
See this word as a collocate cloud

7 march education culture andsport1 march enterprise and lifelong
10 december education culture andsport10 december enterprise and lifelong
9 january education culture andsport10 january enterprise and lifelong
4 february education culture andsport11 february enterprise and lifelong
11 february education culture andsport11 february enterprise and lifelong
11 january education culture andsport11 january enterprise and lifelong
4 march education culture andsport11 march enterprise and lifelong
4 march education culture andsport11 march enterprise and lifelong
13 february education culture andsport13 february enterprise and lifelong
paper 623 education culture andsport13th report 2002 annual report
21 january education culture andsport14 january enterprise and lifelong
13 june education culture andsport14 june enterprise and lifelong
16 april education culture andsport16 april enterprise and lifelong
18 march education culture andsport17 march enterprise and lifelong
17 september education culture andsport17 september enterprise and lifelong
19 december education culture andsport18 december enterprise and lifelong
18 february education culture andsport18 february enterprise and lifelong
minister for tourism culture andsport2 inquiry into tourism in
19 september education culture andsport20 september enterprise and lifelong
1 may education culture andsport24 april enterprise and lifelong
4 march education culture andsport25 february enterprise and lifelong
25 june education culture andsport25 june enterprise and lifelong
section a education culture andsport25 march enterprise and lifelong
2 october education culture andsport25 september enterprise and lifelong
2 may education culture andsport26 april enterprise and lifelong
5 march education culture andsport26 february enterprise and lifelong
19 march education culture andsport26 march enterprise and lifelong
26 november education culture andsport26 november enterprise and lifelong
section a education culture andsport27 june enterprise and lifelong
2 april education culture andsport3 april enterprise and lifelong
26 october education culture andsport3 november enterprise and lifelong
3 september education culture andsport3 september enterprise and lifelong
3 september education culture andsport3 september enterprise and lifelong
30 may education culture andsport30 may enterprise and lifelong
30 october education culture andsport30 october enterprise and lifelong
4 september education culture andsport4 september enterprise and lifelong
12 november education culture andsport5 november enterprise and lifelong
11 june education culture andsport6 june enterprise and lifelong
26 october education culture andsport6 october enterprise and lifelong
12 september education culture andsport6 september enterprise and lifelong
7 january education culture andsport7 january enterprise and lifelong
14 november education culture andsport8 november enterprise and lifelong
on maitters anent culture ansportan sic ither maitters forby
the then minister for environmentsportand culture about the short
13 the deputy minister forsportand culture allan wilson in
lab the deputy minister forsportand culture allan wilson scottish
whether the minister for environmentsportand culture has visited or
of the minister for environmentsportand culture maximum number of
of the minister for environmentsportand culture maximum number of
2815 the minister for environmentsportand culture mr sam galbraith
and the minister for environmentsportand culture whose first goal
that the deputy minister forsportand culture will recognise that
s diversity of culture languagesportand individual identity should be
housing healthcare education justice culturesportand leisure prevent the risks
matters relating to culture andsportand such other matters excluding
department for culture media andsportand the arts council for
of lottery funding directed tosportart heritage and culture from
executive bob irvine head ofsportarts and culture division scottish
minister for tourism culture andsportas agreed by resolution of
meenister for tourism culture ansportas greed by resolution o
1 2003 education culture ansportcomatee 2nt report 2003 inquiry
in scotland education culture ansportcomatee 2nt report 2003 leet
screivit evidence education culture ansportcomatee scowth an memmership scowth
committee meetings education culture andsportcommittee 1 march 2000 8th
draft report education culture andsportcommittee 1 march budget scotland
draft report education culture andsportcommittee 1 march budget scotland
general election education culture andsportcommittee 10 december 2002 32nd
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 10 december homelessness etc
day 2 education culture andsportcommittee 10 december public appointments
the consultation education culture andsportcommittee 10 january 2001 1st
june 2002 education culture andsportcommittee 10th report 2002 report
stage 1 education culture andsportcommittee 11 february homelessness etc
stage 1 education culture andsportcommittee 11 february homelessness etc
01 htm education culture andsportcommittee 11th report 2000 at
paper 233 education culture andsportcommittee 11th report 2000 report
stage 1 education culture andsportcommittee 12 february freedom of
to the education culture andsportcommittee 14 february 2002 report
a witness education culture andsportcommittee 14 january 2003 2nd
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 14 january homelessness etc
research funding education culture andsportcommittee 15th meeting 2001 the
stage 2 education culture andsportcommittee 16 april sexual offences
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 17 march homelessness etc
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 17 march homelessness etc
draft report education culture andsportcommittee 17 september 2002 23rd
stage 1 education culture andsportcommittee 18 february homelessness etc
otherwise indicated education culture andsportcommittee 1st meeting 2000 the
official report education culture andsportcommittee 2 october 2000 c
official report education culture andsportcommittee 2 october 2000 c
official report education culture andsportcommittee 2 october 2000 c
to the education culture andsportcommittee 2002 advice to ndpbs
to the education culture andsportcommittee 2002 some organisations have
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 21 january homelessness etc
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 22 january freedom of
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 24 september public appointments
2003 49 education culture andsportcommittee 25 february 2003 6th
day 2 education culture andsportcommittee 26 april subordinate legislation
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 26 february sexual offences
general election education culture andsportcommittee 26 november 2002 30th
against members education culture andsportcommittee 27 june 2001 21st
report published education culture andsportcommittee 28 february homelessness etc
be published education culture andsportcommittee 28 february homelessness etc
report published education culture andsportcommittee 28 february homelessness etc
otherwise indicated education culture andsportcommittee 28th meeting 2001 the
october 2000 education culture andsportcommittee 29th meeting 2000 session
school exams education culture andsportcommittee 29th meeting 2000 session
pdf references education culture andsportcommittee 2nd report 2000 at
february 2002 education culture andsportcommittee 2nd report 2002 report
day 1 education culture andsportcommittee 3 december public appointments
day 1 education culture andsportcommittee 30 october 2001 27th
scotland bill education culture andsportcommittee 30th meeting 2002 session
november 2002 education culture andsportcommittee 30th meeting 2002 session
otherwise indicated education culture andsportcommittee 33rd meeting 2000 the
2001 429 education culture andsportcommittee 33rd meeting 2001 the
2002 7 education culture andsportcommittee 3rd meeting 2002 the
2002 6 education culture andsportcommittee 3rd meeting 2003 the
february 2003 education culture andsportcommittee 4th report 2003 stage
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 5 november public appointments
stage 1 education culture andsportcommittee 6 june scottish parliamentary
2002 6 education culture andsportcommittee 7 january 2003 1st
1 evidence education culture andsportcommittee 7 january homelessness etc
for the education culture andsportcommittee 7 p 24 ltscotland
march 2002 education culture andsportcommittee 7th report 2002 report
otherwise indicated education culture andsportcommittee 8th meeting 2000 the
otherwise indicated education culture andsportcommittee 8th meeting the committee
paper 791 education culture andsportcommittee 8th report 2003 annual
and the education culture andsportcommittee agreed to forward a
but the education culture andsportcommittee also has an interest
of the education culture andsportcommittee and ask it to
to the education culture andsportcommittee and ask it to
of the education culture andsportcommittee and ask that committee
followed by education culture andsportcommittee and enterprise and lifelong
for the education culture andsportcommittee and enterprise and lifelong
of the education culture andsportcommittee and i know that
by the education culture andsportcommittee and other committees to
msps the education culture andsportcommittee and the executive should
to the education culture andsportcommittee and the rural affairs
to the education culture andsportcommittee and the transport and
of the education culture andsportcommittee and would not be
commissioner the education culture andsportcommittee are currently undertaking an
on the education culture andsportcommittee as permitted under rule
on the education culture andsportcommittee as permitted under rule
june 2002 education culture andsportcommittee business dates indicate when
may 2000 education culture andsportcommittee business dates indicate when
to the education culture andsportcommittee but i think that
to the education culture andsportcommittee by 29 october 1999
for the education culture andsportcommittee can you find out
with the education culture andsportcommittee clerks martin verity room
convenor for education culture andsportcommittee committee bill procedure standing
children the education culture andsportcommittee conducted an inquiry into
for the education culture andsportcommittee covering all the points
30 am education culture andsportcommittee debate on its report
30 am education culture andsportcommittee debate on its report
followed by education culture andsportcommittee debate on the committee
to the education culture andsportcommittee december 2002 scottish executive
of the education culture andsportcommittee during the sqa inquiry
30 june education culture andsportcommittee first meeting 29 june
30 june education culture andsportcommittee first meeting 29 june
to the education culture andsportcommittee for further consideration pe115
to the education culture andsportcommittee for further consideration pe123
to the education culture andsportcommittee for further investigation so
of the education culture andsportcommittee for the parliamentary year
of the education culture andsportcommittee for the parliamentary year
for the education culture andsportcommittee found that there was
opera the education culture andsportcommittee has already conducted an
of the education culture andsportcommittee have just begun to
anderson chairman education culture andsportcommittee highland council bruce robertson
to the education culture andsportcommittee however i think that
of the education culture andsportcommittee i extend a particular
that the education culture andsportcommittee identified in its consideration
2 97 education culture andsportcommittee improving consultation with children
to the education culture andsportcommittee it is that committee
to the education culture andsportcommittee it will become that
to the education culture andsportcommittee it would be for
to the education culture andsportcommittee members indicated agreement the
of the education culture andsportcommittee moved s1m 3689 that
of the education culture andsportcommittee moved s1m 3862 that
that the education culture andsportcommittee must consider carefully the
date established education culture andsportcommittee no date established enterprise
14 september education culture andsportcommittee no date established enterprise
allow the education culture andsportcommittee of the parliament to
of the education culture andsportcommittee of the scottish parliament
scottish parliament education culture andsportcommittee official report meeting no
scottish parliament education culture andsportcommittee official report meeting no
by the education culture andsportcommittee on 14 february 2002
of the education culture andsportcommittee on the 4 december
is the education culture andsportcommittee our remit would be
to the education culture andsportcommittee outlining some of the
on the education culture andsportcommittee paul martin to replace
on the education culture andsportcommittee paul martin to replace
to the education culture andsportcommittee pending consideration at stage
to the education culture andsportcommittee phil gallie there are
that the education culture andsportcommittee proposes to conduct an
against the education culture andsportcommittee richard simpson said it
paper 617 education culture andsportcommittee s 11th report which
in scotland education culture andsportcommittee s 2nd report sp
2003 the education culture andsportcommittee s report on inquiry
of the education culture andsportcommittee s report on the
culture youth education media andsportcommittee that is very helpful
to the education culture andsportcommittee the board of scottish
and galashiels education culture andsportcommittee the committee has consulted
to the education culture andsportcommittee the convener i am
and the education culture andsportcommittee the convener i understand
of the education culture andsportcommittee the key function of
the parliament s education culturesportcommittee the presiding officer has
to the education culture andsportcommittee the scottish parliament and
asked the education culture andsportcommittee to consider a commissioner
committee the education culture andsportcommittee to consider the educational
to the education culture andsportcommittee to ensure that our
to the education culture andsportcommittee to get its views
for the education culture andsportcommittee to respond if the
to the education culture andsportcommittee to uncover the real
scottish parliament education culture andsportcommittee tuesday 26 november 2002
to the education culture andsportcommittee waterhouse r 1999 lost
to the education culture andsportcommittee we should not carry
scottish parliament education culture andsportcommittee wednesday 4 october 2000
of the education culture andsportcommittee when the petition is
by the education culture andsportcommittee which makes proposals for
to the education culture andsportcommittee which related only to
to the education culture andsportcommittee with the recommendation that
department for culture media andsportdcms and the scottish executive
minister for tourism culture andsportdouglas ansdell head of gaelic
to the education culture andsportfor information pe118 petition by
passed to education culture andsportfrom enterprise and lifelong learning
department of media culture andsportin regard to ensuring that
deputy minister for culture andsportin september 1999 s1w 4801
deputy minister for culture andsportis here so that i
minister for tourism culture andsportmike watson i meet regularly
minister for tourism culture andsportmr gavin barrie sport the
deputy minister for culture andsportnicol stephen msp deputy minister
deputy minister for culture andsportnicol stephen msp deputy minister
date established education culture andsportno date established enterprise and
department of culture media andsportof research into the impact
department for culture media andsporton any implications for any
minister for tourism culture andsporton coming to office summarised
department of media culture andsportregarding the new opportunities fund
of committee education culture andsportremit to consider and report
for children education culture andsports1w 15071 mr brian monteith
section a education culture andsportsee section a enterprise and
section a education culture andsportsee section a enterprise and
23 november education culture andsportsee section a enterprise and
13 november education culture andsportsee section a enterprise and
14 november education culture andsportsee section a enterprise and
section a education culture andsportsee section a enterprise and
section a education culture andsportsee section a enterprise and
7 march education culture andsportsee section a enterprise and
section a education culture andsportsee section a enterprise and
robertson director education culture andsportservice highland council c llr
may 2000 education culture andsportsubject to annulmenmt until 9
august 2002 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 11
june 2002 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 2
june 2002 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 2
june 2002 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 2
february 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 24
february 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 24
february 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 24
february 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 24
january 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 24
january 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 24
february 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 24
january 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 25
january 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 25
january 2003 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 25
may 2002 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 5
may 2002 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 5
may 2002 education culture andsportsubject to annulment by 5
november 2001 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 12
december 2001 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 13
january 2002 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 16
january 2002 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 16
november 2000 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 16
january 2001 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 16
november 2000 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 23
september 1999 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 23
june 2001 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 27
june 2001 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 27
june 2001 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 27
june 2001 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 27
august 2001 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 27
september 2001 education culture andsportsubject to annulment until 3
september 2001 education culture andsportsubject to approval by resolution
and sport mr gavin barriesportthe arts and culture division
ballet the deputy minister forsportthe arts and culture has
december 2000 education culture andsportthe births deaths marriages and
june 2002 education culture andsportthe bus service operators grant
june 2002 education culture andsportthe bus service operators grant
june 2002 education culture andsportthe bus service operators grant
june 2002 education culture andsportthe bus service operators grant
december 2001 education culture andsportthe children s hearings legal
december 2001 education culture andsportthe curators ad litem and
november 2000 education culture andsportthe draft advice and assistance
march 2000 education culture andsportthe draft civil legal aid
may 2002 education culture andsportthe education assisted places scotland
may 2002 education culture andsportthe education assisted places scotland
may 2002 education culture andsportthe education assisted places scotland
november 2000 education culture andsportthe education school and placing
november 2000 education culture andsportthe education school and placing
june 2001 education culture andsportthe education student loans amendment
june 2001 education culture andsportthe education student loans amendment
june 2001 education culture andsportthe education student loans amendment
june 2000 education culture andsportthe education student loans scotland
june 2000 education culture andsportthe education student loans scotland
june 2000 education culture andsportthe education student loans scotland
march 2002 education culture andsportthe electricity from non fossil
march 2002 education culture andsportthe electricity from non fossil
february 2002 education culture andsportthe food star anise from
february 2002 education culture andsportthe food star anise from
june 2001 education culture andsportthe import and export restriction
june 2001 education culture andsportthe import and export restriction
june 2001 education culture andsportthe import and export restriction
june 2001 education culture andsportthe import and export restriction
august 2000 education culture andsportthe meat disease control scotland
february 2003 education culture andsportthe national assistance assessment of
february 2003 education culture andsportthe national assistance assessment of
february 2003 education culture andsportthe national assistance assessment of
february 2003 education culture andsportthe national assistance assessment of
february 2003 education culture andsportthe national assistance assessment of
january 2003 education culture andsportthe national health service general
january 2003 education culture andsportthe national health service general
january 2003 education culture andsportthe national health service general
january 2003 education culture andsportthe national health service general
march 2000 education culture andsportthe national health service travelling
june 2001 education culture andsportthe nursing homes registration scotland
june 2001 education culture andsportthe nursing homes registration scotland
november 2001 education culture andsportthe pensions appeal tribunals scotland
august 2002 education culture andsportthe registration of births deaths
june 2001 education culture andsportthe repayment of student loans
june 2001 education culture andsportthe repayment of student loans
june 2001 education culture andsportthe repayment of student loans
june 2001 education culture andsportthe st mary s music
june 2001 education culture andsportthe st mary s music
june 2000 education culture andsportthe st mary s music
june 2000 education culture andsportthe st mary s music
june 2000 education culture andsportthe st mary s music
june 2001 education culture andsportthe st mary s music
february 2002 education culture andsportthe sweeteners in food amendment
february 2002 education culture andsportthe sweeteners in food amendment
august 2001 education culture andsportthe teachers superannuation additional voluntary
to the education culture andsportto inform its on going
to the arts culture andsportwhich fall within the responsibility
department for culture media andsportwill lead a broader review
cent on education arts andsportby 17 per cent and
education will specifically include schoolsports1w 26933 jackie baillie to
social moral and civic educationsportthe arts and character building
services housing law and ordersportand the arts tourism transport
on the ministerial forum onsport21 but we felt that
strategy for sport in scotlandsport21 first i apologise for
evidence on the review ofsport21 from alastair dempsey chairman
session on the review ofsport21 i am the committee
quite pulled off and thatsport21 initially sought is much
one lingering negative legacy ofsport21 it is that we
sportscotland on its review ofsport21 members have a series
hope that part of thesport21 process means that if
2002 session 1 review ofsport21 scotland s museums scotland
the first part of thesport21 strategy relates to the
being done to implement thesport21 strategy s1w 1093 michael
room 1 1 review ofsport21 the committee will take
that is okay review ofsport21 the convener item 1
detail the last time thatsport21 was reviewed lottery income
of the ministerial forum onsport21 we are grateful that
need to update the documentsport21 which was first published
targets the work on updatingsport21 will also be linked
that consultation and implementation ofsport21 will include representatives of
about the national strategy forsportin scotland sport 21 first
services hoosin law an ordersportan the airts tourism transport
within its strategies on asportand b tourism s1w 23039
s1m 3840 young people insportlodged on 3 february 2003
galleries etc sic 925 andsportand other recreational activities sic
committee s earlier report onsportin schools ian jenkins is
books on telly even onsportand as for music jimmy
quality facilities for drama musicsportand it improve the attractiveness
provide primary school teaching insportdrama art music science and
give support in drama musicsportor academic pursuits respect teachers
communities and bringing music andsportto them i suspect that
is a strategy for scottishsportnot a strategy just for
the report is to coversportstrategy in the light of
gillon is to report onsportstrategy the report is to
fit the strategy for scottishsportthat will exist in march
young women s participation insportwill the strategy that will
01 on academic research intosportand sport related issues in
for sport we will promotesportin schools to encourage young
academic research into sport andsportrelated issues in scotland by
to ensure coherent support forsportwe will promote sport in
young people to participate insportthe report that karen gillon
organised for the purposes ofsport11 00 assistant chief constable
the national governing bodies ofsportdid as the organisation that
other people are keen onsporthowever although national sports bodies
national regional and local levelssportis often at the heart
national partnerships a number ofsports national organisations have still
caborn mp the minister forsportto members of the international
30 pm executive debate onsportfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
30 pm executive debate onsportfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
doing er various you knowsportand games was quite a
where the distinction lies betweensportand legitimate pest control because
reputation together with opportunities forsportand leisure all set within
plans it has to promotesportand other physical activities in
plans it has to promotesportand other physical activities in
now understand the importance ofsportand physical activity and the
that sportscotland made available forsportand social inclusion because the
was more kinda interested insportand stuff i wisnae really
regulatory body to oversee greyhoundsportand the welfare of the
children and a bit aboutsportbut we are not told
schools programme and in schoolsportco ordinators in the long
and energy to play anysportfar less the variety of
between legitimate pest control andsportif the dogs are going
fund about the pe andsportin schools programme s1o 6392
officer in an island wheresportis so clearly supported and
cent given that access tosportleisure and recreation always involves
truly uplifting the standard ofsporton show was breathtaking and
the hare is prized forsportshooting and although this is
of school days and thesportthen engaged in both in
life should be luv andsporttill the heidsman sneckit her
had no previous interest insportwere left impressed and even
young women to participate insportnot only at school but
young people to take upsportoutside school extend the sports
drop off in participation insportparticularly among young women our
it has taken to promotesportin schools s1o 4695 6
investment that is made insportacross the board particularly by
my first incursions into competitivesportwere much encouraged by that
scotland expand the role ofsportin local communities establish an
of the future development ofsportin scotland however sportscotland has
informal recreation as well assportis recognised promote scotland as
shinty as scotland s indigenoussportnotes that whilst it is
shinty as scotland s indigenoussportnotes that whilst it is
western world greater accessibility tosportwill help reduce scotland s
of providing quarry for thesportbut only if a that
butler karen gillon s1m 2809sportfor disabled people in the
scottish executive whether sectarianism insporthas implications for inward investment
demonstrated a clear passion forsportit humbles me greatly to
for rod an hook asportsair slighted altho i fear
the chase the british fieldsportsociety bfss for example states
shotgun for the purpose ofsportthat person does not commit
for the delivery of scottishsportto sign up for the
sought to remove hunting forsportwithout impacting on pest control
not said to hunt forsportyou have used words such
f1117: has dad been watchinsportaa day football f1118: mmhm
right direction because of publicitysporthas particular problems with getting
an upsurge of interest insportthere has been as council
they were either not intosportor were at best indifferent
due to continued underfunding ofsportrelative to other countries resulting
on the future of scottishsportin advance of the publication
interpreters of british sign languagesportthe scottish liberal democrats are
that are interested in scottishsporttook place over the summer
to another involved in asporta lot of the statistics
cannot afford to participate insportalastair dempster i will let
population continues to participate insportall the targets are based
began so when the dayssportcame to an end we
task force would like butsportcontributes to people s physical
to encourage social inclusion insporthave access to the resources
all levels whatever their abilitysportis integral to healthy responsible
give official recognition to thesportof pigeon racing in order
people to take part insports1w 28605 donald gorrie to
issue as opposed to asportsuch as basketball which can
to the emotional world ofsportthere can be few opportunities
i refer to the oldsportwhen gentlemen from all parts
lacs drag hunting a familysport40 maters of the draghounds
of osteoporosis in later lifesportalso plays an important role
of the stables the dayssportbegan so when the days
community which had erm newssporthealth lifestyle all sort of
thy fare much of thysportmuch of thine absence long
example of our expertise insportof course we have also
martin montaner who enjoyed thesportof falconry in 1399 the
birds of prey on thesportof pigeon racing along with
birds of prey on thesportof pigeon racing pe 23
birds of prey on thesportof pigeon racing pe 23
a is participating in thesportof shooting or falconry or
a cup final of asportof their choice an exciting
about the impact of thissporton the welfare of the
change the nature of theirsportpredation a variety of fish
fond of all kind ofsportso i was taken up
bushy trophies which he couldsportwhile treading the slopes of
facilities as possible are multisportfacilities i believe that the
bom that s the ultimatesportm815: huge big huge like
fitba wis the maist unsportinsporto the lot he then
as willie said it wassportseeing the wifie in a
bide aneth the category osportstill on fitba i cwidna
the boys engaged in thatsportthe boy who was made
show whatever your involvement insportthe games were surely an
with willie there was moresportthen the boys would get
have seen with the gamessporttoo is emotional but in
they were finished what thesportwas that ye just fired
she thinks ti hae sumsportwi the fairie an at
pick on any one gamessporti must say that there
time jean wis a greatsportan aye willin tae tak
partners with an interest insportas you cannot give me
i mean i love followingsporter m608: uh huh m1174:
m608: uh huh m1174: insporterm so that s all
is carried out in britainsporthunting methods that employ dogs
i would never suggest thatsportis any more important that
is fall glee is asportor entertainment bummin is ringing
they could be playing theirsportprofessionally whether that be football
major rogers fa thocht itsporttae sheet hunners o hermless
brig end we had oursportthere was cricket playing football
but in a different waysportunifies through competition spectators share
are clean shaven married mensportuntrimmed beards mrs [censored: surname] took
later being a high adrenalinsportwhose numbers are usually in
coursing hare coursing is asportwith particular history in some

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