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holy of holies yesterday wespentquietly again until late afternoon
a rare delicacy saturday wespentquietly although we d planned
in the ussr wednesday ispentquietly but industriously working on
chicken so sunday morning wasspentquietly chewing dio calm tablets
of your birthday sunday wespentquietly in the morning [censored: forename]
him back in parliament ispentthe afternoon quietly dozing over
their little sleds again wespentthe afternoon quietly me writing
world service [censored: forename] and ispentthe evening quietly we didn
nanny lektor at mgu wespentthe morning very quietly [censored: forename]
expensive to attain the councilspenta lot of money doing
how that money should bespentalan ferguson there is already
don t know if theyspentan awful lot of money
money that would have beenspentanyway within the 434 million
money that is already beingspentat local nhs level will
other related initiatives including moneyspentby scottish enterprise highlands and
amount of money that isspentdirectly by the department we
in which the money isspenthowever it is not totally
money will need to bespentin rural areas our focus
how much money has beenspentin scotland on research into
and assessing how money isspentin the nhs or by
that scheme is money wellspentit is a practical example
whether its money was wellspentit is perhaps worth quoting
jobs made easy money andspentit quickly they were good
am not suggesting that peoplespentmoney that was not allocated
cure fractures but if wespentmore money on prevention which
for his money i vespentmost of this week marking
of sips money that isspentnot on services or duplicating
highlight another issue the moneyspenton abolishing tuition fees which
public money which should bespenton addressing the real priorities
the money that it hasspenton advertising as an ex
parliament believes that the moneyspenton building the millennium dome
executive how much money wasspenton compensation payments by the
thing for the money otherwisespenton ordinary gambling is being
bans would that money bespenton other products in your
margin product so if peoplespenton other products the money
the money would have beenspenton otherwise and i stress
how much money it hasspenton prescriptions for benzodiazepines in
about what money will bespenton the draft budget does
for that money to bespenton the programmes of the
certify that the money wasspenton the purposes for which
the money that is beingspenton the sdea would be
amount of money that isspenton them the convener in
more money is to bespenton this misguided and ill
industries money that is notspenton tobacco does not disappear
money that they would havespenton tobacco margins would be
annum of public money isspenton tourism in scotland 11
what the money will bespenton what the balance between
hoo much money i mspenton wir- we juist really
is where the money isspentrather than the income and
how has the money beenspents1w 6037 ms sandra white
how much money has beenspentsince 1998 when the first
4 5 million represents moneyspentthat would not otherwise have
of money has already beenspentthe estimated cost of the
in which the money wasspentthe expenditure was built into
how much money has beenspentto date on work by
said that she had notspentvery much money in any
much is projected to bespentwhich budget the money comes
protection of birds rspb wasspentwho the money in each
in country halls whaur moneyspentwis money saved hit tysed
ensure that the money isspentwisely and that there is
ensuring that adequate funds arespentacross the executive s departments
much each of its departmentsspentin each year since its
percentage of this has beenspenton government departments agencies or
much each of its departmentsspenton postage in each year
much each of its departmentsspenton stationery in each year
that the uk departments havespenton this exercise and the
sector in scotland our committeespenta considerable amount of time
scottish pharmaceutical general council wespenta fair amount of time
a building in 1970 andspenta large amount of my
of entry c estimated amountspentand d their purpose for
reduce the amount of timespentby police officers waiting to
reduce the amount of timespentby police officers waiting to
the amount of tax revenuesspenton long term care to
in constant terms the amountspenton the mature students allowance
reduce the amount of timespenton those internal assessments from
that is that we havespentonly a brief amount of
the actual amount to bespentshall be for each member
the amount of police timespentwaiting to appear as witnesses
a record amount was notspentwas labour s first year
gorillas this afternoon too ispenta few hours playing baseball
via the universitetskaya hotel butspenta quiet afternoon pottering about
of 2nd hand books wespentall afternoon there and i
friday afternoon i got therespentan hour and a half
the size the afternoon wasspentin the cathedral built at
couple of days ago ispentmost of the afternoon in
hospital in bath so wespentthe afternoon in the outpatients
family last week then wespentthe afternoon working in the
home this morning and ispentthis afternoon and evening reworking
believe that the two hadspenta convivial evening at the
we left without them wespenta quiet evening in watching
mugs plates too then wespenta quiet evening preparing lessons
agm and coffee morning ispenta very pleasant evening in
metro to belayevo where wespentthe evening no i ve
boiled chicken and vegetables wespentthe evening preparing lessons [censored: forename]
going over to see [censored: forename]spentthe evening reading an introduction
however we stayed in andspentthe evening replying to letters
caught the metro home andspentthe evening writing postcards preparing
educational supplement wednesday evening wasspentwriting home on thursday i
how much remains to bespentand what future projects are
hospital wards how much wasspentand whether it will detail
tourist trap a chopinland chopinspentas much time in scotland
world an i ken ispentas much time lookin at
much of this has beenspentbroken down by local authority
scottish executive how much wasspentin 1999 2000 and how
scottish executive how much wasspentin 1999 2000 and how
scottish executive how much wasspentin 1999 2000 and how
and how much will bespentin 2000 01 on academic
and how much will bespentin 2000 01 on academic
and how much will bespentin 2000 01 on promoting
executive how much grampian enterprisespentin attracting the world corporate
much is projected to bespentin future financial years s1w
scottish executive how much wasspentin real terms on education
and how much has beenspentin the current year s1w
particularly difficult case which ispentmuch of friday considering it
the scottish parliament but ispentmuch of my childhood on
was a practising lawyer ispentmuch of my time recommending
that was fine i niverspentmuch so i saved a
i have mentioned the executivespentmuch time and effort trying
much the scottish prison servicespenton a heroin substitutes and
much each scottish local authorityspenton a internal and b
1997 and how much wasspenton a the environment and
much time needing to bespenton accessing project funding george
executive how much has beenspenton advertising by each ministerial
scottish executive how much wasspenton caring for young and
service delivery more is beingspenton education but so much
executive how much it hasspenton its learn to let
scottish executive how much wasspenton local authority housing including
scottish executive how much wasspenton long term care for
scottish executive how much wasspenton road building in the
heard how much had beenspenton the absolutely enormous range
scottish executive how much wasspenton the enhancement of the
executive how much has beenspenton the ossian project to
executive how much has beenspenton the refurbishment of jedburgh
2001 how much the nhsspenton using bank and agency
much of the day wasspentpatrolling cold and damp bonded
how much remains to bespents1w 7656 ben wallace to
god s irresistible he hadspentso much time alone studying
much i went home andspentthe wednesday getting more together
substance how much has beenspentto date how much is
you i guess i vespenttoo much time alone no
getting lost maybe he dspenttoo much time reading the
executive how much has beenspentunder the modern facilities at
much of the day wasspentwandering in and out of
tv 1 nov tuesday ispenta quiet morning tidying up
on the oft report havingspentall morning signing off letters
me tuesday last day morningspentat an art gallery more
back up those comments ispentpart of saturday morning in
the morning s successes ispentsome more time on let
early on thursday morning andspentsome time rearranging our luggage
with a chill wind wespentthe morning wandering around belyaevo
the next morning the singerspentthe next day comforting graeme
the one we wanted wespenta half hour chasing around
of the slides and thenspentan hour with ira going
of our free hour wasspentin negotiating a good price
concentrated on shopping vocabulary andspentmost of the hour on
point the convener we havespentnearly an hour on this
for finland i popped iespent3 hours out to the
mabel remembers her grandfather hespenta few hours every day
join us jack an ispentmany hours poring over maps
best malt whisky meant hespentmost of his waking hours
cagoule today last night ispentsome hours in tim hortons
d anticipated her days werespentat her office and most
most of the time wasspenti mean f1037: theory f1038:
and most of wednesday ispentin my room at the
us in the bar wespentmost evenings watching tv the
years as someone who hasspentmost of her working life
was a professor in genevaspentmost of his life there
and educated in germany butspentmost of his professional life
having glorious sunshine here ispentmost of last week sitting
chugged off to cusco ispentmost of my time on
when i started school ispentmost of the day filling
so f1144: [laugh] f1145: ispentmost of the day in
lesson again and so ispentmost of the day working
but it was alright wespentmost of the time at
more leg room and ispentmost of the time listening
belyaevo 9 28pm we vespentmost of today christmas shopping
boring thesis ever attempted ispentmost of today with my
in longjohns next week ispentmost of wednesday giving out
f1038: most of it wasspenton talking doing other things
one on which we havespent4 5 million comparison of
119 million has been aspentand b committed to date
0 6 million has beenspentby the scottish executive on
that 45 million has beenspentin the health service that
138 million that would bespenton conversion in scotland reflect
million per annum is beingspenton spin and glossy brochures
difficult to understand an ispenta few i spent five
that eir ah spent warspentamang the lassies o morag
i spent a few ispentfive years livin in glasgow
we say you know hespenttime with prostitutes he spent
spent time with prostitutes hespenttime with tax collectors an
sweetwest oors that eir ahspentwar spent amang the lassies
fairy in it i vespenta bit of time reading
town councils throughout the landspenta great deal of time
is faar i must aspenta gweed lot o time
wioot him gweed god shespenta her time wioot him
can work together enoch sitimaspenta long time yesterday talkin
likely scenario the convener wespenta lot of time asking
was a scot and ispenta lot of time in
mean i think we stillspenta lot of time inventing
had a splendid garden andspenta lot of time noting
other methods mr stewart hasspenta lot of time on
in those days and youspenta lot of time playing
sabbaticals with local industries wespenta lot of time talking
easy i slithered along andspenta lot of time tangled
rational north these days hespentall his time in palma
to the right medicine wespentan awful lot of time
it had been time wellspentas the dishes didn t
move on as we havespentenough time talking about smoking
banks o the hudson timespentin canada provide rich material
and policy time that isspentin getting proposals right at
there was lots of timespentin the canteen having cups
there was lots of timespentin the subsidised bar having
ony mair an sae jackiespentmaist o his spare time
was a laugh cause youspentmore time on the on
he was happiest he neverspentmuckle time in the hoose
m815: the longest time ispenton a golf course was
reduction in the total timespenton assessment having considered all
still more time may bespenton committee inquiries and scrutiny
time and effort is beingspenton creating the icc but
strict limits on the timespenton each element of external
his time would be betterspentrazing clydebank my father often
an the wye his unclespentsae muckle time wi him
the third time today andspentsome scary minutes wandering unlit
in england where he hadspentsome time and these friends
unthinkable five years ago ispentsome time at the universitetskaya
the committee was established wespentsome time considering our priorities
of worcester and then hespentsome time imprisoned in the
well are we going tospentsome time in brazil some
have met commissioner barnier whospentsome time in the highlands
companies bp and shell wespentsome time talking about how
and bellshill lab you havespentsome time talking about your
i went to dalkeith andspentsome time with all the
like that so i vespentsome time with an aboriginal
their enthusiasm is infectious ispentsome time yesterday thursday and
an extra fifteen minutes andspentthe rest of our time
before it started again wespentthe time eating and drinking
me off and i vespentthe time making resolutions the
at the p o hespentthe time yanking at the
eck an the wee wifiespenttheir time enjoyin the scenery
had other summers where theyspenttheir whole time runnin aboot
the battle of worcester andspenttime imprisoned in the tower
next week like i actuallyspenttime like sitting and reading
about by nick instead wespenttime trying on hats in
countries the group that ispenttime with were not only
judges for the time theyspentwalking the district and examining
the time that he hasspentworking with the community alan
non scots dialects they hadspent11 years in the area
handy and convenient use ispent14 years as a schoolteacher
of commons and i havespent23 years in the european
matter on the agenda ispent24 years in the european
in the department who havespenta further two years of
member of two parliaments ispenteight years in the house
but for forty years ispenthalf my life feeling ill
arbuthnott in which leslie mitchellspenthis formative years and which
just made more he hasspenthis four years in the
wasted the years you vespentin teaching so f1151: that
buildings my early years werespentlooking at buildings and my
you know they ve thenspentmaybe two years learning accountancy
and my teenage years werespentoften holding the bottom of
with westminster where i alsospentquite a number of years
has been taken unbelievable ispentseven years as a council
been kidnapped by extraterrestrials andspentseven years on another planet
language s he will havespentseveral years acquiring a mother
commanded by a viscount andspentseveral years of the war
me during the years ispentstudying in massachusetts no one
the eventide home where shespentthe last fifteen years of
released from prison and hespentthe last years of his
education now than was beingspentunder the conservatives three years
unless you know the pathsspentyears tracing them myself many
juist whan ma years irspentyung things draws oor feelins
and that s how yespenta sunday f637: mmhm f638:
how many working days werespentby them on the review
on and how resources arespentin their community to suit
s story of how hespentthe last year of the
fedora hat wednesday was largelyspentat the institute i took
honied treasure of your bodiesspentand no new life to
being a bonny fighter andspenthis life running from this
o my mairret life wasspentin this buildin athing i
accept losing votes i havespentmy whole life losing votes
between aideen and crow ispentsix months of my life
was sixteen so she sspentthe bulk o her life
aye m1163: so she sspentthe bulk o her life
she s m608: mmhm m1163: spentthe bulk o her life
through the greek islands andspenta week at ithaca the
feeling even though i recentlyspenta week at sabhal mòr
of the international scene ispenta week just looking at
over the windswept moors havingspentthe larger part of three
workshop visit from jeanette shespenta few days in the
fa better as nan hisspentaa her days in meldrum
ye brither for we haespentaw oor days thegither in
d new left schule saespenther days swypin up hairs
lands ti thairsells an ilkanespentthe lave o his days
his tea that i hadspenta day getting ready for
a hairdresser s assistant ispentall day picking up hairpins
pedicel for pedestal i vespentall day today slogging through
ruth s day so ispentanother 40 minutes wandering around
him again on monday ispentanother day round at ann
really good day sunday ispentcatching up i d my
the first wee whyle shespentday efter day at the
day that is a dayspentin cusco browsing and shopping
day o my childhood wasspentin this buildin every day
krista see here del wivspentthe day fillin hur plot
every year on the anniversaryspentthe day there alone there
i got wound up andspentthe next day sporadically rehearsing
public school meets comprehensive wespentthe rest of the day
the cottage homes and havespentto day typing out my
new year s day wasspentwalking and watching tv football
the day after new yearspentwith alice knight and louis
first day in shetland wasspentwith knitters and textile enthusiasts
of the day has beenspentwriting letters and this diary
scottish borders where i havespentthe summers these past few
on a spot where burnsspenta night during his borders
around 8 p m ispenta restless night on the
its cells neglected so hespentan uncomfortable night in an
palma that s when ispentmy first night at the
distraction was the drunks whospentthe night wandering round the
he or his officials havespentat each prison over the
under the tories more wasspenteach year than in previous
to bed today we vespentpreparing for finland i popped
journey to vyborg where wespentour last roubles and changed
harper that stewart stevenson hasspentthe last 20 minutes using
ed doll an me havespentthe last three months searching
of occasions fife council hasspentall the resources it possibly
motorola task force has beenspentand what percentage of this
common agricultural policy which hasspentbillions of pounds yet scotland
provided and what has beenspentcraig russell i want to
of what has actually beenspenton it muir russell i
4 where a member hasspentor has commitments to spend
6 where a member hasspentor has commitments to spend
the scottish qualifications authority hasspentsince 1 august 2000 on
new deal budget has beenspentso far seeks an assurance
down by loretta who hasspentthe entire party lost in
of scotland water authority hasspentto date in developing proposals
russell all that has beenspentwill have been included in
the roads in 1925 hespenta year at the mill
in eden eve an adamspentmony a year in sweet
m1163: yeah m608: at leastspentpart of the year when
appears that we should havespentthe whole year thinking about
this allocation will have beenspentby the end of the
siller an darg haes beenspenton it an syne aw
been a allocated and bspenton literacy and numeracy initiatives
and should instead have beenspenton providing for all united
would not otherwise have beenspentthat spend is attributable to
relative to what was beingspenton direct promotion of economic
parliament why less is beingspenton education now than was
was costly more is beingspenton health but waiting lists
industry 18 the se networkspentan estimated 15million on tourism
that scotland s councils havespentconsiderably more than this on
o general merciment an hespenthis ain stipend on feesick
was written after a periodspentin canada on a scottish
is a substantial bill wespentmonths on the criminal justice
obligation in 1999 2000 wasspenton a wind power b
its current health budget isspenton audiology services s1w 32349
of that budget to bespenton capital items a breakdown
the sdea would be betterspenton cutting demand through further
hou muckle siller a vespenton dominies ti learn him
with over half of resourcesspenton drugs now devoted to
contrast to the tiny sumsspenton eu smoking prevention initiatives
that the appropriate expenditure isspenton health education and roads
disability services change fund isspenton implementing the recommendations of
no longer there to bespenton other aspects of community
from the economy but isspenton other goods the authors
0 5 billion to bespenton police forces fire brigades
2000 enabling savings to bespenton rescue packages for scottish
1 billion requires to bespenton school buildings alone we
the inheritance is to bespenton she winna get a
for community care are actuallyspenton such services the minister
given to local authorities isspenton the purposes for which
22 is expected to bespenton the running costs of
but puir traivlars that haesspentoor lest pennie on meat
the sofa his mistress hidspentthirty paull on a braw
scurry across her walls wespenta good part of the
a part of what wasspentthe scottish executive part funded
burnfoot and bank where ispentmy boyhood inhabited by ower
voucher if more than 50spentcavendish would be in scotland
the hell [inaudible] they vespentm941: because you entered through
roots while his childhood wasspentat his birthplace the aberdeenshire
for drug detoxification treatment wasspentoutwith the grampian and tayside
it happened the winter hespentthere was one of the
nicht that he ere hadspentwas in amang the lassies
rest o his siller wisspentdoon the balbutt airms ilka
back down the he justspenthis whole summer in the
his fingers it wid bespentin a jiffy noo that
leddrach yestreen his faither hidspentthe foreneen up thon knowe
ony wye jonsar eck ayespentthe holidays helpin his father
my tax rebate will bespentbefore i get it hope
coils blood of my tribespentrubies in its eyes dutch
the community care pound isspentand we must find the
are raised in scotland arespentby the parliament we have
ma purse ye cannae havespentit aw we need that
afford fresh bath water andspenttheir lives tainted by other
so da tree peerie gricespentda simmer as happy as
f010: yes f122: so shespentit wisely f010: no it
the creation of the parliamentspentso long arguing for it
difficult to sleep so ispentuntil 2am taping songs for
might be useful if ispenta couple of minutes running
timescale the allocation will bespentand f what current information
that extra expenditure will bespentand used to an extent
and is projected to bespentin 2002 s1o 3313 28
for roads projects will bespentin a 2001 02 b
the border but should bespentin scotland and therefore calls
the prison service will bespentin the a city of
for additional funds to bespentin the highlands and islands
o clock it wid bespentlang afore twal i dinna
be put aside and notspentmade by angus mackay in
mouth disease outbreak will bespents1o 4938 30 robert brown
anyway an he must havespenteh long times in in
f641: mmhm f643: and ispenta great many times in
society noo dt i mspentaboot twa thoosand words haein
m1048: and er like shespentages doing driving lessons i
s wrath is no yetspenti m vext tae say
yon gowd i d haespentit quo brian bit the
i gie easy earned quickerspentlad said ma faither tae
doon byllies with whom ispentmany exciting and often hilarious
voluntary groups paid officials isspentscrabbling around for funds i
thursday 6th october tuesday ispentshopping for food rather tough
boy are they ugly ispentthe weekend plus finishing off
power saw wi him anspenta oor in the wid
steenhillock he sud niver haespentaa nicht in the stable
fae aboot seeven weeks wisspentabuird ship an no in
quiet country in the heatherspentarmy bullets hairst onding the
estimated that of the 35millionspentby bta in 1998 99
pound in the budget isspentefficiently and effectively that is
and phone provider erm andspentfive hundred pounds in the
a gey cauld nicht jenniespentin the wuiids ah can
in siclyke wey ah haespentma lyfe breingin here an
whichever is the case shespentweeks in hospital and while
the guid times thay dspentthe gither an he cuid
an grew dowie if hespentower lang frae the dee
outing paddy s sundays werespentat the crown and anchor
suspension of the reprocessing ofspentnuclear fuel including at sellafield
nieces with their young familiesspentoccasional holidays with her at
that because expenditure is ultimatelyspentby bodies that are sometimes
teem their gowden siller sspentfar frae the steer o
thay war monie an shespentthe fek hir tyme ootby
speared as fur pranny shespentthe gowd maist wyse like
smeddum s gaen arraes awspentan bou strings sindert the
a shambles stanley an gracespentthe hale efterneen tryin tae
seen the tyme ye haespentwi us the orraman swure
it wis aye 2d weelspentan this parteeclar seturday wis
there for holidays an youspentwhat you w- oh okay
mornin nae chance it wisspentlang afore twal if muggie
thing yeir grace lyke twaspentsoumars that hings thegither afore
climates whaur a hed juistspentten ear abreid muther naiter

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