fowk
he s gettin on shesaidit wis her wye o
fin ye cam in ohsaidjimmy she winna be awa
ne ne and erm shesaidjust go so i phoned
don t understand she dsaidlamb innocent i d just
daft as some folk thinksaidlauder i believe she tellt
have said this but isaidlike it s alright she
she kept walking me isaidlook she s basically tryin
what are you doing shesaidlooking for a ring we
see ye monday then shesaidloudly then in a whisper
error nowadays higher still isaidlower yet she responded we
would it m999: so shesaidm1000: aye m999: th- so
go the dentist first shesaidm1128: aye [?]i i am this one here.[/?] f1127: right
hir face an syne shesaidma am ma koolyghin it
bi the ingil syne shesaidma lassie gin ye wul
need to see about thatsaidmabel and she went into
his maister s service shesaidmair right since he was
up my astonishment for shesaidmany people in our town
she be god knows shesaidmenacingly the monster of my
jist like being at hamesaidmorag sadly then before she
s a caddy lamb shesaidmotherless lambs orphans but this
f963: mmhm f965: and shesaidmrs [censored: surname] you know f963:
helping out today katie moragsaidmrs mccoll isn t she
tone of voice as shesaidmy name for it reinforced
yah tease it oot shesaidnae haul t oot by
an ilie cloot she shruggitsaidnaethin the third lassie tracy
an frae than on shesaidnever a wurd an taen
the waiting room and shesaidno and he says well
in the next bed shesaidno because he s foreign
i asked her and shesaidno i cannae travel on
you carrying twins and shesaidno my father s- my
f606: [laugh] f902: an shesaidno no barry s dad
that s it and shesaidno no you don t
not mean the queen shesaidno queen victoria i must
r r y and isaidno she s from torry
asked her today and shesaidno so i cried and
missed one term and shesaidno you can t come
scene and said rubbish shesaidnobody thinks in another language
so i cried and shesaidnot at your age mummy
what does it matter theysaidnow she s dead agatha
of afflictions for it issaidof her she was a
wee while and eventually shesaidoh come on we ll
heard it before but shesaidoh no that s a
f1041: expectin we just ayesaidoh she s expectin f1043:
that context they would haesaidoh she wears the briks
too good so my gransaidoh well she listened to
your phone and she justsaidoh you know i m
thought well she d havesaidoh you re lookin awfy
come to university and shesaidokay that s fine i
said it and she justsaidone word sit and [laugh]
ti kill hir gin shesaidoniething ti ye malcolm that
dwams o hirs haes shesaidoniething whan she wes stravaigin
care for the way shesaidorientation either girlfriends are the
say outside no yeah shesaidout and i didn t
getting so hip now shesaidpatronizing as anything that the
the white bits off shesaidpointing to a little pile
all like me easterhouse shesaidpouring a stream of cream
am jist daein my dutysaidpullar but she could see
four at the end shesaidpyntin tae the yins she
it was actually quite therapeuticsaidricky she picked some out
at jean taylor s shesaidrubbing her abdomen or maybe
came on the scene andsaidrubbish she said nobody thinks
carolanne that s what maggiesaidsadie she s nae shoes
o a guid education aabodysaidsae she sattled fur playin
ll come back for itsaidsandra maybe she will i
will she correct what shesaidsarah boyack i am happy
from the village tomorrow hesaidsatisfied she rummaged into an
cousin s wedding she dsaidscraping her fingernail down the
up your mind then shesaidsecurity or fun or both
can tak him awa shesaidshame on ye sandy tae
sharing was common she alwayssaidsharing was done by people
haes aw growne back againsaidshe an aince mair the
shae you tak this pompitiesaidshe an it wul ease
the man but hir faithersaidshe buid tak him an
in the field an shesaidshe came out to me
murphy s quine wis greetinsaidshe catched her boyfriend cheatin
wid she marry him janesaidshe coodnae let a monster
henwyfe again but the henwyfesaidshe coudna help hir onie
weill for a whyle shesaidshe coudna help hirsell eilidh
couldn t go out isaidshe could come with just
out it is bessie shesaidshe d be late she
which was unheard of andsaidshe d better go i
o hopewell yet she ayesaidshe d bide a tarlan
apparently one of the newspaperssaidshe d fallen asleep at
whit whit she meant shesaidshe d got caddy lambs
do you want so shesaidshe d make me sweet
lang as i wantit shesaidshe d miss these conversations
them then his mither hidsaidshe d niver breath a
the princess fou o wunnersaidshe did that but ah
she uses scots and shesaidshe didn t use it
she wesna verra weill shesaidshe didna ken whit she
breathing after a minute hesaidshe didna misken ye did
jist caa her clytie hesaidshe disnae mind she s
gang til the kirk rashiecoatsaidshe durstna gang for she
ai forget whit ah haesaidshe falls on her knees
that nicht that ah cannasaidshe for ma bairns is
f902: oh no because shesaidshe had a piper when
all last term and shesaidshe hadn t been writing
haed stertit thair dander shesaidshe haed a notion ti
day an whan the lassiesaidshe haed he luikit at
duin as the wyce mansaidshe haed that an naething
and back again as shesaidshe hidna nearly lang enyeuch
always talks in clichés isaidshe is a cliché you
said she wes jaeluss shesaidshe kent ye loued moula
[laugh] like [laugh] and hesaidshe kept calling him it
ti mi della like shisaidshe ll be sat in
colleague christine grahame might havesaidshe might have wanted to
much more tractable and compliantsaidshe nae kennin the noose
fucking collar pause she phonedsaidshe needed help when we
wark yit ti dae forsaidshe nou ah maun set
that she wes saikless faithersaidshe on yeir wey hame
the minister for social justicesaidshe recognised that we must
way up buenos dias isaidshe returned my greeting and
you feelin sick chrissie isaidshe s fine georgie dinna
that f1103: mm f1104: theysaidshe said f1103: and farr
[laugh] f943: [laugh] no shesaidshe said swearing was allowed
later on eh when shesaidshe said that she says
he was like yep hesaidshe shagged him [laugh] he
[inaudible] f807: oh yeah yousaidshe she liked it yeah
f639: eh so but shesaidshe she would have liked
growin atween her legs dandysaidshe stank mebbe she did
thought was like champagne mabelsaidshe thought her grandfather would
again but never a wurdsaidshe ti gowd tree s
living room but my mothersaidshe used tae say through
wes jennie whyte peiticoat ansaidshe wad be gled ti
thoughtful pompitie ay mebbe shesaidshe wad lyke for me
at hir ti gang ansaidshe wad mak the denner
an she wes awa shesaidshe wad never leave me
asked alla about this shesaidshe wanted a quick glimpse
she texted [censored: forename] yesterday andsaidshe wanted to take the
at the waw nou shesaidshe wantit ti tell ye
a serious german woman whosaidshe was a poet an
said that one review hadsaidshe was a political writer
terrible things called her namessaidshe was an ugly cow
your family is interesting albasaidshe was contemplating uncle ewan
the lecturer was oh shesaidshe was freakin out f1049:
was gan jim aye shesaidshe was gan hame dod
with that woman again shesaidshe was going back tonight
was mean and mains eencesaidshe was the greediest person
o troy an some fowksaidshe watched the fecht frae
wesna aye a wutch shesaidshe wes a bonnie young
it for jek jek shesaidshe wes jaeluss she said
she wes seekin an shesaidshe wes seekin sairvice sae
signed up fur speed datinsaidshe wis a romantic cud
oot for pitsliga pancake megsaidshe wis affa sorry aboot
papers it was lorraine kellysaidshe wondered where she come
talking to her and shesaidshe works at this place
telephone at my bedside andsaidshe would attend all the
hartmann yes of course shesaidshe would bring the suitcase
for the new wean shesaidshe would try to write
got saturday off because [censored: forename]saidshe would work it f1049:
and she sai- like shesaidshe wouldn t go home
siller tree no hir shesaidshe wul never git the
she called another fellow whosaidshit shit shit i ve
s guide to arabic shesaidshould we tell them no
for ti keep the princesssaidshuirlie she micht hae it
quite recently an sh- shesaidsince i was married i
work student interviews etc shesaidso i felt sympathy for
and she said yes shesaidso now i went to
was selling all this shesaidsome were individuals some co
because they might have [laugh]saidsomething to her she might
the new boyfriends anyway shesaidstaring at the bride s
me tae say lass sandysaidstepping to the left she
miss troy frowned no shesaidsternly pointing to the plastic
is it ye want shesaidsuddenly out loud her voice
highlanders but nothing she eversaidsuggested that she and ewan
ye soudna lady she ssaidsumthing she soudna a m
[laugh] no she said shesaidswearing was allowed as long
the young quinie fit godsaidtae eve efter she d
and the and the vetsaidtae me if she lives
was nae milk sae isaidtae the lassie an she
ll buy this pair hesaidtae the shop quine she
by the voluntary sector shesaidthat 100 000 people are
end of the courses shesaidthat at the time she
telt the same yairn shesaidthat eilidh need never mismak
holiday you know she alwayssaidthat f631: mmhm f634: every
when she saw me shesaidthat i thought that i
goin mad about it andsaidthat if she didn t
hae neen o t shesaidthat if visitors werena pleased
with that project she hassaidthat in her letters to
was quite jealous when shesaidthat it d be quite
f902: uh huh an shesaidthat it s been an
she would say their fathersaidthat m1000: aye she didnae
was right yesterday when shesaidthat much has been done
was also right when shesaidthat much remains to be
anne donovan talk and shesaidthat one review had said
has been made yesterday shesaidthat people in scotland are
racist part of america shesaidthat reading burns and hearing
and i said yeah shesaidthat s the school you
weddings per year and shesaidthat she could double that
given lots of hospitality shesaidthat she had had 400
came back to scotland shesaidthat she had not spent
in the debate she immediatelysaidthat she hoped that i
was heartened that the ministersaidthat she is committed to
white glasgow snp the ministersaidthat she is glad to
carol ann duffy burns hassaidthat she is interested in
word there ehm billie yesaidthat she s drookit m1042:
eh when she said shesaidthat she says that s
bill was introduced the ministersaidthat she was considering other
she might remember it shesaidthat she was going to
sectors three months ago shesaidthat she was working on
s meeting but fiona mcleodsaidthat she would be late
to free personal care shesaidthat she would not give
the page just as lochheadsaidthat she would not have
at the front m [censored: surname]saidthat she would raise the
f632: uh huh f646: isaidthat tae yer mum she
to 3 500 jobs shesaidthat the private companies would
when i told bobbie shesaidthat there had been something
of discrimination and exclusion shesaidthat there would be three
of her content she hassaidthat this bare style was
what she meant when shesaidthat we are european as
regard to the display shesaidthat we had seen many
welfare state mabel s fathersaidthat when she had a
husband said this my husbandsaidthat when she s in
t f010: oh yes shesaidthat yes f122: she hasn
she said it is thatsaidthe astronomer this place is
you twa a fly cuppiesaidthe matron an aff she
and galloway f809: yeah shesaidthe name of it it
be good for anti cellulitesaidthe other she then walked
bryde an haed she nosaidthe verra nicht afore that
just want to get homesaidthe woman here she said
the hoose but when shesaidthe words the coldness shot
she just said their fathersaidtheir father did this or
or or or she justsaidtheir father said their father
little een though sometimes shesaidthem baith stertin aff wi
as yer airm it wissaidthen a went she is
appeal in england as shesaidthere have been some useful
made an awfie blunder shesaidthere micht be spots o
fond o them she hadsaidthis as one who should
peace sae at lest shesaidti callum aweill ah l
dae an at lest shesaidtil hirsell ai dearie me
i the hinner end shesaidtil hirsell is it no
but as she gaed shesaidtil hirsell whitna peitie that
for all of us shesaidtill you re better and
she was big and somebodysaidto her a- are you
the car and eh shesaidto me did you notice
misbehaving one day and shesaidto me em right get
near f1155: cause what shesaidto me he s either
in the field and shesaidto me see that that
do you know what shesaidto me she blethers so
mmhm m1036: and she alwayssaidto me that you know
went into her room shesaidto me what are you
the pictures and she dsaidto my gran i m
and she said evidently shesaidto my mum all she
played it to julie andsaidto myself if she likes
said the woman here shesaidto the hooker i don
saying today that she dsaidto them er certain things
simple lesson in counting shesaidto them that she d
them so clearly and shesaidto them you goin down
f631: [laugh] f634: and shesaidto to the class now
scotland even the snp spokespersonsaidtoday that she welcomes everything
free personal care as shesaidtoday we are dancing on
and my gran had justsaidtoo late you know she
about scots pride ah shesaidunconvinced but i haven t
i like the idea shesaidvehemently very much two weeks
her there and back theysaidvery little then but she
wycelyke men she secht ansaidwae s me bairn ah
author margaret atwood and shesaidwanting to meet an author
family o fourteen an shesaidwe lived on that confounded
innocence as a nation shesaidwe needed to know about
aye it is an shesaidweel i ll jist tak
just lookin for somebody shesaidwell get and that meant
all this nonsense so shesaidwell i tell you what
the name and eh shesaidwell the name says gordon
time f902: uh huh shesaidwell there s lots of
f631: [laugh] f634: and shesaidwell you do now that
an the first thing shesaidwes guidman guidman whit haes
and three bonny daughters everybodysaidwhat a good queen she
thought of that too shesaidwhat if i ve passed
let him in and shesaidwhat is it and he
she said yes and isaidwhat neil said for me
a dentist but anyway shesaidwhat s wrong with you
is that alright sure shesaidwheeling around she knelt on
re not done here hesaidwhen she came out he
because eh i laughed shesaidwhen she met the queen
it was she who hadsaidwhen the first bairn died
clerk saw me she joyfullysaidwhite christmas and vanished presumably
wes nou feirt sae shesaidwi feim in hir vyce
intae the main course shesaidwid you shut yon windae
filmmaker of great repute shesaidwinnie please do not speak
side grow old disgracefully shesaidwith a grin she took
of tonight s problems shesaidwith the a g implying
was his sister jean shesaidye d been in tae
woman the way an shesaidye ging up that pendy
was just repeating what shesaidyeah [laugh] f631: mmhm f689:
didn t you and shesaidyeah she had the most
that building there and isaidyeah she said that s
she turned round and shesaidyes and i said what
s a dentist and shesaidyes she said so now
more and more so catsaidyesterday i think that she
wifie cleared the table shesaidyon bush at the fit
school in wales an ansaidyou know m605: is she
she phoned the school andsaidyou ll have to send
her pronunciation of hilo shesaidyou say hee lo ah
told me about you shesaidyou were a writer at
i do not approve shesaidyour page three girls i
had phoned me ah shesaidкорбет passport please for registration
ooch problems ay ay robbiesaida freen he d better
an he finished off andsaida right good pish oot
i dinna ken he hasnasaida word since he cam
saying much of what hesaidabout what the tories did
occasion what was it hesaidagain oh aye you look
arguments it was sin hesaidagain when you are of
binna the reivar an hesaidah im no lauchin lyke
sindert frae him sae hesaidah l cum alang wi
as he did sae hesaidah l gie ye seivin
the river an again hesaidah l gie ye yit
ma daddy s favourites hesaidah looked brilliant in this
morag shamefacedly ay an hesaidah wes ti be shuir
usher he s all yourssaidalba pursing her lips alec
is just now and hesaidalways remember it s what
no hear awthing that wessaidan again he wairned cormac
as spoken in aberdeen hesaidan bi wye o giein
bad licht but whan awsaidan duin he is yeir
better than aiberdeen beach hesaidan forbye hidna sic braw
a cheeky wee besom hesaidand felt his accent long
absence from stirling university isaidand he looked at me
these people for years hesaidand i m so glad
about that last night isaidand tell amadeus when he
an artist like himself hesaidand therefore took a great
sri lankans mistrust them hesaidand they are also extremely
even though he hadn tsaidanything funny his big brother
former english touched voice hesaidare you come to preach
to be nothing personal hesaidart isn t personal dear
style drive safely now hesaidas he flashed his travel
o his ain matthew brucesaidas he tuckit his wife
of the scottish arts councilsaidas he welcomed the news
crumble is something else hesaidas the little wifie cleared
motion here it is hesaidat last and produced a
heidmaister was like oh hesaid[?]axe ye echt year ago[/?] m865: uh huh right
poker face an he juistsaiday hooses is funny things
o herrin for thaim hesaiday nae bother at aw
of the housekeeping earlier hesaidaye but i hate leavin
the boss dad and hesaidaye f1133: did he well
said do you and isaidaye he says tell me
that he heard what isaidbecause i made it clear
t read that book hesaidbecause it s in french
he wis english though rightsaidbethia thoughtfully that s how
you silly bitch he dsaidbetween thrusts stupid bloody whore
murray it isnae fuckin earthsaidbilly he keeps saying it
days work oh aye hesaidbit you wis late in
roman feasts were legendary nosaidboswell he is quite different
pleading there s should againsaidboswell he knew he was
and he and he justsaidbr rr cr poh he
he s maybe bossy isaidbut he s nae coorse
means to do nothing hesaidbut heal his soul there
a smoke thanks lass hesaidbut i jist like holding
to hear everything that hesaidbut i quote him from
re ah mm moist hesaidbut the drier s on
jist a remand home hesaidbut the high heid yins
and years erm and hesaidbut you know you seem
sight that was all hesaidby way of an introduction
handed f1027: coordination f1023: hesaidcack handed but i don
case everything that he hassaidcan be confirmed locally one
rink that was before hesaidcan i walk you home
we said oh mm hesaidcause i m a big
did f1139: i thought yousaid[censored: forename] didna f1140: he did
his street cred so isaid[censored: forename] stop that an he
time wis up as hesaidcheerio tae the wee wifie
more water james mitchel hesaidcontemplatively ye crossed the sea
pleised wi hir an hesaiddae you as weill the
go on the mountains hesaiddiffidently seating himself i must
exertiouns wt the beast hesaiddo ye think a man
chynged intil himsell again hesaiddoucelyke til the streinger sir
weill at callum an hesaiddoucelyke ye hae want o
was data management mr elliotsaidearlier that he thought that
fa jist went wild hesaidechty pence the bag wis
ll need some help hesaidefter a meetin it wis
gladys gets it wrong theysaidefterwards he didna mean tae
mmhm an he said hesaidehm the haggis an it
read mrs ower and isaidehm yes he said what
the lesbian lovers yes hesaidembarrassed again and those cousins
can wear this eens hesaidere a auld pair you
the inner chalmer and thesaiderll he chargit him to
essay to finish and isaiderm well he came in
into the study and hesaiderm were you serious about
to stay near cumbernauld hesaidevery morning for church they
m1042: he says him isaidf- fa says that him
f1103: is that what hesaidf1104: yeah f1103: oh f1104:
is telt sae it issaidfin he hid wan tae
wes that weill pleised hesaidfinn coud hae onie rewaird
about star formation really hesaidfrowning everything we thought we
the heathen aboot them hesaidfur aa that he wad
come yon day meg ramsaysaidfur he maun hae kent
he couldnae say grandma hesaidgamma an half the bairns
a duck to water hesaidgave me two more children
voting monsieur he said isaidgeneral de gaulle [audience laughter] oh
well its like this hesaidgently poking the soil with
he leuks deid tae mesaidgeordie ay a doot he
phone to him and hesaidget a supervisor and i
does it for me hesaidgets you goin grease whatever
him my name and hesaidgo along to room four
that was a word hesaidgutties [laugh] f1054: tell me
i left our meeting hesaidhad sparked off memories of
tae galway bay och wifesaidhe atween sooks gin the
of huntlie answerit againe andsaidhe could nocht suffer his
how the judge there hadsaidhe could not be forced
yerkit the placket doun ansaidhe cud stop the royal
spilet imsel wi drink hesaidhe d been in the
every day ahin at hesaidhe d heard of rotten
able to sleep in bedsaidhe d make it there
d j wi the hairsaidhe d spin goldfrapp an
hold her your boyfriend yousaidhe deserted you ach him
that wish then when theysaidhe does not ken what
ll gie ye a punsaidhe gin aabody wis to
be it jim aye hesaidhe got them in aiberdeen
fit i ve got dodsaidhe had a present for
i asked jim an hesaidhe had always called it
was hard going but hesaidhe had letters from several
rooms as one swedish boysaidhe had to wait for
haill nicht throu the duiksaidhe haed haird naething ava
of the celtic league hesaidhe hired a hall in
ma door can i comesaidhe i fixed him wi
ma door can i comesaidhe i fixed him wi
first wife the wife hesaidhe learnt not to do
it wes amaist midnicht tamsaidhe maun gae hame an
breke the forsaid band hesaidhe mycht nocht nor wald
wis fostered oot auld sydsaidhe niver merriet again didna
immortal memory douglas an hesaidhe pung some tae [laugh]
way they did when isaidhe pung some tae ye
blame him you know babssaidhe s a boy after
about it when all ssaidhe s my brither but
a prescription for viagra isaidhe s on benefit the
[laugh] f1143: mmhm an hesaidhe said ehm the haggis
you know what the doctorsaidhe said its quite often
just spoke them an hesaidhe said well the stuff
smyled at the quyne ansaidhe that is the verra
a good tuck in bitsaidhe they aa began yon
me beginner s luck dasaidhe tuik me up tae
wul suin be here hesaidhe wad cum til the
him the streinger leuch ansaidhe wad dae that gledlie
i was gled fan hesaidhe wanted to leave the
glenshee the scenic route dasaidhe warmed up as the
name was adrian and hesaidhe was a graduate student
be a waste her fathersaidhe was a thrifty man
one example as has beensaidhe was also an egalitarian
talkin to but ehm hesaidhe was goin into schools
an abody in the familysaidhe was just awkward m999:
joe you asked andy isaidhe was my business i
in his extremitie for hesaidhe was over sett witht
awricht wi you mither hesaidhe wes gaun ti lowp
whaur he belanged sum fowksaidhe wes malcolm brither ti
fin een o the helperssaidhe wid big the larry
wis somethin to beth yousaidhe wid ken if ye
soul wis sained tho fowksaidhe wis anely pit yonner
his back a pict fowksaidhe wis foo it cam
first twa year the germansaidhe wis gey near broke
said it was plimsoles hesaidhe would definitely say plimsoles
mac the vet callum mclennansaidhe would take me to
yelled along tae he hesaidhi isa i hear you
come on your face hesaidhis breath hot and wet
lifted aff just is hesaidhit we ll hae ta
looked at me and hesaidhmm so i think they
stole alba s eyes hesaidhorrified lily left him there
s right m1106: and hesaidhurray f1105: hurray m1106: no
hand let me oot hesaidi canna breathe vanse nodded
in his head please hesaidi canna vanse plucked the
or maybe he d havesaidi did what i had
tae get their wecht hesaidi dinna want tae overload
on the sutherland report hesaidi do not agree with
at nothing i fell hesaidi had grace and i
same stage 2 debate hesaidi have a great deal
longer this is absurd hesaidi have heard hume quoted
books f606: mm m954: isaidi know he s been
eck noo look here hesaidi ll tak you tae
it towards me pockets hesaidi looked at him i
aye m642: and remember hesaidi mean f643: [cough] m642:
if it really matters hesaidi phone the officer in
you be voting monsieur hesaidi said general de gaulle
a phd this morning hesaidi shouldn t take more
at the british army hesaidi think there are soldiers
he said no no hesaidi think we ll give
such a good recovery hesaidi think you ve had
out past us and isaidi thought maybe he would
what is it and hesaidi ve been h- i
efter he wis finished hesaidi will give you stronger
maybe that s what hesaidif he didna get gweed
asked her grandfaither weel hesaidif it s for yer
for using you and hesaidif only he had used
sforza his stalwart companion hesaidif that house miramar is
who believed him an hesaidif you abide in my
kahu blinds her victims hesaidignoring her zombies eh d
bit ti dae an hesaidim ah no listenin an
ken whit you like hesaidin a puzzled way it
reasons to the government hesaidin a time when many
favour of a census hesaidin a time when many
bit pit out an hesaidin an uppitie bummie vyce
very welcoming bonsoir monsieur hesaidin french [audience laughter] how how
minister to endorse everything hesaidin it the cancellation of
dried vegetables with them hesaidin plastic pouches so i
s confirmation of what hesaidin that letter covering an
they would refer to somebodysaidis he a freen o
because what he has justsaidis not entirely true all
up against the wall hesaidis that my bike over
tho he leuch fin hesaidit as if himsel hid
doesna mean tae say hesaidit but he certainly writes
was said or maybe hesaidit himself tae champion pooer
thing to say but hesaidit i ll phone for
been here months an hesaidit it must be a
thought aboot that when hesaidit m942: aye ye get
religion and ethnicity as hesaidit reflects a listening parliament
pleased aboot it dyod hesaidit s a peety ye
he set aff hame hesaidit s been a great
mmhm m762: that and hesaidit s behind you [laugh]
s a polish name hesaidit s it s erm
the man wis jokin hesaidit s rainin cats an
know his word and hesaidit s shoogly an the
no you don t hesaidit s that s a
d ye ken whit hesaidit s the frisson of
and f806: ah f807: hesaidit twice like two or
shot me a look hesaidit was a fuckin pub
f1027: [inaudible] f1023: but eddiesaidit was plimsoles he said
hurlie burlie seed as hesaidit wes whit he didna
a divert for as hesaidit wesna ilka day that
stert the story robby wheysaidit wis a he robby
gien it five deed hesaidit wis nae better nor
wid i m sure hesaidit wis walnut said ronald
handling it for them hesaidit would take about 3
what the doctor said hesaidits quite often associated with
ye in ten meenits hesaidjist time fir a drag
the phone graham speaking hesaidjoe i hesitated fiona i
to his headquarters oh hesaidjust utter the magic words
ye see is clay hesaidkeek in yer soul and
name is what and isaidkerrie he said kerrie really
and i said kerrie hesaidkerrie really and i said
he could dae nae wrangsaidlauder at last aye that
ye here tae see yousaidlauder he felt slightly sick
for him if he hadsaidlauder it wouldna hae saved
telt me the nou hesaidlest wunter they haed twa
hae nae prayers left hesaidlet me awa i beg
be out of it hesaidlike a guest in a
you had f807: [inaudible] f806: saidlike he comes back and
scene isn t he isaidlisten i saw him myself
for the conservatives and hesaidlittle about the spending commitments
re the best kind hesaidlittoral said morag near wetting
s okay fir you hesaidliving in a big hoose
widnae hear whit name hesaidlook your man disnae ken
f963: mm f965: and hesaidlooking at you it just
wi ya dat can dusaidlowrie an he took da
as a bairn he aysaidma granda wis deid langsyne
ye whit ither puddok weillsaidma lassie he gives another
far better if your husbandsaidmanure do you think he
yoking a young one hesaidmany a time i ve
whan pepper saw pompitie hesaidmercie pompitie ye puir sowl
the flooers ae day hesaidmichty fittin bonny colours i
teacher s name and hesaidmiss [censored: surname] f963: [laugh] so
part of her sweet jesussaidmitchel he was choking on
hear somethin frae ye hesaidmitchel laughed scornfully aye awbody
well apparently not no hesaidmm right well how many
high if he had maclaurinsaidmonboddo was scarcely five feet
best kind he said littoralsaidmorag near wetting herself ah
treacherous conditions like this hesaidmounting his bicycle again with
me the egyptian alphabet hesaidmy arabic sounded like a
i went ower and hesaidmy caravan s inside there
very ehm forthcoming an hesaidmy grandpa kens that poem
da mön rises an hesaidnae mair an i wis
a hantil fliein burds hesaidnaething but burds ir thay
he held his tung ansaidnaething ti this man ir
right page and then hesaidname [laugh] f631: [laugh] f634:
has really gone catatonic mummysaidnearly i know he was
do my sudoku so isaidno and then he penned
ve to do and isaidno he says well you
thought of it as hesaidno he wanted to you
jamieson it was and hesaidno no he said i
run on coal [laugh] hesaidno no why are you
that and eh and hesaidno you don t he
no botherin anyone [laugh] hesaidno you ll freeze tae
up the coal and hesaidnonsense what a lot of
need to discharge you hesaidnormally people like you are
nothing dimps he s neversaidnothing he s noh sayin
dae lilian no he ssaidnothing since yesterday this affair
f943: [laugh] m944: and hesaidnow all of this corner
and the toothbrush and hesaidnow when you go home
[inaudible] [laugh] f634: so hesaidnow you know know what
wi aa the things hesaido yon place fur it
a a the credit hesaidoch i m jist like
matured quickly indeed his fathersaidof him that he was
his piece box an hesaidoh great i ve got
over this fear and hesaidoh i ll just take
finished this essay so hesaidoh it s okay and
he took ae sip ansaidoh me i canna drink
f1103: oh f1104: cause wesaidoh mm he said cause
to sleep in divorce himsaidone friend emphatically he d
look for a lumber hesaidone of the tim bridesmaids
ye that wes whit hesaidoniewey andrey whit haivers reads
minister drunk na na hesaidony time i wis haein
doon for his supper hesaidoot loud i ts yon
tackle cood tak michty hesaidoot loud i used tae
o the lot he thensaidoot loud that s mebbe
show o sweet peas hesaidoot loud this wifie bocht
tae heck wi this hesaidoot loudly i ll hae
be tentie in whitever hesaidor did in his cumpanie
agree with everything that hesaidparticularly about consultants i agree
chae he s a foolsaidpeggy of her husband it
images which surround us hesaidperhaps more significant is this
he haed haird aw hesaidpit you yeir feirs ahint
that decision caught you hesaidpointing his finger at me
hand in the till hesaidpresenting the matter as a
that sword or sae hesaidpuddok is it aye sherp
the test the appaintment cairdsaidquarter past one he d
remorse come on lads hesaidquickly mounting his raleigh sports
lost it a bit hesaidquietly how come that s
hell minnie s da hidsaidquotin frae proverbs fur he
a low syrupy voice hesaidremember this face remember this
he said it wis walnutsaidronald soothingly hanna snarled he
wes as the sklimmar haedsaidsae he set ti wark
across plausibly and what hesaidseemed to be sound and
his riddil an syne hesaidsen ah hae fund the
to be interrupted no hesaidsharply he was not there
willie i says aye hesaidshort like e widna look
i have tae go hesaidside stepping the burly farmer
lass wheeshtie wheeshtie noo hesaidsmeethin doon tib s flarin
he go- an he isaidsomebody that gones fishin an
being formally announced keith hardingsaidsomething important when he said
don t doubt it hesaidsoothingly like a baker patting
ask o me james hesaidstaunin aboot in the nicht
div you think the labelsaidsyrup o figs och he
him yer big loon hesaidtae my ma he ay
o the country side hesaidtae some o the fowk
never a proper name m1042: saidtae somebody fa s he
back tae the bar hesaidtae the lassie i ll
sat aitin his breakfast hesaidtae the wee wifie you
fin he stood up hesaidtae toffie nose i m
eftir he cam back ansaidtak you me ti the
monie o thaim sandy hesaidtakin a guid swallae afore
legislation and diplomacy he alsosaidthat a census would encourage
the local government committee hesaidthat as well as consulting
other local authorities the ministersaidthat he cannot disagree with
to be 81 and hesaidthat he did not feel
mr ingram the site operatorsaidthat he did not wish
her lifetime even although hesaidthat he didn t know
vyborni s death it issaidthat he had a penchant
committee of the regions hesaidthat he had answered in
be given rev a russellsaidthat he had been asked
the consultation process bruce crawfordsaidthat he had been writing
was in his 80s hesaidthat he had reached the
written answer this week hesaidthat he has made no
earlier i noted that hesaidthat he is in dialogue
f890: yes f889: an hesaidthat he says i ll
with a soldier it wassaidthat he struck the soldier
fight the forthcoming election hesaidthat he thought that he
1302 bc and it issaidthat he took the throne
less to scotland he alsosaidthat he understood well why
of the sqa david millersaidthat he was aware of
up to five hours hesaidthat he was concerned about
results would be right hesaidthat he was knocked sideways
as cadging it was alsosaidthat he went caddying at
quite surprised and then hesaidthat he would think about
came from ayrshire and hesaidthat his parents and his
probably misquoted me when hesaidthat i gave him some
i licensed no way hesaidthat if it came to
he will agree that hesaidthat if something is right
day to change things hesaidthat in future capital as
to in november 1999 hesaidthat in regard to the
he required one but hesaidthat it would not listen
he ignored that michael mcmahonsaidthat jim wallace s reasoning
labour s spending commitments hesaidthat labour s extra spending
external affairs in which hesaidthat mccabe is happy and
signed the florence declaration hesaidthat measures within the declaration
the budget document when hesaidthat mike watson properly pointed
change it every week hesaidthat next week he was
the local government ombudsman hesaidthat no local council had
garlic i m glad yousaidthat out loud he s
he left the bus andsaidthat s a fuckin shocker
ben s a perth- hesaidthat s f1027: mmhm mmhm
fu an tae hissel hesaidthat s twae dafties he
fixed the fault noo hesaidthat s your heatin ready
president an that well hesaidthat s your television for
voluntary sector for example hesaidthat social security forms tell
in june in which hesaidthat such legislation was on
evidence to the committee hesaidthat the council was running
happened tae him he alwayssaidthat the first bus that
europe and external affairs hesaidthat the materials might be
large temples of monks hesaidthat the most venerated of
the scheme s effectiveness hesaidthat the number of applications
songs that he collected hesaidthat they were either above
on impact when approached hesaidthat this is normal practice
said something important when hesaidthat what elderly people require
and i said yes hesaidthat would be k e
delighted to tell you hesaidthat you are now most
when he turned round andsaidthat you know that you
dae that ma braw laddiesaidthe auld caird an he
passed the bottle cheers hesaidthe choice of seat had
deny them was all hesaidthe court took note that
you angelica because your feythersaidthe first time he saw
the auld yin his haiverssaidthe guidman an mynd he
but he gethert himsell ansaidthe h h hert o
i don t know hesaidthe interview i saw anyway
all those lives caird hesaidthe ither day that they
n n spin span spunsaidthe laird as he gruppit
the last thirty year hesaidthe maist excitin thing that
or sae the kintrie fowksaidthe man did as he
on alright on the nightsaidthe man he was on
that on 20 february hesaidthe national waste plan based
been tellin a lee hesaidthe r a mukkil raip
fair worn oot awthegither hesaidthe sound of the violin
ootby an we l seesaidthe streinger an thare he
and ha ha ha yessaidthe woman chuckling he was
cause o the way hesaidthem h- cause he was
of thy wicked life hesaidthen pray to him if
used at stage 2 hesaidthere is any number of
in place of fear hesaidthere is no test for
mike went in but hesaidthere was loads of people
him of my concerns hesaidthere were certain aspects of
opinion o rhynie fowk hesaidthere were some differences in
ambassadors for the eypd hesaidthey can educate their peers
he was home and theysaidthey had been in winnipeg
ither polis nearhaun for hesaidthey had brocht a paddy
ma nan aw christ hesaidthey re fu o shite
eat whit ye want hesaidthey re ma ain i
her crabbit yin but hesaidthey re strecht aff oor
an again he smiled ansaidthis is affa fine my
tunes now fuckin hell hesaidthis is jist hopeless you
took the tassie an hesaidthis is my bleed skailed
it an broke it hesaidthis is my bodie gien
wine we mind faat hesaidthis is my bodie this
fest as fest sae hesaidthis is the nearest road
condemns as his vulgarity hesaidthis would be a great
s macphail ya runt hesaidthrough clenched teeth then back
smaw quaet lauch syne hesaidti finn watch me nou
the guidman o the houssaidtil him he trailed out
it didna maitter whit ahsaidtil him he wadna lat
haed bidden him syne hesaidtil his brither alasdair ma
like yeah cause i dsaidtina and he was like
came in and he definitelysaidto her did mrs ower
a crazy story lisa isaidto her what if he
deevil yr master too hesaidto him doe it at
house of fraser type hesaidto himself approvingly no doubt
the first thing he dsaidto me and i was
being bumped up and hesaidto me audrey what on
three years ago an hesaidto me aye right an
try that tack and hesaidto me this is neil
my licence back and hesaidto me well there s
ll mak them he alwayssaidto me when you go
i went in and hesaidto me why are you
came running in and hesaidto my mother yer streetchers
was interviewing me and hesaidto one to the d-
loud cry and then hesaidto us with a bewildered
three years previously there hesaidtriumphantly as the priest knotted
idea what he should havesaidwas look honey this is
you want to dance hesaidway too abruptly who was
no really not really hesaidwe don t have much
a lot of nonsense hesaidwe have four eh big
came before the committee hesaidwe would like the uniform
he shakit his heid ansaidweel geordie a thocht a
and god was of mesaidweir he gave me power
no [laugh] f1037: and hesaidwell do you want to
f640: and eh he hadsaidwell it was never too
word shoogly much an hesaidwell no really not really
them an he said hesaidwell the stuff that s
ve cleared out so hesaidwell ye better move ye
he said why and isaidwell you know the fires
out a plum and hesaidwhat a good boy am
i said ehm yes hesaidwhat do you read and
member has come here andsaidwhat he feels instead of
s that cool f951: hesaidwhat is it [censored: forename] m865:
a gas mantle and hesaidwhat s a gas mantle
feast an wurds he ssaidwhaur dis he hing oot
miss him danny grampa dansaidwhen he heard we were
or two to what hesaidwhen international events and the
ken stand up then hesaidwhipping off the blanket and
for the fires and hesaidwhy and i said well
the minister for justice hadsaidwhy he thinks we do
buy some reid herrins hesaidwillie could easy cook them
english schools ruthlessly selective hesaidwith relish and suddenly i
in the hinner end hesaidwyfe ma broun lassie ah
ye thankless wee vratch hesaidye ll eat fit yer
we cannae tak chances hesaidye ll mind yer name
mools wi his spadd hesaidye ll win awa blythesome
sune as tears began hesaidye maun be sent by
loue hir weill an hesaidye maunna darg owre sair
lyke tattie soup but hesaidye wad be gled ti
erm apparently [sniff] erm hesaidyeah i think so as
said kerrie really and isaidyes he said that would
cheer her up look hesaidyon is a braw fire
s funny grinned jock hesaidyou had them aa pretence
of snakes and ladders hesaidyou have gone down as
marry in summer he dsaidyou have no idea what
starting here today so hesaidyou know what s your
my supervisor about it hesaidyou know you don t
ena seen jim dod hesaidyou went up to him
he did that for hesaidyou yeirsell brocht the fairies

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