See this word as a collocate cloud
fur a guid vyow housomdevir | shae | als sein at the wes |
wittins o thon haithen gentilman | shae | clappit the katt an cryed |
be mairriet on a chiel | shae | cryed the blak k nicht |
it wes eith sein at | shae | hed the moyen ti maun |
clene awaw whan shae waukent | shae | hered a crunklin soun by |
wir academik failyie or mebbies | shae | sein a lak o soshwal |
poued aff hir buits than | shae | sein at ilkane o the |
beisie luikin about hir at | shae | sein na ane auld wicht |
roddenberrie s blinkers skinkilt whan | shae | sein thaim shae tuik ruth |
pued on hir coits aince | shae | sein the garron wi the |
s morn whan shae waukent | shae | thocht shae wes a bairn |
skinkilt whan shae sein thaim | shae | tuik ruth s hauns in |
mirren fentit clene awaw whan | shae | waukent shae hered a crunklin |
the morn s morn whan | shae | waukent shae thocht shae wes |
whan shae waukent shae thocht | shae | wes a bairn agane the |
wes mairriet on hugh brecham | shae | wes cryed sairie grunstane whan |
twasum kythit out the hyste | shae | wes leised on sein ebenezer |
mither s cryed sairie afoir | shae | wes mairriet on hugh brecham |
o tribulance scotland the morn | shae | wes waukent bi the whinkin |
puir bruits thocht mirren as | shae | birled doun the hul at |
faks at mirren leirit as | shae | corssed the sair waurrit suddron |
the wes a seilence whan | shae | feinist john an mirren wes |
yeir sauf nou auntie mirren | shae | gied hir a kis than |
in carlyle mirren gied ower | shae | gratna nor apologeised tel me |
ein mirren wes afoir m | shae | gruppit hiz lug an pued |
mirren s speirits raise whan | shae | hard this pronuncement fur shae |
lang syne whan mirren kent | shae | hed a sauf havin shae |
a pray ti heiven at | shae | isna sechtit mirren dinna fash |
o r mirren gried tho | shae | kentna whitten airt the win |
we maun liss puir mirren | shae | l be frichtent sayed frizzel |
tedder shae telt mirren at | shae | maun rist awie ti gie |
mirren nou hed anither fasherie | shae | maun wun ti herbrie afoir |
a panshit mirren bene chasteised | shae | mountit the meir wi a |
wes ower mich fur mirren | shae | nivver grat sin bairnheid bot |
mirren wes that pouskered at | shae | sleipit lik a bairn an |
or swithers ben hir howff | shae | swoupit mirren doun ti brakwast |
the en o hir tedder | shae | telt mirren at shae maun |
mirren wes maist frustert fur | shae | thocht at it wuid be |
mirren gied a grue fur | shae | thocht he wes gaun ti |
mirren sayed frizzel the suiner | shae | waashes hir hauns o thon |
the puir customar mirren tho | shae | walcummed wi apen airms caller |
suid convoy mirren sae gif | shae | wes arreistit the wuid bene |
mirren mynded the wairnishin at | shae | wes enterin a warl o |
the lest twa telt at | shae | wes ti be mairriet on |
ower the muir shae kent | shae | cuid feinis bot fur airtistrie |
an ane on froggit sacerdott | shae | fand whitlik shae wes sekin |
lik ye jaloused an tho | shae | hesna bene hairmed shae isna |
maister grunstane shae says at | shae | is yeir sister the messenger |
tho shae hesna bene hairmed | shae | isna frie ti cum an |
its dinger ower the muir | shae | kent shae cuid feinis bot |
husband an masell socht divortioun | shae | laed canadae sayin shae wes |
shae wes onabasit heid heich | shae | mairched inti the hyste at |
shae hed a sauf havin | shae | sattilt doun an telt grant |
veisitour fur ye maister grunstane | shae | says at shae is yeir |
luikin wumman out wi ye | shae | skauldit tammas thocht shae wes |
divortioun shae laed canadae sayin | shae | wes gaun ti finnd frieryke |
ye shae skauldit tammas thocht | shae | wes menin the gait bot |
wi blak onfreinlie faces bot | shae | wes onabasit heid heich shae |
froggit sacerdott shae fand whitlik | shae | wes sekin at the swith |
shae hard this pronuncement fur | shae | wesna uised ti auld scotch |
mynd in hir distres at | shae | als hed lost a nyow |
frae hiz hyne awaw antecestors | shae | als telt him o hiz |
sisters ither wittins at als | shae | wes ti mairrie on the |
is ben the kittie agane | shae | expoundit grannie roddenberrie gied thaim |
grypes agane wi ilkane wird | shae | swang at tam s wi |
hir sorraes in ane instant | shae | wes doun whummilt agane the |
the puir sowel ower afoir | shae | cuid stap the kerr the |
afoir the twenes at lest | shae | speired ar ye no gaun |
an waur wuid enschew gin | shae | didna gy effairs ti a |
wuid be cantie nou fur | shae | hed richtlie jaloused at thai |
an hed twene bairns furby | shae | rakkont at he wuid be |
cuid en up bein incarcerat | shae | wairned wuid ye haud me |
i the distrik bot at | shae | wuid gie hir pleven ti |
keper it wes clair at | shae | wuid inlow oniething ti oniebuddie |
wuid be tint tae fur | shae | wuid tak the gilt on |
bak o a coutch whaur | shae | bene liggin mither the beddal |
corss gaird an a ludge | shae | cuidna ein thank hir gydes |
hir dawtie gruppin its heid | shae | glowered intil its ein at |
bene brak on the buss | shae | jaloused as a awreddies telt |
ein clud ower wi wirrie | shae | mey weill no be thair |
o embro ir deid bot | shae | kent at john and frizzel |
the blak k nicht at | shae | met at embro castel durand |
nyow town o embro whaur | shae | thocht thai micht aye hae |
an furth ti embro at | shae | wes telt wes gubernt bi |
the caibin heir yeir bryde | shae | annuncit bot caw cannie wi |
wuidna beleved the store bot | shae | did an napier s mandement |
belyve an wes thankryfe bot | shae | didna beleve the bittie anent |
o dewtie bot the mair | shae | duin the mair the auld |
eneuch the wes a wapper | shae | luiked fur a caudron bot |
at he wes tholin bot | shae | pit hir haun onti hiz |
hir k nittin the cuiverfeu | shae | skreiched bot it wes ower |
cuid feinis bot fur airtistrie | shae | tuik out a pukkil flindrikins |
strynge pistils frae ruth bot | shae | wes gied ludgin an set |
cluddit an lourd bot nou | shae | wes in a nyow warl |
pantrie an the flake staun | shae | wyted the younkers bot fun |
luikit agley at ruth tho | shae | kent at hir dochter wuidna |
whan ruth s spell cam | shae | pit a tapsiltourie on t |
o john frae the jyle | shae | forgied tammas fur criticeizin hir |
no wi ilk nitherin soun | shae | stauppit forrit an tammas ratrettit |
shair an swippert jurnay hamewith | shae | wes dauncin mad wi tammas |
en o hir onkil belyve | shae | wes that beisie luikin about |
s whaur hiz weird liggs | shae | gied ebenezer a draucht at |
gray fluff in pompitie s | shae | gied him mair an mair |
socht ti caum hiz souch | shae | gied him mait an pit |
at rosie gied him sen | shae | kent it wes fu o |
the clishmaclaverin john kent at | shae | maun be gied a mair |
aw sairie at aince an | shae | wes gied a het douk |
ti mend hiz hort feillins | shae | didna speir the ruit o |
hiz mither didna repone fur | shae | recognosced the mense o the |
ful hiz buffs wi air | shae | waggit hir finger in hiz |
ti let hir passin suin | shae | cam til the brae heid |
causie croun waffin t hir | shae | cowpit the puir sowel ower |
wone hir midmest howp wes | shae | cuid finnd thaim ir hir |
saw she haed tint a | shae | frae ane o hir front |
the mither wes warse fur | shae | hed aw hir peypirs frae |
cam again dumps on hir | shae | heels an whutlin round she |
as hir mither s an | shae | juist as swippert pit hir |
ti haud hir coy tho | shae | kentna the uise o gaun |
than wi a cauld grue | shae | mynded o aw hir sorraes |
hir foirtellins the mair siccar | shae | pit about a sair warnishin |
wird sae out o mischeive | shae | pit hir fuit inti the |
kerr an waatchit hir oniegates | shae | poued aff hir buits than |
waffed ower the rigg as | shae | pued on hir coits aince |
ti be that eisie coungert | shae | shiftit inti hir braws an |
pittin hir harns ti wirk | shae | stappit ti cognosce the panser |
ti collogue wi hir mither | shae | telt hir aw about the |
chynged ti hir maidin nem | shae | telt z at hir guidman |
the ruif guid fur ye | shae | thocht an tuik aff hir |
the saidil the nixt mament | shae | wes on hir dowp i |
hir lik it wes chakkin | shae | wesna hairmed the rid douglas |
border reiver gruppit hir imaiginautioun | shae | wuidna tak hir mither s |
nou wes sae forwandert at | shae | begoud ti pewl maist peitie |
wes richt about the sojers | shae | thocht an a m geyan |
hed deil belikkit stang tho | shae | wes a kyndlie wumman wi |
the beiss an the kailyaird | shae | wes a sklave o dewtie |
wes gey hingin luggit whan | shae | wes feinist dimoleishin him whitwey |
naitur o the deiffekwalties at | shae | wes lik ti tryst wi |
greit an lukkie kenned at | shae | wes nerr the en o |
bluid in the eiss whan | shae | wes wie the wes twa |
thai wes weill setified at | shae | wesna a truphane than the |
cuid unnerstaun it tho sen | shae | kent the mainner at ebenezer |
an the antrin aventurs at | shae | feired wesna yit feinist at |
telt ti stap the onfaw | shae | perswaddit the gryte pouers at |
freins cum ti veisit ye | shae | telt him he cuidna think |
thocht fur a wie than | shae | telt him the taill o |
dochter is weill begoud napier | shae | is at tornes lik ye |
an aff blawin o stame | shae | thocht the daft lik ferssis |
houshald maet ivverie ither day | shae | hed ti coff mair fuid |
an desolautioun ti m tho | shae | didna mene onie hairm sae |
fit ti fessen the warst | shae | strings o the heich an |
saicont sicht an thocht redein | shae | luikit ti the rid douglas |
k nicht nivver the les | shae | fand the auld leddie maist |
ower the brig ti aiberdour | shae | spak inti hirsell in a |
aye a plusquamperfek kinna wumman | shae | niwer stent wi z we |
onie sic slouch dirt at | shae | kent o i the distrik |
the nem o yeir tyke | shae | axed the loun maist freinlie |
maun haud yeir wheisht gin | shae | gaes intil a dwam mynd |
whitten wul be maister oniegates | shae | ettilt ti pley it wi |
a tapsiltourie on t fur | shae | brocht hame triplar bairns aw |
ken whit ti say fur | shae | cam frae a kintra at |
caw cannie wi r fur | shae | is cairriein yeir bairn the |
pit thaim in an auld | shae | box happit in christmas paper |
smiddie near tweedsmuir haed the | shae | replaced an a new ane |
rin out the bak duir | shae | skirled in ane awfu swither |
s naig haed kuist a | shae | an he stertit ti ryde |
thair nems ti him gin | shae | hard tel o m housomdever |
frie ti cum an gae | shae | is a gast o the |
jig fess me a kerr | shae | demandit a m gaun til |
o awnerheid tae tak the | shae | was tae tak seisin o |
an stuck it intil his | shae | you tak this pompitie said |
for yersel puin aff his | shae | than boaz declarit tae the |
mair nor youse hempies an | shae | steikit the duir tae we |
frae jaks an pirks as | shae | rade throu buss an heges |
the foir as a lass | shae | aye kempit wi the laddies |
tae the awner anerlie the | shae | was the taken o awnerheid |
laun o wir antecestors scotland | shae | wrate me a hantil o |
bit gray fluff in ma | shae | here an it haes fairlie |
get a horss or mibbies | shae | l set the tarrier dugs |
toom tinnies a lassie s | shae | sunday morning in the churchyard |