
See this word as a collocate cloud

ràdh s ann an uairsina bha i tilleadh as
faigh thu currac an uairsina chuireas tu ort m979:
aice beagan is an uairsina dol ga buain chan
beagan gual is an uairsina lìonadh suas tha e
an deidh uair gur esina tha fainear dhuinn a
an ath oidhche uill thasina toiseachdainn aig aon uair
uair feasgar no rudeigin marsinagus tha i a dol
aidh e ach an uairsinaidh ach mum tha sin
mòran riamh ach an uairsinbha agad ri togail gus
huh f980: s an uairsinbha dh fheumadh tu a
aidh ach aidh an uairsinbhiodh ag bh agad ri
cola deug is an uairsinbidh agam ri na interviews
thu really mmhm s uairsinbidh an trèan fhèin cho
gu leòr is an uairsinbidh mi dìreach deiseil dhen
dhen sin s an uairsinbidh naoi mìosan ann mus
an t uisge an uairsinchan fhaigh thu mach air
dhan fhiodh s an uairsineh f982: s dòcha gun
[tarraing anail] shioft iad an uairsinehm an digger beag tha
ach bha sinn an uairsinf982: bha sibhse tha sin
air [tarraing anail] agus an uairsinga lìonadh suas le mòine
a bhith agam an uairsin[gàire] f980: is gu
a dhèanamh leis an uairsinm979: aidh aidh f980: [boladh]
a gheamhraidh is an uairsinm979: tha f980: chan fhaigh
bheir dheth is an uairsinm981: aidh mmhm f982: s
a bha math an uairsinmus do f980: oh bha
a bha mighty an uairsinoh aidh m979: tha an
deas thàinig i an uairsinon eara dheas [tarraing anail] f982:
mus bi mi deiseil dhensins an uair sin bidh
mmhm mmhm m979: an uairsins dòcha gum faigh mi
fosgladh m981: fosgladh an uairsinso ehm f982: [casad] och
oh thiochdais m979: an uairsintha daoine a fàgail an
f982: [tarraing anail] uh huh sosinagad a nist m981: mmhm
idir f982: [casad] tsk thasinagad a nist mar a
[cnag] m981: [gàire] f982: sosinagad a nist mar a
m981: [gàire] [gàire] mmhm f982: sinagad a nist so m981:
[tarraing anail] uh huh [neo-shoilleir] f982: sinagad a nist [tarraing anail] m981:
mar a tha so m981: sinagad a tòiseachadh a dh
airson dreiseag m981: tha sosinagad a- chunna mi dìreach
a tha sinn a deanamhsinagad ag obair a dh
ionnsaidh ar h amas agussinagad an rud a gheall
sin agad e so f982: sinagad e a nist m981:
a chuireas iad romhad f982: sinagad e ach uill [tarraing anail]
obair tha sin [srùbadh] f982: sinagad e cha bhi iad
choireigin m981: [leigeil anail] ach uillsinagad e ciamar a an
[tarraing anail] m981: [tarraing anail] tsk achsinagad e dìreach ach biodh
ga varnisheadh no rudeigin m981: sinagad e dìreach bha e
a nist [tarraing anail] m981: thasinagad e dìreach f982: oh
okay ma tha [?]dhòmhnaill eòghainn[/?] m981: sinagad e f982: right oidhche
mòr dhut oh uill [?]chan fhaigh air ar n-aghaidh[/?]sinagad e m979: aidh uill
uh huh m979: aidh f980: sinagad e m979: batman agus
an oidhche roimhe idir f982: sinagad e m981: a falbh
dol sìos airson seachdain [tarraing anail]sinagad e m981: ah uil
right ma tha so m981: sinagad e ma tha so
a chanail mu dhèidhinn f982: sinagad e och ma tha
dha rìreabh airson gàrradh m981: sinagad e s e na
ma tha [tarraing anail] m981: [tarraing anail]sinagad e so f982: sin
a nist m981: mmhm [tarraing anail]sinagad e so s dòcha
ri claisneachd uh huh f982: sinagad e [tarraing anail] [neo-shoilleir] m981:
gheall sinn a dheanamh agussinagad gu dearbh as tha
bliadhna co dhiù ach achsinagad mar a tha m981:
ach biodh ah ba- f982: sinagad mar a tha so
e staigh s bha [tarraing anail]sinagad really na bha staigh
a dhèanamh air dòigh eiginsinagad uilig s e m979:
research agad m979: research aidhsinan rud aidh uill bidh
cha mhòr co dhiù nasinchan eil fhios agad
bhith ann no rud marsinchan eil fhios agad m979:
uill droch rud a thasinco dhiù cuimhne agad an
ticket agad no rudeigin marsinfeumaidh tu feumaidh tu s
sean airson an obair thasin[srùbadh] f982: sin agad e
no rudeigin f980: nan gabhadhsina bhith mmhm m979: ah
iad aig a àm thasinah tha iad sin rudeigin
phàirc e no rudeigin marsinf980: [?]ach[/?] bha ceàrr
uill ach uill rudeigin marsinf980: faisg air m979: chanainnsa
dusan seachdain no rudeigin marsinf980: mmhm agus a bheil
the wardrobe no rudeigin marsinf980: oh thia bhiodh fhios
tha sin ah tha iadsinrudeigin f982: [neo shoilleir] m981: [tarraing anail]
five hundred no rudeigin marsintha mi a' smaoin- uil a
gu september no rudeigin marsinuill s e tha thu
bheil m979: tha aidh f980: sine a nist m979: tha
a tuigsinn a nist f980: sinuilig s e m979: aidh
do dh fhosgail f982: bheilsina staigh mar tha oh
mu sia bliadhna no marsinach bha e ann an
a h uile dad marsinach [neo-shoilleir] f980: aidh chan
s batteries is rudan marsinaidh f980: gheibh thu cards
leann is [tarraing anail] gnothaichean marsinchan eil fhios agam
ma dh fhàgas sinn marsine f980: uill cha thoil
gabhail steroids s rudan marsinf980: chan eil m979: uill
an telebhisean is rudan marsinf980: tha iad a leughadh
airson firewood is rudan marsin[gàire] f980: chan eil feum
iad a call airgead marsinidir anns an obair aca
àsam tha mi fhathast marsinm979: oh uill [neo-shoilleir] f980:
toiseach m979: oh aidh f980: sinmar gum biodh a toirt
huh m981: [tarraing anail] agus marsintha i tha i organ-
cuideachd faochagan is rudan marsintha iad fhathast ris a
[gàire] cha b urrainn dhutsina dhèanamh dh itheadh na
f980: [gàire] dh fhaodadh tusina dhèanamh m979: caran mòr
eil fhios am mu dhèidhinnsin[gàire] f980: uill huh s
mi a dol a ghabhailsinidir uh huh f980: [gàire]
air an nonsense a thasinm979: f980: [gàire] m979:
oh [gàire] [gàire] tha iadsinmath gu leòr oh uill
oh uill chan eil iadsinoh [gàire] [gàire] tha iad
grodadh mm so m981: [tarraing anail]sina chuireas am blas air
e [tarraing anail] tha i ansina cumail eh cluas eh
[tarraing anail] an fheòil a bhasina nochd an do lìon
agam gun tug e geordiesina nuas na [tarraing anail] tha
bh aca de m979: aidhsinan rud f980: [tarraing anail] rudan
[tarraing anail] tha gu leòr dhiubhsinann chan e mise
e mu na feedrings thasinbidh e dìreach powerful [tarraing anail]
f980: oh bòb thasincianail [tarraing anail] m979: rough dìreach
[tarraing anail] aig an àm thasineh f982: saoil a bheil
oh na bi a ràdhsinidir creutair [tarraing anail] tha tha
air grodadh an [?]siber[/?] thasinm981: [tarraing anail] ach gheibh sinn
aige bhios fios air asinm981: [tarraing anail] uh huh [neo-shoilleir]
eh [tarraing anail] an gnothach thasinnach itheadh i feòil mairt
a mach cuideachd [tarraing anail] m981: sinrud a dh fheumas mi
oh of course bidh iadsin[tarraing anail] m981: alasdair mòr is
blas air na gnothaichean thasin[tarraing anail] oh aidh uill f982:
chànanan eile agus bidh iadsinair an comharrachadh anns a
chuala mi an oidhche bhasinan caranis ach bidh e
cha bhi iad a ràdhsinidir m979: bidh iad f980:
f980: aig an underground ansinm979: am bi f980: bidh
fheadhainn a tha shìos ansinm979: bidh tha mi an
bom f980: aidh dh fhaodadhsina bhith ann glaschu pailt
mi a smaoineachdh gun esina dh fhag e ag
bha thu a dèanamh airsonsina dhèanamh dh fheumadh tu
ga ghlasadh dh fheumadh esinach eh tha dol sìos
chuala mise an gnothach bhasinach s ann a dh
aidh f980: s fhada bhasincha do dh ith mise
dh aithnicheadh tu fear dhiubhsinf980: oh uil chan eil
dh fhios agam eilsinm979: aidh seo sin an
iad a m979: mo thogairsina tha thusa ag ràdh
daffodils tha iad mun àirdsinach cha tig na dìthein
m981: alasdair mòr is iadsinach chan eil fhios agam
chòrd e chòrd e riuthasinbha iad a slaighdeadh thall
bha bha iad ann asinbha iad dìreach eh f982:
bliadhn ùire sa m981: bhasinceart tha iad eh tha
tha iad fhathast ris asinf980: oh ag ithe
cho làidir s an gnothachsinf982: a bheil iad math
seonaidh seonaidh shep s iadsingu bheil iad a falbh
bha bha iad bha iadsingu math seòlta chan aithnicheadh
thiochdais tha de loidhneachan ansins iad os cionn a
daffodils s an gnothach thasins tulips tha iad dìreach
tramps f980: na aidh iadsinuh huh m979: aidh f980:
shìtig an t sìtig asina bhith tha mi a
leibh a mhaighstir moireasdan thasina cur crìoch air an
an t àite a thasina fàs caran neonach a
feumaidh sinn an sead thasina ghlanadh a mach cuideachd
barrachd na tha a phròiseactsina mìneachadh sa cho dhùnadh
èisteachd ris an duine thasina rithist cha do chòrd
tèarainteachd fhaighinn dha n chànansina tha sinn a deanamh
sin tha sin dìreach thasina' ciall- nach eil eh eadar
bha san aithisg a thasinagus a leughadh an aithisg
ris a bharail a thasinagus tha a smaoineachadh gu
dìreach ainmeil an uidheam thasinair na beinn tha fhios
a ghearraidh ach eh thasinalright gheibh mi gheibh mi
gum biodh glaschu blàth thasinan còmhnaidh blàth [neo-shoilleir] f980:
an tha sin m979: sinan droch ghealach tha e
uh huh tha isinan gabh sin mìle not
mi a creidsinn m979: thasinan rud aidh aidh aidh
a creidsinn m979: ach ohsinan rud tha iadsan
tha shuas an rathad ansinan sasannach tha an t
na h ùrlair fiodh thasinbha e air a chuir
sin f982: bha sibhse thasincho cruaidh shuas an sin
an sìos an cnoc thasincho sàbhailte s a ghabhas
niste falbh air an trèanasinco dhiù m979: tha thu
s dòcha gum bi esinco dhiù ma tha na
sin aidh ach mum thasindìreach cianail bhiodh i fàs
dòigh as fheàrr sin thasindìreach tha sin a' ciall- nach
fosgailte is an gnothach thasineh bha john allen an
tha thu sa mheadhan ansinf980: five hundred uh huh
iarann is an gnothach thasinf982: mmhm cha tig an
air a tha drochaid ansinfaisg air a faisg air
f982: tha i fliuch thasinfliuch a muigh an sin
ann am mìos m981: thasin[leigeil anail] f982: tha e còrr
tha f980: cuin a thòisichsinm979: bho chionn f980: poille
f980: an thasinm979: sin an droch ghealach
tha e damainte an queuesinm979: tha aidh chuireadh gu
christmas dinner m979: uill bhasinmath ach tha mise ag
tha i sin an gabhsinmìle not m979: no tha
an glaschu m979: thia thasinmòr f980: mmhm craobhan sa
pàirt dhith coimhead an stòbhasinna chuireas mi tha mise
july às a seo m979: sinnuair a tha an ceremony
an t àite a thasinoblivion m979: oh aidh aidh
i grànnda f982: tha thasinr- tha m981: tha ach
f982: is tha an dannsasinsa hall an ath oidhche
leis a ghaoth deas thasinso tha mi a smaoineachadh
air a shon an dèidhsintha agam ri interview fhaighinn
thoradh air na co dhunaidheansintha an roinn eòrpa air
aig a chùl agam ansintha beagan uinneagan agam chan
sin cho cruaidh shuas ansintha e cus nas tioraime
bheag agus tha glutaichean ansintha i grànnda f982: tha
fear dhe na strìochan asintha i oh chaidh ise
sin an dòigh as fheàrrsintha sin dìreach tha sin
an dòchas f982: dhia thasintràth eh m981: a bheil
gas a mhòine f980: gassinuilig s a tha aig
fhàgail agam a muigh ansinagus eh s dòcha ma
agam cheannaichinn sa ansincha b urrainn no f980:
uilig s e m979: aidhsinan dòigh nach dìreach f980:
nàbaidh dòmhnall [censored: sloinneadh] ann asindìreach s f982: bha thu
actually chunna mi dìreach ansine mus tàinig an
[?]badeigin no àiteachean[/?] m981: aidh sin asina chuala mi ach eh
gun e [?]badeigin no àiteachean[/?] m981: aidhsina sin a chuala mi
fea- m981: [neo-shoilleir] an esinam fear a th ann
chan eil e cho donasinidir ch- toll beag m981:
f982: bha mi a smaointeachadhsinm981: se call a th
eagal air jo- kenny ansinf982: oh a dhuine bhochd
f982: chan àbhaist chan àbhaistsinsin a bhith troimhe gu
mi a smaoineachadh gun esintsk ach cha mm f982:
day fae mornin tae nichtsindis shine affa bonny an
9 11 rainfall 2 16sindis shine an it poors
richt fae the start thesindis shine bit step o
sunday 3rd temp 12 18sindis shine fae mornin tae
sunday 15th temp 5 18sindis shine fae mornin throo
het affa het as thesindis shine roasts yon peely
the hale day lang thesindis shine wednesday 6th temp
em in anither ian esinlikes tae shine intill e
shine bit step o thesinnoo at s nae fine
shimmerin in the weak springsinshine ere wis still sna
ere wis a day osinshine sin shinin in a
rise in the mornin taesinshine turns oot a day
a day o sin shinesinshinin in a a it
f980: glaschu m979: chan esina bha mi a mineachadh
gheibhinn chun an exhibition centresina rithist ach m979: s-
fhaighinn dhe na ceist- ceisteachainsinair ais fhatha m979: timcheall
cur a staigh an gnothachsinairson a mhark m979: eh
eil sin m979: aidh seosinan dòigh as fheàrr sin
stad orra m979: oh uillsinan dòigh f980: chan urrainn
airson polar bears eilsinantartic m979: polar [neo-shoilleir] feumaidh
e cianail m979: uill ahsinbhiodh sin caran damainte fuar
m979: uill ah sin bhiodhsincaran damainte fuar aye aye
a bhios a tachairt ansinf980: càite oh [?]aye[/?] m979:
urrainn dhut coiseachd fhèin ansinm979: aidh chan eil fhios
an ceann agamsa stad ansinm979: an escalator f980:
a h uile m979: dhèanainnsasinnam biodh nam biodh eh
mòine timch- chan eil m979: sin[neo-shoilleir] f980: cha aithne do
aidh chunna mi chunna misinaidh aidh aidh s e
agus f980: chrìochnacha- feumaidh tusina chrìochnachadh co dhiù co
och f980: am feum thusina chur air do cheann
f980: cuin a bhios isina tighinn s dòcha [?]gun tig i mach oidhche[/?]
chuireadh gu dearbha f980: chuireadhsindheth thu really mmhm s
sa f980: oh cha robhsinidir ann bhon is cuimhne
siubhail [?]mhoire[/?] uill cha chòrdadhsinrium na bu mhotha bhiodh
the air weak is thesinbit it dis bide fair
richt fine october day weaksinfor maist o the day
9 affa weak is thesinin o the sky fine
o winter being ower wildsinis weak bit affa fine
the mornin fyte like snasinis weak day fine an
oot comes a gey weaksinmaks abody feel affa gweed
day bit weak is thesinmonday 3rd temp 2 2
cauld in the weak springsinthe twa o em fer
fine wi a weak weaksintuesday 9th temp 3 8
there s a weak weaksinwednesday 7 temp 5 10
hiv seen weak is thesinwi blue skies up abeen
be wrang weak is thesinwin cauld an affa bare
chan àbhaist chan àbhaist sinsina bhith troimhe gu jan
air fhagail as canaidh misina rithist chan eil cànan
robh buileach cho chan eilsinach aonan an trèana a
eil feum ac air asinfhèin chan eil teintean aig
a ghaoth deas a bhasina ghaoth deas thàinig i
e gu math blàth ansinbha sunburn air an amadan
rough an latha a bhasincuideachd august a bh ann
na h escalators a bhasinis cha mhòr nach robh
rud a bh ann ansinlive8 agus bha e gu
t samhraidh a muigh ansins bha mi a ràdh
day aye throo tae nichtsincomes oot shines sae bricht
throo the nicht bit thesincomes sae bonny an bricht
dry tae peep throo thesindis try fae the north
dry tae peep throo thesindis try saturday 4th temp
dry tae peep throo thesindis try thursday 22nd temp
15 nae a fine daysindisnae brak throo dry bit
sunday 2 temp 8 18sinin the momin richt throo
quait an dry as weelsinpeeps throo happy i div
o the air en thesinpeeps throo sae fine an
rain it dis bide drysinpeeps throo wi a bonny
rain noo maybe it coodsinshines throo lang afore mid
rise in the mornin seesinshining throo affa gweed wither
an roinn eòrpa air aontachadhsina dheanamh cha deach liosta
deach an tractar mòr ronsins call nach tuirt cha
as coireach ris asin as coireach gu bheil
falbh on on team sosinas còireach gu bheil e
sinn a deanamh neo leigeassinleinn a dheanamh gu m
a bhith a feitheamh ansinairson a underground nas motha
tu ùine a ghabhail airsonsinithe feòil mhath bhlasta uibhisteach
s dòcha nach fheum misina chur air mo cheann
mi a faighinn an aithisgsinmadainn na màireach bho cathraiche
sin fliuch a muigh ansinfar an robh na na
it was sin it wasnasinit couldna be sin it
wasna sin it couldna besinit was god mitchel thought
moved by him it wassinit wasna sin it couldna
shift en het is thesinan cooler at nicht be
day cood be a breetsincomes oot het an affa
heicht an wi the hetsinfell blae flouers kythed thaimsells
temp 6 20 plenty osinit s affa het as
19 rise tae see thesinjist roastin het bare win
corries snaw doon here hetsinkye doverin in the high
day sae het wi thesinsae braw sweat like a
awa en oot comes thesinsae het an braw thursday
o rain nae a monsoonsinshines again affa het an
nicht ere s plenty osina richt fine sicht friday
nicht pir o win plentysina welcome sicht thursday 14
richt fine day wi plentysinas weel pir o win
sae gran wi plenty osinbit ere s a affa
fine day wi plenty osinfer bit o heat an
o siller an plenty osini ll tak it it
gran an braw plenty osinnae cloods in the sky
temp 9 26 plenty osinnoo at s the story
an warm wi plenty osinthursday 25 temp 10 25
an ere s plenty osinwednesday 20 temp 11 20
broo en oot peeps thesinwi plenty o heat aye
gran is the day plentysinwi some win er s
borth ick ae wheen yeirsina wur affa vext tae
the nicht oot comes thesinaffa bonny an bricht tuesday
a oor or twa osinan i div feel affa
awa affa dull an greysincomes oot brichtens the day
s a richt fine changesincomes oot in the affa
gey dull an affa baresinen comes oot fne day
9 19 dour dull morninsinen peeps oot affa affa
is affa fule an weetsinin the efterneen wi a
mornin affa fule an weetsinin the efterneen wi a
ere s a blink osinmak me feel affa gweed
affa peety ther s naesinmonday 10 temp 11 18
blaw affa bare win finsinnae in sicht saturday 12th
ower bricht oot comes thesina welcome sicht friday 7
ata en oot comes thesinafore the day is ower
awa en oot comes thesinan shines sae braw sunday
thick haar oot comes thesinbest day be far friday
the air oot comes thesinbides bonny an fair see
dooncast en oot comes thesinbonny an braw fine an
or twa oot comes thesinbonny an braw tuesday 23
taewards nicht oot comes thesinbonny an bricht saturday 9
grey midges on the spreesincomes oot a better day
aa o a sudden thesincomes oot a richt braw
hard an fyte like snasincomes oot an shines sae
tries tae rain en thesincomes oot brichtens up again
s the day tae besincomes oot fit wull it
it frosty weel mebbe neysincomes oot for a fine
widnae ken en be middaysincomes oot sae braw bit
mornin tae be en thesincomes oot sae fine tae
it s jist aboot drysincomes oot tae a bonny
awa gey dull an greysinen comes oot fine day
icy blast oot comes thesinere s nae ony heat
you believe oot comes thesinfowk div feel richt gweed
3 day comes oot finesinin a a it s
ken en oot comes thesinin a a it s
9 20 oot comes thesinin a a it s
the mornin oot comes thesinit maks abody feel gweed
be efterneen oot comes thesinmaks a body feel gweed
starts awa oot comes thesinsae bonny an braw as
the air oot comes thesinsae fine an rare friday
you believe oot comes thesinsaturday 2nd temp 7 20
later on oot comes thesinthursday 23 temp 10 15
rain en oot comes thesinthursday 24th temp 12 19
bide dry oot comes thesinwi a gweed bit heat
frost in the mornin ensindis come oot fine winters
blast en taewards nicht thesinpeeps oot aye a richt
be en oot pops thesinsae fine tae see monday
jeel skimmers braw wi gowdensini the wuids hairts dee
5 6 fine tae seesinsae bonny an bricht braw
bit a gran day wisinsae braw doon be penann
up at nicht wi somesinsae braw friday 5 temp
the same time ere ssinsae braw noo i wid
clears up later on wisinsae braw saturday 20th temp
dry wi a touch osinsae braw see the parks
hale day lang ere ssinsae braw sunday 3rd temp
bonny in the efterneen wisinsae braw syrup o figs
ata taewards nicht ere ssinsae braw wednesday 17th temp
an weet efter the rainsindis come oot a richt
shoor och nae much atasindis come oot an shines
it s a better storysindis come oot in a
tae change be efterneen thesindis come oot richt fine
canna mak up its mindsindis come oot tae us
ava in the efterneen thesindis come oot turns oot
breet clears up later onsindis us greet sunday 24
an weet later on somesinit dis us greet friday
warmth in o the airsinpeeps oot an it dis
day dis bide dry wisinwe surely winna fry wednesday
an bare oot come thesinbonny an fair tuesday 25
nicht fer lays the stuesinin the mornin bonny an
mornin tae nicht ere ssinsae bonny aye days like
fine is the day wisinsae bonny shoor or twa
12 gran mornin aye wisinas weel fine an content
a entry mornin withoot onysinfine hairst day wi a
jock dow hid bin upsinfive in the mornin as
e bales an e morninsingiein em lang shadas is
is the mornin mist wisinin efterneen we are blessed
tuesday 8th temp 12 26sinin the mornin richt fae
25 rise in the morninsinoot in it s glory
rise in the mornin taesinsae bricht think tae mysel
16 fine mornin wi somesinsae fine wid this i
8 waken in the morninsinshinin bricht dulls doon freezin
is the win wi somesinana friday 10 temp 10
up later on wi somesinana friday 10th temp 6
bad day aye wi somesinana thursday 19 temp 0
cauld wi a bit osinana tuesday 3 temp 0
oot sae fine wi somesinana wednesday 10th temp 5
temp fin we rise thesinis on fire see fowk
day wi a touch osinmonday 7th temp 3 10
bit later on blessed wisinsaturday 30th temp 10 23
warm fin in o thesinsaturday 6th temp 9 15
i bide in o thesinsaturday 9th temp 16 25
bit er s nae muchsinwednesay 2nd temp 5 12
faisg air an armadillo ansina dol seachad air a
heat in o the airsinfor the day noo at
mach air an aghaidh ansinle daffodils s an gnothach
hid gaithered ere fae esinniver min gin e air
air wark an e haitsinon yer shooders geed ye
ag ithe na h uidhirsindhiubh saoil am bi oh
an àiteachan eile fada ronsinmun tàinig e dha na
toilichte a radh nach bisinna dhuilgheadas nuair bhathar a
16 fine day wi somesinana nae ony eese for
richt fine day wi somesinas weel spring is in
anither fine day wi somesinas weel trees in bloom
fine ere s nae onysinautumn is here fowk can
it s atween the twasincornes oot sae fine an
day fin oot in thesinfine an quait ere s
och bit fine an fairsinnae sae strong gran day
for maist o the daysintaewards nicht fine i div
at eaze fine in thesinwi a cool breeze saturday
e warmth o e springsinye cd see fine ey
ere s a blinkie osinan wi aa es glaiss
ere s a fer bitsinbit it s cauld ana
pain be efterneen ere ssinin a a it s
noo at s the storysinbides oot in a a
20 tae come oot thesinis gey swear later on
or twa oot pops thesinnoo an again ana september
a pig on a polesinwe niver did fin oot
meels noo an aan esinwid keek oot atween e
o em feel fer contentsinwis oot in a a
smaoineachadh s dòcha gun esina mise a màireach
skin at niver saa esinan i doot e only
warmest spots at catched esine best windaes tae glower
aa es walkin in esine newsin startit tae flag
em yet in a laichsinfit e fairmer left though
ey jist glowed in esinfor a meenitie e same
in e foreneen fin esins nae roon till e
blue took ower as esinspan aye farrer on an
loon e wis like asintill s it wis jist
i min eence e springsinwas strong bit ilky sae
bubbles an blisters fin esinwis ower hait ye got
fur mirren shae nivver gratsinbairnheid bot nou wes sae
god said tae the eddersinye hae sae dune ah
it wis the first nichtsiniver that minnie could myne
god the faither god thesinand god the holy spirit
presst him to acknowlege hissinand pray for god s
s wife that had beensinhe thanked god now for
god that taks awa thesino the warld r grant
order to atone for thissinof disobedience god the son
of god you are beyondsinthere is nothing but the
15 gran day wi somesinat s rare north win
10 27 for the daysinin a a it s
finished for the day thesinwis beatin doon an he
an sultry as weel somesinan rain fer wabbit i
quait an a wee bitsinas weel dreich an damp
fu weel an hid sangsinhe d bin knee heich
covered ma ain tracks weelsini spakk scots tae bit
think it wis a mortalsintae eat an aipple weel
thar juist ae wheen yeirsina ve juist been thinking
wur telt monnie ae yeirsinat afore the praisent road
son deyd ae wheen earsinbot the faimlie contenna tae
ae scottis sabbath seventie earsinby george scott george scott
s ae gey wheen yeirsinnou n thar wur twae
hawick ae guid wheen earsinnou whan shei selt the
thit scotland wuid hev langsinsyne becum ae bilingual societie
ae hoose it elrig botsinsyne is fer is a
a read ae wheen monthsinwhar it sayed at bairns
hoity toity it s asintae ask a question noo
noo whit wis your besettinsinwomen or wine no dinnae
to parties where there wassinan he didn t go
the faither an o thesinan o the halie speerit
ee did twae thoosan yeirsinan restore sum order an
fordson tractors monie monie yeirsinan still is guid is
himsel as a vigilante againstsinan stoor efter he wis
gates he collogued wi zsinan thai hyred a hie
o the faither an thesinan the halie speerit an
glistened an sparkled in thesinas jonsar eck looked tae
adhart ris ris an turassinchaifh tòrr a radh an
a cruel waste an asinfur ye sud ay makk
blink o the ei thesingied m ane bak an
tellin him it wis asinher bein a catholic an
of christianity man s originalsinis undoubtedly an offence against
ve read the buchan ansinit is set in 1995
an warm in o thesinmaks abody jist happy an
steive an onbousum the trewsino the grunstane etioun aye
veranda an ey watched thesinpit loch linnie on fire
the veranda an watched thesinset on loch linnie athing
hev chynged up borth icksinsyne an athourt the lave
an ned hid bin upsinthe back o five giein
loch aboot fortie fiftie yeirsinthe loch wis damed an
it an wis blythe ansinthey aa greed he screivit
til iz owre saxtie yeirsinthings an fock irna the
an ending p 312 finallysinthis is a collogue o
an aith quo the lordsinye hae dune whit ah
wad stop an listen butsinye sniff and turn awa
ye daurnae that s asinye ve gaun an couped
leistent tilt an loued itsinyouthheid bot he hauddit hiz
bed was shakin wi theirsinand syne she sellt hersel
we rise clears up wisinat s nae surprise tuesday
howff in the halls osintheir sire luikit doun wi
if it s such asinwi no fowk tae see
tak a photo bit thesinwis ahin a clood jonsar
oh it s a weesinm939: [laugh] m942: so as
burden of another man ssinoh gentlemen i am weary
guilt and suffering and hatesinsanctity and salvation oh she
biodh cleòc a chur ormsinmath fhèin coltach ri eh
got a gweed spell osina girsy roadie led aff
o hiz ryaltie the yingesssinat wes gied the laun
he wissed ti puneish hizsinfur the mokryfe wirds o
guid dochters tae gang hamesinit was the clash o
o the redeemer your anointedsinjesus wis baptised bi john
nemmit lang syne eftir thesino a pecht keing at
the dung doun virr osino gar salvation vive come
wash she hid bin upsinthe back o five lichtin
thoosans o years hid passedsinthe global wars the muckle
hale centuries hid fleen pastsinthe wars o the northerners
born roy o the jewssinwe hae gliskit his starn
cranreuch the lest oor osinwindaes smouderin hoar frost the
o the yirth be sainitsinye hae lippent tae ma
the lord clerk s thensinyon s da wey o
shall answer for his sinssinhe shows nae remorse a
he was as beautiful assina hooded falcon tethered to
it s a lang whilesina seen ye honest brither
ubiquity of moore is asinagainst art he became one
from a profounder sense ofsinand divine justice and yet
still stand up a bloodysinand i tell you he
being a baby s firstsinaugustine who don t let
has a strong sense ofsinbut we must not forget
was a joy not asineven now she was sure
throu the haar a waiksinfowk pass talkin sma through
if his bawling was asinhe d be feeling guilty
who had made it asinhe who had made their
3 7 be mid foreneensinin a a it s
you said that s asinin anybody s book are
their stamachs surely a greatsinin these slimming days nobody
why they sinned a deadlysinjist wave yer flamin sword
cliffhanger and the absolute mortalsinof wastin a script by
the snowline a little lowersinpassin doun the linn skinkles
new zealand i august 1950sinsyne a ve anerlie bade
a kent thum ferst botsinthe forestry commission kam on
whae kens whit lies inbensinthe time a cam for
said moses it s asinthey d aa be better
a heron watchful on asinwarm kaim a hird sockin
punishin whit he caud asinwhaur nane wis meant let
ava ye d think taesinaa men aspire feth whiles
bluid about tae dee outsinalasdair raden the grandee haes
s mair nor thirty yearsini ettlt tae gang that
bi freud s bletherin curesinthe patient haes sterted tae
am going there there issinat 70 and i am
shair and lat me kensinah maun come and worship
mait in ma mou butsinthey gart uis gang for
body s arguments it wassinhe said again when you
ve mischancit dinna fash marischalsinthe fundator s shawin us
efter us thir days bypastsinthe young maister s gleg
me inti purgatorie for thissinah l say ower the
hert syndit clean frae awsingunlöd wul ah flee than
become something that leads tosinso we ourselves should simply
heart that i might notsinagainst you there is something
right attitude the eighth deadlysinin scotland is showing off
opinion of sex sex issinis hell perdition with its
heart that i might notsinagainst you i have hidden
heard their confession of theirsinand heard moses prayer he
ir aw born in mortalsineven the wee bairnikies haes
the bible hae been prentitsingenesis in scots by henry
be if it were notsinhe was listening to his
of what it was likesinhow it had felt with
sheddaes jakies blithe i thesinlying amongst wine bottles shadows
could but no city relishedsinquite like edinburgh maconochie was
wishart absolving bruce from hissinshortly after the event and
bade i ollerton pit villagesinsyne ten myles frae whaur
mair nor fower oors mebbesinthe fish they cam aff
ti gang awaw bot thesinthreipit at the beasties wuid
haugh to biek forenent thesinto shelter from the sun
of guilt and hence ofsinto the spiritualising effects of
find you ve trod onsintourist walk on the wild
now for showing him whatsinwas how it would feel
whan he sein at hizsinwes haundin the brunt hek
free from the taint ofsinwhere no young person can
hae dune for yer guidmithersinyer man deed hoo ye

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