See this word as a collocate cloud
at the bit they cry | seiven | gems toun grand quo lu |
aa the lang road ti | seiven | gems toun in nae lang |
the airms o hiz jo | seiven | moneth eftir rosie hed twenes |
kittilskart an a kent at | seiven | bairns wes ti be brocht |
brocht hame triplar bairns aw | seiven | wes krissent at kittilskart kirk |
wife sophia an they hid | seiven | bairns sax quines an ae |
he presst them ti sax | seiven | bickers o wine an laid |
the auld maister sax or | seiven | days efter she d taen |
lord clerk zhao for sax | seiven | days mair or the day |
a wee tounship o sax | seiven | hunder houses there wis fowk |
strenth they ve a sax | seiven | hunder o broken men convenit |
that they ve gaithert sax | seiven | hunder o broken men ti |
the cloisters there s sax | seiven | hunder priest bodies an heidmaist |
fan mary wis sax or | seiven | year aal she wis taen |
stanza poetic rebuke on the | seiven | lucky nummer o saumon i |
wi warm watter tamas jist | seiven | year aal he widnae gie |
fifteen buckets in a wal | seiven | o them gaun up an |
year fifteen hunner and eichty | seiven | queen elizabeth gied orders that |
third stent thrie nines twentie | seiven | year thegither maks the thrie |
the three nets an the | seiven | braw grilse hingin deid in |
oan oor stair she s | seiven | bairns or maybe mair there |
ben hiz weir waws cheptir | seiven | the rid douglas lukkie nisbet |
o me a ve hed | seiven | or echt namelie dominies an |
capital the paip s held | seiven | days an nichts o halie |
was burnt for his crimes | seiven | year syne ye kent him |
at his middle wis a | seiven | fuit sash o cordit threids |
hae dominion owre the fowk | seiven | lord o the east blinterin |
blissit hir yestrein a sein | seiven | hale wattir gaws ower airchin |
an hissel he keepit the | seiven | septenae fasts for the election |