
See this word as a collocate cloud

and this is a pretentiousstudentfrom limoges and limoges is
a limousin a pretentious frenchstudentfrom limoges [inhale] and this
passage pantagruel encounters a pretentiousstudentfrom provincial limoges a limousin
provincial limoges a limousin thestudentin the original text makes
limoges [inhale] and this pretentiousstudentmakes the mistake when speaking
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland act 2001 s1w
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland act 2001 where
bill education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill 2 executive
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill agrees to
mcconnell education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill financial resolution
9 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill in private
september education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill introduced 5
september education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill introduced 5
2000 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill the bill
2 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill the committee
2 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill the committee
3 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill the committee
december education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland bill withdrawn 7
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
february education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
december education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
december education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
2 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
2 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
on education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
bill education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
1 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
alexander education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
1 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
2000 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
1616 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
4 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
april education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
april education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
1 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
3 education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
the education graduate endowment andstudentsupport scotland no 2 bill
higher threshold for repayment ofstudentloans across the uk oppose
27 october 2000 the educationstudentloans amendment scotland regulations 2000
27 october 2000 the educationstudentloans amendment scotland regulations 2000
culture and sport the educationstudentloans amendment scotland regulations 2001
culture and sport the educationstudentloans amendment scotland regulations 2001
culture and sport the educationstudentloans amendment scotland regulations 2001
2002 justice 2 the educationstudentloans amendment scotland regulations 2002
2002 justice 2 the educationstudentloans amendment scotland regulations 2002
2002 justice 2 the educationstudentloans amendment scotland regulations 2002
2002 justice 2 the educationstudentloans amendment scotland regulations 2002
whether it intends to allowstudentloans and grants to be
agency for scotland b thestudentloans company and c further
per cent by repaying thestudentloans of newly qualified nurses
gp principals and repaying thestudentloans of newly qualified staff
3 december 1999 the educationstudentloans scotland amendment regulations 1999
and sport the repayment ofstudentloans scotland amendment regulations 2001
and sport the repayment ofstudentloans scotland amendment regulations 2001
and sport the repayment ofstudentloans scotland amendment regulations 2001
2001 local government the educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 amendment
and lifelong learning the educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 amendment
and lifelong learning the educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 amendment
13 september 2001 the educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 amendment
and lifelong learning the educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 amendment
culture and sport the educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 ssi
june 2000 the repayment ofstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 ssi
2000 ssi 2000 199 educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 ssi
culture and sport the educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 ssi
relation to these regulations educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 ssi
culture and sport the educationstudentloans scotland regulations 2000 ssi
m eligible being a graduatestudentat the moment i ve
said he was a graduatestudentfrom tuscaloosa he probably was
academic year we have increasedstudentbursaries by 10 4 per
abolishing tuition fees and reintroducingstudentbursaries on the number of
all nurses and increases instudentbursaries the pay increase for
10 per cent increase instudentbursaries which was announced last
the improvement in bursaries forstudentnurses is a great start
nothing worse than a pretentiousstudentspecially giants giants do not
giant pantagruel encounters a pretentiousstudentthere s nothing worse than
student loan company and thestudentawards agency for scotland showing
but how long did yourstudentlast you student loan last
all the money from thestudentloan account m944: that means
to get money until mystudentloan came in m942: but
and 1998 1999 from thestudentloan company and the student
i ve got erm mystudentloan in one account and
did your student last youstudentloan last you until you
have to pay back theirstudentloan m942: [laugh] no cause
rural authorities to contribute tostudentloan payments for newly qualified
to their areas by makingstudentloan repayments for individual graduates
my shitty job because mystudentloan was comin in m942:
of administration to a thestudentawards agency for scotland b
in awards made by thestudentawards agency for scotland in
education funding council and thestudentawards agency for scotland in
for processing applications with thestudentawards agency for scotland is
it has had with thestudentawards agency on its policy
and the systems that handlestudentawards pensions payroll and agricultural
tuition fees be abolished andstudentgrants introduced lodged 19 may
tuition fees be abolished andstudentgrants introduced lodged on 19
assessment collection and payment ofstudentmaintenance support and tuition fees
introducing the new system ofstudenttuition fees was what the
fees and the reintroduction ofstudentgrants are giving more young
applications while the reintroduction ofstudentgrants has allowed more people
and the re introduction ofstudentmaintenance grants lodged on 19
and the re introduction ofstudentmaintenance grants lodged on 19
restricted to literary texts thestudentinterested in grammar a somewhat
of literary significance the literarystudentis usually fairly quick to
is especially pertinent to astudentof literary theory as the
literary abilities an braidens thestudents ootlook on life 42
of literary texts requires thestudentto show awareness of literary
support might include referring thestudentback to the good copy
offers further support to thestudentby helping the student to
used for the purposes ofstudentsupport and what order the
solicitor s office gillian thompsonstudentsupport policy division enterprise and
the student stuff the nicestudentstuff gets put there as
think er f1038: all thestudentstuff the nice student stuff
the student by helping thestudentto redraft the original attempt
supply we have driven upstudentintakes 10 000 more nurses
a crowd of nu- erstudentnurses and er m815: ma
have received many letters fromstudentnurses at queen margaret university
respond to these points thatstudentnurses made to me at
at the special convention forstudentnurses that we will hold
the drop out rate ofstudentnurses which is as high
independent committee of inquiry onstudentfinance followed by motion on
independent committee of inquiry intostudentfinance s1w 11809 alex neil
independent committee of inquiry intostudentfinance s1w 7705 mr john
independent committee of inquiry intostudentfinance to one place and
number of places given tostudentrepresentatives on the independent committee
2002 the nursing and midwiferystudentallowances scotland amendment regulations 2002
annulment the nursing and midwiferystudentallowances scotland amendment regulations 2002
2002 the nursing and midwiferystudentallowances scotland amendment regulations 2002
of the nursing and midwiferystudentbursary whether this bursary level
at advanced higher level thestudentcontinues to operate at the
for any subsequent reassessment thestudentis given a high level
level to confirm that thestudentis operating at the appropriate
at the appropriate level thestudentis well on the way
and highly personal nature astudentoperating at higher level would
of language and sophistication astudentoperating at intermediate 2 level
following assessment with respect tostudentperformance at advanced higher level
where the level of thestudents understanding of the structure
of prior knowledge that astudentshould bring to each level
2 30 and met anotherstudentira to help her with
how much additional funding perstudenthas been made available to
in terms of cost perstudentsupplementary information explaining the sharp
wi whan hei wis aestudenti scotland mebbies it wur
what every parent teacher andstudentin scotland knows that the
terms of language resource thestudentcan form more complex sentences
provide much help to thestudentin terms of repetition or
set of rules for thestudentwho is studying golfing terms
give sveta a 5th yearstudenthelp with her project on
doubt trying to help thestudentreceive better marks in the
to ann [censored: surname] another englishstudents flat to help eat
i was approached by anotherstudentseeking help on golfing terminology
helen [censored: surname] the mature englishstudenthas invited us to her
errors and indicate to thestudentin english what areas need
english where i was astudentin the mid 1970s and
to see an english phdstudentjulian no less tonight with
puzzles so being a postgraduatestudentof english literature and interested
and what john an englishstudentstudying english last year actually
by maureen [censored: surname] an internationalstudentadvisor who is busy shepherding
trish [censored: surname] a fellow engstudentat glasgow who s doing
evening helen [censored: surname] a maturestudentwho commutes to unb from
reflection neil morrison sixth yearstudentgovan high school glasgow followed
the home of a fellowstudentnineteen year old wlatislao vyborni
yeah f1038: a third yearstudentwhereas f1037: right f1038: there
long time the first yearstudentwill also find helpful resources
courses a typical first yearstudentwill use the essentials of
good there s an egyptianstudentadel up the hill who
who s not an eustudentbut erm i i i
ve been talking to astudenthere from alexandria who believe
singer was a p estudenthere who was launched here
christian christian have you anystudentin phonetics who would transcribe
they had bought for theirstudentoffspring who had left university
over one young giggling femalestudentthen like a cat who
a piece of string thestudentwho wants say to look
i fully sympathised with thestudentwho wrote melt blast you
and there was no happystudentatmosphere only grim concentration it
us some more of hisstudentbased questions and we told
to practice schemes 250 morestudentnurse places and a guaranteed
is a more up marketstudentresidence with individual en suite
more pedagogically successful for thestudentto concordance a particular word
tend to occur when thestudenttries to use more complex
dave wyse pto iv exstudentappr from ballingry bowling good
write good essays the newstudenteagerly grabs this opportunity to
ye were aye a goodstudentnobody had ever said that
and typed etc however thestudenttravel service is very good
a present from an exstudentand wear for the first
be a kind of intellectualstudentfrom paris and he uses
of exercises to take thestudentfrom the relatively simple task
and basketball player a visitingstudentfrom the uni of british
the one from which thestudenthas chosen to start in
work developing from what thestudentis able to say on
it has had representations fromstudentrepresentatives requesting that it limits
benefited from for example thestudentsettlement that we achieved in
portfolio of work from eachstudentthat is representative of achievement
from when i was astudentthe organisation said that it
his been consumed by dstudentd m a certificate is
11 o clock break onestudentfor whom i d transcribed
an anathema tae everything dstudentis supposed t learn at
thay ca d ae glaurstudentit mulsintoun wi kathleen stewart
d families like yours yerstudentpeers look there stauns fiona
ey d seen a gairmanstudentsaid tae hae been studyin
u writin and encourage dstudentt try and be a
material in idder words dstudentwill have consumed eenyauch material
his phd john a psychologystudentand i went round to
as the discussion between thestudentand interlocutor should allow the
a flat she s astudentand one of her flatmates
for outstanding achievement by astudentand records its high regard
universities of the academic andstudentbodies and of the office
and is accountable to thestudentbody and that glasgow university
owner obviously and unsurprisingly astudentbut are the notes neat
teacher organising the event astudentchatted in the lobby and
been surprised by the overseasstudentdifferential fee of 840 and
the theatre royal the citzstudentdiscounts the apollo and tiffany
ideas and expressions which thestudenthas been practising in the
france when he was astudenthe and a fellow passenger
so i went to thestudenthealth centre and the doctor
involve the teacher lecturer andstudentin preparing a piece of
and possibly given them mystudentn which was [censored: number] if
tutorial and a computer workshopstudentnumbers have risen so steeply
increase of 250 in thestudentnurse intake and a guarantee
or print exemplars to improvestudentperformance in talk and writing
purpose of the exemplars ofstudentperformances in speaking and writing
a living legend amongst thestudentpopulation and his credentials were
landlord was dedicated to thestudentpopulation and whether students had
hall and a very smallstudentroom which apparently was one
literate abilities and broadens thestudents outlook on life 42
mrs ower and this youngstudentsaid to me ehm do
towards greater demands on thestudentto define and illustrate the
it s it s astudentvillage and f1150: yeah it
enterprising and fluent if thestudentwas able to combine both
the discussion between teacher andstudentwill focus on points for
to detailed correction and thestudentwould be encouraged to redraft
start of the term workstudentinterviews etc she said so
language learning classes if astudentis unsure of how to
could be available to astudentwere a separate language advanced
one time i was astudentmember of the institution of
mean to the present daystudentof scots armed with one
one day a hapless aberdonianstudentthe next a distiller s
in one students lodging thestudentwould have had to sleep
around here is a pestudentadel the egyptian came down
into linguistics as a maturestudentafter a blameless career as
there s reasonable for astudentbudget so it s quite
tense being used if thestudentcan handle a limited range
so sam being a minningstudentchoose the spot so he
living in edinburgh as astudenterm you know i mean
dances when i was astudentf606: yeah f1067: but with
she s a day releasestudentface like a curtain rail
purpose the preparation of thestudentfor a discussion on topics
ll not qualify for astudentgrant since law is his
notes ye steyed in thestudenthalls for a couple o
do when he was astudenthe pencilled in all his
so much admired as astudenther eyes were intensely black
me bein a hard upstudenti didna get a bit
watter fin i wis astudenti took a fancy tae
deliberately when i was astudenti used to make speeches
now f814: pure straight astudenti was a total swot
a great success as astudentin a short sketch about
glasgow as a very youngstudentin the 1960s perhaps further
back tae meikleburgh as astudentkennin anely the bare fac
when he was a rebelliousstudentleader that was at a
which was published in astudentmagazine shortly after the end
m815: ma sister s astudentnurse actually m816: well we
mabel was there as astudenton holiday a grandchild of
getting a place there asstudentor tutor i ve written
house this is a standardstudentresidence within walking distance of
fins of salmon race astudents loud hulloo rings through
m1036: daughter is a medicalstudentshe s also gaelic speaking
has been consumed by thestudentthe m a certificate is
a written introduction of thestudentto a future correspondent or
pe a week for everystudentto say that the executive
that you were a grottystudentversion of the shy sly
into mti to see astudentwhose chris de burgh tape
spite of errors then thestudentwill have achieved a satisfactory
for a period before thestudentwould go it was watered
a provincial he s astudentyou know we all make
presumably it was the theologicalstudentantonio vives born in deiĆ 
their phones tapped everybody instudentcircles was alleging it i
go to the red blackstudentrevue this week it was
the scottish executive how manystudentapplications were made to paisley
is eager to develop thestudents awareness of how grammar
do you know where thestudentvillage is at murano street
not been the case moststudentaccess is through comet corpus
an hed been ae medicalstudentthar hed haen ae bit
exam is over unless thestudenthas to resit they need
consideration pe127 petition by edinburghstudentaction for refugees calling for
rather than budgeting by actualstudentnumbers further statistical information wherever
by the production of thestudents first piece of writing
of the three sections thestudentis ready for the assessment
under the socrates scheme forstudentmobility the opportunities to study
2am taping songs for thestudentthen finally i went to
to specify the number ofstudentaward holders receiving disabled students
analysing the expression that thestudentcan improve accuracy in both
all the figures on thestudentdrop out rates on the
at the union fancy dressstudentf1155: oh [laugh] f1154: union
get my inoculations at thestudenthealth centre give my regards
topic this would involve thestudentin showing awareness of opinions
themes to ensure that thestudentis developing the topic in
in addition to this thestudentmay have ingested some secondary
department is facing ehm decreasingstudentnumbers at the moment m741:
short sighted decisions to cutstudentnurse intakes those are the
are fine would yo believestudentradio chsrfm play the goon
students representative council as thestudentrepresentative body is taking action
the subject 10 now thestudentsitting the exam will have
degree an exam forces thestudentto consume or posses as
method does not encourage thestudentto really think about anything
the assessment which requires thestudentto write the complete personal
material in other words thestudentwill have consumed enough material
second hand ones advertised werestudentred ones new prices polyester
ye were concerned although anitherstudentwould sneak his girlfriend in
children things like that saystudentage that sort of thing
aber ich war kein guterstudenti think that all members
an electric blanket f639: erstudentaccommodation that didn t have
s me f631: yeah f689: studentplaces that don t get
stage whisper mimicking precisely hisstudents north east dialect dae

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