
See this word as a collocate cloud

ti the whiskers lu dasaysjuist lea thae alane an
sate a canna thole thissayslu da a m awa
s the wey o tsayslu da a m awa
ll tell ye nae leesayslu da acause o yon
elder for a didna kensayslu da an getting ti
fower horns ti stert wisayslu da an whan he
his excellencie s gracious mandmentsayslu da dir s ten
thae dirty tinks touchin itsayslu da du ll dae
forfautit wi a daith decreetsayslu da gin the lord
s da wey o tsayslu da sae the lord
the owrancer whit s dissayslu da sicna honour ll
len o a puckle taesayslu da ti li zhong
foremaist eastren port howt mansayslu da ti this it
onie ordinar thing ll daesayslu da ye re that
s an unco thing thosaysowrancer lu cry ye them
an tak a dram taesaysowrancer lu haud on or
a wey ti fettle himsaysowrancer lu inti the pouch
gie flesher zheng his sillersaysowrancer lu sae juist you
this wardenrie wad ye brithersaysowrancer lu ye arena maister
ti the sheriff principal hesaysthis lu da he stertit
d read them owre hesaysthis lu da s an
wis naebodie but them hesaysti lu da it s
wi fause intent lu dasaysye re lettin on ye
at shi jin an hesaysa haena muckle by me
the owrepeer o us aasaysauld jin efter ye d
nou ye re here benignitorsaysauld jin hou wad we
auld maister an wang jinsaysgin he s the young
throu gin he s willinsaysshi jin an chen da
a ll tak steipit teasaysshi jin an in nae
a speir yir name guidsirsaysshi jin an the bodie
wadna speir for it backsaysshi jin an ti his
da eastren capital juist himsaysshi jin aweill a ve
there wis hardmen about taesaysshi jin but a niver
freinship s sake ye speaksaysshi jin but ma mind
name that maun niver besaysshi jin for it wad
ti ease the drams dounsaysshi jin mid hairst day
naither hert nor mawkin theresaysshi jin sae luckie li
a look at this brithersaysshi jin sae they pushed
braw lad aefauld an unfyltsaysshi jin wad a bemean
poacher an rabbitman luckie lisaysshi jin whit are ye
toun ay that s mesaysshi jin wi a bou
wha ll be wang jinsaysthe teamaister an here juist
nae cabrach an shi jinsaysti them come awa ben
wir ti lie wang jinsaystil him gin a micht
tak him for ma dominiesayswang jin an the young
o a lamp fine thensayswang jin an we gang
pleasin yirsel a wadna daursayswang jin but it s
me ma ill fashions thensayswang jin frae the weaponsock
as muckle as ye likesayswang jin honest brither we
tell ye nae lee maistersayswang jin it s the
the wey ti fettle themsayswang jin late on i
til ye re richt mithersayswang jin yir lad s
ken braw lads shi jinsaysye ve an honestie about
fur ye maister grunstane shaesaysat shae is yeir sister
his maister and the maistersayshe canna be he brocht
dune that the auld maistersaysleirsman ye re the owrepeer
ye a wadna daur maistersaysluckie li there hesna been
did him a service ansaysmaister a cam seekin a
wis blythe at this ansaysniver you heed maister efter
whit she wes daein shesaysshe aye loues ye maister
ah dae nou maister shesaysshe s vext for whit
ti bring the commontie remeidsaysthe abbey maister but athout
wad juist be aathegither grandsaysthe auld maister an ti
this auld bodie s sonsaysthe auld maister an wang
ye wir waurit ma sonsaysthe auld maister come ye
o a speak like yonsaysthe auld maister juist tak
a maister officiar caum yirselsaysthe barman hou wad we
in his een guest maistersaysthe brithers awa you an
ti ye in aathing maistersaysthe lot o them gin
quate bit beast my maistersaysthe man wha rules my
an said the auld maistersaysthe twa o ye s
a haun the auld maistersaysye re willin ti learn
a fell oot ra bedsaysa doon the wye says
be buried in scotland shesaysah says i but we
told me years later shesaysand he says my wife
[laugh] f646: he says shesaysand i m draggin her
he says come up hesaysand meet me at this
erm you know the mindsaysaye but the body says
i phoned gary and hesaysaye he says come up
f632: mmhm f646: and isaysbut i says can you
and i says but isayscan you be half a
s something she says shesayschoimhead and i would say
she says eh gordon shesayscome over here an see
and he says aye hesayscome up he says and
and i says well isaysconsidering we re talking about
a a teacher an shesayseh gordon she says come
talk- i says uncle williesaysel-el- eleanor s only hauf
whi- she says well isaysexcuse me mrs mowdy could
says aye but the bodysaysf643: [laugh] m642: nae chance
speech f951: it says itsaysformal official speeches here m865:
ye know but eh shesaysgod helps ye she says
f1024: does he f1025: franksaysgutties aye he says gutties
frank says gutties aye hesaysgutties but h- that was
yestrein he says ti mesayshe ah m wabbit fiador
day says i oh harpinsayshe an i gied a
says it cuts nae buttersayshe ll nivver pull the
he says ti me spaewyfesayshe tak you this poutch
the boy says the fermersaysi bocht it for a
in scotland she says ahsaysi but we learnt a
s tae dae the daysaysi oh harpin says he
m1163: you know and isaysi says i- i ve
i ve nae money hesaysi says well i ll
know and i says isaysi- i ve seen you
he s foreign an isaysis he she says yes
here an see this shesaysis that legal i says
fouls the gutter his mithersaysit cuts nae butter says
sorry a speech f951: itsaysit says formal official speeches
bonjour says jean fit likesaysjack the xmas tree stauns
says jim c est bonsaysjacques the auld alliance hist
in the auld alliance bonjoursaysjean fit like says jack
deein year it s gransaysjim c est bon says
says she quite sarky asaysjinty wiz a drunk shut
o them is there isaysjust the wan says she
legal i says what shesayslook oot there and on
f1114: he says meh hesaysmeh f1113: no he disnae
goes oink oink f1114: hesaysmeh he says meh f1113:
that she says no shesaysmy what a lovely stock
later she says and hesaysmy wife and i he
charges i says whit hesaysmy wife has asked me
or somethin like that shesaysno she says my what
says whan ye say simonsayspit yer hauns on yer
says santa there m1128: thatsayssanta there i m gaun
santa there f1127: eh thatsayssanta there m1128: that says
says a doon the wyesaysshe quite sarky a says
throat f632: [laugh] f646: hesaysshe says and i m
but there s something shesaysshe says choimhead and i
i says just the wansaysshe that s a richt
says god helps ye shesaystae get through a thing
time i says uncle williesaysthat eleanor they ve got
[laugh] m642: no the boysaysthe fermer says i bocht
eftir the conference yestrein hesaysti me says he ah
did for the keing hesaysti me spaewyfe says he
what are ye talk- isaysuncle willie says el-el- eleanor
noo [laugh] this time isaysuncle willie says that eleanor
nae money he says isayswell i ll pay it
m1163: you know and isayswell i says considering we
and she says whi- shesayswell i says excuse me
his sort o his isayswell i says when i
a scots version o simonsayswhan ye say simon says
says is that legal isayswhat she says look oot
his i says well isayswhen i was growing up
to the door and shesayswhi- she says well i
i could press charges isayswhit he says my wife
i says is he shesaysyes he only speaks french
you sure jonsar laughs ansaysaye as sure as a
wi doos she replied jonsarsaysaye bit fit happened up
hips neest week the electriciansaysaye jonsar eck replies weel
were aye telt larry akesaysaye noo jonsar you said
a hand tae pack hesayscheerily jonsar eck said tae
came tae the door jonsarsaysi canna smell onything the
the air o jonsar shesaysit s a a richt
asks jonsar eck mary flooersaysit s a affa fine
pancakes jonsar eck laughs ansaysit s aboot time we
jolted intae action eence doocotsaysjonsar at s richt said
be real grateful o thatsaysjonsar eck a rope wis
a word o a leesaysjonsar eck i got stripped
he his deen us weelsaysjonsar eck p s jonsar
a cup o tay shesaysjonsar eck wis nae gaun
ll be doon the mornsaysjonsar how much will it
eck oh michty me ayesaysjonsar i hid baith my
oh aye michty me ayesaysjonsar i hope i m
ere wis stanley och stanleysaysjonsar you cood hae come
jonsar shook his heid ansaysna na i m here
asks foo much jonsar ecksaysoch jist a fiver his
jonsar eck sat up ansaysoh i did hae a
your flooers wi mr technicolorsaystamata feed jonsar said it
their supper jonsar s mithersaysthe morn my lad we
i hope i did richtsaysthe wee wifie jonsar eck
thick as a tree jonsarsaysthis wull hae tae be
roon the fleer roch megsaysyou ken jonsar i hiv
concerned about what the lettersaysabout cadmium and lead and
concerned about what the lettersaysabout lead in drinking water
the letter o what paulsaysabout mairriage firstly she insists
a letter sood be dusaysan da een aboot black
on 9 october the lettersaysdear mike rumbles social justice
took your letter up andsaysdid you get one and
excellent the convener the lettersaysfigures show a substantial reduction
this letter from fiona shesaysi m about to become
able to answer ross finniesaysin his letter case law
for finance and public servicessaysin his letter we need
of the minister s lettersaysit is of course essential
smoothes letter out sadie itsayslooking at beth not the
about sending a letter thatsaysthanks very much for working
exposure to lead his lettersaysthat exposure to lead has
in the letter james millersaysthat he has instructed west
certainly indicates that if shesaysthat in her letter perhaps
that the minister s lettersaysthat there is no scottish
the letter the middle sentencesaysthe committee considers that where
mortem examination the letter alsosaysthe review group on the
cadmium on which his lettersaysthe risk estimates that can
of tobacco products that lettersaysthe scottish executive is committed
claes screivit a letter andsaysti gao the braw ma
screivit a letter but asaysti them seein ye re
of epilepsy scotland s lettersayswe would remind committee members
in the same letter hesaysyou say that your proposal
your hands yes mother hesaysand has to stop where
bony say goodnight to fionasaysandy s mother be a
yeah although my mother justsaysawkward f1144: and that was
mother s sayin why hesaysbecause ye know the polished
told my mother oh shesaysdon t tell me our
hears about it smack smacksaysfiona smiling a queen mother
at mother you job hesayshis blue eyes squinting mother
like the pope my mothersaysi mustn t drag my
oh dear god my mothersaysit s got to the
upstairs and change your underpantssaysmother andy goes upstairs and
be obeyed open tin selfiessaysmother andy seems to ponder
father doesn t smack andysaysmother hastily he just laughs
expensive good jeans i meansaysmother i haven t bought
enough of this selfies businesssaysmother impatiently wrenching the tin
things make everything so obvioussaysmother it s like carrying
fyow raisins then as shesaysnext morning mother poked me
head on her neck andsaysno more mother empties the
and then died my mothersaysoh i ll never f-
my mother and my mothersaysoh the wheels off my
mother s hand yeuch shesaysshall i give it back
her mother because the lawsaysshe is neglected on the
mother for tesco s shesaysshe s not buying any
or to mother miss woodsaysspeak up and he stumbles
andy takes no notice mothersaysthe rector must know what
in er in italian shesaysto my mother and father
mother came down and shesayswhat did i hear you
uh huh f646: my mothersayswhen i looked at her
that way and my mothersaysye came over me there
passed and then my mothersaysye cannae go cause i
never forget it either hesaysyer mother ch- changed about
wye isn it da mensaysat you re no ta
fowk s gey few thosayschen da an there winna
seas we re brithers aasayschen da gie s througang
owrancer bous richt back ansaysda soun o dy name
yer sister s dug dasaysfin he wints tae wind
a job mum mum jobbiesaysfiona da da prrreg nant
mr gobbs noddit an dasaysheh dae yez know how
back ower the door dasaysi ett like a grumphie
tae achieve da nummer threesaysi m a runt that
up tae ye da honestsayspeter a nivir thought ye
jist a glorifeed skiffy dasaysshe widna ken a bar
da back an zhu wusaystil him dinna you get
i wis stupid an hesaysweel du kens whaar da
tae his height an hesayswi da very wye o
used tae say yer dasaysye know f1043: aye m1042:
their coffee thegither yer dasaysye needit yer peels did
new mannie ra morra shesaysa can go wi the
not yourself mr robb shesaysa little shocked by a
i dinna mak it shesaysa sniffy like i bet
turn ll cum soon shesaysa wisht a d taken
agree with everything that shesaysabout europe or with all
f806: eh and then shesaysafter sh- she only works
s head say sorry shesaysagain squeezing my arms even
to sit her dou- shesaysall doon the front of
dinna eat it either isaysan she gings that s
look mer like yersel shesaysan slips me ma wallies
end of the questions shesaysand how long do they
minister i accept what shesaysand i accept that the
soad i love ya shesaysand is giving me a
them to the wife hesaysand she s in convulsions
i m leavin ye shesaysand tears next door tae
if you re sure shesaysand then a wee prickle
we listened to them shesaysand they were getting married
everyone can see it shesaysandy can t tell how
be late for school shesaysandy rushes off one hand
shy f1104: yeah she neversaysanything but she sings she
kit for mallorca germans shesaysare much more interesting to
glaswegian came across and shesaysare youse ready to order
cardboard soles and she dsaysaye but you re better
a word for moody shesaysaye jennifer [laugh] [laugh] an
mean she d suffocate hesaysbecause my cousin got a
she is practically immobilised docsaysbed hard gives her tablets
be more careful robb shesaysbending down from her great
keeps dogs and when shesaysbitch like i can t
come back to this shesaysbut more and more i
slow but sure miss woodsaysbut she ll be cross
all the other bits hesaysbut she was a she
yeah i think that shesayscàil though f947: [inaudible] f1160:
morning send for dr shesayscath has had flu bronchitis
washin fish too much shesayscause ye washed the good
seen onything like it shesayschrissie looks at him sharply
ll never forget it shesays[click] willie he was sittin
on one leg jek shesayscoud she no see ye
or servin lasses aiblins shesaysdinna mak me ane o
to somebody else like shesaysdod please yoursels there s
time we went over shesaysdon t like it m608:
a little for as shesaysenglish is becoming the language
can we go and shesaysf638: [cough] f637: no yer
m1098: uh f1097: then shesaysfarr s [censored: forename] at i
i love you both toosaysfiona by now she has
maniac and ee suck thumbsaysfiona without looking up she
wifies door she appeared ansaysfit are you deein doon
flooers are affa bonny shesaysfit div you feed them
fit ll i dee shesaysfoo mony o them is
the place hands off shesaysget all those things out
about all this noise shesaysgiving him a few shakes
but that s it shesaysgod s no there to
she said well the namesaysgordon s leith eh dental
back pipes up an shesaysgranny do you not know
hold out your hand shesayshe lets go of his
she is reddie for flieinsayshe or naething wad be
just for a minute shesayshe seems pleased enough wi
she f632: mmhm f646: shesaysher prayers regularly i think
all to save money shesaysher starched cuffs creaking and
an passions even thou shesaysherself in a giveaway poets
she gets a yes shesayshiv ye weel ye ll
she was gorgeous if shesayshow do i look he
directions simultaneously or when shesaysi am good at concentrating
em right get out shesaysi can t remember did
jean s voice weel shesaysi could near have made
fund oot later on shesaysi fund oot later on
grandmother in her autobiography shesaysi have inherited in large
drink after lunch tomorrow shesaysi have never met tolo
[laugh] m1146: [inaudible] f1144: shesaysi just took him into
van sitting there but shesaysi mean i don t
m608: aye f643: for hesaysi noticed that she ran
over me there and shesaysi think i m biddin
wis affa squeaky as shesaysi ve left em on
don t smack him shesaysi wait for dad to
cotter s saturday night shesaysich kann ihnen nicht beschreiben
from carole today and shesaysif i go to germany
f646: and eh but shesaysif you ve got a
without giving painful offence shesaysin her autobiography 7 carswell
out your writing jotters shesaysit andy is good at
she wis a lassie yincesaysit aw onywey i hud
it s the way shesaysit f1049: we were in
would like pumpkin soup shesaysit s good will we
it s like havin shesaysit s like havin yer
of dad by mum shesaysit shows what he was
on then aggie oh shesaysit was great hen the
the circle roch meg shesaysit wis me at gaed
whit aboot beth if hesaysjump she ll jump agnes
for sarah oh ma shesaysjust six months will i
they re meaningless when fionasayslast week she might as
phoned me the night shesays[laugh] fiona s no comin
like no see whit shesays[laugh] you should have came
point okay selfies then shesaysletting go of the handle
orange juice nurse fiona shesayslook after morag mouse she
on her motorbike an shesayslook at this great big
the name o god hesayslook she s a the
but she lived an hesaysm608: aye f643: oh my
she go oot an hesaysm865: what did yon wife
[laugh] that s what shesaysmmhm f947: yes she did
i am eighty six shesaysmodestly in almost any european
more ciggies good for beastiesaysmummy but she s still
oh you must be frozensaysmummy she picks him up
there s no reply shesaysneen o ye spik up
and sensible in what shesaysnevertheless there is a dreamy
him all the time shesaysno wonder he smells she
m1096: dinna ken f1095: shesaysoh dear [censored: forename] did she
was fascinated just an shesaysoh i i know what
cood hae a look shesaysoh me dinna worry naebody
mm mm f1097: and shesaysoh well they ll be
he counts them and hesaysoh yes she s she
sighs heavily daddy oh shesaysout loud but without waking
bit of a blight shesayspeggy but you fit in
friend f632: mmhm f646: shesayspeople ll say ye ve
in your private ear shesayspushing him along the hall
ya silly auld soad shesaysputting her arms round me
getting mair money and shesaysright i f643: and gettin
maggie to see what itsayssadie she disnae need tae
maitresse n est telle aabodysayssandy she s nae ataa
a drunk shut yer facesaysshe an clenched ur teeth
lyke wey mebbe ah haesaysshe an than again mebbe
we re playin wi hesaysshe brings them in that
from fredericton u k helensaysshe could drive me to
lassie she s cried inasaysshe d like tae be
hir hydie hole gentil knichtssaysshe dae me nae skaith
for whit she did shesaysshe didna richt ken whit
she s gaun jek shesaysshe disna want ti dee
dinna ken fit this eensaysshe drops the brown one
fur how long maggie hesaysshe fell going in the
o deep purpie wyne drinksaysshe for ye maun be
hale an hertie an shesaysshe forgies ye for the
sister beth wears sexy pantiessaysshe got them at her
bairn better nor hir shesaysshe haesna been weill for
stays in forfar and shesaysshe hears a difference i
ken exactly fit this eensaysshe holds the white envelope
blud when he split itsaysshe how did a split
seen it oan a dugsaysshe huh i sees a
thenk ye ma wee catsaysshe ir ye no the
for highland dancing and geordiesaysshe is stuck up but
but his wife is youngsaysshe likes her man well
the sky girl s namesaysshe ll die for her
the sky girl s namesaysshe ll die for her
of course that wye tobysaysshe ll maximise the income
kuist hir heid hie ansaysshe me ah m gaun
gied me the strap hesaysshe missed ma haun an
no tae pit it oansaysshe near spittin again a
s oor peter s shurtsaysshe noo wad ye shut
ti the verra lest drapsaysshe nou lippen weill ti
motor tae run us hamesaysshe quite joco seein peter
the saft air the driversaysshe ran straucht oot afore
mah faithir telt ti mesaysshe robby plays the penny
s from luxembourg but shesaysshe s dutch she s
it aw the time kristasaysshe s fu o imaginins
an noo her sister sadiesaysshe s gaun tae try
hard to love mummy mummysaysshe s going to make
don t be daft hesaysshe s got holes punched
and she s sc- shesaysshe s shoutin did you
summer and then the manniesaysshe s to go to
in march april so hesaysshe s welcome to use
speak [inaudible] f1103: her mumsaysshe speaks at hame though
wi backs on them hesaysshe spends her time you
mmhm f646: and as shesaysshe talks to her friend
heid o hair ma mithersaysshe telt me that aince
at baith hir sisters ansaysshe the reid bul o
alang wi a bit breidsaysshe til hirsell for hae
my mouth and baby beastiesaysshe wants it i tell
gift for her neighbour andsaysshe was awfae high about
m642: mmhm f643: and isaysshe was badly hurt but
at the labour the wifesaysshe wished a would ve
just is exactly what itsaysshe wound the the flax
feet keep yer voice doonsaysshe ye ve goat white
gave you the strap shesaysshooing him out his arm
fiona interrupts beastie liar shesayssmacking the upside down creature
blether and i say shesaysso how s university i
much are they payin shesaysso we said it was
i block anything else shesayssomething about richard s history
go don t mumble shesayssorry sorry sorry i shout
ye aw right hen asaystae hur bit she jist
jiggin the night hen asaystae hur she sees me
a wee cuppa dear shesaystae jinty there s a
groan sir an this shesaystae mei i m pawkie
s b t m shesaysthank you nurse she is
want ma man workin shesaysthat a cannie a m
from manchester she describes shesaysthat all the women in
the later 1970s so mcseveneysaysthat if she had had
i met joanie and shesaysthat john and doll are
mmhm f646: [inaudible] and shesaysthat people say well how
ain independence bit she ssaysthat s jist a load
happen to you but shesaysthat s no what christ-
record cover christ my fathersaysthat s some voice she
said she said that shesaysthat s what that s
yeah f978: an morag alwayssaysthat she can recognise ehm
that age angelica weel dodsaysthat she does woodbines muriel
with his fiancee and hesaysthat she hasn t moved
that state m1016: she justsaysthat we re gonnae have
m1098: aye oh f1097: shesaysthat you re a silly
she s greek the secretarysaysthe child has fifty aunts
weaver ti trade sae shesaysthe morn ah l tak
driver f643: the poodle isaysthe poodle lived she lived
stiff and everythin and shesaysthe tears were runnin doon
end o the street shesaysthere s no believin it
as a helper and shesaysthere was a complete language
a l skreive what shesaysti help me mynd it
that s good f1071: annsaystidy up time so she
shuir about this but shesaystil him ma faither ye
steid sae ae nicht shesaystil hir kimmer this knicht
looks pleased with himself shesaysto herself getting his own
i asked her and shesaysto me a sattlebed m1020:
of me car keys shesaysto me instantly wee andy
be at school and shesaysto my father she had
the lassie nae hairm shesaysto my ma it s
t well this woman shesaystwo minutes i wis she
two minutes i wis shesaystwo minutes they dinna give
loo little job yourself shesaysunder her breath oh i
you want to be shesaysusing one of her methods
o conscience of course shesayswe ll come up for
anything but she sings shesayswe wish you a merry
a sore tooth and shesayswell get your mummy to
she said no and hesayswell look outside and see
she looked outside and shesayswell there s a little
don t blame me shesayswhat are you doing woman
lynne was up an shesaysye get them on the
where tae f890: oh shesaysyou ll have to go
a tethered dog yes shesaysyou may walk by people
whan he got back hesaysa cannae understaun some folk
the fowk forgaithert there hesaysa hear there s thrie
wye wi its teeth hesaysa nivir even touched it
the heidmaist place but hesaysa wadna daur say the
the lice were murder hesaysadding to the sense of
round and erm he justsaysaha cause cause m804: [laugh]
and he s- and hesaysall p- all all popular
deid ae you stupit biffsaysan he stops walkin i
ti the lord clerk hesaysan ye re willin ti
that s it then hesaysand he gives me a
publisher so am i hesaysand invites me through the
son gug gug gug hesaysand it sounds as if
see the damn lawyer hesaysand tell them tae get
aboot it noo eventually hesaysand you can draw comfort
met with jesus an itsaysas he was so are
agh aw jinty moant ansaysaw my goad he s
yang chun an zhu wusaysay a ve heard he
on t aye willie isaysaye he said short like
him stopping himself fiona hesaysbeastie s proper name is
in f632: mmhm f646: hesaysbecause if he stitches that
me tree nyil cheteereh hesaysbefore i get the chance
ye ll believe onythin hesaysbloodless his mither is i
he aye haes ideas hesaysboys i tink we sood
the gallowlee my self hesaysbut mynd and do not
mysie wes thare wheisht luathsayscaermoulis an he taen a
been in see what hesayscarolanne no you don t
stöd grinnin john alec hesayscome an pit in a
aboot me shooders an hesayscome du in lass we
staunin in the hall hesayscome in here he had
an ti the lad hesayscome ye ti the cloister
re a different [inhale] hesaysdifferent words he always calls
wey o speakin and hesaysdod willie i cam awa
you see and ach hesaysdon t be daft he
instead he whispers grampa dansaysdon t get your hair
his knees right up hesayseanie meanie mynie moe and
the back door and hesayseh could you shut the
agnes susan s ill hesayseven if i don t
would you say an hesaysf1026: [laugh] f1027: plimsoles [laugh]
playin wi that cable hesaysfee fi fo fum i
he say m1108: he hesaysfee fi fo fum who
symons and ernest dawson eliotsaysfrom these three he got
doon his haand an hesaysgeng du hame mam we
is gaun tae smash kilmamocksaysgeordie but he is not
landed oot at sea hesaysgeorgie fit aboot muriel an
s up tae you hesaysgit him sorted he owes
and what s wrong hesaysgiving no suggestion that he
aboot ten minutes later hesaysgranny i cannae i can
staucher ti s feet hesaysguidsakes a wis near killt
a different dialect altogether hesaysgutties i would i would
f1113: his daddy and itsayshappy birthday dad and he
mmhm and over here itsayshappy birthday dad f1114: he
climb it s another mansayshe ah ah [exhale] [child noise]
whyle he forgied hir wyfesayshe ah killed a sheep
alasdair ti ae syde ansayshe alasdair ma brither ah
ti ye aw in wattirsayshe an bedein the reid
i m speirin oh harpinsayshe an i felt like
day i askit oh harpinsayshe an i tuik my
bou an thrie arraes murdosayshe an wyse me ti
somebody else stoaps it naebodysayshe asked fur it by
wrang ere s nae mucklesayshe at i dinna ken
naig ever kick at awsayshe at lest in a
back to your bible brotherssayshe before ye try to
s a yung knicht hesayshe brings wurd frae a
we ettil ti gaun onsayshe but meg didna lyke
him anent wee fairie wummansayshe dae ye ken whit
ferrawa wal ay ay wyfesayshe did ah no say
and heat exhaustion one sourcesayshe died at c an
the catch all the ministersayshe does not have there
v driest january since 1797sayshe february saturday 1st temp
finished it yet prof [censored: surname]sayshe finds it eminently acceptable
closet again in fact michaelsayshe first started talking about
hed frae aa thae dominiessayshe for a m richtlie
a frein o yours hesayshe haes guid news for
aw owre the place hesayshe haes seen sum o
several faculties mark for examplesayshe hardly worked for his
the loon s benefit sosayshe i begood to see
ooter door yeir hieness hesayshe is a mediciner an
there tigger f1091: mmhm tiggersayshe is hungry for a
connection wi jack thomson ohsayshe is that a fact
been aboot e close ayesayshe jock mckay ye re
abuin the knee jynt hesayshe l want sax men
weather cock jetted tae spainsayshe ll nae be returnin
gaun tae ma maws finesayshe ll no swear or
bydes in oor houss nousayshe look you doun the
rolling sky boy s namesayshe loves her all the
he hears her purr hesayshe loves the feel o
cry me gao the brawsayshe lowtin doun an claspin
throu some papers mr mcbeansayshe luikin ower his hauf
that war staunin tae neirhaundsayshe ma leddies is aw
dinna even ken yeir namesayshe ma name is caermoulis
gaun aye soft a bitsayshe my feet were fairly
ahint me ma bonnie quynesayshe naebodie wul lichtlie ye
s ca guid mornin pharoahsayshe no blate guid mornin
gey weary guid mornin tamsayshe quite cheery an whit
entries our own native onesayshe s an artist and
connor mcgraw thinks hard andsayshe s bringin ma bluidy
tae santa said prancer hesayshe s concerned fur the
see hir this mornin hesayshe s cum aw the
castle at dunsinane sum fowksayshe s gaen gyte awthegither
an awfu lyke temper hesayshe s gaun ti hunt
ai mercie tea wyfe hesayshe s gaun ti kill
have some money so hesayshe s going to authorise
have asked him and hesayshe s got no regrets
tsk it s another mansayshe s he s goin
rumour that s fleeing aboutsayshe s making a front
miss benjy even tho masayshe s nae my dug
wee pickle it wis hesayshe s no sae gleg
me a bit ae papersayshe s no tae come
his bad back diggin tattiessayshe s noh comin in
how s birkie the vetsayshe s okay it s
ithers that hates him lesssayshe s reamin fou wi
s for absolute nutcases hesayshe s stunned he s
39th birthday tomorrow and hesayshe s trying to forget
farr s [censored: forename] at isayshe s with his granda
size just as miss woodsayshe should he could write
the chemist for that areddiessayshe tae stap fowk talkin
a whein bleirit the daysayshe tell me murdo see
if that would dae daesayshe that nail would hold
asking other lawyer agent triessayshe thinks it will be
in the gret wattirs ansayshe ti the otter but
ails ma legs the daysayshe til himsell a never
ful in the face ansayshe whit ma laddie is
adel up the hill whosayshe will help me i
does exactly what miss woodsayshe writes a lovely round
im saikless ye liein jaudsayshe ye wad murder ma
f1054: is that m1042: hesayshim i said f- fa
of leslie s prose hesayshis built periods are those
the experience was handy hesayshis imprisonment sounds no less
jack barr s a writersayshis muse arrives when he
aberdeen university but maistly hesayshis real education was on
daesnae uise cause as hesayshissel it s the border
a neeper fairmer an hesayshiv ye a coo to
gig at the time hesayshow times change in more
that afore either doaky hesayshow ye doin doin awright
see doc in evening hesaysi can take another week
unto a savage race hesaysi cannot rest from travel
that remark born again hesaysi cannot understand how a
mmhm f646: i i hesaysi d to sit her
not big on breakfast hesaysi got up late today
to break with convention hesaysi grow old i grow
yon blood sooker yit hesaysi haud oot ma hauns
attitude towards those recommendations hesaysi have carefully considered the
east nairn and lochaber hesaysi have very grave doubts
sportmanship fit is hardie tacklesaysi hope he is nae
an he said that hesaysi ll turn my back
efter aboot twa year hesaysi m fed up o
football or stuff either hesaysi m sure some celtic
was so happy with hesaysi needed it but the
your snaps sam [click] hesaysi showed them to the
the knawledge that as hesaysi ve been anaesthetized wi
word or not but hesaysi ve been followed home
pound for it well isaysi ve nae money he
yin o the meetins hesaysi ve only one complaint
are you talkin aboot hesaysi was aye askin questions
thocht aboot that and hesaysi was just wonderin if
i remember that well hesaysi wore a lime green
wantin a bittie f1141: hesaysi wouldna say no but
been bawling them out hesaysif he s not careful
fearfu fuss that fruit hesaysis no fur us eve
reached a hunner life hesaysis sic a scunner ma
the field gin what hesaysis true we canna rin
cause all he all hesaysis you know there was
it s the way hesaysit cammy woooooh fuckin hell
ma haun ye ken hesaysit s aginst ma haun
wi yin o there hesaysit s great eh the
was the wrang wey hesaysit s i just cannae
in the mid 90s hesaysit s proved itself again
i felt free of hesaysit s strangely reassuring to
not the case rather hesaysit s that glaswegians have
even mair serious lookin hesaysit s the other thing
cammy fuck all less hesaysit thru doll is that
the air was there hesaysit was cold most of
terrible shift work but hesaysits better than nothing norman
of that incident and hesaysjust as moses lifted up
gardens constantly and as hesaysjust [inaudible] and they have
no tae be borne hesayskeep ma bed for the
eh on ma barrae hesaysledders an an slates an
change of my wit hesayslife will be all the
the scientific thing and hesayslike he s quite he
he was losin me isayslisten i m quite happy
front of him yes hesayslooking straight into my eyes
the present mrs wogan hesaysm1007: [laugh] m1008: to keep
s almost as if hesaysm741: i think that way
wu an the ithers hesaysma dominie leirsman wang s
nicodemus es apprehension o hesaysmarvel not be not surprised
your chicken dippers and hesaysmm i would like some
no wonder he runs awaysaysmy daddy and i think
qualified to give it hesaysmy great friend mr bono
for him this friday hesaysmy ideas sound good so
shouther wi hiz thoum hesaysmynd ye weill auld birkie
to help me f1104: hesaysneigh this a girl ain
to send for doctor hesaysno danger 20 sunday to
you ve been smoking hesaysno it was baby beastie
relief is an understatement hesaysno one looks forward to
every one of them hesaysnone of them is wrong
away he came out hesaysoh anybody left handed s
auld stanley bides the ladsaysoh aye he s flittin
i m biddin [laugh] hesaysoh god i carried a
he was talkin aboot hesaysoh i think we understand
explained in english and hesaysoh i would say i
s a munter and hesaysoh it s it s
his garden yesterday so hesaysoh we re havin an
chord with me when hesayson his website i have
the loan the day hesayson ma oh sorry on
member recognise that what hesayson the withdrawal or acceptance
it s not what hesayspause it s the way
he no blate guid morninsayspharoah tak a sate i
div fear t v manniesayspressure low if he asked
it feels that way hesaysquick as a flash i
paper bye bye jobbies hesaysquietly as if to himself
for his mercy repent hesaysrepent whats to repent will
go he s in uniformsaysright come on in sit
m608: oh right m642: hesaysright i ll need twa
place the millennium marquee [inhale]saysright in you go he
rookie at the time hesaysright we re gien ye
what we can dae hesaysso he ge- goes in
it up on tuesday hesaysso i was tryin to
other man is smiling hesayssomeone once said that i
he opens his mou hesayssumthing silly toozenbach he is
davie his best pal hudsaystae him he d come
intae the mill and hesaystae me i often wonder
div i dee noo isaystae mysel then he turns
seen him the first hesaystae tony deek yon gadgie
don t know what hesaystalks too quick f1054: do
and i said aye hesaystell me what s in
people of that country hesaysthat a state that wants
but that s he alwayssaysthat and we always just
the rural affairs committee hesaysthat deadline 2000 has been
for one last adventure hesaysthat he feels that he
question in the census hesaysthat he has since seen
f1023: he often he oftensaysthat he often f1024: [laugh]
stars until i die hesaysthat he will go out
pouer to dorigen insteid hesaysthat he will take no
my newsagent knows them hesaysthat hercules androkles the owner
s no ma problem hesaysthat in itself i might
arguments were rather spurious hesaysthat it is okay to
er the translator and hesaysthat one of the things
his report but when hesaysthat only 25 million has
the meter spin and hesaysthat s it get the
ago a translator and hesaysthat the same thing happens
partnership he quoted ecclesiastes whichsaysthat two are better than
more far reaching consequences hesaysthat where the negative procedure
two sentences and miss woodsaysthat will do he isn
s officiar lord clerk zhaosaysthe auld ane here he
cuidna thole thon aither hesaysthe croun deserts the kess
bairns an a guidwyfe weillsaysthe crowner he is yeir
goes way way back hesaysthe glass stuff is alright
muckle laughs in it runcimansaysthe laddie s feart he
gin he s the paipsaysthe marischal an the abbeymaister
an hungry no bad hesaysthen he catches a whiff
f646: you know and hesaysthere they re chaffin away
war it was pandemonium hesaysthey could have been better
know the polished bench hesaysthey had ye know wooden
when he s angry hesaysthings bad things boot stuff
gordon s on aboot hesaysthingummy i say oh what
part of it an hesaysthis book of the law
i left george square hesaysthree double decker buses had
a sudden ae day hesaysti gao the braw we
ti get up but hesaysti the guidman a ll
doun til his denner hesaystil hir afore ah stert
hour wis weirin late hesaystil his auld mither heiven
wyfe sae ae day hesaystil his sister eilidh eilidh
bit more content now isaysto him once he finishes
align the articulatory organs hesaysto live in russia is
out of bed and hesaysto the guy in the
weir we beseek ye hesaystrouble me no more wt
your old andy then hesaystrying to push me past
aw sorts o things hesaysup tae where i was
know aye they told hesayswe re havin another boy
in the 17th psalm hesayswe shall be satisfied when
s away now aye hesayswe went er we went
then he turned roond andsayswell have ye ever he
you do that for isayswell he did he wouldn
and and he he almostsayswell i can t do
are ye lookin for hesayswell i ve got tae
the whole thing cause hesayswell it s m741: yeah
i don t know hesayswell run out and ask
asked my husband an hesayswell that s a close
everybody ll laugh and hesayswell that s why you
dae ye mean and hesayswell they re kind they
cheerier lot an then hesayswell you might see me
and i said no hesayswell you ve to go
be a late developer hesayswent to college in my
at a ruggerbaw match hesayswes it a guid gemm
the guard and then hesayswhat and then loo- and
a double espresso jesus hesayswhat are you trying to
was the driver and hesayswhat happened tae m642: hm
actually see the work hesayswhen you see work by
wey an walcomin it hesayswhit a braw caller air
aroun him ti hissel hesayswhit cantraip s this whae
an writin an if hesayswhit he speaks is border
i hope that what hesayswill be more sensible dr
programme pretty much everything hesayswithout hesitation if it doesn
ye know oh well hesaysy- eh this man declares
aye m642: and he hesaysye a good job i
me las- last year hesaysye know f606: mm f1039:
f643: aye m642: and hesaysye ll hae tae watch
t it but he justsaysye need tae relax try
wantin ye keppit for hesaysye re juist lettin on
ootby in the haw hesaysye wantit ti see him
m608: yeah f643: and hesaysye were a young lassie
smyll o ane legaiter hesaysye winna be nedin thon
ti the lord clerk hesaysyir freinship s misreckont lord
an ti the abbeymaister hesaysyou anes wad hae hinnert
you ve heard what hesaysyou have to go away
ower and eh so hesaysyou know just a long
m741: right m605: because hesaysyou know ma language is
point like he he evensaysyou know that he wants
night in fact even hesaysyou know this whole sociolinguistics
been mistook fir ye hesaysyou ll let me out
and he said oh hesaysyou mean jine in so
come to visit him hesaysyou must be a teacher
it s two bedrooms hesaysyou must have a sittin
wee window and had hesaysyou takin me such and
f1144: is it well hesaysyour kegs [laugh] [laugh] f1054:
the enorm lashangalaivie o auldsayseith funn i thon maisterstik
but quicklike the auld bodiesaysnae need o lowtin doun
auld coo s udder pusssaysoanyhin wull wull robby pour
wir ti dee for yesaysthe auld ane but it
brodstaff an rung hae wesaysthe auld bodie an wang
up i the houss thosaysthe auld faither fur a
o a keings ellwand weillsaysthe auld man ti hissell
nae hero the auld speaksaysthe tiger taks nae cabrach
saxty year auld the constablesaystil him marischal gao hes
yon auld car alexander holmessaystowser wisnae affa pleased wi
boay a dug but yesaysa whit wye wi its
rest an ti him profunditassayshey laddie whit s in
there it is andra whitsaysi turnin roun tae see
short adjournment certainly my lordsaysmcbean no kennin juist whit
eens here s whit hitsaysregarding the demise of norn
misheart whit the doctor hudsaystae him bit it didnae
in yir buckets guid drinksaysthe boy whit is t
inglis whit d ye expeksaysthe loun hiz tung lowsent
ben the hoose ken franksaysthey ll no ken whit
fowk derns thair luiv whasaysthis is whit ah want
his respecks an the bodiesaystil him whit s yir
freinds that s whit gogolsaystoozenbach an ah feel lyke
ti the sheriff principal ansayswhit cam ye for a
zhu wu an yang chunsayswhit for sud the haill
at the door marischal hongsayswhit kin o a haa
elba in ma ribs asayswhit s that fur cat
coat and lipstick oan asayswhit s up hen but
her haun aff me isayswhit the fuck are ye
or whit agnes nae lawsaysye huv tae stey wi
ma heid s aw bluddinsaysa it s supposed tae
that shurt afore here jintysaysa this is no ma
ma merk yet the spaemansaysa wis ti get meikle
ma mammie guid mornin bobiksaysah guid mornin ma praiciuss
ayont the houss whan cormacsaysalasdair ma brither the r
wee thing sae the eldersayscome ye awa inti ma
better o me ma ladsaysi an syne i gaithered
and adds ma boy friendsaysi dinnae have tae work
been i ve no beensaysi jist gaun weel ma
fur ma bankie yon wifiesaysi m jist a cheeky
fur ma bankie yon wifiesaysi m jist a cheeky
ett like a grumphie masaysi ve the sense o
jist gaun weel ma mithersaysif ye re efter a
gaed awa kis ma faithersaysit is waek ti shed
in edinburgh as ma grannysaysm1021: all this aye education
aunsert mysie but ma mithersaysnae wycelyke callant wad luik
my ma s knickers ansaysoh fit a shame fit
hissell doun asyde tammas ansaysricht ma wie mannie whitlik
leans ower tae me ansaysright intae ma ace ye
dae the denner ma guidsistersayssee you til the horses
there was no sugar masayssorry there s nae sugar
s sayin well ma daddysaysstealin is stealin and ah
felt masel gettin angry isaysthat s no ma problem
drams in forgie me dominiesaysthe guidman but ma hous
cum on ma wie mansaysthe peronall lat z ben
they re aye hungry masaysthey maun hae wirms minnie
tak til ae day caermoulissaysti mysie mysie ma jo
ye re reekin ma mithersayswhen i went ben the
addiction the risk ma doctursaysye better come aff them
bide wi us fyles masaysye d think they war
nae wunner thit ma kimmersaysye re ready fer the
chance when a get yesaysa a ll molocate ye
chowed an chowed gie mesaysa awa wi ye wutch
ye for an the laddiesaysa bring the drink juist
even sayin them right coercesaysa coerce should ye no
yankee treble aw peter sonsaysa huv ye cum wi
e face caal kin isaysaye did ye see e
road in an ye pleasesaysgao the braw sae the
out the wey bit ansayshere ye ve some nerve
him whaur wad ye besayshir man but in yeir
hiz breith a kent itsayshiz accusatour ye ar lik
the arles weel the ladsaysi ll come tae ye
aa by ye were wrochtsaysi o whatna sort is
the wall f940: ye itsays[inaudible] next to it gently
can speak anaw an itsaysit kens ye yeir hieness
a real founerin so johnsaysit too ye know if
a different aunser yeir gracesaysjennie ye ir an affront
mckay ye re here ayesaysjock i jist craalet doon
ye cuid imaigin michtie mesaysjohn astonist thon s a
ll come wi ye thensaysli zhong wha s waitin
ye should say athritis naebodysayslumbago these days agnes ah
cause you do f1093: whosaysm1094: how do ye how
oan is leg hullo sonsaysme did sumdy foul ye
ti you ah mynd yesaysmeg whan ah wes a
ye cannae help an whasaysneb nooadays that s anither
ye know but mrs mackareesaysno it s none o
power that rules on highsaysnoo ye ve had yer
ll staun ye a dramsaysprofunditas it s kind o
ye drink a m nosaysprofunditas sae get a drink
oot ye see an yesaysright tam [inaudible] i ve
at the henwyfe the henwyfesayssay ye winna tak him
henwyfe again an the henwyfesayssay ye winna tak him
soud dae an the henwyfesayssay ye winna tak him
aboot that ye see natashasaysthat bobik is no weill
that resolution eh but basicallysaysthat the ye know the
dan wabster s bike faithersaysthat we maun watch ye
s kind o ye dominiesaysthe airn warker but a
ay ye re daein weillsaysthe bodie daimen eel rairs
s the wey o tsaysthe bodie juist byde ye
wesht his hauns the servitorsaysthe elder bids ye come
ye bringin mair praisents forsaysthe elder the r plenty
gie s a drink dominiesaysthe guidman d ye no
ti keep ye here owrancersaysthe lord clerk a dout
ye ll see the mornsaysthe marischal whan a ve
siller masel nae bother owrancersaysthe teamaister juist gang ye
inti the chaumer the eldersaysti him tho ye stertit
faur better ye re richtsaystiger lowp the burn chen
zhu wu kneels doun ansaystil him brither ye re
guid file and the fairmersaysweel are ye takin the
lookin ablow the bed isayswhat are ye lookin for
life belt brigade [eating] isayswhat dae ye mean and
speak slang sometimes but isayswhat was that ye were
the drams doun the barmansayswhitna mait wad ye hae
o man m1010: aye m1012: sayswumman ye ye wouldnae talk
ye dinna ken big brithersaysyang chun gin it s
the piece o paper thatsaysye can tak him awa
i aye a vampire biffsaysye ever see him at
kens ye yeir hieness itsaysye ir expekkin it ah
oh weel the old boysaysye ll hae tae winner
s yin tae i jistsaysye never see him till
no unco fleyed the commandersaysye re but a herd
milk for supper the doctorsaysye soud eat naething but
like m1128: toys f1127: yousaysye ve enough was you
m a richt georgie ronniesaysye were bein sick in
wouldn t ye aye eddiesaysyou that shagged linda clark
him out dinna gang brithersayszhu wu but bide ye
fit es literary kinna ladssaysaboot e hard northeast e
ower his truck fin teeniesaysdiv you see fit geordie
an somebody comes up ansaysfit fit fits fit beet
job winnin by an wallacesaysfit s at craiter seekin
fit wis goin on ohsaysthe mannie i raked this
ken fit i mean isaysto her a posh young
haadin the thanksgivin service ayesayswallace bit fit like is
pyntit ti the gallery ansaysa d taen ane gless
tyme ti waste on yousaysah that wes richt stuipit
stae hidden cammy n dimpssaysah ve ti watch you
o chiel wad a besaysgao the braw ti daur
verra blyth ti hear tsayshir guid faither an a
doun ti the gruns ansaysin truith fair madam ah
ti his lug zhu wusaysit maun be siclike an
lent proces o the courtsaysmirren no ti be that
dae ti be hingin aboutsaysquarto wang sae a cam
want ti gang ti gloresheddaesaysthe bawsent worm yang chun
creish intil t fine sirsaysthe flesher an ti his
e en dae it maselsaysthe flesher an ti the
him in ti dine ansaystil him yon gao the
aw good goad in govansaysa tae him did you
tae him every week isayscome on you come up
in that case as isaysi don t mind him
him nae mair blood sookinsaysi thon vampire s kaput
on him jings minister isaysi used to ken a
spade hings the paper tapsalteeriesaysit keeps him feelin cheery
as heid o the kirksaysjesus christ is above him
for all to know tigersaysmr thespiosis told him that
not misken him next tymesayssir andrew bowing at them
referee tae jake monie ansayssomething tae him ere wis
muck [inaudible] f643: and isaystae him who would lift
him i said f- fasaysthat him f1041: [inaudible] [laugh]
the elder about him haverssaysthe elder juist you think
richard dicky head as jakeysayswe ve to call him
i asked him an isayswhat do would you say
him that wadna dae aithersayszhu wu for gin chen
sic ill fashions the laddiesaysaw but a ll no
like a book and itsaysawa i ll just pronounce
owre the score fowk ayesaysdrink ll mak a thing
ll make further inquiries daizalsaysi could get a job
e rik e nicht isaysi ll be gettin some
and fifty pound and isaysi ll buy it aff
is shaks her heid ansaysi ll jist wash the
looked at her my fathersaysi ll never forget it
i kent when the wifesaysi ll see the boss
screws up her face ansaysi ll shift em afore
aye i suppose i coodsaysi you ken i ll
you ll ha e tillsaysi you ve to mak
nineteen eighty two and isaysit ll tak ten years
the architect f606: mmhm m822: saysit s unlikely they ll
school and that so theysayslook we ll try to
ll make a scrum halfsaysmy daddy who is laughing
final flushin wisnae ere ronaldsaysoch i ll seen pit
ll abide wi t aasaysprofunditas sae then it wis
m642: and i pit isaysright i ll put twa
son concludit but the mithersaysson a ll slee awa
suggested a saw mill yousayssu-ses-sugge- say we ll start
sake awa you an sleepsaysthe elder an we ll
ll stert them nou thensaysthe guildbrther takin the siller
oh nae big betsy ochsaysthe judge i ll explain
ll see see what dadsayswhen we go home okay
be sae a rare ploysaysyang chun a ll gang
jinty helt me doon petersaysa speak tae me son
me and me f1123: itsays[censored: beginning of forename] [censored: beginning of forename] what what s
sum hoose vaishle aiblins ruthsaysdinna mak me ane o
you tell me what itsaysf1122: okay f1121: what one
second cousins robby an mesaysgerda cairrin oan tradition the
tell me göd heevens hitsaysher name is mitten mitten
great duck race well nowsaysi and thinks to me
t answer me my fathersaysit s a damn good
unison there [laugh] m1020: naebodysaysme e e [laugh] f1054:
i sleep well dear mesaysmrs scott with an elaborate
have to wait your turnsaysmummy frog to me then
wumman try me oot shonasaysnothing but clenches her jaw
that a dug but mesaysra boay a dug but
dun tae me okay jimmysaysra yella jaikit wi an
never offered me onything justsaystae rest it neil have
wi me but the medicinersaysthe whuskie wad be the
me through the ventilator jimmysaysthey have to stand on
and that and then [censored: forename]saysto me i think i
of his helmet and olivesaysto me lie flat on
looks straight at me andsaysyou know i could press
doesnae say your husband itsaysa male partner an a
tae say exactly what gordonsaysanyone living in big house
say i an the doosayscroo aa the gossip an
say i an the doosayscroo fas bin chorin an
say i an the doosayscroo this braif toun eerily
s aa that say thatsaysdisneyland resort paris oh fa
that is all the proposalsaysit does not say that
say like f1107: well thatsaysm1108: aye f1107: chicken licken
little princess again say sorrysaysmummy in her firmest voice
not that was a jokesaysmy daddy say goodnight to
one does that say itsaysold king cole was a
yet say that the treatysaysthat it may progressively lead
f1113: is that what pingusaysto his mum f1114: say
say guernsey but as gordonsayswhere it actually originated from
also wanna say the biblesayswords i ve spoken jesus
heck s m1016: well itsaysyoung person it doesnae say

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