See this word as a collocate cloud
son o heiven lissent an | straucht | decretit at the hanlin collegiars |
heiven ratifeed this proponance an | straucht | gied word to the hanlin |
the bank an come steamin | straucht | for us hullo puggie said |
pharoah s ha an gaed | straucht | in at pharoah s ca |
forenent the wardenrie and gaed | straucht | ti his chaumer he tuik |
sae the sheriff principal gaed | straucht | ti the wardenrie in his |
that ran forrit an lowpt | straucht | aff the aicht fuit bankin |
aimed an fired baith barrels | straucht | at the fite bawd it |
the driver says she ran | straucht | oot afore him the neebor |
stane there wis no a | straucht | face amangst us haw puggie |
our tale tells nou gaed | straucht | back ti his ludgins forenent |
the nithsdale bends then lang | straucht | miles sae smooth ye d |
roun face muckle lugs a | straucht | neb an a square mou |
benachie fite kirk o rayne | straucht | stan s yer wa but |
wang tuik the brieves an | straucht | awa led a dizzen or |
brian tuik the sky train | straucht | tae sector 8 the balbutt |
ony key ring or luikin | straucht | at yersel frae a beer |
earl of beaconsfield i gaed | straucht | doon tae yon art schule |
business wi you a gaed | straucht | ti da dux brig yon |
seat lu da juist gaed | straucht | ti the place o honour |
tea wi the win blawin | straucht | up the loch we gaed |
doctours bot grannie roddenberrie sein | straucht | inti the herts o baith |
beddal schawed thaim this upraise | straucht | inti the verra heivens it |
inti the forrest merkin lang | straucht | tries nou a trie isna |
still the dyke stauns arrow | straucht | an stoot nae whittret pruif |
the watter efter jimpy an | straucht | intae the airms o the |
for the gear they needit | straucht | awa the cloister fowk stertit |
up on the faur bank | straucht | across frae oor hidey hole |
dinner time the laddie looked | straucht | at his faither there s |
neibours auld an young wan | straucht | ti the stewartrie buildins ti |
fowk he d juist gae | straucht | in ahint the haa o |
the crooked wye or the | straucht | wye o the path bi |
brocht thrie fower waitin men | straucht | owre ti the gallery whaur |
twa or three siller scales | straucht | aff a fish an efter |
raise up ooto naewye made | straucht | fur them an skelpit inno |
like a frichtit rabbit dived | straucht | intae the busses oot o |
dockit at larne da heidit | straucht | fur belfast an a b |
tackin the big yin went | straucht | as a bullet wi niver |
s then i mak repone | straucht | ti the beckonin o the |
in a hatter an gaun | straucht | ti the study ti seek |
progress mirren wes fur breingin | straucht | up ti the staitioun at |
a streak o lichtnin cam | straucht | doon the lum an missed |
rid heiddit damishell at cam | straucht | frae a limnin bi a |
tak us awa frae the | straucht | and richt gait gin oor |
wales is cited as a | straucht | comparison wi the situation for |