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an offensive weapon as aseriousaggravation of assault successive legislation
wellwynd station ah huv aseriousassault an battery here this
for the 1 abduction 2seriousassault and 3 murder of
for the i abduction iiseriousassault and iii murder of
has been recorded as aseriousassault for the purposes of
in how many cases aseriousassault has occurred in hm
victims of sexual abuse andseriousassault will be notified when
plan is to deal withseriouscrime almost 12 months ago
work in hand refers toseriouscrime although i may have
purpose of preventing or detectingseriouscrime and b that the
7 of the bill whereseriouscrime arises no authorisation for
would be categorised as aseriouscrime assistant chief constable gordon
of people not committing aseriouscrime but acting politically or
application of the definition ofseriouscrime contained in the bill
different bodies involved in investigatingseriouscrime during the stage 2
fall within the definition ofseriouscrime each situation must be
serious crime international inquiries intoseriouscrime face practical difficulties because
glasgow office to deal withseriouscrime having identified the pressure
comments on the definition ofseriouscrime however i do not
order to define the termseriouscrime however it is important
echr and the increase inseriouscrime i also said that
combating drug trafficking and otherseriouscrime in scotland is very
those who are engaged inseriouscrime international inquiries into serious
operation the need to tackleseriouscrime internationally is a crucial
is the subject of aseriouscrime investigation and to monitor
it goes without saying thatseriouscrime is not confined to
one of the tests forseriouscrime is that the conduct
the table represents and whatseriouscrime is the lives of
be regarded as constituting aseriouscrime it is arbitrary to
suggested that the definition ofseriouscrime might be open to
proportionality and the definition ofseriouscrime mr matheson also said
difficulty with the definition ofseriouscrime nor have any of
united kingdom in relation toseriouscrime serious fraud and the
arising from an increase inseriouscrime that increase is shown
note that the definition ofseriouscrime that is contained in
strongly that the definition ofseriouscrime that is contained in
ever queried the definition ofseriouscrime that suggests strongly that
fit the criteria of aseriouscrime the legislation would impact
realistic means of successfully tacklingseriouscrime the regulation of investigatory
is essentially to ensure thatseriouscrime throughout europe can be
the investigation and prosecution ofseriouscrime we have sought to
falling within the definition aseriouscrime where more than one
relates to the definition ofseriouscrime which is outlined in
is our name for theseriouscrime work that is in
in the interests of combatingseriousfinancial crime it makes sense
in relation to serious crimeseriousfraud and the like should
know youth crime is aseriousissue that we must tackle
sentiment to sexual humorous andseriousdramatic presentation of character narrative
for example there was aserioussexual element in a breach
scotland when there is aserioussexual element to an offence
that there might be aserioussexual element to organising human
suggests that there is aserioussexual element to the offence
common law offence with aserioussexual element we would be
executive white paper criminal justiceseriousviolent and sexual offenders followed
followed by executive debate onseriousviolent and sexual offenders followed
followed by executive debate onseriousviolent and sexual offenders for
executive s white paper onseriousviolent and sexual offenders fulfilling
be directed in particular towardsseriousviolent and sexual offenders i
s1m 2041 mr jim wallaceseriousviolent and sexual offenders that
turn lesser offenders into moreseriouscriminals we seek to prevent
executive what programmes exist forserioussex offenders serving sentences of
for the most persistent andseriousyoung offenders secure accommodation is
to be guilty of aseriouscriminal offence punishable by imprisonment
of in one view aseriouscriminal offence until that person
jacobite claim was made aseriousoffence 3 the interpretation of
crimes committed during a moreseriousoffence be consecutive and that
consider that to be aseriousoffence i worry about whether
to make neglect a moreseriousoffence s1w 3616 lord james
the sqa because of ourseriousconcerns about estimates grades non
within that single market raisesseriousconcerns about the efficacy and
speaks of wholly irregular practicesseriousconcerns and wholly inappropriate actions
notes the highlighting of theseseriousconcerns by the sunday mail
join me in recognising theseriousconcerns of communities across scotland
such consultation should address theseriousconcerns of local people about
such consultation should address theseriousconcerns of local people about
audit group there are stillseriousconcerns that people with epilepsy
be defective another perhaps lessseriousdrafting error concerns the definitions
that same period b theseriouspublic concerns about the levels
that same period b theseriouspublic concerns about the levels
that same period b theseriouspublic concerns about the levels
area in light of theseriouspublic concerns which have been
me anywhere girl but aseriousanswer to a serious question
imagination rather than meddlers inseriousmatters political and serious writing
a serious answer to aseriousquestion i am here for
in serious matters political andseriouswriting should implicitly be done
surveillance by the police whereseriouscriminal activity is suspected the
carries out a search whereseriouscriminal activity related to fraud
increase in the amount ofseriouscriminal case work as the
drugs drugs continue to causeserioushealth social and criminal problems
with some of the mostseriousof criminal activity in particular
tackling alcohol problems reduces theserioussocial criminal and medical costs
courses for young people withseriousbehavioural problems including many who
smoking smoking continues to causeserioushealth problems and accounts for
mental institutions many prisoners haveseriousmental health problems that must
and other financial services createsseriousproblems for many low income
and other financial services createsseriousproblems for many low income
great care there are twoseriousproblems for scots that we
confronting major issues and facingseriousproblems hers is no easy
reporting by the profession ofseriousproblems of implementation we made
in place we will causeseriousproblems particularly for finance gathering
about whether the problem isseriousand where the balance of
s drug problem and theseriousimpact it has on our
problem will become even moreseriousis aware that osteoporosis is
and its erosion is aseriousnational problem the following reforms
category there has been aseriousproblem about the disposal of
your idioms idioms pose aseriousproblem for english learners eg
organisations that is a veryseriousproblem indeed the third age
heard that there is aseriousproblem of lead being in
scottish executive to address thisseriousproblem the food standards agency
church this can present aseriousproblem the roof is in
projects however there is aseriousproblem with the funding of
malnutrition in scotland is aseriouspublic health problem notes that
parliament expresses concern at theseriousallegations raised by reputable organisations
that the parliament expresses itsseriousconcern at the threat to
greater awareness it is aseriousconcern i would also like
a crowd that may causeseriousconcern rather than transferring state
not seem to share theseriousconcern that the committee raised
in cases of the mostseriousconcern to the international community
c failing to alleviate theseriouspublic concern over the levels
equal opportunities committee which conductseriousdeliberations on these matters it
write directly of political orseriousmatters and they should be
the district court they areseriousmatters but they are relatively
higher education which i welcomeseriousmatters face higher education funding
dewar s1w 1558 recommends thatseriousconsideration be given to the
should be simplified and rationalisedseriousconsideration be given to the
to that committee was thatseriousconsideration should be given to
document be given proper andseriousconsideration than be subject to
hope that ministers will giveseriousconsideration to making day care
urge all members to giveseriousconsideration to the motion the
the scottish executive to giveseriousconsideration to this matter and
and targets we are veryseriousabout pursuing that issue with
in the press on thisseriousand crucial issue today we
organisations but ageism is aseriousequality issue i am pleased
loanhead midlothian this is aseriousissue and it should be
public body it is aseriousissue because there have always
and sewerage charges is aseriousissue for low income households
of a wider and veryseriousissue in the aftermath of
that the provision raises aseriousissue it is one of
be toughies we identified aseriousissue that could potentially affect
issue that will be aseriousissue that requires to be
deals with a lot ofseriousand sensitive issues and pe429
why they also raise quiteseriousissues as we shall see
as members often are onseriousissues such as this i
it is satisfied that noseriousmanagement or human resource issues
will take to address anyseriousmanagement or human resource issues
in your written evidence thatseriouspublic health issues are at
you do not deny thatseriouspublic health issues are at
deese writers ir engaged wiserioustheoretical issues o language o
these writers are engaged withserioustheoretical issues of language of
that the parliament notes theseriousand increasing level of drug
that the parliament notes theseriousand increasing level of drug
throughout scotland further notes theseriousdanger posed by any activity
document notes that there areseriousdrawbacks in using the department
business water supplies notes theserioushealth hazards associated with lead
the sps this is aseriousmatter already there has been
liberties which is a veryseriousmatter i will go through
morrison got down to theseriousmatter of expanding his son
authorities yes it was aseriousmatter the road was dangerous
accident happens no matter howseriousnurses are the front line
but it is even moreseriousgiven the predicted demographic patterns
although the power of regulatingseriouspowers is being given to
aids we cannot have aseriousdebate about closing the opportunity
whole hearted attention to aseriousdebate ms curran that is
the parliament to debate theseriousimplications of the loss of
the parliament to debate theseriousimplications of the unacceptable scale
that i was being tooseriousin a stage 2 debate
now established on a moreseriousnote the debate has been
finnie that is a veryseriousallegation convener to which we
important there are some veryseriousand very bad people out
a very f718: yes m017: seriousdevelopment because th- civilisation is
and it was actually veryseriousf963: mm yeah m964: was
a potential cause of veryseriousill health maureen moore we
report the last very veryseriousoutbreak was just after the
there have been very fewseriousside effects from the flu
what was perhaps the mostseriouscrisis so far blew up
cent of those concerned hadseriousdepression and most visited their
dialog is lyndsay s mostseriouswork and it castigates the
society if the parliament isseriousabout having a thriving voluntary
geographical data if we areseriousabout policy change to solve
stuff but if we areseriousabout staying ahead that is
he said erm were youseriousabout that carry out so
m dumbfoonert you canny beseriousabout this lilian of course
comes to europe who isseriousabout this nation playing as
answers we need to beseriousabout this subject in the
goes to court and aseriousargument ensues about whether the
the number of reports ofseriousconsequences has been minuscule about
herring to keep talking aboutseriouscriminals felons and heavy duty
bruce crawford talked about theseriousdamage to our ability to
for that basically we haveseriousdoubts about the credibility of
is gravely concerned about theseriousimpacts the pipeline will have
mr davidson it is aseriousquestion you are talking about
merriest of companions you askedseriousquestions about my painting and
level in england and hasseriousreservations about the inept handling
i ve been giving someseriousthought about what i want
to protect the public fromseriousharm they require that the
enforcement techniques a much moreseriousdifficulty arises with the use
sheet will be a moreseriousdocument the flyer is intended
darker and sort of moreseriousf958: mm m959: i suppose
oh it sounds much moreserious[inaudible] f1009: oh it does
he has married such aseriouslittle woman 17 even more
liaison officers or for moreseriousoffences whatever was required from
he is now receiving moreseriousscholarly attention as a european
went on to the moreseriousstuff i was surprised to
voluntary sector to be moreseriousthere can be little doubt
john haein focht back faeseriousill health in his usual
post office as to theseriousadverse effects such closures would
such suppositions dinna deserve aseriousanswer we can hardly arrange
when dealing with such aseriousbill conservatives would never think
said it with such aseriousface and all these like
exceptional circumstances such as aseriousillness or bodily injury in
such philosophers music was aseriousneed in the countryside before
be for a measure lessseriousthan culling such as the
that one case of aspseriousillness or even worse death
stops and gets even mairseriouslookin he says it s
even though he was reallyseriousmother would frown and ask
years the parliament has seenseriousaction being taken on tackling
for god s sake beingseriousat this i became all
become apparent to me thatseriousefforts are being made to
male wards you mean beseriousfor god s sake being
[censored: forename] cause he s beingserious[laugh] [laugh] look at the
aloofness she made herself beseriousand quietly friendly she found
rat race which have madeseriousinroads on the richness of
eventually as there was aseriouspoint to be made although
words new implications there areseriouspolitical points to be made
produces hilarious situations wi unnerlyingseriouspynts bein made m a
made worse because it wasseriousschool sports season no getting
the act now that aseriousstart has been made the
f643: and they were alsoseriouscommunist lefties by their way
but there is also aseriousnote to language development in
committee will also know thatseriousor solemn cases begin their
the other parties these areseriousarguments i hope that it
d- m816: these things areseriousm815: don t think i
this is supposed to beseriousan m865,: actually many people
data that would allow theseriousanalysis that is required some
a household is evicted forseriousanti social behaviour the requirement
to bring fresh prosecutions inseriouscases where there is new
is likely to present aseriouschallenge for the union s
security services can claim thatseriouscriminality is behind something when
language is fairly free fromseriouserrors which means there may
is sitting up with aseriousface and seems to be
said although the bill isseriousi would like to pick
syndrome is treated as theseriousillness it is supported by
what is it they sayseriousimpediment or somethin for you
the next decade that isseriousin itself but it is
pamphlet is to have anyseriousinfluence to decide what should
recognises that there is aseriouslack of trained audiologists to
report is considered an extremelyseriousmisdemeanour and is treated as
provision for the retrial ofseriousoffences where there is compelling
the working group is aseriousomission i would like the
thing is to have aseriouspurpose in life and to
but is at least aseriousreform of the way in
be intrusive that is aseriousshortfall in relation to the
no funding that is howseriousthe situation is i would
of the offences involved isseriousthis is careless and reckless
huvin a laugh this isseriousthis is yin o oor
nae mair it s naethingserioustho it is juist a
the voluntary sector has somethingseriousto say consultation is all
y- it has to beseriousall the time so we
it can t be anythingseriousas it hasn t shown
to reach a fair dealseriousbusiness trade to be done
delay in treatment for particularlyseriousconditions this will be underpinned
job would be in inseriousdanger so er but i
runes huv ti be taneseriousdella and krista move by
on 6 august 2002 whatseriousdetrimental environmental impact would be
change we will be inseriousdifficulty however at least the
a common purpose will beseriousenough to justify the use
it s meant ti beseriousoniewey ah wush ye luck
that philosophical educated discourse onserioussubjects should be written in
to islay to show howseriousthe situation can be in
the a82 would be tooseriousto contemplate jackie baillie dumbarton
might not be considered sufficientlyseriousto warrant intrusive surveillance the
the tribunal will be aserioustribunal that will command substantial
not modified there will beserioustrouble and i will do
the mornin no no beseriouswhere are we going after
you would have got intoseriousbother f963: mm f965: and
t use it in aseriousconversation but wee ones would
a prized malt over aseriousgame of chess which would
as military action would haveserioushumanitarian consequences for iraq s
if i was wantin somethingseriousi would want tae you
the future would hold howseriousthe condition would become and
translated the heading foreigner hasseriousaccident at sa calobra the
of the bill has beenseriousbut it has had its
repeat homeless not only hasseriousimpacts on the ability to
believe that he has aseriousmonitoring role to ensure that
certain age are making aseriousand significant mistake and the
leonard and gloria anzaldua areseriousand valid thinkers but are
homeless the financial implications areseriousbut the bill clearly says
on the organised networks ofseriouscriminals if we are to
first minister first there areseriousinaccuracies in that question the
accidents resulting in death orseriousinjury are caused by sleepiness
they re doing it forseriouspurposes are doing it in
here are you giving itseriousthought deana i wouldny bide
use bert [laugh] are youseriousyou d say she s
that the newspapers have aseriouscomplaint other than in regard
people than virtually any otherseriousdisease or condition that we
that the parliament recognises theseriouscrisis affecting scotland s dairy
suppose that there was aseriousbreach of the peace in
the executive to take anotherseriouslook at the order there
in there could dae yeseriousmischief if their humour turned
cars noo this wis gettinseriousif jonsar didnae get a
up wi but this wisseriousit wis yae thing drawin
telling yous wiz this noseriousra big man s fumlin
for money this done theseriousshopping began since this was
like you talking aw thisseriousstuff pat ah m gittin
yi dimps stew ah mseriousthis new guy mean how
began tae realize jist fooseriousthis wis ony time he
an bigger aye this wisserioustimes for jonsar eck nae
botherin yi ah ken howseriousyi take aw this bj
work in the preparation ofseriouscases for trial on indictment
their slate found themselves inserioustrouble for good work and
man said tae mabel asseriousas onything i niver saa
as a six former aseriousgerman woman who said she
of any aircraft accident orseriousincident as defined by the
recognise that persons who commitseriousoffences against victims of any
of people had taken aseriouslook at the white paper
rough shooting which could haveseriousconsequences for pest control and
ship which in spite ofseriousdamage can stay afloat in
national insurance increases having aseriousimpact on local authorities which
in which both may receiveseriousinjuries the terrier men listen
others realise that licensing wasseriousand not a game that
was no arguments no noseriousarguments it was a it
terrible floozy especially after aseriousbevvy still the hotel bar
way a number of theseriousbut less complicated sheriff summary
part of a trend towardsseriousclimate change or just an
pirate trade had become aseriousdanger to island traffic and
efforts in turning around aseriousdeficit two years ago into
true path of a morallyseriousdomestic realism a ghost in
syndrome as a cruel andseriousform of child and domestic
weeks into a weekend sseriousgaiety it s much too
wi need a bit oserioushere cammy aye come oan
his audience his face suddenlyseriousi ll never dae a
s a that s aseriousleatherin m1146: skelped and leathered
soft guten morgen from aseriouslowered face i smiled back
game all right but aseriousone for he isn t
am trying to make aseriouspoint the presiding officer order
a medium of communication forseriouspurposes was impaired during the
the machine on tither aserioustall man staunin apairt frae
realise that i m perfectlyseriousthe way a princess ought
kind of career as aseriouswriter still performed the accepted
standing stones above blawearie aseriousyoungster who lectured her rather
out before that can haveseriousconsequences in producing delegated legislation
f809: they re gonna haveseriouseh f810: [laugh] f809: worries
quota and fishing effort haveseriousimplications for the scottish whitefish
ll have to do someseriousthinking over the next few
the relevant quality assurance agencyseriousweaknesses of academic management have
to scotland we must makeseriousadjustments i know that the
told that it was sufficientlyseriousand that it could become
clear that we were inseriousdanger of overwhelming ourselves by
f631: [laugh] f634: that wasseriouserm i thought he was
chewing gum that was quiteseriousf631: [inaudible] f634: that was
aw the things that seemsseriousimportant an ful o meanin
when it came to theserioussituation that developed regarding the
hm prison aberdeen that highlightsseriousstaffing difficulties violence and the
existed in was in generalseriousand silent what pools of
first world war the lastseriousepidemic was in 1956 but
not sure if she wasseriousor not uncle billy wrote
cooking only time she grewseriousunless jimmy was getting grief
felon guilty o the maistseriouscrimes wis sentenced tae twinnin
eck kent he wis inserioustrouble an thocht the morn
eck kent he wis inserioustrouble wi the wither bein
form the meat of theseriousdiscussion in today s stage
and thinks of england rapunzelseriousextensions when rapunzel let her
the burn yeah f1026: ohseriousf1027: and of course i
taurus april 21 may 20seriousfinancial difficulty beware of wednesday
systems to do so theseriousgrammarians of the 19th century
fifty years behind the timesseriousinvestigators of language had abandoned
and the formal nature ofseriousjousting despite his distinguished career
of narrative lyric comic andserioussongs both old and contemporary
it s not intended asseriousacademic study it s just
seen him furst ah mseriousas anythin bethia rolled her
either an aircraft accident orseriousincident and if so whether
whether the accidents were slightseriousor fatal s1w 10859 mr
but ee still looked deadseriousan goes right then smart
leonard and gloria anzaldua irseriousand valid tinkers but dey
shed an files for mairseriousbraaks ye d maybe hae
challenges in the courts inseriouscircumstances simply over the technicality
chrissie rise in alarm georgieseriousdinna you dare my loon
search operations in connection withseriousfraud to extend to scotland
the in none o theseriousthings eh like road signs
somewhere then she grew seriouslyseriouswhen she discussed cooking with
our first f606: yeah f1067: seriousacademic conference we hope f606:
s quite common and seldomseriouskeep downing the ruffage mum
whit s mair an deidlyseriousthey say it s no
bottles war opened an theseriousbusiness o drinkin sterted i
aneth she sat still anseriousan eleven year auld gaun
stroppy ears shoreline s gettingseriousbobbers surfers divers speed boards
wore short socks they wereseriouscareful thoughtful they were like
okay mmhm mmhm f950: somethinseriousi do- i don t

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