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guidness whit s wrang shonasumbodiehae stown the bairn malcolm
whit haes befawn the bairnsumbodiehaes stown ma bairn the
haes befawn the bairn helpsumbodiehaes stown the bairn malcolm
cum ti bed the resumbodiechappin at the ooter yett
need it for chappin affsumbodies heid it s lyke
lauch in his sleep ansumbodiecryit murder they waukent ither
waesum sicht macbeth a heardsumbodielauch in his sleep an
r feart for that gunlödsumbodieis ootby valgerd anxiously did
ah see ye gunlöd disturbedsumbodieis walkin ootby mebbe faither
sulk stuil stool suin soonsumbodiesomebody sweir swear reluctant sweit
irena with a sigh merciesumbodiesoud hae wrutten aw that
bodie wi a sword ansumbodiehaes verra near cut oot
man uise yeir sword onsumbodieye can hurt ye l
you gie the pram tisumbodieelse hou monie tymes dae
adv soon sum a somesumbodien somebody sumwhaur adv somewhere
ye war in luiv wisumbodieor ither an awbodie uised
ye mynd olga the warsumbodiethey uised ti caw the
ah l dee suin ginsumbodiedisna finnd oot whit ails
but ah maun speak tisumbodiema guidwyfe disna seem ti
at a tyme ah msumbodiethat haes a ludge a
ti cum doun the rsumbodiecum ti see me ah
ir the oniebodie thare wulsumbodieplease cum up a window
hattert ti daith gin onliesumbodiewad cum for ti help
chowe at they war awsumbodies wee bairn aince an
neirhaund an aw at aincesumbodiehe cuidna tall wha gied
onti the stane richt aneuchsumbodiewes yammerin ablo the stane
about the place the rsumbodiehere ah m shuir but
ti mak shuir ye picksumbodieo hie degree that gait
an presses the ither daysumbodies liltin an at aince
lyke ah haed turnt intisumbodiedifferent awthegither sum deil ah
on ah dinna mynd butsumbodies cummin speak aboot sum
sleep an mummilt that shuirliesumbodiehaed wun out but the
duin an sacrilege ben tharesumbodies brukken inti the kirk
mak ye oot is thatsumbodiesweirin doun thare haud on
is braw claes this issumbodiegenteil lyke this is a
wes that that soondit lykesumbodiein unco pyne eilidh that
is lyke a grand pianaesumbodies lockit up an the
daunse the hieland laddie nansesumbodiewul hear ye haud yeir
hae a notion the rsumbodieabout the place juist in
the door bell rings againsumbodies ringin wul ah gang
the ithers that the warsumbodiedernit in the houss forby
ah m ma lane wisumbodieah m fyne ah m
be brocht ti ye bisumbodiethat loues ye weill queen
cam roun ti the forenichtsumbodietiggit his elbuk an whan
masha fancy meeting in wisumbodiefrae the same toun sae
bei mendit hei sayed tilsumbodieay mr saiperater s ae

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