
See this word as a collocate cloud

miss goldie i am notsureabout the dynamic of the
directorate level i am notsureabout what that conversation was
agree with i am lesssureabout whether the guideline has
was raised i am notsureabout your point about premiums
looks all right i amsureafter but it is worth
maastricht treaty which i amsureall members have brought with
the same and i amsurean alliance government would be
of detail will i amsurebe discussed by the working
of skills which i amsurecan be used across the
and others will i amsureexpand on that during the
follows closely as i amsurehe will the investigations of
to see jesus i amsurehe would have heard much
for sam and i amsurehe would kill all the
man i am not quitesurehow he would get that
eftir that nor am ahsurehow many it is eftir
presiding officer i am notsurehow many rules in the
intellectual developments i am notsurehow negligible negligible is i
are vital i am notsurehow one gets round the
that ban i am notsurehow such research would be
scotland snp i am notsurehow the budget change will
s arguments i am notsurehow the savings will be
have said i am notsurehow we proceed with the
tricia marwick i am notsurehow we take this matter
section 10 we are notsurei am not going to
all painting why i amsurei could instil a little
a dees aye i amsurei ve h- mary spiks
with you busy i amsurei was glad to hear
in association i am notsureif this is in the
michael russell i am notsureif you have seen the
s work which i amsureindividual members will highlight from
s convenership which i amsureis equally distinctive i agree
my concern which i amsureis felt by all members
a conclusion that i amsureis shared throughout the chamber
looks like mummy i amsureit s a mummy frog
papers but i am notsuremalcolm chisholm the only figures
memorial where i am prettysuremartin luther king had his
big girl i am notsuremy memory does not stretch
yes ms macdonald i amsureof it nick johnston it
curran i am not quitesureof the area to which
prohibited but i am notsureof the circumstances in which
mr mcconnell i am notsureof the exact provisions john
about 1997 i am notsureof the precise date the
in clackmannanshire which i amsurerichard simpson would endorse those
the invitation and i amsurethat a future committee will
services and facilities i amsurethat a solution to that
that i knew i amsurethat alasdair morrison will correct
the coming months i amsurethat all members are aware
committee s report i amsurethat all members are familiar
the report but i amsurethat all members are now
on strong foundations i amsurethat all members have horror
and public services i amsurethat all members of the
aberdeen and glasgow i amsurethat all members were as
suggestion phil gallie i amsurethat all members would agree
to ensure continuity i amsurethat all of us echo
the real world i amsurethat all of us have
passage of legislation i amsurethat an amended order could
with fergus ewing i amsurethat an awful lot of
on that item i amsurethat andrew wilson does not
of opencast companies i amsurethat any reasonable person would
place on friday i amsurethat anybody who was able
be specific but i amsurethat bruce crawford hears what
centre in cardenden i amsurethat colin campbell will join
a back problem i amsurethat david elliot could inform
on general funds i amsurethat david orr from the
scotland deaf society i amsurethat deaf and hearing impaired
more just now i amsurethat derek miller and i
made to me i amsurethat during that visit she
in the profession i amsurethat east lothian council can
idyll the convener i amsurethat even fergus ewing would
the fact that i amsurethat every one of our
receive that information i amsurethat every school in the
human life and i amsurethat everyone in the chamber
chief surveillance commissioners i amsurethat from one government to
avoid such votes i amsurethat from time to time
that linda fabiani i amsurethat george lyon will thank
imposed relatively arbitrarily i amsurethat glasgow city council might
rural issues but i amsurethat he agrees if he
minister s commitment i amsurethat he and everyone else
on one point i amsurethat he had no involvement
do so and i amsurethat he has made it
beeching axe and i amsurethat he will be among
in his constituency i amsurethat he will be asked
gallie has raised i amsurethat he will find it
against women and i amsurethat he will find the
has his wish i amsurethat he will not what
subjects and i am quitesurethat he will produce many
may have been i amsurethat he would have been
had been there i amsurethat he would have we
to the committee i amsurethat his experience in local
been done i am notsurethat i accept all those
des mcnulty i am notsurethat i agree with the
the convener i am notsurethat i am the best
approach but i am notsurethat i can expand much
safety issue i am notsurethat i have any solutions
to our questions i amsurethat i speak for all
will be lengthy i amsurethat i speak for all
my head however i amsurethat i will be able
to do i am notsurethat i would have voted
committee s website i amsurethat if any members of
not quite apparently i amsurethat if it is a
the united kingdom i amsurethat if the minister checked
right first time i amsurethat in the course of
is agency nurses i amsurethat individual agency nurses are
the thrie estaitis i amsurethat it is not like
chemists in dundee i amsurethat it is nothing to
western world i am notsurethat it is particularly helpful
scottish prison service i amsurethat it is welcomed by
christmas recess but i amsurethat it is well within
different location i am notsurethat it is worth stopping
does not exist i amsurethat it still does and
like other members i amsurethat it will be no
45 dermot scott i amsurethat it will be revisited
sheridan raises and i amsurethat it will come up
or longer and i amsurethat it will continue to
that record and i amsurethat it will educate us
of research and i amsurethat it will gain the
him i am not entirelysurethat it would be technically
area euan robson i amsurethat lanarkshire the scottish borders
right i am not entirelysurethat leaving such matters to
messages but i am notsurethat legislation is an appropriate
as a minister i amsurethat like his colleagues he
pretty young although i amsurethat lots of people think
to create anomalies i amsurethat lots of people working
charitable street collections i amsurethat many members will be
have criticised constantly i amsurethat many of those projects
is being done i amsurethat many scottish prisoners would
s transport system i amsurethat members are aware of
more to do i amsurethat members are familiar with
us because i am notsurethat members do know whether
regulation making powers i amsurethat members have all read
agreement the convener i amsurethat members have questions but
i hope indeed i amsurethat members will agree that
use its facilities i amsurethat members will appreciate the
on your invitation i amsurethat members will be interested
a standard english i amsurethat members will bear witness
in detail as i amsurethat members will have had
in public places i amsurethat members will keep a
macintosh eastwood lab i amsurethat members will not mind
report maureen macmillan i amsurethat members will recall the
begin question time i amsurethat members will want to
post of adviser i amsurethat members would agree that
o clock secondly i amsurethat members would wish to
years to come i amsurethat mike watson will be
put forward and i amsurethat most msps will agree
in the census i amsurethat most of our debate
that are available i amsurethat most senior civil servants
matter of days i amsurethat mr gallie recalls the
make a decision i amsurethat mr gallie would not
mr jim wallace i amsurethat mr gorrie accepts that
literacy and numeracy i amsurethat mr monteith in his
by this parliament i amsurethat mr nardell is more
a great deal i amsurethat my colleagues will discuss
of schools and i amsurethat my colleagues will discuss
to strike i am prettysurethat no opportunity will be
for all eternity i amsurethat other committee members will
for your time i amsurethat other issues will come
for comment and i amsurethat other members will highlight
very hard as i amsurethat others do but one
have spoken to i amsurethat others say the same
fishermen in scotland i amsurethat our paths will cross
notification process i am notsurethat pan 58 covers that
continuing debate and i amsurethat people in this parliament
smoke malcolm chisholm i amsurethat people would be very
about approved places i amsurethat registrars would tell the
continue to support i amsurethat rhona brankin would agree
difficulties in aberdeen i amsurethat richard lochhead is well
with cathy jamieson i amsurethat robert burns would turn
welcoming that but i amsurethat she did then and
on her appointment i amsurethat she will do a
on this issue i amsurethat she will have noted
performed very ably i amsurethat she will perform it
four years but i amsurethat she would be the
elaine thomson i am notsurethat simply developing web pages
the appointment and i amsurethat sir david will ensure
minister will say i amsurethat six is an arbitrary
be done i am notsurethat something such as this
of care i am prettysurethat staff wages did not
uk dr black i amsurethat that is correct i
year muir russell i amsurethat that is right our
commencement date so i amsurethat that point would be
sewel motions although i amsurethat that will be debated
quality assurance management i amsurethat that will be done
45 peter wood i amsurethat the accountants can answer
point i am not sosurethat the additional revenue that
for improvement and i amsurethat the agency would be
to evade it i amsurethat the authorities could talk
work and tolerance i amsurethat the bill has been
diffuse situation but i amsurethat the chairman is reporting
having said that i amsurethat the committee can deal
his work and i amsurethat the committee endorses that
the substantive issues i amsurethat the committee is aware
its financial memorandum i amsurethat the committee is only
that process and i amsurethat the committee members who
to be introduced i amsurethat the committee shares the
the pensions market i amsurethat the conservatives will focus
away 12 15 i amsurethat the date issue will
education and employment i amsurethat the department will give
of the parliament i amsurethat the deputy presiding officer
i say that i amsurethat the executive and certainly
is different but i amsurethat the executive can deal
expressing james smith i amsurethat the executive consulted widely
john farquhar munro i amsurethat the first minister will
27 mr quinan i amsurethat the general feeling is
the definitive article i amsurethat the general register office
religious significance i am notsurethat the hub could now
the ministers comments i amsurethat the industry will also
will be consultation i amsurethat the jewish community will
afterthought fergus ewing i amsurethat the lead committee would
that subject and i amsurethat the lively debate will
composting nora radcliffe i amsurethat the minister agrees that
to its members i amsurethat the minister for finance
relocation of sasa i amsurethat the minister for health
and so on i amsurethat the minister will agree
with that and i amsurethat the minister will take
other language i am notsurethat the onus should be
in the matter i amsurethat the organisations you have
concerned however i am notsurethat the perception about experience
the relevant minister i amsurethat the process will develop
as others mentioned i amsurethat the scottish parliament will
to be introduced i amsurethat the snp will catch
figure the convener i amsurethat the sunday mail is
is not i am notsurethat there are dates running
who became friends i amsurethat there are many more
to observe it i amsurethat there is a lot
this year i am damnedsurethat there is no clarity
we have agreed i amsurethat there is something useful
to amend i am fairlysurethat there was some discussion
in the chamber i amsurethat there were people who
the part but i amsurethat there will be many
the gallery applause i amsurethat they are here to
the convener yes i amsurethat they do not lock
people but i am alsosurethat they get less job
want to contribute i amsurethat they laugh at frank
constituencies i am not entirelysurethat they need me to
commonwealth games and i amsurethat they too would agree
squeeze i am not entirelysurethat they want to put
received from stakeholders i amsurethat they will be happy
in edinburgh and i amsurethat they will be more
material in classrooms i amsurethat they will say that
a lobbying company i amsurethat they would alert the
bodies to account i amsurethat this afternoon s debate
hugh dignon i am notsurethat this is a matter
be struck i am notsurethat this is a procedural
to take i am notsurethat this is the appropriate
schemes fergus ewing i amsurethat this subject will run
the highlands and i amsurethat this will also have
of iraqi society i amsurethat those agencies and others
presiding officer as i amsurethat under your careful guidance
the national debate i amsurethat various people will submit
generally steroid based i amsurethat we all agree about
them as monkeys i amsurethat we all condemn that
themselves become better i amsurethat we all hope that
justice hugh henry i amsurethat we are all aware
of deputy convener i amsurethat we can all work
rhoda grant i am notsurethat we can change anything
their decisions so i amsurethat we can comply with
term measures i am notsurethat we can do so
accepted that and i amsurethat we can look forward
for the debate i amsurethat we can provide it
with this amendment i amsurethat we could have attempted
dangerous muir russell i amsurethat we could have found
helpful mrs warrington i amsurethat we could provide those
always do so i amsurethat we should do that
reductions but i am notsurethat we should lay too
about youth work i amsurethat we spend money on
now however i am notsurethat we were involved directly
places derek miller i amsurethat we will be able
at the location i amsurethat we will be able
through those measures i amsurethat we will be able
effective committee and i amsurethat we will build on
lot more and i amsurethat we will do it
scotland s children i amsurethat we will do that
profit and i am quitesurethat we will find a
two opinions i am notsurethat we will get much
move on i am notsurethat we will have a
issue of timing i amsurethat we will have ample
00 mr mcmahon i amsurethat we will take that
must work as i amsurethat we will to ensure
this committee and i amsurethat we would invite them
are addressing them i amsurethat with all party support
involved more people i amsurethat with hindsight something will
go michael russell i amsurethat you are not complacent
reply so i am notsurethat you are right in
of the regulations i amsurethat you have seen the
most embarrassing but i amsurethat you will be able
of healthy living i amsurethat you will be aware
s suggestion as i amsurethe city of edinburgh council
to propose but i amsurethese gentlemen will agree with
user friendly as i amsurethey will be next year
calendar year this i amsurewas not the case at
opportunity on which i amsurewe all concur to take
technical term that i amsurewe all understand ms white
all the concerns i amsurewe will hear from other
of sports events i amsurewe will see greater benefits
executive parties i am notsurewhat a step change is
des mcnulty i am notsurewhat benefit means in that
con i am not entirelysurewhat happened at the start
macmillan i am not exactlysurewhat i am supposed to
not increased i am notsurewhat influence those fines have
consultation but i am notsurewhat more that was supposed
closing date i am notsurewhat that is to give
affirmative procedures i am notsurewhat the executive s exact
mr grant i am notsurewhat the group was called
professor richards i am notsurewhat the regimes are in
new houses i am notsurewhat to recommend but i
fellow parliamentarians i am notsurewhat we mean when we
the moment i am notsurewhat will be happening during
a lesson i am notsurewhere that definition or that
point but i am notsurewhere we want to go
high standards i am notsurewhether any evidence suggests that
in 1987 i am notsurewhether any of the officials
deliver objectives i am notsurewhether any of those bodies
its accommodation i am notsurewhether as an all party
employment activities i am notsurewhether councils would view such
ms curran i am notsurewhether either mr harding or
the convener i am notsurewhether he is entitled to
alan fraser i am notsurewhether i followed your example
on that i am notsurewhether i picked him up
robin harper i am notsurewhether it is fundamental to
could consider i am notsurewhether it would be helpful
mr wallace i am notsurewhether mr salmond was listening
have currently i am notsurewhether my colleagues want to
the concerns i am notsurewhether that committee will have
surveillance world i am notsurewhether that has reduced or
first place i am notsurewhether that is a particularly
the fact i am notsurewhether that is ever recorded
scottish budget i am notsurewhether that issue is linked
legislation but i am notsurewhether that should be in
unit but i am notsurewhether that would give it
poverty but i am notsurewhether the argument is about
event but i am notsurewhether the clerks will get
of scotland i am notsurewhether the eis has submitted
eu directive i am notsurewhether the points that dorothy
ms alexander i am notsurewhether the snp is arguing
concerns and i am notsurewhether this is political with
14 000 i am notsurewhether we will be able
a balance i am notsurewhether you are aware that
hector currie i am notsurewhether you are getting at
or session i am notsurewhich is correct before the
previous years i am notsurewhy an additional 60 million
ewing s i am notsurewhy he is not here
he refused i am notsurewhy you have presented your
scots corpus which i amsurewill be a delightful excursion
your contributions which i amsurewill be sharp and pithy
party politics as i amsurewill my friend john farquhar
be watched and i amsureyou do too although you
have a friend i msurea friend for my friend
a verse that i msurea lot o ye ll
and jeremy i m notsurea- are doin a a
one that i m nosureaboot that one m865: yeah
you i m nae toosureaboot the piercin he s
f1109: [?]dainsis[/?] i m naesureabout that ain oh daisies
icelandic and i m notsureabout the other two cause
that i m not sosureabout while granting that we
learning experiences and i msureagain people with expertise in
decorations hen ah m nosureah got some fur ma
says wan day ah msureah ll be the boss
it already prepared i msureal will be fine if
the scourgin and i msurean aberdeen farmer wouldn t
they were like are yousureand i m like yeah
and everything i m notsureand the fact that it
had metal wheels i msureand they made a heck
a blackout too i msureand we ll both be
i couldn t say forsureas i m not a
stuff like that i msureas well for the sqa
[inaudible] i m not quitesurebut erm they seem to
last burglary i m notsurebut he was beginning to
of glasnost i m notsurebut something strikes me as
i m fairly sure fairlysurebut you n- never say
f835: [laugh] i m notsure[censored: forename] what did you do
that go i m naesuredarling f1126: there f1125: no
mm f1054: yeah i msureehm i mind folk sayin
with it all i msuref010: oh well it s
generally maybe i m nosuref1026: right mmhm [cough] f1054:
have appreciated that i msuref1049: [laugh] yeah took me
to the nineties i msuref1077: you used to like
ever did here i msuref1143: oh no m1146: never
say i m nae toosurefa your mither s faither
m954: well i m fairlysurefairly sure but you n-
a record label i msurefiona would have some kind
in daylicht i m naesurefoo they got on wi
in 1452 but i msuregirnels were on the go
car gordon [censored: surname] i msurehe had a car m1078:
aff ma taes i msurehe hisna ett fur days
so easily i m quitesurehe ll pass your test
s greek too i msurehe ll take to helen
the prison and i msurehe never looked at me
if he bolts i msurehe s going to any
noo i m nae saesurehe s young yet but
wis hard wid i msurehe said it wis walnut
f1077: erm and i msurehe was in africa as
kent s son i msurehe would have been an
him down and i msurehe would have stopped for
slip on shoes i msurehis colleagues know exactly what
hurt poor chap i msurehis feelings for me are
chances although i m notsurehow many devoted fair isle
[laugh] i m never terriblysurehow to pronounce urquhart s
but i m not whollysurei assume that the stupid
georgie georgie i m naesurei can recite it forrard
frightful that i m notsurei can write about them
all third i m notsurei could take another day
now but i i msurei did as a child
kenneth might i m notsurei don t know er
different things as i msurei don t need to
mine mark i m notsurei don t think so
off the scale i msurei even heard him refer
he was sent i msurei heard the sadness because
and i i i msurei if you sought under
oh oh i m notsurei know that m762: i
gets started proper i msurei ll be fine fredericton
m affa scared i msurei ll screw up the
everyone s job to makesurei m alright audit scotland
everyone s job to makesurei m alright the audit
everyone s job to makesurei m alright the audit
i you ve to maksurei m buried in my
skinnymalinkie craitur it s certainsurei m crabbit an soor
the wye jonsar jist maksurei m first jonsar eck
properly even when i msurei m going to drop
that is but i msurei m still in touch
f963: well yes i msurei m sure they re
of it i m nosurei mind him masel i
ilka eer i m damntsurei read somewye that he
m959: erm i m notsurei think i think if
it s i m notsurei think it s a
but i- i m notsurei think it s polish
m not a hundred percentsurei think it was sold
mm f1054: but i msurei ve heard americans say
allowed mm as i msurei ve said before f826:
sea craft f963: i msurei ve seen an old
f1104: i m belle [laugh]surei was a jigsaw princess
so i m not quitesurei was trying to get
f746: uh huh i msurei would actually [laugh] f978:
cerebral department i m notsurei would make the same
i must because i msurei wrote something that was
is ehm i m notsureif er i should go
in fact i m naesureif ere wis sic a
wee andy i m notsureif i m queuing for
a woman poet i msureif i was born a
stilted and i m notsureif it can be saved
i travel i m notsureif restrictions on travel operate
in iceland i m notsureif she was serious or
huh ah i m notsureif that okay m952: but
like that i m naesureif that s the right
and aberdeen i m notsureif there s a difference
one hundred i m naesureif there s a hunner
was no complication i msureif there s complications then
in law i m naesureif they re a the
for it eh i msureif we went out into
that d- i m nosureif youse got this when
in dunvegan but i msurein many many houses er
it posse i m prettysure[inaudible] so f1144: [inaudible] m1146:
of study i m quitesureinto the future doing other
at school so i msureit d be more like
generalisation i mean i msureit is but f963: mm
whatever it is i msureit ll be different from
mm f1091: i m naesureit looks like dad m1092:
mmhm m944: no i msureit s not- nothing to
the subject f963: i msureit s true to an
mmhm f689: erm i msureit s very nice [laugh]
is that i m notsureit serves any purpose to
of mead an i msureit tastit a lot better
his wee brother i msureit was on his file
a club there i msureit was on the the
well to and i msureit wasn t actually the
f810: no f809: i msureit wasn t her f810:
different girl f809: i msureit wasn t her no
sister helen bit i msureit widda been a great
s f960: och i msureit will be yeah f961:
do uh huh i msureit will uh huh but
interesting life and i msureit would be good for
m1007: [inaudible] m1008: i msureit would [inaudible] vocallex desc
s hand i m naesurejohn should be drinkin whit
it will be i msure[laugh] f961: [inaudible] but f960:
f963: uh huh i msure[laugh] yes yeah mmhm m762:
a wee bit i msurelike me you ve probably
er and i m notsurelike what the attendance is
m1014: [inaudible] f1054: are yousurem1017: i m fine thanks
i mean i m notsurem608: i think i remember
frightening er f718: i msurem734: [laughs] getting get carted
kept you happy i msurem942: [laugh] only when they
rowan alexander who i msuremany a premier league side
think i m not quitesuremaybe i m just talking
i m nae just verysuremaybe they were just nae
which wisnae fair i msuremmhm no no no mmhm
think about it i msuremost of you have been
in glasgow i m notsuremy 30 year old pal
night before last i msureneither of us slept last
m f606: uh huh m822: surenooadays it would ve been
fiona s help i msureof it wet with tears
age but i m notsureof their sexes or names
martha well i m notsureoften when i m in
but i m not sosureone evening she yelled polski
in the garden i msureone of them is a
should manage something i msureone thing the library does
you every happiness i msureor some other stupidity you
away from but i msureshe ll have a great
at tübingen and i msureshe ll make friends on
[cough] but f1155: i msureshe won t mind f1154:
eight hours i m notsureso f1154: forty eight hours
either he says i msuresome celtic fans remember that
say you s- i msuresomebody else said it spittin
come on now i msuresomeone knows where the pig
your holiday now i msuretalking about exam results could
in the water i msurethat eh i mean some
course but i m notsurethat he s the one
know and i m notsurethat he would necessarily be
you i m nae toosurethat i ve got anither
a shame cause i msurethat [inaudible] yeah uh huh
e draps an i msurethat it wid bleck ony
links and i m fairlysurethat it will be one
do i m just makingsurethat josh is talking about
say gargillic i m notsurethat s a valid adjective
that is not i msurethat s not known in
area again and i msurethat there will be the
and [censored: forename] i m notsurethat they could teach the
huh f1103: ooh i msurethat was lovely to have
in fact i m nearsurethat was your ain mither
wanted to forget i msurethe bloke that was roger
and german as i msurethe french and german wou-
hae oor ain i msurethe gentlemen will be very
have no friends i msurethe pressure he was exerting
to frankfurt and i msurethe telex is chattering away
more cuddles too i msurethen punkie sighs and straightens
this eulogy and i msurethere are blogs all over
but f809: but i msurethere are lots of people
f831: versa cause i msurethere s a lot o
okay f950: yeah i msurethere s a lot o
everywhere s different i msurethere s plenty places in
just scuttled theirself i msurethere were aboot six boats
huh uh huh i msurethey did f718: where i
quickly cheenged tack i msurethey re braw tales fegs
i m sure i msurethey re enjoying them in
on the bus i msurethey were arabs maybe palestinians
made a mistake i msurethis year is going to
i think i m notsureto be honest with you
there and back i msureuncle nelson will be able
oh right f978: i msurewe have that book somewhere
ll be carnage i msurewe ll all grow together
f963: i m just makingsurewe re talking about the
the couch but i msurewe used to say sofa
efternuin m842: i m ehsurewe ve been picked because
trusting mother and i msurewee drew s mother really
bein a teacher i msure[?]weird, aye[/?] f1144: mmhm i just
houses with girls i msurewere pasty and spotty and
and i m not justsurewhat happened but certainly we
work out i m notsurewhat i ll do i
a name i m notsurewhat i want to ask
[audience laugh] i m not entirelysurewhat that means but it
m pretty f809: [laugh] f810: surewhen i m next gonna
well and i m quitesurewhen they were at school
down here but i msurewhen ye ken i was
of this corpus i msurewhen you wake up at
go on i m notsurewhere it is in first
that m1000: i m naesurewhether it was because no
shy that i m neversurewhether you could actu lly
a cannie a m nosurewhit tae dae fir a
m741: i i m notsurewho it is though but
now and i m notsurewho she is wailing like
i m still not quitesurewhy i thought engineering was
i could teenie i msureye would ronnie i ll
lot o money i msureyes uh huh oh dat
what i m not quitesureyet but it is an
dae but i m naesureyet [tut] i m thinkin
occasionally myself and i msureyou both are as well
mine if m942: i msureyou can be very creative
ye dev so i msureyou do i m no
named esther rantzen i msureyou enjoyed a good christmas
from that trip i msureyou had a photo was
burns i m sure yousureyou have okay ehm linguists
space m827: probably i msureyou have to pay for
to say that i msureyou haven t read it
f807: [laugh] oh i msureyou ll be fine f806:
prospects were dire i msureyou ll do very well
bit forgetful but i msureyou ll understand and be
why actually i m nosureyou might know why it
loretta i m nae saesureyou re maybe nae in
strife martha oh i msureyou re perfectly right rowland
bide there jack i msureyou re right you must
eh robert burns i msureyou sure you have okay
to some e- i msureyou understand that being from
m944: be quiet i msureyou ve done it now
those out cause i msureyou want some scots [laugh]
letter of 1928 i msureyour trouble is and it
check the dunny to makesurea funnel web husnae made
export sectors how to makesureall of scotland benefits from
f1112: uh huh f1111: makesureall our any muck or
welcome come into the parloursurean make yourself at home
just going up to makesurecause he s nae going
to specialise we will makesureclinical nursing is retained as
builder to make assurance doublysureeven today the ascent to
ll walk up and makesurehe s got his [inaudible]
i d need to makesurei got a decent body
we just trying to makesurei ve seen some of
equally we need to makesurein our area that we
gift frae me an makesureit s just used fur
trousers to the ground makesureof course she s no
s first report to makesureof what we said on
make you so happy andsureof yourself that things would
change planning guidance to makesureout of town developments include
for people with disabilities makesurepublic authorities recognise the distinct
urban parts of scotland makesurescottish higher and further education
at miss wood to makesureshe isn t looking but
wanted to help lori makesureshe was safe crossing the
to you know [laugh] makesuresome people are in the
to my pleas and makesuretha on my t v
was set up to makesurethat effective information is given
client advisory service to makesurethat examples of best practice
make a froth andy issurethat geordie s pee makes
finance we want to makesurethat good ideas for social
will say that they aresurethat handlers can make the
just to just to makesurethat i ll have somewhere
aye m1163: so i makesurethat i ve got some
to actually if they makesurethat if it was apples
promote golf internationally and makesurethat international competitions are used
in designing these services makesurethat mental health services are
water before you you makesurethat none of these things
right check mum s makesurethat s still on right
we did try to makesurethat somebody was there overnight
we have had to makesurethat such texts are available
and to try and makesurethat that becomes the focus
come from abroad we makesurethat the 10 per cent
the partnership to make absolutelysurethat the executive is fully
and other genocide to makesurethat the lessons of such
s report let us makesurethat the most dynamic part
the land reform act makesurethat the needs of cyclists
were sitting i will makesurethat the system is checked
we then need to makesurethat there is a development
domain but i can makesurethat they are filed for
i mentioned we will makesurethat we are judicious in
strategy keep it going makesurethat we build a better
first priority is to makesurethat we get the matter
and we need to makesurethat we re providing opportunities
is an opportunity to makesurethat we tackle those roads
and the unions we makesurethat whatever we do particularly
check the kitchen and makesurethe back door s locked
m944: no but they makesurethe concrete s hardened first
taking a sample to makesurethe contents hadn t gone
returning to local communities makesurethe expansion of wave power
of scottish organic production makesurethe newly established joint public
i would stop and makesurethe person was uninjured but
together we need to makesurethe rocks in the wire
stick or wand to makesurethe stalks of corn lay
john stewart of baldynneis makesurethe students identify this as
improve their funding and makesurethey are fully valued by
link all schools to makesurethey can all access suitably
fines are levied to makesurethey can reflect ability to
the plastic pants and makesurethey fit properly son is
would say he d makesurethey got home safely so
yes f1113: good girl makesurethey re all nice and
do it again to makesurethey re really clean ooh
in sterilised water to makesurethey were perfectly clean and
the existing audit committee makesurethis assessment measures the executive
difference you have to makesureto put it off four
mm f643: to to makesurewe did stuff ehm [tut]
the west indies we makesurewe have er all the
that on board and makesurewe provided for everyone m608:
1970s however did not seemsurewhat to make of it
buxom nurse whae wid makesureye guzzled the wattery tripe
that s it f951: makesureyeah m865: and there s
be make available m865: makesureyeah that s it f951:
it wis hard tae makesureyou got the glue in
though m1108: i- are yousureyou never make vampire ones
[laugh] [laugh] i wanna makesureyou re from down the
like you know please makesureyou re sitting comfortably when
renfrew ferry tonight so makesureyou re there as the
gossips you should always makesureyou ve swept the shit
the computer ehm but makesureyou write to us and
broch peterhead an he wissurehe cood mak oot aiberdeen
an she ll mak damnsurehe is ana there s
elgin f1095: aye so maksurehe s got his school
tocht that we should maksureit disna happen again lost
the nicht jist tae maksureit wid start in the
at e ingine tae maksureit wis behavin itsel ye
ll jist need to maksuren die aff afore mrs
a fitba jist tae maksurethat he got a game
he went hame tae maksurethat wee wifie wid be
mm f951: an an maksurethat whatever i say is
you ll need to maksurethat you dinna outlive mrs
fitba jonsar hid tae maksurethe ba wis pit bye
working pause an we maksureti clear away aw obstructions
the spot tee to maksurewe get the best price
they best watch oot maksurewhat they drink an eat
family georgie aye weel maksureye pick een that s
aheid wi the lantern maksureyi dinnae loose yur fittin
dae wi oanythin jist maksureyi git hur oan oor
can dae it and maksureyou re properly clean turn
s at the station nowsureand that s annie m1092:
doggie in the back seatsurei don t know m1092:
will we m1092: mmhm blockssure[inaudible] blocks f1091: right what
get them in the gardensurem1092: get it in the
he s all dirty theresurem1092: mm f1091: now will
wash m1092: uh huh f1091: surem1092: mmhm now now look
wer- mam fixed it thoughsurem1092: no [inaudible] all the
puddles f1091: lots o puddlessurem1092: no no no no
a noisy boy like yousurem1092: no that doesn t
was scared at the noisesurem1092: no there f1091: oh
fire coming oot the rocketsurem1092: that s fire f1091:
now thomas to the rescuesurem1092: there there bob [inaudible]
bubbles f1091: it s bubblessurem1092: uh huh f1091: and
f1091: cause they re pinksurem1092: uh huh f1091: and
him m1092: uh huh f1091: surem1092: uh huh f1091: but
s ripped it all upsurem1092: uh huh f1091: mmhm
james is in the fieldsurem1092: uh huh f1091: mmhm
crashed off the rail tracksurem1092: uh huh now look
for him and found himsurem1092: uh huh where is
dad went to find himsurem1092: uh huh where mummy
the tv through their tummiessurem1092: [?]what do you mean, tummies[/?] f1091: you dinna
ve got to be carefulsurem1092: where are my [inaudible]
that explains a lot thensurem1092: yes f1091: right m1092:
the newspaper like dad doessurewhat s she doing m1092:
visits we are never quitesureabout the extent to which
you- you re not quitesureare you and that s
urquhart you re never quitesurecertainly as with many parodies
gone we re not quitesureerm tesco s have taken
you know i wasnae quitesurehow things were gonna go
my granny warning i quitesurei ve heard fiona saying
so they weren t quitesureif the fits would would
also but very mellow fursuremellow yellow quite rightly mind
dictionary folk are not quitesureof its origin though they
and mum was like quitesurethat we would find the
jenny she s quite quitesurethe usual no she s
unwell we re not quitesurewhat s going on but
buildings m1008: wasn t quitesurewhat that meant er pavement
if you re not quitesurewhat the relationship is [laugh]
yeah i wasn t quitesurewhat was being asked f1009:
heads with stress not quitesurewhat was going to happen
you- you re not quitesurewhere you re going f963:
the-the- we re not quitesurewhy not erm because i
bets it is still notsureabout it however we made
committee perhaps he is notsureabout some of the work
are commenced we are notsureabout that at the moment
[censored: forename] was not at allsureabout this but we gingerly
just he s just notsureabout what he wants to
s a city of contrastssurebut it s not all
over there somewhere [laugh] notsuref606: uh huh mm f890:
september but [laugh] not entirelysurehow about yourself have f745:
to normal dave s notsurehowever whether this is just
was in a dwam notsurei wasn t dreaming all
but now he s notsureif he really wants to
but mrs aitken was notsureif she died from an
not that bad f833: suresurein p s e she
water f1111: yes i madesureit s not too hot
not entirely f745: [laugh] f746: sure[laugh] why f745: [laugh] f746:
that you re not reallysureof it kind of consolidates
come here and can besureof not going away with
were at mauchline she issureshe would not grudge going
s not that bad f833: suresure in p s e
teachers and the professionals madesurethat pupils were not treated
but you can t besurethat that s not like
said that i was notsurethat the figures at the
14 one can be fairlysurethat they will not the
past present future none notsurethe pupils found it fairly
here f- f1121: are yousurethey re not there f1122:
must go etc under notsurethey were then asked to
corporate body we are notsurewhat the funding streams are
from kitchen but is notsurewhether she will be able
the drafting we were notsurewhether the executive would get
staff because they are notsurewhether they will have a
of rotation we are notsurewhether this detestable germ was
bq morven stood ready notsurewhether to extinguish the fire
betty rises with her liliansurewhy not i ll lend
m1016: well i i wasnaesureaboot the what ye meant
instruction leaflet chrissie are yousureaboot this georgie i ve
army but i wasnae verysureabout that whether he would
handed f1023: i wasn tsurean i ru- didn t
joe he d have beensureand i d have been
reckoned i wasn t sosureand stayed at the periphery
and i d have beensureand we d have been
this i say she ssurebreast feeding isn t really
diagnosing mum s problem isurecould go some of your
fifty per cent are yousuredes hudson i would guess
for a filie i wissuree thing wis ere bit
decade of your birth f951: sureehm i was born in
was expecting lynn to callsureenough by the time i
onywey [throat] that s forsuref1001: [laugh] m999: erm i
get your dinner are yousuref1118: mm no i just
bit there f1125: right yousuref1126: mmhm f1125: i think
been to see snow whitesuref1130: but if i speak
f641: [inaudible] mmhm mm yeahsuref643: because i could sew
good m865,: mmhm mmhm yeahsuref950: but probably i don
peerie pigs sacre bleu nosurefoo i can change da
aye look f1101: i cannasurei canna get it right
on happiness that i wassurei could lift the car
aff me i wasn tsurei d have the bottle
wheel nuts first i wassurei d seen joe doing
t we f1103: aye f1104: surei did that edge didn
to senior that s forsurei lean hard on my
seeming peggy decisively better besurei ll ging an phone
trucks m1090: [inhale] [exhale] hasurei want that to go
her i wish i wassurei was a rock of
a cup of tea madesurei was alright and announced
late and he made damnsurei was even later by
time i wasn t sosurei was far too close
in the rye i wassurei was going mad otherwise
oh i see that makessureit doesn t f- go
i erm you know f963: sure[laugh] m762: but one of
lessons divn t ye tootiesurem1128: how where do i
the the [inaudible] f643: mmhmsurem642: is that high i
nae ere i wis atsureo t i couldna think
beaumont i wouldny be sosureo that if i were
lizzie i wish i wassureo that min fit i
what sam galbraith is makingsureof and i strongly support
and could still be prettysureof encountering as i inspected
on genuine feeling i feltsureof that i was impatient
beetle said i hallo foxsures death it pirkit up
i was sayin i wasnasureshe said it was too
because [laugh] they weren tsureso erm but i think
ca canny if i wassurethat folk would take the
muir russell i have madesurethat i could update you
the uk bill i feelsurethat the bill will receive
the great pairty are yousurethere s naething i can
well i mean there probablysurethere was two hundred years
mary went the lamb wassureto go f1116: i press
time now that s forsurewhat else i ve had
just husband di- i wasnaesurewhat tae put so [inaudible]
okay cause i wasn tsurewhat time f810: supposedly ehm
was i was very verysurewhen i was in my
that i have to besurewhere all the toilets are
girl s goin are yousureyou re alright and i
your permission which i wassureyou were already giving me
and whether we can besurethat such evidence is obtained
tea sometime so we werenaesurewhether [laugh] we should go
bid although organisations are neversurewhether their bids will be
place well done f1104: sh-surebridges go there divn t
ain s in here f1104: sureerm philip s got a
f1103: batten doon the hatchessuref1104: batten doon the hatches
that in the box [inaudible]suref1104: but we ll play
we like tons of funsuref1104: yeah su- f1103: it
f1103: better to be safesuref1104: yeah we re better
[censored: forename] does an aa f1104: surehe throws doon his toys
spring fever f1103: mmhm f1104: sureit looks like a bit
put her there f1104: lilasurel- lila s nice ain
f1103: huh f1104: huh huhsurethat bit s nae came
f1104: no she isn tsurethe people want to kill
f1104: this is lily leafsurethey go in the water
f1104: my deep blue seasuretommy was on wir bed
[inaudible] f1104: oh [inaudible] mumsurewe re girls f1103: mmhm
hair f1103: mm f1104: mumsureyou get your your your
have been f639: mmhm f641: suref640: uh huh ehm my
s university uh huh m608: suremm and from that you
however we need to besureand that will require high
will build on this makingsurethe justice system protects victims
will but in between besureto eat the strawberry dool
authoress betty macdonald will besureto please them nature corner
we re nearly finished thissureand everyone have some f1129:
wi peggy you re neversureenter the procession back from
sure [laugh] you re neversuref826: in a hurry as
gweed and ye re nivversurefa ye bump intel in
mmhm but you re fairlysurein your own mind there
re in charge wi chipssureit s messy if ye
the country you re neversure[laugh] you re never sure
shape yer arm we resureof what we do we
months well if you resureshe says and then a
you a bed they resureto lend so follow us
join them and you resureyou could work with them
f1130: [child noise] f1129: hmm yousureyou re wantin this f1130:
want it f1121: oh yousureabout that now f1122: aye
that heavin ocean ah wissureah wis for the sharks
but there s ae thingsurean that is that our
man that was biggin makkinsureat e shear o e
how that started m1174: yeahsureerm started off er well
stand still that s forsuref1142: baby stand still cause
life there that s forsuref606: yeah m845: ehm the
an tried that bit wisnasurefit wis wrang he tested
the week a wisnae toosureif that wis a cheek
afore them it s certainsureis it no that some
m1108: [hits balls with snooker cue] f1107: ooh m1108: sureit breaks like that f1107:
a man that was sasureof his ain electioun as
thing you may then besureof is that the buffet
and mountain tracks and besureof sensing that quality of
that davidson was never reallysureof what lay beyond the
muses that april rains shallsureprepare for freshness of the
cat didna spill the gluesureshe s happy f1107: that
your face is that alrightsureshe said wheeling around she
and her body twitches twosuresigns that she is down
wide framework we can besurethat criminals would be quick
of that we have madesurethat extra money is available
damaging things f963: yeah yeahsurethat [?]had an effect though[/?] f965: unless you
it he believed he wassurethat he was chosen but
struggled tae his feet makinsurethat he wis in ae
subject you could never besurethat her e e wouldna
icecream cover with meringue makingsurethat it is completely sealed
presiding officer if you aresurethat it is me you
if we just knew forsurethat it was going to
about the year and feelsurethat our scots and gaelic
that how are we makingsurethat parents teachers and young
had a gatie like thatsurethat s f1135: it s
transport work for people makingsurethat services meet the needs
nooadays you canna even besurethat that tells you which
in amendment 8 we aresurethat that would give rise
hips said bastard contemplatively madesurethat the bubble was in
things like that and makinsurethat the lavvy was clean
mornin an nicht an madesurethat the milk cairt wis
borders until they can besurethat there are common standards
but my father eh madesurethat they were carried out
us we want to besurethat we are still able
that is involved in makingsurethat we get this decision
have tried we have madesurethat we have scottish judges
ma auntie pauline are yousurethat you want tae see
mrs beaumont you may besurethat your husband was an
to the executive the convenersurethe petition makes that point
to mean frustrated davidson makessurethe reader realises that he
him oot would they ansurethere s that story aboot
we aw climbed that wawsurewi struggled climbed it though
gaunnae stoat aboot like thatsureyou ll be aw right
he took away and madesureas he did with all
took place astonished us allsureenough a crowd had gathered
got them all are yousuref1122: aye aye f1121: what
example to us all hissurehand and light touch have
moustache there s one thingsureif all the sooth folk
opening all the windows asuresign of imminent puffing before
shite out of them shesureas hell wasn t going
air out of the fieldsurefarr s he going to
sicht frost or fresh naesureaboot at ata en taewards
wi a duster an madesureere wis nae stue in
f1130: nae a story f1129: sure[inaudible] the butterfly book did
nae very f606: [cough] f823: sureo ca- car parks or
would do he knew assureas he was a plab
would soon go away andsureenough after turning an interesting
but only because she wassureit would be rejected she
a mere indiscretion he wassurethe sheriff would be lenient
so we weren t reallysurewhere where it would go
want it f1121: are yousureor did you take it
to play at my playschoolsuresure you want to go
against slavery so he ssuretae want it afore himsel
in it chrissie are yousureye want this on your
play at my playschool suresureyou want to go to
to sit on are yousureyou want to sit here
a girlish worry are yousureyou want to tell me
force of influence to besurebut of an oddly inconsequential
when he grabbed it butsureenough here he was gummed
you can buy them f641: suref639: but no it was
him but he wasn tsurehe liked being babied father
drink oniething crossly but makingsureher husband doen t hear
georgie na but are yousureit s the richt rab
at work but f1043: ohsurem1042: in the house no
but erm f963: mm mmhmsurem762: you know erm yeah
7 macmillan is slow butsuremiss wood says but she
made a peerie herd noisesureenyoch hit wirkit a boy
fitted a fact he madesureeverybody at eh pier head
the eggs the lass madesureof the dish she loved
then cleaned them an madesurethey were workin afore pittin
screbster ah dinnae ken forsureare ye o k o
f1122: aye f1121: are yousuref1122: aye dum dummy dum
f1130: no f1129: are yousuref1130: no f1129: no f1130:
f1142: no f1141: are yousuref1142: no f1141: no f1142:
[censored: forename] her name are yousuref1142: oh meringue f1141: [laugh]
have christine grahame are yousurehelen eadie they have certainly
it go f1125: are yousureit goes in there see
doon an asks are yousurejonsar laughs an says aye
m1090: mmhm f1089: are yesurem1090: danny mmhm f1089: is
t me f1089: are yousurem1090: no [scratching noise] f1089: cause
m1094: yes f1093: are yousurem1094: yes f1093: [?]oh well[/?] m1094:
we can dae the icingsurem1128: aye b- mammy are
and remote communities by makingsurepublic services are available to
ve wasted georgie are yousureshe s up till t
for me peggy are yousuretea loretta gladys loretta just
discourse as lang as yersurethe linguistics are pure an
gangs hey mister are yousurethis is a school monsoon
s okay f1113: are yousuretwo minutes f1114: yes it
aboot here somewye are yousureyou hinna got my money
legislation committee in 2002 wesuredo pack em in we
f1130: this is aa skinsuref1129: mmhm there we go
do a job then wesureheard erm doric f606: mmhm
usually we got them forsurein the first post on
know we have to besureit s a quality model
fit we can tae makksureshe turns oot like her
fact we can t besurethey actually existed in inverness
more comforting still to besurewe d get sunshine next
right cross then f1136: crosssurewe might go in a
noo ere s ae thingsurewe wull gang back bit
because ye could aye besureo a sing song there
bein included if du ssurehit s da kind o
of stories he isn tsureif the soldiers and jesus
the job was done asurerecipe for domestic tension if
intill e story for assures fate if ere s
wye fowk spakk back hamesurean you ll be from
a long tradition behind itsureas fate you ll find
enchanted place alice exclaimed yousurechose the worst and the
you see in westerns andsureenough a fist fight broke
in case you weren tsuref943: [laugh] young ears young
flechie cause you weren tsurehow it was spelt f718:
you m1108: wha- no f1107: surem1108: no f1107: postman pat
out the toyshop in buckiesurem1128: no f1127: you div
laing aye you may besureshe d been takkin it
f963: right yeah mm mmhmsureyeah m762: stuff from you
f606: [laugh] f829: [laugh] yousureyou didn t come up
first were you always reallysureyou wanted to do english
kens an ye ll besurean pye him weel an
be a hundred per centsureo stew ah ll be
fellow he is to besure23 friday a good turnout
culdnae be a hunner percentsurebit he juist kent it
though e couldna be richtsuree got e beets runkit
into herself still to besureof an identity she had
material in order to besureof the basis on which
d be intill e hoosesures fate as aften as
the wee thing tae besuretae catch her up at
butcher wid hae tae besuretae cut fully mair than
early the day tae besuretae win throw the snaa
and hypothetical nature to besurethis is only a hypothesis

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