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test to be applied forsimilaractivities carried out by different
for resale in smaller quantitiessimilaradditional allowances applied when trading
of scotland december 1999 38similarconsiderations applied in the style
the name applied in asimilarfashion in both contexts what
than one dromedary in particularsimilartechniques could be applied at
our group had a asimilarerm situation when there was
james lowman the situation issimilarin other product categories chillers
taken to ensure that asimilarsituation does not arise again
i i was in asimilarsituation i think to a
associating with others in asimilarsituation my final point is
is being carried out asimilarsituation occurs in the resources
would have been in asimilarsituation there is a sense
that country was in asimilarsituation to the one that
avoid our getting into asimilarsituation with the standards commissioner
is useful is the situationsimilarto that regarding european union
might lead to a situationsimilarto that which exists in
some compromise the situation issimilarto what happened with the
for example they will establishsimilarliaison it is important to
to establish a sustainability fundsimilarto that planned by her
to establish a task forcesimilarto that proposed for the
to establish a working groupsimilarto the one that was
to establish state run hotelssimilarto the spanish parador where
review groups action groups andsimilarcommittees established since june 2000
established in the 1960s havesimilarcompositions to chartered universities in
scotland act 1993 established asimilarrequirement education scotland act 1980
independent and voluntary sector insimilarterms to that already established
independent and voluntary sector insimilarterms to that already established
to signing a concordat insimilarterms to that already established
direction of the european unionsimilarto the one established in
throughout scotland would adopt asimilarapproach perhaps the executive could
are occasions on which asimilarapproach throughout the united kingdom
the many excellent hotels andsimilarfacilities throughout scotland the bill
equally throughout scotland to preventsimilarproblems arising here dr jackson
issues that were raised weresimilarthroughout the country mr rumbles
used in the nhs issimilarthroughout the uk that means
i know that there aresimilartrends throughout the rest of
scottish executive to initiate asimilarscheme in scotland and to
south crossrail scheme or anysimilarscheme which facilitates the linking
south crossrail scheme or anysimilarscheme which facilitates the linking
will investigate introducing a schemesimilarto the child rescue alert
way of introducing a schemesimilarto the child rescue alert
scottish executive whether a schemesimilarto the community wardens scheme
servicing of writs by claimantssimilarto the scheme launched by
that a scheme that issimilarto the taxi licensing regime
are on the same orsimilarterms to those for staff
of the scottish parliament andsimilarterms were used for example
market place 21 this andsimilarterms were used for example
commons in november in termssimilarto the motion in the
in england and wales forsimilarauthorisation s1w 8753 david mcletchie
how that protection compares withsimilarlegislative protection in england it
in england talking of asimilarsocial class f963: mm mm
issue advice to local authoritiessimilarto that available in england
production of an information packsimilarto that produced in england
32 falconry groups have expressedsimilarconcerns that the bill would
united with a circle ofsimilargroups around the world i
other individuals or groups asimilaropportunity to make representations des
and down the country voicedsimilarexperiences whether they were working
not every country has asimilarsystem to ours what may
have already been through asimilarupheaval in this country loud
rooms or annexes chatelherault andsimilarareas were mentioned those venues
average costs for those insimilarcircumstances whose costs are currently
27 phil gallie i havesimilarcomments to those of michael
suggest that those of asimilarmind to me visit the
want the minister to addresssimilarpoints to those raised by
in particular those with asimilarpopulation size to scotland such
northern ireland assembly would havesimilarpowers to those that we
chamber will be looking forsimilarprogress in scotland because those
education scotland act 1992 makessimilarprovisions in scotland to those
and dangerous buildings and issimilarto existing legislation on those
form of words that issimilarto those contained in some
inclusion partnership board members aresimilarto those for elected members
it has agreed performance measuressimilarto those for previous years
a foreign language are verysimilarto those highlighted in the
the countryside and other activitiessimilarto those of the rural
blocked off hopefully by railingssimilarto those on the river
in its housing policy proposalssimilarto those operating in norway
be particularly excessive and aresimilarto those set down for
issues that it covers aresimilarto those that have been
profitably be compared with asimilarbut different one for example
borders or lanarkshire were broadlysimilarfor example the transport and
for example the systems aresimilarthe differential usage of medicaments
and when an offender insimilarcircumstances goes south of the
clear operational advantages in havingsimilarregimes north and south of
m762: so in in asimilarway on a south asian
meek report both reports reachedsimilarconclusions the macpherson report in
re both they re verysimilarin meaning m1055: the other
1597 scottish gaelic bonnach hassimilarmeanings and both dost and
called [?]culoris[/?] oddly enough bothsimilarnames f641: mmhm f643: but
both the same or sosimilarthey might as well be
calls other companies will takesimilaraction to avoid some of
used in other contexts asimilarapproach can be used at
try to maintain links withsimilarbodies in other parts of
boards enterprise companies and othersimilarcentrally funded bodies in each
cases and other cases withsimilarcharacteristics i entirely agree that
focus since then several othersimilarclosures have taken place elsewhere
of dost or any othersimilardictionary such as med at
spark of light occur withsimilarmeanings other adjectives and adverbs
director manager secretary or othersimilarofficer and includes a person
or other countries with asimilarphysical geography that would allow
and that there is asimilarpicture in most other constituencies
and the other bodies withsimilarresponsibilities in the health service
they might apply to othersimilarsituations the executive might take
line with other posts ofsimilarstatus and will attract an
tribunals or planning or othersimilarstatutory procedures it was noted
be profitable to make asimilarstudy of other old english
particular system or any othersimilarsystem is used by any
not occur after l 1926similartendencies were discovered in other
the international dimension are wesimilarto other countries such as
apostrophes into scots words withsimilarenglish equivalents thereby giving the
individual words or of wordssimilarin sound or meaning is
a group of words ofsimilarmeaning to see whether there
with slight variations choices ofsimilaror contrasting words the words
york newcastleton new york verysimilaran ehm the yin o
council s list is verysimilarand provides an interesting account
scotland erm we have verysimilarbackgrounds and upbringing but so
may be written in verysimilarformat for very different purposes
they would all be verysimilarif not identical they would
for each level is verysimilarit is necessary to refer
and brings out a verysimilarlittle packet which she hands
seems to have been verysimilaron opposite sides of the
we we have is verysimilarto a text that the
language we actually produce verysimilarto saussure s langue and
very it s almost quitesimilarto welsh m865: is that
m1036: and it was verysimilarto what was going on
should be extended a verysimilarview of the process of
s automatic spelling system issimilarin essence to that of
advice service for scotland alongsimilarlines to the system to
extent you can point asimilarcharge at the bothy ballads
reasonable bash the convener asimilarpoint arises in relation to
the executive s intention asimilarpoint arises in relation to
was going to make asimilarpoint subsection 2 is all
point where it left offsimilartargets for subsequent days will
point where it left offsimilartargets for subsequent days will
christine grahame that point issimilarto the one that i
modern norwegian dictionary and somethingsimilarin dutch german swedish and
are you concerned that somethingsimilaris happening alex easton i
player i suspect that somethingsimilaris happening in the oil
meat barfit broth was somethingsimilarmade at any time when
interesting hairpiece that saw somethingsimilaron gardener s world a
a leather strap or somethingsimilarsilence i imagined the beautiful
the suggestion is that somethingsimilarto the 1982 act with
mcnulty i will say somethingsimilarto what i said in
the parliament would want somethingsimilartricia marwick i have a
legislation could be used ifsimilarcircumstances ever arose when the
had to apply it undersimilarlegislation changing the bill along
their experiences in experimenting withsimilarlegislation to allow them to
in scotland by introducing legislationsimilarto the suicide act 1961
of the primary legislation aresimilarto what was contained in
no difficulty in providing asimilararrangement for the funding that
we envisage carrying out asimilarexercise with the funding council
this follows on from asimilarfunding crisis recently at the
to announce without further delaysimilarfunding for scotland s police
scottish executive has been allocatedsimilarpro rata funding by the
location to clydebank is wheresimilarequipment will be available for
the figure is over 14similarevidence is available for tourism
merit sympathetic consideration rhona brankinsimilarfifg is available for scallop
am not available to dosimilarfor you hope you can
techniques used by writers insimilarcontexts these two processes come
in the teaching of englishsimilarstrategies can be used by
and yorkshire j net aresimilarvariations used to catch salmon
mammals protection act 1996 posessimilarenforcement difficulties as this bill
act subsection 5a which makessimilarprovision where fire authority areas
government scotland act 1973 aresimilarwe must try to clarify
of the target language ofsimilarage and interests this could
to save that language 87similarconcerns were raised in connection
in the same way insimilarcontexts learning a second language
language devices to create asimilarexciting and urgent atmosphere but
the additional language through makingsimilarkinds of errors as they
the pupils will have coveredsimilarlanguage and developed similar skills
of sign language and asimilarpopulation finland now has a
covered similar language and developedsimilarskills and strategies for learning
is how authorities of asimilarsize can justify charging different
in different ways in asimilarstruggle mine was just beginning
a yellow trumpet like flowersimilarto a rhododendron but different
costs they might pay asimilaramount for materials but the
period to 2000 previously asimilaramount of editing might have
sentence might parents face asimilarjail term if they suffer
modal verbs operate in asimilarfashion tae thi english modal
learnit english by its lanesimilarhe cites research cairried oot
with english their relationship issimilarto that between the scandinavian
and english languages in scotlandsimilarto the recognition given to
direct operating costs with asimilarlevel of service at an
service orders are today forsimilaroffences he looked at weatherly
fiscal service operate in asimilarway is the overall budget
area and who have hadsimilarexperiences sips are a way
scots yaises can in asimilarway but in addition yaises
invested and administered in asimilarway to the kinloch trust
kind of well in asimilarway to what s the
of health care to standardssimilarto the best european countries
of health care to standardssimilarto the best european countries
mink mustela vison this issimilarto the european mink mustela
they d come across asimilargroup who had the same
same route there was asimilarrun at 2 p m
supported by sportscotland are havingsimilardifficulties in accessing the nof
and glatiramer acetate which aresimilardrugs the second aspect is
independent lives prior to asimilarincident are not able to
specific and conscious especially ifsimilarinstances are regularly identified and
s so many that aresimilar[laugh] f963: mm f965: you
vessel hus house sele hallsimilarmetaphors are found in the
sentences and others of asimilarpattern are overlapped and stapled
are in fact in asimilarposition to mallorcans scotland like
and they are in asimilarposition to petition pe474 because
into flats churches presented asimilarproblem although nowadays they are
sewage plant is causing asimilarproblem and the people are
the operating regime in asimilarstate of development and are
for the year which aresimilarto if somewhat more detailed
discussions about situations that aresimilarto that which faces that
sustainable life campaign in scotlandsimilarto the are you doing
zone where the objectives aresimilarto the conservation zone but
warrants and completion certificates aresimilarto the features of the
quadrant and the bins aresimilarto the one sited in
are supposed to be quitesimilaryes mmhm mmhm yeah m865:
through a text which havesimilarconnotations these sets can create
languish unrecognised while others exactlysimilarromped through the press at
errors as they pass throughsimilarstages on the road to
eh goin on and andsimilarthings goes on through the
college it plans to takesimilaraction in respect of homophobia
command of clause structure varioussimilaractivities allow pupils to create
leave to enter a somewhatsimilararrangement at fettercairn whose minister
1426 assize appear to showsimilarchanges which would be disruptive
scottish executive to make asimilarclear firm and unequivocal commitment
to say that i madesimilarcomments in the stage 1
seen to be in asimilarcondition however all traces of
do any colleagues have asimilardeclaration to make irene oldfather
is being taken to avoidsimilardelays in the future s1w
meant to have quite asimilareffect to hash and they
comments furthermore have you foundsimilarevidence in relation to people
with a view to establishingsimilargood practice supported by dorothy
have a right to expectsimilarguidance at present some would
an grunera its florid decorationsimilarin design to many gates
m hoping to erm appointsimilarindividuals for the secondary because
be able to operate asimilarkind of integration of a
have generally been kept atsimilarlevels to 2002 temporary effort
petition pe223 which went alongsimilarlines to pe431 and was
in its attempts to introducesimilarmeasures because it acted under
have a duty to adoptsimilarmeasures including a reduction in
the urge to possess asimilarmonstrosity some weeks later hortense
a member to propose asimilarmotion is that what you
the seed container with asimilarmotion to a violin bow
from that activity to allsimilarones and thus have a
aids to develop partnerships withsimilarorganisations in southern africa to
aids to develop partnerships withsimilarorganisations in southern africa to
s government to consider asimilarpolicy in these isles supported
they exercise their functions asimilarpower in relation to verifiers
appointed by scottish ministers havesimilarpowers to bailiffs but they
in scotland should not introducesimilarprivate sector verification indeed to
whether it will issue asimilarprofile of the spending to
it has to introduce asimilarprogramme in scotland s1w 24720
executive to consider initiating asimilarresearch study s1m 3315 tommy
meeting but i think thatsimilarrules apply to all parliaments
with an exception of broadlysimilarscope enabling individuals to carry
perhaps surprisingly took a broadlysimilarstance to the scottish central
believe that a report withsimilarsubstance to the macpherson report
identified without prejudice to latersimilartendering exercises and if so
framework which tries to usesimilarterminology and which focuses on
detect acts of terrorism orsimilarthreats to national security however
to the market at asimilartime in a form that
a smart card that issimilarto a bank card but
sold in packaging that issimilarto branded products packaging but
an brought up that ssimilarto here i i think
filled with views and sensessimilarto his and in addition
new one stop cultural centressimilarto irish heritage centres to
sandwich made of jelly preservesimilarto jam staple food of
case for an independent commissionsimilarto malcolm chisholm s care
an pink and navy overallsimilarto one my own mother
[inaudible] i suppose it ssimilarto orcadian anyway a lot
know regard drag hunting assimilarto paying for sex it
of man authorities were broadlysimilarto proposals that the scottish
ditches forming a corner anglesimilarto that of a roman
a body with a remitsimilarto that of the directorate
the victoria her experience wassimilarto that of the salvage
communities pride in their surroundingssimilarto that often found in
revenues from the aggregates taxsimilarto that planned by her
revenues from the aggregates taxsimilarto that planned by her
cause i think he ssimilarto that thing loons quines
either a nationalised production companysimilarto that which exists in
environment and rural affairs departmentsimilarto that within the department
s amendment because it issimilarto the amendment that i
economic regeneration of small townssimilarto the association of market
is being obtained which issimilarto the butcher s shop
on to an electronic versionsimilarto the electronic oed 1994
of peterhead to be poorsimilarto the halls in barlinnie
i suppose it would besimilarto the islands here f746:
one strand advocates an approachsimilarto the one that we
another draft order which issimilarto the order for the
prostate cancer services in scotlandsimilarto the programme recently announced
any incident in scottish waterssimilarto the sinking of the
government business manager this issimilarto the use of the
have we have a booksimilarto this m865: well i
shetland stories that s ehmsimilarto what the kinda mm
that come to scotland fromsimilaruk programmes to what extent
people into society in asimilarvein to the employment process
given to banning powerboats andsimilarvessels on loch lomond s1w
we can expect to seesimilarvolumes at every meeting we
which were set up forsimilarcharitable purposes the session has
bit and glatiramer acetate asimilarproduct that i mentioned which
will increase there have beensimilarachievements for the new scottish
your brevity can we havesimilarbrevity from alex neil 10
have had personal experience ofsimilarcases and i know that
north sea 1993 2003 [note: figure here in original]similarcuts in whitefish quotas have
f1054: duncan have you gotsimilarexperiences like that m1146: mmhm
being submitted i know thatsimilarquestions have been submitted on
mccabe committee we have madesimilarrecommendations in the past and
the uk have taken asimilarview although a sewel motion
in scotland but in additionsimilarshifts micht hae occurred in
discriminate within scotland b applysimilarstandards of operation elsewhere and
trust funds in 1927 asimilaramalgamation of funds was made
in runcorn this one issimilarbut no cellars i think
repairs etc k had asimilarcharge in ealing and as
has in the past expressedsimilarconcerns however the association of
adam mcnaughton s lament aboutsimilardevelopments in the now architecturally
about them do you expectsimilardifficulties here tony gallagher in
of this we had asimilardiscussion in the transport and
offices in rural areas asimilardocument was produced for urban
4 million in fife andsimilarexperiences in all health boards
emergency dental services in asimilarfashion mrs margaret ewing moray
prejudices comin fae a religionsimilarin monie weys tae the
discovered that we shared asimilarinterest in writing scots verse
margaret do you mind thatsimilarlifestyle f1040: i stayed in
memorial and because of manysimilarnames listed in the registers
is in there was asimilarnumber of users of sign
that the power mirrors asimilarpower in section 39 of
recall that when i suggestedsimilarproposals in this parliament they
in aberdeen we met asimilarrange of people including representatives
the upper secondary school assimilarshortcomings were identified in a
lawrence family and others insimilarsituations and then do nothing
on markers but on asimilarsubject in your submission you
and modern languages teachers employsimilartechniques here the teacher in
it does so [inhale] asimilarthing is happening apparently in
the second round was insimilarvein and went from junction
level throu edexcel in londonsimilarwi the want o higher
sometimes spelt laund d forsimilarreasons and an analogy with
providing one stop services andsimilarbodies owned and run by
invention of agriculture thousands ofsimilarstatuettes this one is under
one as weel eh somethinsimilartae bert s one but
the place names that weresimilarand f746: yeah i know
of the views were rathersimilaras were the pinks and
that after we discussed asimilaramendment at stage 2 i
mr gallie from submitting asimilaramendment at stage 3 phil
as angus mackay indicated asimilaramendment was debated at stage
and provide funds on asimilarbasis as for cities and
a basis of equality asimilarbasis of equality is also
bil as an element asimilarcluster involving wudu ll 216
the bill stands if asimilarcock up occurred during a
and young people for asimilarcost 5 the researchers found
account if we hold asimilarevent next year the convener
only that people pay asimilarfee and that it is
they process applications of asimilarnature my council will probably
members will recall that asimilarpetition pe422 was considered at
month you can see asimilarproposal for the corner of
the list of survivors asimilarreversal of fortune was experienced
areas can benefit from asimilarstructure using peripatetic specialists and
icc if they took asimilarview of what was going
pt milk 1lb emmental orsimilarcheese pinch salt pepper nutmeg
broken up cheese biscuits orsimilarstir add 8 toms fresh
f1054: an is it likesimilartae torry or not f1041:
the committee felt that assimilarrequests had been made previously
regulations for youth hostels andsimilartemporary accommodation s1w 26361 mrs
of contracts let after earliersimilartendering exercises s1w 12279 mr
think they would be sosimilarbut his dad s welsh
conscience large corporations actually usesimilartactics when they see you
anticipated that peterhead would besimilaryet i was struck by
idea was vetoed dinner wassimilarexcept that there was no
f785: mmhm m055: there ssimilarresearch till that effect eh
oh right f978: as beinsimilarwhereas she thinks that the
shetland that that s moresimilaryeah yeah f746: oh that
their subsequent survival at seasimilarsubtle affects caused by acidification
mm m762: people also tellsimilarstories you know and erm
aw thay leids cam fraesimilarruits but gaed their ain
aw thay leids cam fraesimilarruits but gaed their ain
youth and her broadcasts onsimilarthemes on radio duncairn some
spends on neighbourhood watch andsimilarcrime prevention methods saves the
gey s anither sort osimilartae fair f1011: oh m1012:
quite alike as well kindasimilartype o stories f746: oh

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