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joy edinburgh west ld steelsirdavid martin scott lothians ld
presiding officer sir david steelsirdavid s experience commitment and
was mr george reid 44sirdavid steel 82 abstentions 3
on resuming the presiding officersirdavid steel before we begin
on resuming the presiding officersirdavid steel before we begin
09 30 the presiding officersirdavid steel before we begin
draft order the presiding officersirdavid steel before we come
hand back the chair tosirdavid steel decision time 16
patricia ferguson the presiding officersirdavid steel decision time 27
sector interruption the presiding officersirdavid steel far too many
parliament expresses its gratitude tosirdavid steel for his service
parliament expresses its gratitude tosirdavid steel for his service
parliament expresses its gratitude tosirdavid steel for his service
to add the word interimsirdavid steel has agreed to
about staffing the presiding officersirdavid steel i am concerned
14 35 the presiding officersirdavid steel i am minded
procedures committee the presiding officersirdavid steel i am perfectly
15 58 the presiding officersirdavid steel i see that
civic scotland the presiding officersirdavid steel i thank members
working correctly the presiding officersirdavid steel if you will
of no better summary ofsirdavid steel in his role
30 pm members presiding officersirdavid steel in the chair
00 pm members presiding officersirdavid steel in the chair
30 pm members presiding officersirdavid steel in the chair
15 pm members presiding officersirdavid steel in the chair
30 pm members presiding officersirdavid steel in the chair
30 pm members presiding officersirdavid steel in the chair
00 pm members presiding officersirdavid steel in the chair
reid and margaret smith forsirdavid steel in the election
cent of the members votedsirdavid steel is elected as
language interpreters the presiding officersirdavid steel it is appropriate
jamieson made the presiding officersirdavid steel it was karen
gil paterson central scotland snpsirdavid steel lothians ld mr
scotland and fife snp stoodsirdavid steel lothians ld stood
to question s1w 3268 bysirdavid steel on 27 december
to question s1w 3275 bysirdavid steel on 27 december
northern partnership the presiding officersirdavid steel our final item
will do the presiding officersirdavid steel question 2 has
abstentions 3 applause accordingly assirdavid steel received more votes
that you gave earlier andsirdavid steel s advice on
people anyone who was atsirdavid steel s dinner for
last paragraph in particular ofsirdavid steel s letter to
to our first presiding officersirdavid steel sir david s
europe day the presiding officersirdavid steel the final item
of languages the presiding officersirdavid steel the final item
europe convention the presiding officersirdavid steel the main debate
and all the presiding officersirdavid steel the member did
voluntary sector the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
business motion the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
17 04 the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
bureau motions the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
crisper nurses the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
17 00 the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
the elderly the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
17 04 the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
business motion the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
15 11 the presiding officersirdavid steel the next item
17 05 the presiding officersirdavid steel there are five
17 00 the presiding officersirdavid steel there are nine
17 01 the presiding officersirdavid steel there are seven
16 04 the presiding officersirdavid steel there are three
presiding officers the presiding officersirdavid steel this time members
for reflection the presiding officersirdavid steel to lead our
for reflection the presiding officersirdavid steel to lead our
national qualifications the presiding officersirdavid steel we come now
sign language the presiding officersirdavid steel we move to
17 00 the presiding officersirdavid steel we now come
scotland bill the presiding officersirdavid steel we now move
jim wallace the presiding officersirdavid steel we now proceed
for justice mr jim wallacesirdavid steel will be pleased
i am not confident thatsirdavid steel will be retiring
been received mr george reidsirdavid steel will each of
of walter of guisborough andsirthomas gray s scalacronica antagonistic
university of glasgow under professorsirwalter raleigh invited to spend
together with the words althoughsirwalter scott and robert louis
press 1978 p 220 14sirwalter scott quarterly review i
the oxford anthologies derive fromsirwalter scott s minstrelsy of
and f718: mmhm m017: maybesirwalter scott s novels even
for north down lt colsirwalter smiles also travelling were
tae rise an busk finsirarchie grant decreed that he
was jolly p 43 thosirarchie is unawaur o possessin
felt hat she looked thoughtsirarchie like an adorable boy
the hielan country hame osirarchie roylance a game leggit
neither i fear would suitsirarchie s case he did
tell t first o awsiredward leithen archie roylance kirsty
four years of the parliamentsirdavid and all of us
and dignity in his worksirdavid and i share a
have engaged with us andsirdavid and other members have
tour however the stance thatsirdavid and others took undoubtedly
is unstinting we thank yousirdavid as well as george
age range that means thatsirdavid became a member of
central division scottish ambulance servicesirdavid carter chief medicial officer
since 1707 knowing how muchsirdavid cherishes this hard fought
and decided to stand againstsirdavid despite the fact if
taking office as presiding officersirdavid donned the mantle of
lives indeed i think thatsirdavid drafted the scottish liberal
than that as colleagues knowsirdavid for the first couple
speaking to john reid hassirdavid given any indication of
serve in the scottish parliamentsirdavid had also been one
people may be more familiarsirdavid has been instrumental in
over the past four yearssirdavid has defended and promoted
the long political career thatsirdavid has had in scotland
have served scotland well andsirdavid has served scotland well
the dignified way in whichsirdavid has undertaken his responsibilities
and fife snp i congratulatesirdavid i have known him
your burgeoning collection and sosirdavid i say to you
of jewish communities thank yousirdavid it is an immense
bible and the works ofsirdavid lyndsay today while a
play in middle scots bysirdavid lyndsay was also performed
short essay on his scottishnesssirdavid quotes john buchan describing
far and indeed he hassirdavid represented his constituents in
it is a measure ofsirdavid s authority that after
view the final theme ofsirdavid s career that i
and i have sympathised withsirdavid s challenge when he
devoted much time and commitmentsirdavid s commitment to fighting
and the liberal movement worldwidesirdavid s experience which is
africa in the early 1990ssirdavid s political philosophy has
that has changed around himsirdavid s presence has given
it is with real pleasuresirdavid that i ask you
scottish parliament before i invitesirdavid to take the chair
and i am sure thatsirdavid will ensure that the
sutherland report and those ofsirstewart himself the report concluded
of the elderly identified bysirstewart sutherland chairman of the
those of the elderly pensionersirstewart sutherland dealt with that
the royal commission chaired bysirstewart sutherland including the funding
elderly care as highlighted bysirstewart sutherland is widespread amongst
however we are focusing onsirstewart sutherland s recommendation on
consider going further by implementingsirstewart sutherland s recommendation that
last week henry mcleish supportsirstewart sutherland s recommendations they
a long way in deliveringsirstewart sutherland s recommendations yesterday
the royal commission chaired bysirstewart sutherland the group also
the royal commission chaired bysirstewart sutherland to unify these
i do not believe thatsirstewart sutherland was misleading the
reassured by the words ofsirstewart sutherland who has not
and community care committee forsirstewart sutherland why on earth
murray rt hon ramsay macdonaldsirthomas jaffray sir william craigie
4th april 1919 dr latersirwilliam a craigie co editor
ramsay macdonald sir thomas jaffraysirwilliam craigie and john buchan
dictionary and the writings ofsirwilliam craigie and professor a
is this that the compilersirwilliam craigie and the institute
the university of edinburgh 1sirwilliam craigie who is now
escapes mary q bothwell fighterssirwilliam douglas douglas family member
king at loch leven castlesirwilliam douglas wis mary s
of a later sonnet bysirwilliam mure of rowallan who
the merriege o convenience onsirwilliam quiller orchardson s painting
former chairman tayside health boardsirwilliam stewart former chairman tayside
noble sentiments of the caledonianssirwilliam wallace and robert the
of william wallace [laugh] orsirwilliam wallace f1154: there you
poem the ballad of semmerwatersirwilliam watson tells the story
boys all saying sir sirsirand not meaning it and
sir something for the weekendsircammy why s stew si
climax in the work ofsircr- sir thomas urquhart of
[singing] [?]wool[/?] yes sir yessirhave a little f1117: three
in the doorway mastering couragesiri said andy macphail sir
sheep any wool f1095: yessirm1096: yes sir three bags
sir i said andy macphailsirno no no a complaint
you any f1118: wool yessir[singing] f1117: yes sir three
other boys all saying sirsirsir and not meaning it
five other boys all sayingsirsir sir and not meaning
dimps short back and sidessirsomething for the weekend sir
the work of sir cr-sirthomas urquhart of cromarty the
yes sir [singing] f1117: yessirthree bags full one for
any wool yes sir yessirthree bags full one for
f1095: yes sir m1096: yessirthree bags full yes sir
sir three bags full yessiryes f1095: no one for
any f1118: [singing] [?]wool[/?] yessiryes sir have a little
have you any wool yessiryes sir three bags full
black it wis thomas edwardsiri saw him mr grant
warned thomas it wisnae mesirisa sinclair it wis alex
talked about thomas edison inventorsirjohn lubbock bart mp frs
knighted in 1641 he becamesirthomas urquhart [inhale] and it
from the mid 17th centurysirthomas urquhart of cromarty urquhart
recommendations they do so becausesirstewart and his commission were
million per annum however assirstewart has said that is
most members would accept thatsirstewart knows what he is
free nursing care according tosirstewart the gap between where
that it was a scotsirtam urquhart that owerset rabelais
that it wes a scotsirtam urquhart that owreset rabelais
goodnicht andy andy good nichtsirand thank you thank you
richt andy it will besirand we ll yaise the
without a trace of menacesirandy macphail is coming round
andy comes in andy morningsirbeaumont good morning you ll
efter the morn andy butsirbeaumont the day efter the
andy it s no thatsirbut i canny bear to
from outside andy excuse mesircan you gie me a
ten year auld evidence andsirgeorge and john eleis are
hae tae appoint me lawyerssirgeorge and maister john can
skill at keeping in withsirjohn aeneas macroy tilted his
things about jamaica things aboutsirjohn and his brothers and
macroy how inevitably they confirmedsirjohn and his lady in
macroy spoke at length tosirjohn and soon was winding
a sonata by corelli orsirjohn clerk of penicuik could
as the account book ofsirjohn foulis of ravelston 1671
1885 95 i 89 20sirjohn foulis of ravelston notes
from ignorance and savagery bysirjohn had been hand picked
way up the steps spectatorsirjohn had coloured momentarily parent
time coming through from ermsirjohn maxwell er i think
when the children went tosirjohn maxwell erm er obviously
medium unit was established insirjohn maxwell primary school which
prosecution the king s advocatesirjohn nisbet brought forth his
these last twenty two yearssirjohn nisbet then produced the
of the older scottish tonguesirjohn skene s de verborum
some reason to think thatsirjohn that will do mr
with mr bill campbell andsirjohn wall bill campbell represents
on the european disability forumsirjohn wall is vice president
mak it plain tae yesirjohn wedderburn of ballindean a
sign warrants are nane butsirjohn wedderburn s cronies and
even awa frae scotland ifsirjohn wedderburn wants tae send
up ye are an advocatesirye hae a cousin john
correspondant about your pets dearsircould you please tell me
his hand and said pleasesirdoes oor real teacher ken
who said to him pleasesirdoes oor real teacher ken
tae hae s speerin pleasesiri wint tae leave the
matter with you boy pleasesirsomething s wrang three little
irena please sit yeirsell dounsirwe r unco pleased ti
e face i muttert pleasesirwhat s the matter with
by his majesty s governmentsirgeorge is dean o the
o yer breed him andsirgeorge lockhart they are thorns
wear ther hats then saidsirandrew and clapt his wig
misken him next tyme sayssirandrew bowing at them wt
was lord provost lauder saidsirandrew had written a recommendation
of edinburgh wt my goodfathersirandrew i was at the
fascinated the ministers mair assirandrew said its seldom you
on the wall sources agnewsirandrew the hereditary sheriffs of
galloway 2nd edn 1893 agnewsirandrew wigtownshire a guide for
suitable cavalry barracks and persuadedsirjames agnew of lochnaw to
lexicographers from the time ofsirjames murray at least oed
barne in the diurnals ofsirjames nicholson of cockburnspath for
not provide an alternative systemsirjames pitman put forward the
s1m 1503 mr brian monteithsirjames shand that the parliament
serving in the inniskillen dragoonssirjames was not in a
spelling scots was devised bysirjames wilson at the beginning
oh yes m1183: colin bellsiralastair dunnett the gaberlunzie dr
not yeah terrified bairn yessiran so d conflict wid
slate pencils johnston black yessirthe class sits and the
gairden fork guid day youngsiri m needin a load
wi trimmlin vyce apologised guidsiri niver realised that you
naething ti gie ye guidsirnaething ava that puir ir
naething ti gie ye guidsirnaething ava we ir aw
[censored: address] 10t oct 2001 guidsirscots tung is a cultural
it ll no harm yousiryour name s guid beaumont
gesture i ll do thatsiri said my hopes rising
sewage here i suppose notsiri said trying to sound
not hear them one saidsiri will pray for ye
knicht an said douce doucesirknicht fyne ye ken ye
come back in here againsirsaid the bar lassie dinna
pair o tweed troosers ochsirshe said hae ye seen
turn an turn aboot ohsirshe said i ve been
bigger fish up bye nasirthe voice said at his
said doucelyke til the streingersirwe ir sair dounhauden wi
doun cryin out his heresiran then he stude awa
on the chhokar case whethersiranthony campbell will appoint his
the patient o course issiredward leithen an his seikness
t communicate at that levelsirhis face brightened again and
don t know my parentssiri added hurriedly his grey
hellish man cried willie nasirit s hell replied his
secretary to the scottish executivesirmuir russell on his early
dunfermline downing his wine whilesirpatrick spens is pacing a
she has been sluiced bysirsmile his neighbour in lucrece
aff haund lyke no mesirthe caddie turns his back
ye richtlie suld hae certessirquo she ye hae smoorit
be obtainable again and nowsiri am going to hang
ah mms now no complaintsiri grey face briskly shoved
are presented rowland provost beaumontsirit is now our pleasant
um conn er y arisesirsean you re now a
mr ormiston is not obtainablesirbecause mr ormiston is dead
sinclair it wis alex blacksiri saw him mr grant
a wee moosie mr grantsirmr grant a mouse edward
swung back towards maclaurin continuesirmr knight remained in mr
sayin including me oh nosirmr robb no a gentleman
by ti sell ti yesira d heard there wis
s juist the common speaksira ll can dae ye
it dysel as ye saysira ll juist e en
whit s that ti yousirah m thinkin ye ir
shaw ye a bit respecksirnou heaven s grantit a
like ye ken yer worshipsirthe sheriff sighed and dismissed
ye aboot them afore noosirthere were a few chuckles
eternal life did ye kensirthey kept me in chains
here a letter for yesirvershinin for me takes the
me laughs you re jokingsirbeaumont i wouldny be so
all the waur for mesirfor naebody at hame will
our hames dinna blame mesirjuist sell uis some on
quo gao the braw aysirthat s me hummlie answers
see kelly s tinky winkysirthis is putting me aff
parliament congratulates the efforts ofsirphilip cohen and other eminent
wes gaun ti mairrie thesirkeing s dochter but haud
ti god it is weillsirphysician this truibil is ayont
o creish intil t finesirsays the flesher an ti
bust i feel sorry forsirfreddie what will scottish express
s yir will o thissirgao the braw wis fell
out will mum write tosirgeoffrey howe will the church
down that will not dosirif you have some reason
committee will take evidence fromsirrobert smith bbc national governor
committee will take evidence fromsirrobert smith bbc national governor
audibly back to sewage disposalsirwill your parents have reported
received your letter ok dadsircharles o halloran it makes
fauor and feir of godsirhaifing red your maiesteis maist
want your breakfast yessir butsirlook here robb i have
pursued the inquiry undertaken bysiranthony campbell should be held
to mysteries flood inspired bysiredwin landseer s painting flood
direction rowland greetings to yousiri see by the astonishment
may not be with yousirbut here in britain it
own first minister of scotlandsiralexander salmond [audience laughter] would insinuate
dings doun first o awsiredward leithen lawer tory mp
they ll be like ayesiri cannae understand a word
uncle the wid ma dearsirwis cut doon lang seen
panurge lard gest all besirbirches th intelligence as thy
art isn t personal dearsirit transcends all that it
the other lads into hystericssirkelly needs all they showers
uninjured but not tonight nosirtonight i sped up and
twa punner risin there nasirfor deed that s why
press cuttings and photos ofsirgeoffrey howe s visit to
the following passage occurs insirgilbert hay s buke of
withoot the floors an certessirit s true ma floors
lord chancellor s department professorsirneil maccormick mep and councillor
due to a missing quillsirrichard arkwright s design of
himsel dae you no seesirthat s what i canny
been with them oh nosirdiscuss with my parents that
italian would you believe itsira wop i worshipped that
mails in purgatory good afternoonsircan i help you half
you re insisting on thissirso that if you seck
can i stop you theresirthis is lifeboat station that
rowland a few more wordssirwhat you have done for
orchestra halls excellent dad isiradrian boult conducts may 3
tot ziens meneer or goodbyesirand that was that i
the henner rins lik thissiri have the honour to
commiserations to the editor dearsiri should like to appeal
from stationary f643: right okaysiri won t i won
ither ane i catch ayesirthe voice was wae an
compared with the passage fromsirgilbert hay already given written
from funds is made tosirmuir s1m 3314 dr sylvia
the canadians have dredged upsirstanley matthews for the in
in oban and at thesiralister hardy foundation for ocean
aquainted with the details forsiranthony eden told the house
asked this such people assirsean connery waiting for a
and enterprise university of glasgowsiralan langlands chairman scottish institute
and in the eighteenth centurysiralexander fraser tytler a scotsman
be providing support staff tosiranthony campbell and if so
significance of the pentangle insirgawain and the green knight
rhyme and were principally alliterativesirgawain and the green knight
tae god like a lawyersirwi wishin and wordspeakin but
though in the 18th centurysiralexander fraser tytler a scotsman
gie mony a heavy groansiran this she says tae
a member of the clubsirasked the barmaid o this
is dedicated to the latesircyril lucas cmg dsc frs
then we can write tosirgeoffrey friday 21st october home
coopland almost 500 years latersirgilbert hay as he informs
should just ask lady damesirheather the weather to count
in the orpheus choir undersirhugh roberton [audience laughter] m1182: ah
a levels highers in scotlandsirit came out automatically ah
following the recent death ofsirjimmy shand at the age
see the boss mm f1054: sir[laugh] m1017: aye [laugh] m1014:
of the fullest original formsirpatrick spens the wife of
in the london home ofsirpeter lumsden of tarland he
like a lintie wasna hesirprecentor o the cape club
twis anely a screed abootsirrobert peel an he wisna
arrival of the donaghadee lifeboatsirsamuel kelly at 1551 signalled
had ever witnessed altogether thesirsamuel kelly picked up 34
[laugh] m819: aye aw rightsirtowels are pure pish man

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