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ministers a revised carer informationstrategy5 in this section references
and submit to them astrategya carer identification strategy for
and submit to them astrategya carer information strategy for
ministers review its carer identificationstrategyand prepare and submit to
ministers review their carer informationstrategyand prepare and submit to
a strategy a carer identificationstrategyfor a identifying carers living
a strategy a carer informationstrategyfor a informing carers who
ministers a revised carer identificationstrategysection 12 mary scanlon 20
to prepare a carer informationstrategythe scottish ministers may specify
to prepare a carer identificationstrategythe scottish ministers may specify
copy of their carer informationstrategyto any person who requests
copy of its carer identificationstrategyto any person who requests
was outlined in the culturalstrategy1 a key priority of
an extendit opportunities national culturalstrategy12 in august 2000 the
and extended opportunities national culturalstrategy12 in august 2000 the
that forby the national culturalstrategyan 5 14 guidelines scots
that despite the national culturalstrategyand the 5 14 guidelines
consultation for the national culturalstrategyand the work being done
part of its national culturalstrategyand what plans it has
indigenous arts in any culturalstrategyas well as in the
submission tae the national culturalstrategydebate for gaelic the weys
submission to the national culturalstrategydebate in respect of gaelic
report on the national culturalstrategydetailing work carried out to
6 scots executive national culturalstrategyfirst report 25 october 2001
15 scottish executive national culturalstrategyfirst report 25 october 2001
executive debate on national culturalstrategyfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
report on the national culturalstrategyfor scotland consultation responses came
stalling the much anticipated culturalstrategyfor scotland was launched last
its national cultural strategy thestrategyhas four strategic objectives one
its national cultural strategy thestrategyhas fower objectives ane is
sic as the national culturalstrategyhas gane some road tae
such as the national culturalstrategyhave gone some way toward
a a a national culturalstrategy[inaudible] f718: mmhm m017: which
context of the national culturalstrategyirene mcgugan is to report
implementation of the national culturalstrategyis proceeding effectively s1o 5769
report on the national culturalstrategyootlinin darg done sae faur
am pleased that the culturalstrategyrecognises the importance of scots
to develop a national culturalstrategys1o 113 10 trish godman
to develop a national culturalstrategys1o 113 10 trish godman
music in the national culturalstrategys1o 418 17 george lyon
the executive s national culturalstrategys1w 1092 michael russell to
implementation of the national culturalstrategys1w 12151 irene mcgugan to
in implementing the national culturalstrategys1w 34879 cathy peattie to
hear that in the culturalstrategyscots language issues are being
as the newly published culturalstrategysupports the languages this would
our past the national culturalstrategytactica solutions scots consultative cooncil
our past the national culturalstrategytactica solutions scottish consultative council
issue contradicts its own culturalstrategythat has as its key
annual report on the culturalstrategythe executive drew attention to
relation to the national culturalstrategythe executive intended the document
tae anent the national culturalstrategythe executive intendit the document
scots executive s national culturalstrategythe general feelin expressed wis
scottish executive s national culturalstrategythe general feeling expressed was
executive published its national culturalstrategythe strategy has four strategic
executive published its national culturalstrategythe strategy has fower objectives
consultation on the national culturalstrategythey will find that we
pledged in the national culturalstrategywas waning it has been
pledged in the national culturalstrategywis dwinin the process has
called scotland s national culturalstrategyyes it was full of
require from the right medicinestrategycould be sustained janis hughes
by the right medicine astrategyfor pharmaceutical care in scotland
right medicine bill scott thestrategylooked at the health needs
light of the right medicinestrategythe submissions that we are
us want the right medicinestrategyto be put on hold
are pursuing the right medicinestrategyto which they have signed
principle of the right medicinestrategywe believe that a partnership
and to the right medicinestrategywe want to get that
in the 1994 scottish tourismstrategy10 between 1986 and 1996
in the 1994 scottish tourismstrategy34 [note: table here in original, including reference to footnote (35)] a new strategy
new ayrshire and arran tourismstrategyand the service level agreement
to promote its golf tourismstrategyand what steps it is
light of the current tourismstrategyfor scotland s1o 1533 30
s report on a newstrategyfor scottish tourism formulate its
the preparation of a newstrategyfor scottish tourism it was
going implementation of the newstrategyfor scottish tourism published in
going implementation of the newstrategyfor scottish tourism published in
strategy 34 [note: table here in original, including reference to footnote (35)] a newstrategyfor tourism consultation document on
in its recent scottish tourismstrategyinterim review report 24 understanding
further believes that the tourismstrategylaunched by the scottish executive
an estimated 15million on tourismstrategyresearch business development training and
ensure that its new tourismstrategyresults in tangible benefits for
have been numerous policy andstrategyreviews relating to scottish tourism
area tourism strategies the areastrategyshould be the single document
mapped out in the tourismstrategythat was published in february
specific action plans under thestrategythese include tourism training scotland
scottish executive whether the tourismstrategyto be published in january
context of the golf tourismstrategywill visitscotland support the scottish
groups has produced an excellentstrategydocument called reducing fractures and
will build on the textilestrategydocument for the uk due
national osteoporosis society on itsstrategydocument reducing fractures and osteoporosis
publish its national hiv aidsstrategydocument s1o 2729 22 miss
the nos s strategy thestrategydocument states that pharmacists should
be driven by the agriculturalstrategydocument that i am currently
an executive document a forwardstrategyfor scottish agriculture and will
enthusiastic but the uk pharmacystrategyis a very good document
a worthy document but astrategythat would deliver in the
agencies in the nos sstrategythe strategy document states that
meeting 7 europe s employmentstrategyand corporate social responsibility an
2 1 europe s employmentstrategyand corporate social responsibility an
meeting 7 europe s employmentstrategyand corporate social responsibility an
known as the european employmentstrategyand is often referred to
committee on europe s employmentstrategyand the scottish model for
inquiry on europe s employmentstrategyhowever the committee agreed to
performance of the european employmentstrategyis assessed specific attention is
information about the european employmentstrategyis detailed in spice briefing
since 1997 the european employmentstrategyis now in its third
is called the european employmentstrategyit came into effect immediately
time under the new employmentstrategyit has proposed to the
davies e 2002 european employmentstrategyspice briefing 02 98 edinburgh
briefing 02 98 european employmentstrategythe ees also formed part
important part of the employmentstrategythe treaty of amsterdam also
partnership action for continuing employmentstrategywill be put in place
develop and implement a nationalstrategyaddressing the social health and
establish longterm vision objectives andstrategyand the second would develop
s government to develop astrategyfor ensuring that essential services
urdu 18 the visitor managementstrategyfor holyrood will develop existing
01 to develop the childcarestrategyin their areas the presiding
commissioned to develop a trainingstrategyinitially for social work staff
intends to develop such astrategys1w 32873 mr kenny macaskill
executive to develop an economicstrategythat has long term sustainable
executive to develop an economicstrategythat has long term sustainable
and healthy lunches develop astrategyto bring public sector employers
effectiveness of the 25 millionstrategyto develop the creative industries
the executive to develop astrategyto ensure the continuance of
has to bring forward astrategyto sustain and develop the
without further delay the nationalstrategyand framework arising from the
its national equal opportunities trainingstrategyand the next stage is
in sepa s national wastestrategybe adopted for the disposal
aspired to adopt a nationalstrategybreak it down to the
grammar development the national literacystrategycrinson s approach the north
it has to which nationalstrategydevelopments the additional resources will
to be a national languagesstrategyf718: mmhm m017: that this
executive debate on national wastestrategyfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
support others promote a nationalstrategyfor children with special educational
such as the national literacystrategyfor england and wales or
taken to devise a nationalstrategyfor minerals extraction and how
has received about a nationalstrategyfor minerals extraction and whether
you today about the nationalstrategyfor sport in scotland sport
linda fabiani s1m 2783 nationalstrategyfor survivors of childhood sexual
elements of the national wastestrategyin particular we are giving
not finalised the national wastestrategyit begins to look as
the scottish executive what nationalstrategyit or anybody accountable to
contributions to the national wastestrategylocal authorities are required to
1 from john mackay nationalstrategymanager john thomson director of
reading and the national literacystrategymaterials reading and writing for
the more recent national literacystrategynls this approach can be
crown estate david howell nationalstrategyofficer scottish natural heritage professor
information would inform a nationalstrategyon interpreting and translating no
would also inform a nationalstrategyon interpreting and translating that
we should have a nationalstrategyon it what is your
would benefit from a nationalstrategyon monitoring that addresses the
out in the national cyclingstrategys1o 1531 24 fergus ewing
made towards a national childcarestrategys1o 250 3 maureen macmillan
2000 identified in the 1994strategysee table below the national
is a national fire safetystrategythat includes the aim of
authorities implementing the national wastestrategythe executive has allocated 230
the progress of the nationalstrategyto address domestic abuse s1w
implement a national sexual healthstrategyto enhance self respect and
to devise a national asthmastrategyto ensure that these guidelines
to devise a national asthmastrategyto ensure that these guidelines
commitment to a national languagesstrategywhich f718: uh huh m017:
scottish executive whether a nationalstrategywill be developed and implemented
from waste the national wastestrategywill generate millions of tonnes
s1m 563 johann lamont drugsstrategyfor text of motion see
report states that no drugsstrategyis in place at the
pauline mcneill s1m 563 drugsstrategylodged on 17 february 2000
donald gorrie s1m 563 drugsstrategylodged on 17 february 2000
support the executive s healthstrategyon alcohol tobacco and drugs
s1m 563 johann lamont drugsstrategythat the parliament notes the
lamont glasgow pollok lab drugsstrategythat the parliament notes the
misuse drugs and its integratedstrategyto tackling drug related crime
misuse drugs and its integratedstrategyto tackling drug related crime
2002 european union social inclusionstrategya briefing paper for ngos
relevant to its social inclusionstrategyand if so in what
dumfriesshire to its social inclusionstrategyand to strengthening the local
social inclusion describes the eustrategyfor combating poverty and social
the eu s social inclusionstrategyfor example in november 2001
european level 5 the europeanstrategyfor social inclusion 6 community
of social exclusion the europeanstrategyfor social inclusion at the
on the european social inclusionstrategyin which it stated the
of the european social inclusionstrategyis the setting of common
the eu s social inclusionstrategyshould consist of promoting a
the executive s social inclusionstrategysocial justice a scotland where
of the european social inclusionstrategythe key elements of the
central to the executive sstrategywith the inclusion of local
part of the scottish enterprisestrategyand involves developing groupings of
in developing a rail freightstrategyfor scotland and with her
in developing a rail freightstrategyfor scotland and with her
in developing a rail freightstrategyfor scotland and with her
in developing a rail freightstrategyfor scotland and with her
an equal part in developingstrategyfor volunteering in scotland we
a view to developing astrategyto ensure its long term
have a proper tobacco controlstrategyin place requires a tobacco
lack of a tobacco controlstrategymaureen moore this is a
with a comprehensive tobacco controlstrategyreduces tobacco consumption rhona brankin
part of a long termstrategythat involves other tobacco control
that for a tobacco controlstrategyto be effective there must
rest of the tobacco controlstrategywas not in place incomes
rest of the tobacco controlstrategywas not in place you
part of a tobacco controlstrategyyour submission also points out
the successful implementation of thestrategyafter debate the amendment was
been implementation of the agriculturestrategyand the european commission s
implementation of a nationwide comprehensivestrategyfor significantly enhancing such services
and implementation of a managementstrategythat would guarantee a sustainable
co ordinate implementation of thestrategythe remit of the partnership
the publication of an updatedstrategyin march 2003 that strategy
strategy in march 2003 thatstrategywill include challenging new targets
lee cousins this is astrategyfor scottish sport not a
our plans to fit thestrategyfor scottish sport that will
report is to cover sportstrategyin the light of the
for scottish sport not astrategyjust for sportscotland our overall
part of the sport 21strategyrelates to the need to
to implement the sport 21strategys1w 1093 michael russell to
participation in sport will thestrategythat will be published in
is to report on sportstrategythe report is to cover
fergus ewing s1m 911 futurestrategyfor hiv and aids management
911 ms margo macdonald futurestrategyfor hiv and aids management
a view to recommending astrategyfor the management conservation and
matter of some urgency itsstrategyfor the management of hiv
next section a visitor managementstrategyis being prepared for the
the publication of the managementstrategymanaging the cairngorms in 1997
of railtrack s network managementstrategys1w 6027 mr kenny macaskill
the compulsory sea lice managementstrategythat is a sensible and
taken to fulfil the managementstrategywas finished in spring 1999
executive on its long termstrategyfor aquaculture 3 land reform
for a long term comprehensivestrategyfor continuing post compulsory education
benefits systems the government sstrategytakes a strategic long term
to pursue a longer termstrategythat will reverse the historic
to pursue a longer termstrategythat will reverse the historic
part of a longer termstrategyto secure the future of
key components of our pharmacystrategyfor scotland the decision will
the key strategies another keystrategyis to keep people physically
a key priority of thestrategypriority 2 1 is to
as part of a widerstrategysome of the key elements
part of its open spacesstrategy4 had no protection and
part of its financial recoverystrategyand calls upon the scottish
devices as part of itsstrategyfor reducing emissions from motor
the second part of thestrategyis a reform of the
be part of the broadstrategyof ensuring that as other
was part of the reformersstrategyof giving the faithful direct
clubs as part of thisstrategys1o 4710 29 murdo fraser
be part of a rollingstrategythat links in at primary
play a part in thatstrategythe healthy eating and healthy
as part of a generalstrategyto build public sector homes
obtained as part of astrategyto enhance the quality of
active is part of ourstrategyto improve their overall quality
part of its child healthstrategyto tackle respiratory conditions amongst
as part of a farmingstrategywhich encompassed cash as well
development of the social justicestrategyand identifies the extent of
to local needs to thestrategyto achieve social justice for
patients amend the social justicestrategyto include milestones to address
of the uk government sstrategyto tackle poverty and social
to implement an integrated informationstrategyfor scotland r s1o 207
being made with its cancerstrategys1o 5796 13 nora radcliffe
is making with the victimsstrategys1o 6374 6 john farquhar
executive debate on a forwardstrategyfor agriculture followed by parliamentary
about seeing that as astrategyfor moving forward the spgc
ministerial statement on a forwardstrategyfor scottish agriculture followed by
2001 226 2 a forwardstrategyfor scottish agriculture the committee
plans to take forward itsstrategyon pharmaceutical care by making
the development of a spatialstrategyand a planning bill s1w
implement a credit union developmentstrategyfor scotland that will ensure
new ways joint economic developmentstrategyfor the borders also in
the development of an equalitystrategyfor the executive i encourage
the principles of the scottishstrategyfor victims commends the development
the development of such astrategyis currently underway and it
a copy of its clearstrategyon sustainable development is available
scottish executive when a comprehensivestrategyon sustainable development will be
in the development of itsstrategyto address problems arising from
council has a gaelic developmentstrategyto support and promote the
commends the development of thestrategywhich gives proper recognition for
into the development of thestrategywill be the work of
the local authority revise thestrategyand give the scottish ministers
junior scottish ministers 7 scottishstrategyfor victims the deputy first
scottish ministers views on thestrategys implications 11 15 geoff
group report and draft informationstrategyfollowed by business motion followed
statement and debate on spendingstrategyfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
executive motion on child carestrategyfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
by executive debate on equalitystrategyfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
by executive debate on equalitystrategyfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
pm executive debate on thestrategyfor enterprise followed by parliamentary
pm executive debate on thestrategyfor enterprise followed by parliamentary
on a manufacturing and industrialstrategyfor scotland followed by no
whether it will outline itsstrategyfor dealing with economic difficulties
s commitment to its childcarestrategyfor scotland and welcomes the
the scottish executive what itsstrategyis towards local loop unbundling
its recent domestic abuse advertisingstrategythe committee agreed to write
of having completed its housingstrategythrough independent research it has
in its final lifelong learningstrategyto be produced early next
gaelic broadcasting plays in itsstrategyto encourage the use of
plans to introduce a dentalstrategyfor rural scotland the reply
my plans to meet thatstrategyrather than announce the plans
debate on implementing the cancerstrategy5 00 pm decision time
debate on implementing the cancerstrategy5 00 pm decision time
the executive debate on thestrategyfor enterprise the deputy presiding
group report and draft informationstrategythe remaining business to remain
an mak recommends anent futurestrategy16 progress wi a hantle
is simple is an exitstrategyavailable to any future executive
scottish situation and recommend astrategyfor the future 16 progress
we will work towards astrategyin future that puts burns
submissions pharmacists are pursuing thestrategybut if the oft report
report and concentrate on thestrategymr mcaveety i re emphasise
report of the scottish salmonstrategytask force scottish office 1997
consider the executive s equalitystrategy11 annual budget process the
an executive motion on carersstrategy5 00 pm decision time
an executive motion on carersstrategy5 00 pm decision time
ssin 8 the executive sstrategyalso focuses on empowering some
lifecycle theme the executive sstrategyfocuses on children young people
executive whether it has astrategyfor attracting overseas visitors to
executive whether it has astrategyfor attracting people from overseas
think that the executive sstrategyfor enterprise is important the
executive whether it has astrategyfor promoting businesses run by
was launched last week astrategyfrom the executive that promises
more appropriate the executive sstrategyon dyspraxia which affects children
executive s domestic abuse advertisingstrategype501 request for an investigation
for the executive s economicstrategyshowed so little interest in
impact on the executive sstrategythat was outlined in the
was launched the beso scotlandstrategythe british executive service overseas
the scottish executive have astrategyto address the specific needs
british executive service overseas scotlandstrategywhich involves the entire business
as noted above 7 transportstrategyfor aberdeen and north east
alexander s1m 3073 1 transportstrategyfor aberdeen and north east
s1m 3073 elaine thomson transportstrategyfor aberdeen and north east
and progressing a regional transportstrategyfor aberdeen and the north
tune with the local transportstrategyfor aberdeen elaine thomson aberdeen
page 23 line 32 afterstrategyinsert or a joint transport
insert or a joint transportstrategymr murray tosh 139 in
investment in our primary carestrategyand innovations such as the
the prime minister endorsed ourstrategyand our campaign we also
practice must be challenged andstrategyappropriate and workable in our
a review of our lotterystrategybut the department for culture
view that is why ourstrategyemphasises the lifelong approach we
about young women our currentstrategyfocuses more on indoor facilities
february iain gray launched ourstrategyfor lifelong learning to highlight
them a copy of ourstrategyfor pharmacy mary scanlon i
us in person our onlystrategyhas been to tell pupils
are mentioned as underpinning ourstrategyhowever in each of the
it can respond to thestrategyin our next corporate plan
our ability to deliver thestrategythat said as we constructed
our wider work force planningstrategywhich is now centre stage
a reasonable expectation that thestrategywill influence our partners but
a long time ago thestrategyinvolves ensuring that scots have
the new business start upstrategyof scottish enterprise and the
trifle new concepts in marketingstrategythat was what fairberry s
addressed by the new waysstrategywhich has made a number
together a new major eventstrategywith professional advice from a
we have the high levelstrategyin place and we must
well as ours when thestrategyis in place the first
is completed and a properstrategyput in place for the
have put in place astrategyto deal with contaminated land
carers build on the carersstrategyand examine whether increased provision
david gani director of researchstrategyand policy scottish higher education
whether any changes to thestrategyare planned and whether there
when it will publish thestrategyfor scottish agriculture s1w 16545
could expand on how thestrategyhas been evolving and whether
the years to come thestrategyinvolves boosting scottish companies to
regard 1 the eu sstrategyoffers the scottish parliament the
authority and receive the housingstrategyon behalf of the scottish
solway firth the scottish salmonstrategytask force ssstf gaps in
commission 33 the scottish salmonstrategytask force ssstf the ssstf
identified by the scottish salmonstrategytask force to give scottish
the momentum of the scottishstrategyto continue and send a
roll out of the broadbandstrategywhether any changes to the
will tell us whether astrategywill be prepared for scotland
lack of any sense ofstrategyhas been revealed piecemeal decisions
it together straight away thestrategyhas proved extremely effective it
others have said that thestrategyis exactly what scotland has
within the parliament for astrategythat has the right solutions
has set up an equalitiesstrategythe older people s unit
are talking about a sensiblestrategyfor emergencies how would competitive
more widely at the underlyingstrategyfor gaelic and the recommendations
responsibility for drawing up astrategyfor gaidhlig support steps to
and osteoporosis in scotland astrategyfor health boards local health
their reports 14 the signagestrategyfor holyrood will use symbols
the next year including astrategyfor involving children the commissioner
and keep under review astrategyfor involving such children in
packages f details of thestrategyfor iso 14001 emas proposed
make scotland more active astrategyfor physical activity we will
285 1 nicola sturgeon childcarestrategyfor scotland as an amendment
285 1 nicola sturgeon childcarestrategyfor scotland as an amendment
285 mr sam galbraith childcarestrategyfor scotland that the parliament
medical profession to deliver astrategyfor sustaining small rural and
discussing what s the beststrategyfor that what s the
depending on local circumstances thestrategyfor the area and the
form the basis of astrategyfor the language which would
mak the foonds o astrategyfor the leid an that
and the board produced astrategyfor the welsh language in
an the board produced astrategyfor the welsh leid in
communities in scotland a draftstrategyfor volunteering and community action
communities in scotland a draftstrategyfor volunteering and community action
more generally the lifelong learningstrategyis significant for ensuring that
to deliver the local housingstrategyparticularly with regard to evidence
local impact we have astrategythat advantages us and does
local authorities to enable thestrategyto be delivered if there
evidence in the local housingstrategyto determine the appropriate level
evident in the active communitystrategyand it is evident in
such as the community pharmacystrategyin i think the moss
of community pharmacies the wholestrategywill be jeopardised would not
any other challenge to thestrategywould destabilise community pharmacies many
of recycling included in thestrategyare measures such as kerbside
be influenced by any suchstrategys1w 28494 michael russell to
commercial concerns about any suchstrategys1w 28496 richard lochhead to
and if so what thestrategyis called s1w 34856 david
timescale and delivery of thestrategys1w 27408 mr kenny macaskill
a review of the estatesstrategyand the scale of any
any advances with my usualstrategyit s hysterical how people
percentage grow because of yourstrategyalastair dempster i will pick
into your thinking in yourstrategyat what point will someone
available cathy peattie will thatstrategyhelp to give pupils confidence
four year period of thestrategyit will create pressures elsewhere
points were raised tomorrow thestrategyon gaelic organisations will be
through it will contradict thestrategypeople are writing in to
last committee meeting 10 equalitystrategythe committee will consider the
lifelong learning henry mcleish thestrategywill be monitored against the
and then say that thestrategywill come later des mcnulty
requirements in section 10 thisstrategywill have to be updated
in reducing osteoporotic fractures thestrategyis also commendable because it
grahame s1m 699 coastal erosionstrategylodged on 28 march 2000
macaskill linda fabiani s1m 1564strategyto tackle sexual abuse lodged
the past 12 months thestrategya smart successful scotland was
of abuse we have astrategyin scotland to build the
the date by which thestrategyis to be submitted to
the date by which thestrategyis to be submitted under
the period to which thestrategyis to relate 3 a
the period to which thestrategyis to relate 3 a
citizen which underlies the wholestrategyof the amsterdam treaty in
criminal justice system which thestrategyseeks to address in particular
a real and effective ruralstrategywhich could command the backing
number of types of teachingstrategywhich have been useful in
a major influence in astrategywhich led in 2002 to
soon to work out astrategywhich we must then implement
investment the ethos of thestrategyis that there should be
policy it should be astrategyor action plan containing clear
it is suggested that astrategyshould address the following issues
education providers mak an accessibilitystrategyshould be able tae lichten
education providers produce an accessibilitystrategyshould be able to alleviate
it was stated that thestrategyshould be action oriented and
the right pitch in thestrategyas i said one wants
those people are right thestrategyis right we intend to
public have warmed to thestrategymembers are right to recognise
b the form of thestrategyand subject to subsection 1
form and extent of thestrategyand subject to subsection 1
implemented a year 2000 mediastrategyaimed at encouraging senior executives
is a threat to yourstrategyand the actions in the
a wider private rented sectorstrategybut offers no details of
a common foreign policy andstrategybut we are still far
detailing how to turn thatstrategyinto a reality we look
say that having an agreedstrategyis a solution but at
the oncome o sic astrategyis ongaun the noo an
line was a favourite rhetoricalstrategyjames uses the simple repetition
a role in supporting astrategythat considers where elements of
trade groups to create astrategythat secures the supply of
agencies to build a coherentstrategyto address problems voluntary arts
essential elements of a successfulstrategyto value nurses and value
written medium it is astrategyused much later in prose
him [inhale] it s astrategyused much later in prose
a company s p rstrategywould be not their advertising
reflects the uk s existingstrategyagainst poverty and exclusion and
ends up in the finalstrategyalastair dempster i assure michael
based on the nos sstrategyall sign guidelines are welcome
of puk would determine thestrategyallocate resources and support individual
must undertake in preparing thestrategyand d the period to
must undertake in preparing thestrategyand d the period to
it would then assess thestrategyand it might send views
the discussion on the agriculturalstrategyand more important on cap
said as we constructed thestrategyand spoke to people we
both to deliver the housingstrategyand to manage the programme
in the formulation of thisstrategyand what the reasons are
department leads on the broadbandstrategyas i recall no target
of the sportscotland lottery fundstrategyas outlined in levelling the
practical ways of adopting thestrategyat sportscotland we are committed
not likely to derail thestrategyespecially the actions that you
and the wider private sectorstrategyhector currie licensing is essentially
and to carry out thestrategyhowever that is where the
are committed to supporting thatstrategyin the years ahead mr
can solve that if thestrategyincludes targets that require government
entry system in mind thestrategyis about how the profession
the minister that the contractstrategyis flawed it is 10
further and higher education thestrategyis on course this week
all don t change thestrategykeep it going make sure
in specific areas is thestrategymaking good progress alan fraser
see the influence of thestrategymany of the concepts in
to begin working on thestrategymember states agreed that we
features not least the overallstrategyof supply and demand and
be integral to advancing thestrategyon tackling violence against women
included in the nos sstrategyone might consider hormone replacement
either the forestry industry clusterstrategyor the enterprise networks review
clearer view on how thatstrategypanned out and therefore the
union s external policy thestrategythat lies behind the treaty
unfortunately with the pre twelvestrategythat nursery might close because
very much i think thestrategythat they ll be encouraging
or does not with thestrategythat we have been evolving
have signed up to thatstrategythe fact that many farmers
partners and we expect thestrategyto influence their spending as
it the objective of thestrategywas to aggregate public sector
my heart in the equalitystrategywe have now recognised that
that pharmacists are implementing thestrategywe would be concerned if
july 1998 of the osparstrategywith regard to radioactive substances
regular basis to ensure thatstrategytargets are met allan wilson
and reinforcement these types ofstrategyare outlined below it is
an adequately resourced workforce planningstrategyis essential if nhs employers
away but as an implementablestrategyit is utterly incapable of
does not have an economicsstrategybehind that kind of abuse
of companies who support thatstrategythey said above all don
thomson director of operations andstrategywest richard davison access programme
would be not their advertisingstrategym608: mm f643: and you
practice maun be challenged anstrategyappropriate an workable in oor
specifically about sportscotland in yourstrategyyou state that your aims
len ironside convener policy andstrategycommittee aberdeen city council 4
first step towards eu povertystrategyonline press release available from

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