
See this word as a collocate cloud

angel face angel face shortsockstraicht cut fringe oot on
her up angel face shortsockstraicht cut fringe tubes in
she wanted tae change hersockor fix her sock or
her sock or fix hersockor somethin like that she
said can i fix mesockken i was thinkin her
gat out the dragon pensockan the twa lion paper
a ve a dragon pensocko jade tae at s
the toe of a woollysockits coat tugged quickly off
a m shuir the pensockll be mair o a
she s darning father ssockdressed in victorian black permanent
murly tuck sned scythe handlesockploughshare sodger soldier soo a
or or s- or thissockf1103: no that s daddy
no that s daddy ssockisn t it f1104: mmhm
was placed in an oldsockand tied round your neck
a time for putting asockin it matey i suggest
the bedroom because your yoursockwas at the bottom of
s beak a grey wetsockslumped over the berry pan
it was a real f639: sockhe had [laugh] [laugh] f640:
was it was a realsockthat we put up we
a doll out of asockyou just flyped it turned
f1091: oh where s yoursockgone m1092: no me want
f1091: okay there s onesocktwo socks right what are
ah [laugh] f965: a longsockand we were all playing
put a ball in asockf963: ah [laugh] f965: a
a different thing same ski-sockthing that s m999: oh
them like me a rightsockon the jaw that s

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