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learning programmes community profiling projectspecificfeasibility studies projects that increase
funding for specific projects inspecificfields of voluntary work the
options when they contribute tospecificprojects and give rise to
cooncil scotlang has generatit sixspecificprojects ane bein mappin the
whether it has identified anyspecificprojects for people diagnosed with
the setting up of subjectspecificprojects in individual institutions and
has been given funding forspecificprojects in specific fields of
council scotlang has generated sixspecificprojects one of which is
announcement and if so whichspecificprojects will be affected s1w
announcement and if so whichspecificprojects will be affected s1w
announcement and if so whichspecificprojects will be affected s1w
that the minister will announcespecificprojects within those programmes that
of area tourist boards andspecifictourism projects often as part
uses addition of substances forspecificnutritional purposes scotland regulations 2002
uses addiction of substances forspecificnutritional purposes scotland regulations 2002
uses addition of substances forspecificnutritional purposes scotland regulations 2002
which is ring fenced forspecificpurposes and c the number
policy will be earmarked forspecificpurposes and if so what
meaningful contexts involving them inspecificpurposes for using language e
be kept only for thespecificpurposes for which they are
the use of languages forspecificpurposes particularly in a professional
forby that the guidelines maksspecificreference tae takkin accoont o
setting problem resolution they containspecificreference to characters actions thoughts
urban waste water directive withspecificreference to creameries s1w 12207
have yet to see anyspecificreference to how the budget
times but he made nospecificreference to midwifery he did
schools the guidelines also makespecificreference to taking account of
warm deal in scotland withspecificreference to the exclusion of
affairs committee to consider thosespecificaspects in the circumstances rather
the use of gaelic inspecificcircumstances in civil proceedings in
mackay let us consider thespecificcircumstances set out by the
arrangement which is meant forspecificcircumstances set out in schedule
insurance policies without knowing thespecificcircumstances that bruce has in
specify exemptions with regard tospecificcircumstances that individuals might find
way that is appropriate tospecificscottish circumstances we need the
general level or for aspecificset of circumstances however the
rest these are reflected inspecificoutcome targets for example to
application through the bill ofspecificsector targets rather than a
suggested we must have morespecifictargets 16 09 mr kenneth
and regional policies by settingspecifictargets and adopting measures the
domains setting clear objectives andspecifictargets for the reduction of
the common european objectives setspecifictargets in line with the
you are both saying thatspecifictargets should be set out
national or regional policies settingspecifictargets the department of social
on 19 july 1999 whatspecificmeasures have been taken by
onus or impetus to implementspecificmeasures in terms of education
ask the scottish executive whatspecificmeasures it has introduced to
ask the scottish executive whatspecificmeasures it has taken or
ask the scottish executive whatspecificmeasures it will introduce to
scottish executive to apply 39specificmeasures out of the 65
executive whether it will takespecificmeasures to reduce unemployment in
hedges and details of thespecificmeasures which might be introduced
measures had been ineffective inspecificways it would have been
anybody want to make anyspecificpoints about those issues if
we have put forward twospecificpoints colin campbell has been
its submission it made twospecificpoints dennis canavan yes but
they should agree to incorporatespecificpoints from members in agendas
we have carefully addressed thespecificpoints made by the review
i shall come back tospecificpoints made on those we
have an opportunity to raisespecificpoints of concern about how
i am unable to addressspecificpoints that members have raised
to take on board thespecificpoints that members have raised
council has responded to thespecificpoints that we made it
issues is not to considerspecificincidents we consider such petitions
to express their ideas identifyspecificissues and present their aspirations
the parliament committees look atspecificissues in detail constituency scotland
the pairlament committees luiks tilspecificissues in detail constituency scotland
to its immediate concerns aboutspecificissues in the oft report
and july focused on thespecificissues of justice and home
we will go through severalspecificissues on aquaculture when the
the report could concentrate onspecificissues such as the nppg
male judges and expertise onspecificissues such as violence against
concerned by a number ofspecificissues that emerged such as
will have received consider thespecificissues that some colleges face
we are focusing on thespecificissues that they have to
certain general issues colleges havespecificissues which the report groups
those issues she will havespecificresponsibilities for fisheries but because
two issues that are notspecificto the milngavie application but
i shall give you aspecificexample in one case we
elizabeth gemmill has recorded aspecificexample in the early sixteenth
that and will give aspecificexample the effective dose is
have an example of somethingspecifician jenkins we were talking
it erm so that ermspecificnews f- say for example
or veterinary attention for examplespecificoffences of cruelty include transportation
for example runs for aspecificperiod and is not repeated
developing priority actions addressed tospecifictarget groups for example minority
outline planning permission outwith aspecifictime limit for example a
if you re looking atspecificwriting skills for example or
the department there are somespecificareas for discussion members asked
to roll out broadband inspecificareas is the strategy making
of which was to examinespecificareas of concern for nurses
expenditure plans i commented onspecificareas of expenditure members will
for the revision teaching ofspecificareas of grammar the section
certain public bodies initially inspecificareas of scotland to publish
the isolation of people fromspecificcommunities in more urban areas
of the committees deal withspecificdevolved areas such as the
o the committees deal wispecificdevolvit areas sic as the
is clear that there arespecificdifficulties in rural areas in
are sitting highers in ermspecificer curriculum er areas through
on pressured areas rather thanspecifictypes and sizes of house
if new problems emerge withspecifickinds of knives we are
any plans to tackle thespecificproblems of providing an effective
to address some of thespecificproblems that are involved in
plans to deal with businessspecificproblems that might arise such
with the authorities on thespecificproblems that they face whether
allow time to address thespecificproblems which the act poses
was a general not aspecificane and that it said
are of a general orspecificcharacter with regard to the
directions of a general orspecificcharacter with regard to the
a general concern and aspecificconcern we had a general
scots in general but aspecificregional variety of scots this
is now located within thespecificcontext of the reading comprehension
it arises in texts withinspecificcontexts including the pupils own
would not be within thespecificdefinition relating to intrusive surveillance
within the regulations there isspecificprovision for consideration of a
lifelong learning department detailing thespecificroles of divisions within the
they lead the pupils withinspecifictasks to discover aspects of
14 august 2000 whether anyspecificassessment has been made of
the scottish executive whether anyspecificassistance is to be made
the scottish executive whether anyspecificassistance is to be made
the sentence passed in anyspecificcase is a matter for
longer the language of anyspecificcommunity and has lost contact
longer the language of anyspecificcommunity er f718: uh huh
we did not have anyspecificcontrol of entry system in
tie yourself down to anyspecificday just come along and
ask the scottish executive whatspecificevidence is there for any
er er or hardly anyspecificf718: mm m017: proposals f718:
5 million are there anyspecificfigures for the health service
disabled people or any otherspecificgroup in society furthermore will
would allow members with aspecificinterest from any party or
claes f1054: an and anyspecificitems likes of troo- trousers
am happy to take anyspecificquestions richard lochhead part of
think that it has anyspecificrelationship with the justice 1
am not aware of anyspecificresearch on the effects of
so whether this includes anyspecifictraining on epilepsy awareness s1w
business improvement schemes following thespecificassurances to that effect given
photocopied and given to aspecificclass under the fair use
technically because we were givenspecificinformation from a technical man
being given reassurances that isspecificit is in the minute
affects only the demand forspecificproducts given that you are
and shetland islands and whetherspecificregard is being given to
and i will give somespecificexamples from the north east
and give people a veryspecificlocal and regional concreteness a
is difficult to give aspecificquantification household formation is changing
a temporary venue is aspecificregulation that would not give
to encourage children to givespecificscots words with the targeted
to provide members with morespecificinformation about some of the
rut for some time thespecificinformation that i asked the
muckle mair information on thespecificneeds o ilk leid than
me to reveal figures forspecificnewspaper titles because the information
is the one substantial andspecificpiece of information that we
in the petition with aspecificrequest for information on the
may include providing information onspecificrights and how to access
discretion to determine whether aspecificact was of a sexual
executive whether expulsion from aspecificarea is an accepted sentencing
whether it will provide aspecificdefinition of modernisation of government
whether it will identify thespecificdepartmental budgets which have underspent
whether it will consider introducingspecificfunding which could be accessed
considering today is the morespecificone about whether our procedures
scottish executive whether it hasspecificproposals with regard to provision
an ssi ben wallace ourspecificrole is to decide whether
and whether these rules arespecificto each local enterprise company
language operates by making itspecificand conscious especially if similar
of how language techniques createspecificeffects for the reader in
the language of a aspecificf718: mmhm m017: community now
of real language choices andspecificforms to be achieved it
use or not of aspecificlanguage as chambers pointed out
enabling pupils to see howspecificlanguage features operate in texts
to link pupils introduction tospecificlanguage features to their experience
a country which has nospecificlanguage policy for its indigenous
is currently available on thespecificneeds of each language bibliography
add the phrase on thespecificneeds of each language to
spoken at home with aspecificquestion on the scots language
are point 9 is notspecificenough 12 45 the convener
i want to be veryspecificon this point as i
groups i will make aspecificpoint about citizens advice bureaux
mr mcmahon i have aspecificpoint for stuart duffin i
lydia wilkie that is thespecificpoint that the commission is
in scotland will cover thatspecificpoint the commission for racial
phonetic spellings point to veryspecificregional scots the w in
benefits that is not veryspecificand could range from a
being applied in a veryspecificand more limited sense as
intruder the book was veryspecificand went into careful detail
the minister for her veryspecificanswer there was an announcement
is writing for a veryspecificaudience he s in england
is writing for a veryspecificaudience namely his english captors
this to say of aspecificgravestone one had a very
distant past with a veryspecificpresent and a pastoral religiously
on the budget is veryspecificthose elements will be part
that my remit is veryspecificto monitor costs and their
if we want to considerspecificexamples we will receive written
supported pe508 refers to aspecificcase with which i have
the words chosen may havespecificconnotations which create a particular
as possible as needed inspecificcontexts and in ways which
prisons and if so whichspecificcontracts it will publish giving
spitting out that nipple bespecificfiona s nipple in which
improved which led to aspecificgnp drugs plan the gnp
only to do with onespecificgrammatical thing which is subjacency
deal with priority need howspecificis hundreds of millions which
are slightly different we havespecificpowers which i have been
scottish household survey which asksspecificquestions on income that are
children s services fund thespecificrole of which we hope
ross finnie in terms ofspecificservices which are a much
much the sequence in whichspecificterms are introduced as that
of 1458 9 which wasspecificto the import of wine
or bodily functions which arespecificto women and which even
no m1174: there were somespecifictypes of music which are
scots and and erm aspecificvocabulary which is different from
poem is its freshness thespecificway in which delight in
open to members to raisespecificdifficulties that have arisen in
benefit that will make itspecificmembers yes the convener we
committee members to take onspecificresponsibilities to meet representatives of
we are not asking forspecificsuggestions just now members should
the convener is there anythingspecificthat members want to put
of people was it aspecifickind like f745: erm f746:
would would be g- glasgowspecificm608: mmhm m1174: erm but
erm and er not reallyspecificnews wise for erm you
programmes aimed at youth ermspecifictimes of the day again
we would have articles ermspecificto like someone living in
publication stories were all relevantspecificto to to the erm
be a wee bit morespecificabout the work on markers
should be speedier and morespecificand co ordinated research in
it could have been morespecificand harder to ensure that
write more effectively themselves inspecificcontexts and genres then remembering
has introduced tighter and morespecificcontrols to tackle the carrying
i can t be morespecifici really can t this
of more appropriate advisers forspecificmatters organisations such as the
for changing that several morespecificquestions were raised the first
as opposed to a morespecificspecialty according to skipper 3
i want a statement morespecificthan that okay i ll
ask the scottish executive whatspecificaction has been or will
ask the scottish executive whatspecificaction has been taken to
it has to introduce prostatespecificantigen testing to assist in
15 september 2002 how muchspecificbusiness has been generated by
ask the first minister whatspecificdiscussions he has had with
committee events committees has haudenspecificevents tae discuss a subjeck
david and i share aspecificobjective he has had a
sectarianism in society and whatspecificplans it has to tackle
warrant sales has produced nospecificproposals and no details on
convener elaine thomson has aspecificquestion on broadband elaine thomson
petitioner that has resulted inspecificrecommendations to increase the existing
ask the scottish executive whatspecificsteps it has taken and
of the parliament addressed thatspecificissue the convener i think
fell because there is nospecificlegislation for foxes the convener
the convener please make questionsspecificmr monteith section 2 of
in self employment those arespecificachievable goals another really useful
away from expenditure on thosespecificfields you said to us
public in relation to thespecificneeds of those people who
the industry put forward aspecificview on those proposals derek
ask the scottish executive whatspecificeu regulations limit it to
draft regulations include some fairlyspecificrules you referred to one
regulations would be enforced forspecifictime periods or indefinitely they
in scots for such aspecificenglish reading audience moreover urquhart
we do not keep aspecificrecord of such places the
child care and facilities forspecificthings such as getting tuned
ones and thus have aspecificway of thinking about such
national and international significance thespecificaims of the centre are
techniques are used only forspecificand necessary reasons that they
are not based in onespecificarea of scotland there are
but you are talking aboutspecificcolleges or a specific group
on call if particular subjectspecificemergencies arise we are arranging
bureaucratic cost we are allowingspecificgovernors to let prisoners who
in the petition are nonspecificin terms of location tlc
or by creating our ownspecificlegislation but there are a
are probably aware we havespecificlottery funded programmes that are
offenders who are convicted ofspecificoffences abduction with intent to
1981 but there are otherspecificprovisions that relate to criminal
that are built for aspecificpurpose may in future be
because i am asking aspecificquestion susan deacon there are
collected centrally are not patientspecificritalin is not licensed for
are also heimatkunst in thespecificsense that they take as
concepts are introduced in aspecificsequence and several recently published
ask the scottish executive whatspecificsteps have been and are
have worked together to tacklespecifictasks there are lots of
horticulture a neep isnae culturespecifictatties are fand fae spain
percent are m608: mm m1174: specificto glasgow like the local
offences against women that arespecificto individuals the judge would
out in the designation ofspecifictypes of housing that are
framework when ministers ask forspecificaction to be taken to
ask the scottish executive whatspecificassistance it is making available
promote we will ask thespecificquestion that bruce crawford raised
focus our minds on thespecificquestions that we should ask
be to ask what itsspecificrole is and how it
inquiry andrew wilson made aspecificsuggestion i ask him to
ask the scottish executive whatspecifictreatment is offered to people
yaised in this wey thenspecificemphasis is put on the
put in place the tumourspecificmulti disciplinary managed clinical networks
to meet us they putspecificquestions to us and expressed
concluded that an effective andspecifictime scale should be put
bring myself to be toospecificabout it on paper perhaps
criticising me for not beingspecificabout the amount and then
ford car he was quitespecificabout the make i think
available to the public aboutspecificdevices or tests carried out
about specific colleges or aspecificgroup of colleges the association
with communities scotland about thatspecificproposal in the consultation paper
established or maintained for aspecificpurpose this is not about
increased demand the group madespecificrecommendations about the definition of
just about building facilities forspecificsports the answer is to
a lot written about thespecificthing that i was doing
in house there is aspecificarea in the building for
learning packages for parts ofspecificcourses a typical first year
stage 1 report for aspecificdate we must establish a
or for the eebpp onspecificdevices s1w 9846 dorothy grace
children in that they wantspecificeducation services for their children
and reports on proposals forspecificeuropean legislation as well as
provide appropriate materials for aspecificevent or initiative aimed at
of course do you wantspecificfigures for scotland brian fitzpatrick
3 million a year inspecificgrant for gaelic medium nursery
education the scottish executive providesspecificgrant for up to 75
provided for a scheme ofspecificgrants for gaelic education since
etc pe577 establishment of aspecificmedical treatment facility for autism
petition pe577 establishment of aspecificmedical treatment facility for autism
or push tae implement onyspecificmeisures for education an culture
year plus other money forspecificpieces of work we do
that a country haein naespecificpolicy for its hamelt heritage
using linguistic terminology for aspecificpurpose prior to the reassessment
a particular way for aspecificpurpose that permission would have
at national level unless aspecificreason exists for them to
search warrant exists for aspecificreason so that it can
the scottish executive for whatspecificreasons the proposals by the
they often end with aspecificrecommendation for action e g
their own sports clothing forspecificrecreational activities rather than wearing
in the petition with aspecificrequest for details of the
on 28 may 2002 whatspecificroles have been identified for
committee on scottish affairs thatspecificscottish statistics be kept for
select children for testing fromspecificsocio economic groups or by
ehm they would be taughtspecificthings f-f- for gaelic grammar
another er eh stage ehspecificthings for english grammar but
numbers in prison for eachspecifictype of offence business bulletin
some agri environment schemes havespecificand proven benefits i am
this morning i cannot bespecificbut i am sure that
is not relevant to thespecificissue of timing i am
national lottery should complement ourspecificsocial justice aims i am
standard formula or to contractspecificassessments of the possible costs
certain party or with aspecificconstituency interest the executive could
seen as giving rise tospecificgenres or text types this
all provision or is itspecifici would have thought that
imaginative or factual refer tospecificindividuals objects events and have
we will bring forward anythingspecificor concrete however i will
but they can deal withspecificpeople or entities too they
it came to have thespecificsense of a shoe or
report or talking to aspecificsituation in fife i would
be heard or consulted onspecifictopics in accordance with arrangements
we do not have aspecificadviser but i imagine that
there have been some usefulspecificand technical comments from snp
i do not have aspecificanswer to that question i
they have long focused onspecificbuildings by widening the choice
we have not embarked onspecificprogrammes that is not our
and b psychiatrists have undergonespecifictraining in attention deficit hyperactivity
cannot scottish writers who usespecificvarieties of scots to identify
want to come back withspecificchanges to the scheme particularly
not recommend to the executivespecificways of providing services differently
declaration rejecting roman catholicism thespecificconnection at this stage with
is also reinforced by aspecificduty with a compliance date
a host of people withspecificillnesses nursing as a career
deals with the matter thespecificissue is that bodies that
submission you refer to twospecificmeetings with hmi and ministers
officers in scotland with thespecificresponsibility of among other things
trout this circumpolar problem affectsspecificsalmonids and is associated with
long term we propose threespecificprogrammes to make a positive
the whole class might receivespecificinstruction in some aspect of
and is in some wayspecificto the process of formulating
park area rather than aspecificconstituency of interest and that
access can be tackled throughspecificschemes rather than through universal
abstractions than english it isspecificto an identifiable community and
limousin is not so regionallyspecificas urquhart s instead of
of attention not on aspecificbeloved but on the images
respect i understood that ourspecificfocus was not on management
not possible to identify aspecificform of spoken standard english
although the treaty is notspecificto scotland it can be
and solar energy through aspecificresearch programme putting scotland in
surprised to learn that thespecificimplementation date that the local
the local government committee sspecificproposal is matched by the
working party to examine thespecificrole of local and regional
several local meetings five subjectspecificseminars and a national conference
so that there is aspecificstatutory duty on local authorities
is why there is nospecificamendment today however mr salmond
european employment strategy is assessedspecificattention is paid to the
mcneill so it is aspecificcategory of confinement the deputy
is replicated in the billspecificelements of a crime against
but as everything is isspecificmost of the articles probably
education and there is aspecificnetwork the network of international
7 february 2002 what thespecificremit is of the working
she is talking to aspecificsituation in fife the deputy
on 5 september 2002 whatspecificsteps he is taking to
notes that there is aspecificthreat to in patient ante
on 10 july 2000 whatspecificwork is in progress to
no [?]nary[/?] nae just onespecificword no mmhm f1053: how
level of the mental illnessspecificgrant s1w 7114 brian adam
to sex offenders in nonspecificsex offender jails s1w 24843
to reach this conclusion whatspecificenquiries were carried out by
loss leading basis and whatspecificinstructions exist to that effect
what we mean by thespecificresearch consultation and reporting that
of working groups take forwardspecificaction plans under the strategy
route we would still needspecificamendments to primary legislation to
back and connect things tospecificbiographical things in my life
the choice of location beyondspecificbuildings the bill attempts to
personal comment they refer tospecificevents and the selection and
lead them to focus uponspecificgrammatical features and their relevance
alison coull to address thespecificissue alison coull office of
was intended to address aspecificissue that i felt was
spoke to people in aspecificlocality as far as this
included in the short termspecificmodifications to advice and procedures
a strategy to address thespecificneeds of women pensioners who
31 69 before strong andspecificrecommendations can be developed to
to grant the regions aspecificstatus in the treaty in
the translation picks up resonancesspecificto the translator the mock
a background study into aspecificaspect of the culture history
reconstructions of experience concentrating onspecificdetails of time place and
ill in ayrshire recognises thespecificneeds of these carers believes
different territorial extents of thesespecificoaths 14 act of settlement
by secondary legislation detailing thespecificpowers and structure of the
and shortages of staff inspecificspecialties today a performance management
scotsman as provincial urqhuart sspecificuse of his native aberdonian
russell but you took aspecificaction i presume you would
be revisited we need aspecifictime scale and at this
park bodies snh propose thatspecificfunctions be conferred on the
it could also be aspecificmeasure reckoned at a fortieth
22 69 afore strang anspecificrecommendations can be developed tae
i m lookin at aspecificnumber o writers m741: uh
and say that if aspecificsomething had happened in august
men requested screening by prostatespecificantigen test in the most
that i stand by thespecificstatements in that letter i
teacher can focus on thespecificverbs used and later create
overall department its division intospecificdepartments and their titles as
they were approached regarding thespecificstandards and procedures that were
burns before the 1960s whenspecificauthors and texts were mentioned
statue the card was quitespecificprivate viewing at 10 pm

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