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timely results for the higherstill2000 exams further notes that
s1m 1130 tommy sheridan higherstill2000 exams that the parliament
the higher aspect of higherstillalthough in many ways the
feedback from schools on higherstilland developing the new software
from standard grade through higherstilland into higher level qualifications
the inspectorate is pushing higherstilland it could be something
into the implementation of higherstilland more subjects come on
clearer run at the higherstilland standard grade exams as
douglas hamilton s1m 2112 higherstilland the sqa lodged on
together fairly closely on higherstilland we operated fairly closely
out in the documents higherstillarrangements for modern languages 1997
appendix b in the higherstillarrangements for modern languages might
agency to review the higherstillart examinations with the aim
higher still to describe higherstillas the millennium dome of
wrong the introduction of higherstillassessments at intermediate 1 and
deal of time the higherstillassessments took a long time
difference of opinion on higherstillbetween it and other associations
endorsed the principle of higherstillbut the practicalities were such
to the principles of higherstillcathy peattie falkirk east lab
on the implementation of higherstillcontribute to the chaos of
huge amount of pressure higherstillcould not have continued as
who was teaching a higherstillcourse from the viewpoint of
different models for delivering higherstillcourses although most departments were
under resourcing of the higherstillcourses were ignored culminating in
the moment in the higherstilldebate scottish literature so also
a view to modifying higherstilldespite the anxieties of the
reckless haste in implementing higherstilldespite warnings from the unions
working quite well the higherstilldevelopment and of course i
will kick off with higherstilldevelopment mr jamie stone caithness
and fluss reports the higherstilldevelopment team for modern languages
on schools from the higherstilldevelopment unit and hmi we
what is practical the higherstilldevelopment unit does not yet
the sands when the higherstilldevelopment unit eventually recognised that
schools and possibly the higherstilldevelopment unit to give ministers
your relationship with the higherstilldevelopment unit we have talked
involved in all the higherstilldevelopments he was directly controverted
the upper stages with higherstilldevelopments in post 16 curriculum
16 has led through higherstilldevelopments towards a truly unified
putting across on the higherstilldevelopments we vigorously reinforced those
probing of aps and higherstillduring the past year was
few enthusiasts who implemented higherstillenglish and communication this year
be addressed in reviewing higherstilleven within the programme teachers
existed before and the higherstillexaminations mr macintosh did the
carry them out for higherstillexaminations ron tuck that is
the hot pursuit of higherstillfor example the computer systems
sense piloting or introducing higherstillfor one subject before it
to move through the higherstillframework at an accelerated rate
grammatical awareness within the higherstillframework in modern languages the
intermediate 1 in the higherstillframework [note: table here in original] in this proposed
of questions in the higherstillframework the baseline level of
within the national qualification higherstillframework the grc are presented
all levels in the higherstillframework the language contexts at
in the national qualifications higherstillframework there is an attempt
the notion of the higherstillframework was that there should
to the principle of higherstillfrom the very beginning in
overall impact on pupils higherstillhas been a political football
impractical manner in which higherstillhas been implemented and does
of my fellow witnesses higherstillhas been seen as a
contributory factors of sitting higherstillhave led to so many
as they had on higherstillhe told us that on
has been committed to higherstillhigher still in its current
a penny from delaying higherstillhowever we were still told
a spelling error nowadays higherstilli said lower yet she
and advanced higher in higherstilli would not be surprised
and assessment procedures of higherstillimpacted on the rest of
on the new things higherstillimplementation getting feedback from schools
sqa was experiencing with higherstillimplementation such as the problems
board discussions were about higherstillimplementation unit assessment delivery of
qualifications framework in planning higherstillin english and communication real
committed to higher still higherstillin its current form has
make the introduction of higherstillin the next year more
to considerable difficulties because higherstillis aimed not solely at
assessment replaces it in higherstillis as beneficial in this
burden of assessment for higherstillit has had an impact
in hot pursuit of higherstillit is also possible that
in the implementation of higherstillit is another thing to
the principles that underpin higherstillit might also lead to
it managed to deliver higherstillit was something that was
should go ahead with higherstillit would have been far
stress points by the higherstillliaison unit and the expansion
in schools preparation of higherstillmaterial on scots language and
grammar appendix to the higherstillmodern languages documentation is urgently
grammar appendix to the higherstillmodern languages documentation is urgently
in the subject guide higherstillmodern languages it is stated
the subject guide for higherstillmodern languages teachers and lecturers
the subject guide for higherstillmodern languages where it is
have been abandoned in higherstillmodules but at least one
the 5 14 programme higherstillnothing in the curriculum can
introduction and implementation of higherstillnow that we can look
whether to present in higherstillor in the traditional higher
themselves which exams whether higherstillor standard grades to present
scottish texts in thi higherstillprogram advanced higher papers in
in respect of the higherstillprogramme a in total b
an issue in the higherstillprogramme about the relationship between
principles that underpin the higherstillprogramme are important ones that
that finally underpinned the higherstillprogramme even when brian wilson
their colleagues if the higherstillprogramme had been piloted in
and running because the higherstillprogramme had been running for
executive how much the higherstillprogramme has cost the scottish
the beginning of the higherstillprogramme is that of parity
the introduction of the higherstillprogramme leading members of the
principles that underpin the higherstillprogramme secondly there are concerns
areas introduced in the higherstillprogramme this can be seen
the introduction of the higherstillprogramme we argued strongly for
a reading of the higherstillproposals as set out in
be created and when higherstillshould be implemented johann lamont
principle that something like higherstillshould go ahead it is
that the implementation of higherstillshould go ahead regardless i
a political determination that higherstillshould go ahead that it
of the implementation of higherstillso that changes can be
the wey up tae higherstillstudents the first stage for
modern languages s5 s6 higherstillsubject guide modern languages although
to draw s5 s6 higherstillsubject guide modern languages for
input data for a higherstillsubject where w means withdraw
first year of the higherstillsystem it was unlikely that
is the review of higherstillthat margaret nicol mentioned what
that are intrinsic to higherstillthat might explain in part
of the implementation of higherstillthat review was sought and
we could not process higherstillthat way as it required
bigger the risks with higherstillthe implementation of changes at
over the introduction of higherstillthe possible loss of the
board software could support higherstillthe software did not exist
we could not get higherstillthere was no other way
on everything relating to higherstilltherefore as the purpose of
at the time of higherstillthey floated the notion of
the guinea pigs for higherstillthey were not the teachers
subject guide modern languages higherstillthis development can be structured
by young people about higherstillthroughout the process young people
be reviewed to enable higherstillto continue for another year
a mixed message about higherstillto describe higher still as
review of assessment for higherstillto run smoothly this year
higher still however we werestilltold that we were putting
that we should get higherstillup and running because the
assessment at higher it isstillused in teaching as part
what we had before higherstillwas a one size fits
to the view that higherstillwas a political mantra to
by the perception that higherstillwas being imposed for political
the same argument that higherstillwas evidentially not ready we
from the position that higherstillwas for the benefit of
is no doubt that higherstillwas more towards the high
the principle said that higherstillwas so vital that it
would be failing if higherstillwas suspended or postponed for
i was making about higherstillwas that there is a
to push ahead with higherstillwe associate that with the
to the delivery of higherstillwe had started on the
the first year of higherstillwe welcomed the fact that
we had not had higherstillwe would have had howie
rate of introduction of higherstillwhat are your thoughts on
in standard grade or higherstillwhich are now called national
to the implementation of higherstillwith hindsight it appears that
as a given that higherstillwould be implemented in 1999
because the development of higherstillwould have taken place in
to the idea of higherstillwould it have been reasonable
at all levels of higherstillyoung people are now several
higher results but there arestillyoungsters who have not received
still fuzzy roond the edgesstilla bit faint cammy dimps
still there or is therestilla club in the same
you re still at schoolstilla mummy s girl so
still alive is linda clarkstillalive i ll take that
does she know am istillalive is linda clark still
to work but you restillat school still a mummy
fix that bit it couldstillbe good sadie you still
well aye it still itstillbe your man but nowadays
still be your man m1012: stillbe your man m1010: well
ye werena mairried would itstillbe your man m1012: still
for sure f1142: baby standstillcause mummy stand still [inaudible]
they re still they restilldangerous m194: so they they
still get f66: oh youstilldo it s just that
still well alive and kickingstillextremely busy i m on
it f1142: stand still standstillf1141: well you dinna ken
m still [laugh] i mstillf829: [laugh] m830: a good
s still quite it sstillfar it s still north
mm m1090: mm it sstillfresh f1089: still well that
still frozen shore by thestillfrozen sea which stretched icily
cross country skiing along thestillfrozen shore by the still
stevie silence steve ah mstillfuzzy roond the edges still
lot o rows they restillg- they re still they
to get or do youstillget f66: oh you still
we think it s stillstillgoin around f833: my dad
s still wrang you vestillgot the wrang een he
still m608: mmhm m194: theystillhad the tracks for the
asda s and i forgotstillhavnae still never made your
she s ayewis done yurstillhur puppet pat your still
m1019: [inaudible] m1021: and theystilli i i still incl-
stand still cause mummy standstill[inaudible] f1141: there you go
they still i i istillincl- they use that one
f1018: oh it still isstillis aye yeah especially where
you think f1018: oh itstillis still is aye yeah
maybe not it s stillstillis very very different because
man m1010: well aye itstillit still be your man
i grew up i mstill[laugh] i m still f829:
you still wi yur motherstillletting hur huv ur wicked
ur still manky he canstilllook a swell dae you
dover tae calais run theystillm608: mmhm m194: they still
clean hanky his nails urstillmanky he can still look
they re still they restillnamin streets rows f1006: yes
do you know what istillnever did still never made
and i forgot still havnaestillnever made your bed so
what i still never didstillnever made your bed today
er betide stan still stanstillnoo step aside palfrey losh
s still far it sstillnorth and it s still
a nice cream 15 tuesdaystillpainting 16 wednesday still painting
tuesday still painting 16 wednesdaystillpainting mary better 17 thursday
s still ye ye kindastillpit in the odd word
still north and it sstillquite in a sort of
mean even though it sstillquite it s still far
s see f1114: it sstillred f1113: still red f1114:
red still red it sstillred f1113: you still red
it s still red f1113: stillred f1114: yes [child noises] f1113:
s still red f1113: youstillred f1114: yes f1113: mm
nose f1114: yes they restillred it s still red
a big snake red redstillred it s still red
re still red it sstillred [sniff] f1113: it ll
ye are staun still staunstills a stook let it
washington tint staun still staunstills a stook the trees
aa savin staun still staunstills a stook the wid
grund whate er betide stanstillstan still noo step aside
that s it f1142: standstillstand still f1141: well you
university o washington tint staunstillstaun still s a stook
tint ayont aa savin staunstillstaun still s a stook
kens far ye are staunstillstaun still s a stook
do we think it sstillstill goin around f833: my
well maybe not it sstillstill is very very different
f1125: i think it wasstillthe cakes are still too
mmhm mmhm f718: is itstillthere or is there still
m608: god so they restillthey re still dangerous m194:
re still g- they restillthey re still namin streets
still be good sadie youstillthink his violence is a
still to grow into herselfstillto be sure of an
as a small unknowable beingstillto grow into herself still
was still the cakes arestilltoo hot it s running
still hur puppet pat yourstilltryin ti cause trouble wi
march 82 dear mum dadstillwell alive and kicking still
it s still fresh f1089: stillwell that s cause it
mah tits cammy ed youstillwi yur mother still letting
her dod breathless it sstillwrang you ve still got
m842: i mean there sstillye ye kinda still pit
you could still you couldstillyou could do it i
yeah i mean you couldstillyou could still you could
crumbling today the village isstillachingly poor we were led
true in 1952 and itstillapplies today free eye tests
test of time and arestillaround today tickly cough sugar
the walls of which canstillbe seen today it is
and museum where they canstillbe viewed today by appointment
it but the rules arestillbein observed today nick cage
came from gourdon his sonstillcomes round today sandy duncan
coal also from auchenblae andstilldelivers today [note: photo: 'pony and trap at alpitty in 1910.'] [note: photo: 'advery for craigie & mitchell, coach builders - 1908.'] [note: photo: 'bella, janet, maggie & mary-anne adams going by cart round montgoldrum hill to kinneff to catch a bus -1936.']
emerged cleansed and beautified touristsstilldo this today and so
in bygone days some arestillenjoyed today soup made from
and featuring early farm namesstillfamiliar today such as mill
wine today has been quieterstilli finished writing up a
trust the kinloch trust isstillin existence today having been
started in 1907 and isstillin existence today miss archibald
their wells and channels arestillin operation today conveying water
however the final step isstillleft today the parliament has
deo gratias 16 thursday weatherstillmild rain early today show
military railway today it isstillpossible to trace the route
to move forward that isstillrelevant today old enemies began
those vans and travelling tradesmenstillremembered today milk cart mollie
breeches and the collarless shirtsstillsold today varieties of basketwork
would say that it sstillspoken today it s it
in the past and unfortunatelystillsuffer today when we formulate
asian flu epidemic which isstilltalked about today that was
today the elements that arestillto be announced i wrote
parts of the route arestilltraceable today and are used
use that m1022: yeah istilluse it today yeah but
years for justice they arestillwaiting for it today will
washed oot and there wasstillwashed oot today erm you
seems as if it isstillworking today to kill off
textbook on linguistics which isstillworth reading today language 1921
on ye but ye rstilla bit hauflin an onie
right f1043: an it wasstilla focal point but fan
ken the diffrence noo butstilla gied the fermin up
place eh but it wasstilla great thing but things
section 12 but there isstilla lack of clarity about
be produced but we arestilla long way off that
i know that i amstilla westminster mp but that
a pity but it sstilla word i relish for
is almost in tears butstillabsolutely furious dod an i
warm and clean again butstillaching below the flesh all
democracy for scotland scots isstillalive and thriving but now
been a bike nut andstillamn t but f718: mmhm
only find the site wasstillan important one but we
but the present situation isstillan indictment of our society
like me but there isstillan issue to be considered
ti byde a wee butstillan on the seik man
f814: yeah but they werestilland she had like a
any kind but it canstillapply to behaviour e g
there but saying is thatstillappropriate as we move into
an you ll get betterstillas you get stronger but
final results but it isstillasking how certain it can
in years now but shestillasks after you her sight
neighbouring farm of curriedown butstillat that time at curries
which is now remaindered butstillavailable i hope that we
prevalent but alive [laugh] f1067: stillavailable yes yes and again
they hadnae spawned but werestillawa the nicht afore heich
taen pairt but the rstillaye a muckle want o
but nonetheless her boyfriend isstillback in luxembourg m944: uh
current year but it willstillbe a concern in future
development funding but there wouldstillbe a ring fenced budget
but for aw they lstillbe feart ti dee an
battles though already lost muststillbe fought but i wrote
but allow t thim taestillbe identified as scottish through
system works but there mightstillbe inappropriate and superfluous unit
linguistic now but you mightstillbe interested hope all is
wherever i found myself wouldstillbe nothing but a metaphor
in bedrooms fancy candlesticks canstillbe seen but often it
yes f1117: but she llstillbe your friend will she
between remain like that isstillbeing discussed but that s
per cent but that isstillbelow the average for working
hot water but the smellstillbillows out at intervals i
t hurley lost any weightstillblissfully clueless there but these
started it and they restillboasting about it but f889:
says mummy but she sstillbusy with messy morag and
a little bit in englishstillbut ehm and they re
an fand her there leevinstillbut founert sair but the
[laugh] but i bet youstillbuys plants f1074: oh certainly
i had but i wasstillcairryin it wi me ye
to standard grades or theystillcall it the gcse but
ordinary hoose but erm mumstillcalled it the sitting room
nightshift is the only istillcan f1023: dark f1024: but
mornin tae night but istillcannae think o a word
trousers with the money hestillcant talk but he knows
now just a drizzle butstillcapable of wetting us can
lovely afternoon the rain stopsstillcloudy but we re on
pickets get funny but westillcome in tuesday 29 8pm
paper off see sprinkles willstillcome off but it s
and they made clangers theystilldae some o them but
it ai but he michtstilldee oot thare whit can
restored but the site isstilldeeply atmospheric two of the
wrapped around some melting butstilldelicious marks and spencers chocolate
it doon a bit butstilldey- i tink dey were
of your pimples but youstilldidn t look like the
have misrepresented you but istilldisagree with you particularly with
went to school and theystilldo in the holidays but
f1037: yeah f1038: but shestilldoesn t i don t
yeah m605: but you canstillehm abuse people in gaelic
years but where final successstilleludes us article 2 of
your feet but i mstillenjoying it it s different
structure of the language wasstiller not intact but at
is of obscure origin butstillexists in some modern english
somewhat delayed but i wouldstillexpect it to begin early
bedroomed house but we werestillf1041: mmhm two two bedrooms
but at least it wasstillf718: mmhm m017: it was
silence neil and gladys arestillfacing each other but neil
miss wood but she isstillfar away fiona and geordie
and strategy but we arestillfar from it the amsterdam
three days but he llstillfix his hair before he
catherine wheel but it sstillfizzling nicely joe you know
museum in washington but itstillgave me a thrill to
the time and you canstillget it at bookshops but
our money but they restillgettin money [laugh] f606: mmhm
more manageable tins visiting relationsstillgoes on but it used
over but the fire wasstillgood and the bus to
huh m1048: but it sstillgood yeah f1049: involves chinese
didn t score but theystillgot right round you know
f950: version but it sstillgot the scottish sort o
ground but herds of llamasstillgraze around it from there
the pavement but you muststillha e a road tae
f963: yeah f965: but theystillhad that compliance and and
brick in them but istillhad the flat roof eh
since the 1920s but itstillhad the name of aal
i suppose his his widowstillhas it but eh th-
past 3 days but shestillhasn t mentioned anything about
darker every day but theystillhave a bluish haze he
but f606: yeah so theystillhave a sense that it
appreciate that opportunity but istillhave a wee bit of
flu period so we couldstillhave an epidemic but the
it up [inaudible] saying westillhave swarms from ireland but
atlas aye right enough butstillhe must have reformed or
sounds no less ghastly butstillhe reminisces with an easy
first i thought it wasstillhim god but god had
there f1121: but you canstillhold onto mum and look
monday to lathalmond snow icestillholding but signs of a
but her arms stay outstillholding them agnes whaur did
ti gawd i wove andstilli better wove but the
other place but you arestillin edinburgh what is going
brothers saved but george wasstillin his sins untill the
essay writin but this isstillin its infancy writin in
that but wee douglas wasstillin nappies for god s
by a simple girder bridgestillin place but somewhat untrustworthy
a point but you restillin the game f963: yeah
is nearhand the tanks arestillintact but the superstructure surrendered
tended his steam engine butstillintact on the east side
its product but there arestillissues to be considered the
makes me so angry butstillit s a relief to
in winter right enough butstillit s not the same
me come on moosh butstillit widnae shift until ah
chunky eric but he isstillkeeping a keen eye on
wis gey fou but hestillkent the elder pittin the
scots for nane but thaimstillkent the wey ti mak
central f963: but there wasstillkind of a like a
fella comes by but istillkinda hanker for alec mcphee
scottish parliament but he isstilllanguishing down the road at
of the most notable butstilllargely unrecognised of the women
silly auld soad aye butstillleevin my doddery old cronies
that s richt it wesstilllicht whan ah arrived but
was terrifying but it wasstilllike at the end m811:
it any more but istilllike my old language 1997
than anythin but it wasstilllike sort of vr vr
70 year auld but istilllike to get a man
war s runnicks barely cutstilllines on maps but life
shoap ma erse but eestilllooked dead serious an goes
up or anything but itstilllooked lovely f746: mm that
bed asyde hir but shestilllys thare chitterin the fek
hitting hard but it sstillm1007: aye m1008: yes m1055:
o s daily breid butstillman rab ye didnae fleich
but archie admitted the statuestillmanaged to look imposing the
busloads of passing tourists butstillmanaged to seem shy and
choked but the preacher isstillmerry as with brandy he
day but ma haunds irstillmingin they smell lyke a
been done but there isstillmore to do this year
is right but there isstillmuch work that can be
o the byre that sstillmy jyle but i bide
m1042: yeah f1043: but istillnever ever heard an oath
been very good but istillnever mentioned the homeopathic medicine
they are rather battered butstillnice and can be displayed
fur his age but sadiestillno big enough but bangs
step forward but there arestillno sanctions for use against
january day to day butstillno snow in fact i
to control her feelings nowstillno tears but a heavy
it was and it sstillnot been fixed but erm
so but yeah i mstillnot quite sure why i
are improving but they arestillnot very good when people
but the intense cold isstillnot with us the light
eh supposedly retired farmer butstillon the go m1002: i
feenished but the stuff wasstillon the ration m865: sorry
be free but you restillpayin a high price puttin
as me but i wouldstillpit my han up every
highly intelligent but are neverthelessstillportrayed with obvious sincerity even
set aff again the fishstillpouin like a train but
get one but we shouldstillpress for it as fiona
route [note: basic map of route drawn here, showing fredericton, montreal, boston and philadelphia] but it wasstillprobably 3000 miles there and
the western isles it sstillquite strong but it s
is thinning out but isstillquite strong there are rare
thing but my sister sstillquite young f1148: mmhm f1149:
in spelling but it wasstillrecognisably scots other scots for
text published in 1975 butstillreferring to british money as
term accent but some speakersstillregard certain ways of speaking
brought up but i canstillremember the coaties so it
but is it is itstillrestricted the broadcasting to the
f643: aye passenger trains wasstillrunnin past but they didnae
the delivery the projects arestillrunning but we have had
season the grey matter isstillscrambled but really i have
daylight her deep set eyesstillseemed to glitter but with
that but the convention isstillsitting which means that it
ah didny like tae shestillsmiled at me but it
but thon old ewe isstillsome beauty for her age
mmhm m842: but there sstillsome things he think- an
but recognise that there isstillsome way to go we
she is his fingers arestillsore but she might belt
understands scots but i dstillspeak to her in english
i hink ye ll kinstillspend it but numbers arenae
in 83 this noble housestillstands but don t you
it away but it isstillstuck fast needle ye d
like him and rhyme butstillsuccess attends on imitation of
in his letter but istillsuspect that the limitations imposed
m999: [laugh] m1000: [laugh] butstillthat- that s maybe unfair
wis dull an dank butstillthe blackie sang his music
ferm s my ain butstillthe dyke stauns arrow straucht
the pun is worse butstillthe fact remains the same
but the memory of poestillthe guide was very interesting
april air waxed dowier butstillthe lanely cuckoo called fae
but i mean they restillthe the people do tend
the bog but it wasstillthe thraahyeuk that was used
f814: right f813: she sstillthere but ehm and so
john the plosive bs arestillthere but the loss of
is but the hole sstillthere i just covered it
but the two policemen werestillthere seated in court mr
pear tree was removed butstillthere will be many in
they re better aff butstillthey want the day s
for the better but istillthink some things were were
them m830: an they restilltiny f829: well yes but
getting better but i mstilltired i ve had a
clean okay but we vestillto do this bowl f1122:
in england but crime isstilltoo high a small minority
i know but [censored: forename] sstilltoo little eh f1130: like
tax etc to blackrod butstilltrying to kid the neighbours
fish this time but wisstilluisin the wee bare heuks
towards home but i mstillunable to move fiona warm
those policies but many arestillunaware of them in the
three hours but you werestillunconscious maybe you hadn t
and repetitive work this isstillundoubtedly the case but both
the situation in egypt isstillunstable but mubarak seems a
[laugh] f832: but does hestilluse like s- all scottish
tinkies had cairties but theystillused their feet a great
f641: mmhm f640: i mstillvery uncertain but they say
f810: but i m juststillwaiting for my oh and
heart functioning again but istillwanted out the grilling i
decibel level noticeably but hestillwants his mother as our
brilliant sunshine act two isstillwarm and sunny but the
sheep dip the day wasstillwarm but had clouded over
was already dead but itstillwas like missing and if
ye ll be sayin butstillwell within the memory of
mixed metaphor robb but istillwish i was holden with
tae his mither but istillwisna thinkin straicht because i
smack it again but itstillwont stay alight for long
to last long but itsstillworking hard so far i
manchester than leyland robert isstillworking o k but no
i do while i amstillworking we manage fine but
but i m sniffing aroundstillworld news is rather depressing
can see that she isstillworried about me but i
we can proceed we couldstillwrite to the minister but
getting very poor but shestillwrites very well robert was
aw ye lyke ye irstilla bit hauflin ye ir
f1135: i think it sstilla bit stiff is it
toon past thirty meg wisstilla bonnie wummin bit time
4 12 fine day bitstilla chill in the air
o a hey soo stanninstilla fyow feet high bit
stumbled stopped himself though perhapsstilla wee bit under the
a bit o dismay forstillan quait like that a
nooadays bit e word wisstillbein used in mabel s
tae greet aboot naething staansstillbit gin a wye o
gaed it a clean bitstillbroon an roost widnae go
a fer bit o changestilldis rain bit nae in
bit the win intae usstilldis tare thursday 4th temp
m939: [inaudible] [laugh] m941: istilldo that a little bit
gordon of finzean bit theystilldrapped her intae the broth
10 gweed bit cooler bitstilldry an fine day dis
no bit e tool wisstillere as a kinno testimonial
wee bit of a luxurystillf963: mmhm f965: erm before
m816: mmhm m815: you restillfeelin a bit weak come
thursday 6th temp 0 6stillfine wither bit mair than
fin i rise sooth winstillgale force dry bit later
damn cauld clears up bitstillgang twa fauld friday 17th
cawin that doon we restillgonnae hae a bit tae
said i think i vestillgot a bit to go
the next farm thomastown tammastonstillhad a great bit to
basic and imaginative ways yetstillhave a bit left over
been a bit slower westillhave some way to go
mi jilly bit yi kinstillhear the punches long silence
her an that scrawny airmstillhett wis bit the mortal
o hersel did isie bitstillhid a saft spot fur
dunt on my head wasstillhurting a bit i went
sae puddok quaet nou staunstilli the bit intones div
wis happy aricht i wisstillin ae bit weel haud
wes weill content ti bydestillin the bit an watch
travel a bit by busstillit s probably prettier than
cd see throwe t bitstillit wis a gey solid
milk or saut bit betterstillma honey and fusky it
print in sic detail bitstillmak it maist readable i
guid lord be thankit bitstillnae sign o arthur an
do a bit more studyingstillno word of loan 24
ah bit foo muckle shidstillo been staunnin judge for
aneth the category o sportstillon fitba i cwidna bit
pianie lesson bit minnie wisstillower roch in her spikk
bit heartened that you werestillplaying games like that f963:
century ordinary north easters werestillsayin bit that f wis
jude anderson wis near echtystillswack bit nut broon an
bit towt hit fully betterstilltae hug da daek across
that ways aboot bit shestilltellt him the facts in
lived there and i istillthought it was a bit
a file i jist satstilltrummlin bit tholin wytin aathing
bit hotter than rosstown thenstillwhit s the point o
e boy poppit up againstillwi e bag bit it
erm i think there wasstilla degree of honour f963:
time f963: yeah it wasstilla treat then mm mmhm
were erm middle class andstillat school f963: mm f965:
think we f965: forget f963: stilldid i mean i think
through f963: mm did youstilldo the wee setting on
f963: mm mm m762: andstilldo to some extent you
was it would mature itstilldoes f963: right yeah mmhm
of the the sleepers werestillf963: mm mm mmhm m762:
academy f963: yeah was therestillf965: not to my remembrance
elastic do you think theystillget those f963: mm i
regimented f963: mm f965: westillhad national service f963: that
it actually because it sstillhappening and f963: mm mmhm
you know f963: was itstillhappening when you went to
piece of coal s probablystillin that erm f963: right
f963: mm mm m762: itstillis you know f963: mm
f963: mmhm f965: and westillplayed you know we brought
out f963: oh yeah youstillsee them uh huh they
glass i mean these arestillsort of f963: mm m762:
her you know he sstillsort of m762: yeah f963:
know i think that sstilltrue f963: yeah mmhm f965:
f963: working in factory [laugh]stillwith no rights f965: well
be f963: well our lotstillwould be [laugh] f965: win
it f963: no very muchstillyes yeah mm m762: and
f1077: it is there isstilla club there i m
five o clock is cominstilla m on ma ain
me the day ah mstillaff ma meat oniewey the
not know however i mstillalive and i think i
inform you that i mstillalive you know could i
monday morning and i mstillat it i can t
so glad i m notstillat school m811: yeah f813:
natives a little i mstillawaiting the final word from
for years and i mstillcoming alive he could be
a ma veesits ah mstilldaein the roonds o writers
do you know i mstilldid i tell you i
coming year cause i mstilldoing my [laugh] dissertation [laugh]
can m608: mmhm f643: alwaysstillearn money if i m
my education also i mstillenjoying being abroad and experiencing
m608: mmhm f643: i mstillfriendly with and jane and
ye ken this i mstillgettin fowk fowk comin tae
sell nothing and i mstillgetting paid m608: mmhm aye
socialise and relax i mstillgoing occasionally to the weight
i haven t i vestillgot them cause i m
i m afraid you vestillgot to be male white
bath m1106: mum i mstillhaving a bath f1105: no
o torry an i mstillhere efter sixty odd years
s a winner i mstillhere funnily enough that was
mine tae an i mstillhere gied me ma pension
ve been wicked i mstillhis princess he gives me
in bratislava sae i mstillhopin ey got em we
invisibility just by sitting absolutelystilli m afraid your zone
estate this summer after allstilli m keeping my head
i tell you i mstillin the prospectus m941: yes
i m sure i mstillin touch with the drift
i m f718: hmm m734: stillinto classical music er much
you just now it sstilljimmies which i m glad
cam back faith a mstilllackin sleep the kiss a
in glasgow when i mstillliving f1037: i think that
was born here i mstillliving in the same house
glasgow erm and i mstillnevertheless a gaelic speaker erm
or riyadh so i mstillnot thinking past the month
suit collar tie everything isstillon and i m lyin
far i believe i mstillon schedule for re entry
fairly steadily ie i mstillon schedule just on the
what it is f1023: istillsay i m going ma
i m s- an istillsay it i m starvin
i m f641: mm f640: stillsearching i don t know
this summer well i mstillsettling in here one bad
in forty minutes i mstillsitting on central station waiting
can assure you i mstillsmiling i repeat take it
me down any i mstillspending just as much as
tan now although i mstillspending most of my time
since i m thinking musicstillstruggling at keeping down the
children are alone i mstilltryin to find somebody who
never stay awake i mstilltrying to figure out how
long time and i mstillunsure of the answer 2
uses two words an istilluse them i m founert
in the woods i mstillvery much enjoying being abroad
week or so i mstillweightlifting with julian one hup
they get sacked i mstillworking so far i haven
possibility though and i mstillworking towards being home around
just eh f643: there sstilla chief in it m608:
dictating over nurture there sstilla combination of both f718:
are fairly limited there isstilla concern about exactly what
draft bill revealed there isstilla considerable way to go
towards the city there werestilla couple of kilometres to
be buried there i havestilla cousin who claims to
the outcomes and there sstilla debate ongoing as to
give pupils confidence there isstilla feeling among pupils that
people had cars there werestilla few buses travelling through
rows behind that there werestilla few empty double seats
m1163: to retire there sstilla few years left in
sweet rothesay bay there sstilla fyow orrals tae tidy
biggest sector secondly it isstilla growing sector thirdly there
risk of hypothermia there isstilla long way to go
tommy sheridan said there isstilla long way to go
gettin ony better there wisstilla lot o crap nae
stuff each time there arestilla lot of things small
of squash however there isstilla lot of work to
the fact that there isstilla major strain on resources
performance difficulties although there isstilla need for grammatical competence
with two lodgers there isstilla need for that type
5 14 guidelines there isstilla need for the teacher
be minimised although there wasstilla problem it was not
they did previously there isstilla problem of job losses
the oft report there isstilla shared partnership agreement certainly
prove their innocence there wasstilla stain on their names
there was a kind ofstilla strong link with italy
been tain doon there isstilla wee hoose a butt
at home when there sstillabout 12ft of snow piled
sterted oot frae there wisstillan oor afore dinner time
be true that there isstillan opportunity to amend the
apace the sun is shiningstilland miracle of miracles there
england and in scotland therestillappeared works that eschewed rhyme
its concern that there arestillaround 4000 outstanding applications which
bat there on the sofastillas a doll that nobody
a polar bear he wudstillbe biding there bursting wee
errors which means there maystillbe errors in spelling genders
she be that nice andstillbe feart whit was there
agreements etc and there maystillbe occasional errors in verb
ever i said there llstillbe one space in the
to us all there willstillbe scope for negotiation and
anti social behaviour there hasstillbeen little improvement in the
and just leave her therestillblethering away if ye were
buried the body of herstillborn love child there in
that volunteers make there isstillbureaucracy at local authority and
have not progressed i amstillconcerned that there does not
bsl has improved there arestillconcerns about the paucity of
in east ayrshire there isstillcontroversy about issues such as
and if there was yestillcouldna nae unless you went
oniebodie oot there mind orstilldae onie o the auld
from a few places istilldon t think there s
f1093: in here is itstilldown there has it fell
environment and rural affairs departmentstillexists and whether there have
yeah mmhm f1039: i vestillgot family there i ve
there s oh they vestillgot some there s a
other just because i istillhave a feeling that there
aboot the countryside there sstillheaps an heaps o cotter
microphones there so they canstillhear us right slip off
turns lilian what are youstillhere jack there s a
the communicative classroom there isstillhowever considerable controversy as to
there is almost 2 000stillin the fund with interest
is that right are theystillin there gee whizz aye
fact that the treasury isstillinvolved as there is a
january 2001 whether it isstillits position that there is
this term now there arestilllarge gaps in our knowledge
an ex patient and hestilllived there because he d
fairm an eh i canstillmind people bein in there
much going on there isstillmuch more to do we
it appears that there isstillmuch to do in relation
get qualified if there sstillno job in the offing
the last minute there werestillnot enough markers how can
the hoose mm there sstillone left are they gonna
girls there was a standstillorder on workers during the
you there s the cludgiestillout on the stair that
the assurance that scotland isstillout there even the stenches
noo farr s cinderella f1103: stillover there i ll get
results alex easton there arestillpeople who have not received
forests there are those whostillperform ceremonies to exorcise demons
cowboys there kindly explaining thestillphotos in their glass cases
bubble gum so there arestillpi- primary school kids who
will show that there arestillproblems faced by gaelic education
other things although there arestillquestions over whether those other
here and there though istillsay things like sat instead
want to proceed there isstillscope for us to act
stertit up which ye canstillsee oan the brae there
and audit group there arestillserious concerns that people with
points that we made arestillsignificant first there is an
it s okay you canstillsit there right [censored: forename] [censored: surname]
f1103: oh f1104: there sstillsome snow here here s
tae think that there sstillsomewye in the world far
we have heard or maystillspeak the language ourselves there
more questions and there arestillstrict limits to our knowledge
scots spoken now freens thatstillteach in there tell me
yeah mmhm m762: there isstillthat certain lack of confidence
to ayr academy was therestillthat sort of f965: what
i think that that isstillthe case there has been
f1105: good and there sstillthe chute m1106: yeah no
head no señor there isstillthe fine trimming to do
good fun okay there wasstillthe line up you know
christmas time eh there wasstillthe magic of christmas day
at the port entrance isstillthere as is the rail
[inaudible] aye m815: that sstillthere as well aye it
business in glasgow which isstillthere called r a mcphees
f1093: [?]he's still there[/?] m1094: is hestillthere f1093: yeah he s
f1126: mmhm f1125: it sstillthere f1126: and i want
them are f606: yeah f828: stillthere f606: yeah [laugh] f828:
mmhm m017: the literature isstillthere f718: yes m017: and
and spoke to it youstillthere i never hang up
get in old english arestillthere in icelandic and it
can see if it sstillthere in the big box
and i hope it sstillthere it was divided into
school sometimes wish i wasstillthere m1014: well i ve
there f1093: yeah he sstillthere m1094: why f1093: look
[inaudible] lighthouse m815: [cough] m816: stillthere m815: er yeah m816:
is is the swimming poolstillthere m815: yeah [?]oban[/?] baths
hotel next m815: it sstillthere m816: tae it as
as i ken they restillthere mm m999: it s
the hills the hamlet isstillthere now old pentland near
developing that f606: mmhm m830: stillthere s this it feels
didny like to risk itstillthere s to be illuminations
feel that the notes werestillthere though i ll just
s i think it sstillthere to this day [cough]
was yesterday yup it sstillthere went off the road
ye say there s somestillthere whaur did they sting
and it was i wasstillthere when i got married
auld laundry ruin mcginty wisstillthere wi his back tae
side they the buildins arestillthere ye ken the ticket
she s pregnant andy youstillthere yes i think so
all primary schools there isstilltherefore place for a well
definite conclusion however there arestillthings that can go in
for surveillance systems however istillthink that there is room
anything like that there sstillthis sort of yeah it
government in europe there isstilltime to do that some
introduced in scotland there isstilltime to evaluate more fully
force the convener there isstilltime to look at the
so suddenly departed there werestillto be seen the remains
and there s one morestillto come f1118: two f1117:
ambitions there is much morestillto do that is the
deputy presiding officer there arestilltwo members who wish to
porker s posterior there werestilltwo rows of assorted hopefuls
he called thousands of certificatesstillwaiting to go out there
awful lot more than westillwant to do there are
i didn t realise therestillwere any people who spoke
is not old it isstillyoung there is a lot
shrunken and the night wasstillyoung there was nothing to
be sure that we arestillable to operate on a
p 50 however msps arestillable to speak in any
the rest o them arestillalive an kickin [laugh] includin
many of those responsible arestillalive and free walking the
too as if they arestillalive at no deid thae
before we were writers andstillare although once you become
network logistically and logically theystillare in the highland region
and so on who arestillaround at that stage i
many of those students arestillat school and it is
many of those students arestillat school george macbride i
of these manuscripts which arestillat the national archives of
benefits of eu structural fundsstillavailable are used for sustainable
are exported the product isstillavailable we fully accept that
scotland with gaelic we arestillawaiting an announcement on a
hnc or hnd courses arestillawaiting receipt of their certificates
young people of scotland arestillbeing considered by the european
individual learning account scheme arestillbeing investigated how many learning
c whether these shares arestillbeing traded and if so
re away the burglars arestillbusy around here they got
of the eu we arestillchallenged and exercised by those
central and south iraq arestillchronically malnourished that under five
6 7 doune gdns arestillclosed bags of rubbish are
2002 sub post offices arestillclosing at the disturbing rate
technology of the region arestillcommon to us both ever
that suggests that they arestillconcentrating on things such as
feelings are confused they arestillconfused seventy years later goddesses
of the committee we arestilldealing with the launch the
many respects those nations arestilldeveloping economies that need the
yes [laugh] f1037: are theystilldoing that f1038: erm well
admissions service system we arestilldominated by the timetable for
area tidy seriously and arestilldumping household goods at the
mean some o them arestilldwelling places f746: mmhm f978:
wi the sea are youstilleasy in your mind sanderson
not too successful we arestilledgy i don t understand
700 schools mainly primary arestillentering for its competition annually
the dreams are the nightmaresstillexerting their baneful power the
gaps deficiencies and duplication thatstillexist too many people are
when the national histories arestillformally separate the high points
this one are built aroundstillfunctioning fountains and stone channels
huh that their kids arestillgaein aboot wi things that
century it s affa lorettastillgently are you trying to
yet i think they arestillgetting used to alex he
later the rovin eyes arestillgiving it laldy doing requests
though [censored: forename] so are youstillgonna keep all these f1122:
was like so are youstillhangin about with like [censored: forename]
men mrs beaumont so youstillhate him why are you
that context explains why westillhave a gap we are
repay them however they arestillhomeless and unable to have
[inaudible] f951: [inaudible] are theystillhot let me try u1028:
sentences together it s frighteningstillhow are you getting on
i think they they arestillimportant [cough] it s eh
found a number of troopsstillin attendance you are not
with silver hands women arestillin eden eve to a
of the four groups arestillin existence and which have
the neighbours in london arestillin ignorance of our plans
john barbara provided they arestillin lanzarote no word of
to folk their faces arestillin my head all these
no 5 the girders arestillin place though no longer
which are often with usstillin practical terms some are
are we oh it sstillin the box oh i
in the backcourt things arestillin the early stages of
mentioned the arts faculties arestillin the externally pleasant looking
united states administration we arestillin the melting pot are
the discount so we arestillin the position of being
estate montgoldrum and millplough arestillin the same families then
you are here to nightstillin your sins as wee
people are in scotland nowstillinterested in in cel- what
are being recruited we arestilllosing existing nurses from the
leap are you are youstillmaking quantum leaps at the
the only things that istillneed here are some drawers
will go by we arestillno further forward on the
suggested that considerable divisions arestillnot being addressed i found
fundraisers many important organisations arestillnot funded by local authorities
exist too many people arestillnot getting the care that
this stage if members arestillnot satisfied after they have
and language well we arestillon his bi centenary being
world in the 90 sstillother tensions are bubbling away
no f1025: the toilets werestilloutside i think they are
outside i think they arestilloutside they ve been closed
rivers lochs and estuaries arestillowned by the crown and
whether letters of comfort arestillpart of the system and
see some of you arestillpaying attention now if you
f1024: [laugh] f1025: are youstillplaying [laugh] f1026: [laugh] f1054:
[inaudible] f1091: sorry are youstillplaying m1092: no don t
in the campus mines arestillpretty nice and people who
language i think which arestillquite irish in a way
are under way we arestillreceiving anecdotal evidence about dissatisfaction
an so the newcastletons arestillreferred tae as the copshie
you find things that arestillrelevant to m017: [exhale] yes
instances of badger baiting arestillreported to the sspca although
be aware that we arestillresearching this issue and are
are actual scottish place namesstillseen from the road as
in august 2000 we arestillshort of teaching materials the
and miniature samurai swords arestillsold for example even if
kin o thing that arestillsort o kickin about f631:
s like f1155: are youstillspeaking to her f1154: i
yard foreman and mc detachmentstillstand and are in private
ye wee eedjit are youstillsteering about with that daft
livestock marketing companies they arestillstruggling to recover from last
the dti insist they arestillsupportive of the network of
they just said are youstilltaking your medication and i
note book his fingers arestilltelling him that he was
mornin an my pownies arestillthat thirsty whit can i
from various regions these arestillto be found in some
known or anticipated costs arestillto be paid to or
and learning disability that arestillto close in considering the
are acceptable or is itstilltoo early for them to
the small business gateway arestilltrading successfully s1w 24075 christine
of the debate we arestilltrying genuinely to debate the
issue of complexity are westilltrying to do too much
gate system local discussions arestillunderway please contact us with
methods of netting salmon arestillused in rivers including river
suppose th- these halls arestillused lister was it lister
be that the russians arestillvery much annoyed with the
longer habitable its foundations arestillvisible as foundations for the
moit traces of it arestillvisible on the level ground
you that some pupils arestillwaiting for final confirmation of
evidence of students who arestillwaiting for final confirmation of
point out that we arestillwaiting for the scottish national
scotland that some students arestillwaiting for written confirmation of
and other peaks we arestillwaiting to hear news of
sister s bedrooms are outstillwe have this unspoken agreement
guys are pretty vulnerable woundsstillweepin fuck sake go easy
is obvious that you arestillwithout any disciplinary problems and
finish it later are youstillwriting your own stuff doesn
the boat my you restilla smart wee bobby dazzler
guid name like ours beaumontstilland all we re in
they kent that they restillbidin here in aiberdeen the
they kent that they restillbidin here in aiberdeen the
we see oh ye restilldaein the stickers m1128: no
m194: so they they restilldangerous aye m608: after about
re they re they restilldi- as we speak discussing
to start walking they restillf810: [laugh] f809: looking for
were fechtin and we restillfechtin on three or fower
house to smarten him upstillfurther noo we re gaun
cut off and you restillgoing on about the ashtray
you re f826: you restillgonna be an outsider yeah
i never knew they restillhere in my noddle smiling
didnae work kens ye restillhere pause he d see
dae ah stew you restillhingin oan ti yur need
re kiddin no i saystillholding on to her eyes
top f1113: oh you restillin your jama top come
heroine altho they re awstillinfuriatingly guid at awthin they
thinking they re real madridstilljust because some hacked off
facts maun be faced menstillken if they re daein
ye re awa to seckstillmair o the aulder haunds
[laugh] f810: you re allstillmiserable go back to your
f1089: mmhm m1090: we restillmissing now let s put
its voice carried in thestillnight air we re fine
allotment cammy so we restilloan the subject o bravery
is phase one it sstillongoing we re looking at
check you and you restillplaying that s it that
and the mummy they restillsleeping look what s she
message that you re gonnastillspeak to somebody f809: [laugh]
f1111: yes cause you restillsplashing f1112: s- i was
we re no here sadiestillthe postman could come the
we re here we restillthigithir supporting each other cammy
in maist cases they restillthinkin in english we r
ye re a man atstillunfylt sae dinna get yirsel
have got together otherwise wouldstillbe danny and richard richard
ye got an everything wasstillbrought tae my mother s
yeah especially where the schoolingstillerm because you ve got
and urine the party wasstillgoing strong when we got
f1122: [cough] f1121: you vestillgot a bad cough have
efter fower months we vestillgot a hunnerd percent solidarity
ehm i ve i vestillgot a lot friends from
my philosophy an i vestillgot a my fingers she
pulley as well i vestillgot a pulley i couldnae
at the moment i vestillgot a room to myself
got the photographs i vestillgot a school photo f638:
like that m1019: i vestillgot a word that i-
ain f1117: look you vestillgot bitties in here look
killed his friend [censored: forename] sstillgot brain injuries m1048: oh
had lovely company i vestillgot friends you know that
parrot eatin f1127: has [censored: forename]stillgot her budgie and fitt
ye pick een that sstillgot her eye teeth she
ballroom oh yes f718: theystillgot one oh m1078: erm
name f718: and you vestillgot relatives around the dundee
one of them she sstillgot stitches where one starts
s aa sticky it sstillgot syrup on it m1108:
s it cause you vestillgot that ain to dae
no nae yet you vestillgot that one f1118: look
right mmhm yeah he sstillgot that status right yeah
i ve m608: mmhm m642: stillgot the bonneville f643: mmhm
first in years i vestillgot the claw marks from
[censored: forename] f835: so you vestillgot the cold then cause
got not is i vestillgot the old bsa the
around f833: my dad sstillgot the scottish [laugh] f832:
four was it i vestillgot their marriage certificate actually
younger officers so we vestillgot this impasse where i
here soon and you vestillgot this room to tidy
the bed and i vestillgot this was a kind
me somewhere where i vestillgot to pick up the
oh dear yes we vestillgot to wash that haven
to do cause we vestillgot we ve got that
got ye got f638: thatstillhappens f640: it s restarted
ear f1114: it s gotstillin it f1113: what s
uh huh m842: you canstillken i ve got a
up the dee i vestillnae got a bairnie i
examining the matter i havestillnot got to grips with
got it 30 wednesday bathstillout although cistern fixed looks
scots translations and it wasstilla st- i think it
box beds which i thinkstillexist tae this day m999:
offering wrs the post isstillextant i don t think
think i must have beenstillin primary school and we
probably f1043: i think itstillis a tart actually [laugh]
think carolanne think while yestillkin carolanne will you move
think to some extent doesstillper- pervade within scotland although
say i think i wouldstillsay living room lounge has
wonderful so civilised and istillthink it s civilised you
hae said tart which istillthink it would be the
lot of people round herestillthink of it like that
progress has been made istillthink that a lot more
you refer christine grahame istillthink that even if a
from the glasgow smog istillthink the night sky is
and i f943: mmhm m944: stillthink we do we do
kind of friendliness which istillthink you get in glasgow
think the bog some folkstilluse the bog an the
would be necessary to remainstillwith time to think to
i think sh- she sstillworking in gowan s i

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