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mcgillivray head of sepa teamsepasponsorship and waste unit division
mr don mcgillivray head ofsepateam sepa sponsorship and waste
under the auspices of sepasepaseemed to suggest to us
or under the auspices ofsepasepa seemed to suggest to
and place a constraint onseparegarding lice numbers sepa would
on sepa regarding lice numberssepawould then have to deal
mr david rogers head ofsepasponsorship and waste unit division
the lice i know thatsepais reluctant to have anything
sea lice in his farmsepawould not give the consent
previous witnesses have suggested thatsepashould apply an environmental consent
executive we should ask aboutsepas responsibilities as far as
said earlier the review ofsepas responsibilities has not yet
responsibility either the review ofsepas responsibilities has not yet
sea trout effect on wildlifeseparaised a concern that some
effects on other aquatic wildlifesepawas concerned that it should
when the product is licensedsepaconsiders its use on a
licence for a medicinal productsepais well aware of that
waste arising from the outbreaksepapoints out that the scottish
best practice as outlined insepas national waste strategy be
availability of materials for usesepashould consider the overall risk
the farmers some monitoring bysepabacks up that work the
issue of how much monitoringsepacan carry out is connected
the scottish environment protection agencysepaalso thought it should be
the scottish environment protection agencysepaover the last five years
the scottish environment protection agencysepaunder section 40 1 of
far as i am awaresepadoes not have responsibility for
make an investment and increasesepas financial resource so that
on to organisations such assepathe codes of practice are
petition and the points onsepathat maureen macmillan raised members
has been temporarily closed bysepahowever no action taken against
and the actions taken bysepain each case s1w 1945
think that everyone agrees thatsepashould have the powers to
things up on that sectionsepasupported professor richards s view
are supplied every month tosepaor some other regulator there
health and safety executive andsepain 1998 and b on
partly to do with moneysepahas a limited budget for
i have a statement fromsepathat indicates that it had
to it being regulated bysepajohn scott as opposed to
a very awkward spot forsepato be in but the
residents of blairingone and secondlysepaon matters relating to the
products are examined representatives fromsepaare invited to assess the
with that approach is thatsepais in control of the
the licences to discharge thatsepaissues it is constantly monitored

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