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competition and liberalising the currentstrictlaws that apply to the
competition and liberalising the currentstrictlaws that apply to the
getting back but discipline wasstrictat home and the girls
we have agreed to placestrictlimits on the time spent
questions and there are stillstrictlimits to our knowledge conclusion
been fed a diet ofstrictcalvinism and the fact that
even put him on astrictdiet on account of this
common what emerged widowed motherstrictreligious upbringing night curfews pressure
they think i m astrictmarker apparently though the exercises
knows that because of astrictapplication of the nolan principles
jack you should ken hoostrictjames s principles are jack
a man with such byornarstrictmoral principles as james lilian
italy and germany already followstrictrules of pronounciation and spelling
heard this afternoon some fairlystrictregulations apply in that respect
pencils andy knows from herstrictvoice that she is going
before lessons she was verystrictand kept a thick leather
kept f639: yeah f640: understrictcontrol [laugh] so they can
great help with this astricteye had to be kept
lilian they re not asstrictas all that mrs beaumont
large community and still fairlystrictwe saw a great many
the cities because there arestrictplanning and control policies for
oh aye i know howstrictmy old pal james s
pleased with her but givesstrictorders re no lifts no
to make the regulations asstrictas possible although it was
to make the legislation asstrictas possible but we want
mental arithmetic teachers were verystrictand often resorted to using
believe it to be asstrictas that in the uk
and count the vapourings ofstrictold men with one cold
the itc code was verystrictat the time ehm because
fauna and flora m816: verystrictyeah ye get ye get
so it s quite ermstricterm sometimes difficult to understand
fisher people they re quitestricton their language an i
competitors we are taking toostricta line on this issue
it can t be toostricti ll bet it has
keeping his work within thesestrictthematic confines apart from the
s like they re reallystrictabout not bringin in any
push for whatever level ofstrictcontrols they want we will
islam is not such astrictreligion that you can t
must have come from ourstrictbut kindly sabbath observing grandfather
the asfb thought that astricttimetable should be established with
straying a little from thestrictdetail christine grahame there is
only for wildlife we havestrictcriteria for what we will
than in m608: mmhm m078: strictlaw we are authorised to
where the overriding objective isstrictprotection of natural assets but
crops were sown on astrict5th or 6th shift rotation
cullouris ie you shall keepstrictor exact metres or rhythms
late meant that the normallystrictsequence of events on which
accidentally used in scotland withoutstrictsupervision s1w 17716 richard lochhead

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