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tuition in it skills tostudentsand if so what has
of tuition in languages tostudentsand if so what has
fourth year tuition fees forstudentsfrom other parts of the
democrats more than 100 000studentshave had their tuition fees
regard to the financing ofstudentshe assured us that tuition
expenditure on tuition fees forstudentson full time higher education
of ending tuition fees forstudentsresident in scotland on which
tuition fees of scottish domiciledstudentsstudying at higher education institutions
tuition fees of scottish domiciledstudentsstudying at higher education institutions
adjusted for inflation on disabledstudentsallowance for students in higher
student award holders receiving disabledstudentsallowance in each of the
amount spent on the maturestudentsallowance in scotland in each
the non means tested disabledstudentsallowance to full time students
the non means tested disabledstudentsallowance to full time students
on the dependents allowance forstudentsin higher education in scotland
on disabled students allowance forstudentsin higher education in scotland
students allowance to full timestudentss1o 124 28 scott barrie
students allowance to full timestudentss1o 124 28 scott barrie
final year business students wherestudentsare involved with and mentored
one now has 460 studentsstudentsare told to use the
education maintenance allowances ii youngstudentsbursaries and iii young students
recent students stella supports thesestudentsby both general introductory workshops
were students wi the gaelicstudentsm865: right f951: cause i
students bursaries and iii youngstudentsoutside scotland bursaries in each
have been created by recentstudentsstella supports these students by
level one now has 460studentsstudents are told to use
students you know obviously medicalstudentswhen when he was interviewing
scheme for final year businessstudentswhere students are involved with
some fun when we werestudentswi the gaelic students m865:
the room was full ofstudentsyou know obviously medical students
higher and advanced higher thestudentsalso have to develop the
colleges remains fe most hestudentsare engaged in higher education
complex texts at higher levelstudentsare required to make simple
seb sqa the number ofstudentsentering for higher exams in
alignment of financial support forstudentsin further and higher education
anywhere in the uk givestudentsin further and higher education
results today 10 higher biologystudentsin greenock and five history
to improve the performance ofstudentsin higher english as referred
total numbers of higher educationstudentsin scotland in each of
for part time higher educationstudentss1w 20843 pauline mcneill to
the number of non domicilledstudentsstudying at scottish higher education
the scottish executive how manystudentssuccessfully completed a higher education
the scottish executive how manystudentssuccessfully completed a higher education
wey up tae higher stillstudentsthe first stage for the
to part time higher educationstudentsto assist travel study and
yet done so allow nursingstudentsand nurse returners to respond
bargaining i spoke to nursingstudentsat lunch time today and
drop out rate among nursingstudentsis 25 per cent it
costs of nursing and midwiferystudentsthat receive the bursary how
specifically for nursing and midwiferystudentsto help to identify and
profession the number of nursingstudentswho leave before completing their
uk a quarter of nursingstudentswill not finish their courses
and fourth year academic nursingstudentswill that situation be addressed
scottish executive how many disabledstudentsin scotland it intends will
scottish executive how many disabledstudentsin scotland it intends will
local tax from which pensionersstudentsthe disabled and the unemployed
local tax from which pensionersstudentsthe disabled and the unemployed
top up fees for universitystudentss1w 32348 mr mike rumbles
fees are only paid ifstudentsstudy in england and wales
3129 university of st andrewsstudentsassociation landlords charter lodged on
o cambridge university decide thatstudentsbe bann t fae weerin
we set aff full ostudentsfae e university ere eir
increase the number of universitystudentsfrom disadvantaged backgrounds s1o 4837
a party of young medicalstudentsfrom john hopkins university baltimore
show that 23 694 scottishstudentshave definitely been allocated university
glasgow university working with thestudentshere f66: erm what the
promised and therefore supports thestudentsof glasgow university and calls
concern the views of manystudentsof glasgow university who are
body and that glasgow universitystudentsrepresentative council as the student
executive how many business facultystudentsthere were at paisley university
and cultural issues in additionstudentsare required to study at
increase in the number ofstudentscontinuing the study of a
dance and drama awards forstudentsto study at institutions in
parallel funding scheme exists forstudentswho wish to study in
of the school curriculum wherestudentswill begin the study of
4 000 full time equivalentstudentsat least 3 000 of
full time and part timestudentsb the total amount of
like diabetes exempt full timestudentsfrom prescription charges renew outdated
300 full time equivalent hestudentsin five subject areas from
specify the total number ofstudentsin full time education in
them funding as full timestudentsthat would speed up the
whether it will ensure thatstudentsat further education colleges receive
a the total number ofstudentsattending further education colleges in
class on education to thestudentsvery informal with one group
to further education colleges forstudentswith special needs in each
in p6 s4 in additionstudentsat this level would be
the school has over 1500studentsenglish language level one now
level make it clear thatstudentsmust operate at the level
at this level of sophisticationstudentsrequire command of a wide
the level of grammatical awarenessstudentsshould have at each of
and that s why manystudentsare a bit yeah quite
three years how many suchstudentsare currently receiving the bursary
s point many of thosestudentsare still at school and
mr monteith many of thosestudentsare still at school george
many of these colleges drawstudentsboth regionally and nationally examples
have led to so manystudentsdissatisfaction with their marks andrew
the scottish executive how manystudentsfrom scotland have benefited from
lexicographer does many of ourstudentsgo on to do projects
the scottish executive how manystudentshave a applied for entry
the scottish executive how manystudentshave dropped out of a
the bursary how many suchstudentshave received the bursary in
benefit are many of themstudentshector currie we took a
in scotland b how manystudentsin each category of institution
the scottish executive how manystudentsin scotland who achieved qualifications
scotland offers many opportunities forstudentsto explore language issues both
8 may 2001 how manystudentswho had completed by the
language in many cases suchstudentswill be highly motivated and
specify the number of maturestudentsaged 26 and over in
involved the number of foreignstudentscould decline before the visit
that these maps can assiststudentsin a number of subjects
an increasing number of postgraduatestudentsusing computer applications as a
is to help our pupilsstudentsbecome eh more able citizens
would also serve to helpstudentsin their work in foreign
is intended to help thestudentspresent their thoughts in a
states that it will helpstudentsthereby to understand that experience
report states it will helpstudentstheretil tae unnerstaun hoo experience
lecturers are encouraged to helpstudentsto develop as opposed to
class or group help thestudentsto find the verbs and
if we can help thesestudentsto understand how this knowledge
course which would attract morestudentsand allow them funding as
ask the scottish executive whetherstudentsbeginning an accelerated degree course
ask the scottish executive whetherstudentscontinuing their course into academic
computing course and with thestudentsdoing a master s degree
course and so on thenstudentsmight be provided with a
in a suggestopaedia course forstudentsone igor came round to
for english the course introducesstudentsto a range of computing
its intake of gaelic speakingstudentsto the pgce primary course
anomalies between degree and diplomastudentsare both welcome and should
both indigenous languages and allstudentssing in scots gaelic and
much thinner both teachers andstudentsspend a lot of time
tasks that are organised forstudentsthis applies both in the
how they are composed 2studentsfollowing the 5 14 curriculum
are also urged to teachstudentshow to infer meaning from
the teacher in focusing withstudentson how grammar can be
in grants and loans tostudentsresident in scotland b how
dois obeyis how do thestudentsrespond to this kind of
not know how popular withstudentsthis option has been but
usually classes offered to newstudentsto instruct them how to
the form of requiring thestudentsto vocalise how they have
they share in developing theirstudentsunderstanding and awareness of how
any hour and showing thestudentswhere and how they have
english are made available tostudentsand staff and we run
faculty club for graduate englishstudentsand staff on tuesday evening
various english speaking workers andstudentsdirected me to the stylistics
funding compared with only twostudentsdoing so at english institutions
in english the performance ofstudentsin speaking and writing in
of last year s gradstudentsof english john [censored: surname] also
that our teaching extends beyondstudentsof english this year in
linguistic computing for honours englishstudentswe have used concordances in
as respects financial support forstudentsand to make provision exempting
on the appropriateness of registerstudentsare given the support of
to fund grant support forstudentsfrom low income backgrounds if
support to go to thosestudentsits members should feel free
have provided support funding tostudentsreceiving an award under the
and increase financial support forstudentsthanks to the liberal democrats
of the financial support ofstudentsto make further provision as
pattern do they teach theirstudentsa theoretical way out is
for under 18 s andstudentsand supports them in their
upon shared experiences of teachersstudentsand their families or illuminate
or so of her russianstudentsand their friends we then
by more than a thousandstudentsand their teachers in earlier
structures in this way thestudentscan develop their own grammatical
awarding powers usually prepare theirstudentsfor degrees awarded by a
to the day when thestudentsgot their results pat cairns
that they are assessing theirstudentsin line with national standards
the sheer enthusiasm o thestudentsin their show fittie woman
and moral growth it givesstudentsknowledge of their cultural milieu
at accurate estimates of theirstudentslikely performance in the end
a lot to focus theirstudentson entrepreneurship and start up
discussion classes with fifth yearstudentstheir teachers taking notes at
the speaking performances of theirstudentsthis must be recorded on
and 1980s been introducing theirstudentsto a more enquiry based
suggest that courses should encouragestudentsto develop their interest and
still you can get yourstudentsto edit their own preferred
hell of lot of medicalstudentsin there that night and
was a lot but thestudentsmoney paid for that eh
that a lot of thestudentsthat are there they they
to the next lot ofstudentswho will receive the benefit
chatted away one of mystudentsfrom the first group gave
encountered a group of gigglingstudentshappily reciting i m slimming
work where a group ofstudentstake a topic for example
where a group of multinationalstudentswere polishing off an impromptu
as a set book forstudentseach about flaxen for instance
at this stage that thestudentsare given time to listen
meikle wartle we were baithstudentsat e time though he
simple we had all beenstudentsat the time and we
class on time only twostudentshad managed to crawl in
time computer scientists or evenstudentsin general will need to
part time employment which otherstudentsroutinely do why are they
over time to senior schoolstudentssustain the development of intermediate
up over time and encouragingstudentsto progress to the highest
like if you have foreignstudentscomin to glasgow and edinburgh
it up for all europeanstudentsglasgow became the city of
in edinburgh i saw morestudentsthan i did in glasgow
qualifications that are matched tostudentsabilities and the requirements of
there are special provisions forstudentsand boarding school children at
are will just be otherstudentsand f1150: i was really
entrance requirements here and somestudentsare almost illiterate i m
what the academic code demandsstudentsare always told that they
the daad and apparently thestudentsare being treated like dignitaries
in the past if scottishstudentsare encouraged to engage with
the times though like undergraduatestudentsare kind of unwilling to
becomes an academic pursuit butstudentsare often plac t in
in the speaking assessment thestudentsare required to give a
to meaning at standard gradestudentsare required to locate and
hmo licensing because the twostudentsare separate from the landlady
places in scotland that somestudentsare still waiting for written
up prisons have been closedstudentsare worse off and there
are available only to ourstudentsat present the texts are
encouraged to point out tostudentsgrammatical concepts which are already
interpreters there are fifteen bslstudentson the go but because
that are appropriate to scottishstudentsparticularly in s5 and s6
there are around 400 overseasstudentsso i m not alone
in 1868 of his hebrewstudentsthe juniors are perhaps improving
of it eh even mystudentsthese are the words they
which are otherwise difficult forstudentsto obtain stella teaching packages
it it suits first yearstudentswho are not mature enough
do you have evidence ofstudentswho are still waiting for
few friends mostly other internationalstudentswho are the only people
that sometimes when there sstudentswho erm are not writing
are the people in betweenstudentsyoung professionals who do not
in a school day transportingstudentsby bus to and from
growth of typical secondary schoolstudentselley w b et al
will be another 250 extrastudentsin this academic year we
a differential fee on overseasstudentslike in britain last year
25 12 50 5th yearstudentsthurs 13 00 14 25
critical job anxiety of fellowstudentsin scotland still being part
yaised bi schuil weans andstudentsthis still neglects a large
we all make fun ofstudentser we all make fun
and to make provision exemptingstudentsfrom liability for council tax
of baldynneis make sure thestudentsidentify this as a sonnet
textbooks and attempt to makestudentsimitate them exactly thus a
dislikes simulations because they providestudentswith the opportunity to make
however in all cases wherestudentsbegin a new language in
be used to develop thestudentslanguage awareness by showing that
to scots everywhere lovers andstudentsof the scots language and
using language these courses teachstudentsto adhere to an academic
language whether this involves thestudentstravelling to the foreign country
on friday i got thestudentsacting out excerpts from plays
regarding the numbers of scottishstudentsexempt from the payment of
regarding the numbers of scottishstudentsexempt from the payment of
should act in order thatstudentsfrom across the uk can
notes that ballet west attractsstudentsfrom across the united kingdom
here is meeting all thestudentsfrom different backgrounds everyone from
supper with some other overseasstudentsfrom mexico england ireland norway
difficult for us to attractstudentsfrom outside the island this
reply tisnae mine two gigglingstudentsfrom service industries approached the
of travel costs faced bystudentsfrom the scottish islands s1w
been added the feedback fromstudentshas been very positive indeed
on from the standard gradestudentsin urdu have also been
busy after his death hisstudentsput together the book from
from the national union ofstudentsscotland 4 subordinate legislation the
includes representatives from the collegestudentsthe local national farmers union
23 places regrets that 34studentswithdrew or rejected offers from
extent addressed with er withstudentswho have gone through the
literacy and awareness of stylestudentswho know more about the
s nice one of thestudentswho s leaving for the
a noisy bunch of youngstudentswho shout across the ref
been pronounced like that thestudentsshould also note that this
for greater stylistic effect secondstudentsshould apply this conceptual knowledge
leading to redrafting is thatstudentsshould be encouraged to check
this is a disgrace thirdstudentsshould be encouraged to explore
to redraft the initial attemptstudentsshould improve the written accuracy
economist clearly intended that hisstudentsshould not be linguistically and
interview but i felt thestudentsshould see it for what
the practice stage where thestudentsbegin to practise pronunciation of
for intensive reading activities wherestudentscould be asked to find
in structured discussions with staffstudentsand external interest groups the
[censored: surname] with julian two fellowstudentsand he pointed out that
style and accuracy with thestudentsand to act as the
could be analysed with thestudentsas a means of helping
to meet one of mystudentsat 6pm along with her
and practice stages as thestudentsbecome familiar with the new
indeed during the prepared presentationstudentscan bring with them written
umbrellas negotiating fares with reluctantstudentscheckered official taxis were few
purpose the preparation of thestudentsfor direct contact with speakers
i went with two otherstudentshugh lorraine to mataquac park
call my bluff with thestudentsi was taken to mti
ve been doing with thestudentsnaturally enough it was easier
was teeming with third worldstudentssome sleeping on the floor
basis for discussion with thestudentsthemselves so that they have
a great way of gettingstudentsto engage with linguistics and
speaking activity in which thestudentsundertake with a partner a
not know whether my fellowstudentswere overcome with shyness but
work out w- with thestudentswhat what makes sense and
of skill scotland in assistingstudentswith disabilities at the universities
and protests of the clusteringstudentswith long cynical stares and
older more miscellaneous collection ofstudentsand or teachers averaging about
more boring town when thestudentsleave this week is going
to be necessary more seniorstudentswill use packages such as
ask the scottish executive whetherstudentscommencing hnc hnd courses before
the student population and whetherstudentshad big flats or small
disna hurt ye two girlstudentswere walking along king street
buffet one small buffet forstudentsand a third larger one
the point of view ofstudentsand researchers in arts one
the music behind one doorstudentsfooled around preparing red flags
cramped and uncomfortable in onestudentslodging the student would have
dictionary is one in whichstudentsmust be trained by authentic
texts and produces fast resultsstudentsnormally have a one hour
of criticism this fortnight fellowstudentssay one advantage of f
in a systematic way introducestudentsto burns as the one
to become one of thosestudentswhose blunders in maths and
nae standart grade in chinesestudentshas been pit forrit for
no standard grade in chinesestudentshave been presented for gsce
of some of the ermstudentsi ve been seeing you
on fae the standart gradestudentsin urdu has been pit
had been quietly teaching hisstudentsthe elements of this revolutionary
been lined up about fortystudentsthen shuffled in [censored: forename] then
i m in the maturestudentsassociation we ve got our
stages they can give ourstudentsimaginative insights into episodes and
in our experience at stellastudentstake enthusiastically to searching for
we used to send ourstudentsto other universities throughout europe
managers teaching and other staffstudentsand external interest groups the
different ages and stages ofstudentswhat other poet in the
free at source to allstudentsacross scotland supported by fergus
set off to meet somestudentsat a palace of culture
bodies thegither wi publishers anstudentsat a simmer skweel the
concepts and terminology expected ofstudentsat different stages and considering
ledder beets we drappit estudentsat e fit o e
let loose on yer akshulstudentsat mti which is a
of grammatical competence expected ofstudentsat the different levels if
the material is introduced tostudentsat timetabled sessions but they
writing as at this stagestudentshave the option of reading
at night i see americanstudentsleading lives like children i
regard for the achievements ofstudentslecturers and social workers at
seeing stacks and stacks ofstudentsbut those that i have
hillpark no longer have gaelicstudentser but my current primary
and of ensuring that thestudentshave a sound basic knowledge
passes is so obvious thatstudentshave regularly complained of a
of the better ones oftenstudentshave to live three or
a linguistic concept is wouldstudentsnot have a better chance
special rate for 100 forstudentsand unwaged people and of
wales is aware that scottishstudentscompete on equal terms for
marks an attempt to preparestudentsfor the sort of realistic
o the hoose for usstudentsi went in there and
difficult for us to attractstudentsoutwith the island because we
in a business environment forstudentspromote a buddy scheme for
is the mechanism for sovietstudentsto go abroad does the
models for classically educated scottishstudentsto imitate for the next
tea [laugh] for scottish amnestystudentstomorrow cause we ve got
the opportunity to tell thestudentsthat i am scottish not
motivation among the majority ofstudentsa lack of a feeling
the expense of thousands ofstudentsand believes that the minister
accents to my classes ofstudentsand showed them the ou
asking such questions of thestudentsas why is there an
of the radical benefits tostudentsbrought about in the last
to detail the percentage ofstudentsdropping out of hnc hnd
family groups and groups ofstudentsfriends and tourists solo guitarists
a class of approximately 100studentsi seemed to be the
to uncover the perceptions ofstudentsin s4 and s5 entered
in the careers of hisstudentslinguists seem to form very
appointed to teach phonetics tostudentsof french the honour of
than most mid east citiesstudentsof the auc wear calvin
and linguistic computing we encouragestudentsto consider some of the
basically your all of yourstudentsup to your final your
examples of real performances bystudentswhich can be used as
younger set the bona fidestudentswhich included most of the
enterprise and lifelong learning thestudentsallowances scotland amendment regulations 2001
enterprise and lifelong learning thestudentsallowances scotland amendment regulations 2001
enterprise and lifelong learning thestudentsallowances scotland amendment regulations 2001
curriculum in scotland address firststudentswould require a basic training
position to present to thestudentsa logical sequence in which
through mock legislation to educatestudentsabout politics and citizenship examples
donat and madeleine carroll tostudentsand lektors this was a
to the d- to thestudentsanybody got any questions to
f1037: yeah f1038: er sharedstudentsas opposed to the halls
indeed we now find thatstudentsexpect to find such materials
and i talked above thestudentsheads until tolo interrupted to
that like nearly all mastersstudentsi m down to finish
it furthermore all the mastersstudentsi ve met aim to
game seemed to unlock thestudentsimaginations and they were co
to be half decent f943: studentsin cars you know and
hooray chatted to some actualstudentsover coffee and waited fruitlessly
colleges to grant degrees tostudentsstudying in partner institutions 7
place to ensure that allstudentsthe deceased and temporary residents
accuracy was disappointing 6 givingstudentsthe opportunity to explore the
to can exercise that rightstudentsthe self employed tourists pensioners
the exercise by asking thestudentsto consider what computers do
an exam question that asksstudentsto discuss the metaphysical poets
an advertisement to attract overseasstudentsto edinburgh london and warwick
written task and encourages thestudentsto identify why certain parts
assessment it is likely thatstudentswill look to the pieces
skills and grammatical awareness whichstudentswill need to demonstrate in
thick o things wi estudentssae we hid a wird
meetin places an ere estudentswere gaithered an e offeecials
in liptovska teplicka faar estudentswis tae be bidin a
the topic by involving thestudentsin identifying and discussing the
and five history and geographystudentsin newton stewart do you
a pilot scheme tae gradestudentsin wir ain music we
and wishes the staff andstudentsall future success supported by
results pat cairns no thestudentsand the schools usually got
giants do not like pretentiousstudentsand this is a pretentious
include among others pupils andstudentsparents workers job seekers the
and i ve heard medicalstudentssay that as well that
honest do we find sovietstudentsvery frank and honest i
it will close and remainingstudentswill be shuffled up the
will focus on various activitiesstudentscan carry out using texts
simmer skweel the morn sstudentsgaun intae the skweels will
f745: yeah well they werestudentsbut that was just you
down on mere commuters thestudentswere happily creative my favourite
they rentit them oot taestudentslike yersel it was a
the software but convincing thestudentsthat the information they extract
don t know what thestudentsthey they kind- [laugh] they
slater an a thocht thestudentsan yersel wad like tae
ye know i take thestudentseh f606: uh huh f889:
wednesday nicht it wis thestudentsshow thursday the big yin
that neither we nor thestudentswould get the information the
a marker comments that astudentsessay is being too enthusiastic
a legitimate subject but monystudentsfeel self conscious yaisin scots
f66: er no just variousstudentsthat i meet though f1187:

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