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the indicators in indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland have targets
were incorporated into indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland s1w 34861
was collected for indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland s1w 34862
been set in indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland s1w 34863
set out in indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland s1w 34873
was available for indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland that was
the indicators in indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland to include
which indicators in indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland will address
which indicators in indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland will address
which indicators in indicators ofsustainabledevelopment for scotland will address
through the scottish executive ssustainabledevelopment indicators ensuring that the
on the world summit onsustainabledevelopment 6 designation of lead
on the world summit onsustainabledevelopment followed by parliamentary bureau
united nations world summit onsustainabledevelopment in johannesburg in august
at the world summit onsustainabledevelopment in johannesburg s1m 2899
s1m 3265 world summit onsustainabledevelopment lodged on 27 june
s1m 3265 world summit onsustainabledevelopment lodged on 27 june
united nations world summit onsustainabledevelopment on scotland s progress
united nations world summit onsustainabledevelopment s1w 27505 fiona mcleod
united nations world summit onsustainabledevelopment s1w 27506 fiona mcleod
attend the world summit onsustainabledevelopment s1w 27507 fiona mcleod
on scotland s progress onsustainabledevelopment since the earth summit
the executive in stimulating environmentallysustainableemployment 5 business motion euan
the criminal law 4 environmentallysustainableemployment and recycling robin harper
scottish executive to stimulate environmentallysustainableemployment as a matter of
the executive in stimulating environmentallysustainableemployment fiona mcleod moved amendment
is taking to promote environmentallysustainablemethods of farming s1o 5822
our tourism industry is environmentallysustainablethe method of funding area
deliberations and conclusions of thesustainabledevelopment forum and to take
to take part in thesustainabledevelopment forum and what the
to take part in thesustainabledevelopment forum and what the
the first meeting of thesustainabledevelopment forum and whether these
the scottish executive when thesustainabledevelopment forum is due to
writing to participate in thesustainabledevelopment forum s1w 27391 robin
support the work of thesustainabledevelopment forum s1w 27393 robin
the first meeting of thesustainabledevelopment forum s1w 27395 robin
and subsequent meetings of thesustainabledevelopment forum s1w 27396 robin
the first meeting of thesustainabledevelopment forum s1w 27397 robin
how often it expects thesustainabledevelopment forum to meet s1w
the first meeting of thesustainabledevelopment forum to remain members
announced the formation of thesustainabledevelopment forum to the parliament
reducing fuel poverty and promotingsustainabledevelopment again i ask the
two objectives that you highlightedsustainabledevelopment and agricultural modernisation not
rio declaration s aims ofsustainabledevelopment and application of the
excellence in public services encouragingsustainabledevelopment and being constructive in
has made europe is aboutsustainabledevelopment and improvements in our
cross cutting issues such assustainabledevelopment and the reduction of
solution was the adoption ofsustainabledevelopment and to start living
i welcome the commitment tosustainabledevelopment anyone who passes houses
the progress made in integratingsustainabledevelopment at the heart of
the progress made in integratingsustainabledevelopment at the heart of
determination to promote long termsustainabledevelopment both in the agriculture
with furthering the achievement ofsustainabledevelopment c there is no
review of spending plans againstsustainabledevelopment criteria and if so
imports is it beneficial tosustainabledevelopment globally for scotland to
state s advisory group onsustainabledevelopment have been taken over
in public services and encouragingsustainabledevelopment i believe that the
power and the promotion ofsustainabledevelopment i hope that mr
the bill is related tosustainabledevelopment i seek to discover
priorities actions and targets forsustainabledevelopment in scotland and how
priorities actions and targets forsustainabledevelopment in scotland s1w 34864
of its clear strategy onsustainabledevelopment is available in the
be put into the wholesustainabledevelopment issue and how much
in scotland contributing positively tosustainabledevelopment it is expected that
to further the achievement ofsustainabledevelopment it will continue to
followed by executive debate onsustainabledevelopment meeting the needs followed
ministers on fuel poverty andsustainabledevelopment members of that committee
to consume in scotland theirsustainabledevelopment might thereby be promoted
should also assist in addressingsustainabledevelopment objectives and allow maximum
the regional government network forsustainabledevelopment s1o 6359 15 richard
scottish executive how many newsustainabledevelopment targets have been set
the conservation of power andsustainabledevelopment the social justice committee
of lifelong learning to achievingsustainabledevelopment will be included in
when a comprehensive strategy onsustainabledevelopment will be prepared s1w
me link contributing positively tosustainabledevelopment with the question of
civic society and involved insustainabledevelopment work were invited in
the public iii to promotesustainableeconomic and social development of
term planning and delivery ofsustainableenvironmental and economic development and
the projected spend specifically onsustainableenvironmental and economic development issues
and further the commitment tosustainablerural development s1o 428 24
strategy that has long termsustainablegrowth in the economy and
strategy that has long termsustainablegrowth in the economy and
s policy to increase thesustainablegrowth of scotland s economy
s policy to increase thesustainablegrowth of scotland s economy
secure higher growth rates andsustainablelevels of high employment for
scottish fishermen whilst ensuring asustainablefishing industry and is fully
scottish fishermen whilst ensuring asustainablefishing industry and is fully
directed at securing long termsustainablefunding for childcare ensuring further
directed at securing long termsustainablefunding for childcare ensuring further
objectives for rural scotland buildingsustainablecommunities enhancing the viability of
meeting our objectives for asustainablescotland and contributing to international
regulation on the conservation andsustainableexploitation of fisheries resources under
regulation on the conservation andsustainableexploitation of resources under the
for the management conservation andsustainableexploitation of stocks into the
of the area promote thesustainableuse of its natural resources
the area to promote thesustainableuse of natural resources to
a above i to promotesustainableuse of the natural resources
all the environmental benefits ofsustainablefarming i am thinking not
on the environmental benefits ofsustainablefarming if i may use
as a considerable step towardssustainablefarming would it be fair
we can move to asustainablerural economy that has farming
higher scottish employment is moresustainableand that scotland has the
the significant potential to createsustainableemployment that will benefit both
assets and the protection andsustainablecare of our natural environment
fish stocks and secure asustainablebasis for our fisheries dependent
fish stocks and secure asustainablebasis for our fisheries dependent
that the parliament recognises thatsustainablefisheries are essential for the
insert recognises the importance ofsustainablefisheries for the well being
scotland make its tourism industrysustainablegreen tourism cultural tourism and
support to secure both asustainablestock in the north sea
any plans for effective andsustainablediversification and therefore calls for
scottish executive to build asustainableeffective and integrated transport system
scottish executive to build asustainableeffective and integrated transport system
little idea what an effectivesustainableinfrastructure for our arts heritage
discussion about how we createsustainablefunding for the long term
define that boundary on asustainablebasis as the demographic pressures
tourist boards operates on asustainablebasis for the next financial
tourist boards operates on asustainablebasis for the next financial
always been the struggle forsustainablefunding and resources many funders
strategy that would guarantee asustainablefuture for the area the
in the north sea andsustainablecommunities in scotland s fishing
demands of modern consumers buildingsustainablecommunities the network of public
quality housing for all andsustainablecommunities to that end we
communities we will support asustainablefishing industry through a new
logging and produce timber fromsustainableforests and their communities supported
an aquaculture industry that issustainablediverse competitive and economically viable
in order to encourage asustainableproduction industry in scotland s1w
organisations with an element ofsustainablecore funding at grassroots level
as other members pointed outsustainablecore funding is especially needed
with voluntary organisations and recognisesustainablefunding as an absolute priority
this approach to ensure asustainableimpact from this funding tricia
the next fifteen years supportsustainableforestry management and reforestation making
areas of woodland and fsustainableforestry management s1w 34868 bruce
services act to ensure thesustainablemanagement and integration of all
and concludes that a trulysustainableenergy policy as being adopted
in pursuit of a balancedsustainableenergy policy followed by debate
in pursuit of a balancedsustainableenergy policy s1m 2883 2
that it would formulate asustainablerural health model to overcome
come up with a trulysustainablerural model for delivering health
society the sector can providesustainablejobs and services and build
ensure that high quality andsustainableservices could be provided now
come up with recommendations forsustainableservices many members are part
the science but affords asustainablefuture for the catching and
scotland s agriculture to asustainablefuture i am under no
scotland s deer populations intosustainablebalance with their environment and
it plans to introduce asustainablelife campaign in scotland similar
a more socially just andsustainablescotland andrew wilson moved amendment
the cabinet sub committee onsustainablescotland last met when it
a more socially just andsustainablescotland the presiding officer has
that it must be somethingsustainablethat addresses many issues across
operate as part of asustainableand market oriented scottish agricultural
others with an interest insustainableland use it would seem
a view to establishing asustainablebase for oil fabrication and
allotments as a resource forsustainablefood supply local authorities their
a resource for providing asustainablefood supply promoting healthy activity
allotments an advocacy document forsustainableliving in october 2000 which
still available are used forsustainablestrategic and infrastructure improvements and
its efforts to bring newsustainableand quality jobs to the
come up with new andsustainablemodels of delivering health care
voluntary sector needs to besustainableand it needs to be
bill to define reasonable andsustainableboundaries between personal costs and
establishing a safe efficient andsustainablebuilt environment and protect local
protect consumers and to createsustainabledevelopments the bill will provide
will have on jobs andsustainableinvestment in the sector could
those produced by organic andsustainablemethods such as leaf linking
relied upon is much moresustainableaccording to the expert evidence
would be the establishment ofsustainablelinks robert mooney as i
in glasgow to discuss asustainablebackcourts initiative this was an
was unsafe would not besustainablescott barrie paragraphs 4 14

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