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jist lying ther waggin itstailan it wagged it right
stan ere waggin it stailas jonsar stuffed the ba
bowf an waggin his muckletailwheesht benjy lie doon min
tile f1113: it s calledtailf1114: tail f1113: tail that
there s long tile f1113: tailf1114: tile f1113: it s
got eeyore tail that eeyoretaili help you f1125: here
i got he got eeyoretailthat eeyore tail i help
shake shake shake shake atailfeather baby agnes collapses into
shake to gordon shake atailfeather baby shake shake shake
it s called tail f1114: tailf1113: tail that s it
the hoose f1114: that histailf1113: that s his tail
his tail there s histailf1114: where does his eye
tail f1113: that s histailkeekin oot f1114: let s
called tail f1114: tail f1113: tailthat s it f1114: mummy
yes f1113: there s histailthere s his tail f1114:
birdie s wings birdie stailbirdie s s- this bit
a feather fae oot itstailmy said the bird ye
e mullie ere wis etaileyn o a hey soo
september a sunsheeny day thetaileyn o an early hairst
o a blizzard in thetaileyn o februar oot aa
met her da at thetaileyn o the dairy cairt
kate dowpit doon at thetaileyn o the play chute
uptakk minnie bruce heard thetaileyn o the sang an
stuff ye call tip ntaileh top n m642: eh
on the tip o hirtailsit up beiss quo the
matchbox it widnae fill fraetailtae tip nae mammoth this
like the coo s aetailher mither raged bit her
ken the fowk coo stailskelpin niver lifts till last
sotter at e coo stailtwa black slimy glisterin feet
braw bien fae tap ttailaa the gowans o ither
used it tae tap ortaile neeps ye could buy
an roon frae tap taetailfur ilkie pikk o her
dirlin roon frae tap tilltailis the fiddler s reel
awthing means the tap antailo it the lot bit
wee bird wi a roostytailand files sailin ower aa
beiss haes a lang baretailah tig alang ahint him
geordie the r aye langtailfellaes on grain ships e
speirt wullie fae the langtailfellaes sayed geordie the r
day on rum a langtailo fowk wis passin a
stars his legs are pylonstails as lang s a
thick as a shelt stailsae lang that she cud
a puppy though its langtailwis a bittie scruffy anither
the big yin flickt histailan went mooth wide heid
its heid aff an itstailguttin on throw snaw an
aboot the heid back antaillike lepers wi a white
they could makk heid nortailo her campbell the banker
i canna mak heid ortailo it i jist winnered
that s his little curlytailf1114: child noises child noises
look what colour s histailf1114: no that s his
goes f1113: is that histailf1114: that is is go
fower white feet the chestnuttailan mane a star on
slashed from the feet notailflicked the flies around your
f1113: oh here s thetaillook what colour s his
da windoo wi da sweedtailstill reekin an da last
doon da rod head prunktailup shö felt is prood
that i am called atailend charlie there have been
m1092: [inaudible] there pilchard stailhim one f1091: is that
f1091: now that s histaili know m1092: look f1091:
f1091: is that pilchard stailthere s his body look
mr adam the snp stailend charlie wants a couple
now being introduced at thetailend of a westminster parliament
and clothing this is thetailend of summer in scotland
or two areas at thetailend of the convoy that
end we caught only thetailend of the fireworks they
look at ye its t-tailend s up an it
what if they eat theirtailf1089: do you remember scratchy
did i saw lick hertailf1089: yes m1090: was that
like i will like [inaudible]tail[?]what about a tail[/?] f1089: the the pussycat
turned a scaley keel itstaila rudder slapping to and
egypt is eating its owntaila vulture flaps in a
mair it pued doon itstailan drave the stobs farrer
an stanes across its shallatailan mak it baith sae
is tethered chasing its owntailcan of worms the can
walking across the room itstailerect and waving orange is
s tryin to wag itstailf829: it s like really
lass the dug waffit itstailjoco lik mirren cuidna finnd
tum their world on itstailpain can be precious mine
stappit it up aneth itstailweel it didna like yon
wallop o a cuddy staildrooth slokin fae a troch
meen shinin an cockit histailan away away then there
a froun syne flickt histailan luikit roun tae spy
horse un tethered whisks histailby a shop a donkey
our number he flicks histailhe crooks his yellow paws
fleer wi a cheery wallopintailhis maister s buits dunt
the fish whiles rowed histailplayed slatter an fearsome swirls
is a rattlesnake cause histailrattles that s it you
life he s wagging histailright now i d be
some cottar bairns at histailsingin their yearly pairty piece
an ape who lost histailthat he might change to
[laugh] no that s histailthat s his little curly
mmhm he d a lovelytailm642: oh it was a
top n m642: eh f643: tailye sprayed it on it
horse had a big longtailgoin right doon tae the
foster a convulsive embolism oftailbacks at long abandoned road
in the middle when thetailwas long enough it would
him ower frae kype taetailguidsakes wunnert he is this
ruggy s a collie stailshot frae the gun o
a body and then ataillook is that like a
back in a tight ponytailmaking her look like a
the waves near tummlt himtailower fin an knocked the
we re jist past thetailo the ear i ll
f634: so we just turnedtailand went back and we
with a grey back andtailbut a rust coloured chest
five year back by thetailen o a hurricane it
at the front and yourtaillight at the back and
the waa like the dubbytailo a stirk wheechs back
back in a mare stailwas deeply cut into the
fit s nae in etailo e day e riv
d get a fite comettailo gulls stretchin oot ahin
thackit wi snaa an thetailo ilkie slate reef hid
an ferns richt tae thetailo the dam wi nae
o some nae richt catchedtailo the ee jeelin frichtsomeness
destined tae wauk at thetailo the ploo at the
a mossy bank by thetailo the puil hauf hid
thir wiz pilgyt i thetailo the toolyie that day
there d been in thetailo the war that the
are aw torn dear thetailo yer shirt s showin
sicht o a fite fantailt black grouse weel we
scratchy used to lick hertailand everything didn t she
her pretty mane and hertailf1104: she s ye- she
an roch as tibby stailher jaw wis squar an
rose at her mistress stailtae draw the kitchie curtains
on her broo an atailthat sweeshed like a wheep
peacock a blue jay staila definite mongoose entering a
ahin great tibby s sweeshintailan minnie forget tae speir
branded on the shark stailbut do you want to
the green madam s gountailbut she wadna lat hir
an up in a ponytail[laugh] m939: she s got
bit f1095: the bunny stailm1096: a bunny s to-
smaa the bundle s screamstailoff they diminuendo to a
harlot at the cart stailshrieked and rags of flesh
of the stinchar stoat stailtied on a one inch
and games hobbies cattie stailusing an empty sewing reel
garages like hanging on thetailcoats of a whirlwind you
an shair eneuch a monstroustailcut through the watter like
trees like a monkey whosetailis on fire but slicker
dragon the ben hunches downtailof path swishing through the
the nail this produced atailwhich came through the hole
m822: aye m824: nose totailfor aboot twelve mile f606:
mother emerged laden from thetailof the cart fit aboot
the cou an worrie thetailah juist want ti plot
bak an alter the teltailpype ti strintil out throu
ti halp an waggit hiztailwi glie than the fowersum
caff blew out at thetailof the machine it didna
propelling pectigall stables and steartailupright sea grass beds at
lyke a rat athout ataila l dae a l
see if johnson had atailsaid maconochie aye they re
wife who chopped off theirtailwith a m1106 : carving knife
he was right on mytailthe girl young woman really
no grup it bi thetailwhitfor soud ye try whan
sail suddenly caught by thetailslump we are the washing

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