
See this word as a collocate cloud

scotland and fife snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp robson
radcliffe nora gordon ld robisonshonanorth east scotland snp robson
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp russell
scotland and fife snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp russell
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp russell
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp russell
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp russell
scotland and fife snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp russell
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp russell
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp russell
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp russell
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp salmond
scotland and fife snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp salmond
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp scanlon
scotland and fife snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp scott
scotland and fife snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp sheridan
scotland and fife snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp stevenson
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp ullrich
west of scotland snp robisonshonanorth east scotland snp ullrich
out secure and insert ensureshonarobison 346a as an amendment
mr kenny macaskill s1m 1226shonarobison 50th anniversary of the
21 january 2003 section 58shonarobison 511 in section 58
home in greece supported byshonarobison alasdair morgan alex neil
mr kenneth gibson richard lochheadshonarobison alasdair morgan fiona mcleod
wilson linda fabiani fiona mcleodshonarobison alasdair morgan mr kenneth
wilson brian adam roseanna cunninghamshonarobison alasdair morgan nora radcliffe
fabiani colin campbell fiona mcleodshonarobison alasdair morgan s1m 1263
fabiani colin campbell fiona mcleodshonarobison alex neil alasdair morgan
alasdair morgan mr david davidsonshonarobison alex neil donald gorrie
fergus ewing dorothy grace eldershonarobison alex neil margaret jamieson
russell fiona mcleod andrew wilsonshonarobison alex neil margaret smith
mr kenny macaskill nicola sturgeonshonarobison alex neil phil gallie
matter of urgency supported byshonarobison alex neil s1m 1273
ms sandra white kate macleanshonarobison alex neil s1m 267
mr jamie mcgrigor christine grahameshonarobison alex neil s1m 305
mr kenneth gibson tricia marwickshonarobison alex neil tommy sheridan
thomson cathie craigie kate macleanshonarobison alex neil trish godman
welsh irene mcgugan duncan hamiltonshonarobison alex salmond s1m 14
david davidson dorothy grace eldershonarobison andrew wilson alasdair morgan
infirmary supported by donald gorrieshonarobison andrew wilson alex neil
duncan hamilton mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison andrew wilson alex neil
davidson cathie craigie kate macleanshonarobison andrew wilson alex neil
alex neil ms sandra whiteshonarobison andrew wilson dr winnie
colin campbell mr duncan hamiltonshonarobison andrew wilson michael matheson
david davidson mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison andrew wilson michael matheson
tommy sheridan ms sandra whiteshonarobison andrew wilson michael matheson
duncan hamilton mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison andrew wilson michael matheson
by donald gorrie linda fabianishonarobison andrew wilson mr john
campbell alex neil linda fabianishonarobison andrew wilson mr lloyd
affected supported by fiona mcleodshonarobison andrew wilson ms sandra
mcleod fergus ewing colin campbellshonarobison andrew wilson nicola sturgeon
ewing colin campbell tricia marwickshonarobison andrew wilson robin harper
mr kenneth gibson fiona mcleodshonarobison andrew wilson robin harper
tricia marwick mr andrew welshshonarobison andrew wilson robin harper
lochhead fiona mcleod linda fabianishonarobison andrew wilson robin harper
mcleod colin campbell tricia marwickshonarobison andrew wilson robin harper
20 may 2002 iain smithshonarobison andrew wilson s1m 3134
lodged on 21 may 2002shonarobison andrew wilson s1m 3136
gil paterson dorothy grace eldershonarobison andrew wilson tommy sheridan
if the contracts were introducedshonarobison appealed to members to
eadie donald gorrie linda fabianishonarobison bill aitken michael russell
also present ms nicola sturgeonshonarobison brian adam and susan
supported by dorothy grace eldershonarobison brian adam christine grahame
scott barrie mr adam ingramshonarobison brian adam elaine smith
neil robin harper colin campbellshonarobison brian adam margaret smith
edinburgh supported by alex neilshonarobison brian adam nora radcliffe
campbell lord james douglas hamiltonshonarobison brian adam r mr
transmissions of hiv s1m 3968shonarobison broughty ferry beach that
transmissions of hiv s1m 3968shonarobison broughty ferry beach that
not accept an intervention fromshonarobison but i will be
mike watson mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison christine grahame andrew wilson
pensioners and motorists supported byshonarobison christine grahame fergus ewing
mr lloyd quinan tommy sheridanshonarobison christine grahame fiona mcleod
dorothy grace elder brian adamshonarobison christine grahame fiona mcleod
r supported by alex neilshonarobison christine grahame fiona mcleod
dorothy grace elder brian adamshonarobison christine grahame mr duncan
families supported by david mundellshonarobison christine grahame mr john
by donald gorrie linda fabianishonarobison christine grahame mr kenneth
ms sandra white robin harpershonarobison christine grahame mr kenneth
alex neil mr john swinneyshonarobison christine grahame mr kenneth
quinan irene mcgugan tommy sheridanshonarobison christine grahame mr kenneth
marwick irene mcgugan alex neilshonarobison christine grahame mr kenneth
kenneth gibson mr lloyd quinanshonarobison christine grahame nicola sturgeon
neil donald gorrie linda fabianishonarobison christine grahame roseanna cunningham
neil donald gorrie linda fabianishonarobison christine grahame roseanna cunningham
by irene mcgugan brian adamshonarobison colin campbell alasdair morgan
by irene mcgugan richard lochheadshonarobison colin campbell andrew wilson
gil paterson mr duncan hamiltonshonarobison colin campbell andrew wilson
by michael matheson michael russellshonarobison colin campbell fiona hyslop
adam dennis canavan mike russellshonarobison colin campbell sandra white
mr kenneth gibson s1m 1242shonarobison community care services for
kenneth gibson dorothy grace eldershonarobison david mundell donald gorrie
mcmahon john munro nora radcliffeshonarobison deputy convener tommy sheridan
important employment conditions s1m 3307shonarobison diabetes and tropical diseases
mr lloyd quinan fergus ewingshonarobison donald gorrie brian adam
lloyd quinan mrs margaret ewingshonarobison donald gorrie brian adam
supported by mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison donald gorrie linda fabiani
mcgugan tricia marwick alex neilshonarobison donald gorrie michael russell
mr lloyd quinan andrew wilsonshonarobison donald gorrie michael russell
poses for scotland supported byshonarobison donald gorrie mr adam
grace elder mr andrew welshshonarobison donald gorrie s1m 341
of ms care supported byshonarobison dorothy grace elder christine
mr adam ingram brian adamshonarobison dorothy grace elder ms
grahame fergus ewing brian adamshonarobison dorothy grace elder nora
donald gorrie mr gil patersonshonarobison dr winnie ewing brian
alex neil mr duncan hamiltonshonarobison dr winnie ewing christine
john swinney ms margo macdonaldshonarobison dr winnie ewing mr
neil brian adam michael russellshonarobison dr winnie ewing mr
russell christine grahame maureen macmillanshonarobison elaine smith mrs mary
hamilton mary scanlon s1m 1191shonarobison eniola adewale that the
areas of grampian s1m 2061shonarobison euro 2008 that the
local call rate supported byshonarobison fergus ewing dorothy grace
alex johnstone mr alex neilshonarobison fergus ewing michael russell
mrs margaret ewing christine grahameshonarobison fergus ewing mr gil
russell fiona hyslop donald gorrieshonarobison fergus ewing mr kenneth
gorrie fiona mcleod bruce crawfordshonarobison fergus ewing mr kenny
fiona hyslop mr andrew welshshonarobison fergus ewing tommy sheridan
rich built heritage s1m 2124shonarobison fibromyalgia awareness week 15
12 tommy sheridan glasgow sspshonarobison finished by referring to
richard lochhead mr kenny macaskillshonarobison fiona hyslop mr john
gorrie trish godman michael russellshonarobison fiona hyslop s1m 583
neil fiona mcleod donald gorrieshonarobison fiona hyslop s1m 594
elder fiona mcleod donald gorrieshonarobison fiona hyslop s1m 595
wilson linda fabiani brian adamshonarobison fiona mcleod donald gorrie
alex neil mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison fiona mcleod fergus ewing
in human misery supported byshonarobison fiona mcleod fergus ewing
by brian adam tommy sheridanshonarobison fiona mcleod michael russell
ms sandra white nicola sturgeonshonarobison fiona mcleod mr kenny
supported by dorothy grace eldershonarobison fiona mcleod ms sandra
sheridan alex neil richard lochheadshonarobison fiona mcleod ms sandra
ewing linda fabiani alex neilshonarobison fiona mcleod ms sandra
kenny macaskill mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison fiona mcleod pauline mcneill
needed financial support supported byshonarobison fiona mcleod tommy sheridan
bruce crawford mr andrew welshshonarobison fiona mcleod tommy sheridan
war related illnesses supported byshonarobison fiona mcleod tommy sheridan
ewing i am grateful thatshonarobison has allowed me to
mr kenny macaskill mike watsonshonarobison helen eadie christine grahame
is not that absolutely ludicrousshonarobison i agree totally with
that she does not likeshonarobison i hope that he
bill scott that is rightshonarobison i want to ask
i have noticed that yesshonarobison i want to ask
will the member give wayshonarobison i want to continue
irene mcgugan mrs margaret ewingshonarobison ian jenkins donald gorrie
wallace i was listening toshonarobison if she expects ministers
for all s1m 2207 1shonarobison improving patient care as
irene mcgugan s1m 2207 1shonarobison improving patient care as
intention behind the development groupshonarobison in that case why
ewing linda fabiani michael russellshonarobison irene mcgugan donald gorrie
lloyd quinan dorothy grace eldershonarobison irene mcgugan donald gorrie
lodged on 18 february 2003shonarobison irene mcgugan fiona mcleod
sheridan robert brown christine grahameshonarobison irene mcgugan michael matheson
elder nora radcliffe nicola sturgeonshonarobison irene mcgugan s1m 3584
lodged on 13 june 2001shonarobison irene oldfather s1m 1999
lodged on 13 june 2001shonarobison irene oldfather s1m 2009
14 june 2001 colin campbellshonarobison irene oldfather s1m 2011
15 june 2001 colin campbellshonarobison irene oldfather s1m 2015
colin campbell mr kenny macaskillshonarobison irene oldfather s1m 2016
lloyd quinan mr gil patersonshonarobison irene oldfather s1m 2020
3 june 1999 supported byshonarobison john young bruce crawford
on 3 june supported byshonarobison john young bruce crawford
grahame maureen macmillan fiona hyslopshonarobison karen whitefield elaine smith
grahame maureen macmillan fiona hyslopshonarobison karen whitefield mr david
shames us all s1m 2371shonarobison licensing of the sale
dr winnie ewing christine grahameshonarobison linda fabiani mike watson
supported by dorothy grace eldershonarobison linda fabiani mr kenneth
kenny macaskill mr adam ingramshonarobison linda fabiani mr kenneth
dorothy grace elder christine grahameshonarobison linda fabiani ms margo
morgan irene mcgugan alex neilshonarobison lloyd quinan linda fabiani
adam ingram mr gil patersonshonarobison lodged on 27 january
mulligan scott barrie donald gorrieshonarobison malcolm chisholm karen whitefield
scott mike watson scott barrieshonarobison margaret jamieson hugh henry
elder colin campbell fiona mcleodshonarobison margaret smith mr kenneth
mr duncan mcneil linda fabianishonarobison margaret smith nora radcliffe
dr elaine murray fergus ewingshonarobison mary scanlon donald gorrie
jamieson deputy convener john mcallionshonarobison mary scanlon mrs margaret
jamieson nora radcliffe s1m 373shonarobison meeting tayside s health
fiona hyslop mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison michael matheson alasdair morgan
ullrich bruce crawford nicola sturgeonshonarobison michael matheson andrew wilson
mr kenny macaskill irene mcguganshonarobison michael matheson brian adam
mr lloyd quinan linda fabianishonarobison michael russell andrew wilson
welsh bruce crawford robin harpershonarobison michael russell christine grahame
mr lloyd quinan donald gorrieshonarobison michael russell fergus ewing
mrs margaret ewing michael mathesonshonarobison michael russell linda fabiani
david mundell mrs nora radcliffeshonarobison michael russell mary scanlon
mr kenny macaskill alasdair morganshonarobison michael russell mr alex
wilson linda fabiani fergus ewingshonarobison michael russell mr duncan
alleviate their plight supported byshonarobison mr adam ingram tricia
lodged on 5 april 2001shonarobison mr alex salmond fiona
brian monteith mr david davidsonshonarobison mr andrew welsh kate
wilson bruce crawford fiona mcleodshonarobison mr andrew welsh mr
wilson bruce crawford fiona mcleodshonarobison mr andrew welsh mr
neil brian adam christine grahameshonarobison mr david davidson nora
neil christine grahame maureen macmillanshonarobison mr david davidson tavish
mr adam ingram donald gorrieshonarobison mr duncan hamilton michael
wilson fergus ewing linda fabianishonarobison mr duncan hamilton ms
bruce crawford mrs margaret ewingshonarobison mr jamie stone fiona
quinan donald gorrie linda fabianishonarobison mr kenneth gibson andrew
assisted supported by brian adamshonarobison mr kenneth gibson dorothy
supported by dorothy grace eldershonarobison mr kenneth gibson michael
people at home supported byshonarobison mr kenneth gibson mrs
by fiona mcleod colin campbellshonarobison mr kenneth gibson roseanna
ewing michael russell christine grahameshonarobison mr kenneth gibson tommy
colin campbell mr john swinneyshonarobison mr kenneth gibson tommy
dr sylvia jackson kate macleanshonarobison mr kenneth macintosh s1m
mrs margaret ewing bruce crawfordshonarobison mr kenny macaskill mr
mr gil paterson nora radcliffeshonarobison mr kenny macaskill ms
picks up again supported byshonarobison mr lloyd quinan alex
paterson tricia marwick linda fabianishonarobison mr lloyd quinan donald
by donald gorrie alex neilshonarobison mr lloyd quinan fiona
mr alex fergusson david mundellshonarobison mrs kay ullrich mr
brian adam mr alex neilshonarobison mrs nora radcliffe mr
andrew wilson mr alex neilshonarobison ms linda fabiani mr
mike watson mrs kay ullrichshonarobison ms nicola sturgeon cathy
adam christine grahame fiona hyslopshonarobison ms sandra white andrew
mr kenneth gibson richard lochheadshonarobison ms sandra white christine
kenneth gibson mr alex neilshonarobison ms sandra white dr
mr kenneth gibson alex neilshonarobison ms sandra white irene
andrew wilson mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison ms sandra white irene
alex neil mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison ms sandra white michael
adam christine grahame fiona hyslopshonarobison ms sandra white robin
marwick donald gorrie christine grahameshonarobison ms sandra white robin
supported by mr adam ingramshonarobison nicola sturgeon alex neil
duncan hamilton mr john swinneyshonarobison nicola sturgeon dr winnie
place supported by dennis canavanshonarobison nicola sturgeon tommy sheridan
matheson tommy sheridan s1m 3372shonarobison ninewells hospital s participation
will the member give wayshonarobison no i have taken
michael russell mr lloyd quinanshonarobison nora radcliffe donald gorrie
adam christine grahame fiona hyslopshonarobison nora radcliffe tommy sheridan
and islands con tommy sheridanshonarobison north east scotland snp
concerning the definition of gaelicshonarobison north east scotland snp
lab ian welsh ayr labshonarobison north east scotland snp
support my amendment 16 46shonarobison north east scotland snp
andy kerr east kilbride labshonarobison north east scotland snp
and equitable basis 10 06shonarobison north east scotland snp
john mcallion dundee east labshonarobison north east scotland snp
chisholm tommy sheridan glasgow sspshonarobison north east scotland snp
john mcallion dundee east labshonarobison north east scotland snp
margaret jamieson was referring toshonarobison north east scotland snp
vindicate the executive s reportshonarobison north east scotland snp
considered assessment to take placeshonarobison north east scotland snp
for our elderly 12 25shonarobison north east scotland snp
ahead national health service 10shonarobison north east scotland snp
localities where people want itshonarobison north east scotland snp
for the people of scotlandshonarobison north east scotland snp
australia supported by david mundellshonarobison pauline mcneill donald gorrie
fund supported by tommy sheridanshonarobison pauline mcneill robin harper
lodged on 17 june 2002shonarobison phil gallie alex johnstone
mr gil paterson s1m 1126shonarobison population of dundee that
by peter peacock s1m 1837shonarobison privatisation of meat inspection
proposal under rule 9 14shonarobison proposed licensing scheme for
baillie elaine thomson david mundellshonarobison richard lochhead bill butler
baillie elaine thomson david mundellshonarobison richard lochhead bill butler
wilson roseanna cunningham fiona hyslopshonarobison richard lochhead irene mcgugan
mr lloyd quinan tommy sheridanshonarobison richard lochhead mr adam
mr lloyd quinan brian adamshonarobison robin harper christine grahame
sheridan michael russell fiona hyslopshonarobison robin harper donald gorrie
marwick alex neil brian adamshonarobison robin harper donald gorrie
lyndsay mcintosh mr keith hardingshonarobison robin harper dr winnie
elder michael russell fiona hyslopshonarobison robin harper mr kenneth
mr lloyd quinan irene mcguganshonarobison robin harper mr kenneth
affordability dr simpson i drawshonarobison s attention to my
two of the details ofshonarobison s question however the
city and area supported byshonarobison s1m 1099 rhoda grant
mr adam ingram brian adamshonarobison s1m 1115 protection of
2000 brian adam tommy sheridanshonarobison s1m 1116 age discrimination
mcgugan christine grahame linda fabianishonarobison s1m 1258 nick johnston
macaskill colin campbell fiona mcleodshonarobison s1m 1261 euan robson
supported by mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison s1m 1276 richard lochhead
participate in events supported byshonarobison s1m 1281 nick johnston
8 may 2001 colin campbellshonarobison s1m 1911 kelvin hall
lodged on 8 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1915 caithness general
lodged on 10 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1916 national cot
lodged on 10 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1925 european year
lodged on 15 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1928 international nurses
lodged on 16 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1930 national autistic
lodged on 17 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1938 adult learners
lodged on 17 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1943 the disability
lodged on 18 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1944 meetings of
lodged on 18 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1946 national childcare
lodged on 23 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1947 national missile
lodged on 24 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1963 epilepsy lodged
29 may 2001 colin campbellshonarobison s1m 1967 stobhill hospital
29 may 2001 colin campbellshonarobison s1m 1968 verdant works
lodged on 30 may 2001shonarobison s1m 1970 endometriosis lodged
richard lochhead mr kenny macaskillshonarobison s1m 1978 dementia awareness
lodged on 1 june 2001shonarobison s1m 1986 action on
lodged on 6 june 2001shonarobison s1m 1987 scottish civic
colin campbell mr kenny macaskillshonarobison s1m 1998 forth clyde
harper irene mcgugan linda fabianishonarobison s1m 2 mr jim
lodged on 13 june 2001shonarobison s1m 2010 the scottish
lodged on 14 june 2001shonarobison s1m 2013 soweto day
lodged on 14 june 2001shonarobison s1m 2014 arctic convoy
18 june 2001 colin campbellshonarobison s1m 2017 national kidney
lloyd quinan mr gil patersonshonarobison s1m 2019 clyde shipyard
lloyd quinan mr gil patersonshonarobison s1m 2021 his eminence
adam ingram mr gil patersonshonarobison s1m 2022 crown prosecution
21 june 2001 alex neilshonarobison s1m 2035 phace west
lloyd quinan mr gil patersonshonarobison s1m 2038 scottish ambulance
lodged on 29 november 2001shonarobison s1m 2498 overcrowding of
john farquhar munro christine grahameshonarobison s1m 2504 minister for
mcgugan fiona mcleod christine grahameshonarobison s1m 2509 ministerial responsibility
2001 tommy sheridan christine grahameshonarobison s1m 2513 inverness highland
mr michael mcmahon christine grahameshonarobison s1m 2514 tartan army
marwick tommy sheridan richard lochheadshonarobison s1m 2526 breastfeeding clinic
mary scanlon mr david davidsonshonarobison s1m 259 roseanna cunningham
ms sandra white kate macleanshonarobison s1m 265 richard lochhead
lodged on 19 february 2002shonarobison s1m 2756 1 dangerous
ullrich christine grahame kate macleanshonarobison s1m 276 michael russell
mr jamie mcgrigor fiona mcleodshonarobison s1m 277 dennis canavan
dorothy grace elder kate macleanshonarobison s1m 288 dorothy grace
lodged on 17 may 2002shonarobison s1m 3130 victims of
lodged on 20 may 2002shonarobison s1m 3133 water connection
brian adam mr kenneth gibsonshonarobison s1m 3274 george lyon
harding bruce crawford nicola sturgeonshonarobison s1m 3778 ms margaret
2003 bruce crawford nicola sturgeonshonarobison s1m 3828 1 cockenzie
21 february 2000 alex neilshonarobison s1m 571 airdrieonians football
2000 alex neil donald gorrieshonarobison s1m 572 european union
mr kenneth gibson roseanna cunninghamshonarobison s1m 951 cancellation of
in which people use pharmaciesshonarobison surely the point is
best value in the contractsshonarobison talked about the conflict
for the home care packageshonarobison that is a rather
the assessment that we makeshonarobison the minister mentioned the
we will respond to itshonarobison the minister s defensiveness
the issue in early januaryshonarobison the scottish pharmaceutical general
his cabinet s1f 1245 3shonarobison to ask the first
the scottish parliament s1w 1149shonarobison to ask the presiding
on caring responsibilities s1w 1148shonarobison to ask the presiding
local authority area s1w 32364shonarobison to ask the scottish
designated bathing beach s1w 33997shonarobison to ask the scottish
the united states s1w 3632shonarobison to ask the scottish
the united states s1w 3631shonarobison to ask the scottish
women s aid s1w 3630shonarobison to ask the scottish
of disabled people s1w 1147shonarobison to ask the scottish
and derelict land s1w 32363shonarobison to ask the scottish
the current year s1w 12271shonarobison to ask the scottish
scottish farmers s1o 1823 4shonarobison to ask the scottish
6 december 2002 s1w 31850shonarobison to ask the scottish
were discussed s1o 5794 11shonarobison to ask the scottish
scotland act 1984 s1w 31852shonarobison to ask the scottish
post s responsibilities s1w 23113shonarobison to ask the scottish
multiple sclerosis s1o 6390 25shonarobison to ask the scottish
the last year s1w 31851shonarobison to ask the scottish
to the consultation s1w 1981shonarobison to ask the scottish
deprived areas s1o 6499 24shonarobison to ask the scottish
were discussed s1o 3299 5shonarobison to ask the scottish
yet been published s1w 15767shonarobison to ask the scottish
in november 2000 s1w 15766shonarobison to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 33996shonarobison to ask the scottish
scottish qualifications authority s1w 15765shonarobison to ask the scottish
panel last met s1w 28507shonarobison to ask the scottish
be made public s1w 1982shonarobison to ask the scottish
will be published s1w 33994shonarobison to ask the scottish
and asylum bill s1w 1983shonarobison to ask the scottish
results were published s1w 28486shonarobison to ask the scottish
on drug driving s1w 28506shonarobison to ask the scottish
at scottish universities s1w 7708shonarobison to ask the scottish
its area s1o 6436 19shonarobison to ask the scottish
not previously exist s1w 27402shonarobison to ask the scottish
city bypass s1o 1755 13shonarobison to ask the scottish
nhs board area s1w 28592shonarobison to ask the scottish
7 december 2001 s1w 31853shonarobison to ask the scottish
amongst young men s1w 28591shonarobison to ask the scottish
official bathing beaches s1w 33995shonarobison to ask the scottish
council housing stock s1w 7671shonarobison to ask the scottish
of cryptosporidiosis s1o 4943 23shonarobison to ask the scottish
year since 1990 s1w 3633shonarobison to ask the scottish
those discussions r s1w 3629shonarobison to ask the scottish
three financial years s1w 27401shonarobison to ask the scottish
younger age groups s1w 1145shonarobison to ask the scottish
of bathing beaches s1w 28508shonarobison to ask the scottish
nhs board area s1w 28593shonarobison to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 323 22shonarobison to ask the scottish
have been created s1w 31854shonarobison to ask the scottish
local authority area s1w 1146shonarobison to ask the scottish
waiting in the months aheadshonarobison today i received a
every possible way supported byshonarobison tommy sheridan alex neil
on the issue supported byshonarobison tommy sheridan fiona hyslop
the fife public supported byshonarobison tommy sheridan mr brian
every possible way s1m 962shonarobison travel dundee that the
ms sandra white s1m 962shonarobison travel dundee that the
deliver rail electrification supported byshonarobison tricia marwick bruce crawford
ms sandra white stewart stevensonshonarobison tricia marwick richard lochhead
awarded to the private sectorshonarobison will andy kerr give
will the member give wayshonarobison yes mr wallace i
shona moula is still leevinshonaaghast what she s no
ye see me moula ayshonaah m vext ti say
sumwhaur aboot york moula wulshonabe bonnie dae ye think
daein it it coudna beenshonaeilidh moula didna deny it
you daur clype on meshonaglares at moula and leaves
from moula to admire hershonaglares malcolm juist luik at
diggin his gairden moula saeshonahaes confesst awthing malcolm ay
bickerin in the yaird moulashonais in an ill tid
wife moula s wicked stepmothershonais naturally jealous and plots
over to go to sleepshonait wes moula that did
hert an howp ti deeshonajabbing her finger towards moula
wes moula ye dinna kenshonakilled the hoond eilidh eilidh
his haund airms wi himshonaleaves urgently moula please faither
mair nor ah can beirshonama wee unchristened bairn moula
dinna believe it wes moulashonamalcolm ye saw malcolm ah
of wine on a trayshonamoula and malcolm each take
is another fearful cry fromshonamoula coud ye no stap
final rather weaker cry fromshonamoula faither grit yeir teeth
seconds vigorously enter malcolm anshonamoula faither is it really
followed by a silent resentfulshonamoula guidmither whit aboot the
bed silence from malcolm andshonamoula hou did ye lyke
hear the wurd he brochtshonamoula is still leevin shona
til fingal keing o morvenshonamoula s guidmither jek malcolm
anither tree exit malcolm andshonamoula sits down and sobs
oniewey malcolm moula haund youshonathe chaumer keys shona ye
staun up for yeirsell moulashonathraetent ti kell me gin
moula didna deny it kisshonathraetent ti kill hir gin
wi this ane moula moulashonawes gey ill on ye
in its place moula aishonawhit hae ye duin whit
be bringin his new wyfeshonawi him moula ah hear
is terrible eilidh ah sawshonacum oot is that bad
credit ye dinna mukkil lykeshonadae ye eilidh that haes
howpin for a son ehshonaeilidh enters with four goblets
this is ma kimmer eilidhshonaeilidh is it to eilidh
aye ti be different disshonaeilidh she dis that they
the day exit malcolm andshonaeilidh sits down again at
this thing wha wes itshonaenters quietly she motions eilidh
dae ye mean eilidh thisshonakens in hir hert that
tree nou eilidh it wesshonamalcolm shona watch whit ye
hir face eilidh leaves purposefullyshonana malcolm dinna please dinna
chaumer wi ye malcolm andshonapause and turn round eilidh
the bairn needs his mithershonato eilidh kimmer ye ir
malcolm each take a gobletshonato eilidh pointing to the
eilidh it wes shona malcolmshonawatch whit ye r sayin
dinna malcolm dae ye kenshonaah hae suffert mair pyne
shona remains sullenly silent malcolmshonaah m wearie the nicht
guidnicht syre she curtseys exitshonaand malcolm carrying the cradle
one room and malcolm andshonaare lying in bed in
guid littil fallae he isshonacontemptuously seumas huh malcolm points
awa an murdert it malcolmshonadinna say sic things ah
yeirsell malcolm looks long atshonaeftir whit ah hae juist
gin ah war vext forshonaeven but a whein malcolm
m vext for ye malcolmshonama bonnie dou eh grimly
nor ti whussil in decembershonamalcolm ah coud aye hae
the daith o breinger anawshonamalcolm dinna believe hir it
dern claes enter malcolm andshonamalcolm walks up to the
ye mean bi that shonashonanaething naething awa malcolm mercie
sic as lounderin for thisshonanever you heed malcolm ah
a blood curdling yell fronshonaoffstage malcolm ignores this malcolm
malcolm gin it didna daeshonaonie guid it did me
at malcolm ye fuckin bastardshonaopens the door between the
hantil pyne wi me noushonaplease dinna malcolm malcolm ah
ye a taste o thisshonaremains silent and furious malcolm
spoken ti ye lyke thatshonaremains sullenly silent malcolm shona
visits malcolm who then discoversshonas perfidy and has her
houss malcolm sae ye irshonasae ye ir but the
of gentle snoring from malcolmshonashakes him but he does
she s nae bather shonashonashe bathers me malcolm howt
dae ye mean bi thatshonashona naething naething awa malcolm
whyles she s nae bathershonashona she bathers me malcolm
naething naething awa malcolm mercieshonathe bairn wul be safe
uisual treatment for a stertshonawhimpers malcolm please ah m
returns looking sullen malcolm butshonaye haena seen roond the
malcolm you r the mistressshonayou r the mistress the
gang ower the score awrichtshonaa didna mean that shona
and hands it to shonashonaah l hae sumthing ti
is enter shona looking uncertainshonaah see yeir veisitor s
lyke ane o oorsells shonashonaaweill haes she nou she
shona a didna mean thatshonabut ye soud ken better
heard sae it is entershonalooking uncertain shona ah see
it wes it you shonashonam m me wh whit
no the bonnie ane shonashonanods it s a guid
an meet shona yeir guidmithershonas been fair luikin forrit
hook and hands it toshonashona ah l hae sumthing
been lyke ane o oorsellsshonashona aweill haes she nou
wi it wes it youshonashona m m me wh
she no the bonnie aneshonashona nods it s a
lest thing a dae entershonashona thare ye ir wumman
thing a dae enter shonashonathare ye ir wumman ah
you shona the chaumer keysshonaye wul be wantin ti
but cum you an meetshonayeir guidmither shona s been
sair on hir ye sayshonaah dout the l no
saw hir dae thae thingsshonafor aw ah ken it
shawed hir the letters thatshonahaed wrutten beatrix read thaim
whitever it means aweill whitevershonahaes peyed hir dues naebodie
hir guidman that wes hereshonahir guidman she s mairrit
til hir frae me fareweillshonama bonnie dou that s
hir frae me jek fareweillshonama dou you say that
his dochters bi name oshonasyne he mairrit hir an
wes sweir ti think thatshonawad kill hir ain littil
sair on hir ye sayshonayeir feelins dis ye credit
dae wi sum guid newsshonaah speirit whit it wes
the girnel wes plenisht againshonaloudly weill you see til
ah m thinkin yon wesshonas daein tae she wesna
r sayin it coudna beenshonashe telt me she wes
ye sae shuir it wesshonathat dang doun the tree
it wha wes t seeingshonathis hae gien me a
ti hae it seen tilshonawes never duin complainin aboot
officers john gordon john glenshonalines ann marie o neill
ye gaun ti dae guidmithershonanever you mynd whit ah
finger that wul juist daeshonathat s aneuch oot o
me a richt sair hertshonawha wad dae siccan an
ti dae sic a thingshonayou wul say naething aboot
wha wad steal the bairnshonaah ken that dochter o
the touer an tell mistressshonaah l no be bringin
daursay no c mon thanshonaah m gled ye want
horrified ye l kill meshonaah mean ilka wurd ah
wad kill yeir ain bairnshonabut ah dinna think ye
warkin wi the skins anshonadisna lyke pyne ah dinna
whit ah maun ken noushonais wha killed ma son
me a richt sair hertshonait s littil pleisir ah
til ye sae ah wulshonalivid with anger ye d
mercie she s a wummanshonalyke yeirsell yawning ah canna
cum til in this houssshonanae ill at aw ah
a strecht aunser cum awashonaoot o this afore ah
canna believe that ah cannashonapointing look the door s
ah l no hae thatshonathat s whit she wants
ti bonnie weimen ah daursayshonawul be weill faured aneuch
ah m shuir you anshonawul git on brawlie thegither
o guidness whit s wrangshonasumbodie hae stown the bairn
duin whit hae ye duinshonawar you watchin me oot
we hae ti move onshonawe aye hae ti move
hae a wurd wi youshonawe haena tyme ti speak
a howp that you anshonawul hae a lang an
annie gunner jim jackson andshonabarcus community care providers scotland
want ye ti tak mistressshonadount til yeir wurkin chaumer
he moans he calms himselfshonagae fesh jek ti me
for ti keep ye companieshonahe s aye leavin me
ti be grantit at lestshonais expekkin a bairn at
whan we gaed ti bedshonarushed through the doorway followed
gaun ti say oniething onieweyshonasay cross ma hert an
l say this for yeshonaye fairly ken hou ti
wurth leevin for months noushonayou ir gaun ti lairn
na he shakes his headshonagin that wad please ye
nor ye can say forshonanou meg he soonds a
in the borders accompanied byshona[censored: surname] elsie [censored: surname] and nancy
o this unco nicht entershonafollowed by jek carrying hand
it s aw by wishonajek ay she s deid
down wringing her hands entershonacarrying the axe she puts
they canna grie aboot thatshonamaks oot she wad raither
this letter tae fell intishonas haunds an again she
s feinisht his wark wishonashe dee d a wee
pit it oot yeir heidshonashe didna deny fellin the
s guidmither yowlin that sshonashe s awned up nou
shuir or the page giedshonathe letter an she taen
sits up abruptly in bedshonawhaur ma bairn she jumps
mon wumman try me ootshonasays nothing but clenches her
her patience and cheerful efficiencyshona[censored: surname] my vice president who
wad ever herm the bairnshonaeftir dingin doun yeir tree
voice is heard from offstageshonahimsell is in thare he
been i was there withshonai ve been in paris
mukkil haw two months latershonais seated at the table
ee ken ocht aboot thisshonait s nae guid speirin
you eftir he is gaenshonalooks puzzled and leaves followed
curdling scream of agony fromshonaoffstage mercie wha s that
m608: oh right f643: butshonapicked it up as five
there obviously i ve gotshonas m608: mmhm f643: i
seconds the door opens andshonas voice is heard from
it is covered with bloodshonascreaming the bairn is here
it is ahint the chairshonastrides across the room and
the cattle beiss this yearshonathat s guid news oniewey
series of agonised howls fromshonathe guests look a little
i went with my friendshonawho s the lawyer from
i the mou aboot sumthingshonayeir faither haes gaen an
bairns i the ae nichtshonayer maunna be ower sair

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