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to say about the comprehensivespendingreview and about the balance
in scotland under the comprehensivespendingreview and when will this
united kingdom three year comprehensivespendingreview cbi scotland had quite
and its predecessor the comprehensivespendingreview coupled with the financial
as you know the comprehensivespendingreview made the resources available
in years when a comprehensivespendingreview or some other review
part of the next comprehensivespendingreview process which is now
in the most recent comprehensivespendingreview settlement scotland received money
assumed in the 1998 comprehensivespendingreview which was the baseline
of funds from the comprehensivespendingreview will be allocated to
do so in a comprehensivespendingreview year such as the
for by increases in healthspendingabout 30 per cent by
those who would manage publicspendingadvocating substantial increases in spending
real term increases in nhsspendingand planned spending there were
after those record increases inspendingat the end of the
with record increases in itsspendingfor local government is putting
spending advocating substantial increases inspendingon every occasion and trying
the main increases in myspendingplans over the next few
assist in the review ofspendingplans against sustainable development criteria
public services investment from thespendingreview 2000 and its predecessor
her majesty s government sspendingreview 2000 and urges the
her majesty s government sspendingreview 2000 and urges the
it either particularly as thespendingreview 2000 has meant that
executive s decision in thespendingreview 2000 to increase expenditure
executive s decision in thespendingreview 2000 to increase expenditure
put in place in thespendingreview a set line of
figures for the three yearlyspendingreview and to report back
that in last year sspendingreview and we gained additional
be considered during the currentspendingreview and we will report
when we report on thespendingreview as we have repeatedly
the end of the whitehallspendingreview based on its assessment
minister s department under thespendingreview compare with the percentage
timing from last year sspendingreview exercise we gained a
additional resources announced in thespendingreview for the care of
additional resources announced in thespendingreview for the care of
attacking the barnett formula thespendingreview has provided an increase
that was available under thespendingreview how much did the
timing of the united kingdomspendingreview i have agreed to
what emerges from the 2000spendingreview if mr gibson is
the end of the ukspendingreview in relation to the
that we received through thespendingreview it must be about
accrual there was also aspendingreview nevertheless i think it
the outturn of the scottishspendingreview particularly in relation to
them throughout the budget andspendingreview period however the document
submissions to the strategic roadsspendingreview process that will begin
level of public expenditure thespendingreview provided increased expenditure of
the fact remains that thespendingreview provides for a record
at the conclusion of thespendingreview the actual spending totals
key elements in the latestspendingreview was the health improvement
are being considered in thespendingreview we are making considerable
per cent this year sspendingreview which covers the financial
the annual scottish three yearspendingreview which in turn is
review it must be aboutspendingthe entire scottish executive budget
the spending review the actualspendingtotals for cap in the
the right proportion between capitalspendingand current spending is x
a point about the extraspendingbut even after extra spending
between capital spending and currentspendingis x y or z
spending but even after extraspendingon the police at the
in nhs spending and plannedspendingthere were in each quarter
for health record levels ofspendingare confirmed with an extra
an extra 2 billion ofspendingin scotland which represents an
never never it delivers extraspendingof 800 million next year
said that labour s extraspendingover and above what the
on top of that extraspendingwe have demonstrated our commitment
assessing whether that pattern ofspendingmeets the key priorities of
transparent process by which infrastructurespendingon transport priorities is analysed
interests into account in decidingspendingpriorities across the executive i
to the budget process ourspendingpriorities differ from labour s
the budget and discuss thespendingpriorities in the budget with
the great bulk of thespendingincrease with the greatest part
are already committed to increasespendingon dealing with young offenders
the period to 2003 04spendingon health will increase by
with a greater increase inspendingon higher education which i
be a considerable increase inspendingon school refurbishment we have
to be an increase inspendingon the agricultural agencies which
there a real increase inspendingor is the apparent increase
will see an increase inspendingover the next year or
imply both an increase inspendingto 33m this year and
to the increase in transportspendingwe have been arguing for
labour we have record cashspendingbut less of the nation
be a record year forspendingeven under the tories more
over three years for educationspendingfor health record levels of
are also record levels ofspendingfor local services with a
a record level of publicspendingin scotland that means that
started off with a recordspendinglevel which is 20 per
also a record level ofspendingwith 170 million more cash
the scottish executive how capitalspendingby scottish local authorities in
compares to local authority capitalspendingin 1990 91 in current
estimated the level of capitalspendingon renewable energy projects in
restoration of the 1997 capitalspendingposition law and order is
to the comparison of thespendingfigures with baseline expenditure because
about the access to compulsoryspendingin those lines of expenditure
depending on actual expenditure ourspendingon structural and agri environmental
that labour is committed tospendingand that a conservative government
portillo said about labour sspendingcommitments he said that labour
the labour party s notionalspendingover the years for which
british government should now bespendingabout 500 million per year
was in per capita healthspendingbetween scotland and england in
george lyon said earlier healthspendinghas increased by 15 per
what the planned per capitaspendingin the nhs is for
more george lyon per capitaspendingis 20 per cent higher
annual real growth in healthspendingis about 6 5 per
5 5 billion with transportspendingup by 45 per cent
70 per cent of leisurespendingwhereas the bottom 20 per
the current investment in publicspendingafter years of tory mismanagement
in the current three yearspendingcycle tolls on a the
were substantially higher than currentspendinglocal authorities are the existing
that is channelled into currentspendingmay tend simply to drive
have to work within currentspendingplans unless growth in the
that are made about thatspendingalastair dempster the 87 million
over 4 million in healthspendingby grampian nhs board s1w
that if his party sspendingcommitment to invest 500 million
we are talking about maximumspendingof 2 million it is
how we will adjust ourspendingand our plans to fit
2003 the rural development relatedspendingplans are clearly linked to
shows how the executive sspendingplans as set out in
the executive s social justicespendingplans for the next three
changes that they face ourspendingplans reflect our use of
the scottish ministers when announcingspendingplans to make clear whether
also government departments in scotlandspendinga lot of money and
might say you re notspendingany money next year on
season earning good money butspendingit badly jean and douglas
macroeconomy if people are notspendingmoney on cigarettes they will
that aim not only byspendingmoney on older people but
of money but of thespendingof it in the wrong
will you have on thespendingof that money and decisions
still cold we have aspendingspree good to have money
liberal democrats will protect publicspendingthat saves the taxpayer money
liaison centre we would bespendingthe money elsewhere i cannot
difficulty of attaching long termspendingto a short term budget
that this level of publicspendingcould be reduced if there
happy with that level ofspendingi want to make progress
process is on level iispendingin the rural affairs department
commitments on health and educationspendingand if so what these
greatest part being on healthspendingin may i expressed my
executive what proportion of healthspendingin the north glasgow university
lib lab pact is notspendingmore on education health housing
scottish people it means morespendingon health care further improvement
health board and local authorityspendingon mental health services reflects
each health board area forspendingon mental health services since
for the future of healthspendingprovision the conservative party prides
has been allocated to publicspendingeven than under the tories
all public authorities taxation publicspendingin scotland is planned by
to avoid cuts in publicspendinglodged on 15 may 2002
bodies and decides on publicspendingon devolved matters in scotland
executive which elements of publicspendingon education and childcare in
percentage of national wealth publicspendingon public services is going
centre further notes that publicspendingon scientific research has fallen
they want to cut publicspendingthe statistics show that the
reviewing the output of publicspendingwhat it delivers and assessing
on rural development issues ofspendingacross the board in the
on rural development issues ofspendingacross the board in the
scottish tourist board estimates thatspendingby tourists in scotland both
the approval process is forspendingon promotion and advertising in
already i m thinking ofspendingall next year in cairo
best value in scottish executivespendingnext week i will make
discussions in any event capspendingover the next three to
year old is refreshed afterspendinga quarter of a century
the uni of british columbiaspendingat year at unb studying
monitor the impact of executivespendinggenerally on rural areas this
rural areas the proportion ofspendingoutwith edinburgh and glasgow was
range of services and forspendinghundreds of millions of pounds
the moment what we arespendingon community care services whether
bulk of our agricultural servicesspendingthat will enable the research
mechanism is envisaged to monitorspendingby each local authority under
authority is and whether thespendingcategory indicated would be allowable
and information b local authorityspendingon schemes for child safety
has said we will bespendingapproximately 55 billion every three
to the european parliament afterspendingthree years lobbying there i
visited dalkeith where i wasspendingmost of my time i
now although i m stillspendingmost of my time indoors
pursuits just now i mspendingmost of my time writing
in london i ve beenspendingmost of the time here
and child in education alonespendingby 2003 04 will be
government stuck to the toryspendingplan however we welcome the
spawn some salmon return afterspendingonly one winter at sea
later moved to glasgow afterspendingtime in both the royal
table of course our majorspendingarea common agricultural policy market
outputs and outcomes of ourspendingnot just the inputs andrew
to support the campaign byspendingtime shadowing some of our
about the possibility of myspendinga considerable number of years
adds value to local authoritiesspendingon care there is an
written to the [censored: surname] aboutspendingchristmas with them but if
he said little about thespendingcommitments mr davidson rose mike
simply about aesthetics decisions aboutspendingshould be driven by economic
financial arguments advanced by eachspendingdepartment how innovative is that
showing how he s beenspendinghis retirement talking like prince
how happy i d bespendingmy summer in darkness you
with rubbish how is fionaspendingthe weekend there s another
and how much of thisspendingwill benefit scottish companies particularly
in respect of the indicativespendingguidelines which it sets for
july 2002 which represents aspendingof millions of pounds given
group which will examine allspendingprogrammes it will provide the
time scale according to whichspendingreviews are conducted south of
in which i structure thatspendingwill be driven by the
whatever gordon brown announces onspendingangus mackay will the member
2002 when decisions on futurespendingon external affairs will be
assess all parts of allspendingprogrammes i will announce a
be passed to it forspendingwhat this revenue will be
as i have said rdrspendingwill be covered by the
no illusion that the increasedspendingwill offer a complete answer
to them at risk ofspendingmore time in jail than
not have to watch asspendingrises more quickly in the
what outputs were expected fromspendingthere should be more transparent
and the projections for suchspendingin 2003 04 susan deacon
supersedes the definition contained inspendingproposals 2003 06 technical notes
in building a better scotlandspendingproposals 2003 2006 what the
but also because it isspendingto save screening can reduce
it did on one occasionspendinga night in the cells
minister s grip on ministersspendingi assume that it is
a clear statement on baselinespendingin other words it does
322 prudence in scottish parliamentaryspendinglodged on 24 november 1999
a projected and b actualspendingon advertising has been by
to change the balance betweenspendingon prosecuting young offenders and
without stimulating economic activity whenspendingon that programme area was
chamber on 4 april whenspendingon this project was capped
parties potentially but ye knowspendingonie siller on it that
ministerial statement and debate onspendingstrategy followed by parliamentary bureau
some indicative examples on councilspendingthat are worth picking up
derived from its activities andspendingthe effect on the audience
a similar profile of thespendingto 2005 06 on motorway
and warmth discourage you fromspendinga lot of time indoors
number of reasons with peoplespendingless time in hospital before
at around 11pm i mspendingsome time reading at the
to find out whether byspendinga comparatively small amount of
scottish executive s work andspendingaudited by the parliament preferably
of 36 since the 1980sspendingby visitors from europe has
visitors from europe has overtakenspendingby visitors from the usa
is often we are increasingspendingby x y or z
[note: photo: 'example of a typical programme for a ball from 1946.'] concerts many folk rememberspendingenjoyable evenings in the hall
small rise of 4 inspendingfrom english tourists but a
a rise of 11 inspendingfrom uk visitors and a
nature not scottish so thespendingin some uk departments covers
who stay in akd arespendinglike pff two hundred pounds
cross selling to customers inspendingmode however the major difference
and if tobacco revenue releasesspendingpower in other areas of
davidson prudence in scottish parliamentaryspendingthat the parliament in the
economic life because of itsspendingpower and the talent that
that means i can justifyspendingfifteen quid because then i
significance of tourism scottish tourismspending1990 1997 [note: table here in original] the table
the strategy to influence theirspendingas well as ours when
that i m thinking ofspendingchristmas with them so i
and later assumptions suggest thatspendingmay be rather higher than
what proportion of comparable ukspendingfor the purposes of the
down any i m stillspendingjust as much as i
be made iain mcmillan baselinespendingis an issue but i
mentioned roads infrastructure and roadsspendingwe would like a restoration
would it fund the additionalspendingcommitments that it keeps coming
and just going swimming likespendinga whole day uh huh
loving and parting getting andspendinggüten morgen bonjour and hello

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