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no doubt pronounced x johnstewartof baldynneis breaks one of
james most enthusiastic followers johnstewartof baldynneis explicitly dedicates his
version of orlando furioso johnstewartof baldynneis freely admits to
them to me 1 johnstewartof baldynneis make sure the
take pride in their scottishnessstewartof baldynneis notes that this
and imperfyt prentes by whichstewartof baldynneis refers to the
low subject matter in johnstewartof baldynneis roland furious for
protestations about his illegible scribblingstewartof baldynneis takes on the
continental poetry by others johnstewartof baldynneis version of ariosto
in this sonnet by johnstewartof baldynneis which seems to
maiesteis most humyll seruant jstewartof baldynneis wishith long and
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
south of scotland snp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
south of scotland snp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
scott john ayr con stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
north east scotland snp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
south of scotland snp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp stevensonstewartbanff and buchan snp sturgeon
gavin mcdougall chris robinson jackstewartdavid stevenson billy kay janet
by colin campbell linda fabianistewartstevenson alex neil bruce crawford
mr john munro elaine smithstewartstevenson apologies fergus ewing deputy
george lyon pauline mcneill convenerstewartstevenson apologies were received from
things that is your questionstewartstevenson as i said the
would be given to judgesstewartstevenson asked whether the new
by the scottish national partystewartstevenson banff and buchan snp
scanlon highlands and islands constewartstevenson banff and buchan snp
offenders register hugh henry yesstewartstevenson banff and buchan snp
alasdair morrison western isles labstewartstevenson banff and buchan snp
con robin harper lothians greenstewartstevenson banff and buchan snp
move straight to members questionsstewartstevenson banff and buchan snp
smith coatbridge and chryston labstewartstevenson banff and buchan snp
many other conditions 17 29stewartstevenson banff and buchan snp
go into recycling 16 20stewartstevenson banff and buchan snp
to see in our reportstewartstevenson being a fairly practical
28 march 2002 robin harperstewartstevenson brian adam susan deacon
organic agriculture is not significantstewartstevenson can i just robin
necessary resources supported by mrstewartstevenson christine grahame ms jackie
campbell fiona hyslop richard lochheadstewartstevenson christine grahame ms sandra
campbell fiona hyslop richard lochheadstewartstevenson christine grahame ms sandra
does in the islands andstewartstevenson dealt with the situation
mr kenny macaskill brian adamstewartstevenson fiona hyslop dennis canavan
mr kenny macaskill brian adamstewartstevenson fiona hyslop dennis canavan
should warn robin harper thatstewartstevenson has spent the last
the staff and the clerksstewartstevenson hear hear the convener
from third world farmers pocketsstewartstevenson i accept that point
be giving him short noticestewartstevenson i am content to
of committee at that stagestewartstevenson i am grateful for
it had become invalid todaystewartstevenson i am in a
that way is that correctstewartstevenson i am minded to
arise on a uk basisstewartstevenson i am not debating
by one on free tradestewartstevenson i do not greatly
reasonably happy with the proposalstewartstevenson i have an observation
the list in the billstewartstevenson i have it here
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 520stewartstevenson i have no particular
which the bill should proceedstewartstevenson i have one final
only in third world countriesstewartstevenson i pass the baton
be happy to accept thatstewartstevenson i put it to
fuels does to the environmentstewartstevenson i recognise that the
the three categories of landstewartstevenson i take it that
to comply with that actstewartstevenson i therefore propose that
for each set of costsstewartstevenson i understand that point
not addressed your entire questionstewartstevenson i will come back
story the convener thank youstewartstevenson i would like to
to the minister by letterstewartstevenson if the matter has
robin harper sorry how muchstewartstevenson if we were to
to the petitioner as wellstewartstevenson in that case i
on that territory in casestewartstevenson intends to cover it
11 september 2001 mary scanlonstewartstevenson irene mcgugan mr kenny
by the end of tomorrowstewartstevenson is the sewel motion
robin harper but that relationshipstewartstevenson just a tiny second
mr murray tosh david mundellstewartstevenson lord james douglas hamilton
march 2002 mr kenneth gibsonstewartstevenson maureen macmillan elaine thomson
lodged on 10 march 2003stewartstevenson michael matheson irene mcgugan
lodged on 28 january 2003stewartstevenson mr gil paterson mr
alex neil tommy sheridan mrstewartstevenson mr gil paterson ms
macaskill ms fiona mcleod mrstewartstevenson mr jamie stone mrs
richard lochhead mr kenny macaskillstewartstevenson mr john home robertson
2002 robin harper michael mathesonstewartstevenson mr john mcallion fiona
lodged on 10 january 2002stewartstevenson mr keith raffan bristow
cunningham irene mcgugan michael mathesonstewartstevenson ms sandra white business
cunningham irene mcgugan michael mathesonstewartstevenson ms sandra white john
radcliffe dr richard simpson mrstewartstevenson ms sandra white karen
in this manner supported bystewartstevenson ms sandra white kay
àm ri teachd supported bystewartstevenson ms sandra white mr
deal with it more appropriatelystewartstevenson my concern is not
in which to do thatstewartstevenson nonetheless there is a
from individuals past i remindstewartstevenson of the old jesuit
take a view on thatstewartstevenson on whose shoulders would
instance and beyond if possiblestewartstevenson over the next two
know whether that would addressstewartstevenson s point at this
rhoda grant i return tostewartstevenson s question about imports
debate that we had aboutstewartstevenson s question whether it
mcgugan michael matheson brian adamstewartstevenson s1m 2236 2 mr
meet future demand supported bystewartstevenson s1m 3383 ms sandra
reducing re offending supported bystewartstevenson s1m 3388 mr kenny
lodged on 14 january 2003stewartstevenson s1m 3764 learndirect scotland
lodged on 26 february 2003stewartstevenson s1m 3965 war pensioners
justified bearing in mind whatstewartstevenson said about the third
targets scotland bill s1m 3855stewartstevenson scottish fishing services that
please reveal all mr stevensonstewartstevenson section 1 1 a
gil paterson ms sandra whitestewartstevenson shona robison tricia marwick
back to the international aspectstewartstevenson that is because you
to report by 13 januarystewartstevenson that would give us
mcneill convener mrs mary mulliganstewartstevenson the meeting opened at
letter signed off on thursdaystewartstevenson the minister might not
to raise s1f 1933 3stewartstevenson to ask the first
and management systems s1w 34369stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
are being used s1w 34356stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
holyrood progress group s1w 34367stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
and rural development s1w 27442stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
holyrood project plan s1w 34361stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
of unmet milestones s1w 34360stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
holyrood project plan s1w 34359stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
government approved methodology s1w 34355stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
plan were made s1w 34368stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
the project managers s1w 34358stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
and social exclusion s1w 34354stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
training they received s1w 34365stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
holyrood project plan s1w 34362stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
of that authority s1w 34366stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
holyrood project plan s1w 34363stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
the holyrood project s1w 34371stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
of project management s1w 34364stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
the holyrood project s1w 34370stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
the holyrood project s1w 34357stewartstevenson to ask the presiding
prison services ltd s1w 24828stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prison at kilmarnock s1w 24734stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
2 november 2001 s1w 19630stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
to each prison s1w 19665stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
programmes are delivered s1w 19648stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
and by prison s1w 19660stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
of rheumatoid arthritis s1w 19633stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
year since 1993 s1w 19631stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prisons since 1997 s1w 19659stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
of rheumatoid arthritis s1w 19632stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
year since 1979 s1w 19658stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
glasgow housing association s1w 24673stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
will give details s1w 24664stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
inappropriate temporary accommodation s1w 23103stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prison services ltd s1w 24827stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
incidents is documented s1w 33030stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prison services ltd s1w 24826stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
with sex offenders s1w 24674stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
assets be transferred s1w 24677stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
influence decision making s1w 33033stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
the city boundaries s1w 33027stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prison service estate s1w 24667stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prison services ltd s1w 24825stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
sex offender jails s1w 24843stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
subsequently been allocated s1w 24074stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prison service estate s1w 24666stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
airfield was closed s1w 33034stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
iii special bulletins s1w 33029stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
in 1999 s1o 4903 9stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
13 february 2002 s1w 24661stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
last five years s1w 33032stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
any such discussions s1w 33028stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prepared by pwc s1w 24757stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
start such programmes s1w 19663stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
funding will be s1w 24842stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prison at kilmarnock s1w 24662stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
it and objectors s1w 31817stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
in each case s1w 31865stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
review by pricewaterhousecoopers s1w 24675stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
inclusive of vat s1w 31819stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
21 november 2002 s1w 31862stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
to march 1999 s1w 17603stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
scotland act 1968 s1w 31861stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
for neuro oncology s1w 31864stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prepared by pricewaterhousecoopers s1w 24759stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
and b volume s1w 31818stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
basic income tax s1w 18257stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
02 budget s1o 4871 2stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
high wind speeds s1w 33031stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
category of accommodation s1w 34774stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
they are based s1w 19649stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
is on schedule s1w 19647stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
any such representations s1w 19664stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
have on fishing s1w 34767stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
its building estate s1w 34771stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
dual carriageway status s1w 34776stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
year since 1993 s1w 19661stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
f telecommunications equipment s1w 34770stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
cruden bay junction s1w 34779stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
in 2002 03 s1w 34765stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
than 10 minutes s1w 34764stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
scotland consultative forum s1w 34761stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
dual carriageway status s1w 34777stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
on the a90 s1w 34778stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
far in 2001 s1w 19662stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
full time working s1w 34762stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
available for skateboarding s1w 34772stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
category of accommodation s1w 34775stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
b is now s1w 34769stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
for roller blading s1w 34773stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
at macduff harbour s1w 34763stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
property interests is s1w 34768stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
year since 1999 s1w 32871stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
scottish family law s1w 27497stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
any such projects s1w 27496stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
school improvements s1o 5405 9stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
2003 04 budget s1w 34766stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
1990 to 1995 s1w 17679stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
representations were received s1w 27518stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
earlier this year s1w 16541stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
year to date s1w 17753stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prison at kilmarnock s1w 24678stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
at that time s1w 24756stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
regulation of care s1w 24733stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
such information centrally s1w 24824stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
rules or regulations s1w 23104stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
review by pricewaterhousecoopers s1w 24679stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
at kilmarnock apply s1w 24735stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
on what date s1w 24663stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
review by pricewaterhousecoopers s1w 24676stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
european network funding s1w 24755stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
on the review s1w 24758stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
if different received s1w 24760stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
prison at kilmarnock s1w 24665stewartstevenson to ask the scottish
most vulnerable citizens s1m 3827stewartstevenson towns review that the
canavan roseanna cunningham michael russellstewartstevenson tricia marwick robin harper
wisdom for future committee membersstewartstevenson we now come to
rough grassland robin harper yesstewartstevenson what is the relationship
i roberton pairish bi kathleenstewart1991 b the makkin o
ex girnwud ferm tenent kathleenstewartmaks mention a o mrs
[note: photo: 'kincardineshire education committee certificate for perfect attendance to archibald middleton in 1938.'] around 1906 kathleen douglasstewartmillplough felt embarrassed because they
aboot 190 pages i kathleenstewarts beuk anenst historical facks
student it mulsintoun wi kathleenstewarts faither tom scott is
o the haugh and kathleenstewarttom scott o mulsintoun s
the effect on the newtonstewartarea of the loss of
the effect on the newtonstewartarea of the loss of
of assistance to the newtonstewartarea supported by dorothy grace
of assistance to the newtonstewartarea supported by dorothy grace
penninghame open prison near newtonstewartas a result of cuts
penninghame open prison near newtonstewartas a result of cuts
the polbae road near newtonstewartbe not made whether the
and geography students in newtonstewartdo you have evidence of
by tayside police through alanstewartand me that is the
working with the community alanstewartintelligence gathering in relation to
and has had success alanstewartit is certainly a different
members to listen to alanstewarts views on the question
of cruelty to animals alanstewarttayside police wildlife liaison co
go on to questions alanstewarttayside police wildlife liaison co
controlling the fox population alanstewartthat is a possibility out
disclose information to you alanstewartthat is a real risk
police gain that information alanstewartthat would be the issue
paw my colleague is alanstewartwho is the wildlife liaison
question from personal experience alanstewartyes but before i come
the elderly identified by sirstewartsutherland chairman of the royal
of the elderly pensioner sirstewartsutherland dealt with that in
royal commission chaired by sirstewartsutherland including the funding of
care as highlighted by sirstewartsutherland is widespread amongst local
estimates are closer to realitystewartsutherland s or david lipsey
we are focusing on sirstewartsutherland s recommendation on personal
going further by implementing sirstewartsutherland s recommendation that all
week henry mcleish support sirstewartsutherland s recommendations they do
long way in delivering sirstewartsutherland s recommendations yesterday s
royal commission chaired by sirstewartsutherland the group also endorsed
royal commission chaired by sirstewartsutherland to unify these budgets
do not believe that sirstewartsutherland was misleading the parliament
by the words of sirstewartsutherland who has not taken
community care committee for sirstewartsutherland why on earth did
they do so because sirstewartand his commission were right
tayside health board sir williamstewartformer chairman tayside university hospital
per annum however as sirstewarthas said that is already
report and those of sirstewarthimself the report concluded that
members would accept that sirstewartknows what he is talking
nursing care according to sirstewartthe gap between where the
douglas glasgow snp ewing fergusstewartinverness east nairn and lochaber
had cairrit a royal astewartane o their kings whaur
irene fleming assistant clerk neilstewartlocation the hub 27 november
with christine to say thatstewartcan go in to hospital
kdy with mrs mc christinestewartunder heavy sedation saturday 29
to kdy evening to seestewartwith mrs mc christine elspeth
ian renton kevin shearer evelynstewartrichard sim robert stuart ginny
gmb richard leonard gmb rabstewarttgwu richard white tgwu joe
chief executive the scottish parliamentstewartgilfillan director of corporate services
join their ballater cousin johnstewartand his wife victoria who
for the late john wattstewartcotton street the frost sat
with petition pe502 from fionastewartthe petition calls on the
ruth cooper assistant clerk neilstewartlocation committee room 1 28
5 extn 85219 or neilstewartroom 2 5 extn 85223
services director of corporate servicesstewartgilfillan personal secretary gill swan
wis the gairdner chauffeur fermstewartmr an mrs wulson hed
bein the praisent mrs sandystewarto gunhill ferm inverurie aiberdeenshire
kdy with mrs mc girlsstewartstill bad to aunt charlotte
created by glasgow artists smithstewartat 64 osborne street he
way and the maister mrstewartalso understood it in this
to adopt other methods mrstewarthas spent a lot of
then i will bring mrstewartin intelligence is an emotive
example in removing poison mrstewartis more expert than i
us the convener would mrstewartlike to make a brief
most recent commissioners report mrstewartmay be able to answer
allardyce mr reid townhead mrstewartmillplough mr donald mains of
will pass you to mrstewarton the issue of the
year i have asked mrstewartto accompany me today because
justice and international group davidstewarthead of judicial appointments and
would like to quote davidstewartthe labour mp for inverness
usual excellent company saturday 6stewart[censored: surname] dies 5 30 am
hall monday 10 on leavestewart[censored: surname] seriously ill in victoria
rain wind a quiet daystewart[censored: surname] very ill monday 3
22 to vic hospital withstewartmc see stan [censored: surname] of
[censored: surname] trip to kdy withstewartthen in evening she comes
the modern equivalent of andystewarti am not envisaging something
s bill introduced by donaldstewartin 1981 comunn na gaidhlig
s bill introduced by donaldstewartin 1981 comunn na gaidhlig
cancelled to vic 6 30stewartcomes home very weak and
session agreed to support missstewarts application for a long
1949 from mcintosh to charlesstewartthe secretary of the university
representatives and to councillor kevinstewartthey all champion the middlefield
on the matter because professorstewarthas already brought out a
local authorities are backing councillorstewarts original motion because cleaning
and raised 4 1937 missstewartwas presented with a certificate
the parliament applauds councillor kevinstewartand aberdeen city council in
i have learned about youstewartand all the jobs that
the maist modren mak thestewartcondukkit thaim inti a fantoush
into the chancel when maggiestewartfrom parkside was the church
the american evangelist 1956 jamesstewarthad started work and was
philosophisin wi blair mackenzie dugalstewartthe ills o aa the
cuidna luik roun sen thestewartwes eydentlie bekkin thaim aff
eil s dòcha gum bistewarta bhos còmhla ris a
cottage wi hir twae sonsstewartan billy nelson whae baith
a bheil m981: tha thastewarteh bhos cha ruig mi
him kennin an be hisstewarthere but a dout he
fu brave an weel astewartking could dee he s
til glesca i dizember 1941stewartmairiet ane australian an hes
policy and legislation angus councilstewartmaxwell principal community education officer
garden monday 8 we takestewarts body into st johns
me but people like rodstewartwas a mod he had

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