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irene mcgugan s1m 691 dakssimpsonlodged on 23 march 2000
of the workforce at dakssimpsonltd and bairds and calls
of the workforce at dakssimpsonltd and bairds and calls
scottish companies such as dakssimpsonltd and bairds to offshore
scottish companies such as dakssimpsonltd and bairds to offshore
con scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
euan roxburgh and berwickshire ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
ld scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
ld scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
euan roxburgh and berwickshire ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
con scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
con scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
ld scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
west aberdeenshire and kincardine ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
west aberdeenshire and kincardine ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
con scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
con scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
euan roxburgh and berwickshire ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
mary highlands and islands consimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
con scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
mary highlands and islands consimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
west aberdeenshire and kincardine ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
con sheridan tommy glasgow sspsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
ld scott john ayr consimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
ld scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
ld sheridan tommy glasgow sspsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
con sheridan tommy glasgow sspsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
ld sheridan tommy glasgow sspsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
con scott tavish shetland ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
west aberdeenshire and kincardine ldsimpsondr richard ochil lab smith
jackson stirling lab dr richardsimpsonochil lab adam ingram south
greater 17 32 dr richardsimpsonochil lab confrères je suis
and lauderdale ld dr richardsimpsonochil lab dr winnie ewing
simpson 11 13 dr richardsimpsonochil lab i begin by
to do that dr richardsimpsonochil lab i declare that
address the issue dr richardsimpsonochil lab i do not
new deputy convener dr richardsimpsonochil lab i nominate margaret
and fife snp dr richardsimpsonochil lab iain smith north
and fife ld dr richardsimpsonochil lab mr john swinney
and islands con dr richardsimpsonochil lab nicola sturgeon glasgow
than 30 years dr richardsimpsonochil lab that lost something
sturgeon glasgow snp dr richardsimpsonochil lab the minister for
would be enough dr richardsimpsonochil lab we must nail
ld sheridan tommy glasgow sspsimpsonrichard john ochil lab smith
the name of dr richardsimpson11 13 dr richard simpson
wallace supported by dr richardsimpson123 after section 43 insert
wallace supported by dr richardsimpson124 in section 56 page
wallace supported by dr richardsimpson125 in section 56 page
wallace supported by dr richardsimpson126 in section 56 page
wallace supported by dr richardsimpson127 in section 56 page
wallace supported by dr richardsimpson128 in section 56 page
wallace supported by dr richardsimpson129 in section 56 page
wallace supported by dr richardsimpson130 in section 56 page
by margaret smith and richardsimpsonabout the effective use of
jamieson elaine thomson dr richardsimpsonallan wilson michael matheson tommy
the pressure on that richardsimpsonalso added some points about
sturgeon amendment moved dr richardsimpsonamendment moved tommy sheridan nicola
replied on behalf of richardsimpsonand his amendment business motion
or on behalf of richardsimpsonand his amendment the deputy
we will consider what richardsimpsonand nicola sturgeon have said
the points made by richardsimpsonand other committee members and
continue in future years richardsimpsonand other members made a
in the names of richardsimpsonand tommy sheridan neither of
22 february 2000 dr richardsimpsonbrian adam business bulletin 96
mcgrigor andrew wilson dr richardsimpsonbrian adam mr murray tosh
mcgrigor andrew wilson dr richardsimpsonbrian adam s1m 949 greenock
lamont cathy jamieson dr richardsimpsonbristow muldoon mike watson s1m
jackson des mcnulty dr richardsimpsoncathie craigie lewis macdonald nora
ms sandra white dr richardsimpsoncathy peattie ben wallace s1m
grant tommy sheridan dr richardsimpsoncathy peattie mr kenneth gibson
murray tommy sheridan dr richardsimpsoncathy peattie s1m 1039 brian
murray tommy sheridan dr richardsimpsoncathy peattie s1m 1041 cathy
paterson trish godman dr richardsimpsoncathy peattie s1m 998 dr
adam andrew wilson dr richardsimpsoncolin campbell robert brown tommy
mr lloyd quinan dr richardsimpsondavid mundell margaret jamieson cathy
at 9 34am dr richardsimpsondeclared that he is director
by donald gorrie dr richardsimpsondennis canavan mr murray tosh
5 subordinate legislation dr richardsimpsondeputy minister for justice to
watson elaine thomson dr richardsimpsondes mcnulty marilyn livingstone dr
mcneill donald gorrie dr richardsimpsondes mcnulty nora radcliffe alex
in the parliament including richardsimpsondespite the impression he has
be implemented in full richardsimpsondid not want his dissent
bill supported by dr richardsimpsondorothy grace elder business bulletin
gorrie adam ingram dr richardsimpsonelaine thomson deputy convener mike
by trish godman dr richardsimpsonelaine thomson mr john mcallion
mcneill cathy jamieson dr richardsimpsoneuan robson s1m 1142 1
brief questions first does richardsimpsonfeel that the 60 per
scanlon s1m 1219 dr richardsimpsonfife and central scotland rail
make its views known richardsimpsonhas lodged an amendment which
ms margaret curran dr richardsimpsonhugh henry s1m 2952 mr
from george lyon and richardsimpsoni ask members to agree
convener tricia marwick dr richardsimpsoniain smith ms sandra white
dr sylvia jackson dr richardsimpsonian welsh allan wilson mr
lifetime that was dr richardsimpsonin holyrood magazine in september
deacon brian fitzpatrick dr richardsimpsonkaren gillon marilyn livingstone sarah
dr elaine murray dr richardsimpsonkate maclean trish godman maureen
for their personal care richardsimpsonknows that not all pensioners
the name of dr richardsimpsonleave out from notes to
and hers mary scanlon richardsimpsonmade a point about the
mr jamie mcgrigor dr richardsimpsonmalcolm chisholm mr keith raffan
mr murray tosh dr richardsimpsonmargaret jamieson mrs mary mulligan
robson also present dr richardsimpsonmargaret smith ben wallace the
was good for flu richardsimpsonmentioned a figure of 78
mr brian monteith dr richardsimpsonmike watson karen whitefield mrs
mr jamie stone dr richardsimpsonmike watson mrs elaine smith
ingram tricia marwick dr richardsimpsonmr gil paterson robert brown
mcgrigor karen whitefield dr richardsimpsonmr keith raffan phil gallie
james douglas hamilton dr richardsimpsonmr michael mcmahon allan wilson
mcgrigor andrew wilson dr richardsimpsonmr murray tosh nick johnston
mrs nora radcliffe dr richardsimpsonmr stewart stevenson ms sandra
oldfather mary scanlon dr richardsimpsonmrs margaret smith convener mrs
declaration of interests dr richardsimpsonmsp declared his interests relevant
take evidence from dr richardsimpsonmsp deputy minister for justice
private 2 complaint against richardsimpsonmsp the committee will consider
of s1m 3953 dr richardsimpsonnew forth road bridge crossing
harper s1m 3953 dr richardsimpsonnew forth road bridge crossing
lyon irene mcgugan dr richardsimpsonnora radcliffe mr mike rumbles
hyslop pauline mcneill dr richardsimpsonnora radcliffe tavish scott alex
s1w 25154 by dr richardsimpsonon 1 may 2002 whether
s1w 28599 by dr richardsimpsonon 17 september 2002 whether
s1w 23849 by dr richardsimpsonon 3 april 2002 whether
s1w 29188 by dr richardsimpsonon 30 october 2002 what
s1w 30691 by dr richardsimpsonon 8 november 2002 whether
sheridan lewis macdonald dr richardsimpsonpaul martin janis hughes malcolm
mr jim wallace dr richardsimpsonpeter peacock s1m 3085 mr
mr jim wallace dr richardsimpsonpeter peacock s1m 3191 irene
fergusson fergus ewing dr richardsimpsonphil gallie fiona mcleod nick
south of scotland snp richardsimpsonreferred to beginning a journey
smith janis hughes dr richardsimpsonrhoda grant scott barrie margaret
mr robin harper dr richardsimpsonrobert brown margaret jamieson cathy
that and i commend richardsimpsons amendment 11 49 mr
group and to support richardsimpsons amendment mrs smith will
would like to hear richardsimpsons comments i have a
harding i too support richardsimpsons idea i think it
is the alternative to richardsimpsons idea of writing to
want to return to richardsimpsons initial report which has
the line is drawn richardsimpsons last point was that
ask them to resist richardsimpsons overtures on returning to
tobacco companies to use richardsimpsons phraseology will be employed
are all agreed supports richardsimpsons position which is that
council money susan deacon richardsimpsons question serves to highlight
the executive responded to richardsimpsons questions about dosage levels
come to expect from richardsimpsons reports it was put
to go along with richardsimpsons suggestion to write to
ewing robin harper dr richardsimpsons1m 1013 alex neil north
mr lloyd quinan dr richardsimpsons1m 1112 dorothy grace elder
22 september 2000 dr richardsimpsons1m 1208 recognition of pigeon
hyslop michael matheson dr richardsimpsons1m 1247 youth hostels lodged
mcaveety mike watson dr richardsimpsons1m 1463 mcdermott uk pension
by bruce crawford dr richardsimpsons1m 184 mr david davidson
radcliffe michael matheson dr richardsimpsons1m 273 andrew wilson cumbernauld
bill supported by dr richardsimpsons1m 3236 ross finnie water
28 april 2000 dr richardsimpsons1m 578 breast screening for
4 may 2000 dr richardsimpsons1m 805 local veterinary inspector
keith harding r dr richardsimpsons1m 812 army uniform contract
harding janis hughes dr richardsimpsons1m 816 committee on substance
2000 fergus ewing dr richardsimpsons1m 821 national volunteer week
ewing janis hughes dr richardsimpsons1m 874 young people and
31 may 2000 dr richardsimpsons1m 929 state of the
mcgrigor andrew wilson dr richardsimpsons1m 942 the davie and
white trish godman dr richardsimpsons1m 964 bruce crawford gulf
ms margo macdonald dr richardsimpsons1m 993 dorothy grace elder
culture and sport committee richardsimpsonsaid it all the knowledge
the issues about which richardsimpsonstill has some concerns most
to say the least richardsimpsontalked about demographics and about
mr brian monteith dr richardsimpsontavish scott mr keith raffan
thomson deputy convener dr richardsimpsonthe meeting opened at 2
s1o 6404 5 dr richardsimpsonto ask the scottish executive
s1o 219 10 dr richardsimpsonto ask the scottish executive
s1o 3806 11 dr richardsimpsonto ask the scottish executive
s1o 1813 26 dr richardsimpsonto ask the scottish executive
appointed to committees dr richardsimpsonto replace des mcnulty on
the finance committee dr richardsimpsonto replace elaine thomson on
mcgrigor fiona mcleod dr richardsimpsontommy sheridan s1m 311 mr
mr brian fitzpatrick dr richardsimpsontrish godman irene mcgugan donald
white nick johnston dr richardsimpsontrish godman s1m 1272 govan
result of the concerns richardsimpsonwas asked to report to
members will recall that richardsimpsonwas our reporter new members
the amendment lodged by richardsimpsonwe need a commitment to
the name of dr richardsimpsonwhich seeks to amend motion
in the name of richardsimpsonwho either drew or was
care that position included richardsimpsonwho today has conveniently forgotten
is not the dr richardsimpsonwhose intemperate speech highly uncharacteristic
response to his report richardsimpsonwill give the committee his
in the name of richardsimpsonwill you make it clear
which i am sure richardsimpsonwould endorse those are all
particularly concerned about them drsimpsona pandemic is characterised by
to break that duck drsimpsonandrew wilson made a point
the finance committee which drsimpsonattended and i did not
election will be held drsimpsonautomatically a clause in the
the recommendations in them drsimpsonconvener you made a valid
accept most of what drsimpsonhas said does he accept
figure will turn out drsimpsoni agree with nicola sturgeon
the member give way drsimpsoni am sorry i am
had one this year drsimpsoni cannot answer that question
executive produced any costings drsimpsoni do not know my
been given about affordability drsimpsoni draw shona robison s
explain what that is drsimpsoni was hoping that you
that is the case drsimpsoni will answer margaret smith
to do so although drsimpsonlooks poised to break that
the member give way drsimpsonno i am sorry the
the member give way drsimpsonno the parliament must recognise
discernible pattern of pandemics drsimpsonnobody knows and nobody can
long stay hospital beds drsimpsonright i have not seen
the development group as drsimpsons amendment states is to
minister s announcements yesterday drsimpsonspoke about renationalisation of health
coming down with flu drsimpsonthat is right the convener
be under scottish jurisdiction drsimpsonthe eu has been thwarted
changing patterns of care drsimpsonthe figures in the letter
the executive s response drsimpsonthe most interesting point is
not contain any projections drsimpsonthe question is what will
sturgeon yes we do drsimpsonthe snp does not welcome
deputy presiding officer order drsimpsonthe snp s profligate promises
it will not surprise drsimpsonto know that i would
listen to civic scotland drsimpsontold us that that is
a universal benefits system drsimpsonwe have to decide and
that is the case drsimpsonwe should never forget that
complete and utter nonsense drsimpsonwill the member give way
old people in scotland drsimpsonwill the member give way
1 of my report drsimpsonyes and you refer to
we send it off drsimpsonyes i would be delighted
letter from the executive drsimpsonyou have the convener yes
alistair macfie mark macpherson davidsimpsonanne peat claire menzies irene
of discussion was pretty mrssimpsonfrom the house on the
again a lovely guy iansimpsonjim moodie s a glasgow
s a glasgow guy iansimpsons from about dalbeattie way
eugene windsor assistant clerk davidsimpson14 september 1999 scottish parliament
stephen imrie assistant clerk davidsimpsonlocation committee room 2 14
was also taken to mrsimpsonat mill of mondynes and
enlargement of the dry measuressimpson1992 and we were also
he s balder than homersimpsonbut no sooner has he
of heroin and methadone andsimpsonhouse in edinburgh which is
gathered notes 1 connor andsimpson2004 foreword p ix unless
minutes from the from thesimpsonf010: oh that s not
recent scottish study of differentiationsimpsonand ure 1993 found positive
are discussed in connor andsimpson2004 inventory numbers 110 and
didna haad in ahin atsimpsonwas a good ploughman and
and in particular to annesimpsonwho is well known to
again another superb guy iansimpsonanother guy whose autograph i
on bykes but a mansimpsonat the next farm uppermill
in the red berets georgesimpsonchapel croft born at aquherton
like hulk i d likesimpson[inhale] [exhale] f1089: mmhm m1090:

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