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a soviet electronics shop sellingsovietcomputers at really expensive prices
we then happened upon asovietelectronics shop selling soviet computers
a soviet complaint thus thesovietand british governments appear to
was the reply to asovietcomplaint thus the soviet and
cart the collapse of thesovietunion in may 1990 it
to the collapse of thesovietunion the result was the
displayed revolutionary symbols followed bysovietachievements in space followed by
and ann had a lastsovietlunch and then waved them
put in either comedy ofsovietguide telling malcontent man who
squares sixth week in thesovietunion coming up two notches
the tourists karamazov about fictionalsovietpackage tourists in torremolinos i
progress publishers and bought asovietedition of gillian brown s
language edition of a magazinesovietwomen rather surprisingly for a
and honest do we findsovietstudents very frank and honest
he was learning from thesovietunion and he told us
art of survival in thesovietunion and more than ready
to statements like in thesovietunion it is the policy
on women in the formersovietunion which feeds the supply
at the theatre of thesovietarmy we worked out a
what is the mechanism forsovietstudents to go abroad does
tonight was of the firstsovietspace shuttle буран snowstorm which
a fact finding tour ofsovieteducational establishments the subtext probably
told me that the latestsovietrevisionist theory is that joe
with ordinary ie non partysovietcitizens we agreed to look
falling prey to my secondsovietcold and then around 4am
made innocuous small talk aboutsovietinflexibility as opposed to east
of the 13th century insovietcollections so we bought that
the evening we watched somesoviettelevision a historical soap opera
gave me a book ofsovietshort stories as an unexpected
a wealth of champagne andsovietcognac and recited poems and
new york being the firstsovietgeneral secretary to address the
obstructing her from visiting asovietfriend in tallin she also
lay rolled in sweaters asovietsoldier came in and checked
in the building where thesovietcommunist party has its meetings
the others the older moscowsoviethands had put together some
certainly well equipped for asovietwith a commodore wpc and
times they jarred in thesovietcontext her solution to ecological
are flaws in the efficientsovietpedagogical programme after class i
make grants available how muchsovietliterature do we read what
is a member of thesovietpeace committee she goes on
dancers who hinted at whatsovietgymnasts do after the olympics
exhibition by a recently rehabilitatedsovietartist pavel filonov he had
in the arcane mysteries ofsovietcustoms procedures and we had
the atmosphere when scottish andsoviethistory overlapped whispered asides when
at a time when thesoviethordes and those from other
from rank xerox to thesovietchamber of commerce the son
exist between myself and mysovietcolleagues at the institute which
our transport was an ageingsovietminibus with a roar like

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