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facilities for disabled people atsportsstadiums s1w 23051 ms sandra
facilities for disabled people atsportsstadiums s1w 23052 ms sandra
facilities for disabled spectators atsportsstadiums s1w 23053 ms sandra
facilities for disabled people atsportsstadiums s1w 23054 tavish scott
increase the availability of schoolsportsco ordinators by giving them
as sports assistants to schoolsportsco ordinators ensure that the
a lot from the schoolsportsco ordinators in secondary schools
primary schools programme and schoolsportsco ordinators to leave a
primary schools programme and schoolsportsco ordinators to provide long
how you got started insportsjournalism and and how you
s how i got intosportsjournalism and erm i d
guys er where does thesportsjournalism fit in m1174: [cough]
me how you got intosportsjournalism whe- whe- you re
instruments under negative procedure thesportsand sporting events designation scotland
371 16 august 2002 thesportsgrounds and sporting events designation
transport and the environment thesportsgrounds and sporting events designation
june 2001 rural development thesportsgrounds and sporting events designation
june 2001 rural development thesportsgrounds and sporting events designation
the following negative instruments thesportsgrounds and sporting events designation
is subject to annulment thesportsgrounds and sporting events designation
june 2001 rural development thesportsgrounds and sporting events designation
facilities for a range ofsportsand i sense a willingness
assist local authorities schools andsportsclubs to share facilities encourage
as a visitor resource scottishsportscouncil development of sports facilities
scottish executive in developing communitysportsfacilities and wishes the great
scottish executive in developing communitysportsfacilities and wishes the great
and which has obliterated palestiniansportsfacilities denied palestinian football teams
bias we have international standardsportsfacilities for a range of
scottish sports council development ofsportsfacilities for use by visitors
party rates and refreshments fsportsfacilities including swimming are available
that lee cousins made allsportsfacilities including velodromes are not
swimming pools gyms and othersportsfacilities increase the availability of
campbell s1m 1816 decline insportsfacilities lodged on 29 march
not allowed to use localsportsfacilities or cafes indeed they
of sports ian robson forsportssuch as cycling facilities are
about building facilities for specificsportsthe answer is to build
can look forward to moresportsevents here in the future
to attract more community ledsportsevents here would not only
with the right package ofsportsevents i am sure we
apart from hosting many othersportsevents in due course it
don t host many regularsportsevents that attract a large
12 to 74 and thesportsevents took place all over
local level as far assportsnews events are concerned we
and the changing rooms ofsportscentres and swimming pools i
swimming pool football pitch orsportsfield like a mother duck
and whether they are schoolsportshalls or community swimming pools
to work and train assportsassistants to school sports co
f1097: will we hae nicesportscars m1098: aye f1097: sports
sports cars m1098: aye f1097: sportscars on this side m1098:
used for a range ofsportsian robson for sports such
accept that partnership working withsportsclubs and others will make
we discussed the funding ofsportsclubs in response to irene
recent review of all thesportsclubs in scotland revealed that
the standing conference on countrysidesports28 stoate c and tapper
the standing committee on countrysidesports37 daily telegraph 5 july
cobham resource consultants 1997 countrysidesportstheir economic social and conservation
cobham resource consultants 1997 countrysidesportstheir economic social and environmental
many scottish schools have asportsco ordinator and how many
scottish schools which employ asportsco ordinator employ this person
yeah m608: okay and whatsportsdo you cover m1174: all
do you cover m1174: allsportserm m608: uh huh m1174:
know m608: [tut] okay m1174: sportsnews are always in english
[censored: forename] then popped into asportsshop to buy football shirts
yeah f947: take them forsportsyou re away to football
outlook then why not letsportsand cultural groups be the
of all the main outdoorsportsand recreation groups in the
also see more of oursportsgroups and individuals taking part
a real focus for oursportsgroups but also in economic
in working closely with thesportsgroups from outset i had
following suit sponsorship of shetlandsportsgroups is to be welcomed
groups that provide coaching forsportspromoting good health measures to
scotland no longer are allsportsdelivered by the schools so
was taken out of schoolssportsfields were taken out of
of schools enable secondary schoolsportsteachers to take their expertise
welsh s1m 1492 kenny macintyresportspark memorial trust lodged on
mr duncan hamilton kenny macintyresportspark memorial trust that the
campaign of the kenny macintyresportspark memorial trust to create
trust hampshire 21 british fieldsportssociety hunting the facts 22
aye brmm that s asportscar f1097: is that another
f1097: right you find moresportscar have you got on
that to his shiny machosportscar joe him again he
upsides doon that s asportscar m1098: aye brmm that
car f1097: is that anothersportscar m1098: aye f1097: right
roared off in their opensportscar without a backward glance
to widen the range ofsportsinvolved in the management and
and these will also havesportstourism and economic benefits the
about building 30 to 35sportshalls and opening up existing
talking about building 500 newsportshalls in the given time
give to building a newsportsstadium in the aberdeen area
progressed to the inter schoolsportsalso remembered at that time
sport outside school extend thesportschampions scheme across scotland in
local paper they had theirsportsday at school last week
because it was serious schoolsportsseason no getting out of
race for the inter schoolsportswas to run from the
me greatly to be asportsdevelopment officer in an island
in the medal table oursportscommunity was going to be
whole community as a majorsportsevent although hard to quantify
it will establish a communitysportsprogramme s1w 28603 donald gorrie
wherever possible promote local communitysportsstrategies to assist local authorities
wish to establish local communitysportstrusts s1w 33041δ janis hughes
pitches with developers often thosesportspitches are a long way
that sportscotland often negotiates alternativesportspitches with developers often those
you know as far assportsare concerned erm m608: so
[gulp] m642: as the rugbysportspersonality dinner award m608: right
ll i ll become yoursportsreporter [laugh] m608: uh huh
into the sort of thesportsside of things yeah m608:
on sport however although nationalsportsbodies receive standstill grants many
problem with many of oursportsis that we can be
grassy area where you playsportsand things like that and
eliminate elements of extra curricularsportsparticularly in the area of
section 1 insert exception specifiedsportsa person does not contravene
elite achievements in certain targetsportsat what point does consideration
reduction in tobacco sponsorship ofsportsbut that does not help
closure of kelvin hall internationalsportsarena lodged on 3 may
s1m 4051 hampden national stadiumsportshealth and injury clinic lodged
pso option for flights publicsportsopportunities if we can also
r us er j dsportscouple o other shops an
when i got involved insportser boxing in particular they
time they took away ersportsfields and they took away
at any point particularly insportsreporting which can in er
will include representatives of minoritysportss1w 1094 michael russell to
of you know like watersportslike canoeing and erm what
keep that i mean insportsreporting erm you have to
29 saturday cub rally insportsa grand day we go
out medals and certificates onsportsday i think i was
doing things like that f1077: sportsday m1078: but we never
e day o e landsportsere wis yacht racin goin
visitors arrive a beautiful daysportsgo well mr mccabe calls
the class he s missinsportsthe day the bengal tiger
of basketwork are represented andsportshow small birds are trapped
money of course access thesportslottery fund money how can
relation to one of thosesportsbusiness bulletin no 153 2001
and 17 taking part insportswhere do those targets come
in any previous games oursportsteam played their hearts out
ordered fishing hooks from asportscatalogue but their parcel had
prisoners to wear their ownsportsclothing for specific recreational activities
some years all of thesesportshad a incredible week and
these funds to more pressingsportsneeds throughout the united kingdom
for i feenisht up assportschampion an got a bra
scottish executive where in thesportsand culture level 3 budget
losers are charities the artssportsand heritage robert brown will
fox hunting in scotland alternativesportsare available to both mounted
are gettin trained in holyroodsportscentre free o charge so
are e en anti bluidsportsi the hinner end they
taken to ensure that minoritysportsin scotland are represented on
adventure e golfing f snowsportsg mountaineering climbing h fishing
adventure e golfing f snowsportsg mountaineering climbing h fishing
large number of other equestriansportswhich do not involve fox
rid heiddit leddie wi maronesportsbreiks crowled out frae unner
i mean you would takesportskit with you f1025: uh
the contribution that arts andsportscan make to tackling social
honda which is like asportsroadster and it can do
they aw go tae thesportscentres or leisure centres or
they get them they resportspeople f963: yeah f965: and
they have like an undergroundsportssuite or something hidden [laugh]
they had fun at thesportswatchin ileachs bein put throu
like well it would besportskit if we were playing
teacher is very keen onsportsand has had a mountain
million which relates to thesportsand leisure element of the
access network and the scottishsportsassociation and concerns the proposed
the vi form centre andsportspavilion the 470 000 plus
to lose play space andsportsspace i am not satisfied
atmosphere and buzz at thesportsvenues was truly uplifting the
the scottish association for countrysportsthe british association for shooting
british competitors was funding forsportsactivities from the national lottery
destination for a diversity ofsportsfrom golf to outdoor activities
his house for the wirelesssportsreport results at half past
convener i have raised thesportshall target with the ministerial
unst to boddam with fifteensportson offer there was always
bottle he explained aa yersportsfreaks cairry them we decided
so on there wis opensportsas weel an if i
have to develop a strongersportsclub culture in scotland no
official attended the meeting ofsportsministers in brussels on 24
of the games accommodation transportsportscatering medals accreditation media provision
ground steer clear of purplesportsjackets though libra sept 23
it s one of thesportslaid on here coitus interruptus
tour de shetland on thesportsnews adverts of success joking
the different nature of thesportsthere is no comparison between
said quickly mounting his raleighsportswe ll be late wait
london 10 league against cruelsports1992 wildlife protection the case
hand the league against cruelsportslacs states after moving off

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