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linking linguistics with another disciplinesociolinguisticspsycholinguistics pragmatics philosophy etc also
oxford blackwell trudgill p 1995sociolinguisticsan introduction to language and
london fasold r 1990 thesociolinguisticsof language oxford blackwell fasold
r 1998 an introduction tosociolinguisticsthird edition oxford blackwell watson
growth of like labovian quantitativesociolinguisticsand stuff like that ehm
london arnold trudgill p 1983sociolinguisticsan introduction to language and
of accommodation developments in appliedsociolinguisticscambridge cambridge university press grant
the observations and assumptions ofsociolinguisticsviewing urban dialects as integral
pride j and holmes jsociolinguisticsselected readings harmondsworth england penguin
regrets the whole concept ofsociolinguisticscause he doesn t think
london hale gumperz j 1972sociolinguisticsand communication in small groups
on vocabulary the science ofsociolinguisticshas developed since then and
studies in the field ofsociolinguisticsand it may be that
re doin m741: mmhm yeahsociolinguisticsseems to be the kinna
we call in kind ofsociolinguisticscode mixing that you switch
says you know this wholesociolinguisticslookin at the relations between
and next week it ssociolinguisticswhich obviously i m gonna
on ehm i think doingsociolinguisticsyou re you re in

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