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she s etten seivin seivinseivinan aw afore dawin nou
she s etten seivin seivinseivinan aw afore dawin sae
ma dochter s spun seivinseivinan she s etten seivin
dochter s spun seivin seivinseivinan she s etten seivin
an she s etten seivinseivinseivin an aw afore dawin
an she s etten seivinseivinseivin an aw afore dawin
singin ma dochter s spunseivinseivin an she s etten
ma dochter s spun seivinseivinseivin an she s etten
seivin an she s ettenseivinseivin seivin an aw afore
seivin an she s ettenseivinseivin seivin an aw afore
lynes ma dochter s spunseivinseivin seivin an she s
she gat ti see theseivinbraw hanks o threid on
thir heids o lint intiseivinhanks o threid an gin
houss she pyntit ti theseivinhanks o threid on the
she taen thrie o theseivinstrang wuiden kists an she
ablo this place the rseivinwuiden kists aw kuivert wi
day an here ah fandseivinauld kists lyin thare it
the end o the neistseivindays did the streinger no
at the end o theseivindays the streinger cam again
we stertit catter batterin atseivino clock an at nyne
sighs seik sick seirop syrupseivinseven seivint seventh sensyne since
keing made finn an hisseivinbyordnar freins walcum an feasted
thing sae finn an hisseivinmen hecht ti staun watch
a sixteen seik n sickseivina seven seivinteen a seventeen
whit soud he see butseivinmen aw walkin ti meet
l gie ye yit anitherseivindays ti tell me whit
l gie ye yit anitherseivindays ti tell whit ye
scene 3 the mukkil hawseivinmonth eftir in december scene
an the third o theseivinmen said ah im a
ti the third o theseivinmen sayin whit can ye
breist an he telt theseivinmen thay maun cum wi
the lum ti dry warseivinmukkil blek puddens the ingil
the fowert man o theseivinsayin an you frein whit
wi the fairies haed lestitseivinhaill year abuin the grund
said ah l gie yeseivindays ti tell me whit
wesna seen again or theseivindays war gaen an this
lat awbodie feel free orseivinthe nicht a l haud
the saicont man o theseivinan spiert at him whit
watch yeir tyme piece isseivinmeinits fest ay ah m
been mairrit on ye forseivinyear but ah feel lyke
the nicht air juist theseivinor echt sterns skinkils in
he no pou his shipseivinlenth up on the whyte

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