
See this word as a collocate cloud

of the act of settlementshallbe construed accordingly 4 see
taking no action and dischargeshallbe construed accordingly mrs mary
taking no action and dischargeshallbe construed accordingly section 1
to the person giving intimationshallbe construed accordingly section 65a
section to the prescribed experienceshallbe construed as a reference
section to the prescribed experienceshallbe construed as a reference
the owner of a unitshallbe construed as including reference
punishment part of a sentenceshallbe construed by reference to
punishment part of a sentenceshallbe construed by reference to
end insert health care burdenshallbe construed in accordance with
the persons to be consultedshallbe construed to include the
for which a regional membershallbe eligible 10 subject to
of annex b the membershallbe eligible for a total
the parliament he or sheshallbe eligible for a winding
support allowance 1 a membershallbe eligible for an allowance
of annex b the membershallbe eligible for an overnight
4 and 5 a membershallbe eligible for an overnight
any travel outside the ukshallbe eligible for reimbursement only
a stay outside the ukshallbe eligible for reimbursement only
travel allowance 1 a membershallbe eligible for the reimbursement
annex c 2 a membershallbe eligible to claim an
which a member is eligibleshallbe paid by the spcb
annex b he or sheshallnot be eligible for any
any other source the membershallnot be eligible to claim
by the spcb from whichshallbe disbursed the following a
shall be required and itshallbe for the spcb to
item referred to in ashallbe permitted where the spcb
otherwise be resolved the mattershallbe referred to the spcb
5 enforcement 1 the spcbshallbe responsible for supervising members
the financial year the spcbshalldecide whether or not any
her family 3 the spcbshallkeep a record of each
parliament meet 5 the spcbshallkeep a record of each
complaint is made the spcbshallnormally hear that complaint within
of the member the spcbshallprovide a payroll services for
meter charges 5 the spcbshallprovide forms for the purposes
parliamentary corporate body the spcbshallprovide information technology and other
office supplies 1 the spcbshallprovide office supplies and postage
of pension scheme and membersshallprovide the spcb with details
spcb 3 publication the spcbshallpublish for each financial year
rule 4 publication the spcbshallpublish information on allowances under
each uprating 2 the spcbshallunless the parliament does not
of this rule the spcbshalluprate allowances in part b
local government 3 the spcbshalluprate the motorcycle mileage allowance
scottish administration 4 the spcbshalluprate the pedal cycle mileage
each part of the proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
each part of those proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
each part of those proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
each part of those proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
previously brought to a conclusionshallbe brought to a conclusion
previously brought to a conclusionshallbe brought to a conclusion
each part of those proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
of the stage 3 proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
each part of those proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
previously brought to a conclusionshallbe brought to a conclusion
previously brought to a conclusionshallbe brought to a conclusion
each part of the proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
each part of those proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
previously brought to a conclusionshallbe brought to a conclusion
previously brought to a conclusionshallbe brought to a conclusion
each part of the proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
of the stage 3 proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
each part of the proceedingsshallbe brought to a conclusion
previously brought to a conclusionshallbe brought to conclusion no
of the overnight expenses allowanceshallbe a up to 82
whether or not any allowanceshallbe apportioned on a pro
allowance payable under that paragraphshallbe apportioned on a pro
allowance payable under this schemeshallbe apportioned on a pro
allowance for regional members concernedshallbe computed as follows a
allowance in each financial yearshallbe equivalent to twice the
accommodation allowance paragraph 4 2shallbe rounded up to the
of the winding up allowanceshallbe the equivalent of one
paragraph 2 b the allowanceshallbe used for the following
her parliamentary duties the allowanceshallinclude employers costs other than
brought you beaumont nane ishallbe brocht to rack and
lease of an agricultural holdingshallnot be brought to an
is such agreement the paragraphshallapply accordingly mr jim wallace
made and special conditions whichshallapply as respects a service
section a1 of this actshallapply for the purpose of
act and section 18 2shallapply for the purposes of
and 19 of this actshallapply in relation to a
section 36 of this actshallapply in relation to a
section 62 of this actshallapply in relation to any
sections 38 to 41 aboveshallapply in relation to social
appendix b to the reportshallapply only in relation to
appendix b to the reportshallapply only in relation to
part 1 of this actshallapply to a person who
limit for taxi fares whichshallapply to all members and
government scotland act 1973 andshallapply to all motor vehicles
103 of this act heshallapply to the judge immediately
a person exercising access rightsshallbefore so doing apply for
certain services to disabled personshallnot apply in a case
imposed by subsection 1 aboveshallnot apply the words from
1d subsection 1c a aboveshallnot apply where the sentence
and sub paragraph 2 ashallonly apply where in the
warrant under subsection 1 aboveshalla if made to the
warrant under subsection 4b aboveshalla if made to the
warrant under subsection 3 aboveshalla if made to the
a report under subsection 1shalla include the roll prepared
under subsection 1 above ministersshalla notify the authority the
of subsection 1 above theyshalla prepare a report on
subsection 1 above the tribunalshallafford the persons mentioned in
a report under subsection 1shallbe a published in such
in subsection 3aa below moneyshallbe carried forward only with
in subsection 4ba below moneyshallbe carried forward only with
functions 2 subsection 1 aboveshallbe deemed to have come
so under subsection 1 aboveshallbe guilty of an offence
under subsection 6a f aboveshallbe made by statutory instrument
application under subsection 1 aboveshallbe made in such form
under subsection 1 d aboveshallbe returned to the person
subsection 3a of this sectionshallbe subject to annulment in
subsection 6 says that itshallbe the duty of any
request under subsection 1 itshallenter into a contract with
in subsection 1 b aboveshallhave those powers and duties
page 22 line 28 aftershallinsert subject to subsection 2a
33 line 31 after secondshallinsert subject to subsection 5a
page 34 line 23 aftershallinsert subject to subsection 5a
in that subsection a contributorshallmake payments and c out
conferred by subsection 1 aboveshallnot be excercisable there is
ministers 6 the scottish ministersshallpublish any report under subsection
instrument containing such an ordershallsubject to subsection 4 below
discharging the function the personshallsubject to subsection 9 below
beginning of our proceedings weshalltake on board the comments
above and under no circumstancesshallany increase under this provision
paragraph 2a or 2b aboveshallbe made by statutory instrument
sub paragraph 2 i aboveshallbe required to give the
above the sum thereby producedshallbe the limit of members
under sub paragraph 1 aboveshallbusiness bulletin no 48 2003
f above the scottish ministersshallconsult such associations of local
1 above the scottish ministersshallconsult such persons or groups
a ii above the courtshallhave regard to all the
3 above the scottish ministersshallhave regard to any representations
1 above scottish natural heritageshallhave regard to the desirability
target public referred to aboveshallinclude among others pupils and
1 above a the appellantshallnot be liberated until the
2 d and f aboveshallnot exceed those specified in
3 above the local authorityshalltake account a where it
mentioned in paragraph a aboveshallthereafter make such an assessment
such person or persons whoshalladminister the coronation oath to
against all persons whatsoever thatshallattempt any thing to the
papists and persons marrying papistsshallbe excluded from and for
persons that is are orshallbe reconciled to or shall
before modifying the plan theyshallconsult such persons appearing to
the plan the scottish ministersshallconsult such persons appearing to
the commission the scottish ministersshallconsult such persons or bodies
every person and persons whoshallor may take or inherit
make regulations under this actshallbe exercisable by statutory instrument
made by statutory instrument whichshallbe laid in draft before
6 regulations under this sectionshallbe made by statutory instrument
instrument but no such regulationsshallbe made unless a draft
made by statutory instrument whichshallbe subject to annulment in
and such a statutory instrumentshallbe subject to annulment pursuant
comments about the instrument weshallsimply note it local government
end of paragraph b thereshallbe added or sporting rights
under this paragraph is heldshallbe appointed in an order
paragraph c of that definitionshallbe disregarded section 96a mr
3 after paragraph a thereshallbe inserted aa a right
3 after paragraph a thereshallbe inserted aa a right
paragraph 1 but any increaseshallbe not greater than 10
the end as so modifiedshallbe paragraph a and after
sheet for paragraph e thereshallbe substituted e any subsisting
i support tricia the convenershallwe remove the paragraph on
4 line 12 leave outshalland insert may mr kenneth
4 line 16 leave outshalland insert may section 9
line 15 after court insertshallbe a person who is
end insert the 1979 actshallbe amended in accordance with
at end insert no appealshallbe competent against a decision
insert but no such ordershallbe made unless a draft
would insert states that thereshallbe no appeal mechanism to
28 at end insert whichshallbe subject to annulment in
insert 1a each local authorityshallenter into arrangements with each
end insert the access codeshallinclude guidance on how access
page 18 line 31 aftershallinsert take the steps mentioned
36 after need insert aashallmake any further inquiries necessary
leave out does and insertshallmalcolm chisholm 38 in section
leave out does and insertshallmalcolm chisholm 40 in section
leave out does and insertshallmalcolm chisholm 49 in section
at any time and insertshallmr murray tosh 144 in
21 at end insert whoshallnot be legally qualified section
end insert the scottish ministersshallnot confirm any charging scheme
insert 3b the scottish ministersshallnot refer the case of
insert 3a the scottish ministersshallnot so refer the case
insert 5 the scottish ministersshallpay to a police authority
insert a solicitor so appointedshallrepresent the interests of the
scottish ministers and subsequent pollsshallbe held on the same
this section the scottish ministersshallconsult such associations of local
such regulations the scottish ministersshallconsult such associations of local
purchase extinguished and b ministersshalldirect the keeper to delete
mortality 1 the scottish ministersshallestablish a commission on salmon
appropriate 3 the scottish ministersshallfrom time to time and
stock 2 the scottish ministersshallissue guidance as to the
the plan the scottish ministersshalllay before the scottish parliament
to the scottish ministers whoshalllay it before the scottish
ministers 1 the scottish ministersshallno later than one year
states specifically the scottish ministersshallpublish a target for the
this part of this actshallrequire a the scottish ministers
act 1 the scottish ministersshallwithin 2 years of the
fishery boards the scottish ministersshallwithin one year of the
or shall marry a papistshallbe excluded and be for
article 40 states the judgesshallbe independent and shall not
i shall bide thy fowkshallbe my fowk an my
act and is are orshallbe reconciled to or shall
the use of a taxishallbe required and it shall
or shall marry a papistshallbe subject to such incapacities
licht fariver ye bide ishallbide thy fowk shall be
shall be reconciled to orshallhold communion with the see
shall be reconciled to orshallhold communion with the see
first met f943: i ishalli shall make to tell
f943: i i shall ishallmake to tell her this
profess the popish religion orshallmarry a papist shall be
professe the popish religion orshallmarry a papist shall be
judges shall be independent andshallnot engage in any activity
a person convicted on indictmentshallbe a intimated by him
which states that no personshallbe denied the right to
any disputed question of factshallbe on the person relying
any power 4 the personshalldischarge the function in the
in the circumstances the personshalldischarge the function in the
a person a local authorityshalldisregard so much of the
to a patient the personshallhave regard in so far
of the patient the personshallhave regard to a the
person consents there is substitutedshallif and while the payment
substituted 2 the high courtshallnot admit a convicted person
the appellant the high courtshallnot admit the convicted person
not been specified the courtshallnot sentence the person until
not been specified the courtshallnot sentence the person until
person from porlock this nightshallthy soul be requiredof thee
and volunteers of a membershallbe bound by the allowances
an employee of a membershallbe employed on the terms
granted in a member stateshallbe entitled to have his
granted in a member stateshallbe entitled to have his
actual amount to be spentshallbe for each member to
elected member a by electionshallbe held and b in
that list b the membershallbe responsible for the protection
member in the previous sessionshallcontinue to be utilised by
rule 6 virement a membershallnot vire amounts between one
mcleish 17 august 2000 ishallreply to the member as
alexander 27 november 2000 ishallreply to the member as
alexander 27 november 2000 ishallreply to the member as
mcleish 14 june 2000 ishallreply to the member as
alexander 16 october 2000 ishallreply to the member as
agreed on 8 june 1999shallbe amended with effect from
s obligations under the leaseshallbe of no effect john
not resident on the landshallbe of no effect section
act 1998 when the schemeshallcome into effect for that
said equipment and furniture schemeshallcome into effect from the
the said members allowances schemeshallcome into effect on 1
and agrees that these changesshallcome into effect on 14
below and any such conditionsshallhave effect malcolm chisholm 44
the short term detention certificateshallhave the effect of revoking
be registered and the ordershalltake effect as respects third
of annex b and itshallbe a matter within the
b the resulting total sumshallbe divided by the number
under section 3 2 bshallbe made unless a draft
of the patient and bshallbe signed by the medical
board s area or bshallbe so entitled unless he
board s area or bshallbe so entitled unless he
and b 3 a journeyshallbe the sum of all
b is legally represented heshallnot be entitled to be
1 there is substituted bshallthen decide having regard to
has already decided that thereshallbe a registration scheme we
allowances payable under this schemeshallbe governed by the allowances
together with the annexes attachedshallbe the members allowances scheme
administering the scheme which membersshallcomplete and sign in order
of this scheme parliamentary dutiesshallhave the same meaning as
scheme the following general rulesshallunless the context otherwise requires
or functions under this actshalla ensure that the same
an offence under the regulationsshallbe liable on summary conviction
his obligations under the leaseshallbe null and void john
order under section 1 7shallbe subject to annulment in
the crowne of this realmeshallbe under the age of
possible under european rules ishallnow address the motion and
the code under review andshallvary the code whenever after
to be changed and weshallall bear his likeness we
c 42 the monitoring officershallalso be the information officer
office in each financial yearshallbe 12 000 and the
employees and contingencies 1 thereshallbe a support fund maintained
ill no more than waxshallbe accounted evil wherein is
computed as follows a thereshallbe added together the notional
the people of these realmesshallbe and are hereby absolved
the people of these realmsshallbe and are thereby absolved
scots yeah mmhm m078: ishallbe but fat as a
i will be coming ishallbe coming and these shoes
section comes into force itshallbe competent to create a
any vote to be takenshallbe conducted using the electronic
fire services finance scotland billshallbe conducted using the electronic
of a government bill weshallbe considering how best to
majestyes are contented and pleasedshallbe declared enacted and established
and the difference if anyshallbe deducted from the maximum
members and c that amountshallbe deducted from the notional
at the hearing the formshallbe deemed to be an
that not all those proposedshallbe endorsed a further more
in his favour the prosecutorshallbe entitled to have the
catholics or marry a catholicshallbe excluded from the succession
don t tell her ishallbe failing the community whose
m078: the village fool ishallbe fat as a fool
came round and saying ishallbe fat as a fool
as a fool directly ishallbe fat as a fool
the duration of the planshallbe five years beginning with
the community 2 such intimationshallbe given by sending a
new soon we fear weshallbe given vitamin pudd tablets
would were to intention willshallbe going to would was
of any conflict between themshallbe guided by a precautionary
the execution of their dutyshallbe guilty of an offence
misleading in a material respectshallbe guilty of an offence
misleading in a material respectshallbe guilty of an offence
to heed the echr ishallbe happy to do so
that application by the prosecutorshallbe heard not more than
the meeting of the parliamentshallbe held in committee room
it s true gentlemen weshallbe here aw day if
ma youngest son an yeshallbe his bride an ye
be his bride an yeshallbe his bride ladye sae
ye list iver mair yeshallbe his she saw what
mmhm m078: it s ishallbe i m608: mmhm m078:
i get fair winds ishallbe in new york in
the words qua superior thereshallbe inserted including without prejudice
of the exercise but ishallbe interested to see how
to admit him to bailshallbe intimated by him immediately
variation or discharge the proposalshallbe intimated to all the
housing and any such burdenshallbe known as a social
take place and the targetsshallbe known collectively as the
boat is most apt weshallbe launched in moonlight secretive
offence and on summary convictionshallbe liable a where the
guilty of an offence andshallbe liable on summary conviction
the subjects of this kingdomshallbe liable to put all
efter ye an yer heirsshallbe like the eirde s
answer to a written questionshallbe lodged with the clerk
we are however unwillingly ishallbe making way for an
your folly be for yeshallbe married ere this day
cophetua declaring this beggar maidshallbe my queen when her
th intelligence as thy bodyshallbe natural ruleth them should
by intelligence as your bodyshallbe naturally merciful you should
by intelligence as your bodyshallbe naturally merciful you should
appointed to protect and ishallbe neglecting my duty to
and his correspondence 2 thereshallbe no interference by a
3 states that the petitionershallbe notified of the action
so may know that hospitalsshallbe obliged by law to
are suspended 4 the signsshallbe of such number and
of my flesh and theyshallbe one flesh at the
a fishing effort limitation systemshallbe part of the recovery
in many intermediate cases weshallbe prepared to let the
and native land if judgmentshallbe pronounced against him he
and support for mental disordershallbe provided with such care
her fresh be blood sheshallbe put apart seven days
for it you must youshallbe raised to a higher
the same belonging and appertainingshallbe remain and continue to
17th psalm he says weshallbe satisfied when we awake
him from the dead weshallbe saved and made happy
today in what follows ishallbe speaking mainly about burns
the words 63 to thereshallbe substituted 64 65 mr
for the word reverted thereshallbe substituted have been forfeit
there is no board thereshallbe substituted references to that
for the word enforceable thereshallbe substituted subsisting mr jim
andrews postgraduate medical degrees billshallbe taken using the electronic
andrews postgraduate medical degrees billshallbe taken using the electronic
lords today precisely how weshallbe taking this forward a
of the act of settlementshallbe that set out in
2000 also provides that itshallbe the duty of specified
of its functions and itshallbe the duty of sqa
and rough grazings 3 itshallbe the duty of the
to time appoint 2 itshallbe the duty of the
whilst the remuneration of employeesshallbe the responsibility of the
trust the social housing bodyshallbe the trustees of the
forth children and thy desireshallbe to thy husband and
had to prediction hypothesis willshallbe to would were to
rule 9 equality all membersshallbe treated equally irrespective of
the bed whereon he liethshallbe unclean flooers a queer
flowers be upon him heshallbe unclean seven days and
days and whosever toucheth hershallbe unclean until the event
premises acquired as parliamentary officesshallbe used only for parliamentary
establishing and running an officeshallbe used to enable the
1998 equipment becomes available itshallbe utilised by a new
man the world o ershallbrithers be for a that
man the warld o ershallbrothers be for a that
be specified in the ordershallcease to be a social
death and evil and youshallchoose life to be able
also be treated but ishallfocus on prevention we should
promise to be brief ishallframe my contribution in the
yer mesdames be fin yeshallhaud within yer waas steens
as the case may beshallhave regard to any such
as the case may beshallhave regard to any such
should be reconciled to orshallhold communion with the see
of this church and kingdomshallnever be imposed upon or
an offence 3a a dogshallnot be disposed of pursuant
end and accordingly the landlordshallnot be entitled to bring
deed of variation or dischargeshallnot be granted before the
and skills act 2000 grantsshallnot be payable both in
fit a solicitor so appointedshallnot be responsible to the
taken at the same stageshallnot be taken 12 00
premises acquired as parliamentary officesshallnot be used as a
yard this sum of moneyshallonly be for keeping the
to counsel by the solicitorshallproceed and be treated accordingly
be prescribed and the authorityshallserve copies on a the
of this present parliament andshallstand remaine and be the
to be done online weshalltake on board all those
in the end this nightshallthy soul be required of
text can be finalised weshallwork through each section in
cursed the towers quo haplessshallyer mesdames be fin ye
accordingly a solicitor so appointedshallact in accordance with any
instructions of the accused andshallact upon those instructions in
certificate of this act itshallas soon as practicable after
certificate of this act itshallas soon as practicable after
this act applies the tribunalshallbefore the expiry of the
by vertue of this actshallhave the coronation oath administered
act 1829 s12 a regentshallnot have power to assent
happy to provide however ishalllook to my colleagues to
people 1 a health boardshallprovide for any child or
sex wards a health boardshallprovide for any patient who
stock 1 registered social landlordsshallprovide information on their available
that the chief surveillance commissionershallprovide such information as is
each financial year the commissionshallprepare a report on its
listed in the schedule andshallrelate them separately to each
first parlyament as aforesaid whichshallfirst happen after such king
of parlyament but if itshallhappen that such king or
after such king or queeneshallhave attained the said age
every such king or queeneshallmake subscribe and audibly repeate
standing orders states a committeeshallmeet to consider such business
the total of such increasesshallnot exceed 100 of the
zonal management committees however ishallpress on with such matters
next if any annual incomeshallremain unexpended to distribute such
are no longer required itshalltake such action as it
11 31 dr ewing weshallnow resume when this part
as by law do orshallappertain to them or any
as by law do orshallappertain unto them or any
as by law doe orshallappertaine unto them or any
i do not say ishallcall a halt to any
who at any time hereaftershallcome to and succeede in
and provides that a judgeshallnot participate in any case
authority imposes any charge itshallpublish its reason for doing
the equal opportunities committee ishallsupport any and every move
t have any erm necessityshallwe say tae m608: mmhm
make that repayment the authorityshalladjust the requirement so that
the child the local authorityshallnotify the carer that he
cared for the local authorityshallnotify the carer that he
the plan 1 the planshallinclude the matters listed in
hospital the approved medical practitionershallas soon as practicable after
in hospital the medical practitionershallas soon as practicable after
i am afraid that ishallhave to leave after my
the descendants of that issueshallnot after his majesty s
erm the- like after thisshallwe go to the accommodation
the generality of the foregoingshallsection 5 mary scanlon 172
medical treatment for mental disordershallbefore authorising that treatment take
on modifying the plan theyshalllay before the scottish parliament
vote and that the committeeshallonly bring proposals before the
scheduled meeting before christmas weshallreconsider the whole code and
before the parliamentary recess weshallreview the entire code des
parliament mr tom mccabe ishallsay a few words before
to speak button but ishallallow him to make a
takeing the said oath whichshallfirst happen make subscribe and
announce a short break ishallmake my speech at the
which the fund holding bodyshallmake payments towards expenditure incurred
establishing the coronation oath andshallmake subscribe and repeat the
to represent my constituents ishallmake the affirmation the following
the truth and the truthshallmake you free in different
by a particular route itshallwhere possible identify and make
whom the request is madeshalla comply with the request
whom the request is madeshalla comply with the request
been made douglas hamilton ishallhand that question over to
has made bill swann ishallrespond on behalf of mr
2001 3 the electoral commissionshallremove from the register kept
to tender angus mackay ishallanswer those questions as well
those issues if not weshallmove on to the next
suggests to the sheriffs associationshallwe write to both those
man is not in christendoomshallgar me die sicken dead
not a single occurrence ofshallin ecosse millar 2003 88
this book of the lawshallnot depart from your mouth
this book of the lawshallnot depart from your mouth
disposal 2a a disqualification ordershallnot deprive a dog s
that she promised me ishallnot patronise older people by
hospital the responsible medical officershallnot revoke the certificate unless
in from the cold windshallnot rot you nor the
lines o teacher boy youshallnot speak in shetland dialect
difference the functional standard saysshallnot spread fire but the
might say that building materialsshallnot spread fire which is
with stars as trees ishallnot visit when i open
the conservative group that weshallnot vote against the budget
minister has not intervened ishallproceed the tendering process was
are not my favourite ishallput it no higher than
not this one the convenershallwe remove it des mcnulty
are not relevant the convenershallwe write to the convener
shrinking fast to that ishalladdress only two points of
that only one of themshalldo so and where there
particular census questions and ishallcome back to specific points
legal issue the convener weshallcome back to that when
queen of this realm whoshallcome to and succeed in
is a possibility but weshallcome up against other problems
[inaudible] right come on weshallgo and get something to
by the monarch that whosoevershallhereafter come to the possession
of the same that whosoevershallhereafter come to the possession
we come to burns ishalltouch on two prior questions
item no 6 a quorumshallconsist of 8 members i
members for consideration and ishallsummarise the paper briefly paragraphs
to hear them so ishalltruncate them members are all
noh aye say the wickedshallburn in the eternal fires
which is of course inshalli say our constituency he
to underline it finally ishallsay a few words about
reform in the nhs ishallsay more about that in
so to finish off ishallsay something in french et
by j k annand ishallsay something more about a
and i i spoke [?]her back[/?]shallwe say and we sort
no m1163: a a homeshallwe say m608: i m
you were on your ownshallwe say m608: [laugh] m1163:
erm one of the boysshallwe say m608: really is
aye m1163: a brainy levelshallwe say m608: uh huh
career criminals f963: mm f965: shallwe say m964: it s
defines subsidiarity as the communityshalltake action in accordance with
best to prevent rowland ishalltake care of it mrs
justiciary on receiving the formshalltake the necessary steps for
acknowledged by the executive weshalltherefore take the same course
thoughts lash and fin orshalli pull it in stephen
keip just cullouris ie youshallkeep strict or exact metres
for example the phrase orshallmarry a papist has been
left em e idder crackitshallor no hid gotten craalt
or church of rome orshallprofess the popish religion or
or church of rome orshallprofesse the popish religion or
the suspension and the ownershallremove them or arrange to
the pomading señor as ishallcall him throughout this book
when i die the universeshallcease to know itself this
requirements of the legislation ishallgo through this document page
ve got the icing hereshalli stir this mars bar
the possession of this crownshalljoyn in communion with the
the possession of this crownshalljoyn in communion with the
imperiall crowne of this kingdomeshallon the first day of
this age of psychology weshallprobably suffer in the future
all our strength aye ishallpush this project through even
talking about inside but ishallread this how to succeed
dialect in this school youshallspeak in a correct fashion
hate this word but ishalluse it in a proactive
well is is this relevantshallwe have this in english
the public domain the convenershallwe pass this petition to
voluntary sector in scotland weshalladopt a number of principles
altogether and one that weshallanswer when we report on
crossing t s first weshallconsider the introduction to the
so to speak and weshallcontinue to keep it redd
with the procedures first weshalldeal with amendments to the
2000 195 the convener weshalldraw a typographical error to
love you we really doshalli bring him to the
and no table manners weshallinaugurate a brotherhood of slugs
indicated agreement the convener weshallinvite the subordinate committee s
stephen hawking writing then weshallknow the face of god
we see medit- ehm youshallmeditate on it day and
the bill and then weshallmove on to a debate
the forward work programme weshallmove on to item 6
in harmony fortissimo applause weshallnow break for lunch which
children in the school weshallnow briefly examine some of
its nature constantly changing weshallnow examine the current pattern
succession to the throne weshallof course look at these
one we recognised was weshallovercome the main post office
the arrangement of tables weshallreserve some for guests numbers
quite serious issues as weshallsee concerning politics empowerment and
notes are defective so weshallsimply draw that to the
are no further observations weshallsimply note the paper 10
to cooking equipment the convenershallwe draw that to the
[censored: forename] f1118: yes yes f1117: shallwe give them all the
he was like what dateshallwe go for i was
move onto the next oneshallwe go to the bottom
points about the complaints procedureshallwe leave it to the
with the word for annoyedshallwe m1004: aye scunnered aye
change you broke the silenceshallwe move on you whispered
can we f1103: aye f1104: shallwe put a jigsaw on
finished m1098: oh aye f1097: shallwe see the state of
long ehm how you feelshallwe start let s start
for f1027: mmhm f1054: ershallwe start with pam to
met through that f718: mmshallwe stop there m1078: and
of wisdom for today f809: shallwe talk about where we
what does it mean whereshalli put it for historical
i remembered the handbrake ishallnever know where have you
on to declare prosperously ishalladjust the world s polarity
is her amendment nevertheless ishallallow the minister to have
certain semantic categories sic likeshallan ought to scots hud
for the purpose and ishallarrange to have the use
to questions mr davidson ishallask a simple question to
profile for scallop fishing ishallask my fisheries colleague to
accused a solicitor so appointedshallattempt to ascertain the instructions
on wednesday 5 july 2000shallcontinue to 1900 the motion
give the commitment that ishallcontinue to explore the options
to you seek and youshallfind knock and it will
turn to welcome many whoshallfollow to whom in that
the clerk of the justiciaryshallforward to the appellant the
case the crown and governmentshallfrom time to time descend
the said crown and governmentshallfrom time to time descend
the said crowne and governmentshallfrom time to time descend
that the chief surveillance commissionershallgive information to the tribunal
at the moment instead ishallgo back to what gordon
fairy godmither in cinderella youshallgo to the ball cinderella
who is discharging the functionshallhave regard to the importance
to canada etc etc ishallhave to dig deep into
stone to my job ishallhave to keep a close
well in that case youshallhear he goes to the
s hand yeuch she saysshalli give it back to
in relation to a patientshallin so far as may
that ian jenkins quoted ishalllearn to spit ian jenkins
they represent des mcnulty ishalllet richard grant respond to
ll hae hud his teashalllike ought to millar brown
constable to use reasonable forceshallpermit the use of firearms
and to teaching the stateshallrespect the rights of parents
tennyson yeats even shakespeare ishallreturn in a moment to
to thy husband and heshallrule over thee that much
proposal that the financial yearshallrun from 1st september to
certainly a matter that ishallseek to address but there
i support that suggestion andshallseek to involve the key
on wednesday 5 july 2000shallbegin at 1830 the motion
the managers the medical practitionershallgive notice as soon as
the royal style and titlesshallhereafter require the assent as
as ar hear for othershallye gete nane [inhale] thare
led in many ways ishalladdress some of richard lochhead
used for all divisions ishallallow an extended voting period
keeping in mind that ishallalso bear the faut for
collect their ballot paper ishallannounce the names of the
of the voting period ishallannounce the names of the
about that of course ishallapologise the presiding officer there
investigatory powers scotland bill ishallbegin by making the usual
i m glaiss syne ishallbrakk the bonnie fite haired
on my agenda which ishallcall item 7 is the
deaf people mr mcmahon ishallchange tack a little on
his son s manhood ishalldeliver you from hell my
surplus value from me ishalldo it from it m818:
consider beyond the debate ishalldo so tommy sheridan will
result that is what ishallfocus on i have long
the god o isaac ishallgie ye the lan ye
are implemented in scotland ishallgive an example the home
wider benefits with people ishallgive you a specific example
a joke about transplants ishallgo no further than that
ainsel fareiver ye gyang ishallgyang quo the chiel in
when you are dead ishallhave a new life in
ll pay the bill thenshalli breughel and ham for
soiled her nappy dirty thingshalli bring a clean nappy
nest f1113: a bigger nestshalli do a big one
rather sort of [sigh] whatshalli do now sort of
s own house sh shshalli dwell i m sorry
clouds hid the sunshine pauseshalli give contessa the letter
e ither hid a crackitshalli pat ma finger till
the word bites like fishshalli throw it back free
i could makk da cockleshallithoot tinkin whit da neist
will turn up how ishallmiss it but one can
the aged kay ullrich ishallmove swiftly on four days
choose dresses etc however ishallneed you and barbara at
speak against the motion ishallput the question the question
in the real world ishallquote the words that he
extremely familiar with it ishallselect a few points for
involved in the process ishallset the bill in context
i m steel syne ishallsing gin i m glaiss
know f809: ha ha ishallslaughter thee please f810: i
t suit me and ishallspend my pension on brandy
on behalf of scotland ishalltherefore ensure that the secretary
willing and weather permitting ishallthink that 95 is old
oxford dictionary is finished ishallundertake the old scottish one
the spirit jack fine ishallwait and hope lilian and
am an old woman ishallwear purple with a red
old i grow old ishallwear the bottoms of my
include a requirement that bodiesshallhave been given approvals by
him rowland right then youshallhear who he is jack
until in late prisons theyshallmeet their dead who turned
for you no escape howshallye escape who neglects so
considert thi scottish equivalent oshallin addition thi framework o
s lap ___ da cockleshalla lace pattern in knitting
verbs sic like can mustshallan will quhilk hae a
o er a the earthshallbear the gree and a
poem o mine da cockleshallhit s a praise poem
on e grun half ashallin e nest nae ill
you get scots spellings hereshalls c h a double
the emergency detention certificate ashallstate the medical practitioner s
nae pleesure in it ashallwait nae mair no anither
in ye an yer heirsshallaa the faimlies o eirde
s the the use ofshalland that m608: mmhm m078:
spirituall and temporall and commonsshalland will in the name
lodged with the clerk andshallanswer the question the convener
english the public petitions committeeshallarrange for the parliamentary corporation
of committee proposed amendmentshallconsist of of the
have gathered evidence the parliamentshalldecide on the general principals
the kingdom of great britainshallin all time coming at
the kingdom of great britainshallin all time coming at
2002 asp 00 the keepershallin the entry identify the
the magnificent masons our ceremoniesshallinclude horn weavings ritual munchings
swear and subscribe that theyshallinviolably maintain and preserve the
swear and subscribe that theyshallinviolably maintain and preserve the
disciples in deed and youshallknow the truth and the
court the clerk of justiciaryshallnotify the appellant and if
the application is granted heshallnotify the appellant and the
stood dr ewing the electionshallproceed in accordance with rule
with the motley and noneshallsleep gegli s record of
her that the maids hereshallspin when the rest o
the eirde s stoor yeshallspreid afar tae aa the
from your mouth but youshallmeditate in it day and
hero of my young daysshallbreak free again beaumont lilian
candid and impartial criticism heshallstand convicted of dullness and
he muses that april rainsshallsure prepare for freshness of
get anither belter but heshallanswer for his sins sin
used for weighing goods sallshallat that wirds words clos
millar 2003 88 howe ershallis occasionally yaised in written
scots particularly in urban varietiesshallis yaised in standard english
an dought thi english formshallisnae yaised at aw in
see hits shape dat samshallpattern at spread hitsel owre
on thursday 24 may 2001shallbegin at 16 43 pm
tae germanic roots than englishshalldoes thi german form is
could may might will wouldshallshould an must greenbaum nelson
shape da ruckly wye dashallwis med dat day at
sabbath day haly sax daysshallye wirk an dee aa

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