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house crazy sentences this issimplya set of pages each
structures called periodic sentences orsimplyperiods [inhale] now these sentences
of soft non custodial sentencessimplyto empty scotland s overcrowded
of soft non custodial sentencessimplyto empty scotland s overcrowded
to the review period issimplya stay of execution rather
sea rather than uses itsimplyas a source of salt
rather than a scottish basissimplybecause that is more cost
do it soon rather thansimplyfollow the shabby compromise announced
poetry around him rather thansimplyfollowing diverse models comparisons epithets
to the board rather thansimplyhaving a scottish representative on
commit an offence rather thansimplyletting the polis use their
sustain our communities rather thansimplymanage their decline the first
significant sexual element rather thansimplymr hamilton and on scrutiny
to the bill rather thansimplyproducing a figure of 20
the prophets mirabile dictu weresimplyreligious reformers rather than makers
into current spending may tendsimplyto drive up costs rather
we cannot make snap decisionssimplybecause doing so suits individual
an unacceptable state of disrepairsimplybecause local authorities cannot afford
cannot get what they wantsimplyby driving it through using
cannot get around the prohibitionsimplyby using its name instead
the problem that some peoplesimplycannot afford to participate in
homeless now is that theysimplycannot find a house twenty
up to six people quitesimplywe cannot keep adding questions
petition i suggest that wesimplynote it dennis canavan why
about the instrument we shallsimplynote it local government covenant
soon as possible members shouldsimplynote paragraph 26 5 paragraph
no further observations we shallsimplynote the paper 10 00
of the local government committeesimplysaying that we note the
recommended change but a requestsimplyto note that we do
amendment because it is quitesimplyabout rewarding nurses better for
not be forced to closesimplybecause a funding stream has
fifth candidate has been selectedsimplybecause he attended the same
qualities in my style butsimplybecause i am discussing abstract
my dissent from paragraph 119simplybecause it contains a commitment
spice i make that pointsimplybecause it is not easy
case why am i botheringsimplybecause it is plainly right
i was very struck bysimplybecause it s in the
he might repeat a wordsimplybecause it was conveniently in
was not on the agendasimplybecause it was not available
by commentators in the mediasimplybecause of the cost of
treaty is not terribly realisticsimplybecause of the logistics one
difficulties of war and oppressionsimplybecause of the will and
down to the south sidesimplybecause that is the only
mainstream services dumped on themsimplybecause the council had no
from gaelic to gaelic perhapssimplybecause the people the os
are forced to rely onsimplybecause they are old we
voters rejected the nice treatysimplybecause they did not know
people speak french here notsimplybecause they learned it at
issue should not be lostsimplybecause we are approaching the
there is consistency uk widesimplybecause we have already seen
not stop everything we dosimplybecause we have ideas about
were to withdraw those benefitssimplybecause westminster does not agree
the problem the drawings willsimplydisappear because coastal erosion in
child care another problem issimplygetting their act together because
know it was it wassimplynot because i didn t
whole paragraph because it issimplynot true mr ingram i
theory but because that issimplythe nature of such things
because the requirement would besimplyto consult them nevertheless it
slightly by the committee clerkssimplyused the word directed because
a kind of scots orsimplyas bad english the acceptance
the notion that scots issimplybad english or a comic
for a white man issimplybad luck for a black
i m feelin bad isimplyremember my favourite lee gets
i m feeing bad isimplyremember my favourite things and
when ah m feelin badsimplyremember my favourite things then
the bill solve one problemsimplyby potentially disadvantaging another group
s delivered the problem issimplythe amount of cash available
my life that i actuallysimplycan t remember and some
might remember m734: yeah isimplydon t [laugh] really remember
i am not sure thatsimplydeveloping web pages is quite
is quite a demanding processsimplyfor identification in a dynamic
quite drastic we based resultssimplyon the examination and processed
i do this is quitesimplythat i was becoming tired
lead to structural failure quitesimplythe greater the number of
on there are concerns quitesimplythey are that waiting times
on the issues raised quitesimplythey have neither the time
seafarers and the threshold quitesimplywith the exception of cruise
men and women is notsimplya matter of social justice
ve got it s notsimplya question of glottalisation the
a choice that is notsimplyabout better economic fortunes for
such a policy is notsimplyabout checking national planning policy
so called large savings thatsimplyare not deliverable the vexed
should be that should notsimplybe left to the fire
claim that the weapons aresimplycollectors pieces why not ban
essential that we do notsimplydevelop a professionalisation of the
thirds of the size isimplydo not feel that we
and rural housing hotspots whichsimplydo not have the houses
that it will undertake wesimplydo not have time at
in these remote areas theysimplydo not see the need
except to say that itsimplydoes not believe that it
education and awareness development thatsimplydoes not exist among businesses
areas and islands the flexibilitysimplydoes not exist the proposed
have said nothing until recentlysimplydoes not hold water what
children were latch key kidssimplydragged up not the norm
fathers were not so theysimplyencoded the basic human relationships
year old does not movesimplyfrom childhood to adulthood as
the issue does not involvesimplygeography but other exclusion issues
not appear to notice andsimplygoes prick prick again pompitie
citizens europe that will notsimplyhappen there is a lot
not directing our informer hesimplyhappened to tell us what
are not applied and aresimplyignored that is an issue
s primary interest is notsimplyin carrying out the latest
nonsense this is ridiculous thissimplyis not true my colleague
change the system it issimplynot acceptable for the government
south of france it wouldsimplynot be acceptable to take
own could i i msimplynot clever or strong enough
our fault but we aresimplynot doing justice to the
with purple faced rage issimplynot done in the best
businesses especially on lewis wouldsimplynot have been there without
minister s objectives i amsimplynot satisfied that she has
the takings but that issimplynot the way in which
no smoking policy that issimplynot true we have never
ways at all you resimplynot u r a c
not being critical we aresimplynoting that the logistics are
and vices we are notsimplyolder people for example my
does not seem to besimplyon points of law or
am not advocating bowdlerising burnssimplysaying that there are some
the european union we aresimplyspectators i do not want
important that we do notsimplytalk about those headline policies
not reduce the voluntary sectorsimplyto being another service provider
that it is asking memberssimplyto consider that action not
doing so may not besimplyto import sections from the
and that was due notsimplyto the infrequency with which
gesture will not be madesimplytowards the executive the deputy
is that we should notsimplyunleash it and walk away
delays in decisions on fundingsimplywill not do the last
carlyle and oliphant did notsimplywrite and publish in london
be about far more thansimplyattempting to allocate sensibly the
is seen as more thansimplydevelopment of the four language
be far more diverse thansimplyfinancing ppps it will involve
sforza di montignoso more thansimplyguardian valet and travelling companion
plan should do more thansimplyinform plans for other sectoral
she now go further thansimplystating the view of the
gaelic hill names that havesimplychanged from gaelic to gaelic
people there and my mothersimplyhad to use gaelic she
so does it it sayssimplythat a member should consider
and robert louis stevenson issimplyanother word for scots and
first case the committee issimplymaking another committee aware of
another committee or have wesimplyraised the matter the convener
about learning another language theysimplyspoke it and enjoyed it
a valid point this issimplya compression of the previous
that is my point isimplyhope that we will have
grateful to the minister isimplymade the point that the
per se my point issimplythat if as a devolved
on it my point issimplythat if the house of
douked in curled upon orsimplydiluted with whisky we make
make it real we maysimplygo up a cul de
lit up again and isimplyhad to kiss and make
just be for a momentsimplymake believe pure pretence a
who thinks that if wesimplymake demands all the other
good enough for the executivesimplyto make a commitment to
yes the changes are recommendedsimplyto make it absolutely clear
ministers excessive powers we aresimplytrying to make adequate saving
to stand or whether theysimplywant to make their comments
from which he comes shouldsimplyignore that and sweep the
the face the railway shouldsimplynow be built at a
sin so we ourselves shouldsimplyrecognise that we are human
i suspect that we shouldsimplysay that if the petitioner
say that you should itsimplysays that you should consider
of work should increase considerablysimplyto put all the cases
conduct or whether we shouldsimplytry to discourage the companies
number of other people hadsimplybeen put in a filing
kicks and kicks until mummysimplyhas to put him down
a scottish literary tradition onesimplyput is that tradition s
i worry that people willsimplyput on hold any investment
syrup is taken out andsimplyput onto the snow to
personal care in scotland putsimplythe group s view is
parts of rural scotland putsimplywe must avoid the easy
braveheart nor unfortunately is thissimplyan english or anglo american
in e eizels the wordsimplymeant ashes in old english
any kind of shetlandic butsimplystandard english albeit with a
with three english words urquhartsimplyuses them all as craik
happen furthermore the tories aresimplybeing opportunistic they say that
conform to that requirement isimplysay that while people choose
messages about brands but saysimplythat a brand is available
community fund appears to saysimplythat a project has run
if we say early onsimplythat there are enough upland
want to respond john pattersonsimplyto say that if members
which that can move forwardsimplyto say that we propose
think that it is sufficientsimplyto say that we will
on that today i amsimplyasking members whether we want
ban in 1967 the industrysimplymoved its market i am
sentimental about it i amsimplyputting on record the everyday
be a matter of oursimplyagreeing to underwrite the gap
to shine our trainers orsimplyasking for money this done
and definitions as given andsimplyassign our quotations as best
worth to them they thinksimplyin terms of capital our
unnatural about a polo itsimplyisn t british our cyclist
convince ourselves that we weresimplytoo far above our market
class think the professor wassimplytrying to insult our intelligence
be transformed into authentic scotssimplyby substituting scots words for
a a a corpus ofsimplyof written scots erm easier
a sentence as modern scotssimplyperpetuates the pejorative notion that
natural scots speakers who aresimplytranslating their own language into
real criminal proceeding or wassimplya device to try to
aspect or whether it issimplya free market i certainly
can mean a church orsimplya glade or enclosure seeing
same language it s justsimplya local accent or local
their murky emotional depths orsimplyafraid that one would censor
less resilient or inventive hadsimplybeen crushed into slatternly ways
unexpected meeting by accident orsimplyby the sight of something
in thi first wicht wullsimplyexpresses prediction or occasionally hypothesis
fishery board or someone whosimplyhas a fisheries interest or
during the meeting do wesimplyhave to vote yea or
catch someone s drift orsimplyi don t get it
came within punching range theysimplypushed or kicked him away
i have no intention ofsimplyputting my slippers on or
or do the new provisionssimplyrepresent a continuation of the
appeals process or is itsimplythe case that the decision
talk quietly with friends orsimplyto sit alone like simon
minutes or in a hurrysimplytoast some bread and drizzle
of the week or moresimplytotal number of days i
was good or is thatsimplyyour interpretation andrew shanks i
would have if we weresimplya member country of 5
00 unless we are concernedsimplyabout aesthetics decisions about spending
of the meeting that wesimplyask the witnesses to respond
for the consultation so wesimplychatted away one of my
suggestion i thought that wesimplydecided on the competence of
are defective so we shallsimplydraw that to the attention
is the notion that wesimplymove the national qualifications further
such a directive we aresimplynoting the directive at the
to the committee we wouldsimplypass a letter to a
sexual offence whereas we couldsimplyrefer to the common law
on that as we aresimplyreiterating what is in the
draft report and i havesimplysaid that we have noted
resolve anything locally we aresimplysaying that if a petition
spirits on the sunday wesimplystrolled down the waterfront and
tested i understand that wesimplytest the animal is that
purpose of the amendments issimplyto ensure that we avoid
in to anyone we weresimplytrying to be helpful and
language but neither is itsimplya collection of dialects it
believe that a leid issimplya dialect wi a flag
is made available there issimplya different mechanism 10 45
once again the census issimplya huge exercise in fishing
popular song a ballad issimplya slow song like frank
bill therefore amendment 79 issimplya technical amendment to include
and a good accent issimplyan aspect of the competitive
and a good accent issimplyan aspect of the competitive
fadge is defined by dostsimplyas a flat thick loaf
that is the costs ofsimplyconstructing a building exclusive of
buchan s political veesion pitsimplygear is tae be held
is abominably muddled you llsimplyhave to write it all
as money advice agencies issimplyirreplaceable the demands on existing
argument is that it issimplymore efficient especially for uk
is long overdue and hassimplynever existed before those of
is that the minister issimplyopposed in principle to cases
fo- folk playing shinty issimplyplay shinty m1007: play shinty
guess is that it hassimplysaid that supplies are satisfactory
main problems which may besimplystated the first which is
from jim wallace s officesimplystates that it is felt
that if the executive issimplysuggesting the pulling together of
a strange phenomenon it issimplythat people have picked up
is vital differentiation may occursimplythrough accepting variation in the
the convener item 2 issimplyto ask whether members agree
be statistical its purpose issimplyto illustrate a feature of
some of his writing issimplyweird but within the weirdness
stop smoking tobacco products wouldsimplybe wholly imported into the
limousin into an aberdonian cohensimplychanges him into a scot
any other public authority itsimplyputs into a statutory framework
earlier this year that wassimplytied into the civic government
the going rate for translationsimplyto get it into those
done so perhaps people havesimplyaccepted the assurances of ministers
and tram inspectors most peoplesimplyand dutifully punch their own
desk jobs for which peoplesimplyrequire training and jobs in
the health service and aresimplymoving to more flexible and
more limited regulation that wouldsimplyoutline the minimum steps that
planned figures these figures aresimplya snapshot that has been
hill and spittal hill aresimplynamed after the farm below
for my work i meansimplythat the courses are interesting
finding their feet that leavessimplythe outstanding cases that are
and pithy they are designedsimplyto replace the mechanism whereby
and there but there aresimplytoo many mr glasgow s
t do mr chisholm itsimplywon t do will it
approved at committee level theysimplyhad to take their place
in their communities and whosimplyhelp their neighbours as members
i felt that there wassimplyno excuse for their gullibility
will of their own theysimplyrefused to obey her but
it gets nothing if itsimplycarries on teaching those instruments
the action and those whosimplyhave a short life expectancy
so grad- villain from beingsimplya ehm person who worked
being told things that weresimplyuntrue in the experience of
the courts in serious circumstancessimplyover the technicality of whether
nature my council will probablysimplyamend the terms of reference
accused person can exculpate himselfsimplyby raising a defence if
taking on douglas coutts hadsimplycome across to ask if
if in some cases theysimplyfill a gap left by
in that sentence it ssimplypeppered with them if you
the gallery floor would yousimplystare what if the canvas
i can promote this productsimplyby laying down a media
slowed down markedly instead isimplymarked hopeful places with a
david miller that that wassimplya fault of the minutes
subjects in 2005 that willsimplybe a redistribution exercise and
ecological crises was to livesimplybut she admitted that it
be addressed in that waysimplyby providing statutory exceptions that
many reasons that i endsimplyby wishing you all well
be done by us butsimplyfor us to believe that
costume that she knew shesimplyhad to try on just
draft order the executive couldsimplyhave relayed that fact why
in the report i wouldsimplyhighlight that it would be
sow in the cornyard theresimplymeant that you were dead
spokesman that the snp willsimplymeet the bill for any
think that advertising revenue wouldsimplymove from scotland based magazines
so that it no longersimplyrewards past performance but assesses
person and three person propertiessimplysaid that they feared that
solution suggestit by mony submissionssimplythat there needs tae be
that the service will comesimplytoo late for many children
through the parliament but thatsimplyunderlines the intertwining of the
indicative and would be usedsimplyas guidelines as ever this
new in it it wouldsimplybring together existing provisions from
will prefer a different solutionsimplyhaving elected health boards would
words it would be possiblesimplyto raise an excuse to
the question could be askedsimplyand could involve the ticking
6 of the bill couldsimplybe removed mike jones the
this time it could leadsimplyto the revenue from banned
in place it will besimplya matter of allotting them
so forth will the reportsimplybe signed off by the
in the voluntary sector willsimplybe unable to deliver services
to give advice you willsimplyhave to continue the argument
you have very often asimplybeastly style he wrote indirect
hundred tribes have actually justsimplydisappeared from when cook m815:
even obtainable what he sawsimplywas it defied good sense
can t be happening itsimplycan t be happening i
a thickness be midday leavessimplytummel aff the trees nae
the pie lyin there dereksimplywidnae be beat wi a
out of date and weresimplycompulsory competitive tendering mark i
the o- original numbers weresimplycyclostyled sheets and er f718:
longman typists in harlow essexsimplywere typing in a in
as salvador notes they travelledsimplycooking up eggs over a
an auld farrant they rsimplypathetic she l pit on
up the strae an theysimplyplooed it doon ae day
a wee boy i isimplycalled it rium a mhinistear
aspar the school edition hadsimplydropped it off the end
wid start an sometimes itsimplyrefused tae go jonsar eck
it was justified and possiblesimplyto add the scores to
an healthy yon young plantssimplytook aff it wisnae lang
the release of official statisticssimplyto give some seeming advantage
bows deeply but the queensimplyglares at him queen huh
the print in the papersimplylouped oot at him aye
a load tae him hesimplywent oot tae the broch
a crash f718: mmhm m734: simplywell everyone i know who
between thae races this isnasimplya maitter o property whitever
60 million two years agosimplyas a reaction to the
how was he saved hesimplybelieved he was a sinner
difficulties i think in insimplycollecting a a a corpus
nae a breath o airsimplyenjoy the sinshine affa rare
like a monsoon water wissimplyfaain oot o the sky
uses the same source andsimplygives you a prose translation
hae a phone water hidsimplygushed doon fae the braes
fun 41 perhaps stevenson wassimplyowning with a certain schadenfreude
still at her easel andsimplypointed with a charcoal to
different kind of exercise fromsimplytrying to sort of reproduce
of to taste in orbitsimplyadd moisture now there s
chilling disturbing place effectively andsimplypresented but eerily empty in
the change in 1426 wassimplyan administrative decision to base
off the family tree yousimplyceased to exist outside of
in last week s handoutsimplypoints to the function of
the idea of saving centrallysimplyto spend extra money at
of the stalls which consistedsimplyof rows of individual chairs
go beyond the stage ofsimplycommenting on the material world
of the reulis and cautelissimplygives examples of types of
of health boards across scotlandsimplyignored public opinion and imposed
and even then i cansimplyopt out of the treatment
m1020: yeah m1021: and nosimplybuckettin aye buckettin i still
pretty intimidating and today isimplyworked on the thesis i
an the bonny blue watersimplyglistened an sparkled in the
beef olives made the dennersimplygrand her jams an jeelies
han at makin pancakes eysimplymelted in the moo fit
the grun an growled hesimplyrefused tae wak past the
tried the starter the enginesimplysprang intae life jonsar thocht
cranny bit the glesses hidsimplyvanished jonsar eck wis affa
d been and you lookedsimplydreadful green and ill and
mild warm an braw wintersimplyhis nae ony grip ata
lad wis playin centre hesimplyran wan fittit ragged hardie

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