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fowk dee o puirtith andskaithwhan i mind o fergusson
a chalmer o puirtith andskaithwhaur monie a shilpet bairnikie
the chaumer o puirtith andskaithwhilk gar me grue for
bleezin sun sall dae naeskaithnar als the mune by
nae ill can dae meskaithye re nar me an
o ambulances stappit fu oskaitha dauchle o wardens keekin
noo pynt oot the psychologicalskaiththat s bein duin tae
scots baith benefits an taksskaithfrae the fact that it
language upsteerers the day theskaithhaes been duin areddies an
has brocht me whiles fraeskaithalive for friens i ve
the fairie fowk an theskaiththay coud dae ti mortals
haed wun sauf awa fraeskaiththe knicht shuirlie coud never
sight siller money skail emptyskaithinjury skeil skill skelf splinter
lives has chynged tae theskaitho verbal communication an gin
skreichmakker maun be guairdit fraeskaithplant life wis ugsome an
licht cairriet load hunger anskaithin a cripple s teem
ettil ti dae him mukkilskaithah l juist birsil his
cuidna beir ti dae himskaithan for shuir she cuid
ettilt ti dae him onieskaithava prince naither ye did
says she dae me naeskaithfor ah im a puir
hurt ye l dae naeskaithon me it s weirdit
ah want ti dae onieskaithti breinger or ti ma
born o wumman can daeskaithti macbeth the second apparition
wi me ye canna daeskaithtil ma saul god an
unco truiths ti dae usskaithwin us wi nick nacks
no be done tae theskaitho gaelic insteid thir leids
for reddin maist o theskaithah did ti moula meg
weeks gaed by an naeskaithcam til him he beguid
she forgies ye for theskaithye did til hir she
can be accusit o myskaithgin that your hert bears
the middle waa it sskaithor saught it s fae
at wissed thaim ti kepskaiththe littil toun wes a
an speerit gaird her faeskaithull wull an coorseness gie
warld is fashit wi itsskaitho blastit greed and toom

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