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tak e rapes roon eshooderseen at ae side een
rapes rale canny ower eshooderso e ruck in e
wiz thumpin right aff mashoodersa hid been stitched up
e hait sin on yershoodersgeed ye an appetite piece
heid and they touch theirshoodersand doon their taes and
taes as ye opent yershooderstae gie t full pooer
lang green shawl roon hershoodersand a green frock trailin
roon minnie an matty sshoodersan led them ben tae
an the aunts patted hershoodersmatty s quine minnie s
gooseberries jonsar jonsar shook hisshoodersan said naething naething noo
entirely he jist shook hisshoodersan screwed up his face
wye i ve heen stiffshoodersivver since young fowk s
laid his airm aboot meshoodersan he says come du
twa cairrier bags yarkin baithshooderslike ower ticht bra straps
bedclaes and gaed roon hershoodersher faither s een flichtered
slung the skin roon hisshoodersthan there war three lood
doot richt aff at eshoodersan willie e caase o
fell on her twa braidshoodersshe maun hae laid the
fork min skippy shrugged hisshoodersan said och please yoursel
twa muckle paws on myshoodersan then licked my face
faain ower an inbye hisshoodersmyne frae his tusks a
i speired he squared hisshoodersan thocht a meerit ye
got a yark in theshoodersevery time the dreel ploo
can i got on yourshoodersmummy f1103: no f1104: why

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