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eyes whitever it is yirseeinit s jist yir imagination
yir name s no likeseeinyir face for the sicht
east stuck to easter sundayseeini m on aboot easter
dy name s no likeseeindy face for the sicht
saw an unco sicht butseeingin a tell ye ll
fair crouss lyke ah wesseeinthae fir trees an maples
ye wauk on bye naeseeinthe wids fur the trees
wids fur the trees orseeinthem daurna explore fur fear
in e wee hotel anseeinere wis aye plinty o
ye some fin ye startseeinfit s nae ere i
s usually less chance oseeinonybody onywye ere wis eence
gangs oot haad awa faeseeintill e beas though ere
pleased wi fit he wisseeina thrashin mull wis a
fix bappy wis torn atweenseeinan nae seein his mither
wis mixin an ye wisseeinbaith anaith yer feet it
on me an ah wisseeindemons an faeries an all
tools e hid tae useseeine layerin wis sae ticht
mow e ripe craps anseeines wis fit ye micht
wis bit e excitement oseeinfit wis happenin got s
like as if he wisseeinher fur the first time
didnae like fit he wisseeinit wis a wee bittie
e cat likit it anseeinit wis in e extension
the door cryin flesher zhengseeinit wis owrancer lu flesher
aathegither fae fit we wisseeinnoo e wis at intent
some micht argue it wisseeins an ailin shelt hid
i thocht that anely richtseeins he wis granda s
a plate o yaval brothseeins the kitchie wis nippit
it wis ill tae tholeseeinsteenhillock pet her the wye
wis surprisin thays got inseeinthays wir baith steamin bit
english he wis german onseeinthe peats he bocht ten
he wis wis eesed taeseeintoon quines decked up tae
fae e tap doon anseeine blade hid a feather
tae catch the bluid anseeins ye ve hid a
them hid been brocht upseeinthe lowe o a fire
eeran doon till e stationseeinaboot a new tablie comin
close till e grun anseeine little linies an hairies
a catty stink inside bitseeine shed s nae used
teemed e park fullin loadsseeinem aff till e cornyard
easy e best nyeukie forseeinfit gyangs on at e
e byre could smell emseeini m on aboot caal
e black things i mseeinnoo ey ve gien s
e her this without herseeinyour een i ll ha
for wannerin miles oot abootseeintill its ain gamekeepin ae
dure mysie didnae mynd oseeinafore flew open an thay
dure at he never mynditseeinafore opent in it bi
a hank o grey ooseeinher breath hing afore her
be out afore the mainsseeinti his pownie an his
agnes agnes tea fur meseeinye re oan yer feet
mukkil restaurant in moscow athoutseeina kent face an naebodie
sit here on yeir ersesseeinnaething an aw the tyme
ti byde in yeir serviceseeinthat ye ir a heathen
for she is uised wiseeinye in yeir maik as
wad tramp roon fur daysseeinaa their closest friens tae
ain desires yet haudin backseeinfoo the quine grat sae
sae sterk an strang anseeinhe d the look o
scales geordie cuidnae mind iverseeinsae monie maws aw at
the lives of the smithsseeinsae mony grand folks an
wi me an ye pleaseseeinshi jin sae sterk an
but ah ve never enjoyitseeinfowk burnt mebbe she wes
craig wes broken ah myndseeinit yestrein eydent howkin wurms
in the haw his guidwyfeseeinthe page wes a streinger
murdo wes weill pleised wiseeinthis thinkin himsell chancie wi
i ve ayewyes hankered eftirseeinthe usa weel noo ye
i see ither wyes oseeinbut they believe jist the
nott tae be deen inseeinit wisna jist an iveryday
what ah feel deep doonseeindimps dive ti the depths
images on a big screenseeinthem upside doon on the
of the what she wasseeinon the page m605: i
dumfoonert ma mind s eeseeina puir cuddy up tae
hame says she quite jocoseeinpeter gied me a clue
the fitba park on sundayseeinthe five a sides says
but a says ti themseeinye re aa thrie graithit
yer msps or the committeeseeinaboot the bill maist bills
got a begeck tho atseeinbairns nae younger than masel
torn atween seein an naeseeinhis mither myra finiver he
the excitement then speirt wullseeinnae polls nor ocht else
ah m weill uised wiseeinfowk dee but a dinna
sunk tae ma knees forseeinit so an ah wondert
never heed ah l beseeinthaim again fairlie suin ah
s kynd o romantic lykeseeinthat we r mairrit ah
ti share awthing wi meseeinas ye r ma guidwyfe
quick as luik at yeseeinher cousin warsslin up the
tooken out as ye reseeinit now in the paper
it in the back kitchenseeinye hae poured it but
me i m awaa beseeinye he said and went
fight wi his shadda anseeinhe disnae waant tae get
time o day an thenseeini wisnae gaun tae bite
tae get a haud oseeinit s you that wull
the place the night needinseeintae alasdair hud seemt tae
fishin but i believe inseeintae it that a keeper
wifie were lookin forrit taeseeinthe abbey of coorse owing
speak tae him jonsar askedseeinyou are haein a roup
them sayin ti hissel brawseeinhim fair taen on wi
hoose wi the spanner onseeinjonsar the electrician said och
ay but she s noseeinoniething wi thaim physician what
it doun an the laddieseeinit come socht ti kep
let yon cateran win freeseeinit hed come ti the
biggin passed pompitie athout everseeinhim at aw syne pompitie
an me aw the timeseeinus in the chippy windae
times luckly thay hudnae beenseeinas he needit this place
culturally reclaimin our land throughseeinour place names whaur they
really really do i mseeinellen after this and we
really opened her eyes thatseeinpictures on the telly about
get up i cannae staunseeina wummin oan her knees
reddin up her soss anseeinmaisie as a cross they
ll tell us krista easyseeinthe mithirs departed starts to
through an then she startsseeingreg again cause he disnae
it s gaunny be mentalseeinsome o thae folk again
an kept scorin goals anseeina coudnae get winnin the
dis an the yungest sonseeinthat his twa brithers war
an the deevilocks wheedled isieseeinthat she d peintit some
young child an you knowseeinthe snow what we called
so people lookin back andseeinif there s the same
gets the same satisfaction inseeinthe performin o s doric
cum the laird o norowayseeinhis chaunce set on oor
made o wood m642: oseeinthe wool the big yellae
ll no be lang oseeinwhaur the tink can rin
expect but will i beseeinyou there een o these
mairryin ha ein a familyseeinabody roon me dyin aff
although eh [laugh] ehm somebodyseeinme in my workin claes
on the charm actually maseeinfitna neat job you ve
of course you re justseeinthis swim of petrol over
ll be hame at evenseeinwe re on this tack
there were fechtin sair butseeinthey were hens they werenae
m816: aye m815: people keptseeinit m816: yeah m815: and
good- wondered what i wasseein[inaudible] f1054: ian you must
the waddin invites quo chaeseeinwe share hauf the relatives

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