
See this word as a collocate cloud

into the features of deesidespeechas it he observed it
the influence of church onspeechin the deeside context was
as norse words entered deesidespeechindirectly latin became available via
chambers grant w 1925 thespeechof deeside in deeside field
discussed the history of thespeechof the upper deeside area
deeside 1 5 the scotsspeechof upper deeside 1 6
1 7 attitudes to thespeechof upper deeside 1998 2000
1 7 attitudes to thespeechof upper deeside 1998 2000
of contents chapter 1 thespeechof upper deeside from past
is used chapter 1 thespeechof upper deeside from past
1999 1 5 the scotsspeechof upper deeside the earliest
early dialect studies investigating thespeechof upper deeside were relatively
in upper deeside as scotsspeechpredominated in the playground there
1 6 past records ofspeechupper deeside 1 7 attitudes
1 6 past records ofspeechupper deeside though relatively scarce
the peculiarities of deeside scotsspeechwas published in 1889 by
numbers of incomers to thespeechcommunity the vernacular in upper
and parsing of parts ofspeechfrom upper primary until the
middle an upper class englishspeechit kin be an often
i said in my openingspeechalthough there are a lot
that role in my openingspeechbut ben wallace s intervention
pleased to make the openingspeechfor the conservatives in this
minister said in her openingspeechin rural scotland for example
of them in my openingspeechin this parliament i urged
of life in her openingspeechmargaret curran made wide ranging
also referred in my openingspeechphil gallie said that with
in the minister s openingspeechpilotitis is the funding of
my way in my openingspeechto pay tribute to the
bulk of traditional parts ofspeechand with singular and plural
focus on how parts ofspeechare actually used in sentences
rather than individual parts ofspeechas crinson says it makes
to identify these parts ofspeechbut rather to focus on
over the eight parts ofspeechfrom latin and took essentially
work out the parts ofspeechfrom scratch ferdinand de saussure
task of identifying parts ofspeechin context through the more
b words as parts ofspeechname search children are asked
g tense person parts ofspeechshe should link this investigation
choice of appropriate parts ofspeechthe sense of appropriate style
reinforce understanding of parts ofspeechthrough the choice of words
spaces for those parts ofspeechwhich link parts of sentences
spread of related parts ofspeechwhich suggests a well established
limousin episode in the directspeechaltering the the spellings to
prose put it in directspeechand give people a very
and present future in directspeechand on the punctuation and
reading and writing of directspeechas was the teacher s
of phonetic spellings in directspeechdramatically to represent a provincial
spernin- spellings er in directspeechdramatically to represent a provincial
by the use of directspeechin the elder sister s
emotion communicated through the directspeechof all the participants including
english as is the directspeechof pantagruel and this then
english as is the directspeechof pantagruel this then is
and writers [inhale] the directspeechof the limousin however initially
privileged prestigious code the directspeechof the limousin initially affected
makes good use of directspeechto bring the ven- the
use of scots in directspeechto localise a character by
extract we actually get directspeechwhich you don t get
amalgam of innumerable forms ofspeechand it should therefore have
in that that forms ofspeechand scots often comes into
about when different forms ofspeechand writing are appropriate so
or supposedly vulgar forms ofspeechare forced into a subordinate
the characteristic interrogative north eastspeechforms fa fit fin or
shame at their non standardspeechforms improved transport and job
children to learn new dialectspeechforms in king of prussia
active promotion of non standardspeechforms most scots speakers possess
to natural unforced forms ofspeechperhaps more like the way
of using their forms ofspeechpurposefully and creatively but other
attempts to promote forms ofspeechwhich were as close as
to the rhythms of naturalspeechadds to the confidentiality of
child to use his naturalspeechhe will not feel that
good because ye ye knowspeechis nature is the natural
to get sort of naturalspeechm605: and there s also
youth to his own naturalspeechmacdiarmid appears to have developed
and where the way ofspeechnatural to them was officially
th- reverts into his naturalspeechwhich would be urquhart s
court his natural north easternspeechwould have seemed rustic and
one feature of north easternspeechand particularly aberdonian speech which
tune their hearing into thespeecharound them their own speech
negative one of correcting hisspeechbecause his normal speech form
his speech because his normalspeechform is wrong therefore through
they toast her neil speechspeechloretta aye come on mrs
was something wrong with myspeechmy speech was very slurred
glaswegian speech to north eastspeechpossibly identifying it with favourite
er a reliance on speechspeechrhythms [click] [inhale] and the
bessie they toast her neilspeechspeech loretta aye come on
and er a reliance onspeechspeech rhythms [click] [inhale] and
speech around them their ownspeechtheir babble is the same
region some children preferred glaswegianspeechto north east speech possibly
wrong with my speech myspeechwas very slurred and very
eastern speech and particularly aberdonianspeechwhich is possibly low german
tearing up pages of myspeechas the other speakers went
language systems within their ownspeechcommunities the groups of speakers
of teachers to local scotsspeechmeans that many scots speakers
not standard english in thespeechof many speakers yet most
speakers often move towards thespeechof their interlocutors he referred
as a parochial form ofspeechand the spellings employed by
as a parochial form ofspeechat one and the same
individual s basic form ofspeechcan take place macaulay 1997
degree of differentiation from thespeechform most closely related to
scots including any local scotsspeechform such as buchan glasgow
individual s basic form ofspeechis there an age after
is some form of germanicspeechm741: mmhm m605: with various
a highly flexible form ofspeechmodification what speitel says of
implies that one form ofspeechor writing is correct and
eh has has been thespeechand and and writing the
response to someone else sspeechand writing and is formulated
it is primarily dialogic allspeechand writing is a response
you re going to includespeechas well as writing and
ninety percent writing ten percentspeechbut that s a very
supposed to be writing aspeechdavid mundell mentioned the website
we went for sixty percentspeechforty percent writing erm eh
means by personal example inspeechin writing by scottish authors
in writing if not inspeechone correspondent famously argues that
phonology subsumes various figures ofspeechor tricks of writing relating
of her study into glasgowspeechmacafee selected her subjects from
further short study of thespeechof cromar in 1971 he
language survey should examine thespeechof siblings and study the
elicit a sample of unselfconsciousspeechpilot results the pilot study
a study of children sspeechto ascertain to what extent
to give examples of thespeechunder study milroy 1990 64
any study into north eastspeechwould greatly benefit from extending
accent variables did differentiate glaswegianspeechby social class sex and
nearly iviry turn workin classspeechis constantly seen as bein
nearly every turn working classspeechis constantly seen as inferior
minister s statement in hisspeechon 29 september regarding class
social class identified through thiirspeechthis social discrimination exists primarily
promoted in class equating scotsspeechwith social and economic deprivation
scots pronunciation in north eastspeechamongst the youngsters eg gaen
any scots features in hisspeechare to be viewed as
scots parents acquired north eastspeechcharacteristics more quickly than children
a gaelic and scots speakingspeechcommunity until the early 20th
still found in contemporary scotsspeechfor example in such sentences
scots some superstitions about scotsspeechin scottish language no 1
some extent in surviving colloquialspeechliterary scots has been described
their lexis as lallans scotsspeechlives on all over scotland
their lexis as lallans scotsspeechlives on today all over
catalogue the distinctiveness of scotsspeechm741: yeah m605: they ignore
of scots pronunciation in pupilsspeechnor did place of birth
we see it as thespeechof a country then scots
scots without experience of colloquialspeechor a sound knowledge of
do not understand lowland scotsspeechor choose not to use
this and any other scotsspeechpeculiarities within the region re
english or sse as properspeechquhile scots is seen tae
scottish corpus of texts andspeechthe scots project began in
english or lazy english inspeechthi division atween scots sse
permitting a survey into scotsspeechto be carried out with
translator using a generalised scotsspeechto brand the scotsman as
parents were incomers and theirspeechwas certainly not scots in
real scots with the slovenlyspeechwhich is often encountered in
distinctive phonemes of north eastspeech2 8 milroy 1980 belfast
one some buchan words thespeechof the north east is
is however derived from thespeechof the north of england
north eastern f606: mm m845: speechprobably because they so much
showing the extent of gaelicspeechthroughout the north east in
3 post pictish north eastspeechvarious influences 1 4 the
3 post pictish north eastspeechvarious influences grant 1925 57
the history of north eastspeechwas shown to be that
totally integrated into a newspeechcommunity after the age of
inadequate communicators within their ownspeechcommunity all these nonstandard dialects
dialect areas living within thespeechcommunity and an opportunity for
to gain entry to thespeechcommunity and an outsider with
had linguistic repercussions throughout thespeechcommunity as a whole the
the language of the targetedspeechcommunity as had been the
still very active in thespeechcommunity erm loss of erm
transmission of language where aspeechcommunity has a rapid turnover
to reflect a remarkably stablespeechcommunity he has put forward
if not to maintain thespeechcommunity it will be important
bairn let alane maintain thespeechcommunity it will be important
results showed that within thespeechcommunity of primary seven pupils
familial ties within a particularspeechcommunity the purpose of the
the location of a gaelicspeechcommunity until the 1930s presumably
towards discovering system in aspeechcommunity which was presumed by
main influences which affect thespeechof a community in a
or been assimilated into thespeechof the community it should
head injuries in scotland receivespeechtherapy services in the community
were being used in everydayspeechduring our generation apart childhoods
on video camera during aspeechexchange and the exchange then
start mime slowing down duringspeechmill grinding noises get louder
of tea during the nextspeechshe is careful about putting
hen gets nearer stop duringspeechtapping on door hen pecks
tae dae that during thisspeechthe children have been about
forward the basket during hisspeechthe objects named are presented
grammar that you associate withspeech[click] [inhale] this kind of
one model [inhale] based onspeechgoing back to the old
to old english based onspeech[inhale] one which is based
ever now get to thespeechof our ancestors [click] [inhale]
loose colloquial style based onspeechthe native style [inhale] some
to the spoken medium [inhale]speechtoo tends to rely pretty
believed that sex differentiation ofspeechoften plays a major role
not use in their normalspeechsuch rules often seem to
respective studies into children sspeechboth found that it was
shops and bred children whosespeechcould not fail to modify
research was to establish howspeechdeveloped amongst pre adolescent children
and stylistic variation in thespeechof children some evidence from
of the difference between thespeechof many children in britain
to improve the provision ofspeechtherapy for children under 5
standard english primarily yaised furspeechatween faimily and freends an
from those areas standard englishspeechfrom these regions would probably
on school premises where englishspeechis expected in the past
salt richly the normal englishspeechof educated scottish people today
claimed to adopt the englishspeechof their peers in playground
generally brought the reader sspeechstyle closer to standard english
english that passes for superiorspeechthe smart twang that affects
continue with his winding upspeech16 50 the deputy minister
much of the minister sspeechand the objectives and aims
paradox that in my maidenspeechas a minister i end
i now conclude my lastspeechas minister for social justice
i welcome the minister sspeechespecially the references to rural
that was a nice cheeryspeechfrom the minister for social
of the text of thespeechgiven by the first minister
the deputy minister resumes hisspeechi ask members to keep
am appreciating the minister sspeechi hope as he moves
minister also made an importantspeechon that issue on 6
i welcome the minister sspeechparticularly what she said about
the minister said in hisspeechthe key provisions are the
presiding officer the minister sspeechwas incredibly short she did
minister in her winding upspeechwill give us a real
bad two minutes into myspeechand i am ranting self
like to get into myspeechand i know that members
adopted the the same ehspeechas as me my wife
plough my way through myspeechas quickly as i can
better if i made myspeechat the end of the
break i shall make myspeechat the end of the
will talk about in myspeechbut to the parliament undoubtedly
harding in my last formalspeechfrom the podium i really
that no details of myspeechhave been reported in any
take an eternity with myspeechi am relieved that angus
the first part of myspeechi thought that she might
the substantive point of myspeechi was making the point
from resources later in myspeechi will take issue with
in terms of my myspeechif you like i i
language challenge for fun thisspeechin french was my personal
have to leave after myspeechin speaking to my amendment
its task in concluding myspeechin the debate on a
weel eneuch i gied myspeechin the heigh style o
achievement this is my lastspeechin the parliament i feel
this is not my lastspeechin the parliament the debate
will try to do myspeechin three and a half
made my one and onlyspeechin trafalgar square i was
that nae hae influenced myspeech[inaudible] by this time no
mouth prepared my soul forspeechpagh the stench of your
tone too much in myspeechthere are 944 000 people
will jump ahead in myspeechto an issue that has
pleased to hear that myspeechwill not be much longer
ian jenkins finished his excellentspeechwith my favourite piece of
did you think of myspeechyesterday afternoon uncle rob taen
the provost made a weespeechan ah wired in an
robert schuman made his groundbreakingspeechand opened the debate with
know he made the samespeechas always the provinciality of
was worrying what a lovelyspeechcolin campbell made i will
that he made in hisspeechhe gave some indicative examples
jack mcconnell msp in aspeechhe made in scotland house
exact day of schuman sspeechin 1950 i have made
ian jenkins made the bestspeechin the debate it was
mentioned that i made aspeechin the recent debate on
known when he made thatspeechon 9 may 1950 just
nurses and midwives in hisspeechseveral times but he made
the whole chamber to thespeechthat i made on 28
kilt and made a welcomingspeechto 150 competitors most of
the duke made his abdicationspeechto the nation between 1946
by margaret jamieson s supportingspeechwhich she made through gritted
for education in scotland inspeechmost people move along this
implying that most other alternativespeechvarieties apart from a few
with excitement mr smith sspeechwas the most stimulating to
to human bias but actualspeechcan be analysed objectively social
and social solidarity in herspeechthe european commissioner for employment
words an habits oot thairspeechas they gaed thair wey
personifications and other figures ofspeechwhich all combine words in
take pride in their localspeechand encourage their self esteem
of the royal lovers theirspeechas befits their state and
older subjects referred to theirspeechas scotch whereas younger subjects
sae much difference in theirspeechas there was when i
people do it in theirspeechbut i just wondered whether
acquire key pronunciations of localspeechif their parents did not
and translated versions of theirspeechin the official report office
described their effect on thespeechof the area as follows
this contrasts sharply with thespeechof the royal lovers their
exposed to them in thespeechof their parents trudgill 1986
classes with their course barbaricspeechwhich is full of awful
the next part of hisspeechandrew wilson it is no
function of this part ofspeechhas been introduced pupils select
the later part of herspeechi was also interested in
the university of stirling hisspeechwas in part in french
used with the part ofspeechwhich is itself a substitution
of the same part ofspeechwould create a different effect
the pupil to transact realspeechacts in the foreign language
who come in with [cough]speechand language difficulties and we
of physiotherapists occupational therapists andspeechand language therapists are affecting
loosely translated as language andspeechin this a contrast is
because whether any mode ofspeechis regarded as a language
is the nurturing of thespeechinto certain ways that have
into linguistic variables in thespeechof certain areas of belfast
be an investigation into thespeechof the area and no
might expect launch into aspeechon environmental organisations such as
for us in his closingspeech15 58 donald gorrie central
what about tony blair sspeechabout the scars on his
were some differences in thespeechand one of his examples
establishing any connection between hisspeechand the body of literature
me a copy of hisspeechbut he will not be
going to say in hisspeechbut it is a fact
because i have examined hisspeechclosely it contains a number
sector robert brown introduced hisspeechcolourfully by giving examples that
may and alex salmond sspeechcongratulating donald dewar on his
60 per cent of hisspeechdoing so finally keith raffan
of lower teeth slurring hisspeechhe lived through those days
donald gorrie highlighted in hisspeechi want first to mention
they are in his closingspeechi will be impressed i
on that issue in hisspeechin the context of citizens
mcconnell said twice in hisspeechthat devolution gives us the
where melvin is making hisspeechto beaton before melvin strikes
adam got wrong in hisspeechwas his claim that this
congratulate george reid on hisspeechwhich puts some of today
fleer eftir makkin his maidenspeechwi the kinno unco skirlin
at the same time dialectalspeechand literature may yet turn
know the ways of aberdeenspeechnot always the same as
such as the use ofspeechmarks or of bold type
them and the type ofspeechwhich they claim to use
if i make a persuasivespeechabout the need to employ
to make that kind ofspeechand i do not understand
opportunity to make a shortspeechand i want to begin
intend to make a shortspeechat 2 30 pm interruption
i will make a shortspeechi am pleased to be
have chosen to make thisspeechin french scotland has a
person to try and makespeechin the country less diverse
and bow and make aspeecho thanks lilian you ll
would have to make aspeechon international friendship and arms
on the move and thespeechcommunities they pass through wright
wider category than that ofspeechalone encompassing a wide range
its insidious undermining by estuarialspeechand a cacophony of other
genuine democracy with freedom ofspeechand fair elections free of
conscience with the power ofspeechand forced to perform a
establish the connection between colloquialspeechand the body of literature
tone of mr macmillan sspeechand the legs that it
view since all patterns ofspeechare dialects although some may
of see certain modes ofspeechas as wrong certainly there
er seeing certain kinds ofspeechas being bad if they
hear václav havel s firstspeechas president of czechoslovakia that
there was keith harding sspeechas well much of which
perhaps inevitable that patterns ofspeechassociated with economic deprivation or
the scottish corpus of textspeechbackground to the project scotland
yeah yeah m1174: in inspeechbut i- in sort of
pay attention to that thespeechby kenny gibson of the
pledges to encourage freedom ofspeechby workers as an important
at the end of herspeechcathie craigie thank you the
chance of learning certain localspeechcharacteristics even if born locally
zavtra i zavtra i zavtraspeechdelivered to the corpse of
liberal with a small lspeechexpressing concern about some of
5 the scottish office 1999speechfor secretary of state on
the concept of signing oralspeechfor the deaf was encouraged
a sample of the localspeechfrom a local man circa
dr richard simpson whose intemperatespeechhighly uncharacteristic of him was
as brusque and peremptory inspeechhowever of her two faces
sound of ian jenkins sspeechi do not think that
at the start of herspeechi have arranged for 50
time of mr macmillan sspeechi remarked that comparative information
with the introduction of lowlandspeechin association with the establishment
recorders to obtain samples ofspeechin different situations questionnaires are
act of settlement in aspeechin january 1999 forsyth calls
this may have on localspeechin the domain of the
38 trudgill concluded that parentalspeechis one of the main
and tougher and of coursespeechis summed up by the
the end of that longspeechit happened the thing she
the richness of the oldspeechit still manages to exist
of the next queen sspeechit would be remiss of
a good representation of scottishspeech[laugh] a monk f814: [laugh]
closed pod its seeds ofspeechmay ripen or stay in
systematically derogatory fashion of aberdeenspeechmen got it was well
this has had on thespeechof 119 primary seven pupils
went on to describe thespeechof a relative from allanmore
surviving dialects such as thespeechof buchan the borders caithness
while originally based on thespeechof central scotland it cannot
of regional dialects as thespeechof mere hinds or chawbacons
they should read a previousspeechof mine 11 47 sarah
said it was the bestspeechof the afternoon george lyon
that preserves and presents thespeechof the area in the
by no means uniform thespeechof the fishing villages differs
are historical descriptions of thespeechof the key villages and
must recognise the culture andspeechof the mass of the
the kind of erm thoughtspeechof the person but as
strong glaswegian influence on thespeechof the population of livingston
frequently found in the informalspeechof those members of cohesive
tend to be the nativespeechof those who originate from
surprisingly it is normally thespeechof those who regard themselves
time normally differences in thespeechof younger and older people
compare oral poetry with thespeechor impromptu written material of
brief discussions of figures ofspeechor ornamentis to verse chapter
if at all before ourspeechpatterns altered what kinds of
the distinctive patterns of localspeechpayne 1980 174 a phenomenon
of may in contemporary scottishspeechpermission is expressed by means
the raw materials of scottishspeechrather than latin and greek
of it is based onspeechrhythms and co ordinate clauses
i lost a river culturespeechsense of first space and
a copy of the wholespeechso that he can see
of the next queen sspeechspeaking for the labour party
the fourth with figures ofspeechsuch as comparisons epithets and
which first create solidarity thespeechthat advocated the regulation of
at the beginning of herspeechthat we have to listen
issue in her winding upspeechthe lack of agreement on
as to weekly provision ofspeechtherapy by the nhsis for
of state for scotland sspeechto the scottish grand committee
you think there s anyspeechvariety of whatever sort eh
by economic co operation thatspeechwas the genesis of what
of quality about such townspeechwhereas in a country context
call a halt to anyspeechwhich exceeds the play of
reflection of the ways ofspeechwith which i had been
lot of them freedom ofspeechwould thereby be restored the
say that our our ehmspeechis much slower than that
structures keeping pretty much tospeechrhythms or they employ more
elaine thomson mentioned in herspeechand as brian adam has
may give spice to ourspeechand serves as a signal
it is just everyday modernspeechas spoken in aberdeen he
an occasion for a politicalspeechbut as an opportunity to
ehm eh ehm and ermspeecheh as as we re
assistance in a recent keynotespeechscotland was described as a
innes s 18th century tarlandspeechspeciman runs as follows it
margaret curran outlined in herspeechare aspirations that we all
is miles ahead in herspeechcathie craigie intends to give
am delighted that in herspeechelaine thomson referred to the
findlater and jotted down herspeechhe asked jean to read
being slightly late for herspeechi regret that i should
the convener on her introductoryspeechon the report the report
on that matter in herspeechplacing emphasis on projects rather
in her eyes and aspeechthat went on forever i
linda fabiani referred in herspeechthe drc said that using
that appeared in her earlierspeechwe ask her to listen
to citizens she closed herspeechwith the thought that the
alex salmond s 13 mayspeechalready cited 19 see the
charles mchardy describes the localspeechquite sympathetically acutely observing that
area and yet were replicatingspeechwith no local characteristics at
glasgow some months ago suchspeechin such a context is
been completely conquered by inglisspeechgrant 1925 58 1 9
which were outlined in aspeechin july 2001 by ruth
andrew wilson s single transferablespeechwhich we get on every
key issues bruce crawford sspeechrepeated some inaccurate comments that
family hostilities the queen sspeecharty farty cards for very
entertained by a very amusingspeechby fordyce [censored: surname] the tayside
aitken a j 1979 scottishspeecha historical view with special
with whom i discussed thespeechdisagreed with the argument it
us in scotland vary ourspeechover a linguistic continuum with
okay he exits with everyspeechsadie thumps the iron sadie
agree that today s keynotespeechwas given with great passion
officer if i approach thisspeechwith slight nervousness considering recent
still be found in contemporaryspeecha case has been reported
be in the queen sspeechafter the general election if
still be heard in conservativespeechaitken 1994 71 cited by
studied 5 variables in glasgowspeechan investigation that covered the
that he uises in baithspeechan writin an if he
a legitimate medium in baithspeechan writin unless it is
discover the standards inherent inspeechand in the substantial corpus
and used more in everydayspeechby educated persons and in
s 1982 sociolinguistic variation inspeechcommunities london arnold trudgill p
and short syllables in scottishspeechcompare the second syllable in
does not correspond to borderspeecheither in this century or
sector was predominantly germanic inspeechfrom around 1300 the mids
to willie the differences inspeechhad been levelled out to
would have been the mainspeechheard in crathie from the
is longer normally in scottishspeechhowever the syllables are quite
in the next queen sspeechin order to get it
for health mr mcleish sspeechin parliament just 10 days
a question about income andspeechin the census would almost
them yet ye know inspeechso f785: mmhm m055: to
peattie said in a strongspeechthe scottish compact is an
are confident using it inspeechthiy are unfamiliar wi scrieved
interaction about having one sspeechdetermined by what someone else
think about it you knowspeechis about interaction about having
to say that the bestspeechfrom all the parties came
is recognisably different from airdriespeechm608: mmhm m078: along these
understand from bristow muldoon sspeechthat the charity was offered
we try to vary ourspeechaccording to what we think
wilt here by thy affectedspeechcounterfeit the parisiens well now
wilt here by thy affectedspeechcounterfeit the parisiens well now
and by ben wallace sspeechthe executive and msps have
out i was to havespeechtherapy and physiotherapy eh to
discourage if not correct urbanspeechand yet are also being
if you slow doon yourspeechi ll be able to
also heard david davidson sspeechhe was quite circumspect perhaps
so between the physiotherapy thespeechtherapy strong antibiotics i was
dinnae chynge archie roylance sspeechanent the chyngin hielans is
know like doing a politicalspeechhere what i mean is
say that for example coatbridgespeechis m608: mm m078: recognisably
walk family talk reason fusedspeechconfused hermit shell getting well
would you describe your ownspeechf951: okay well when i
m going to mak aspeechcheers the whole atmosphere has
all being encouraged to digitisespeechbut actually the ha- and
responded to irene mcgugan sspeechi dinna ken fit tae
m608: closer to the actualspeechi mean i m just
tribute to andy kerr sspeechit takes courage particularly on
drinker jollity boswell whose lastspeechseemed to have emptied him
and primarily for boys glasgowspeechseems to hold a special
warmly welcome hugh henry sspeechthe sewel motion relating to
profile st andrew s dayspeechto say he wanted the
2002 vandenbroucke f 2001 closingspeechdelivered at the conference on
lord st john s briefspeechhighlights the legal and constitutional
disability forum delivered a rousingspeechthat called for the establishment
i demand who are youspeechand thought failed then until
prosodic non verbal features includingspeechrate pausal phenomena and utterance
scottish executive what physical andspeechrehabilitation services are available over
f951: ye were doin aspeechat a weddin or whatever
www vandenbroucke fgov be europespeechconf1 htm accessed 4 february
you know m865: sorry aspeechf951: it says it says
a gweed bit o reportitspeechfae willie s pen man
up thair gremmar idiom anspeechhabits juist bi discoverin that
that wis a braw weespeechmaistress mcgugan an we wish
youse it s just slackspeechteacher comment 1998 108 e

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