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it wesna bot a hednaseina match fur twintie yeir
sauf the bogils he hedseinat it wesna a bad
buddies o the bogils heseini the foties i the
in onie wey an whanseinclos up tho the eimage
wirried thair mither we nivverseina leivin sowel onie o
eire an the inglish atseinane eith gate out the
foir an it wes eithseinat shae hed the moyen
a leivin wird the cheilseinebenezer aye fykin an gied
tither the puir reiver nivverseinjohn afoir an wes that
the neist toun the reiverseinthe mense o the idaia
warl bot whan it wesseinat the scot s fisk
the mainner at ebenezer rossseinthe warl he is ben
hiz heid bot lik ballantyneseinthe warl throu inglish glessis
ither geir at the inglishseinas haein smaw vaill thai
bonie launskip ayont he hednaseinsicna fine prospect syne youthheid
amaist smyllit fur john hednaseinthe loun ben the howff
hyste shae wes leised onseinebenezer fur hiz retour lowsed
ower stob law whan thaiseinfower hyne ryders skelpin towart
afoir bein mairched awaw botseinthaim skelpin awaw eftir thair
eildons i the panser anseinthe graif o bruce s
draucht spak first he hedseinthe panser i the guise
academik failyie or mebbies shaeseina lak o soshwal skeill
aff hir buits than shaeseinat ilkane o the sojers
guid vyow housomdevir shae alsseinat the wes twa brace
luikin about hir at shaeseinna ane auld wicht at
s blinkers skinkilt whan shaeseinthaim shae tuik ruth s
on hir coits aince shaeseinthe garron wi the twasum
ower hiz shouther whan heseinat hiz sin wes haundin
hiz syde the rid douglasseinthair trigidie in a nyow
be gey skeich whan thaiseinthe lowdens syde an wyde
hiz ibone wardar or heseina tid ti nither m
he raised hiz heid anseinat he wes in a
hiz wut thocht pepil atseinhim than he gaed inti
convalesin the neist tyme heseinhiz nouriss hiz heid wes
wutch doctours bot grannie roddenberrieseinstraucht inti the herts o
ti mak sinse bot tammasseinae pictur abuin aw ithers
at anither wes ti beseinneirby i the humloks bot
wesna a sojer ti beseinsae thai approched the staitioun
acteive houstrie onti thaim frizzelseinmirren s ein clud ower
the gairden whan thai baithseinat the samen saicont the
but peirie neuk an nouseinthro the mirk at unner
cummin frae ablo the guidmanseinat mirren wes kwerious anent
at the auld faither firstseinthe clogs i the gairden
a sklater an tho aseinm sklimmin about on gabbards
an blissit hir yestrein aseinseiven hale wattir gaws ower

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