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crown office and procurator fiscalservice2 criminal justice scotland bill
crown office and procurator fiscalservice3 fur farming prohibition scotland
crown office and procurator fiscalservice5 work programme in private
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceand are interested to learn
in both the scottish prisonserviceand in the procurator fiscals
in both the scottish prisonserviceand in the procurator fiscals
in both the scottish prisonserviceand in the procurator fiscals
office and the procurator fiscalserviceand looks forward to their
office and the procurator fiscalserviceand looks forward to their
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceand that it has not
the police the procurator fiscalserviceand the crown office and
the police the procurator fiscalserviceand the crown office and
the police the procurator fiscalserviceand the crown office and
the police the procurator fiscalserviceand the crown office and
the police the procurator fiscalserviceand the crown office and
experience of the procurator fiscalserviceand the crown office our
the police the procurator fiscalserviceand the family of surjit
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceand to hold a further
department len higson procurator fiscalserviceandrew normand crown office sandy
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceat its meetings on 14
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceat the moment we will
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceaudit committee 26 november 2002
referred to the procurator fiscalserviceby the scottish environment protection
crown office and procurator fiscalservicedetermine what a reasonable case
crown office and procurator fiscalservicedo although members might have
crown office and procurator fiscalservicedrugs and driving adoption committee
and in the procurator fiscalsservicefurther notes that the commitment
and in the procurator fiscalsservicefurther notes that the commitment
and in the procurator fiscalsservicefurther notes that the commitment
crown office and procurator fiscalservicehas on the prosecution of
police or the procurator fiscalservicehave ever been informed about
crown office and procurator fiscalservicei am aware that not
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceif they saw the guidance
established alongside the procurator fiscalservicein dumbarton s1w 24822 andrew
levels of the procurator fiscalservicein order to reduce the
been issued to the procuratorservicein the light of the
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry followed by enterprise and
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry followed by enterprise and
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry followed by enterprise and
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry followed by enterprise and
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry in private the committee
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry s1m 3893 pauline mcneill
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry sp paper 747 and
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry sp paper 747 european
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry that the parliament notes
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry the committee will consider
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceinquiry the committee will consider
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceis examining the possibility of
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceis overstretched and that as
office and the procurator fiscalservicems macdonald we would be
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceon the prosecution of incidents
umbrella does the procurator fiscalserviceoperate in a similar way
to the procurator fiscal sserviceregarding contraventions of the misuse
crown office and procurator fiscalservicereplacing staff who have retired
crown office and procurator fiscalservicereport of the inquiry into
crown office and procurator fiscalservicereport of the inquiry into
crown office and procurator fiscalservices programme of change should
crown office and procurator fiscalserviceso i will return to
crown office and procurator fiscalservicestaffing levels by region and
crown office and procurator fiscalservicethat the family must be
crown office and procurator fiscalservicethe committee will consider lines
crown office and procurator fiscalservicethe committee will consider the
crown office and procurator fiscalservicethe committee will consider written
crown office and procurator fiscalservicethe committee will hear evidence
crown office and procurator fiscalservicethe committee will take evidence
crown office and procurator fiscalservicethe convener while the witnesses
glasgow len higson procurator fiscalservicethe criminal courts in glasgow
court that the procurator fiscalservicewas under some strain i
crown office and procurator fiscalservicewe will resume at 11
responsibility of the procurator fiscalservicewe will seek a response
community care the national healthservicedental charges scotland amendment regulations
may 2000 the national healthservicedental charges scotland amendment regulations
community care the national healthservicedental charges scotland amendment regulations
march 2003 the national healthservicedental charges scotland regulations 2003
community care the national healthservicedental charges scotland regulations 2003
community care the national healthservicedental charges scotland regulations 2003
2003 156 the national healthservicedental charges scotland regulations 2003
that access to national healthservicedental services in the borders
a more comprehensive emergency dentalservicefor grampian lewis macdonald i
may 2002 the national healthservicegeneral dental services and dental
may 2002 the national healthservicegeneral dental services and dental
rural development the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
to these rules national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
ssi 2000 187 national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
community care the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
home affairs the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
november 1999 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
november 1999 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
april 2001 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
rural affairs the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
november 2000 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
rural development the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
2003 130 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
community care the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
community care the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
community care the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
2001 334 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
november 2000 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
home affairs the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
community care the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
home affairs the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
community care the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
2001 334 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
2000 347 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
community care the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
april 2001 the national healthservicegeneral dental services scotland amendment
dental therapists in the healthservices1o 3791 15 elaine thomson
not have an nhs dentalservices1w 9190 brian adam to
not have an nhs dentalservices1w 9194 brian adam to
kind of out of hoursserviceto providing dental treatment of
providing an effective nhs dentalserviceto rural scotland the presiding
advertised vacancies in the fiscalserviceand we get good quality
headed by non senior civilserviceprocurators fiscal in the smaller
auditor general the scottish ambulanceservicea service for life 4
se 2001 203 scottish ambulanceserviceannual accounts 2000 2001 se
and d the scottish ambulanceserviceboard s1w 8728 kay ullrich
members to the scottish ambulanceserviceboard sasb since 1 july
members to the scottish ambulanceserviceboard since 1 july 1999
appointed to the scottish ambulanceserviceboard since 1 july 1999
director of the scottish ambulanceserviceboard which presented to the
elder s1m 1647 scottish ambulanceservicecontrol rooms lodged on 9
set by the scottish ambulanceservicefor a arriving at the
the scottish ambulance service aservicefor life 4 conduct of
scottish ambulance service to aservicefor life by the national
3647 jamie stone wick ambulanceservicefor text of motion see
submitted by the scottish ambulanceservicein december 2000 s1w 17758
00 pm 1 scottish ambulanceservicein private the committee discussed
consider ensuring that an ambulanceserviceis based in kinross on
management information department scottish ambulanceservicemr calum kerr manager west
lucas chief executive scottish ambulanceservicemr geoff scaife chief executive
review by the scottish ambulanceserviceof accident and emergency services
submitted by the scottish ambulanceservices1w 11829 dr sylvia jackson
west central division scottish ambulanceservicesir david carter chief medicial
response from the scottish ambulanceserviceto a service for life
executive when the scottish ambulanceservicewill complete the introduction of
and business services scottish prisonservice3 inadmissible petitions the committee
how many a scottish prisonserviceand b outside agency staff
headquarters of the scottish prisonserviceand how many of these
operated by the scottish prisonserviceand how much is paid
recruitment for the scottish prisonserviceand if so for how
budget of the scottish prisonserviceand its budget for 2002
contract between the scottish prisonserviceand kilmarnock prison services limited
water commissioner the scottish prisonserviceand schools are not included
any parliamentary procedure scottish prisonserviceannual report and accounts 2001
nine of the scottish prisonserviceannual report and accounts 2001
officers leave the scottish prisonserviceannually due to a retirements
incurred by the scottish prisonserviceannually since 1997 s1w 7664
officers in the scottish prisonserviceare on salary levels such
and in the scottish prisonserviceas a whole giving the
resigned from the scottish prisonserviceas a whole in each
prison and the scottish prisonserviceas a whole in each
establishment and the scottish prisonserviceas a whole s1w 17717
establishment and the scottish prisonserviceas a whole s1w 17721
relation to the scottish prisonserviceas a whole s1w 17722
and in the scottish prisonserviceas a whole s1w 34941
executive of the scottish prisonserviceas reported in the herald
prison service staff ending theirservicebefore they have used their
workforce in the scottish prisonservicebetween the privately operated and
establishment in the scottish prisonservicebroken down into uniformed staff
underspend in the scottish prisonservicebudget for 2000 01 s1w
available from the scottish prisonservicebudget for 2000 01 through
underspend in the scottish prisonservicebudget for 2000 01 to
cuts in the scottish prisonservicebudget imposed by the scottish
cuts in the scottish prisonservicebudget imposed by the scottish
of morale within the prisonservicechaos in our courts a
of morale within the prisonservicechaos in our courts a
of morale within the prisonservicechaos in our courts a
is in the scottish prisonservicecompared to the five year
so long as the prisonserviceconsists of psychopaths beating the
executive whether the scottish prisonserviceconstrains or plans to constrain
34 of its scottish prisonserviceestate consultation paper proposals for
30 of its scottish prisonserviceestate consultation paper proposals for
future of the scottish prisonserviceestate s1w 24666 stewart stevenson
future of the scottish prisonserviceestate s1w 24667 stewart stevenson
responses to the scottish prisonserviceestates review have been received
first received the scottish prisonserviceestates review in what was
executive whether the scottish prisonserviceestates review submitted to it
percentage does the scottish prisonserviceestimate that costs per prisoner
set by the scottish prisonserviceexist in relation to the
which targets the scottish prisonservicefailed to meet in each
debate on the scottish prisonservicefollowed by business motion 2
contracted to the scottish prisonservicefor the treatment of sex
crisis in the scottish prisonservicegiven the e mails and
executive of the scottish prisonservicehas made to each local
courts and the scottish prisonservicehave dedicated staff we aim
what records the scottish prisonserviceholds on asbestos removal from
proposed by the scottish prisonservicei am sure that it
on in the scottish prisonservicei suppose i had better
set for the scottish prisonservicein 2001 02 s1w 14583
resigned from the scottish prisonservicein each of the last
data provided by hm prisonservicein relation to the levels
whether to contract out aservicein the scottish prison service
to whom the scottish prisonserviceis accountable s1o 3792 23
sensitive work the scottish prisonserviceis also developing a rolling
in places the scottish prisonserviceis gearing itself up to
executive of the scottish prisonserviceis not aware of it
executive whether the scottish prisonserviceis or has been locating
another part the scottish prisonserviceis trying to recruit fishermen
the pressures that the prisonserviceis under pressures could be
offenders within the scottish prisonserviceit is a wide ranging
inadequate condemns the scottish prisonservicemanagement for allowing such a
open prisons the scottish prisonservicenow recommends in the changes
critical of the scottish prisonserviceon numerous occasions although it
current situation in the prisonserviceon the matters covered by
it or the scottish prisonserviceon the treatment of sex
operated by the scottish prisonserviceor by a private operator
employees of the scottish prisonserviceor others contained asbestos and
the army and the prisonserviceotherwise they d all have
block in each scottish prisonserviceprison for a 1999 2000
logged at each scottish prisonserviceprison in a 1999 2000
lodged at each scottish prisonserviceprison in a 1999 2000
and b each scottish prisonserviceprison s1w 24668 irene oldfather
officers in the scottish prisonservicerecord any note of difficulties
contractual arrangements with premier prisonserviceregarding bowhouse private prison in
consulted in the scottish prisonservicereview of the prison estate
giving to the scottish prisonservices addiction services to bring
is supporting the scottish prisonservices addiction services to keep
purposes of the scottish prisonservices key performance indicators but
executive of the scottish prisonservices management style unnecessarily unsettling
evaluation of the scottish prisonservices tendering process for social
are for the scottish prisonservices1w 17720 richard lochhead to
published by the scottish prisonservices1w 24121 michael matheson to
are within the scottish prisonservices1w 24844 mr kenny macaskill
set by the scottish prisonservices1w 24865 mary scanlon to
testing for the scottish prisonservices1w 29267 roseanna cunningham to
management of the scottish prisonservices1w 29277 roseanna cunningham to
chief executive of the prisonservices1w 32360 michael matheson to
free up in the prisonservices1w 34940 richard lochhead to
independent from the scottish prisonservices1w 7110 euan robson to
a word of the prisonservicescenario too many prisoners i
from whom the scottish prisonservicesourced data as referred to
how much the scottish prisonservicespent on a heroin substitutes
staff from the scottish prisonservicesps and who at the
budgets within the scottish prisonservicesps are delegated to individual
service in the scottish prisonservicesps lies with the chief
scottish executive whether scottish prisonservicestaff ending their service before
current petition pe557 scottish prisonservicestaff social and recreational facilities
this petition pe557 scottish prisonservicestaff social and recreational facilities
appropriately and efficiently a prisonservicethat rehabilitates and a youth
executive of the scottish prisonservicethat the parliament notes the
experience within the scottish prisonservicethe rules are changed on
will direct the scottish prisonserviceto make available secure facilities
give priority in the prisonserviceto providing secure humane custody
2003 how the scottish prisonservicetracks a case of violence
officers and b the inservicetraining given to prison officers
prison through a scottish prisonservicetransfer and he was subjected
it by the scottish prisonservicewas changed in any material
executive of the scottish prisonservicewhat definition is given to
executive of the scottish prisonservicewhere it is unclear whether
employed by the scottish prisonservicewhere such dogs are based
fire brigades and the prisonservicewill be spent in the
cameron chief executive scottish prisonservicewillie prestwell director finance and
contractual arrangements with premier prisonservicewith regard to the running
busily operating an online deliveryserviceat a fairly reasonable cost
the delivery of such aservicecannot be free jackie baillie
innovative projects aimed at improvingservicedelivery across public services best
at the front line ofservicedelivery all across scotland mr
key partner in policy developmentservicedelivery and the development of
that are achieved by integratedservicedelivery are lost there are
to achieve citizen centred publicservicedelivery as regards progress in
be pointed towards savings andservicedelivery gains the final test
executive helping to produce effectiveservicedelivery having said that there
you are looking for improvedservicedelivery i presume that that
listed the many areas ofservicedelivery i will therefore not
necessarily through savings but throughservicedelivery improvements some benefit must
at the centre of publicservicedelivery in a 21st century
to have a contract andservicedelivery in place across the
the social economy in publicservicedelivery in recent years there
health board area on electronicservicedelivery in the health service
consideration those include defects inservicedelivery in the national health
speaking executive funding for localservicedelivery is available only on
security if important responsibility forservicedelivery is delegated to the
from survey information and muchservicedelivery is hampered by the
by the voluntary sector inservicedelivery its commitment to the
with a consequent impact onservicedelivery more is being spent
fit in with their widerservicedelivery plans how far it
fit in with their widerservicedelivery plans how far it
of information the second electronicservicedelivery progress report is currently
online public services the electronicservicedelivery progress report published on
required to cut back onservicedelivery s1w 20851 mr david
standards of health care orservicedelivery susan deacon the guarantee
made towards the 2005 electronicservicedelivery target s1w 34752δ kate
to achieve citizen centred publicservicedelivery the most recent question
is to focus on betterservicedelivery the unit is based
than in england post officeservicedelivery there is an ongoing
tenancy improving the standard ofservicedelivery through the single regulator
reducing waiting lists and improvingservicedelivery to patients are compatible
management will deliver improvements inservicedelivery to patients irene mcgugan
comments on waiting lists andservicedelivery to patients will she
applications and the flexibility ofservicedelivery to the applicant the
service delivery in the healthservicefor the current financial year
for the delivery of theservicei have a final question
delivery in the national healthservicein care services in housing
of different ethnic groups inserviceplanning and delivery in our
they centre on delivery ofserviceto all in need all
section 1 establishment of adoptionservicea in each of subsections
354 the yorkhill national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2000
and maternity hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2000
borders general hospital national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2000
galloway primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
fife acute hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
borders primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
glasgow university hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
highland acute hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
grampian primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
argyll primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
west lothian healthcare national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
lanarkshire acute hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
lanarkshire primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
fife primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
lothian primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
lothian university hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
glasgow university hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
tayside university hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
highland primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
clyde acute hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
borders general hospital national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
arran acute hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
glasgow primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
valley acute hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
valley primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
acute and maternity national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
tayside primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
arran primary care national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
renfrewshire and inverclyde national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
grampian university hospitals national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
365 the yorkhill national healthservicetrust establishment amendment order 2001
substituted b a registered adoptionservice10 in section 60 2
is substituted a registered adoptionservice6 in section 22a 1
is substituted a registered adoptionservice7 in section 30 return
is substituted a registered adoptionservicean appropriate voluntary organisation as
is substituted a registered adoptionservicean appropriate voluntary organisation such
is substituted a registered adoptionserviceand b in subsection 3
there is substituted registered adoptionserviceand c after that subsection
is substituted a registered adoptionserviceand ii the words from
substituted i a registered adoptionservicefrom that service ii an
2 f local authorities socialservicefunctions 3 approval of adoption
there is inserted registered adoptionservicehas the meaning given by
registered adoption service from thatserviceii an appropriate voluntary organisation
in this act registered adoptionservicemeans an adoption service provided
substituted b any registered adoptionserviceor any voluntary organisation or
adoption society there is substitutedserviceorganisation 8 in section 45
adoption service means an adoptionserviceprovided as mentioned in section
empowers the users of theserviceand as a consequence ensures
a consequence ensures that theserviceputs the users at the
egan there are for someserviceusers alternatives such as older
of early highly skilled interventionserviceusers and advocacy groups will
lost 20 per cent ofserviceusers and thousands of hours
on the needs of individualserviceusers and volunteers the sector
brian clark one of theserviceusers at binny house to
was plenty of demand fromserviceusers for an income question
buildings for both employees andserviceusers improve the quality of
consultation there has been withserviceusers in the consideration of
ensure that local authorities involveserviceusers in the setting up
it up to the individualserviceusers of binny house to
nhs is taking to consultserviceusers on the design and
the spcb from discriminating againstserviceusers on the grounds of
hoped that one of ourserviceusers or a member of
consultation there will be withserviceusers prior to final decisions
consultation with trade unions andserviceusers regarding the use of
on the volunteers and theserviceusers robert brown glasgow ld
council without any consultation withserviceusers the people of the
there was little demand fromserviceusers there was plenty of
care have been lost byserviceusers who can no longer
the months ahead national healthservice10 shona robison north east
rebuilding scotland s national healthservice16 19 alex neil central
cognisance of that national healthservice4 irene mcgugan north east
4 of the national healthserviceact 1977 and section 88
on behalf of fife healthserviceaction group and from mr
as education and the healthservicealasdair morgan you will appreciate
are not leaving the healthserviceand are simply moving to
related illnesses on the healthserviceand employers i urge the
relating to the national healthserviceand for connected purposes introduced
relating to the national healthserviceand for connected purposes part
transport and a reliable healthserviceand have to know that
low pay across the healthserviceand i welcome that development
if we depoliticise the healthserviceand leave service workers to
about how the national healthserviceand local authority resources should
service should be a healthserviceand not just an illness
care committee the national healthserviceand relevant groups working in
costs to the national healthserviceand social services more than
possible to improve the healthserviceand that other ministers would
authorities and the national healthserviceare working together effectively to
2 malcolm chisholm national healthserviceas an amendment to motion
1 mary scanlon national healthserviceas an amendment to motion
2 malcolm chisholm national healthserviceas an amendment to motion
1 mary scanlon national healthserviceas an amendment to motion
community care the national healthserviceassessment of resources amendment no
community care the national healthserviceassessment of resources amendment no
as i said the healthserviceassessments were rigorous we heard
to refuse to conduct aserviceassuming that the health and
of investment in the healthservicebecause poverty affects health that
culture of violence national healthserviceboards 6 mr john mcallion
of places on national healthserviceboards in scotland lodged 19
of places on national healthserviceboards in scotland lodged 19
union scottish representation national healthserviceboards race relations amendment act
future of unified national healthserviceboards s1o 5173 the minister
direct elections to national healthserviceboards scotland bill proposal for
direct elections to national healthserviceboards scotland bill proposal for
and payments between national healthservicebodies and local authorities as
and payments between national healthservicebodies and local authorities as
for scotland entitled national healthservicebodies in tayside ags 2001
for scotland entitled national healthservicebodies in tayside ags 2001
square dundee 1 national healthservicebodies in tayside in private
its inquiry into national healthservicebodies in tayside local government
2001 report on national healthservicebodies in tayside sp paper
in private 3 national healthservicebodies in tayside the committee
2001 02 4 national healthservicebodies in tayside the committee
in private 3 national healthservicebodies in tayside the committee
specifically excludes reference to healthservicebodies independent providers and registered
into one about the healthservicebut i want to address
cost element for the healthservicebut the real issue is
investment in the national healthserviceby an appropriate rise in
save money for the healthserviceby reducing ill health cut
re nationalise the national healthserviceby removing all private contractors
with them under national healthservicecapitation or continuing care arrangements
they need personal or healthservicecare they get it free
am in the scottish healthservicecentre conference facility crewe road
roy mcmahon location scottish healthservicecentre edinburgh 31 january 2003
care sector developing community healthservicecentres by bringing together more
and to establish community healthservicecentres transforming the health of
negative instruments the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
community care the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
rural development the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
may 2003 the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
may 2003 the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
community care the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
community care the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
may 2001 the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
home affairs the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
may 2003 the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
may 2001 the national healthservicecharges for drugs and appliances
community care the national healthservicechoice of medical practitioner scotland
community care the national healthservicechoice of medical practitioner scotland
community care the national healthservicechoice of medical practitioner scotland
community care the national healthservicechoice of medical practitioner scotland
community care the national healthservicechoice of medical practitioner scotland
act 1972 the national healthserviceclinical negligence and other risks
rural affairs the national healthserviceclinical negligence and other risks
june 2000 the national healthserviceclinical negligence and other risks
rural affairs the national healthserviceclinical negligence and other risks
rural affairs the national healthserviceclinical negligence and other risks
june 2002 the national healthserviceclinical negligence and other risks
june 2002 the national healthserviceclinical negligence and other risks
the relationship between the healthservicecommissioner the nhs complaints system
51 the national health serviceservicecommittees and tribunal scotland amendment
51 the national health serviceservicecommittees and tribunal scotland amendment
addressed effectively in the healthservicedelayed discharge is an issue
are registered with national healthservicedentists which is the result
concern as is the healthservicedespite the moneys for the
a national list of healthservicedrug options we will seek
this but about the healthserviceeducation jobs and poverty at
members of the national healthservicefamily malcolm chisholm i pay
wanted to include a healthservicefigure in the report it
procurement policies for the healthservicefor example health providers should
constraints lie in the healthservicefor example is my father
debate on the national healthservicefor text of motion see
principle of a scottish healthservicefree for all at the
the following the national healthservicefunctions of the common services
period taken by the healthservicefunding authority and its health
and current and future healthservicefunding supported by roseanna cunningham
community care the national healthservicegeneral medical services and pharmaceutical
community care the national healthservicegeneral medical services and pharmaceutical
may 2002 the national healthservicegeneral medical services and pharmaceutical
and sport the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
home affairs the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
1999 53 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
may 2001 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
home affairs the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
march 2000 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
and sport the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
and sport the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
1999 53 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
2003 9 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
november 2002 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
may 2001 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
2003 10 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
and sport the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
march 2000 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
2003 10 the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
following instruments the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
home affairs the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland amendment
provisions in the national healthservicegeneral medical services scotland regulations
community care the national healthservicegeneral medical services supplementary lists
community care the national healthservicegeneral medical services supplementary lists
community care the national healthservicegeneral medical services supplementary lists
community care the national healthservicegeneral medical services supplementary lists
members indicated agreement national healthservicegeneral medical services supplementary lists
2003 63 the national healthservicegeneral medical services supplementary lists
community care the national healthservicegeneral medical services supplementary lists
ssi 2003 63 national healthservicegeneral medical services supplementary lists
1999 54 the national healthservicegeneral ophthalmic services scotland amendment
april 2001 the national healthservicegeneral ophthalmic services scotland amendment
1999 54 the national healthservicegeneral ophthalmic services scotland amendment
april 2001 the national healthservicegeneral ophthalmic services scotland amendment
community care the national healthservicegeneral ophthalmic services scotland amendment
nurses employed in the healthservicehospitals need to use fewer
of careers in the healthservicehow many people today aspire
care and the national healthservicei also pay tribute to
my years in the healthservicei considered myself first and
up elsewhere in the healthserviceif the committee takes the
efficient running of our healthserviceif things go wrong nurses
party of the national healthservicein 1948 people have had
the reorganisation of the healthservicein glasgow s1o 2760 15
age discrimination in the healthservicein hospitals around scotland older
devolve management of the healthservicein its area s1o 6436
an improvement to the healthservicein rural areas when can
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 1999 2000 the
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 2000 01 ags
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 2000 01 ags
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 2000 01 the
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 2000 01 the
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 2000 01 the
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 2001 02 ags
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 2001 02 ags
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 2001 02 the
overview of the national healthservicein scotland 2001 02 the
the role that the healthservicein scotland and the ms
running of the national healthservicein scotland i am thinking
report on the national healthservicein scotland local government committee
to rebuilding a public healthservicein scotland that is capable
to rebuilding a public healthservicein scotland that is capable
overview of the national healthservicein scotland the committee noted
interests 3 the national healthservicein scotland the committee will
budget for the national healthservicein scotland there is no
all solution for the healthservicein scotland will he give
ensuring a first class healthservicein the 21st century s1m
make information about the healthserviceincluding hospital waiting times and
resources available to the healthserviceincluding the number of professional
set targets for the healthserviceincrease the length of time
are positive developments in healthserviceinfrastructure the presiding officer i
for improving the national healthserviceinvesting in staff has even
s contact with the healthserviceis at the primary care
we recognise that our healthserviceis delivered by people in
public perception that the healthserviceis deteriorating some health boards
the running of the healthserviceis totally devolved to the
the demands on the healthserviceit is about not what
potential impact on our healthserviceit is essential that the
effective running of the healthserviceit is the government s
considerin it wis the healthserviceit wis the same yin
on my pension and healthservicejohn is in london with
care category of the healthservicejournal management awards 2002 for
s1m 3617 margaret jamieson healthservicejournal management awards 2002 primary
worth out of the healthservicelately robert was in hospital
macdonald s1m 2882 national healthservicelodged on 12 march 2002
wilson s1m 87 national healthservicelodged on 6 july 1999
to social work the healthservicemental health children s rights
ill health costs the healthservicemore than 6billion every year
social services or the healthservicemuch more our attention should
well as an effective cessationservicemultimedia information on the health
gas conversion grants national healthservicenational health service roads a96
to maintain an adequate healthservicenetwork this will include increasing
agency of the scottish healthservicenot being fully operational in
agenda scottish parliamentary and healthserviceombudsman annual report 17 04
curran scottish parliamentary and healthserviceombudsman annual report motion moved
scottish parliamentary ombudsman and healthserviceombudsman for scotland intends to
scottish parliamentary ombudsman and healthserviceombudsman for scotland intends to
scottish parliamentary ombudsman and healthserviceombudsman for scotland s annual
scottish parliamentary ombudsman and healthserviceombudsman for scotland s annual
work in the national healthserviceone might consider that their
community care the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments and
community care the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments and
rural development the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments scotland
community care the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments scotland
1999 63 the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments scotland
justice 1 the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments scotland
june 2003 the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments scotland
1999 63 the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments scotland
justice 1 the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments scotland
march 2002 the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments scotland
community care the national healthserviceoptical charges and payments scotland
specific figures for the healthserviceor local government muir russell
for a single integrated healthserviceorganisation malcolm chisholm clearly i
negative instrument¾ the national healthservicepenalty charge scotland regulations 1999
lifelong learning the national healthservicepenalty charge scotland regulations 1999
local government the national healthservicepersonal medical services scotland regulations
local government the national healthservicepersonal medical services scotland regulations
1999 56 the national healthservicepharmaceutical services scotland amendment regulations
1999 56 the national healthservicepharmaceutical services scotland amendment regulations
april 2001 the national healthservicepharmaceutical services scotland regulations 2001
april 2001 the national healthservicepharmaceutical services scotland regulations 2001
its consequences by the healthservicepolice and local authorities double
changes of use of healthservicepremises are proposed whether those
2 to the national healthserviceprimary care act 1997 amendments
2002 asp 00 national healthserviceprimary care act 1997 c
1 to the national healthserviceprimary care act 1997 c
1 of the national healthserviceprimary care act 1997 c
with the executive national healthserviceprofessions supplementary to medicine scotland
ssi 2000 201 national healthserviceprofessions supplementary to medicine scotland
rural affairs the national healthserviceprofessions supplementary to medicine scotland
rural affairs the national healthserviceprofessions supplementary to medicine scotland
rural affairs the national healthserviceprofessions supplementary to medicine scotland
into contact with the healthserviceprovide a national framework for
health that the level ofserviceprovided particularly on waiting times
to that act family healthserviceproviders and b exercises any
bodies other than family healthserviceproviders and registered social landlords
registered social landlords family healthserviceproviders are in any case
authorities central government and healthserviceproviders for the next 10
public authorities and family healthserviceproviders see paragraph 5 schedule
will review existing mental healthserviceprovision s1o 6451 25 margaret
but is concerned that healthserviceprovision throughout scotland is patchy
guarantees spread good practice inserviceredesign among health boards to
scanlon s1m 1474 acute healthservicereview in south glasgow lodged
national health service national healthserviceroads a96 sutherland report water
that inflation in the healthserviceruns above the retail prices
debate on the national healthservices1m 2882 nicola sturgeon national
clinical governance in the healthservices1o 3844 21 colin campbell
to serve the scottish healthservices1w 1994 mary scanlon to
act means the national healthservicescotland act 1978 c 29
inserted 12 3a national healthservicescotland act 1978 c 29
laid under the national healthservicescotland act 1978 her majesty
2 of the national healthservicescotland act 1978 other documents
2 of the national healthservicescotland act 1978 the following
7b to the national healthservicescotland act 1978 the following
32e of the national healthservicescotland act 1978 which is
december 1999 the national healthservicescotland injury benefits amendment no
february 2002 the national healthservicescotland superannuation scheme and additional
1999 51 the national healthserviceservice committees and tribunal scotland
1999 51 the national healthserviceservice committees and tribunal scotland
the cbi that the healthserviceshould be a health service
emergency planning in the healthserviceshould be fully up to
money that the national healthservicespends on people who have
on whether immunisation among healthservicestaff should be promoted that
2001 435 the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme injury benefits and
january 2002 the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme injury benefits and
negative instruments the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme scotland amendment regulations
2003 draft the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme scotland amendment regulations
march 2003 the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme scotland amendment regulations
march 2003 the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme scotland amendment regulations
negative instruments the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme scotland amendment regulations
march 2003 the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme scotland amendment regulations
march 2003 the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme scotland amendment regulations
march 2003 the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme scotland amendment regulations
march 2003 the national healthservicesuperannuation scheme scotland amendment regulations
expense to the national healthservicesusan deacon annabel goldie referred
it in the national healthservicetackling low pay and delivering
nurses working in our healthservicethan in 1995 there are
public funding into its healthservicethan we do and soon
are to have the healthservicethat everyone wants in the
the moneys for the healthservicethat have been talked about
are committed to a healthservicethat is universal in its
the stretch on the healthservicethat led the committee to
been spent in the healthservicethat represents a huge programme
2882 nicola sturgeon national healthservicethat the parliament notes that
do the scottish health advisoryservicethe mental welfare commission for
tories did to the healthservicethe recent pronouncements of liam
paid into the national healthservicethroughout their working lives now
resources to the scottish healthserviceto meet any funding gap
similar responsibilities in the healthserviceto put the interests of
every day in the healthservicetoday however i hear that
november 1999 the national healthservicetravelling expenses and remission of
november 1999 the national healthservicetravelling expenses and remission of
and sport the national healthservicetravelling expenses and remission of
address of the national healthservicetrust 2 describe the land
ministers or specify national healthservicetrust by this notice the
act c a national healthservicetrust established by order made
board jc a national healthservicetrust jd any person who
valley primary care national healthservicetrust se 1999 29 23
that only four national healthservicetrusts have fully implemented the
health boards and national healthservicetrusts including those in argyll
rural development the national healthservicetrusts membership and procedure scotland
agency and 12a national healthservicetrusts of and paragraph 6
any guidelines to national healthservicetrusts regarding the inclusion in
even people in national healthserviceunits make a contribution to
march 2000 the national healthservicevocational training for general practice
march 2000 the national healthservicevocational training for general practice
executive why the national healthservicewaiting lists in tayside have
paid ever since the healthservicewas created special rates have
time since the national healthservicewas established expenditure on it
a modern and dependable healthservicewelcomes the formation of the
scandal in the national healthservicewhereby skid row blood was
local government and the healthservicewhether acceptable and workable questions
agency of the scottish healthservicewill begin the testing of
know that the national healthservicewill care for them should
resources for the national healthservicewill have on delayed discharges
the problems of the healthservicewill not be properly addressed
we spend on the healthservicewill not cure its ills
of what the scottish healthservicewill spend this year that
and an improving national healthservicewith an extra 3 2
the health service and leaveserviceworkers to get on with
and the old under nationalservicea large chunk of the
including the national criminal intelligenceserviceand hm customs and excise
the call came for nationalserviceat the age of 18
examine carefully how a nationalservicecould fit in with their
examine carefully how a nationalservicecould fit in with their
he was daein his nationalservicedoon in chatham in kent
f965: we still had nationalservicef963: that s true yeah
of a national careers adviceservicefor scotland along similar lines
and the national criminal intelligenceservicefor the avoidance of doubt
the scottish national blood transfusionservicefractionation centre minute by the
delete the national criminal intelligenceservicefrom the list of public
contribute a poetry of nationalservicei have a dark longing
when i did me nationalservicei worked sooth in scotland
royal navy daein his nationalservicein his young days the
with the national criminal intelligenceservicein london there would be
is the national criminal intelligenceservicein paisley the ncis controls
1946 harry mckenzie on nationalservicein the royal corps of
s1m 1470 national asylum supportservicelodged on 14 december 2000
in the east for nationalservicem1019: but there must there
to the national asylum supportservicenass regarding the length of
accessible and adequate national adviceserviceon debt and housing matters
concerning scottish national blood transfusionserviceprotein fractionation centre clinical trials
to the national asylum supportserviceregarding any resourcing problems faced
and the national asylum supportserviceregarding the issues concerning the
went to do his nationalserviceso obviously he had toilet
national prosecution and death investigationservicethat covers the whole of
national sen advice and informationservicethat is worthy but i
or the national criminal intelligenceserviceto carry out such operations
a national information and supportserviceto keep victims informed about
establish a national client advisoryserviceto make sure that examples
be aware the tenants informationservicewas commissioned by the national
believes that water and sewerageservicecharges to domestic customers should
manage to buy but theservicecharges will work out quite
charges public transport means anyserviceor services provided to the
excellent out of hours medicalserviceat the new primary care
or of the emergency medicalservicebill aitken 76 after section
of hours general medical practitionersservicein grampian and aberdeen is
member of any emergency medicalserviceincluding a member of the
scottish executive whether the civilservicecode applies to employees of
as stated in the civilservicecode s1w 27371 donald gorrie
statements made in the civilservicecode that civil servants owe
city chambers or the civilserviceif you weren t able
disabled people into the civilservicein each year since 1996
of specialists into the civilservicein each year since 1996
were recruited into the civilservicein each year since 1996
colin campbell s1m 1826 civilserviceinvolvement in fisheries dispute lodged
question is the 200 civilservicejobs at the scottish public
3937 1 margo macdonald civilservicejobs dispersal as an amendment
tommy sheridan s1m 3937 civilservicejobs dispersal lodged on 21
scottish executive how many civilservicejobs it plans to relocate
s1m 3863 dispersal of civilservicejobs lodged on 5 february
of offshore industry related civilservicejobs to aberdeen lodged on
of offshore industry related civilservicejobs to aberdeen that the
by continuing to relocate civilservicejobs to areas across scotland
jamie stone dispersal of civilservicejobs to caithness sutherland and
s1m 372 dispersal of civilservicejobs to caithness sutherland and
to the dispersal of civilservicejobs to caithness sutherland and
s1m 530 dispersal of civilservicejobs to tayside lodged on
recent initiative to disperse civilservicejobs will encompass all parts
a cadet in the civilserviceoverseeing malarial jungle in hambantota
a review of current civilservicepractice michael russell is right
office in the home civilservices51 9 the new structure
members of the home civilservices51 as are civil servants
that the scottish executive civilserviceshare is a quarter four
quarter four times our civilserviceshare why is the scottish
into the the scots civilserviceso ye know whereas gaelic
member of the senior civilservicethose offices will have a
ordinary jobs in the civilserviceto dae that then fine
members of the european civilserviceto gain work experience with
the scottish pensioners movement civilservicetrade unionists and anti poverty
through in the good civilserviceway by a steering group
wednesday 19 bowls v civilservicewe win our rink score
collaboration between the sic educationserviceand the shetland arts trust
under their nhs terms ofservicein addition the trust has
the review of the sleepserviceincluding trust managers and clinicians
trust for conservation volunteers communityservicevolunteers environment and the woodland
housing revenue accounts and generalservicebudgets for the current financial
that no fraudulent items ofserviceclaims are made by general
fare structures in the ferryservicein general inter alia he
further notes that such aserviceincludes government general practitioner and
the head office and theserviceis organised into six regions
part of a recurring annualserviceimprovement plan improve services to
head of research and informationservicejanet seaton stock and services
education services the sic educationservices creative links officer managed
services have adequate information toservicethe needs of those residents
care service for the wordservicethere is substituted services 3
participation services and the educationserviceto inform and engage the
29 june 2001 the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
ssi 2002 547 the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
scotland act 1951 the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
and the environment the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
ssi 2002 547 the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
and the environment the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
and the environment the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
and community care the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
and the environment the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
and the environment the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
ssi 2001 208 the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
and the environment the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
and the environment the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
and community care the publicservicevehicles registration of local services
above the references to aservicebeing provided are to the
the level and standard ofservicebeing provided by argyll and
scotvec always provided a fineservicein the past and the
sentencing provided that the probationserviceis properly funded and that
to subsection 2 below aserviceprovided a under the 1968
related to the quality ofserviceprovided and those relating to
have an impact on theserviceprovided by cabx which put
language in connection with aserviceprovided by the public body
authority will have on theserviceprovided currently and due to
own worst enemies a goodserviceprovided to lift large items
in order to maintain theserviceprovided to patients particularly in
the parliament recognises the vitalserviceprovided to the public in
provided by a care homeserviceregistered under part 1 of
shall apply as respects aserviceso provided by them c
that the sign language interpretingservicethat is provided by social
of the scottish parliament theservicethat is provided there is
from they just provided theservicethere are different approaches and
is provided there is aserviceto the whole of central
birthday and recognises the invaluableservicewhich it has provided over
secure the provision of theservice1c the reference in subsections
provision of a community careservicea in subsection 1 i
or so much of aserviceas consists of the provision
provision of a public libraryservicec functions relating to fire
provision of a community careservicefor the word service there
plan the provision of aservicein gaelic and fails to
securing the provision of theservicein question may be determined
securing the provision of theservicein question may or b
securing the provision of theserviceis to securing its provision
the provision of the sleepserviceit agreed to seek the
the provision of additional publicserviceobligations if so will he
of the social economy toserviceprovision and economic prosperity and
of the social economy toserviceprovision and economic prosperity official
fund will specifically assist withserviceprovision and support for women
petition predates the improvement inserviceprovision and that as a
networks to promote training qualityserviceprovision and the exchange of
minimum levels commensurate with effectiveserviceprovision and the technical conditions
reviews or any changes inserviceprovision are planned attracting people
difference to the levels ofserviceprovision by the end of
is clearly an issue surroundingserviceprovision for that group and
result in job creation enhancedserviceprovision improved infrastructure and a
that has an impact onserviceprovision in schools the census
not pose a risk toserviceprovision in scotland muir russell
living afterwards and need expensiveserviceprovision no one would grudge
for older people to theserviceprovision that is available to
economy operating in areas ofserviceprovision that it does not
economy operating in areas ofserviceprovision that it does not
such as housing adaptations andserviceprovision the convener douglas hamilton
the principle of universality ofserviceprovision the people whom the
or whether guarantees of overallserviceprovision will also be taken
hours of provision of theservices1w 29253 michael russell to
a local authority or aservicethe provision of which to
provision and detrimentally affect theserviceto children and that the
to the provision of theserviceto which it relates a
analysis provision o mair inservicetrainin for teachers an emphasis
analysis provision of more inservicetraining for teachers and emphasis
no provision for european militaryservicewe are nowhere near any
the efficient provision of thatservicewe do not submit bids
in the value of publicserviceand a welcome for the
provide a more socially responsibleserviceand calls for a public
provide a more socially responsibleserviceand calls for a public
her life of outstanding publicserviceand her long and close
positive public reaction to theserviceand its ability to give
ability to be a publicservicebroadcaster capable of responding in
failure as a failure inserviceby a public body or
on the award of publicservicecontracts in passenger transport and
potentially a hugely efficient publicservicedeserving of protection and promotion
or contact the public informationservicedetails are on the back
or contack the public informationservicedetails is on the hinderend
russell s1m 2691 scottish publicserviceemployees lodged on 4 february
to regard this as aservicefailure by the public body
allows the ombudsman to investigateservicefailures of public bodies other
they saw us providing aservicefor the the public m608:
commercial basis competition has deliveredserviceimprovements in both the public
too can perform a publicservicein extending our reading skills
and distinguished records of publicservicein scotland which have continued
modern high quality public prosecutionserviceit is unsurprising that there
as part of the publicservicejob relocation policy s1w 33036
sites for any future publicservicejob relocations s1w 33037 jackie
whether it will prioritise publicservicejob relocations to areas of
to the relocation of publicservicejobs particularly in relation to
the scottish parliament public informationservicelook at the scottish parliament
by contacting the public informationservicelooking on the website or
the scottish pairlament public informationserviceluik til the scottish pairlament
by contactin the public informationserviceluikin on the wabsite or
by contactin the public informationservicemsps forgaithers in the debatin
by contacting the public informationservicemsps meet in the debating
will you start advertising thatservicemuir russell the public will
to be considered for publicserviceobligation air routes s1w 9198
apply to tender for publicserviceobligation air routes s1w 9199
is subject to a publicserviceobligation for one year only
to barra air link publicserviceobligation for text of motion
to barra air link publicserviceobligation lodged on 11 december
2930 inverness air links publicserviceobligation lodged on 20 march
to barra air link publicserviceobligation lodged on 21 november
decision to award a publicserviceobligation order to the glasgow
scottish executive whether a publicserviceobligation pso could be imposed
three years of a publicserviceobligation pso order recognises the
three years of a publicserviceobligation pso order recognises the
not subject to a publicserviceobligation s1w 11813 mr kenny
to barra air link publicserviceobligation that the parliament notes
to barra air link publicserviceobligation that the parliament notes
to barra air link publicserviceobligation the parliament debated s1m
the creation of more publicserviceobligations allowing affordable and accessible
the creation of more publicserviceobligations allowing affordable and accessible
assess the value of publicserviceobligations already operating on some
including the use of publicserviceobligations and the cost of
including the use of publicserviceobligations and the cost of
and islands backed by publicserviceobligations believes that the introduction
and islands backed by publicserviceobligations believes that the introduction
that the introduction of publicserviceobligations provides an opportunity to
that the introduction of publicserviceobligations provides an opportunity to
building on the existing publicserviceobligations road transport we seek
agencies ensure that every publicserviceorganisation has a written policy
in the public administration andservicesectors through the administration of
streetscapes support a public mediationserviceso that communities can engage
pay and conditions of publicservicestaff calls upon the scottish
pay and conditions of publicservicestaff calls upon the scottish
or contack the public informationservicetelephone 0131 348 5000 or
or contact the public informationservicetelephone 0131 348 5000 or
the parliament s public informationservicethe public information staff are
the pairlament s public informationservicethe public information staff is
parliament uk scrieve public informationservicethe scottish parliament edinburgh eh99
parliament uk letter public informationservicethe scottish parliament edinburgh eh99
officer you have given outstandingserviceto public life in scotland
proposals to introduce scottish publicservicetrusts followed by business motion
proposals to introduce scottish publicservicetrusts the presiding officer has
please contack the public informationservicewe walcome correspondence scrievit in
please contact the public informationservicewe welcome written correspondence in
that unlike many other publicserviceworkers fire fighters and controllers
address domestic abuse protect publicserviceworkers from attack ensure effective
to be low for publicserviceworkers the independent review s
an fae the public informationserviceye can submit a petition
and from the public informationserviceyou can submit a petition
branch 1 justice department fireserviceand emergency planning division ruth
joint working between the fireserviceand the council hector currie
external officers from the fireserviceand the police force was
develop a distinctive scottish fireserviceas outlined in the consultation
bars and that the fireservicehad the relevant rights in
must get together the fireservicehas a responsibility but it
of direction over the fireserviceis mindful that under the
3874 1 the scottish fireservicelodged on 11 february 2003
3874 1 the scottish fireservicelodged on 11 february 2003
s1m 3874 the scottish fireservicelodged on 7 february 2003
legislative competence for all fireservicematters in scotland and urges
on fire during the churchservice[note: photo: 'easter day 1974 outside arbuthnott church. the group includes: heather and fiona adams; brenda smith; nellie riddoch; mrs adams; mrs greig; mabel keilloh.'] until 1928 communion was
consultation paper the scottish fireserviceof the future and to
debate on the scottish fireserviceof the future followed by
on the use of militaryservicepersonnel for emergency fire cover
of industrial action by fireservicepersonnel has been to date
by industrial action by fireservicepersonnel s1w 33754δ bill butler
many false alarms each fireservicereceived in each of the
do not indicate the fireservices wider workload in terms
the future of the fireservices1o 6398 21 nora radcliffe
legislation for the scottish fireservicewill be subject to proper
white paper on the fireservicewith its emphasis on fire
as pharmacies provide a valuableserviceand the executive has taken
in grampian provide an emergencyserviceand where these dentists are
in tayside provide an emergencyserviceand where these dentists are
the staff who provide theserviceare invaluable members of the
to attempt to provide theserviceat that venue therefore the
potential benefits that such aservicecould provide in scotland in
go ahead and provide theservicederek miller on your first
er and provide a aservicefor them er whereas obviously
staff who provide a valuableservicein supporting the older people
provide a modern high qualityserviceincrease funds for the modernisation
case may be provide aservicemr andy kerr 9 in
of authorities provides an acceptableservicenone of them provide a
done cabx cannot provide theirserviceon standstill budgets and can
organisations that provide an informationserviceon the parliament and that
case may be provide aserviceor iv in any other
allow them to provide theserviceoutwith council offices my recollection
local authorities provide a textphoneservices1o 5439 30 mr kenneth
to provide a quality housingservicesupported by fergus ewing tommy
35 120 provide mair inserviceteacher trainin on the leids
none of them provide aservicethat could not be improved
competitors also to provide theservicethat is not beyond the
local authorities to provide aservicethat meets the accommodation needs
is providing a good qualityservicethat will provide the outcomes
action to provide an outreachservicethis weekend a group will
scotland often provide a vitalserviceto local communities particularly in
needs and provide a personalisedserviceto their clients my party
44 120 provide more inservicetraining for teachers on the
a failure to provide aservicewhich it was their function
fully supported fully manned policeservicewhich would provide effective neighbourhood
financial review of scottish prisonsserviceestates review and how many
financial review of scottish prisonsserviceestates review by pricewaterhousecoopers s1w
financial review of scottish prisonsserviceestates review by pricewaterhousecoopers s1w
financial review of scottish prisonsserviceestates review by pricewaterhousecoopers s1w
financial review of scottish prisonsserviceestates review by pricewaterhousecoopers s1w
financial review of scottish prisonsserviceestates review prepared by pricewaterhousecoopers
financial review of scottish prisonsserviceestates review prepared by pricewaterhousecoopers
financial review of scottish prisonsserviceestates review prepared by pwc
financial review of scottish prisonsserviceestates review s1w 24761 tricia
its review of the sleepserviceon 23 october we considered
scottish executive response to careersservicereview duffner report the committee
into which category of careserviceas set out in the
care which agency provides aservicebut we must ensure that
people receiving a home careservicehas declined since 1999 by
there is inserted care homeservicehas the meaning given by
or otherwise for a careserviceprovider which would be a
in relation to a careserviceregistered under this part as
care does not include aservicewhich or so much of
i mention our after careserviceyes madam it s second
turned oot the first inserviceday fur teachers attracted primary
administrative burdens on the policeserviceand ensure that police officers
unit parliamentary police force postalservicecatering staff cleaners and all
targets for the scottish policeservicefor 2004 to 2006 have
police and the mountain rescueservicefor those who man our
not a free standing policeserviceit is mainly a co
of reports received by theserviceprincipally from the police but
adequate funding of the policeservices1o 5363 10 mr lloyd
we would keep the policeservicestrong and fight crime by
to bring the scottish policeserviceunder the remit of the
and the scottish business informationservicebecause of funding problems 10
telephone using the rnid typetalkserviceinformation about the parliament for
gaps and the buchan alcoholserviceinformation centre had funding from
information systems teams and theirserviceproviders on their achievements in
library and scottish business informationservicethe parliament debated s1m 2345
advice information and a referralservicethe young film makers initiative

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