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mittra at a bus stopslightas a wishbone mittra at
gaelic and anglian with aslightadmixture of scandinavian flemish and
pictish gaelic anglian with aslightadmixture of scandinavian flemish and
is that there is aslightdislocation between the executive and
and the fsa and aslightdislocation between the fsa and
the bug there is aslightcrossover between the two categories
joining the hallucenogenic hordes theslightflu bug has almost completely
the death over some imaginedslightoh yes alcohol a drug
the death over some imaginedslightthinking about it what awful
just a a drizzle aslightdrizzle a smirr o rain
direct operating costs with aslightoperating surplus in its first
are decided although i haveslightdifficulty with using children who
rd2 rd1 children with aslightreading difficulty i e ra
the early days was prettyslightpartly this seems to be
committee i apologise for theslightdelay in starting it has
way out the distance lookedslighton our falkplan street map
from me there might beslightmovement because that is the
treating osteoporosis such as aslightincrease in both the risk
to consider that even aslightrisk to the safety of
closely one can detect aslightsuspicion of ambiguity the word
the word tùchan meaning aslightcough which i have spoken
m1007: yes m1008: but erslightextension of meaning that he
tricia marwick i have aslightconcern about the second last
by the boards my onlyslightconcern is that all the
the period for paying aslightconcern was expressed that section
their idea content is oftenslight10 to this one might
the influence of church isslightcompared with that of local
west of the church aslightdepression in the churchyard marks
i approach this speech withslightnervousness considering recent events i
quickly but we discovered aslighttechnical problem with that approach
accused of assault a smallslightterrified figure rather like a
next tuesday the convener theslightproblem with that idea is
a little girl pale andslightabout eight years old her
[laugh] so there was aslightinterruption to our our discussion
and charity might make someslightdifference to the possible level
g words repeated often withslightvariations choices of similar or
hugh henry are tinged withslightcommiseration about the fact that
of individual chairs on aslightgradient however in the second
a lot and running aslightfever however i ve felt
skelp would be a aslightsmack o the hand but
ll have me after myslightindiscretion [laugh] f809: [laugh] yes
but the only the onlyslightbit i had a wee
the convener i have aslightworry about the lack of
the roubles restaurant after aslighthiccup when chris lost the
milkman who was having aslightdisagreement with his horse on
a f829: yeah m830: sortaslightbut it s just that
[censored: forename] s just havin aslightfit there f833: [laugh] i
it must be just aslightone norman had a bout
there s there s aslightnon sequitur [laugh] f965: we
wooden chute and leaving aslighthaze of dust as it
say command i intend noslighton your womanliness quite the
outlining whether the accidents wereslightserious or fatal s1w 10859

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