See this word as a collocate cloud
the saft gress bi the | syde | o the caussie ti the |
the dous on the caussie | syde | the burds haes impiddent een |
lyin lyke twa whunstane men | syde | bi syde but wi ae |
twa whunstane men syde bi | syde | but wi ae tig wi |
sea do 3 the ither | syde | do 4 eternitie do 1st |
drie whate er befaws this | syde | o eternitie an chaunce the |
wie howff bi the trak | syde | apairt frae a rid het |
wie howff on the nor | syde | o the mairch wes bot |
ti gie ye the pictur | syde | an wyde a propone ti |
whan thai sein the lowdens | syde | an wyde ablo thaim thai |
gey affen frae the english | syde | juist ablow the big hoose |
philope ferm on the bottom | syde | ay jockie wis aye kent |
his een first ti tae | syde | an syne ti the tither |
hir mou on the tither | syde | as gin she war greitin |
itsell ti foonder the tither | syde | enter l macbeth what is |
a gret prince the tither | syde | o the wattir bonnie gowd |
fell doun deid the tither | syde | the dure the ill hertit |
ti seek ye the tither | syde | the grave but ma tyme |
sat himsell doun the tither | syde | the ingil an goaved at |
the peat frae the tither | syde | the muir but his maister |
mukkil stane at the burn | syde | an habetrot an hir eydent |
dreme she s bi ma | syde | eydent she cairries aye hir |
wi a lassikie bi hiz | syde | the rid douglas sein thair |
he wes on the wrang | syde | o the mairch wi nae |
simmer mornins on the ferr | syde | the castel the war gairdens |
the heich brae the ferr | syde | o the wattir an whan |
kerr bade aince the ferr | syde | the glebe the language loses |
that stuid on the ferr | syde | the trees an the houss |
ower yonder on the ferr | syde | the wattir bang bang laughs |
ken mukkil aboot the fleshlie | syde | o mairriage nanse oor morag |
mou an here a gret | syde | o beef gaed doun his |
set it ti the ae | syde | sayin ai mercie me whitna |
hir lane bi the wattir | syde | tentin the ceol mara at |
that war growein on aither | syde | hir path whan a burd |
roond a bit ti the | syde | ye r staunin in yeir |
stey brae bi the burn | syde | lik in a drame he |
hir legs hingin owre the | syde | the stane she wure blek |
littel thai crep ti ae | syde | o the platt whaur a |
1st century bc the ither | syde | ah im a prisoner in |
wes sittin bi hiz bed | syde | sawtan wes cled i the |
oot athort moscow frae ae | syde | o the toun til the |
piece an on the ither | syde | the toun whit soud the |
peth wynds up a burn | syde | ti thair wones an he |
bran quut his maister s | syde | the perr o thaim gat |
the lassie rinnin at his | syde | as best she micht an |
bot the r ane ill | syde | ti d ilkane o z |
but rab haed ane ill | syde | til his naitur an wes |
hir hair up the left | syde | hir heid piece hir earrings |
ah wan til the ither | syde | the puddok s body begins |
cormac drew alasdair ti ae | syde | an says he alasdair ma |
been spinnin ti the ae | syde | for ti speak til him |
the glaur at the lair | syde | mynd ye it wes fair |
graundfaither on ma mither s | syde | wes a macalpine queen dae |
haud yeir heid ti the | syde | man he holds his head |
an leeve ti be a | syde | shaw ferlie we l stage |
littil bannok ye ir richt | syde | up cum ye ti the |
a swift swither v vacillate | syde | n side synd v rinse |
haill universe reinged at ma | syde | from the chinese of ssü |
of blude ran on ather | syde | so aboundantlie that all the |
all was defait on ether | syde | that few or nane was |