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an he speirit will asena man wi t owrancer
ye owrancer or will asenit ti the wardenrie speirs
a man wi t owrancersennaethin quo lu da juist
s a queerlyke thing eversena mairrit again it s
l ever mairrie again eversenah mairrit again it s
the daith o his guidwyfesenwe war first mairrit seivinteen
the foirsman wes semein tisena message bi haun o
grannie roddenberrie ye wiss tisena sair message ti the
message efter whaur wad yesenuis leirsman quo zhang an
or a great big peelsenfur the doctor cause i
doctor my kyte s churninsenfur the doctor my chikk
an pilot winna wait doctorsenfur the doctor my kyte
been lyin here sleepin eversenah gaed ti bed malcolm
thaim wantit me here eversenah set fuit in this
been ma richt sell eversenah stertit ti cairrie the
serred in this houss eversenah wes a lassie an
for she haed loued callumsenever she first saw him
s been this gait eversenhe wes a hauflin please
she lest walk lady eversenhis grace gaed awa til
ti see things strecht eversenthe day ah brocht that
ah ve kent it eversenthe verra day we war
ane for the genteilitie eversenye war a wee bairn
on a het girdil eversenyeir faither gaed oot moula
the ithers fur a meinitsendouglas onuised ti loks hed
ti haud a caum souchsenhe hed aw the lumes
the scotch perlament hed tisenin truips ti haud the
hame wi the lest frauchtsennane o m hed sicna
gaitsgill at thai nou awnedsent grunstane hed reneged on
it wes juist as weillsenthai micht a hed mair
ti be yibbils ti rinsenhe thocht thai wes about
bot thai cuidna luik rounsenthe stewart wes eydentlie bekkin
onkil ti speik fur himsenhe bot thankit the guid
beswakkit an stertit ti chittersenhe wes bot a purfled
originality from chapter vii botseninvention is ane of the
awa sic a lang tymesenfrae afore the verra een
maun skail the verra nichtsenhe cuidna hain thaim oniemair
hae ah no kent yesenthe verra day ye war
children and young people withsenand their families to be
children and families and producingsenresource materials for schools i
the wey it wes weirditsenafore the warld began curtain
it s fullie five yearsenah first began ti luiv
hert stounds aye the samesentyme began from the chinese
the queen groans pathetically butsenyeir hert is richt set
s tales an siclyke butsenyeir hert is richt set
wes here a wee whylesenah think he haes mebbe
thir days the mair saesenbreinger wes killed he l
axed gif he wes awrichtsenhe wes a whein tashit
whaur muisic chairmed the nichtsenhe wes laird o liang
wes hiz maist fashious kauchsenhe wes nou fell bos
ti be gied nyow foundssenit wes slawlie sinkin inti
it s a lang whylesenit wes uised eilidh ah
kake at rosie gied himsenshae kent it wes fu
it wes a strynge courtinsenthe k nicht didna traist
but ah maun confess thatsenhe dee d ah ve
been a wee thing neglekkitsenma aukld wyfe dee d
are no like tae deesenthey get spoken in mony
s a year cum lammassenyeir mither dee d ah
been sic a lang tymesenshe hae seen iain she
river ah canna drink wynesenhe gaed but the faw
673 740 ye gaed awasenye left ma darlin ah
me sic respeck a llsenthem a bit praisent an
ruth cuid unnerstaun it thosenshae kent the mainner at
haed been a awfu snawsenhe quut the houss that
haed a bite ti eatsenthis mornin chebutykin irena serghyeevna
buss whaur it maun wingiltsentammas stoitert up the peth
hairt stounds an a llsena bodie ti the burgh
aften seen him uise itsena cam ti ingland an
bids ye walcum an wulsena tryne ti fess ye
pouk the gingie flouer ansenit ay ti her hyneawa
ti be telt bi masellsenjunipere an inglis ar fair
at ruth traivelled ti tornessenthe r a whein droug
ve had naething ti eatsenthis mornin yin o ma
whit for can we nosenti bid him come doun
aunsir lat the weimen gaesenwe ir gaun ti burn
efter yirsel nou a llsena bodie whiles wi claes
pairt o mirren s facultiesenbairnheid nou cam til the
day or twa we llsendoun a bit praisent til
til onie o the christianssenwe hae been here at
fortie twa is it langsenye left moscow irena eleivin
no a haund s turnsena left the university ah
riddil an syne he saidsenah hae fund the kie
ma heid s inti snawsenah spak it the bairns
birkenshaw ma lane ah dremesenlyfe an daith in cycles
mistaen ah haena seen yousenye war a wee bairn
shop wi its xmas showsenfur the social worker quick
tae ma plea that shesenme ma mistress noo an
wadna hae taen much taesenme skelpin back doon the
her an image mair upliftinsenfor the campbells as foremost
scotland including enquire the nationalsenadvice and information service that
cohesive national leids policy forbysenthe owerwhelmin view is that
allocated by scottish enterprise nationalsento each network company are
young people cathy jamieson theseninnovation grants programme has funded
wyfe rinnin greitin ahint himsenshe seemed bentset on follaein
he s aulder lookin ansenhe s been leevin wi
she wis kind eneuch taesenme in an article he
wheekin doon e plunger taesene sappy slices scatterin intill
campaign up piped the firstsenme abroad i ll tell
she undertake to ensure thatsentraining for teachers in mainstream
lasses amon em i didsenem copies aifter bit it
and puir dounhauden bodies ansencheritie wald that the puir
o that aither naebodie shuirliesenthe stert o the warld
a seven seivinteen a seventeensenadv since serr v serve
a percentage of the overallsenbudget and b per capita
the king said fals tratoursenyow wil nocht i sall
p m did this invitesenon april furst but thinkin
the completion of this inquiryseninquiry in private the committee
aw be heir the mornsenwe canna gang hame eftir
uk his excellency mr ronensenhigh commissioner of india to
over 80 projects across thesenspectrum these have promoted good

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