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plans abolish hospital trusts asseparatelegal entities removing an unnecessary
their ain gait through belanginseparatepoleitical entities in maist cases
their ain gait through elanginseparatepolitical entities in maist cases
because they were spoken inseparatepolitical entities in most cases
evidence of the use ofseparategallons after 1426 but probably
and nineteenth centuries in englandseparatewine and ale gallons continue
water because there were alsoseparatewine and ale gallons in
in england differing from theseparatewine and ale gallons we
o thair ain an arseparatefrae main verbs modal verbs
its word stock approaximately 15separatemodal verbs althouch mony o
which was unheard o aseparatekitchen and a separate scullery
so yeah so that becameseparatemm a separate sort of
a separate kitchen and aseparatescullery f1040: [laugh] m1042: oh
that became separate mm aseparatesort of organisation altogether m608:
whether it will ensure thatseparatefigures are made available s1w
on 17 april 2001 whyseparatefigures are not available for
would be better to haveseparatefigures for each category of
since for each authority givingseparatefigures for interest charges paid
of of of of ofseparateautonomous linguistic status so it
should be taught as aseparatelinguistic system f718: right mmhm
should be regarded as aseparatelinguistic system from english with
i said there is noseparatewarrant of sale in cases
and will not produce aseparatebenefits system which the nationalists
under the present system ofseparatecontrol in terms of the
anomalous position of having aseparateinternationally recognised legal system as
christine grahame scotland has aseparatelegal system in particular its
scottish system evolved along aseparatepath and so the units
and the introduction of aseparatestandard for heating system efficiency
clear the two processes areseparatelegal processes that cannot be
rivers be treated as aseparateentity the convener the issue
but that is a whollyseparateissue i believed on the
procedures should apply as aseparateissue i wonder whether the
the convener that is aseparateissue that we will deal
to publish there is aseparateissue to do with the
stocks and reserves as aseparateissue what we can say
their certificates there are twoseparateissues there is the issue
that will be addressed theseparatemore fundamental issue is whether
israelis and palestinians requiring twoseparateand independent states is further
are ye gladys got twoseparatebills this anes a yours
des mcnulty has raised twoseparatebut obviously related issues the
do i think cause twoseparatedi- er discount cards have
whether we go with twoseparateframeworks or one which tries
because the two students areseparatefrom the landlady s family
brings together at least twoseparatefunctions that were arguably central
perhaps there should be twoseparatehighers higher english and higher
hugh henry there are twoseparateissues one is bill aitken
into scots two branches twoseparatelanguages however if we think
the 1997 act contains twoseparatelists of offences recognising the
an organisation there were twoseparateorganisations we had to create
councils must deal with twoseparatepieces of legislation that do
was carried out over twoseparatesessions at kaimhill school in
the right to buy twoseparatesystems of the right to
on monday was about twoseparatethings he discovered certificates that
we thought that the twoseparatewas nice and clear but
deal with it as aseparateagenda item before the end
environmental and economic development issuesseparatefrom general agricultural support that
committee has carried out aseparatepiece of work on issues
scotland act 1982 rather thanseparatelegislation somewhere in the draftsmen
independent authority which will requireseparatelegislation the option of a
of resources to draft totallyseparatelegislation when houses in multiple
would be followed for eachseparatenational park by secondary legislation
course they do like aseparatea level in in english
s english and it sseparatef835: [inaudible] f833: scot- scotland
scots was aince a veryseparateleid frae english an as
have english but on onseparatepages f950: yeah but i
we have already published aseparatethesaurus of old english screen
this we have produced aseparatethesaurus of old english which
splitting the services up intoseparatebundles i have been clear
been f902: [inaudible] f826: keptseparateby the fact that each
regions is to draw upseparategeographical boundaries for each relevant
9 inches high with aseparatelid over each half when
manage to keep each eenseparatemaybe they div burn them
devolved administrations made their ownseparatecontributions to the uk nap
want to do is toseparateourselves from good uk developments
white linda fabiani s1m 2824separatescottish results for uk euro
will be available in aseparatedocument with the exception of
our own devices in theirseparateways our parents were engaged
of glasgow which is almostseparatewith its own identity kind
and trunk road network quiteseparatefrom the local road network
a bothy which was quiteseparatem1002: aye m1000: ehm generally
little more specifically another quiteseparatemembers bill the leasehold casualties
respect that is a quiteseparatequestion the market for the
treatment of language therefore aseparatecurriculum must be designed and
status of scots as aseparatehistorically based language underpinning and
in his preface as aseparateif related language the uther
to a student were aseparatelanguage advanced higher in place
was internationally seen as theseparatelanguage of an independent kingdom
to create a series ofseparatescottish national qualifications in language
whether it requested that aseparatecompany by guarantee be established
picnics and whether they wereseparateevents or all the same
to consult proprietors as aseparateinterest or whether they are
national proceedings it would holdseparateand distinct proceedings if the
national histories are still formallyseparatethe high points of early
saw these things as compartmentalisedseparateand one as being better
better to set up aseparatephoto opportunity in the edinburgh
as members are aware onseparateoccasions the convener and i
it was raised in aseparatepetition the convener we have
now to enter into aseparateagreement with a joint council
was first moved into aseparateflat where i was dealing
culture actually breaks down intoseparatelittle poems but they re
realised just how well ourseparatestyles would blend into what
and he was unable toseparatethe babble into discreet units
drawing sucked him into aseparateworld where other things ceased
were then compared with aseparateset of data which show
needed to set up aseparateunit in the nature of
there in their stalls theseparatecattle stood like months in
well nigh worthless to theirseparateowners so they cost next
[laugh] f806: and go theirseparateways f807: [laugh] f806: after
wow afore they geed theirseparatewyes again besides roadside encoonters
bauchles selt aa gyang theirseparatewyes scarfs an jammies caps
no this was a differentseparategroup altogether yeah m608: were
no we would keep themseparatem608: is the newspaper very
er make both media outletsseparatem608: oh okay m1174: erm
he recognise my plea thatseparateand distinct dialects such as
as the design process developedseparatecost estimates for other elements
not be seen as entirelyseparatefrom general housing needs one
proceed as planned in 2002separatefrom the scottish parliament elections
writers regard poetry as aseparategenre genres of writing and
to be regarded almost asseparategenres the border riding ballads
as housing education and healthseparateindicators are included for scotland
can t recall them asseparateindividuals because the third boy
spanish an italian e enseparateleids sic as swedish an
i see m078: as aseparatesequence of about er there
we will have to beseparateso far as officials go
as finely as possible andseparatethe circles chop the garlic
that you can keep thisseparatefrom other rubbish and then
it s it s completelyseparatefrom radio ram- okay m1174:
education scotland act 1992 isseparatefrom the application process designation
of organisations that are institutionallyseparatefrom the state and operate
predicament made it difficult toseparatehis views from mine fiona
association should be kept entirelyseparatenot only from prisoners in
he was came from aseparateplace called the unit where
threshing mill was used toseparatethe grain head from the
was now given over toseparateshops archie didn t recognise
swarmed like ants over theseparatestretches in all sorts of
cairns the exam is aseparateentity but one must pass
decided that there should beseparatestand alone regulations for that
learning will not that formseparateand external research which will
poems which are you knowseparateat the end you know
we have also received aseparatesheet which provides a résumé
in these countries were aseparateeconomy it would be the
scottish opera and called forseparateboards it also criticised the
to be fully fledged andseparatelanguages it is empirically obvious
that there would be aseparateprocedure for designating pressured areas
to be right we agreedseparatereleases timed to be at
can be accomodated outwith theseparatereunion there will be tables
uvalue method for dwellings insteadseparatestandards be introduced for heating
would be grateful for theseparatesubmissions that we have requested
our report it is aseparatematter and it needs to
and the scottish executive areseparateorganisations and have different roles
housing schemes are meeting manyseparatestandards they feel aggrieved that
i canna think o aseparateword for that i would
detailed technical provisions with slightlyseparatearrangements for regulating local authority
pudding with sugar served inseparatebowls bit it wisna much
the route of having aseparatefree standing bill with the
the current regulatory regime withseparateoffices for the water commissioner
that the parliament supports aseparatescottish people s lottery with
the river tweed has aseparateadministration the tweed commissioners who
a fairly large degree geographicallyseparateand socially and economically self
of an associate in aseparatecase had nothing to do
the rescue operation for aseparatechapter the passengers seem to
surrounding the independence of aseparatecommittee and its ability to
of the subjects in fourseparatecontexts reading a passage aloud
on scottish affairs that aseparatedatabase to assist in the
and then we had aseparateframework for ehm the learning
presented the case for aseparategaelic development agency funding for
white publishing receive now aseparategrant for the publishing of
underfoot mackintosh architecture tour aseparategroup will tour charles rennie
you like to see aseparateliterature body just to fund
in order to secure aseparatenew opportunities fund for scotland
sacs and spas play aseparaterole to that of the
rather than to have aseparatescottish bill that approach has
is no need for aseparatestep helen eadie i was
tamil eelam fighting for aseparatetamil state we travelled to
off for phrases written onseparatecards and change the order
any additional costs in providingseparateinfrastructures for non denominational and
the current regulations try toseparatespecies i do not think
told me to go andseparatemy cousins m811: [laugh] f813:
down the aisle centre thenseparatethe queen is helped to
showing arrogance she displeasure theyseparatemary is joined by rizzio
an the difference is taeseparatemy mother s side tae
of the three vaccines inseparatedoses free of charge and
structure of classification followed byseparateelements or paragraphs of description
middle of the playground toseparatethe boys and the girls
ministers need to consider creatingseparatehealth boards north and south
in the mids o twaseparateboorachies o fowk bi bitter
if she wants to makeseparaterepresentations to me on the
f965: mmhm mmhm hm m964: separatequestion that involves christmas f965:

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